Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: darknemus on June 14, 2004, 07:30:27 PM

Title: It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible info
Post by: darknemus on June 14, 2004, 07:30:27 PM
Hey, all... Told you I tend not to post unless I have something interesting to post about - and this qualifies, although barely in my eyes.  It, as everything else, needs time to either sizzle or fizzle.

If you recall a number of months ago I discussed the very real possibility that an agreement had been entered into between GNR & Interscope in regards to "We wont release GH if you guarantee CD by 'X' date" - As we all know now, GH came out - despite legal efforts to quash its release.

One thing that I've found really interesting is that, since the lawsuits, it seems most of the information 'sources' have dried up.. I've been told on a couple of different occasions, myself, to "stop asking because there's nothing to talk about".. that was until yesterday, when I spoke to my main 'contact' (guy who works in Florida radio - Program Director of a rather large non Clear Channel rock station.. known him for years, etc, etc, etc.) - Conversation went basically like this:

me: Hey, so its like, been a while, anything new on the GNR front?

him: Yeah, it has.. if June 30 really was a 'deadline' as I was led to believe, then it seems that there will be some sort of 'announcement' shortly thereafter.. my guess would be July 1st or 2nd, but probably they'd wait til after the Holiday weekend.

me: What kind of announcement - like an album release date or a single release date or something along those lines?

him: Who knows - given the roller coaster that is Guns its as likely to be a 'Interscope drops GNR' press release as it is 'and now, the hot new GNR single'

me: Well, thanks for being oh so encouraging as always.

him: There is one thing, though..which is kind of wild.

me: What's that?

him: You do know how like, we can take money to play tracks now, right?  officially?  We just have to announce the track / artist ahead of time and say, for instance, "And now, Velvet Revolver's Set me Free presented by Universal" or whatever.

me: Yeah, I read about that on Slashdot.

him: Well - last week I got an inquiry from Sanctuary in regards to 'ad rates' for that type of play..we dont really play bands that are on the Sanctuary label - except for, well, Guns..but they're on Interscope.. so who the hell knows.

me: Intriguing.. any other info from the contact?

him: Naah, just that they would follow up with a faxed and mailed inquiry on letterhead and I was asked if I knew any 'complimentary markets' to my own, and if I knew PDs or whatever that worked there.. I gave a couple names.. and the guy asks me "These aren't Clear Channel stations, right?" so I'm like "no, fuck Clear Channel" (yes, I said this) and the guy kind of laughs and goes "yeah, excellent".. and ended the conversation.

me: Cool - well will you let me know when you get the ROI via Fax or Snail Mail (Request For Information)

him: Already got the fax.. but was told the letter would have 'more info' - so I'm waiting.

me: Thanks - ciao for now

him: dont read too much into this .. its Guns.. never get your hopes up when it comes to Guns.. this project's had more false starts than Special Olympics runners.

me: (cracking up at that comment and ending the convo)

So, that's it in a nutshell.. don't know what it means, if anything.. probably doesn't mean dick - but, on the off chance it does, thought I'd share.  Feel free to analyze, flame, attack, talk, discuss, question, etc.

As always, if I get any more info - positive, negative, or neutral, I'll be sure to share it.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: jarmo on June 14, 2004, 07:40:16 PM
dont read too much into this ..

Exactly.  : ok:

Sorry, but how many times have your "sources" been correct? What happened to that photo shoot?

To me this looks like another guy who traded in his "fax machine" for another source.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: darknemus on June 14, 2004, 07:43:22 PM
A Jarmo response... how... aperpoe.

My guess on the photo shoot is you dont release pictures when there's no product to promote with said pictures, but what do I know.

My 'sources' (a word I despise) are only as accurate as the information given to them.. that information is based upon the events at that moment.. things change, alot.  I've never seen a more... fluid enigma of a band than Guns... scary stuff.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: ClintroN on June 14, 2004, 07:46:38 PM
i personaly dont need that, i dont need that shit, in my life :hihi:

na, thanx dude :beer:

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 14, 2004, 07:47:44 PM
A Jarmo response... how... aperpoe.

My guess on the photo shoot is you dont release pictures when there's no product to promote with said pictures, but what do I know.

My 'sources' (a word I despise) are only as accurate as the information given to them.. that information is based upon the events at that moment.. things change, alot.  I've never seen a more... fluid enigma of a band than Guns... scary stuff.


About your pics, well robin said thru this webmaster there was never a photo shoot, well he said robin was not at it, so same thing.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: ccorn69 on June 14, 2004, 07:51:10 PM
thanks for info dark : ok: let us know what happens, thanks

peace :peace:

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: darknemus on June 14, 2004, 07:52:26 PM
Not my pics.. lol.. last time I talked to that guy was 4 months ago.. I've left him a couple voicemails, but I know how his business is and he's busy, to state the least... however, we can have that debate in another thread.. if it happened, it happened - if it didnt, it didnt.. the way I see it, it wouldn't matter much anyway right now as pretty much all current promo pics (if any exist) would have to be scrapped due to the lineup changing.. well, solo shots might still be used.. but there would probably be a 'motif' the photog would want to go with for a new shoot.. so who knows.

We can take the photo thing to PMs if you want or we can revise the old thread.. as far as I'm concerned this is different.. (different person, too - but that's my take.. perhaps yours is different)


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: odd1 on June 14, 2004, 08:00:28 PM
Thanx Darknemus, hice to have something to hold on too even if its just bullshit rumors.
Keep us updated

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: C0ma on June 14, 2004, 08:16:50 PM
Thanks for the info dark, as always very informative and entertaining. If the ball has been pushed into motion (however slow) it would make sense. With the BTM at the end of the month they should strike while the iron is hot. Sure GnR hasn't done much that they should do, but eventually they have to act on something if they ever plan on releasing the album. On a slightly related note, the always contoversial GNFR.COM has reapeared........ however unattached to the band people think the site is, it always manages to start up just before some kind of activity with the band.... Axl usually tends to put that activity to an instant hault, but none the less, it always coincides with band related news...... So I wouldn't discount darks info.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: jarmo on June 14, 2004, 08:28:14 PM
So I wouldn't discount darks info.

What makes him more credible than the guys who have fax machines or met Axl in Chile?

Even Danny managed to get one rumor right...  ::)

His posts are so vague that he always can say "Axl changed his mind". So there's no need for his "info" to be correct because it's always Axl's fault.... That must be really conveniant.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Will on June 14, 2004, 08:31:55 PM
A Jarmo response... how... aperpoe.

Did you mean "? propos"?

Anyway, thanx for sharing. It's probably nothing but who knows...If some sort of press release could come out, that'd be great.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 14, 2004, 09:31:51 PM
Does geffen own both interscope and Santuaryy?
I think so, and geffen owns gnr so it doesnt really matter which lable puts out CD they are all the same no?

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: outlawaxl on June 14, 2004, 09:32:04 PM
thanks dude..  like the Axl sigting i just file them away in my brain and take them for what they are worth... anyways it gives me something to think about at work when im fucking bored...

could be true... thanks for taking the time to post it though..

