Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 29, 2004, 12:19:32 AM

Title: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 29, 2004, 12:19:32 AM
Well I wrote this in 2004, maybe it will happen this year.
I also added to it.

It has been a while since we last heard from Mr. Axl Rose since buckethead left but there is still huge interest in what the red head is doing and his long awaited album. Nothing official has come from the Gn?r camp in ages and their official web page still looks the same as it did after the aborted tour last December 2002. What we have gotten is rumors and now a possible April release date that might be the light at the end of the tunnel. These rumors being good or bad does not really matter, it just adds to the legend of Axl Rose and keeps his name in the media to keep people interested, just when you don?t think you will hear anything about Axl some weird rumor always seems to pops up.

Like him or not, Axl Rose is one interesting person and most often he is misunderstood. Some people like to think of Axl as an asshole, but that is just because Axl likes to keep to himself and he likes his privacy. Axl does not crave attention or look to make headlines, he does that with out even trying and sometimes I think that embarrasses him. I know a lot of Gn?r fans get pissed off at Axl because he has not been telling us his every move or what his plans are but I think that is a good thing. Axl seems to get himself in trouble every time he tells us about a possible tour, a possible release date or anything else for that matter. When Axl has told us about tentative tours or release dates and then those things fall through or dates pass by people bash him because they didn?t happen, that is why I think Axl doesn?t want to say anything until he is 100% positive it is going to happen. That is why I don?t think will hear from Axl until he knows the album is 100% done and the release date is set in stone. I don?t think Axl likes to disappoint his fans and this is his best way of getting our hopes up for the release of this album. Another thing fans need to keep in mind is that Axl wants to make the best possible he can, and he does not care how long it takes, this album will be his legacy. This album will make or break his career since it is his first album with out the old band.

A lot of old Gn?r fans like to think the new songs we have heard so far are not as good as the old bands songs, but that is not the important question. The important question is, are the new songs as good or better than the current mainstream songs on the radio today? And IMO the answer to that is YES. I think Madagascar, the Blues and Chinese Democracy are just as good if not better than a lot of the music on the radio right now, and those songs are not even the ?big guns? that Axl has in store for us.

If Axl does things correctly I think 2005 could be his year. He has a set of amazing players backing him up and they have all worked very hard on this album. The few people that have heard the album have all said how great or amazing the songs are, so I think if CD is promoted the way it should be it could be the best album of 2005. Axl and his new Gn?r could also be on top of the music world again. Just look at a few years ago the mtv mva?s. They got a huge pop and people were going ape sh!t. The U.S. tour was not as bad as some naysayers would have you believe. The U.S. tour did pretty damn well considering there was almost no promotion for it and no new album in sight. Just think of how the tour would do with the band having a hit single on the radio, the album being released, a possible video on mtv and proper promotion for the tour. I think it could be huge. All Axl has to do is release the album and let it speak for itself. Axl has to understand he can?t please everyone. Yes Axl will lose some of the old fans with the new band and new sound, but he will also pick up many more fans along the way. As bad as Axl sounded back then he sounded better than the crappy live bands tonight on the VMAs.

Chinese Democracy is going to be like nothing we have heard before from Guns n? Roses. Tommy calls the new songs ?earth shattering? and Dizzy has said the songs will exceed our expectations. Those statements make me wonder how amazing this album could very well be. Brian May and Tommy have both talked about how outrageous/amazing Axl's voice is on the album. Tommy also alluded that the rockers on CD will be like old gnr, while Zakk Wylde said the songs he heard from CD sounded like AFD on steroids.
Axl?s lyrics are said to have deeper meaning than on past albums, and we know there is a song about John Lennon, a song about Axl?s childhood abuse, and I am sure ones about the old band and the break up with Steph Seymour. This album will also have some political flavor with Chinese Democracy and Oklahoma (if that song makes the album).
I believe Chinese Democracy is going to showcase the new bands diversity and could still be talked about years from now much like AFD is still proclaimed as being just as fresh today as it was 15 years ago. CD is said to be a melting pot album by Axl and I think you will be able to tell what each members input was to each song. I think each song will have each member?s trademark, something they can all be proud of.
I am not saying this album will be the best album ever, but I believe it?s going to something that will inspire discussion for years to come. and not only will it serve to cement Axl's legendary status as the ultimate rock star, it will preserve the dignity of the guns n roses name in the annals of rock history

It is now time for Axl to take his throne back as the best front man in rock, others have tried but none have even come close to having Axl presence or aura. Axl holds his own destiny and legacy in his own hands. He can either be the huge star he used to be or he can just disappear again. Either way Axl Rose will always be one of music great mysteries. He had it all in the 90s and he can have it all again if he wants to, he just has to release the album and everything will fall into place.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: southsiderwp on December 29, 2004, 03:07:28 AM
I ll bet a 100 dollars on it not being this year, not that im hopeful for it just that I ve been burned since 2001 and not even carin anymore ???

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: jabba2 on December 29, 2004, 03:35:16 AM
If Axl really wanted a response without releasing the record, he should have someone leak a few demos of his songs on kazaa or edonkey. Then if the demos got a good reveiw from the fans, Axl would know the CD is ready. I think the suspense of what might happen is holding it back.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on December 29, 2004, 05:18:31 AM
Great post Dave  : ok:   I believe that if CD is not out by May, it never will be.  However I don't think that this will be the case as everything we have read or seen is implying that Chinese Democracy is just around the corner,  :yes:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on December 29, 2004, 08:35:06 AM
Well I wrote this in 2004, maybe it will happen this year.


but it think 05 2 (as i did belive 04 in 03 :coffee: )

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 29, 2004, 08:38:46 AM
every year is the year... Dave you can edit this post every year.. :hihi:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: leesixxrose on December 29, 2004, 09:13:21 AM
Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back??

No... I think this comming summer were still going to be asking "where is axl"  and hoping for a fall 05 release..

honestly why would you all think that 2005 would be the year?? It hasnt been Axls year for over a decade.. I dont know why anyone would think that 2005 would be the year either...

and we should all just forget the "Tommy and Dizzy said" quotes and rumors since NOTHING they have ever said has been correct..

Axl is too busy fighting lawsuits against his old band and Clear Channel and quite possibly Geffen/Interscope...

my prediction is No 2005 is not going to be Axl Roses year either..

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: PhillyRiot on December 29, 2004, 09:23:19 AM
I don't think I can realistically believe we will even hear anything from Axl this year.  Possibly not even a press release or anything.  There is no indication of any real news.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 29, 2004, 09:27:24 AM
I bet that if CD doesn't come out in 2005, another member(s) will leave. So we'll get a press release at least.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: willow on December 29, 2004, 09:33:39 AM
I am hopeful that it will be out before the end of 2005. Axl may have a lot going on in his life, that needs to be taken care of or whatever ( I don't judge people, their lives are they're own). But I think he needs to get it out in order to hang onto the members. They have been very loyal, but they have responcablies too.

And yes, Dave good post!!! We think a lot a like!!

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: leesixxrose on December 29, 2004, 09:37:22 AM

how long did it take you to write that 1st post??? ?maybe 10 minutes out of your day???

you wrote that long post about about a band that means alot to you...

why do you think that Axl Rose cant take the same 10 minutes out of his day to write just a little update for his fans and the people who are going to buy his album and go to his tours...

I think axl is done... he had his chance and its gone now.. whatever the reason is(hes not telling) but i think that the chances of it are slim to none in 2005..

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: 5thofwhiskey on December 29, 2004, 09:41:53 AM
Contributing to the movie "SIN CITY" would be a great start.

This movie will be released on April 1st. The soundtrack will come out a month ahead. Songs will be leaked from the soundtrack before it comes out. Singles will also be sent out to radio.

