Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: dave-gnfnr2k on March 30, 2004, 11:36:21 PM

Title: We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on March 30, 2004, 11:36:21 PM
So once again certain Gn?r fans show their true colors by proving they are never happy and always look for a reason to bash Axl no matter what he does.  Axl is always in a no win situation and it?s sad when he gets it from his own so-called fans.  For months some of you so-called fans have been bitching about how Axl never gives us any info on what is going on with the band, and demanding that he make a statement.  

So, today we get a statement on some very important issues that we have been wondering about, the status of the album, the status of BH being in or out, and if the band will still be playing Rio.  Well, we got all of that info and yet some of you are still not happy.   Why is that?  You got what you wished for yet you are still complaining?   Maybe if you read into what was actually said, and not be so quick to bash Axl and blame him for everything, you would see there is a lot of good news in the press release.

Axl apologized to the fans because they are missing Rio; he also gave some insight to the buckethead saga yet at the same time left the door open so that he might return if he changes his mind again.  Axl also said the band is moving forward and hopes to have a release date ready for us in the next few months.  IMO that is good news.  

So I think some of you need to quit dwelling on the negatives and look at the positives in the press release.  You all got what you wanted and that was a statement from Axl, so be happy with what you got.  Would be happier if the band cancelled Rio and not given a reason why?

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: younggunner on March 30, 2004, 11:45:03 PM
amen to that...

Its funny how a few weeks ago people were telling other people not to go to rio because of the lack ofcommunication. Then when gnr finally tells the public the rio situation those same people complain that they arent continuing with 2 guitarists. its fukin funny...

a few days ago people want gnr to shed light on the recent buckethead stuff. Today they did and the same people say that axl is an asshole for blaming this on buckethead when that is clearly not the case

Todays press release although frustrating{soley because of buckets departure} explains a lot in terms of what has been going on in gnr. Some fans look right past that.

The funny thing is Axl actaully mentions us. The internet. WHo the hell do you people think he is talking about when he says"our support group"...thats us. Axl knows what his "true" fans have been thinking.

But whatver people will always hate the guy and thats cool. You dont have to love him. He is an asshole at times. But when your the cream of the crop theres people that wanna tear you down. so its cool.

CD can be and will be a masterpiece but i guarantee you some people on these boards will simply hate it for the same old reasons. That is why you shouldnt pay much attention. That is why i smile when i hear people complain about the lack of communication. The band is gonna do things on their terms and for that i know gnr is in good hands .....

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on March 31, 2004, 12:00:23 AM
Axl took some of the blame and that passed right over some peoples  head.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: Flyguy_1ca on March 31, 2004, 12:05:41 AM
Let me say this.  When I first came to GNR message boards I was enthusiastic...excited...I couldnt' wait to hear what this new band would do...strange, new, exciting members....I couldn't have been more excited.

As time passed...and 95% of the time nothing ever happened....then 5% of the time something did happen...4% seemed negative (cancellations, no shows etc).....

As I stand now...I'm still a huge fan...I imagine I always will be...but my enthusiasm is gone.  I have no doubt it would return once an official confirmation of a release date is (if ever) announced.  But right now, I'm too jaded........I simply refuse to get excited or feel anything other than cynical...until I actually SEE something positive happen.  Words don't do it for me anymore.....

I can't help's like a defensive mechanism I reckon.  I'm sure I'll be jaded and cynical until a release date is in stone.....and that in itself makes me sad  :crying:

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: NickNasty on March 31, 2004, 12:09:13 AM
Axl took the blame for this one cancellation (partly). But face the facts, until there is a new PRODUCT out, some of us just won't be happy. I was a staunch defender of this new band when they started in 2000. But after months upon years of no new material and scant and aborted shows and tours, it becomes harder and harder to defend Axl and his vision. Props to him for taking some responsibility on this one, but if all it gets us is another 3 months to a year of nothing, then what is it all worth??