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: darknemus on June 14, 2004, 09:48:58 PM
in regards to my misspelling of 'a propos' - yep, sure did.. my bad.. See, even Me, Mr. Grammar, makes spelling errors :)

In regards to my info being 'vague' - I share it as it comes.. I dont sugar coat it or imbelish it for hype's need to.. they're little tidbits of info - they come my way every now and again, I share them - its that simple.  If you think I sit there and fabricate pretend conversations with friends of mine then.. well.. thats your deluded thought process, not my own.

I value honesty and integrity.. I had to pass a polygraph test in order to work on Department of Defense (Military) contracts in the past.. I've got a family and a pretty decent job not to mention a damn good social circle, in my opinion.. I have no interest.. that's right, NO interest in duping a bunch of people online.

I've said it before but I'll say it again - I'm a fan.. just like everyone else... the only 'ulterior motive' I might be accused of having is that I hope my posting anything I find out can lead to either further confirmation / tacit denial from the real 'insiders' - a character description I've never claimed to fit.

So, now that I've been corrected in the err of my ways in regards to my lack of a grasp on a foreign language word, continue with the debate / discussion :)

re: what label puts out CD?  dave, I really don't know.  I *THINK* Sanctuary Records is a separate label without any parent ownership by UMG (Universal / Geffen / Interscope / whatever you want to call them this week) but I'd have to look into it.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: C0ma on June 14, 2004, 09:50:57 PM
Does geffen own both interscope and Santuaryy?
I think so, and geffen owns gnr so it doesnt really matter which lable puts out CD they are all the same no?
Interscope is the parent company of Geffen (edit: since the release of OMG, which was under the interscope label David Geffen has taken control back of Geffen Records which i belive is still under the Universal Group). Sanctuary has nothing to do with Interscope, they are a smaller label based out of the UK and have managment teams based in NY and LA. Sanctuary was formed inpart by Doug Goldstein which is why GnR are represented by Sanctuary.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 14, 2004, 10:01:22 PM
I dont buy any of this...

For all this guys investigating (and speculating), whats come of it?  Has any of his "inside info" shown to have any substance?

However, his posts are slightly more interesting than "Kurt Vs Axl!" or "Whos singin in the dont cry video?"...

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Will on June 14, 2004, 10:01:47 PM
now that I've been corrected in the err of my ways in regards to my lack of a grasp on a foreign language word

Don't worry man, it was just a plain and honest question. English is not my first language so I was wondering if maybe it was a word I didn't know or if you were talking about the French word I mentioned. No worries! ;) :peace:

Anyways, Coma pretty much summed up the Geffen/ Universal/ Interscope deal. Geffen does NOT own Interscope, Universal or Sanctuary in any way. Sanctuary is really a totally different entity and I wouldn't be surprised if in the end the new album will be released on Sanctuary Records.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 14, 2004, 10:03:17 PM
Does geffen own both interscope and Santuaryy?
I think so, and geffen owns gnr so it doesnt really matter which lable puts out CD they are all the same no?
Interscope is the parent company of Geffen (edit: since the release of OMG, which was under the interscope label David Geffen has taken control back of Geffen Records which i belive is still under the Universal Group). Sanctuary has nothing to do with Interscope, they are a smaller label based out of the UK and have managment teams based in NY and LA. Sanctuary was formed inpart by Doug Goldstein which is why GnR are represented by Sanctuary.

I thought sanctary was the uk part of geffen

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Falcon on June 14, 2004, 10:29:01 PM
I believe Sanctuary is it's own free standing label, under no corporate umbrella.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 14, 2004, 10:42:22 PM
Thanks for clearing that up falcon, I wasnt sure.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Falcon on June 14, 2004, 10:55:42 PM
If somehow Sanctuary ended up with CD, it might be the best thing that could happen.

Sanctuary has been slowly approaching the best music management personel in the business.  Obviously, Goldstein is there, Carl Stubner was recently brought on as well, only to opt for a similar position at Immortal Entertainment..

CD would be the most prominent release in the labels history and would without doubt, get the labels full promotional blitzkrieg.  

They have absolutley no corporate entity to answer to and are generally recognized as a music label owned by music lovers.

I think we all agree CD deserves the best possible promotion and backing from whomever releases it.   With the constant state of flux that goes with Interscope/Geffen et al, maybe Sanctuary could provide the stability to stick with the record and give it the best possible chance for long legs.

Speculating of course...

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: anarchy on June 14, 2004, 10:56:01 PM
Please dark, stop taking everything I say so seriously. You only end up embaressing yourself.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: darknemus on June 14, 2004, 11:03:30 PM
Please dark, stop taking everything I say so seriously. You only end up embaressing yourself.

Oops, my bad ;)

 :rofl: :rofl:


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: chineseilusions on June 14, 2004, 11:12:28 PM
Thanks for passing that along dark.I find it interesting how the rumor mill allways starts in the summer

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: IndiannaRose on June 14, 2004, 11:21:45 PM
him: Yeah, it has.. if June 30 really was a 'deadline' as I was led to believe, then it seems that there will be some sort of 'announcement' shortly thereafter.. my guess would be July 1st or 2nd, but probably they'd wait til after the Holiday weekend.
Well after you told this supposed piece of information it couldn't get me thinking but of the Guns N' Roses:Behind the Music which has been pushed back several times to finally air on Wednesday Jun. 30 at 11/10c AM:

Does anyone think this is a coincidence or in-directly related to the subject darknemus is speaking of?

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: the dirt on June 14, 2004, 11:26:43 PM
him: Yeah, it has.. if June 30 really was a 'deadline' as I was led to believe, then it seems that there will be some sort of 'announcement' shortly thereafter.. my guess would be July 1st or 2nd, but probably they'd wait til after the Holiday weekend.
Well after you told this supposed piece of information it couldn't get me thinking but of the Guns N' Roses:Behind the Music which has been pushed back several times to finally air on Wednesday Jun. 30 at 11/10c AM:

Does anyone think this is a coincidence or in-directly related to the subject darknemus is speaking of?

Maybe the show is it

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: darknemus on June 14, 2004, 11:26:46 PM
Well remember, the June 30 date originally reared its ugly head as some sort of conditional 'release CD by this date' date or else Gh would be released.  This was, supposedly, the reason the GH release got delayed the first time.  Then, supposedly, 'all hell broke loose' and GH wound up coming out, anyway..

I have no way of knowing for sure if that date was really part of an ultimatum or not - its just the info my 'source' (again, horrible word) got..

I'm just letting you know the origin for that date.. and that was back during the first GH delay.. which was when, November?


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: killingvector on June 14, 2004, 11:32:43 PM
if CD is released on Sanctuary, wouldn't GnR have to be dropped by Geffen?

wouldn't that require some sort of payout from axl?

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: D on June 14, 2004, 11:36:30 PM
 :hihi: :hihi:more false starts than special olympic runners :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

why is that funny?

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: chineseilusions on June 14, 2004, 11:48:14 PM
If somehow Sanctuary ended up with CD, it might be the best thing that could happen.

Sanctuary has been slowly approaching the best music management personel in the business.  Obviously, Goldstein is there, Carl Stubner was recently brought on as well, only to opt for a similar position at Immortal Entertainment..

CD would be the most prominent release in the labels history and would without doubt, get the labels full promotional blitzkrieg.  

They have absolutley no corporate entity to answer to and are generally recognized as a music label owned by music lovers.