To me this a kick ass movie. Teens will go see. And think KWEL is the word.

Sin City has a following.

A great way to release Chinese Democracy as far as I know.

o well........................the wait continues.


Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: LimeGreen_Engines on December 29, 2004, 09:44:41 AM
This question gets raised every year ::)

2005 will probably not be the year of Chinese Democracy. If it is, I will be pleasantly surprised.

And all this business about guessing possible soundtracks is a load of rubbish. We've been there done that with Terminator 3.
It's not gonna happen!

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on December 29, 2004, 11:03:58 AM
I second that, if nothing comes out in 05, I can`t see all the members still sticking around.

If the album is almost done as Tommy says, there is no reason at all it shouldn`t come out next year. Axl says it will come out, so I am hopeful.

Then again Axl says a lot of shit than hasn`t panned out so far..

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Buddha_Master on December 29, 2004, 11:51:58 AM
Hmmm. Every year, people I know ask me the same kind of condescending questions like, "So, when is Chinese Democracy scheduled now?" Or the always classic, "Who is in the band now?"

So yea, even when people diss, they are interested.

Just the other day, my bro and I started talking about them, and for the first time, I answered a little differently then I ever have. I said, "Who the fuck knows anymore."

 I don't need to defend how much of a fan of Axl and GNR I am in here. So when I say something like, I have lost complete confidence that Chinese Democracy will be released, you can take that as you will. For the first time, I find myself no longer a believer. I actually no longer have the feeling towards it that I have felt year after year.

Maybe once something concrete is officially given, that warm feeling will come back when thinking about it, but right now its gone. I don't post in here much these days either, but still come back almost daily, because its become a routine joke when I come into work every morning. I check my emails, go over my workload, and then think "so, I bet there is some new news with GNR today." I make myself laugh inside with that too.

Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back? What do you really in your heart of hearts think, Dave? Personally I have felt strongly about this kind of question in previous years. Shit you know that better then anyone here. I'm not feeling it now. I don't think it will. In fact, I think its farther away then ever before. Especially since that last Brain interview. I don't think Buckethead will be on the album, unless he miraculously re-enters the fold (which seems unlikely so Axl will probably be an Axl and have his parts redone), and yea that Brain interview with all his lovely quotables of "Ifs" and "Theirs."

But fuckinanyway, here we are. A brand new year. This is going to be a good year. I feel that. But thinking logically (which is normally a mistake regarding anything Axl does) and realistically, Chinese Democracy won't be a part of it.

Happy New Years to all of you too. Have some champagne and a bowl, and bring in the new year proper like.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 29, 2004, 12:02:40 PM
Last year I really thought it was coming out because they had RIR4 lined up and all that, then BH left and they pulled out of RIR4, then it looked bad.  I really think it would have came out last year if BH didnt leave.  This year who knows, they still have not replaced BH, so until they do, expect the album not to come out.  I wont count on anything until we hear something offical.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on December 29, 2004, 12:05:10 PM
Happy New Years to all of you too. Have some champagne and a bowl, and bring in the new year proper like.

thanks :beer: you 2

there's other rock-related stuff coming upcoming year, so it don't matter if cd dosen't hit us-
but i don't think it's so logical, after whats been said by the members lately, that gnr will sleep this year too

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: DemocracyRose on December 29, 2004, 12:22:34 PM
It has to be next year...

If Axl want this band to stay together...

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: providman on December 29, 2004, 12:27:25 PM
It has to be next year...

If Axl want this band to stay together... He has to release next year...

What exactly makes you think the band is still together?

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: DemocracyRose on December 29, 2004, 01:30:53 PM
I havent heard other wise... ;)

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on December 29, 2004, 01:38:29 PM
I havent heard other wise... ;)

yeah, me neither :yes:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Irish rose on December 29, 2004, 01:54:23 PM
Axl is probably too comfortable being out of the spotlight...hes getting older, this may be his last album, he wants to make it as good as possible...

The other members seem quite happy to be doing their own thing outside of GN'R, I dont see why they would leave at this stage after being around for so long

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: ppbebe on December 29, 2004, 02:28:18 PM
If the topic was "Will 2005 be the year the new era of GNR finally starts? "

my reply would be Extremely positive as usual. :coffee:

Title: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl dives in and finds the monkey?
Post by: axlsalinger on December 29, 2004, 02:46:04 PM
Buddha, good post, my sentiments exactly. I almost never post here anymore because I (always a huge fan of the band and defender of Axl Rose all along) have come to the conclusion that Axl has truly lost his mind and that this record will never be released. That doesn't mean that I don't visit here almost every day ... could there finally be some news today? That thought always makes me laugh, and then the board comes up ... no news. Big surprise.

The Axl apologists also make me laugh. Folks, there is no logical reason for this delay. No legal reason, no musical reason, no possible reason in the world that I can think up. We know songs were done in 2000, and we certainly know songs were done and album covers were chosen and tours were booked in 2002. From Axl himself, August 12, 2002:

"This thing is starting now and much like Use Your Illusions that went for two and a half years, this thing is going to go off and on for the next two or three years and we'll see how it goes ... There are a lot of new songs that were just done in the last year that we feel that ?okay, well that bumps a lot of stuff off the previous list but it's time to stop that now and wrap up the baby. It feels right, the timing, and a lot of things. We've sorted it down to what songs are on the record. What the sequence of the songs is. The album cover art is ready ... Now that we feel that we have clarity as to the album we're trying to make, we're wrapping it up."

Do those statements suggest that the album will definitely be released in 2005?

But let's just say for the sake of argument that there is some mythical explanation that would explain it all away. Only Axl knows, and he ain't talkin'. Why do you suppose that is? The only thing stranger than the fact that there is never any news or photos regarding one of the most famous people on this planet (at one time) is the fact that he himself never has anything to say. One statement since a canceled tour in December, 2002. If the album isn't ready (which I don't believe for a second), how hard would it be to issue a statement saying we expect it to be done around 2009? He has released statements before (dive in and find the monkey, 2002 tour, Rock in Rio 3, etc).

Slash, Duff and Izzy were right. I hate to say it. One new song in 14 years and counting. Something happened to Axl and it changed him forever. I sure do hope I'm wrong and Chinese Democracy is released in 2005, and is a huge success. But the question is, if Axl Rose sings in the forest and nobody hears, did he really make a sound?

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 29, 2004, 05:48:39 PM
Well for the first time ever, the band members have said the album is done, so that is something new.  So we'll see, hopefully Axl will make a statement soon.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: chadj76 on December 29, 2004, 05:54:04 PM
I would be shocked, literally dumbfounded if CD came out in 2005. ?In the posts above this one, most people are being very realistic. ?I almost feel bad for all those that swore up and down that November 2004 was CD, even as late as October their were many, many post that it was still coming in November. ?Then November came and went and nothing. ?And now the same people that swore and really honestly believed November was the month are saying, ?it?s got to be spring (choose a month you like) 2005? and they really believe this. ?It?s almost sad really. ? It?s the same thing over and over and over. ?Pick a month, 6 months away and believe CD is coming out that month, believe it up to the month before even when NO information has been provided. ?And then when the sure fire, it is gonna happen month comes and goes???pick a month 6 months away. And restart posting cycle.

Don?t get me wrong, like the rest of you I have been waiting or anticipating or looking forward to (whatever you want to say) the release of CD. ?But, I am realistic too. ?Until I have CD in my hand I don?t expect it to come out.

