Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: AxlRoseVen on October 11, 2005, 09:14:09 PM

Title: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on October 11, 2005, 09:14:09 PM
I really wonder if Axl still gets all alone, many celebrities show their lovers, boyfriends, etc, on TV but Axl doesn?t show anyone this time, why does he keep his private life in the dark these times? GNR might have a good publicity to get more n? more fame today if Axl speaks ?bout himself but there?s a rare reason why he is afraid to show his sentiments to all his fans! do you guys know why?  ???

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: gnrfan1797 on October 11, 2005, 09:18:37 PM
That's his business. we don't need to know his shit. We just wanna hear cd.

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: WAR41 on October 11, 2005, 09:19:21 PM
ummmm..... a lot of people don't want their lives to be an open book for people to read whenever they want to.  Lots of Hollywood relationships are kept under wraps as much as possible.  Also, the personal life of Axl Rose is not as hot of a topic as you probably think it is.  Yes, Brad Pitt and Britney Spears' personal lives are of more interest to the general public. 

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on October 11, 2005, 09:20:26 PM
That's his business. we don't need to know his shit. We just wanna hear cd.

you're right but real fans always wanna know more n' more 'bout their hero ?:smoking:

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: Evolution on October 11, 2005, 09:20:36 PM
Took the words right out of my mouth gnrfan1797. I think if he hasnt shown himself in ages, we have no chance of seeing a significant other. But like i say it is his business not ours

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on October 11, 2005, 09:23:47 PM
? Also, the personal life of Axl Rose is not as hot of a topic as you probably think it is.? Yes, Brad Pitt and Britney Spears' personal lives are of more interest to the general public.?

 >:(  why the personal life of Axl Rose is not interesting? anyway he's a hero n' everyone knows the guy around the planet!

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: WAR41 on October 11, 2005, 09:25:40 PM
yeah and everyone knows who Fred Durst is, but you don't see the papparazzi bashing down his door.... christ, get a grip.

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: Sterlingdog on October 11, 2005, 09:33:11 PM
Some people want to know if he's single because they want to know if they've got a chance with him!

(no, I'm not talking about myself personally.  And no, I don't think anyone here actually has a chance with him.  But some of the ladies here are hoping, whether they admit it or not.)

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on October 11, 2005, 09:35:17 PM
I think if he hasnt shown himself in ages, we have no chance of seeing a significant other. But like i say it is his business not ours

Please remember this from now on, guy : when you're a celebrity who gets a lot of money n' fame from the world so you have no choice to hide your private life anymore but why? just cuz everybody is makin' you be that famous person when they buy your fucking stuff!, that's the reason why the show business doesn't forgive their own creation cuz they made you up to be a star but you?ll pay the high price when they start to get more n' more money usin' your face, you body n' your true story, Axl is on the wrong way when he tries to hide from us, he might not have many fans to adore him soon cuz we might forget him soon this way ?:hihi:

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: WAR41 on October 11, 2005, 09:36:20 PM
Some people want to know if he's single because they want to know if they've got a chance with him!

(no, I'm not talking about myself personally.  And no, I don't think anyone here actually has a chance with him.  But some of the ladies here are hoping, whether they admit it or not.)

I understand that.... but the dozens of people on this board who want information do not even compare to the millions who want to know about people like Brad Pitt and Britney Spears. 

If the demand is there again at some point, don't worry, the tabloids will be feeding you all the pictures and personal information you want. 

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: Evolution on October 11, 2005, 09:37:25 PM
Personally i think Axl would still be remembered if he didn't show his face ever again.

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on October 11, 2005, 09:46:02 PM
Some people want to know if he's single because they want to know if they've got a chance with him!

(no, I'm not talking about myself personally.? And no, I don't think anyone here actually has a chance with him.? But some of the ladies here are hoping, whether they admit it or not.)

I understand that.... but the dozens of people on this board who want information do not even compare to the millions who want to know about people like Brad Pitt and Britney Spears.?

If the demand is there again at some point, don't worry, the tabloids will be feeding you all the pictures and personal information you want.?

sorry to tell ya : you're so fucking wrong cuz you mean Axl isn't so famous these days n' that's the real reason why we don't know who's his true lover now, ?hear this! the tabloids speak 'bout celebrities ALWAYS! no matter if Christina Aguilera is sellin' out a lot of shows in Venezuela, Japan or the usa, how could ya think Axl isn't so very famous this time when everybody knows the guy is the best singer ever? no one knows his real lover today just cuz the guy keeps this like a top secret, that's it!   :rant:

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: WAR41 on October 11, 2005, 10:12:02 PM
Some people want to know if he's single because they want to know if they've got a chance with him!