I think we all agree CD deserves the best possible promotion and backing from whomever releases it.   With the constant state of flux that goes with Interscope/Geffen et al, maybe Sanctuary could provide the stability to stick with the record and give it the best possible chance for long legs.

Speculating of course...
That sounds great but,I don't think Sanctuary has enough money to produce CD

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: the dirt on June 15, 2004, 12:04:10 AM
If somehow Sanctuary ended up with CD, it might be the best thing that could happen.

Sanctuary has been slowly approaching the best music management personel in the business.  Obviously, Goldstein is there, Carl Stubner was recently brought on as well, only to opt for a similar position at Immortal Entertainment..

CD would be the most prominent release in the labels history and would without doubt, get the labels full promotional blitzkrieg.  

They have absolutley no corporate entity to answer to and are generally recognized as a music label owned by music lovers.

I think we all agree CD deserves the best possible promotion and backing from whomever releases it.   With the constant state of flux that goes with Interscope/Geffen et al, maybe Sanctuary could provide the stability to stick with the record and give it the best possible chance for long legs.

Speculating of course...
That sounds great but,I don't think Sanctuary has enough money to produce CD

A bundle of dough has already been spent in producing the thing already...

They wouldn't start from scratch.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: outlawaxl on June 15, 2004, 12:32:24 AM
:hihi: :hihi:more false starts than special olympic runners :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

why is that funny?

coz its not Poli Correct... and coz its just damn funny...

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: IndiannaRose on June 15, 2004, 12:37:53 AM
Well remember, the June 30 date originally reared its ugly head as some sort of conditional 'release CD by this date' date or else Gh would be released.  This was, supposedly, the reason the GH release got delayed the first time.  Then, supposedly, 'all hell broke loose' and GH wound up coming out, anyway..

I have no way of knowing for sure if that date was really part of an ultimatum or not - its just the info my 'source' (again, horrible word) got..

I'm just letting you know the origin for that date.. and that was back during the first GH delay.. which was when, November?


I know what the date means and what the origin of it is. I'm just wondering if the fact that VH1 has been pushing back Guns N' Roses:Behind the Music so much to finally air on that exact date (June 30th) is a coincidence or not.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 15, 2004, 12:48:22 AM
Keep trying GypsySoul......I mean Darknemus....LOL...eventually you'll be right one day.

 :hihi: ::)

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on June 15, 2004, 02:14:35 AM
I believe you, dark. The way I look at it, of all the rumors, one of them, somewhere, somehow, has to be true, and you seem to be very straight-laced about how you go about this "insider information", and you cover all your tracks, instead of saying "my hair-dresser's husband is cousin's with a janitor for Clear Channel" crap. I have no reason *not* to believe you  :)

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: DemocracyRose on June 15, 2004, 02:40:08 AM
him: Yeah, it has.. if June 30 really was a 'deadline' as I was led to believe, then it seems that there will be some sort of 'announcement' shortly thereafter.. my guess would be July 1st or 2nd, but probably they'd wait til after the Holiday weekend.
Well after you told this supposed piece of information it couldn't get me thinking but of the Guns N' Roses:Behind the Music which has been pushed back several times to finally air on Wednesday Jun. 30 at 11/10c AM:

Does anyone think this is a coincidence or in-directly related to the subject darknemus is speaking of?

Thanks for a nice and good rumor.... :P

But the announcement will be something about the BTM.... I agree on that.

Think about it... Tommy and Brain releasing albums soon and will touring shortly after.... My guess is that we wont see CD before 2005.... :'(

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Jonx on June 15, 2004, 04:54:07 AM
Does anyone know the details of Guns record contract, was it a 'produce so and so number of records on our label deal' and is Axl still on this contract? If this is the case then couldnt the greatest hits have been the final CD in the record contract, hence now allowing Guns to leave and seek a new deal!

Also with the avoiding clear channel radio stations, isnt this cutting Guns out of a huge market since Clear Channel is the US's largest radio conglomerate. Does'nt sound very wise!

If this is true, and something does happen then it would be a hell of a way to end my exams, got my last one on July 1st. What a way to end them!!!


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: madagas on June 15, 2004, 08:22:54 AM
What if Axl changed his tune and decided to talk to VH1??? It is possible. If he threw in some info on the album, it is basically free press. I can't think of a better way to begin promotion. Doubt it will happen, but the guy has to respond at some point to all the negative press he gets.  :o :o :o

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: jarmo on June 15, 2004, 08:48:53 AM
Well remember, the June 30 date originally reared its ugly head as some sort of conditional 'release CD by this date' date or else Gh would be released.

Funny because earlier this year it was May:

Ok, for me to start - I need to invoke a bit of history.  I dont know if you recall the whole 'Greatest Hits' disc fiasco.  At the time I had posted that I had heard it was only pulled on the agreement of an ultimatum regarding CD's release.  At the time, I hadn't been given any sort of time frame.  I just got that part from a friend who works in radio (Program Director for a Rock station in Florida).  He was told 6 months.

He's also been told that CD is to be released prior to the RIR IV show.  A bit more extrapolation + factoring in a bit more info leads to a probable release date of May 25, 2004.  Which, by the way, would be 6 months to the day that the Greatest Hits disc was slated to be released.

Then there was the new single or something:

Contact #1 - the PD person.  This person has told me this.  From what they're hearing, there will be SOME SORT of 'new material' played on the air sometime during the month of January.  This person has emphasized to me that this is EXTREMELY TENTATIVE and that this person actually won't believe anything until he sees it on a memo from an owner - and not just scuttlebutt amongst industry folks.  This person has told me that, to the best of their knowledge, this 'new material' would be in the form of a single.  

We can't forget the photo shoot that apparently didn't involve the whole band since one member denied it even took place.

So sorry for being skeptical when you post info, I've yet to see you getting things right for once.

As far as I know, David Geffen has nothing to do with Geffen Records anymore. He sold the company in the early 90s (or was it late 80s?).

Sanctuary Records isn't part of Universal.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: TyRod Tulip on June 15, 2004, 09:05:20 AM
I know what the date means and what the origin of it is. I'm just wondering if the fact that VH1 has been pushing back Guns N' Roses:Behind the Music so much to finally air on that exact date (June 30th) is a coincidence or not.

You want some more coincidence?

June 30th will be exactly 3 months from the date of Axl's press release explaining the BH fiasco and the cancellation of their RIR performance.  Remember in that press release Axl stated:

"Guns will be moving forward and surprisingly (without giving away any details) this unfortunate set of circumstances may have given us the opportunity to take our recording that one extra step further. Regardless we hope to announce a release date within the next few months".

Now it wouldn't be very much like Axl Rose to keep his word on that "few months" thing, but it is another piece of coincidence to add to this whole June 30th date that appears to becoming more interesting by the hour.