My bet is CD becomes the Pet Sounds of our generation. ?And if you think about it, that really isn?t that far of a stretch.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl dives in and finds the monkey?
Post by: norway on December 29, 2004, 05:59:39 PM
We know songs were done in 2000, and we certainly know songs were done and album covers were chosen and tours were booked in 2002.

yeah, they were gonna release,
but managment or the recordcompany stopped them, accordin to axl

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: LimeGreen_Engines on December 29, 2004, 06:00:08 PM
Happy New Years to all of you too. Have some champagne and a bowl, and bring in the new year proper like.

Yeah, there's plenty of rock stuff to look forward to in the new year:

# A new Mudvayne album
# Rammstein touring
# Velvet Revolver back in the UK
# Iron Maiden are touring in the summer
#The Leeds/Reading weekend festival
# Maybe even a new TOOL album :drool:

Fuck Axl! ?:peace:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: chadj76 on December 29, 2004, 06:03:08 PM
"Something happened to Axl and it changed him forever"

EXACTLY.  That is good, that is exactly what I believe.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on December 29, 2004, 06:12:33 PM
Happy New Years to all of you too. Have some champagne and a bowl, and bring in the new year proper like.

Yeah, there's plenty of rock stuff to look forward to in the new year:

# A new Mudvayne album
# Rammstein touring
# Velvet Revolver back in the UK
# Iron Maiden are touring in the summer
#The Leeds/Reading weekend festival
# Maybe even a new TOOL album :drool:

Fuck Axl! ?:peace:

 :D judas priest, motley crue- rock on :headbanger:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Acquiesce on December 29, 2004, 06:25:40 PM

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on December 29, 2004, 06:32:59 PM
fuck, i didn't see the fuck axl comment at the bottom, why say that?

but we got lots of other stuff if it's not released that year :smoking:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 29, 2004, 09:39:47 PM
I really think it would have came out last year if BH didnt leave.?

I thought his departure would push their recording that "one extra step further?"  ???

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Saul on December 29, 2004, 10:04:35 PM
I really think it would have came out last year if BH didnt leave.

I thought his departure would push their recording that "one extra step further?"  ???

Yeah it did .. just like that release date announcement we got those couple months after!  :rofl:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: GNFNRAXL on December 29, 2004, 11:15:46 PM
2005 will NOT be the year Axl comes back.  I truly believe the guy won't EVER comeback.  Why??  His reasons woud be his and we would have to respect that.  But there is no reason to take this long to record an album.  Look at Velvet Revolver.  Not a full year together and they had released their album.  To me I respect the fact that Axl won't come back.  But like I said before.  The least he could do for the guys who worked on Chinese Democracy and all the die hard fans who defend Axl on just about anything he does or doesn't do he should just release a statement saying that it won't come out due to personal reasons and apologize.  That's it.  Some people would ask for more but that is all we would need.  The rest is his privacy. 

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Naupis on December 30, 2004, 12:40:03 AM
Well, the guy is going to be 43 in 2 months. If he wants to ever looked at as anything more than a washed-up nostalgia type act he better get it in gear immediately. Who knows if CD is ever coming or not, but Father Time is.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 30, 2004, 01:03:26 AM
2005 will NOT be the year Axl comes back.? I truly believe the guy won't EVER comeback.? Why??? His reasons woud be his and we would have to respect that.? But there is no reason to take this long to record an album.? Look at Velvet Revolver.? Not a full year together and they had released their album.? To me I respect the fact that Axl won't come back.? But like I said before.? The least he could do for the guys who worked on Chinese Democracy and all the die hard fans who defend Axl on just about anything he does or doesn't do he should just release a statement saying that it won't come out due to personal reasons and apologize.? That's it.? Some people would ask for more but that is all we would need.? The rest is his privacy.?

yeah and  the VR album sucked.  It shows it only took a month or so to make.  Slash wanted to make AFD again but he ended up making an STP album, a bad STP album at that.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: billsguy on December 30, 2004, 01:09:22 AM
2005 will NOT be the year Axl comes back.  I truly believe the guy won't EVER comeback.  Why??  His reasons woud be his and we would have to respect that.  But there is no reason to take this long to record an album.  Look at Velvet Revolver.  Not a full year together and they had released their album.  To me I respect the fact that Axl won't come back.  But like I said before.  The least he could do for the guys who worked on Chinese Democracy and all the die hard fans who defend Axl on just about anything he does or doesn't do he should just release a statement saying that it won't come out due to personal reasons and apologize.  That's it.  Some people would ask for more but that is all we would need.  The rest is his privacy. 

yeah and  the VR album sucked.  It shows it only took a month or so to make.  Slash wanted to make AFD again but he ended up making an STP album, a bad STP album at that.

thats a pretty strong opinion... contraband wasn't a great album, but there were some real good tracks on there. 

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Naupis on December 30, 2004, 01:13:07 AM
yeah and ?the VR album sucked.

If going platinum and having a successful tour and great publicity sucks then I am all for it. I wish GNR would suck like that to, because it would mean we have some type of album from them. You need to get past the fact that there are alot more people who really liked the album out there than you choose to give credit too, and all of the success they have obtained the past 6 months proves so. The album has universally been praised for the most part, they recieved some Grammy nominations, had 2 #1 ?rock singles and all is well in the VR world. Whether you liked that album or not, this project has been an incredible success for a debut band who has been out building brand recognition.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 30, 2004, 01:33:04 AM
yeah and ?the VR album sucked.

If going platinum and having a successful tour and great publicity sucks then I am all for it. I wish GNR would suck like that to, because it would mean we have some type of album from them. You need to get past the fact that there are alot more people who really liked the album out there than you choose to give credit too, and all of the success they have obtained the past 6 months proves so. The album has universally been praised for the most part, they recieved some Grammy nominations, had 2 #1 ?rock singles and all is well in the VR world. Whether you liked that album or not, this project has been an incredible success for a debut band who has been out building brand recognition.

OH since bands like BSB and N Synch sell millions of albums does that make the albums good?  Also a lot of crappy bands sell out club tours, like VR does, that is really nothing special. Look at metallica, st anger was one of the worse albums ever yet they sell out stadiums, what does that tell  you?  Also, the orginal gnr never got a grammy nod for AFD or the UYIs, the grammys are all commerical and have nothing to do with talent. Its just a bunch of old men who pick what they think is the "cool or in" thing and that is what wins.  AFD is one of the best albums ever made and it didnt get a grammy nod, so does that mean AFD sucks?  And its not a debute band.   They make their name off of being former members of guns n roses.  Why do you think VR always attaches that to when ever they are talked about hmmmm?

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Naupis on December 30, 2004, 01:47:47 AM
And its not a debute band

I am not sure how educated or aversed in market techniques you are, but in the marketplace the brand name "Velvet Revolver" is new, regardless of the bands they were in in the past. Walk up to someone on the street and ask them if they know Velvet Revolver, and they may look at you funny. Ask them if they know Guns N' Roses and they will know who you're talking about. Reason being the brand name GNR has 17 years of built up equity in it and from a marketing prosepctive its very strong. VR on the other hand at face value is a new name. So from an awareness standpoint they are certainly a new band in that they have to build that brand awarness and equity it took GNR almost 20 years to achieve. It can't be done overnight, as there are still many people who don't know who VR is, but if you said Slash they would say "Oh the GNR guy."

They use GNR and STP to promote themselves because they have to, because no one would give 2 shits about VR if they weren't who they are. Same reason Axl would rather use the GNR name than spend a couple of years trying to build up a new brand name and create brand awareness. It is easy for you to chalk them up as not a new band because it demeans their success in your eyes. That's fine, but from a marketing standpoint it has been a tremendous undertaking trying to create awareness among the general public about who the band is and what they are made of.  And besides, if they want to attach their names to those bands they have every right to as it was their sweat equity that created those bands and got the GNR and STP brand names to where they are today.