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: Eeebs on March 31, 2004, 12:12:15 AM
You know what, I was one of those people... complaining about the lack of communication, starting to feel frustrated with the band, the label... I actually posted this on another forum less then a week ago... going to do some cut and paste...


I'm just so annoyed... sure, I bought my copy of GH, I will support the band, no problem, even though I already have all of the songs, etc...

I'm just so angry at Geffen... I mean, can they do NOTHING to promote or even SHOW that there is a NEW Gn'R? Or that is even exists??  Take that website for example... is it in Guns n' Roses contract that nothing be there? For two years?? No news, no info, no group picture?? Who decides that stuff?

Not one official word from the band / the company, pretty much anyone in 1.5 years?? Not even, "Thanks for our support, we're still here."??


A week later, I got more than I ever hoped for.  A one page official response.  Not something passed on through Blabbermouth, or an "inside source", etc etc... but from Axl and Guns n' Roses themselves.  

And you know what?  They cancel Rio... who cares... Buckethead is out of the band... well, rumours were running wild about that for a year... I'm just glad that something was finally said, the silence has been broken.  Some of you may complain, rant and rave, etc... but that message for me was good enough.  It cleared up a lot of my questions, confirmed / denied some rumours, and showed me that Guns N' Roses is moving forward, carrying on.  

Sure, this band does things definitely "differently", but that is the charm and appeal of the whole thing.  A mysterious band who appears not to give a fuck... does their own thing, and keeps the people waiting in suspense.  Did Gn'R ever follow any rules?  Would we / you want Gn'R to follow the rules?  

There are little bumps in the road every now and then, okay, the road feels at times like a rollercoaster about ready to jump the track, but I will continue to support Axl and Guns n' Roses.  Thank you Axl for talking to us and letting the fans know the status of things.  I really appriciate it.  

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: alwaysoutparading on March 31, 2004, 12:29:34 AM
at this point, if you're a big enough fan to post on the message board, you should know what this band is all about. they have never been reliable. ever. they have never claimed to be reliable. it's like having a friend who is really flakey and cant get it together. you love their company and when they're on, it's awesome to be with them. but other times they forget to show up and cancel out on you or whatever. you either stop that friendship or take it for what it's worth.

to me, gnr is my favorite band. i love them. i love axl. but they're just a band. my whole life does not depend on whether they put out this cd. i hope they do but come on ... get a grip people.  take axl and gnr for what they are worth. they have the potential to be amazing - true and the drama that comes out of them is very entertaining, but don't take everything so personally.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: charl!edontsurf on March 31, 2004, 01:26:09 AM
For a man who has contiually lied to his fans, issuing a press release doesn't mean much. He has cried wolf too many times, blamed everyone but himself (he blamed himself for letting Buckethead stick around...  ::) ).

In a couple of months, you can explain to me why no release date. I bet it will be very similar to why he wasn't "Back next year with a bunch of new songs".

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 31, 2004, 01:35:37 AM
The statement was for his own sake. To cover his ass with RIR down the road. IMHO

If it was an isolated incident then you have a point. But when he does talk, he's always pointing the finger at somebody else.

That is why people are upset here.

Some will never be happy, you are right about that. But don't you think some people have a right to be upset about the content of his statement?

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: echrisl on March 31, 2004, 02:33:12 AM
Gee, I don't know ... maybe because it's all BS and double talk?

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: matt88 on March 31, 2004, 04:39:41 AM
Well axl has let down his fans a lot thats why their is an anti-axl thing goin on cos ppl need to take their anger out on someone, i mean this RIR and the european tour was supposed to be the start of GN'R again after the american tour in 2002 that collapsed i think ppl felt that this time this was finally gonna be the start of this band again

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: Izzy on March 31, 2004, 05:20:18 AM
If i could play devil's advocate for a sec:

-The reason Axl gets blamed is because he chased the rest of GNR out of the band and rode off into the sunset never to be heard from again with the GNR name which he has virtually destroyed

-Okay Buckethead walked out...but Axl brought him into GNR, GNR is his show and therefore what ever happens good or bad its primarily his responsibility, he's captain of the ship that is GNR

-The excuse given for why RIR4 was cancelled is very flimsy 'but we need 87 guitarist...though AFD songs use 2......'