I know that the original plan for VH1 was to show the BHM and then follow that up with the making of VR thing.  Does anyone know if VH1 also moved the making of VR thing?  If not, it may be that Axl has pull the rug out from under VR and decided to use the BHM thing to his benefit.  Perhaps a coup?  Maybe that's just wishful thinking.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: SINSHINE on June 15, 2004, 09:18:58 AM
What if Axl changed his tune and decided to talk to VH1??? It is possible. If he threw in some info on the album, it is basically free press. I can't think of a better way to begin promotion. Doubt it will happen, but the guy has to respond at some point to all the negative press he gets.  :o :o :o

 :hihi: Imagine Axl waiting until the BTM was 'finished' with their 'final edit' after all the interviews with Slash and Steven, viewing what comments they had to make and then taping a new interview, responding to what Slash and Steven had to say. Then, of course, talking about CD at great length!  :hihi:

Ahhh...that would be one for the books.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Bubba St. Rose on June 15, 2004, 10:34:22 AM
So I wouldn't discount darks info.

What makes him more credible than the guys who have fax machines or met Axl in Chile?

Even Danny managed to get one rumor right...  ::)

His posts are so vague that he always can say "Axl changed his mind". So there's no need for his "info" to be correct because it's always Axl's fault.... That must be really conveniant.


Jarmo is right on this one. Dark = BS. Isn't it funny that his rumors always show up when there is the slightest bit of increased interest in GNR. For example, Tommy does an interview recently saying CD could be done. Dark shows up with BS. Danny=Dark.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Mutherfunker on June 15, 2004, 11:44:20 AM
Yeah, but you're both missing the point.

Everytime Dark does post this information, he constantly stresses that they are possibilities and not to put too much faith in any of them happening. It's just what he heard.

He posts this info and makes it clear it is all conjecture. I'd rather he did this than not bother at all, or posted as if it was definate.

Nothing about the way he writes his info makes me pin all my hopes on that info. so I won't be dissappointed if it doesn't happen.

Thanks for telling what you hear Dark.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: odd1 on June 15, 2004, 12:39:43 PM
Yes very good work Dark I dont know if I believe it but, keep posting.
Dont let all the whiners get to you, they are just cranky for not having the CD!

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on June 15, 2004, 12:46:27 PM
I'm in the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area.  I'm curious to know what non-Clear Channel owned stations could be considered.

The only two rock stations I'm aware of are 94.9 Zeta and Big 106 - both owned by Clear Channel.  They even own the 'top 40' station - Y100, don't they.  ???

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Jonx on June 15, 2004, 01:15:02 PM
As far as I know, David Geffen has nothing to do with Geffen Records anymore. He sold the company in the early 90s (or was it late 80s?).

Sanctuary Records isn't part of Universal.


Yeah Geffen sold Geffen Records to MCA for an estimated $550 million in 1990, im gonna guess that a large portion of that money came from Guns, since they were responsible for saving the label!

As for the avoiding clear channel rumor, this sounds increddibly stupid, go to: to the FAQ section

How much of the radio market does Clear Channel control?

According to the "Joint Statement on Current Issues in Radio" issued by many organizations, most notably the RIAA among them, four groups, Chancellor, Clear Channel, Infinity, and Capstar control 63% of Top 40's 61 million listeners nationwide and 56% of Country's 28 million million listeners nationwide.

According to Eric Boehlert's article on dated April 30th, 2001, Clear Channel alone controls 60% of Rock radio. Clear Channel owns stations in 247 of the 250 major radio markets.

If the band are trying to avoid clear channel they are gonna be cutting out a huge  number of radio stations, it just seems kind of unbelievable. There is no way management or the label would let it happen, not for something that they have invested millions into!

Corporate scum ey!

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Eazy E on June 15, 2004, 01:27:08 PM
:hihi: :hihi:more false starts than special olympic runners :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

why is that funny?

Q:  What's better than winning a gold medal at the special olympics?

A:  Not being retarded.

Anyways, I think Danny was a lot better with his bullshit.  He injected some humour in there at least (come on, Dolly Parton?).  Don't think he should've been banned.   :-\

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: AxlGunner on June 15, 2004, 01:45:58 PM
Just to add a little background info to the discussion, for what it's worth...

the company I work for does some work with Clear Channel Entertainment and, more specifically, their CEO Brian Becker. Anway, all I wanted to add was that Clear Channel Entertainment is the division that focuses on live entertainment (ie: concerts), whereas the radio division is pretty much separate. I don't really know too much other than that, but they seem to me like somewhat distinct entities, so I dont know if having beef with Clear Channel Entertainment would necessarily tie into a beef with the Clear Channel radio people.

but on a side note, if i ever meet brian becker, i'll be sure to ask him about gnr  : ok: (unless i think i could get in trouble with my bosses for doing that  :hihi:)

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: C0ma on June 15, 2004, 01:45:59 PM
David Geffen sold Geffen records in 1990 to MCA, then formed Dreamworks in 1994. In 1995 Seagrems bought the Universal Group and took control of A&M, Geffen and Interscope eventually fold the three into Interscope. Recently with in the last few years Geffen as part of Dreamworks SKG sold the Dreamworks Recording label to Unviversal which has since formed Universal/A&M/Dreamworks, leaving Geffen to be run as a seperate entity......... which is being headed by..................... Drum Roll.............................David Geffen

So he is infact back in his original company (as a figure head more than anything)

"According to Eric Boehlert's article on dated April 30th, 2001, Clear Channel alone controls 60% of Rock radio. Clear Channel owns stations in 247 of the 250 major radio markets."
To me that number sounds way off (%60)....and for every major market that clear channel owns a station in, you will probably find an infinty station also. Think about Howard Stern, he was only aired on 6 CC stations, and in five of those markets he has the availablity to move to an infinity station as soon as the CC contract issues clear up (of course he will be off the air all together by then, or at least on XM)
I'm not trying to argue the size of CC, but to think that a label can't find a Rock Station in most major markets that isn't owned by CC is ridiculous

Edit: For Example CC doesn't own a Rock Radio Station in Boston which is one of the ten largets radio markets in the US

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: jarmo on June 15, 2004, 02:31:28 PM
Recently with in the last few years Geffen as part of Dreamworks SKG sold the Dreamworks Recording label to Unviversal which has since formed Universal/A&M/Dreamworks, leaving Geffen to be run as a seperate entity......... which is being headed by..................... Drum Roll.............................David Geffen ( still lists Geffen Records as part of the Universal Music Group.

Universal Music was the one who released/promoted Greatest Hits as well as the DVDs in Europe.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: C0ma on June 15, 2004, 02:41:48 PM
From the Hollywood Reporter:

As for the record company, once its sale is complete, sources suggested, DreamWorks Records could become an imprint under Iovine, with Interscope Geffen A&M changing its name to Interscope A&M DreamWorks. Geffen, which absorbed MCA Records in May, would then become a stand-alone company.

The DreamWorks deal comes only weeks after UMG announced that about 1,350 of its staffers would be let go as part of a cost-cutting effort that would save the company $200 million a year.

The UMG/DreamWorks deal marks yet another sign of music industry consolidation. Warner Music Group has been in talks with both BMG and EMI about potential mergers. BMG has reportedly been in discussions with Sony Music.