Finally, I am was presenting you facts that I would argue support the theory Contraband doesn't suck. Other than you're subjective "It sucks because it sucks and Slash is lazy" arguments, what criteria should we use to evaluate it if things like record sales, positive press, good tour attendance, #1 singles and grammy awards don't count?

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: jarmo on December 30, 2004, 03:23:40 AM
This isn't the VR section, keep that in mind.


Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: AxemanOnFire on December 30, 2004, 07:31:00 AM
They make their name off of being former members of guns n roses.
New Guns make their names off being 'Axl's band'. Would anyone have given two turds about Colonel Claypool or Village Gorilla if Buckethead and Tommy Stinton (Stinson? Stintson? You know who I'm on about) hadn't been Gunners? Would anyone go to a Hookers 'n' Blow gig if Dizzy wasn't Gn'R's keyboardist? You can't fault Slash, Duff, Matt and Scott on using their marquee value to shift records, it's just common sense marketing. Plus, VR has Dave Kushner. Electric Love Who? If they'd wanted to sell out, well, Dave Navarro isn't working at the moment, is he? Neither, as far as I know, is Dan DeLeo.

On topic, I hope Chinese Democracy comes out this year, even if I'm not going to buy it. I don't like the new songs or the new band, but it'd be a shame if Axl were to end his career an erratic, unreliable, reclusive, poor tribute act to his own former glories.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on December 30, 2004, 07:47:13 AM
i'm no fan of the tommy solo-stuff, i did not do it for me, but i like the way he plays base in gnr

richard, chris and buckethead is my fav of the members, and as x-projects (or main projects 4 bucket)
brain is pretty wild behind the drums too  :beer:

i belive the stuff tommy and dizzy says, yes

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 30, 2004, 08:40:21 AM
Dave you have posted this topic last year then just changed the date.. Why do you do that, obviously you were so sure last year what makes this year any different and where's the I was wrong 2004 wasn't the year?

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: LimeGreen_Engines on December 30, 2004, 08:48:11 AM
Quote from: Naupis on Today at 01:13:07 AM
yeah and  the VR album sucked.

If going platinum and having a successful tour and great publicity sucks then I am all for it. I wish GNR would suck like that to, because it would mean we have some type of album from them. You need to get past the fact that there are alot more people who really liked the album out there than you choose to give credit too, and all of the success they have obtained the past 6 months proves so. The album has universally been praised for the most part, they recieved some Grammy nominations, had 2 #1  rock singles and all is well in the VR world. Whether you liked that album or not, this project has been an incredible success for a debut band who has been out building brand recognition.

Ha! You cannot judge how good an album or a band are by how many records they sell!
The Spice Girls have sold millions of albums and got umpteen awards, so in your book that means that they don't suck?
An album could sell 3 copies and be the greatest album ever made while another could sell 10 million and still be the shittest thing ever put on disc. I'm mean look at the likes of 'NickleBack', 'Godsmack' etc, big names, big sellers but they're SHITE!

I thought the VR album was a bit of a letdown. A few good tracks, but I got bored of it way too fast.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 30, 2004, 09:00:54 AM
I agree album sales aren't everything but it at least says hey someone is actually buying the album and is some way to at least know if people are taking an interest..

ANyway when cd comes out we will all be doing where it is on the charts and where the singles are ranking, it's normal to base some parts of a bands success by their sales..

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: GNR_Green on December 30, 2004, 10:00:58 AM
I never thought I'd say this but I I'm now 90% sure we've seen the last of Axl and Chinese Democracy.  I have come to understand that, as there has been no real news since the MSG '02 show, there is therefor no band.  There might be an album in a studio that's ready to rock, but it's not likely to come out.  I can even believe the 3 album theory, it's not that far fetched, but none of them are going to come out.  I beleive in the talents and the choices of band members, I love The Blues, Oh My God and Madagascar, but I don't beleive there's any more to come.  Buckethead's gone, I also beleive one or two others (i.e. Brain) have probably gone as well.

Shit, I've followed this juggernaught since 2001 and I can't really beleive that it's come to this.  I really would like to beleive Tommy etc that this thing will come out 'soon' or whatever, but it's been said so many times it's beyond a joke.  The only thing Axl has got off his ass for since MSG is to sue people and contribute to GTA San Andreas.  That's it.  The only thing he's bothered to tell us is what can only be taken as a story about why Buckethead left.  For all we know those aren't even his own words.  Other than that it's just rumour after rumour after rumour.

In fact, I've recently started to doubt the talent of Axl.  Is this really the same man who wrote Estranged and November Rain?  He wasn't exactly encouraged by his band mates at the time to make great music like that, but he did.  No he seems to have more 'diverse' people around him and can't even speak to his fans.  With Buckethead he could've pulled off the greatest album of all time, but we're left guessing and basically dreaming that that is the case.  I've stood up for the bloke time and time again, we all know how much bashing you get these days for being into GNR.  The world is still Ou Ta Get Axl and is full of doubters, except for us.

If you're reading this Axl, please prove me wrong, I would love that more than anything.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 30, 2004, 10:12:24 AM
I also beleive one or two others (i.e. Brain) have probably gone as well.

Brain didn't seem to be out in his interview, he said he was ready n missed being in the group (out there playing wise), dizzy seems as ready as ever as does tommy, who's the other person you feel is gone?

I do belive we probably won't see the album any time soon.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Buddha_Master on December 30, 2004, 11:51:00 AM
I never thought I'd say this but I I'm now 90% sure we've seen the last of Axl and Chinese Democracy.  I have come to understand that, as there has been no real news since the MSG '02 show, there is therefor no band.  There might be an album in a studio that's ready to rock, but it's not likely to come out.  I can even believe the 3 album theory, it's not that far fetched, but none of them are going to come out.  I beleive in the talents and the choices of band members, I love The Blues, Oh My God and Madagascar, but I don't beleive there's any more to come.  Buckethead's gone, I also beleive one or two others (i.e. Brain) have probably gone as well.

Shit, I've followed this juggernaught since 2001 and I can't really beleive that it's come to this.  I really would like to beleive Tommy etc that this thing will come out 'soon' or whatever, but it's been said so many times it's beyond a joke.  The only thing Axl has got off his ass for since MSG is to sue people and contribute to GTA San Andreas.  That's it.  The only thing he's bothered to tell us is what can only be taken as a story about why Buckethead left.  For all we know those aren't even his own words.  Other than that it's just rumour after rumour after rumour.

In fact, I've recently started to doubt the talent of Axl.  Is this really the same man who wrote Estranged and November Rain?  He wasn't exactly encouraged by his band mates at the time to make great music like that, but he did.  No he seems to have more 'diverse' people around him and can't even speak to his fans.  With Buckethead he could've pulled off the greatest album of all time, but we're left guessing and basically dreaming that that is the case.  I've stood up for the bloke time and time again, we all know how much bashing you get these days for being into GNR.  The world is still Ou Ta Get Axl and is full of doubters, except for us.

If you're reading this Axl, please prove me wrong, I would love that more than anything.


You know what I fucking hate about this post? The thing about this that troubles me the most and bums me out?

It's the fact that I find myself having to agree. This is all very fucked. It sucks being a fan of something, and having that promise (Man I so fucking hear your sentiments on the album that could have been created between Axl and Bucket), only to have it go up in smoke. This GNR sounded like a force to be reckoned with, and I used that to debunk any motherfucker who painted Axl out to be a clown.

You have come to doubt the talents of Axl? Man, there you go again. You know, this is not the Axl I grew up with. Yea the mans 40 instead of 25. But he lost his edge. He lost his fuck you attitude. The man who called people out during the Get In The Ring Tour, won't even get into one himself by releasing his album.