None of these are my views,

i see this announcement as a good thing, but the above reasons seem to be why Axl has taken some flak.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: speed_stone on March 31, 2004, 07:43:17 AM
If i could play devil's advocate for a sec:

-The reason Axl gets blamed is because he chased the rest of GNR out of the band and rode off into the sunset never to be heard from again with the GNR name which he has virtually destroyed

hehe this was actually kinda funny.
but i absolutely agree with dave.
some of you are never happy. alot, actually. and that's sad. i remember when axl gave us that long-ass interview on like a year and a half ago, insted of giving him props for that alot of you was like "oh there's nothing new, we've heard it all before" and bullshit like that. that's sad! axl obviously works hard with tthis band and all this new material, and when he finally takes the time to really give us some inside info, you all whine and complain, just like you do when he DOESN'T open his mouth. so fucking sad.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 31, 2004, 09:14:16 AM
For those of you who say Axl's statement was all lies and BS...  what would you have been satisfied to hear?

"Ya know, we're not going to do Rock in Rio Lisbon.  Even though we could do it and I really want to do it - I just figured fuck it.  I could give a shit.  And oh yeah - Philly, same thing.  I didn't give a shit.  Fuck you to all my fans... coughsuckerscough... I'm going back to my mansion to fuck strippers and sip champagne.  One day if I feel like it I'll let the record company put out an album which they can slap the GN'R label on.  In the meantime give me a fucking break.  I'm sick of all you whiny bastards - and thats the truth"

Oh yeah.. that woulda made you happy.  ::)

In your fucking dreams!
Fuck off you poser fans.
With fans like you who needs adversaries.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: speed_stone on March 31, 2004, 09:37:06 AM
that was funny!!
nice post! :D

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: slash39 on March 31, 2004, 10:52:52 AM
The onyl thing I'll give him credit for is that atleast he didn't wait till the day of the show and not just show up.But then again,that just makes me believe he was forced into releasing the statement,so he could play rir the future.(NO,I am not bashing axl,so keep your mouth shut!)

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: chineseilusions on March 31, 2004, 12:15:09 PM
We greatly appreciate Bucket's contributions and remain open to "discussions" as there are obviously several issues to resolve. In the meantime rather than dwelling on the negative, Guns will be moving forward and surprisingly (without giving away any details) this unfortunate set of circumstances may have given us the opportunity to take our recording that one extra step further. Regardless we hope to announce a release date within the next few months.


W.Axl Rose

What does axl mean when he said "this unfortunate set of circumstances may have given us the opportunity to take our recording that one extra step further. "?

any opions

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 31, 2004, 12:15:31 PM
the thing thats cool... is that HE PERSONALLY made the statement
AND it was about more than just the RIR  cancellation
there's no way that he was 'forced' to do what he did
he did it because he wanted to let us know what is going on
it could have just been a management statement saying
"GN'R are unable to perform at RIR Lisbon because Buckethead has indeed left the band"
Thats it.  Could just been this one line.
But instead he took the care and attention to relate all that he did... and to give us something to look forward to in the coming months.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: chramos on March 31, 2004, 12:16:45 PM
So, today we get a statement on some very important issues that we have been wondering about, the status of the album, the status of BH being in or out, and if the band will still be playing Rio.  Well, we got all of that info and yet some of you are still not happy.   Why is that?  You got what you wished for yet you are still complaining?   Maybe if you read into what was actually said, and not be so quick to bash Axl and blame him for everything, you would see there is a lot of good news in the press release.

Oh ,yeah, really good news..

1- another show cancelled
2- member out of the band
3- CD is not ready
4- They said "soon"again

PS.: That what i was expecting for !!!

WOW, that?s big and great news!!!