Marla Matzer Rose in Los Angeles and Georg Szalai in New York contributed to this report.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: madagas on June 15, 2004, 02:53:49 PM
I believe Axl's "legalities" that could be holding up the record are threefold: 1. Some form of negotiation with the record label-his contract, the effects of all these labels merging, and potential future releases after Chinese. 2. Ongoing lawsuit with Slash/Duff 3. Issues with royalties and songwriting credits between all the  players/musicians that have been in the recording process over the last 6 years for  Chinese. That is quite a mess. :drool:

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: C0ma on June 15, 2004, 02:59:00 PM
This whole record label convo made me think of something. If Dreamworks records became/becomes part of the Universal Music Group, and David Geffen does turn out to have his finger in the Geffen Records Pie as well as the Movie end of Dreamworks.........does anyone else find it odd that Dreamworks is releasing an animated movie titled 'Madagascar' in Summer 2005.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: AxlFink on June 15, 2004, 03:24:39 PM
It's not like Dark said he met axl in a tanning salon getting his ass tanned and axl gave him a preview of CD

what would be the reason to give this info that really doesnt tell us a lot?

I'm sure there is some truth to all this.  

also... the special olympic quote made me piss myself

it may have been the best comment made on this page ever

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 15, 2004, 03:32:57 PM
It's not like Dark said he met axl in a tanning salon getting his ass tanned and axl gave him a preview of CD

what would be the reason to give this info that really doesnt tell us a lot?

I'm sure there is some truth to all this.  

Don't be such a fool.

Just look at the guys post history (ie read his previous posts) and you'll see he's full of shit.

He rears his head every few months with the same bullshit.

Then he says "Oh...just take it for what it's worth".

There is no conversation. The only "rumor mill" that is starting him typing on his keyboard!


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: NickNasty on June 15, 2004, 03:40:32 PM
I think the VH1 BTM being continually pushed back is because they realize they've got a pretty crappy product (only Adler and Slash for ex-band member interviews, No Izzy, Duff, Axl, Dizzy, etc.) more than it has something to do with a nu-GNR announcement. Don't know about this rumor either, as always, seeing is believing.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: MetaSouL on June 15, 2004, 04:05:57 PM
It wasn?t that long ago that darknemus pulled the Latigo stunt.  Let?s recap:

Darknemus claimed to personally have extended conversations with Axl on the phone and on the internet.  Axl, known as ?Latigo? on the GNFNR message board, was a man who posted from a Finnish IP address (darknemus claimed Axl bought a laptop from Finland and used Michael Monroe?s IP, even after Monroe had recently said in an interview that the new GNR ?sucked?).  Latigo also spoke Dutch fluently in chat (wow, Axl speaks Dutch?) and tended to forget critical facts such as Buckethead?s real name and which hand he (Axl) favored, claiming he we left-handed when in reality Axl smokes right-handed, plays guitar right-handed, punches right-handed (St. Louis riot), and best of all, he WRITES right-handed (signing autographs).  But hey, he sings left-handed sometimes!!!  Darknemus was also good friends with another fictitious Rose acquaintance, ?Cookie?, Axl?s make-believe fianc? who worked in a bar in Florida.  Darknemus claimed to have went to her house and saw pictures of her and Axl, who were engaged to be married, yet she mysteriously had a thing for darknemus and flirted with him (boy Axl must have been jealous).  In fact Axl couldn?t break away from his visits to Finland to come and see his to-be wife personally, so she spent New Years with darknemus and they chatted with Axl on the phone.  

To make a long story short, when everyone caught on that this was a fraud, darknemus played like he was duped by this liar named Latigo, hoping everyone would forget the fact that he claimed to have talked personally with Axl on a regular basis, talked with Axl?s sister on the phone, met Axl?s girlfriend and went to her house on a regular basis, saw pictures of Axl & Cookie together at her house, and swapped personal candid photographs with Axl from his personal photo collection, among many other complicit lies.  In fact, almost everything about this scam came directly through darknemus?, yet he tries to this day to play innocent, while he continues to post lies about his make-believe ?contacts?.

I know you guys are hungry for info on Axl, but don?t believe this shit for second unless your into fantasy role-playing?


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Jonx on June 15, 2004, 04:19:57 PM
Hahahahahahahaha quality, well all will be revealed in roughly 15 - 20 days.

Good info tho!


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on June 15, 2004, 04:24:16 PM
I find it very, very odd that the BTM was pushed back 2 weeks, around the time that rumors abound in the same time period. If they didn't feel confident in the final product, they wouldn't have started airing ads for it. Something weird is going on...

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: C0ma on June 15, 2004, 04:27:50 PM
Look the Latigo situation has been beaten to death here. As someone who was involved in that mess (and was duped), I can tell you with fair certainty that dark was duped by Latigo and not behind it. Sure dark put his foot in his mouth by so strongly supporting him, but so did I and several others who were involved in that chat room. Don't confuse being 'tricked' into following a story and creating rumors (aka. Danny). Cookie is a real person that lives in South Florida, I myself have talked with this person on the phone, as well as someone who she fooled into believing this Latigo story months before we heard of him.

You can accuse dark of no more than forwarding vauge info that is passed on to him. If he wanted to make a up a story, he is more than creative enought to tie his hair dresser to a limo driver who works for an entertainment company that sent a lounge singer to a bar in Argentina who talked to a guy who saw Axl ther two weeks prior and said he wears pigtails with bows now.

Attack the story if you must but why blindly attack the messenger (especially with weak ammo like the Latigo fiasco)

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: BurningHills on June 15, 2004, 04:36:54 PM
Exactly C0ma...

I'd hate to continue turning this into a debate of darknemus' ethics, but come on, alot of people were duped by Latigo (myself included), and the bottom line is simply this: if you weren't there, then you don't understand it, so don't pretend that you do.

Meta, you were in the chat for what, about three weeks? Now, I'd hate to stir up any bad feelings of whatever, since Latigo is a pathetic piece of toxic sludge, (and I've tried patching things up with most people from that chatroom), but still, you did miss out on an awful lot of what happened, stuff that would have made you think "Fuck, maybe, you never know"..but as I said, you missed it, and therefore, I don't think you should comment on it.

Besides, like dark said, he has a family and a job. He doesn't come on here just to post bullshit rumors about Guns. Hell, he hasn't even been online much at all for the past 3 weeks, so I highly doubt that he wanted to get back to a computer just so he can post the rumors that you think he makes up in his head.
He has alot more credibility than most people give him credit for.


P.S: Whoever compared dark to Danny needs to be bitchslapped repeatedly for making such a dumbass comparison.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: AxlGunner on June 15, 2004, 05:09:06 PM
It wasn?t that long ago that darknemus pulled the Latigo stunt.  Let?s recap:

Darknemus claimed to personally have extended conversations with Axl on the phone and on the internet.  Axl, known as ?Latigo? on the GNFNR message board, was a man who posted from a Finnish IP address (darknemus claimed Axl bought a laptop from Finland and used Michael Monroe?s IP, even after Monroe had recently said in an interview that the new GNR ?sucked?).  Latigo also spoke Dutch fluently in chat (wow, Axl speaks Dutch?) and tended to forget critical facts such as Buckethead?s real name and which hand he (Axl) favored, claiming he we left-handed when in reality Axl smokes right-handed, plays guitar right-handed, punches right-handed (St. Louis riot), and best of all, he WRITES right-handed (signing autographs).  But hey, he sings left-handed sometimes!!!  Darknemus was also good friends with another fictitious Rose acquaintance, ?Cookie?, Axl?s make-believe fianc? who worked in a bar in Florida.  Darknemus claimed to have went to her house and saw pictures of her and Axl, who were engaged to be married, yet she mysteriously had a thing for darknemus and flirted with him (boy Axl must have been jealous).  In fact Axl couldn?t break away from his visits to Finland to come and see his to-be wife personally, so she spent New Years with darknemus and they chatted with Axl on the phone.  

