Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Buddha_Master on March 12, 2004, 05:58:02 PM

Title: The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: Buddha_Master on March 12, 2004, 05:58:02 PM
How many times is Guns N' Roses going to get disrespected?

After reading the latest on the GH album, I swear to fucking christ, enough already!

The bullshit DVDs were just released (which contained the gay fest that was the Tokyo concert, and the rerelease of WTTV), now this.

Apperently they mispelled "Appetite." In the GH CD (according to #dAMIr and axe) it is spelled "AppetitIe." Along with that the word "cunt" has been censored from "Aint it Fun."

Next week's Kerrang will feature what I am sure will be a beautifully written article on GNR about "where did it all go wrong?"

I mean this is all what has followed a dead year, and before that the cancelled tour, which followed the infamous VMA appearance.

So what the fuck is next? Just when I think it can't get worse for GNR it does.

This world is in a real sorry state right now. Spain gets attacked by terrorists. Howard Stern is on the brinck of getting pulled from the airwaves because of our fucked up government that is being way to influinced by the church and is in a tizzy ever since Janet showed off her floppy boob at the superbowl. Our Prez doesnt want abortions, gay marriages, stem cell research, right to free speach, and will do whatever he can to shut the artists of this world down, all because the church is sucking his cock. Fuck him, fuck the church, fuck the FCC, Fuck Clear Channel, and Fuck those responsible for continuing to fuck up the GNR name.

(whoa...sorry I was like possesed there).

I am tired of seeing all these good things being shut down. And I am tired of nothing but negativity constantly being shot at this band. Where the fuck is the light at the end of the tunnel for my old friend, Guns N' Roses?

...I need a joint

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: bill213 on March 12, 2004, 06:21:10 PM
and a Prozac or some Ritalin maybe...
eh just kidding man.........Sometimes you gotta look past all the bullshit and like what you like because you like it and fuck what everyone else has to say because well........they aren't me ya know

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: Buddha_Master on March 12, 2004, 06:24:27 PM
What about if all these things you like are taken away from you and there's not a thing you can do about it. That is looking at the bigger picture.

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: kockstar99 on March 12, 2004, 06:33:17 PM
Dude they will be back... May 30th... fuck the GH cd.... and fuck the DVD's... wait till May 30th. at least there is a date to look forward to.  If there was no May 30th date to look forward to id be wondering too. ..

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: slashsaxl on March 12, 2004, 06:36:07 PM
blame canada....

as if, i'm canadian, the only thing we worry about right now is the nhl playoff run, oiler fans more over since we're not in the run yet...

but i get ya B.master, half the shit going on and the negative publicity of gnr i see it as people just jumping the band wagon, cut down axl if you must, but to cut down the music is ridiculous, first off, no one has heard it, second off, we all know this band can play

rock n' roll

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: Dave_Rose on March 12, 2004, 06:57:58 PM
Well its a hard life to be a GN'R fan, the album will c the light of day.

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on March 12, 2004, 07:03:03 PM
Where the fuck is the light at the end of the tunnel for my old friend, Guns N' Roses?

...I need a joint

I think Axl keeps making a wrong turn in that maze of tunnels he's in.  Or maybe he knows exactly what he's doing... yeah, the grandaddy of all masterplans...  It's hard to say since we're always kept in the dark  :-\

So go read horsey's weed-induced threads.  It'll brighten up your day  ;D

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: jellyhead on March 12, 2004, 07:10:01 PM

Along with that the word "cunt" has been censored from "Aint it Fun."

Thats nothing new, the original single version had the same done.  But yeah it is totally gay all the same.

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: loretian on March 12, 2004, 07:22:09 PM
Don't give up hope now.

It's so easy to let all the negativity get to you, but hey:  we've got a date when we're going to find out something.  May 30th.  Just chill, take a bong rip, whatever, relax, the end or the new beginning is almost at hand.   : ok:

Btw, why do you always gotta bring your politics/Bush-bashing into the Gn'R forum?  You're not the only one with an opinion on this stuff, but most of us manage to keep our mouths shut about that kind of stuff here, it only pisses people off.  We've got The Jungle for that!    :(

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: Izzy on March 12, 2004, 08:17:26 PM
One spelling mistake and the word 'cunt' missing from a song we already own is not the end of the world.

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 12, 2004, 08:49:28 PM
Seems like two different threads merged into one.  ???

I'd go for the joint ASAP.

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: Buddha_Master on March 13, 2004, 01:09:19 AM

First, I don't always bring politics into this. I don't only have a voice in the matter, and would always welcome any free thinking points of view.

Its just a strange time right now, and anyone who isn't aware of this tidal wave, just needs to wake up. If one person here gains an understanding, and an awareness of what is really happening right now, than instead of shutting me down, just say thank you.

In regard to the censoring of one of the songs on the GH, and a mispelling, is jsut one of many of the oversights and carelessness that GNR is being managed right now. The DVD's, all of them, are bare bones from the VHS versions, and are a cheap copy of an immitation. This all the while, while bands like CKY (who opened for GNR in 2002, mind you), are given full blown DVD treatments, that piss the shit on these GNR releases. That is some backwards shit. At what point did GNR go from a quality product, to dwelling in the  bizzaro world?

These were just examples of the cheapness in which GNR is being handled. Its as ridiclous as it is disrespectful. And not just to the fans.

I know my thread went off on something else. But right now there is a turning point in the world. THere is a lot of evil shit. A lot of manipulations, and our visions are being clouded. GNR could have brought a silver lining. A small piece of goodness from the world of consumerism. But that too is being fucked with. People need to wake up and take a look at what is going on. Freedoms might be gone real soon that we have taken for granted.