Let?s celebrate !!!


Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: providman on March 31, 2004, 12:32:12 PM
So once again certain Gn?r fans show their true colors by proving they are never happy and always look for a reason to bash Axl no matter what he does.  Axl is always in a no win situation and it?s sad when he gets it from his own so-called fans.  For months some of you so-called fans have been bitching about how Axl never gives us any info on what is going on with the band, and demanding that he make a statement.  

So, today we get a statement on some very important issues that we have been wondering about, the status of the album, the status of BH being in or out, and if the band will still be playing Rio.  Well, we got all of that info and yet some of you are still not happy.  Why is that?  You got what you wished for yet you are still complaining?  Maybe if you read into what was actually said, and not be so quick to bash Axl and blame him for everything, you would see there is a lot of good news in the press release.

Axl apologized to the fans because they are missing Rio; he also gave some insight to the buckethead saga yet at the same time left the door open so that he might return if he changes his mind again.  Axl also said the band is moving forward and hopes to have a release date ready for us in the next few months.  IMO that is good news.  

So I think some of you need to quit dwelling on the negatives and look at the positives in the press release.  You all got what you wanted and that was a statement from Axl, so be happy with what you got.  Would be happier if the band cancelled Rio and not given a reason why?

amen to that...

Its funny how a few weeks ago people were telling other people not to go to rio because of the lack ofcommunication. Then when gnr finally tells the public the rio situation those same people complain that they arent continuing with 2 guitarists. its fukin funny...

a few days ago people want gnr to shed light on the recent buckethead stuff. Today they did and the same people say that axl is an asshole for blaming this on buckethead when that is clearly not the case

Todays press release although frustrating{soley because of buckets departure} explains a lot in terms of what has been going on in gnr. Some fans look right past that.

The funny thing is Axl actaully mentions us. The internet. WHo the hell do you people think he is talking about when he says"our support group"...thats us. Axl knows what his "true" fans have been thinking.

But whatver people will always hate the guy and thats cool. You dont have to love him. He is an asshole at times. But when your the cream of the crop theres people that wanna tear you down. so its cool.

CD can be and will be a masterpiece but i guarantee you some people on these boards will simply hate it for the same old reasons. That is why you shouldnt pay much attention. That is why i smile when i hear people complain about the lack of communication. The band is gonna do things on their terms and for that i know gnr is in good hands .....

Ha, ha Dumb & Dumber have spoken.

Ya know, EVERY time I  think the collective IQ on this board can't possibly get any lower, one of these two posts some Axl-defending BS & I'm proven wrong.  Again.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: Acquiesce on March 31, 2004, 12:53:24 PM
Dave, what exactly do you want the fans to be happy with? I do give Axl credit for handling this in a professional manner by issuing a statement and apology, but that's not enough to erase all the negativity. This is just another negative in a long line of negativity that has been going on for years. What is there to be positive about?  Another member leaving? Another cancelled gig? I guess one could be happy with the positive comments Axl made, but considering the fact that he never comes through for us it's hard to take them serious at this point.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: oneway23 on March 31, 2004, 01:07:33 PM
Thank you for approaching this in a rational and objective manner, GunnerGirl...A lot of folks here are preaching unyielding optimism (which is cool, so long as it gets you through), but they use their intelligence to hypothesize about things as though theyare isolated incidents....It's indicative of a larger concern....been over this before, not ranting again, but great point.. :beer:

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: Chinese_esenihC on March 31, 2004, 01:09:45 PM
The press statement is a double-edged sword to long suffering GnR fans.

It's too bad that BH had to leave the fold and the circumstances that surrounded it are so messy.  I was really looking forward to them releasing new stuff at RIR.