To make a long story short, when everyone caught on that this was a fraud, darknemus played like he was duped by this liar named Latigo, hoping everyone would forget the fact that he claimed to have talked personally with Axl on a regular basis, talked with Axl?s sister on the phone, met Axl?s girlfriend and went to her house on a regular basis, saw pictures of Axl & Cookie together at her house, and swapped personal candid photographs with Axl from his personal photo collection, among many other complicit lies.  In fact, almost everything about this scam came directly through darknemus?, yet he tries to this day to play innocent, while he continues to post lies about his make-believe ?contacts?.

I know you guys are hungry for info on Axl, but don?t believe this shit for second unless your into fantasy role-playing?


no offense, but you have your story completely mixed up. that's all i have to say about that.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 15, 2004, 05:45:00 PM
Some of you guys are true fools.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: darknemus on June 15, 2004, 05:58:47 PM
Oh boy - looks like someone needs a fact checker.. namely, MetaSoul.

I NEVER claimed to talk to anyone on the phone except for Cookie & Vanessa.. sorry - but since like, your first fact of 'recap' is wrong, do I really need to rip apart the rest of them?

Anyway - in regards to 'what station in Florida' that someone posted.. just because I live in South Florida doesn't mean the station is in my immediate geographical area ;)  I've done alot of consulting work for alot of people - not just in the 'tri county area'

In regards to the rest of it.. who knows - like I said, I'm not going to even begin to think it means anything until I see some sort of.. well.. other activity.. it probably means squat.. but, on the off chance it doesn't - then good, I shared, or something.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Ignatius on June 15, 2004, 06:24:12 PM

I just love these insight network music tidbits...Does anyone know anything abou this band anymore? Don't take it personally Dark, I always read whaty you post, but the longer we keep on waiting the more I wonder if anybody, anywhere knows anything about this band.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: F*ck Fear on June 15, 2004, 06:35:28 PM
I appreciate what Dark does......Thanks Darknemus for trying to let us all know any info you get even if it is something real small :beer:

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: smishkey on June 15, 2004, 06:37:36 PM
Is it 103.1 the Buzz in West Palm Beach?  That's an infinity station.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: MetaSouL on June 15, 2004, 06:37:58 PM
Here is a sample of when Darknemus went to Cookie?s house, saw pictures of her and Axl together, and logged onto her account as PlatinumStatusChick:

alexGNR : so dark, are you a chick now?
DiabolicalPaperclip : lol
PlatinumStatusChick : Motherfucker - I'm on her account..
PlatinumStatusChick : You can question all you want - I don't blame you - but.. I'm at her house
PlatinumStatusChick : Get it?  at her house?  on HER pic?
PlatinumStatusChick : PC
PlatinumStatusChick : Ty - that I'm either full of crap or Latigo is Axl
PlatinumStatusChick : So wait, what do you guys want to know?
LesPaulSlinger2003 : so shut the fuck up and let the man talk
el_hazardous has left the conversation.
PlatinumStatusChick : That I've seen a pic of them together - yes
PlatinumStatusChick : Ok.. let me tell you what your two options are right now.
fieldsy23 : k
PlatinumStatusChick : #1 - You think that I am full of crap - and have been jerking your chain all along.
PlatinumStatusChick : #2 - I am really at Cookie's house - and Cookie is really involved with Axl and Axl is really Latigo
LaMe-to-uS : he sent an email yesterday from Finland.....
TyRodTulip has joined the conversation.
PlatinumStatusChick : No - he didn't send one from finland..
DiabolicalPaperclip : i thought he did
 PlatinumStatusChick : His 'proxy' is in Finland
PlatinumStatusChick : Meta - please, I'm 28 years old - I've worked for the fucking US Military for 2+ years with a Secret clearance..why the hell would I make this all up?
PlatinumStatusChick : If it were up to me, I'd publish the whole damn album I've seen online.

So, Mr. Secret Clearance military man happens to live 10 miles away from Axl?s fianc? and regularly visits her house where he has personally ?seen? pictures of Axl and her together, along with viewing Axl?s online photo albums, and now he has a ?contact? with inside GNR information?  You?re fucking retarded if you believe that.

In your own words dark, either "#1 - You think that I am full of crap - and have been jerking your chain all along.? or ?#2 - I am really at Cookie's house - and Cookie is really involved with Axl and Axl is really Latigo?.

Which option do you pick now??  Get out your fact-checker...


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Bubba St. Rose on June 15, 2004, 07:05:50 PM
Here is a sample of when Darknemus went to Cookie?s house, saw pictures of her and Axl together, and logged onto her account as PlatinumStatusChick:

alexGNR : so dark, are you a chick now?
DiabolicalPaperclip : lol
PlatinumStatusChick : Motherfucker - I'm on her account..
PlatinumStatusChick : You can question all you want - I don't blame you - but.. I'm at her house
PlatinumStatusChick : Get it?  at her house?  on HER pic?
PlatinumStatusChick : PC
PlatinumStatusChick : Ty - that I'm either full of crap or Latigo is Axl
PlatinumStatusChick : So wait, what do you guys want to know?
LesPaulSlinger2003 : so shut the fuck up and let the man talk
el_hazardous has left the conversation.
PlatinumStatusChick : That I've seen a pic of them together - yes
PlatinumStatusChick : Ok.. let me tell you what your two options are right now.
fieldsy23 : k
PlatinumStatusChick : #1 - You think that I am full of crap - and have been jerking your chain all along.
PlatinumStatusChick : #2 - I am really at Cookie's house - and Cookie is really involved with Axl and Axl is really Latigo
LaMe-to-uS : he sent an email yesterday from Finland.....
TyRodTulip has joined the conversation.
PlatinumStatusChick : No - he didn't send one from finland..
DiabolicalPaperclip : i thought he did
 PlatinumStatusChick : His 'proxy' is in Finland
PlatinumStatusChick : Meta - please, I'm 28 years old - I've worked for the fucking US Military for 2+ years with a Secret clearance..why the hell would I make this all up?
PlatinumStatusChick : If it were up to me, I'd publish the whole damn album I've seen online.

So, Mr. Secret Clearance military man happens to live 10 miles away from Axl?s fianc? and regularly visits her house where he has personally ?seen? pictures of Axl and her together, along with viewing Axl?s online photo albums, and now he has a ?contact? with inside GNR information?  You?re fucking retarded if you believe that.

In your own words dark, either "#1 - You think that I am full of crap - and have been jerking your chain all along.? or ?#2 - I am really at Cookie's house - and Cookie is really involved with Axl and Axl is really Latigo?.

Which option do you pick now??  Get out your fact-checker...