Did any of you consider the fact that Axl's  Yoda is behind all this? Maybe Yoda felt the time still isn't right. The  energy is all wrong so Axl is waiting for the thumbs up. Maybe Axl's Pegasus is flying North instead of South.

Look, Im being obnoxious. But that is what this has become.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 30, 2004, 12:25:42 PM
Axl should atleast throw us a bone and give us an idea of when CD will be out. Or a release date for the first single and the name of it.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on December 30, 2004, 12:33:23 PM
Axl should atleast throw us a bone

agree, if it's out this year, if it's not, if he don't know...

anything goes, but i understand some of the silence, we'll sure have enough when they startup again

until then... enjoy the rockreleases coming this year :beer:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 30, 2004, 05:57:23 PM
Axl should atleast throw us a bone and give us an idea of when CD will be out. Or a release date for the first single and the name of it.

anything like that would be cool, even if he said 6 more motnhs ,we might not like it but at least we would know not to expect anything now/ We would also know he was into the album right now..

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: axlsalinger on December 30, 2004, 06:05:58 PM
yeah and the VR album sucked. It shows it only took a month or so to make. Slash wanted to make AFD again but he ended up making an STP album, a bad STP album at that.

Dude, I understand what you're saying here, I really do. I like Contraband (just as I like the 2 Snakepit albums) but it is not a great album. That is a problem. Axl brings the magic and that is why we are still here, after only 1 new song in 14 years.

However, you should make a list of your 10 favourite albums of all time. No, make that the 5000 greatest albums of all time. They will all have one thing in common. NONE OF THEM TOOK THIS LONG TO RECORD.

I've mentioned this before but here goes: The Beatles were introduced to George Martin at the beginning of 1963. Paul McCartney announced he was leaving the group in April, 1970. In other words, the ENTIRE CAREER of the Beatles from start to end, including at least 10 musical works of genius plus several world tours, movies, books, acid trips and spiritual journeys, took less time than this album. Led Zeppelin started in 1969, ended in 1980. 11 years, approx. 10 of the best albums in rock history. Axl Rose? 14 years: ONE SONG.

I love Axl, but this delay is not because the album needs more tweaking. This ain't the Sistine Chapel. To believe otherwise is just silly. And for the record, the Sistine Chapel? FOUR YEARS. By the way, this description is kind of funny if you apply it to Axl. From

How long did it take Michelangelo to paint these?

It took him a bit over four years, from July of 1508 to October of 1512. Michelangelo got off to a slow start, not having painted frescoes before. He intended to (and did) work in buon fresco, the most difficult method, and one which only true masters undertook. In addition to having to learn everything about the medium itself and making initial blunders in that area, he also had to learn some wickedly hard techniques in perspective. (Consider that his figures look "correct" on curved surfaces, viewed from nearly 60 feet below.)

However, ultimately it wasn't Michelangelo's fault that the ceiling took four years. (Once he got the hang of things, he painted like a man on fire!) The work suffered numerous setbacks, such as mold and miserable, damp weather that disallowed plaster curing. A primary cause of downtime occurred when Julius was off waging a war, or ill to the point that Last Rites were administered. The ceiling project, and any hope Michelangelo had of being paid, were both frequently in jeopardy while Julius was absent or near death. Small wonder that the artist complained so often and bitterly about the project, really.

The only thing Axl has got off his ass for since MSG is to sue people and contribute to GTA San Andreas. That's it.

Yup. It's just bizarre.

This GNR sounded like a force to be reckoned with, and I used that to debunk any motherfucker who painted Axl out to be a clown.

This is the saddest part. I read Younggunner's posts about how great this band is and will be, and I have always agreed. These guys could have stuck with the plan and released this thing in December 2002 while they were still on tour. Huge Christmas sales, major GNR hype, a tour on the go, singles, videos, etc. etc. A GNR record with Axl's deepest lyrics yet and Buckethead shredding on the guitar. Fuck yeah!

Once there was this rock n' roll band rollin' on the streets
Time went by and it became a joke
We just needed more and more fulfilling- Uh-huh
Time went by and it all went up in smoke

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Luigi on December 30, 2004, 06:34:15 PM
Axl 2005? If we only knew the truth, we would'nt think so much into it. I'm not guessing, I'm just being hopeful. I believe in AXL. He's the dealer hold out on ya, I love it. That a boy Axl.   

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on December 30, 2004, 07:08:48 PM
These guys could have stuck with the plan and released this thing in December 2002 while they were still on tour.
it wasn't the plan, they even tried to release much earlie but the record company stopped it, accordin to axl

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: axlsalinger on December 30, 2004, 07:30:44 PM
Well, who the hell knows what is going on behind the scenes. I'm sure there are contracts and lawsuits galore. However, ask yourself this. If you were a record company exec who prevented Chinese Democracy from being released in 2002 to help recoup some of the millions that have been spent on it, would you still have a job? And what logical reason would there be for them NOT to release it?

From what I can see, all roads lead back to Axl.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on December 30, 2004, 08:13:17 PM
If you were a record company exec who prevented Chinese Democracy from being released in 2002

didn't say that, it was b4 02,? :)

And what logical reason would there be for them NOT to release it?

dunno, thats the buisness side of it, prolly wasn't satisfied with their product yet...

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Meanmachine22 on December 31, 2004, 03:16:18 AM
You know in 2001,2002,2003 i was always like : " Well if it is not coming out next year i am outta here. GNR is dead then!!"......
But all the time i never ever had the tendency to really do what i was thinking! I never had any fuckin' doubts that we will (sooner or later) see the new album, a tour and sold out world tour...
And now??? I still check out this and a few other sites and least once a day in the hope to read the breaking news in big in your face letters but... nothing.
After reading this thread i also need to admit what i never wanted to:

This album might actually never come out & we've seen the last performance of Axl & Gnr in MSG in 2002.

That would be su fucking sad!! Man what the hell is going on behind the scences? The label holding back CD??? Why would they? No way, or?? Axl is nuts?Yes? No? What the fuck?

In case Axl's plans changed and he doesn't want to release it at all ..why doesn't he tell us at least?

oh by the way HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :peace:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: leesixxrose on December 31, 2004, 03:19:35 AM
The funny thing is even if 2005 we hear nothing... we will still wait.....

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Lady Livin on December 31, 2004, 03:47:53 AM
I couldn't think, I don't think, and I wouldn't think of any other type of fan that is more loyal/desperate (your call) than Gunners. I say keep on keepin' on.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: phaseONE on December 31, 2004, 05:48:59 AM
Well, we all know axl is mentaly unstable,, and has been for quite some time,
He doesnt care for the fans, his band, he only seems to care about his old image as a rock icon and he just isnt what he used to be, hes affraid of losing his ego, if he loses that his world will come crashing down around him, thats why youve had no new releases and no reasons as to why and what has happened.
all the money and success, the ` yes men ` ---  in my opinion, he seems to be somewhat lost and refuses to have any friends help him out and point him in the right direction.

Hes under way too much pressure trying to use the GNR name without making the whole thing nose dive, and to be honest, the simple solution would have been to NOT use the gnr name, but he chose not to, and thats why the record isnt out and probably wont be.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: leesixxrose on December 31, 2004, 06:08:13 AM
Well, we all know axl is mentaly unstable,, and has been for quite some time,
He doesnt care for the fans, his band, he only seems to care about his old image as a rock icon and he just isnt what he used to be, hes affraid of losing his ego, if he loses that his world will come crashing down around him, thats why youve had no new releases and no reasons as to why and what has happened.
all the money and success, the ` yes men ` ---? in my opinion, he seems to be somewhat lost and refuses to have any friends help him out and point him in the right direction.

Hes under way too much pressure trying to use the GNR name without making the whole thing nose dive, and to be honest, the simple solution would have been to NOT use the gnr name, but he chose not to, and thats why the record isnt out and probably wont be.


Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on December 31, 2004, 08:29:05 AM
we'll see if Tommy gets right about what happens after new year,? ?:)

it's not like they said somethings gonna happen b4 that, hold on and don't complain? untill then at least
and look forward to the other releases upcoming year? :beer:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: IronMaiden415 on January 01, 2005, 12:10:52 AM
VH1 actually made fun of Gn'R recenlty. "If you're listening to the new Guns n' Roses album, then you slipped on a bannana peel and fell into a time machine in 1983 and are currently living in the year 2042." In a way, I sort of agree with them. every year seems to be the year.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Billo on January 01, 2005, 05:35:35 AM
I hope so..but it will be out when AXL wants it to come out.... And whenever that is i will get it and no doubt LOVE it....I just want some cool vids with the new singles and for it to be HUGE... : ok:   Untill AXL gets it together the wait continues.. :peace:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: mikegiuliana on January 01, 2005, 10:26:07 AM
VH1 actually made fun of Gn'R recenlty. "If you're listening to the new Guns n' Roses album, then you slipped on a bannana peel and fell into a time machine in 1983 and are currently living in the year 2042." In a way, I sort of agree with them. every year seems to be the year.
So we might be better off all getting together and building a time machine because it would take less time then to wait until 2042..

Ok everyone from httgth board lets start work on the time machine and get the album.. ;D

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Luigi on January 01, 2005, 11:28:35 AM
Axl's not messed up like some of you are led into believing. There's nothing wrong with a few setbacks. Timing is everything. Axl dictates upon his own instincts, ya don't drop a bomb when everyones lookin. Thats the way ya gota see it, otherwise being predictable, that's not the level Axl operates on. Axl's got a plan in mind, it just might not be yours.   

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Luigi on January 01, 2005, 01:16:31 PM
Today Axl's watching collage football. Sorry fuckers, it's just like that. I can't believe some of the posts. Half times over.   

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on January 01, 2005, 09:36:47 PM
Well I wrote this in 2004, maybe it will happen this year.
I also added to it.

It has been a while since we last heard from Mr. Axl Rose since buckethead left but there is still huge interest in what the red head is doing and his long awaited album. Nothing official has come from the Gn?r camp in ages and their official web page still looks the same as it did after the aborted tour last December 2002. What we have gotten is rumors and now a possible April release date that might be the light at the end of the tunnel. These rumors being good or bad does not really matter, it just adds to the legend of Axl Rose and keeps his name in the media to keep people interested, just when you don?t think you will hear anything about Axl some weird rumor always seems to pops up.

Like him or not, Axl Rose is one interesting person and most often he is misunderstood. Some people like to think of Axl as an asshole, but that is just because Axl likes to keep to himself and he likes his privacy. Axl does not crave attention or look to make headlines, he does that with out even trying and sometimes I think that embarrasses him. I know a lot of Gn?r fans get pissed off at Axl because he has not been telling us his every move or what his plans are but I think that is a good thing. Axl seems to get himself in trouble every time he tells us about a possible tour, a possible release date or anything else for that matter. When Axl has told us about tentative tours or release dates and then those things fall through or dates pass by people bash him because they didn?t happen, that is why I think Axl doesn?t want to say anything until he is 100% positive it is going to happen. That is why I don?t think will hear from Axl until he knows the album is 100% done and the release date is set in stone. I don?t think Axl likes to disappoint his fans and this is his best way of getting our hopes up for the release of this album. Another thing fans need to keep in mind is that Axl wants to make the best possible he can, and he does not care how long it takes, this album will be his legacy. This album will make or break his career since it is his first album with out the old band.

A lot of old Gn?r fans like to think the new songs we have heard so far are not as good as the old bands songs, but that is not the important question. The important question is, are the new songs as good or better than the current mainstream songs on the radio today? And IMO the answer to that is YES. I think Madagascar, the Blues and Chinese Democracy are just as good if not better than a lot of the music on the radio right now, and those songs are not even the ?big guns? that Axl has in store for us.

If Axl does things correctly I think 2005 could be his year. He has a set of amazing players backing him up and they have all worked very hard on this album. The few people that have heard the album have all said how great or amazing the songs are, so I think if CD is promoted the way it should be it could be the best album of 2005. Axl and his new Gn?r could also be on top of the music world again. Just look at a few years ago the mtv mva?s. They got a huge pop and people were going ape sh!t. The U.S. tour was not as bad as some naysayers would have you believe. The U.S. tour did pretty damn well considering there was almost no promotion for it and no new album in sight. Just think of how the tour would do with the band having a hit single on the radio, the album being released, a possible video on mtv and proper promotion for the tour. I think it could be huge. All Axl has to do is release the album and let it speak for itself. Axl has to understand he can?t please everyone. Yes Axl will lose some of the old fans with the new band and new sound, but he will also pick up many more fans along the way. As bad as Axl sounded back then he sounded better than the crappy live bands tonight on the VMAs.

Chinese Democracy is going to be like nothing we have heard before from Guns n? Roses. Tommy calls the new songs ?earth shattering? and Dizzy has said the songs will exceed our expectations. Those statements make me wonder how amazing this album could very well be. Brian May and Tommy have both talked about how outrageous/amazing Axl's voice is on the album. Tommy also alluded that the rockers on CD will be like old gnr, while Zakk Wylde said the songs he heard from CD sounded like AFD on steroids.
Axl?s lyrics are said to have deeper meaning than on past albums, and we know there is a song about John Lennon, a song about Axl?s childhood abuse, and I am sure ones about the old band and the break up with Steph Seymour. This album will also have some political flavor with Chinese Democracy and Oklahoma (if that song makes the album).
I believe Chinese Democracy is going to showcase the new bands diversity and could still be talked about years from now much like AFD is still proclaimed as being just as fresh today as it was 15 years ago. CD is said to be a melting pot album by Axl and I think you will be able to tell what each members input was to each song. I think each song will have each member?s trademark, something they can all be proud of.
I am not saying this album will be the best album ever, but I believe it?s going to something that will inspire discussion for years to come. and not only will it serve to cement Axl's legendary status as the ultimate rock star, it will preserve the dignity of the guns n roses name in the annals of rock history

It is now time for Axl to take his throne back as the best front man in rock, others have tried but none have even come close to having Axl presence or aura. Axl holds his own destiny and legacy in his own hands. He can either be the huge star he used to be or he can just disappear again. Either way Axl Rose will always be one of music great mysteries. He had it all in the 90s and he can have it all again if he wants to, he just has to release the album and everything will fall into place.

1. Deja vu, all over again, a la 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.
2. I will believe it when I see it.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Lady Livin on January 01, 2005, 09:47:56 PM
what's with all the new members all of a sudden? The server has been acting like shit and the gn'r camp can hear a bobby pin drop.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: norway on January 01, 2005, 09:52:45 PM
the gn'r camp can hear a bobby pin drop.

what is a bobby pin drop ???

yeah, the it's been really slow lately, kewl with new members :beer:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Dizzy on January 03, 2005, 05:10:32 PM
Damn, I seem to remember having read this post before.

Well I wrote this in 2004, maybe it will happen this year.

Oh that's right, I have.   :hihi:

yeah and? the VR album sucked.? It shows it only took a month or so to make.? Slash wanted to make AFD again but he ended up making an STP album, a bad STP album at that.

Good ol' Dave.   :hihi:  You know, I haven't been around here in months, but I see some things never change.  Here's a blast from your past, Dave....

The lyrics on the album are sorely lacking but most of the guitar melodys are good.
The whole album IMO is a 6/10.

So which is it Dave?  Did Contraband suck, or was it a 6/10 (which isn't a "suck" rating)?