You people dig what I'm saying?

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: Will on March 13, 2004, 01:23:54 AM
I totally dig what you're saying and like how you view things... :smoking:

We should stick to GN'R discussions in that part of the board though. I sincerely think the spelling mistake and rush release of the GH CD suck but I wasn't expecting better when I saw the "quality" of the official DVDs. I'm still stunned those official DVDs don't have a DD5.1 soundtrack when two (that is t-w-o people) unofficial releases (Brazil, South Korea) have it and even offer BONUS stuff!

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: badapple81 on March 13, 2004, 01:44:46 AM
How many times is Guns N' Roses going to get disrespected?

After reading the latest on the GH album, I swear to fucking christ, enough already!

The bullshit DVDs were just released (which contained the gay fest that was the Tokyo concert, and the rerelease of WTTV), now this.

Apperently they mispelled "Appetite." In the GH CD (according to #dAMIr and axe) it is spelled "AppetitIe." Along with that the word "cunt" has been censored from "Aint it Fun."

Next week's Kerrang will feature what I am sure will be a beautifully written article on GNR about "where did it all go wrong?"

I mean this is all what has followed a dead year, and before that the cancelled tour, which followed the infamous VMA appearance.

So what the fuck is next? Just when I think it can't get worse for GNR it does.

This world is in a real sorry state right now. Spain gets attacked by terrorists. Howard Stern is on the brinck of getting pulled from the airwaves because of our fucked up government that is being way to influinced by the church and is in a tizzy ever since Janet showed off her floppy boob at the superbowl. Our Prez doesnt want abortions, gay marriages, stem cell research, right to free speach, and will do whatever he can to shut the artists of this world down, all because the church is sucking his cock. Fuck him, fuck the church, fuck the FCC, Fuck Clear Channel, and Fuck those responsible for continuing to fuck up the GNR name.

(whoa...sorry I was like possesed there).

I am tired of seeing all these good things being shut down. And I am tired of nothing but negativity constantly being shot at this band. Where the fuck is the light at the end of the tunnel for my old friend, Guns N' Roses?

...I need a joint

When WTTV came out on VHS, i got my copy back when I was in the UK, and it spelt Dead Horse "Dread House" on the back  :-\

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: grog mug on March 13, 2004, 03:23:01 AM
I agree with you 100%.  We are all frustrated right now and all these post about how bad the world of GN'R is will pay off for something positive.  I'm starting to get that feeling some BIG annoucement is coming for CD and a tour to promote it.

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: BucketRose on March 13, 2004, 09:33:30 AM
GNR could have brought a silver lining. A small piece of goodness from the world of consumerism. But that too is being fucked with. People need to wake up and take a look at what is going on. Freedoms might be gone real soon that we have taken for granted.

You people dig what I'm saying?

Yeah, I dig what you're saying.  But if you're so dead-set opposed to this world of "consumerism," then why are you planning on buying the Greatest Hits, as you mentioned in the Greatest Hits thread?  To me, plunking down 15 bucks for music that you already own is consumerism gone haywire.  

Moral of the story: examine your own life and practices before getting on the soapbox to make generalized, hypocritical judgments against the rest of the world.

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: Annie on March 13, 2004, 10:46:17 AM
 :-* :yes: : ok:The title of this post totally intrigued me because I LOVE the movie THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. I was thinking that Mel Gibson and Axl Rose have alot in common. They are both very intense and very handsome. Mel Has created one of the greatest movies of all time, just like Axl is creating one of the greatest albums of all time. Both men have invested significant amounts of their own money to support their creative genius, and they are both surrounded by controversy because they speak the truth, which most people can't handle. : ok:

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: lennonisgod on March 13, 2004, 12:36:54 PM
I don't think that all the GNR bashing is really something new.  Most of the media has always loved to hate GNR, even back when they were at their biggest.  The fact is, GNR is still on all these people's and magazines minds, or they wouldn't say or write shit about them.  Let them talk all the shit they want, atleast the GNR name is still out there.  Any publicity at this point, is good publicity.  Axl has always been a target, and always will be.  Its just the way this band has always been.  Once he gets the cd out, things aren't going to be any different.  There is going to be mixed reviews of the album and of the shows.  Some magazines will love it and others will tear it down.  Fuck those people! :smoking: :smoking:

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on March 13, 2004, 12:48:52 PM
When WTTV came out on VHS, i got my copy back when I was in the UK, and it spelt Dead Horse "Dread House" on the back  :-\

This is laughably sad... it's almost like someone in the record company deliberately fails to proofread the final product - so many ridiculous typos.

They should hire me as the proofreader - I could use the extra cash  :yes:

Title: Re:The Passion Of The Rose
Post by: horsey on March 13, 2004, 03:29:37 PM
the joint sounds good right a bout now'

Title: Times, They are a changing
Post by: Buddha_Master on March 14, 2004, 02:01:47 AM
BucketRose. Do not misinterpret what I said previously about the GH disc. I said if the sound was remastered and sounded greatly improved over what is on um, AppetitIe, I would consider it. I don't think that contradicted what I wrote here.

At least as of now, the GH CD disgusts me. The DVDs that were released a short time ago, insults my intelligence.

There is a standard in which DVDs and CDs today are measured. GNR just keep missing the mark. Quality product is being taken away from us. They are sacrificing expectations for the quick buck. Its bad business. How much can they keep taking before there is nothing left? And how many people are going to be put up on the cross before we are left with a nation full of slaves?