(no, I'm not talking about myself personally.  And no, I don't think anyone here actually has a chance with him.  But some of the ladies here are hoping, whether they admit it or not.)

I understand that.... but the dozens of people on this board who want information do not even compare to the millions who want to know about people like Brad Pitt and Britney Spears. 

If the demand is there again at some point, don't worry, the tabloids will be feeding you all the pictures and personal information you want. 

sorry to tell ya : you're so fucking wrong cuz you mean Axl isn't so famous these days n' that's the real reason why we don't know who's his true lover now, ?hear this! the tabloids speak 'bout celebrities ALWAYS! no matter if Christina Aguilera is sellin' out a lot of shows in Venezuela, Japan or the usa, how could ya think Axl isn't so very famous this time when everybody knows the guy is the best singer ever? no one knows his real lover today just cuz the guy keeps this like a top secret, that's it!   :rant:

Uhhh yeah, that is what I am saying.... The tabloids don't speak about ALL celebrities though. 

Hahahaha and I love your line about "everybody knows the guy is the best singer ever?"  Wow I must have missed the memo that stated that everyone in the world has acknowledged that Axl Rose is the greatest sing of all time. 

You are pretty delusional to think that because somebody was the top target of the media at one time that they will remain that way forever.  I don't think I need to sit here and list the hundreds of people who have been all over the news and they have now been forgotten about. 

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on October 11, 2005, 10:18:52 PM
Some people want to know if he's single because they want to know if they've got a chance with him!

(no, I'm not talking about myself personally.? And no, I don't think anyone here actually has a chance with him.? But some of the ladies here are hoping, whether they admit it or not.)

I understand that.... but the dozens of people on this board who want information do not even compare to the millions who want to know about people like Brad Pitt and Britney Spears.?

If the demand is there again at some point, don't worry, the tabloids will be feeding you all the pictures and personal information you want.?

sorry to tell ya : you're so fucking wrong cuz you mean Axl isn't so famous these days n' that's the real reason why we don't know who's his true lover now, ?hear this! the tabloids speak 'bout celebrities ALWAYS! no matter if Christina Aguilera is sellin' out a lot of shows in Venezuela, Japan or the usa, how could ya think Axl isn't so very famous this time when everybody knows the guy is the best singer ever? no one knows his real lover today just cuz the guy keeps this like a top secret, that's it!? ?:rant:

You are pretty delusional to think that because somebody was the top target of the media at one time that they will remain that way forever.? I don't think I need to sit here and list the hundreds of people who have been all over the news and they have now been forgotten about.?

but that won't happen to Axl cuz he's not a simple singer, he's not a simple rock star, the Beatles were a ridiculous band who spoke 'bout peace n' love when they just spent their fucking money on drugs n' parties but there are a lot of jerks still who buy their stuff, the Beatles couldn't play n' sing like Axl/GNR cuz they didn't have too much talent but many persons still wanna imitate the Beatles today so let me tell ya that Axl is the best frontman ever, that's the reason why we're posting here tonight!  ;D

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: WAR41 on October 11, 2005, 10:23:29 PM
uh huh.... wow.

Beatles not talented... Beatles were jerks....  interesting

People still buying MERCHANDISE does not equal tabloid coverage.  Face it.... tabloids cover the big stories of big celebrities.  Axl Rose is no longer a big story or a big celebrity minus the fans of this board and other gnr boards. 

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on October 11, 2005, 10:37:27 PM
uh huh.... wow.

Beatles not talented... Beatles were jerks....? interesting

People still buying MERCHANDISE does not equal tabloid coverage.? Face it.... tabloids cover the big stories of big celebrities.? Axl Rose is no longer a big story or a big celebrity minus the fans of this board and other gnr boards.?