I'm going to go disappear again, but I just came across this and couldn't restrain myself.   :)

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: MadmanDan on January 03, 2005, 06:47:12 PM
6/10 is a "suck" rating for a band that includes ex-members of one of the gratest bands ever.

  Once again, Dizzy is trying to be smart, but he's failing miserably. Go back to yor cave,dude, see you in a few months

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Luigi on January 04, 2005, 12:49:16 AM
Yes, 2005 will be the year Axl comes back. And for all those who appose, well.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: echrisl on January 04, 2005, 03:53:48 AM
Yes, 2005 will be the year Axl comes back. And for all those who appose, well.

Only 361 more days, are you sure you want to be so bold?

P.S.  oppose

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Booker Floyd on January 04, 2005, 06:50:46 AM
6/10 is a "suck" rating for a band that includes ex-members of one of the gratest bands ever.

I dont see where Dave said that...It actually seems like you made that clarification up yourself.  Six is slightly above-average no matter how you look at it, so if that "sucks," perhaps the two of you are simply confused.

Also, Dave said Slashs guitar melodies were good...Are you going to attempt to redefine that as well, Mr. Spokesperson? 

Once again, Dizzy MadmadDan is trying to be smart, but he's failing miserably. Go back to yor cave,dude, see you in a few months

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: discobiscuit1 on January 04, 2005, 07:16:39 AM
Axl needs to get away from L.A...go work in a factory, or better still volunteer for a few months helping real 'victims' in Indonesia or somewhere and come back with some perspective of the real world and just how unimportant his 'sucsess' is. Then he can just enjoy writing and recording songs about his experiences and express himself without the ridiculous pressures he now feels. His music would be much more natural and less convoluted ythan the illusions then....and he may just release music with a who gives a fuck attitude and it most probably would be much better than it will be with his current attitude.

Its like his whole self perspective is so warped by press/fans/sucsess/and ego that he cant simply exist and be a musician anymore. If thats the price of keeping the GNR name....why does he fuckin hold onto that 'albatross' ???

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: MadmanDan on January 04, 2005, 08:47:55 AM
6/10 is a "suck" rating for a band that includes ex-members of one of the gratest bands ever.

I dont see where Dave said that...It actually seems like you made that clarification up yourself.? Six is slightly above-average no matter how you look at it, so if that "sucks," perhaps the two of you are simply confused.

Also, Dave said Slashs guitar melodies were good...Are you going to attempt to redefine that as well, Mr. Spokesperson??

Once again, Dizzy MadmadDan is trying to be smart, but he's failing miserably. Go back to yor cave,dude, see you in a few months

Seems to me like you're the spokesperson.  Put it anyway you like it, but considering the talent in VR and the huge expectations, it's a fair statement to say that Contraband sucks.
   Of course, if you compare it to the rest of the music we get nowadays, it's a fuckin masterpiece, but the obvious comparison is with the GNR albums.


Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: mrlee on January 04, 2005, 08:55:16 AM
well axl

sometimes needs sometime....all alone oooohhhh he gotta need some time oh his own.

nothing lasts forever, blah blah blah.


Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Pryor Murphy on January 04, 2005, 09:27:00 AM
We can only hope that Axl will make a comeback.........

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Wooody on January 04, 2005, 09:36:15 AM

Seems to me like you're the spokesperson.? Put it anyway you like it, but considering the talent in VR and the huge expectations, it's a fair statement to say that Contraband sucks.
? ?Of course, if you compare it to the rest of the music we get nowadays, it's a fuckin masterpiece, but the obvious comparison is with the GNR albums.


you hit the nail in the head.

I don't care if Axl makes no videos, interviews. I don't even care if the album sells well. I just want that CD in my stereo !  :rant: :rant: :rant:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: jarmo on January 04, 2005, 09:40:11 AM
For all you VR fans who are obsessed with Dave's 6/10 rating of "Contraband", take the discussion somewhere else. This is the GN'R section. You know, the band that Duff, Matt and Slash were in before they started the other band that released that "6/10" album?


Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: insupportofaxl on January 04, 2005, 01:27:42 PM
2005 is the year of insupportofaxl :D

if Mr. Rose decides to join in, I'll make room? ;) :smoking:

translation:  live your life and appreciate what you have.............not something you don't have.  Keep the faith, but don't let it interfere with how you live your life : ok:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Acquiesce on January 04, 2005, 02:55:10 PM
What happened to Dizzy (the board member not the GNR member)?

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: usurper on January 04, 2005, 03:16:29 PM
I believe 2005 will be the year that Axl gets out of his cave and releases the album that will prove that a few years he has taken from his ''busy'' life he has gone and made an album that is worth buying. If he does not release it this year THEN my theories will be correct about him having sat on his chubby arse eating doritoes and watching re-runs of the jay leno show.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: axlsalinger on January 04, 2005, 03:46:38 PM
Axl's not messed up like some of you are led into believing. There's nothing wrong with a few setbacks. Timing is everything ? Axl's got a plan in mind, it just might not be yours.

Ya know, this almost sounds reasonable .....

1. Deja vu, all over again, a la 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.
2. I will believe it when I see it.

..... But this is the truth.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: jarmo on January 04, 2005, 06:05:24 PM
What happened to Dizzy (the board member not the GNR member)?

Looks he decided to delete his account.


Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: younggunner on January 04, 2005, 06:17:23 PM
What happened to Dizzy (the board member not the GNR member)?
and where the hell is MisterId

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Luigi on January 04, 2005, 07:00:11 PM
02 03 was testing the water, 2004 was a wake-up call to all hardrock acts to start rockin cause Axl and the boys are gonna be coming 2005. The timing is prefect  : ok:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: michaelvincent on January 04, 2005, 07:44:12 PM
02 03 was testing the water, 2004 was a wake-up call to all hardrock acts to start rockin cause Axl and the boys are gonna be coming 2005. The timing is prefect  : ok:

I must have missed the memo on this alleged wake up call. Unless your referring to the half-assed press release Axl put out after Buckethead quit. That was like, what, a year ago now?

That said, I'd still like to see this album come out. I can't say that I see it being this huge album that changes the direction of modern music though. If anything, it will do ok to moderately well at the time of its release (selling both on name and on the loyalty of its hard core fan base), only to be rediscovered 10 years later and hailed as a great cult masterpeice that everyone was too stupid to give the proper time to when it was new.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Luigi on January 04, 2005, 08:26:31 PM
The buckethead thing was not planed. That's just par for the course. Has far as complaining about the ten years. Axl owes none-ya shit. Have you heard of the cycle of fashion? Well, Axl's not stupid

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Acquiesce on January 04, 2005, 08:39:59 PM
What happened to Dizzy (the board member not the GNR member)?
and where the hell is MisterId

I was wondering where he went, too. I don't remember seeing him since that petition he was doing last year.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: MadmanDan on January 05, 2005, 07:07:44 AM
What happened to Dizzy (the board member not the GNR member)?

Looks he decided to delete his account.


Not before giving me a sweet farewell personal message

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 05, 2005, 09:12:38 PM
Axl needs to get away from L.A...go work in a factory, or better still volunteer for a few months helping real 'victims' in Indonesia or somewhere and come back with some perspective of the real world and just how unimportant his 'sucsess' is. Then he can just enjoy writing and recording songs about his experiences and express himself without the ridiculous pressures he now feels. His music would be much more natural and less convoluted ythan the illusions then....and he may just release music with a who gives a fuck attitude and it most probably would be much better than it will be with his current attitude.

Its like his whole self perspective is so warped by press/fans/sucsess/and ego that he cant simply exist and be a musician anymore. If thats the price of keeping the GNR name....why does he fuckin hold onto that 'albatross' ???