Nice : ok: Meta, you're right on the mark. I watched the whole Latigo thing from afar and thankfully never fell for it. Another thing, I have no proof but I'd say Dark created as well. Stupid nonesense riddles about nothing. My point? I tend to believe one post wonders rumors over some of the multi posters.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: muggsy on June 15, 2004, 07:10:38 PM
him: Yeah, it has.. if June 30 really was a 'deadline' as I was led to believe, then it seems that there will be some sort of 'announcement' shortly thereafter.. my guess would be July 1st or 2nd, but probably they'd wait til after the Holiday weekend.
Well after you told this supposed piece of information it couldn't get me thinking but of the Guns N' Roses:Behind the Music which has been pushed back several times to finally air on Wednesday Jun. 30 at 11/10c AM:

Does anyone think this is a coincidence or in-directly related to the subject darknemus is speaking of?

Maybe they are gonna run a commercial for the new Cd? Or tape something with Axl?

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: darknemus on June 15, 2004, 07:12:31 PM
Wow, Meta.. you save more chatlogs than I do.

Yep - that conversation took place.. and yep, I was there.  I was duped.. sorry.. it happens.. but that makes me a co-conspirator?  Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude.

As far as me creating - I only wish I was that good at captivating people's attention, on and off, for 2 years.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: anarchy on June 15, 2004, 07:21:50 PM
Everyone knows I created anyway.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: outlawaxl on June 15, 2004, 10:23:23 PM
Yep - that conversation took place.. and yep, I was there.  I was duped..

so explain the pictures you saw???? how can you be "duped" when you saw pictures???

name the radio station...

Im in Tampa right now... ill find out.....

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: darknemus on June 15, 2004, 10:59:40 PM
A. I'm not about to give you the station name.. the guy's a friend of mine and I don't feel like his being harassed by netizens trying to 'dig deeper'

B. I can explain the pictures easily - I saw them.. there were 3 pictures of her (Cookie) with him (Axl) - at least 2 were taken at different times, as the clothing was different in two of them.  They were all older pictures, I'd say early-mid 90's.. but I can't be sure of that.  One was an arm around shoulder shot, one was two sitting at a table smiling, and one was just standing in a room - (but separated by other people) .. that one looked like some sort of party (and was the one with different clothing from the other two)

The pictures plus the story plus the details plus the 3 billion other little things that happened at the time, I will admit, had me convinced.

I'm still not sure exactly what the explanation is for the photos.. they weren't on a PC or anything - they were 35mm prints, I held one in my hand.. the other two were in frames.

Like Jeff said - you kind of had to be there for 'all of that' to really understand.. but yeah, at the time, I was.. to state the least, convinced.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: axls#2 on June 15, 2004, 11:17:05 PM

P.S: Whoever compared dark to Danny needs to be bitchslapped repeatedly for making such a dumbass comparison.

I believe that was jarmo :D time for somebody to bitch slap jarmo.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: AxlGunner on June 16, 2004, 12:08:12 AM
i really hate to beat a dead latigo horse any further than necessary, but that girl "cookie" and her friend "latigo" (who might have even been cookie herself) were the real crazy ones. When this was all happening I did searches on the old mygnrforum (the one that posted IPs) and found lots of posts from "Cookie" claiming to know axl, claiming to be vanessa, and basically lots of fucked up shit that were all coming from the same IP. Basically, she is a crazy person who has been pretending to know axl for SEVERAL years. also, latigo posted on that forum also, with the same email he used as latigo.

anyway, she exists. i've heard her have a phone conversation on the phone with craig. she truly believes she knows axl (like i said, she's probably crazy). but don't blame dark for getting caught up in it, cuz they've been doing this online duping thing long before came up.

its a reaaaally long story, and i only bring it up because MetaSoul decided to bring it up to call dark a complete liar based on the latigo thing. i really think we should drop it, cuz i doubt anyone wants to hear the whole long, fucked up story in its entirety.  :-\

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: outlawaxl on June 16, 2004, 12:16:24 AM
A. I'm not about to give you the station name.. the guy's a friend of mine and I don't feel like his being harassed by netizens trying to 'dig deeper'

B. I can explain the pictures easily - I saw them.. there were 3 pictures of her (Cookie) with him (Axl) - at least 2 were taken at different times, as the clothing was different in two of them.  They were all older pictures, I'd say early-mid 90's.. but I can't be sure of that.  One was an arm around shoulder shot, one was two sitting at a table smiling, and one was just standing in a room - (but separated by other people) .. that one looked like some sort of party (and was the one with different clothing from the other two)

The pictures plus the story plus the details plus the 3 billion other little things that happened at the time, I will admit, had me convinced.

I'm still not sure exactly what the explanation is for the photos.. they weren't on a PC or anything - they were 35mm prints, I held one in my hand.. the other two were in frames.

Like Jeff said - you kind of had to be there for 'all of that' to really understand.. but yeah, at the time, I was.. to state the least, convinced.


cool!thanks for cleaing it up : ok:

she was prob just some wide eyed fan who got lucky to meet the man twice...

are you sure her name wasnt "lolly" haha

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: darknemus on June 16, 2004, 12:29:29 AM
cuz i doubt anyone wants to hear the whole long, fucked up story in its entirety.  :-\

Oh, come on, Uncle Gunner!  I wanna hear the story!  And you told me you'd never tell that you were listening in on the weirdness that was Cookie :) - you evil, evil LIAR!  ;)

Actually - you know all honesty, perhaps it might be time to get ALL the Latigo stuff out in the open - granted, 95% of it wont make sense to most people.. but still, it might at least help explain a bit about where we were coming from (and, specifically, where *I* was coming from at the time)

The question is, how much do I really lay out?  Do I post the pictures we were sent?  Do we ask others on the board / boards to help us possibly identify the real 'culprits' behind the whole Latigo mess?  Or do I just say 'fuck it, let it lie' and go on with life?  I've been real torn over this for a while now - because it really pisses me off royally that people (who don't know me from Adam) assume that I'm the one behind like, all of it.

I wasn't - I'm not - and I think its high time that all of this gets out in the open.  So to you, Cookie, V, Latigo, whoever..that includes the little girl in some of the pictures and the pets and the whatever and the Jussi Kannosto person in Finland and etc etc etc etc.. I think its time this comes to a head.. ALL of it.  I say we just lay the cards on the table and let the 'people' decide.

Besides, I'd LOVE for someone online to be able to positively ID someone in one of those photos.. it'd go a long way to getting closer to the truth.

So let me figure out how to word all of this cohesively and somewhat concisely and I'll do just that.. I'll share the Latigo story - the WHOLE story.. not just the little snippets you may think you know..

You can hate me if you'd like and think I'm some big BS artist with an agenda if it fits in with your 'picture' of the dark one.. but there's one thing I'm not going to allow to happen - and that's for me to be blamed for this specific (the Latigo situation) mess.  



Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on June 16, 2004, 01:07:11 AM
WOW I am newer to this board and got to say wow. I got the just of this thread guess i had to be here longer to understand.

Why do people get joys out of starting fake rumors and getting peoples hopes up.?

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Eazy E on June 16, 2004, 01:09:42 AM
I think its time this comes to a head.. ALL of it.  I say we just lay the cards on the table and let the 'people' decide.

Shit but... nobody cares, so.... who's going to be deciding?   :nervous:

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: SlashFan on June 16, 2004, 01:15:35 AM
What the hell?This is just alot of stupid bullshit.I don't think Dark is lying about anything,I think he's just being a nice person and sharing things that he's heard with us.Anyways,people always bitch when there is no info,so give Dark a break :peace:

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Danny on June 16, 2004, 01:53:49 AM
Even Danny managed to get one rumor right...  