WTF? don't ya think that the press still follow axl everytime he is walking around the world?: yes they do!
? you think Axl hasn't a good story to sell now just cuz the guy isn't so fucking ridiculous like Tommy Lee who records porno videos to spam'em by the internet, sorry to say to ya that Axl's been hiding his private life just cuz the world wanna know if axl's sleeping alone these days!, the point is axl would NOT make up a cheap drama like Vince Nails or Iggy Pop just to get money to buy more cocaine!? ::)

...n' yeah Lennon n' Yoko showed they were real stoners just to get more attention from the press those times when there was nothing to see on TV!, everyone remembers the Beatles all cuz of their rare scandals but in the end they didn't have talent like GNR!can ya admit it for once?  :smoking:

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: WAR41 on October 11, 2005, 11:13:57 PM
uh huh.... wow.

Beatles not talented... Beatles were jerks....  interesting

People still buying MERCHANDISE does not equal tabloid coverage.  Face it.... tabloids cover the big stories of big celebrities.  Axl Rose is no longer a big story or a big celebrity minus the fans of this board and other gnr boards. 

WTF? don't ya think that the press still follow axl everytime he is walking around the world?: yes they do!
? you think Axl hasn't a good story to sell now just cuz the guy isn't so fucking ridiculous like Tommy Lee who records porno videos to spam'em by the internet, sorry to say to ya that Axl's been hiding his private life just cuz the world wanna know if axl's sleeping alone these days!, the point is axl would NOT make up a cheap drama like Vince Nails or Iggy Pop just to get money to buy more cocaine!  ::)

...n' yeah Lennon n' Yoko showed they were real stoners just to get more attention from the press those times when there was nothing to see on TV!, everyone remembers the Beatles all cuz of their rare scandals but in the end they didn't have talent like GNR!can ya admit it for once?  :smoking:

in my opinion GNR are more talented than the Beatles, but that is not the point of you own post. 

Axl's story is good for a book for some psychologist to make a few bucks on.  IT IS NOT TABLOID MATERIAL.  Tabloids follow the EVERYDAY LIFE of celebrities.  They follow Brad Pitt to a hair salon.  They follow Gwenyth Paltrow who is walking her baby around NYC.  They follow Lindsay Lohan getting her nails done.  I don't see ANY tabloid articles on Axl eating lunch in Malibu or driving his car around L.A.  They are not following him to the studio where GNR record to get pictures of him.  And finally, nobody is scrambling to find out who he is dating now. 

All of the recent pictures we have seen of Axl in public were taken by fans or people who know Axl.  Face it, he does go out, he does have a social life... but nobody cares.  The papparazzi could easily stay outside of his house and wait for the mystery man to leave and follow him everywhere.  But nobody cares.  He is a private person, but the fact that nobody is actively trying to figure out where Axl rents movies from keeps him even more out of the 'public eye'. 

Your hero is not everybody else's hero.  The majority of the world does not care about who Axl Rose is dating.  If you are unable to see that and at least acknowledge that he is not the draw he was from 1988-1993 then you must be smoking crack. 

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: Genesis on October 11, 2005, 11:20:12 PM
Axl Rose is no longer a big story or a big celebrity minus the fans of this board and other gnr boards. 

True. Until the cd comes out. Then the party starts...  :beer:

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on October 11, 2005, 11:30:18 PM
uh huh.... wow.

Beatles not talented... Beatles were jerks....? interesting

People still buying MERCHANDISE does not equal tabloid coverage.? Face it.... tabloids cover the big stories of big celebrities.? Axl Rose is no longer a big story or a big celebrity minus the fans of this board and other gnr boards.?

WTF? don't ya think that the press still follow axl everytime he is walking around the world?: yes they do!
? you think Axl hasn't a good story to sell now just cuz the guy isn't so fucking ridiculous like Tommy Lee who records porno videos to spam'em by the internet, sorry to say to ya that Axl's been hiding his private life just cuz the world wanna know if axl's sleeping alone these days!, the point is axl would NOT make up a cheap drama like Vince Nails or Iggy Pop just to get money to buy more cocaine!? ::)

...n' yeah Lennon n' Yoko showed they were real stoners just to get more attention from the press those times when there was nothing to see on TV!, everyone remembers the Beatles all cuz of their rare scandals but in the end they didn't have talent like GNR!can ya admit it for once?? :smoking:

in my opinion GNR are more talented than the Beatles, but that is not the point of you own post.?

Axl's story is good for a book for some psychologist to make a few bucks on.? IT IS NOT TABLOID MATERIAL.? Tabloids follow the EVERYDAY LIFE of celebrities.? They follow Brad Pitt to a hair salon.? They follow Gwenyth Paltrow who is walking her baby around NYC.? They follow Lindsay Lohan getting her nails done.? I don't see ANY tabloid articles on Axl eating lunch in Malibu or driving his car around L.A.? They are not following him to the studio where GNR record to get pictures of him.? And finally, nobody is scrambling to find out who he is dating now.?