But as a Axl fan, I think there was definitely a glimmer of hope in the release.  'A few months' is nothing spectacular to any other performer...but to Axl that is a big bone for fans to chew on.  Helped by the fact that he sounded upbeat in regards to what will happen in 'A few months'.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: Death Cube K on March 31, 2004, 01:16:23 PM
If people wanna be happy and optimistic, then let them be. Im pretty sure it's a whole lot nicer going around thinking Chinese Democracy will be out this year than poundering your mind with another "why did Axl fuck it up yet another time?".

People have all the rights in the world to be upset. They've been buying tickets, spending a lot of money on this, and yet again, they are turned down by their fave band coz fuck ups. BUT (see below)

The fuck ups never seem to end, Axl's fault or not.

He once said:

"Like, everything tends to go wrong in my world".

If you wanna be a GNR fan, then expect shit like this. If you're a fan because you want to feel happy and see good things happen, you should have left already.

I didnt expect Rock in Rio to be cancelled, but I wasnt shocked when he announced it. And then of course morons come here and bash the shit out of this band for whatever reasons. They should know by now that these things happen with GNR. It's the #1 rule concerning GNR. I never even thought about spending my money on this band, going to Lisbon and all of that. Not once. So, yet again and I usually say this everytime something happens. If you dont feel comfy with being let down all the time, then fucking leave. If you think it's okay and dont really give a shit and are just in here for the ride and the entertainment that might come out of it, then stay.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: oneway23 on March 31, 2004, 01:17:32 PM
He also sounded upbeat in Spin '99, Rolling Stone 2000, Leeds 2002, at Rio 3, on the radio interview in 2002, and at MSG...I don't see what all this excitement is about...How can people still put so much faith in this guys words when he hasn't backed up a single thing with any action?  He did a last minute VMA spot, and a mini-tour.... :drool:

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: younggunner on March 31, 2004, 01:56:38 PM
What does axl mean when he said "this unfortunate set of circumstances may have given us the opportunity to take our recording that one extra step further. "?

I think he means that their original plans were to wrap it up and release it around rio but now that bucket has left that plan has been erased becasue now they have to find a replacement and figure out what to do with buckets parts.

Ha, ha Dumb & Dumber have spoken.

Ya know, EVERY time I  think the collective IQ on this board can't possibly get any lower, one of these two posts some Axl-defending BS & I'm proven wrong.  Again
And why is that buddy?

How can people still put so much faith in this guys words when he hasn't backed up a single thing with any action?  
I still dont understand how people who do not have that faith in this band continue to roam gnr message boards. Its not my fault or gnrs fault that many people like yourself have allowed themselves to be sucked in by the daily rumors over the years. Its not their fault you have decided to indulge yourself in discussin gnr on a daily basis for the past "x" amount of years on the internet.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: oneway23 on March 31, 2004, 02:26:37 PM
Younggunner, I love your posts, but on this one I believe you've missed my point....No, its not YOUR fault that I still come here....I come here because I have a place in my soul for GNR's music, both past AND present, and I truely believe that Axl has all the potential in the world to create a modern rock masterpiece...It is not your fault...I am a lifelong fan, but what I am not is a religious man....Faith is admirable, but it is also something that is unfounded...ALL I was trying to say is that it is not the first, second, or even third time that Axl has alluded to "wrapping CD up."  Give me one reason to dangle from his every word?  I'm not an Axl basher for the sake of being one, I'm just responding to events as they unfold and conveying my perceptions.  Being constantly optimistic without being given reason to should not be a prerequisite for visiting a message is a place of admiration and a show of respect, not a house of worship.

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: kupirock on March 31, 2004, 02:36:21 PM

I'm happy because Axl said that they will announce release date in few months...

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: kockstar99 on March 31, 2004, 02:45:36 PM

I'm happy because Axl said that they will announce release date in few months...

me too.. and you know what? I really truly belive him... I also am hopefull he will have a single on the Spiderman 2 soundtrack...

Title: Re:We get a statment by axl and still some are still not happy, why is that?
Post by: ppbebe on March 31, 2004, 02:45:49 PM
I think it?s because he thanked only those who supported newgnr not who bashed. ;)
I really appreciate this great statment.