Come on, Jarms.  Give credit where credit is do.  I got I meant to say was DANNY got two rumors right.  There was the VMA performance and Mix Master Mike opening on the tour.  And don't be so quick to judge.  The Dolly Parton thing could still happen.

It's ironic to me that this thread has had a bunch of posters contemplateting weather Darknemus and Danny are the same guy and some who are simply comparing his bullshit to Danny's.  Wasn't the "secret Catcher lyric e-mail" to Darknemus from the annonomous insider (which turned out to be Danny, of course) what caused Dark to have a hissy-fit and piss and moan untill Danny was finally banned (all while he tried to destory some of Danny's friendships and get him fired from his job)?  Isn't it ironic...don't you think.

Seriously though guys, take it from a dude who is a legendary bullshitting asshole on this site...I feel that Darknemus is telling the truth.  Or at least he thinks he is.  I don't think that he is pulling this insider information out of his ass like others have done in the past.  In my opinion, somebody (or a group of somebodies) is screwing with him and feeding him this information so they can just sit back and watch him take the heat.  It's kind of like a reverse version of the admitedly-demented pleasure that "Danny" used to get from messing with the rest of you guys.

In conclusion, I would just like to tell you all that Danny sent me a secret fax today where he told me that he sincerely misses y'all and thinks you should give up on waiting for Chinese Democracy.  Do what Danny does.  He is psyching himself out by convincing himself that CD is not coming out ever...that way, when it finally does, the joy and pleasure he will derive from that first listen will be that much sweeter.  In the meantime, Danny has spent the last week honestly enjoying the debut album from Skinny McGee And The Guys Who Are Slash...which is really suprisingly good.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2004, 02:47:06 AM
Even Danny managed to get one rumor right...  


C'mon GOTTA be shittin' me! I mean....You gotta be SHITTIN' me!!!!!

Dear can't really be you....

It's one thing about you just can't stand to go without everybody knowing it's you. You can't stand to not have the attention. You crave it. Amazing you could make to 20 posts. ::)

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: K-Rock on June 16, 2004, 09:21:29 AM

It's one thing about you just can't stand to go without everybody knowing it's you. You can't stand to not have the attention. You crave it. Amazing you could make to 20 posts. ::)


I'm thinking you guys should not bring any more attention to the Latigo drama.  Craig (dorkmucus) loves the attention whether it be negative or conspiratory in nature.

And if any of you ever visited Danny's (not suprisingly posting as Banny while referring to himself in the 3rd person) Ronald would learn that he is destined for a straight-jacket.

As usual, this (darknemusisis....sis....sis) rumor features vague/confusing language comparible to the Nostradamus prophecies.

Hey Craig, I'm still waiting for the so-called GN'R promotions and contests that were due to kick-off earlier this year??  This came from your radio-industry insider........riiiiggghhhtttt??

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: C0ma on June 16, 2004, 09:55:33 AM
As usual, this (darknemusisis....sis....sis) rumor features vague/confusing language comparible to the Nostradamus prophecies.

Confusing? Maybe confusing to a person sporting a 3rd grade reading level. Like I said before, attack the info not the messenger, whether you like to believe it or not dark is just passing info that was handed to him, and as dan.......I'm sorry, banny pointed out, the person to blame would be the person passsing the info to dark.
What harm is his passing this info causing you? Did you have to up your medication before you posted this morning?
He always posts a disclaimer, so if it's wrong.......So What!
If it's right.......then great.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Buritoking on June 16, 2004, 11:27:21 AM

Despite how much of a fuck nut danny is/was, that name is really funny, I really was laughing when i read that.

Oh and Dark doesn't B.S., he just get's shotty information, and is to smart to say, this will for sure happen, because as we all know with guns, even when you fill a 20,000 seat arena for a concert, that doesn't mean it will for sure happen.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: blues_rock_axeman on June 16, 2004, 02:20:58 PM
Every single day we get stuff that is further and further from relevance...

Thanks for posting that.  :beer:

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2004, 02:34:35 PM
As usual, this (darknemusisis....sis....sis) rumor features vague/confusing language comparible to the Nostradamus prophecies.

Confusing? Maybe confusing to a person sporting a 3rd grade reading level. Like I said before, attack the info not the messenger, whether you like to believe it or not dark is just passing info that was handed to him, and as dan.......I'm sorry, banny pointed out, the person to blame would be the person passsing the info to dark.
What harm is his passing this info causing you? Did you have to up your medication before you posted this morning?
He always posts a disclaimer, so if it's wrong.......So What!
If it's right.......then great.

I'm with K-rock the whole way with this one.

I don't know how you guys could defend a person who so obviously comes here to see how many people will view his posts, and stir up BS. Look at his post's the same thing every single time, over and over. Then knuckleheads like you come on and say "Oh he gives us a disclaimer..blah blah blah".

Can't you see things for what they are?

Look at this thread. It has two of the worst posters we have here acting as bookends. Dumb and dumber.....It's an insult to the board.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Mutherfunker on June 16, 2004, 03:03:38 PM
Can't he see things for what they are?

I think it's you not seeing them for what they are.

It's a rumour. People like to have a little think about it. Nobody coming to any harm.

Why are you kicking up a fuss? Who gives a shit? If you weren't posting itprobably would have vanished off the page by now.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: AxlisGNR on June 16, 2004, 04:04:33 PM
dorknemus has been posting these exact same type of posts since at least 2001 on Not one of his "stories" has ever amounted to anything, he is seeking attention. I don't know who is a bigger fool, him for making up shit all the time or me for reading it.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2004, 04:58:54 PM
Can't he see things for what they are?

I think it's you not seeing them for what they are.

It's a rumour. People like to have a little think about it. Nobody coming to any harm.

Why are you kicking up a fuss? Who gives a shit? If you weren't posting itprobably would have vanished off the page by now.


dorknemus has been posting these exact same type of posts since at least 2001 on Not one of his "stories" has ever amounted to anything, he is seeking attention.

That is why.

I do see things for what they are.

Whatever. This is stupid. Whoever gives either one of these dorks the time of day must be very bored or have an equally pitiful life.


Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: Will on June 16, 2004, 05:44:53 PM
Let's calm down... ;D...and please avoid the bashing. Also, please don't mention that latigo story again in that thread, this is old and off-topic.
If you have a comment to post about what Dark said, fine, just don't post personal attacks/bashing/whatever. The thread will dry out by itself if there's nothing to add.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: C0ma on June 16, 2004, 06:52:18 PM
Thanks Will, this is what I've been saying all along.........bash the info, leave the poster out of it.
Also what is so bad about threads like this? I don't  know about you, but I'd rather argue about a rumor all day long than weed through the hundreds of threads with titles like:

"Who looks Gayer on Stage, Robin or Scott"
"Who looks better with a policemans cap, Scott or Axl"
"Boycott Contraband because Slash talked about Jesus....I mean Axl"

Back to the subject........ I tend to think that if there is band activity soon it will be to anounce the departure of either Brain or Tommy.

Title: Re:It appears the RUMOR mill might be cranking back up..a tiny bit of possible i
Post by: CoMa UK on June 16, 2004, 07:09:39 PM
wheres mysteron when u need him