This is a very good idea.  IF depression is any kind of issue for Axl or anybody really, these folks should get out and see what real misery looks like.  Terminally ill cancer patients, parents of children who have died, etc.  It just might put things into perspective. 

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: blasphemer on January 06, 2005, 03:19:33 PM
Whats funny is that VR will release a 2nd album this yr.   :rant:And well for GnR who the fuck knows! :rant:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on January 06, 2005, 05:37:37 PM
I don't see Axl returning to the public spotlight until the album is released.
And i don't see the album being released without the way clear for tours and promotion.
I believe the album is done/ready.  I don't believe the way is 'clear' yet.
And I don't believe that it is all in Axl's hands/ within his control.
There are many factors to consider - more than we could speculate on.
And there are many people whose job it is to address those factors -  prepare the way and set a viable plan in motion.

I believe whole heartedly that Axl wants to release the album - I just don't think anyone but him can fully appreciate/understand
just how much is involved in doing so properly.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: jgfnsr on January 06, 2005, 11:47:02 PM
What happened to Dizzy (the board member not the GNR member)?

Looks he decided to delete his account.


Huh?  :o

Wow, except for Jarmo, the mods, and a handful of others, Dizzy was about as "old school" as they get around here.

Guess the old guy got tired of waiting for Mr. Rose.

(But when/if Chinese Democracy is released, he'll be back...)

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: WAR41 on December 30, 2005, 02:02:18 PM
after reviewing this thread I was surprised by how many people did NOT think 2005 would be the year.  I seem to remember a lot of people talking about how great 2005 would be and how Axl would come back and rule the world, but there was very little of that. 

Now I guess its time for dave to start the 2006 thread!  Maybe 2006 will be the year  ::)

Oh and Luigi....

Yes, 2005 will be the year Axl comes back. And for all those who appose, well.

 : ok:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: IronMaiden415 on December 30, 2005, 02:34:27 PM
2005 will be over in a few days so i highly doubt it. time to start a new thread for 2006.  :smoking:

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on December 30, 2005, 03:58:43 PM
I'm to the point where I don't think it'll ever come out.  I just enjoy chatting with the people on the board.  It's a situation where I hope I'm wrong, but don't believe I will be.  I'm sure an 06 thread will be up within the next couple of days though.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 30, 2005, 04:53:11 PM
after reviewing this thread I was surprised by how many people did NOT think 2005 would be the year.? I seem to remember a lot of people talking about how great 2005 would be and how Axl would come back and rule the world, but there was very little of that.?

Now I guess its time for dave to start the 2006 thread!? Maybe 2006 will be the year? ::)

Oh and Luigi....

Yes, 2005 will be the year Axl comes back. And for all those who appose, well.

 : ok:

Nah I wont even bother, I dont want to jinx it this year LOL

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 30, 2005, 05:05:24 PM
well theres just one day ramainin, so its no  :-\

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 31, 2005, 11:13:40 AM
axl's got a few hours left... This can still be the year.. The suprise new year's eve show

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 15, 2006, 01:08:14 PM
I wrote this in 2004 and posted it in 2004, 2005 and 2006 maybe? I shouldnt for 2007 since it jixed it last three years LOL

I could add even more to it but what is the point LOL

Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend. Is 2007 finally his year?

Like him or not, Axl Rose is one interesting person and most often he is misunderstood. Some people like to think of Axl as an A hole, but that is just because Axl likes to keep to himself and likes his privacy. Axl does not crave attention or look to make headlines, he gets that with out even trying and sometimes I think that embarrasses him. Just him going out for a steak dinner makes headlines, not many other people in music get that, but Axl does.

A lot of Gn?r fans get upset at Axl because still not given us a release date, but he has said a few times (mtv vmas being the most recent) that Chinese Democracy will be released this year some time in the fall.? November looks to be the target date since Richard Fortus has told fans the album will be release after the US tour has started (which officially starts mid October.? That is something Gn?r did with the Illusions. This album will make or break his career since it is his first album with out the old band.? ?Axl needs to release the best ?in your face rocker? on the album as the first single.? If the first single is huge then the album will have no problem selling and being huge.

A lot of old Gn?r fans like to think the new songs we have heard so far are not as good as the old bands songs, but that is not the important question. The important question is, are the new songs as good or better than the current mainstream songs on the radio today? Judging from what is currently on the radio and judging from what was on the Mtv VMA?s the answer to that is YES. I think Madagascar, IRS, the Blues and Chinese Democracy, There Was A Time, Catcher in the Rye and Better are just as good if not better than a lot of the music on the radio right now, and those songs are not even the ?big guns? that Axl has in store for us.? Better is a style we have never heard before by gn?r and could be a huge hit once we get the studio version.

The four demos we have heard are very different and very good. Better mixes pop with metal, while IRS is a mix of old gnr and industrial music.? ?There Was A Time is very November Rainish and Catcher in the Rye (which features Brian May on lead guitar) is a lot like something from the UYI?s and has a Beatles feel to it.? ?IRS actually charted for radio spins, which is a first for a leaked demo.? It also got the most votes for one stations cage match in the history of that station.? What is so great about the demos is most people have a different favorite which just shows how diverse this album is going to be and is going to appeal to a wide verity of people. This album will have something for everyone, from the old school fans, to new fans.

For those who think Axl cannot sing any more just needs to listen to these demos, he has never sounded better. If anyone has heard him live from the Hammerstein shows, RIR or the Euro tour know that his vintage raspy voice is also back. His voice has been getting better and better with each show.

He has a set of amazing and underrated players backing him up and they have all worked very hard on this album. The few people that have heard the album have all said how great or amazing the songs are, so if CD is promoted the way it should be it could be the best album of 2006. Axl and his new Gn?r could be on top of the music world again.? Just looks at the VMAs this past year. The killers headlined, if gn?r played this year they easily would have been the closing act.

Chinese Democracy is going to be like nothing we have heard before from Guns n? Roses.? Tommy calls the new songs ?earth shattering? and Dizzy has said the songs will exceed our expectations.? Those statements make me wonder how amazing this album could very well be.? Brian May and Tommy have both talked about how outrageous/amazing Axl's voice is on the album.? ?Tommy also alluded that the rockers on CD will be like old gnr, while Zakk Wylde said the songs he heard from CD sounded like AFD on steroids.? Axl?s lyrics are said to have deeper meaning than on past albums, we have gotten a taste of that with some of the demo leaks.

Chinese Democracy is going to showcase the new bands diversity and could still be talked about years from now much like AFD is still proclaimed as being just as fresh today as it was 15 years ago.? CD is said to be a melting pot album by Axl and I think we will be able to tell what each members input was to each song.? I think each song will have each member?s trademark, something they can all be proud of.? I am not saying this album will be the best album ever, but I believe it?s going to something that will inspire discussion for years to come.? and not only will it serve to cement Axl's legendary status as the ultimate rock star, it will preserve the dignity of the guns n roses name in the annals of rock history

Axl has had a few false starts over the past 6 years, but it is now time for Axl to take his throne back as the best front man in rock, others have tried but none have even come close to having Axl stage presence or aura. Axl holds his destiny and legacy in his hands. He can either be the huge star he used to be or he can just disappear again. Either way Axl Rose will always be one of music great mysteries. He had it all in the late 80s and early 90s and he can have it all again if he wants it, he just has to release the album and everything will fall into place. Rock has been missing something for quite some time and that something is Axl Rose.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: jabba2 on December 15, 2006, 05:33:46 PM
I thought axl now said it was coming out? im so conused. what happened to 2006.

Title: Re: Will 2005 finally be the year Axl comes back?
Post by: Orgasmatron on December 17, 2006, 12:18:20 AM
Axl changed his mind. It's march 6th 2007 now ;D