All of the recent pictures we have seen of Axl in public were taken by fans or people who know Axl.? Face it, he does go out, he does have a social life... but nobody cares.? The papparazzi could easily stay outside of his house and wait for the mystery man to leave and follow him everywhere.? But nobody cares.? He is a private person, but the fact that nobody is actively trying to figure out where Axl rents movies from keeps him even more out of the 'public eye'.?

Your hero is not everybody else's hero.? The majority of the world does not care about who Axl Rose is dating.? If you are unable to see that and at least acknowledge that he is not the draw he was from 1988-1993 then you must be smoking crack.?

You just let us see your hero is Britney Spears cuz everyone fallows her everywhere!, Brad Pitt is a real loser!!!, do ya think the guy is richer than Axl just cuz The paparazzi sell his stupid pictures sometimes? No one fallow Axl everywhere just cuz the guy is very discrete to go out always! That?s why!!!!!!!!! but The paparazzi always stay outside of his house and wait for him to see him, his fans do the same too! but they all have to fade out of there just cuz they don't know when the guy escapes away from there,even Axl might be living now in a discrete island where the rich people live only, that's it!, i have another question : do ya think Britney is richer than Axl today? if you say ?Yes? So go n' see a good psychologist now !  :hihi:

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: WAR41 on October 11, 2005, 11:55:54 PM
uh huh.... wow.

Beatles not talented... Beatles were jerks....  interesting

People still buying MERCHANDISE does not equal tabloid coverage.  Face it.... tabloids cover the big stories of big celebrities.  Axl Rose is no longer a big story or a big celebrity minus the fans of this board and other gnr boards. 

WTF? don't ya think that the press still follow axl everytime he is walking around the world?: yes they do!
? you think Axl hasn't a good story to sell now just cuz the guy isn't so fucking ridiculous like Tommy Lee who records porno videos to spam'em by the internet, sorry to say to ya that Axl's been hiding his private life just cuz the world wanna know if axl's sleeping alone these days!, the point is axl would NOT make up a cheap drama like Vince Nails or Iggy Pop just to get money to buy more cocaine!  ::)

...n' yeah Lennon n' Yoko showed they were real stoners just to get more attention from the press those times when there was nothing to see on TV!, everyone remembers the Beatles all cuz of their rare scandals but in the end they didn't have talent like GNR!can ya admit it for once?  :smoking:

in my opinion GNR are more talented than the Beatles, but that is not the point of you own post. 

Axl's story is good for a book for some psychologist to make a few bucks on.  IT IS NOT TABLOID MATERIAL.  Tabloids follow the EVERYDAY LIFE of celebrities.  They follow Brad Pitt to a hair salon.  They follow Gwenyth Paltrow who is walking her baby around NYC.  They follow Lindsay Lohan getting her nails done.  I don't see ANY tabloid articles on Axl eating lunch in Malibu or driving his car around L.A.  They are not following him to the studio where GNR record to get pictures of him.  And finally, nobody is scrambling to find out who he is dating now. 

All of the recent pictures we have seen of Axl in public were taken by fans or people who know Axl.  Face it, he does go out, he does have a social life... but nobody cares.  The papparazzi could easily stay outside of his house and wait for the mystery man to leave and follow him everywhere.  But nobody cares.  He is a private person, but the fact that nobody is actively trying to figure out where Axl rents movies from keeps him even more out of the 'public eye'. 

Your hero is not everybody else's hero.  The majority of the world does not care about who Axl Rose is dating.  If you are unable to see that and at least acknowledge that he is not the draw he was from 1988-1993 then you must be smoking crack. 

You just let us see your hero is Britney Spears cuz everyone fallows her everywhere!, Brad Pitt is a real loser!!!, do ya think the guy is richer than Axl just cuz The paparazzi sell his stupid pictures sometimes? No one fallow Axl everywhere just cuz the guy is very discrete to go out always! That?s why!!!!!!!!! but The paparazzi always stay outside of his house and wait for him to see him, his fans do the same too! but they all have to fade out of there just cuz they don't know when the guy escapes away from there,even Axl might be living now in a discrete island where the rich people live only, that's it!, i have another question : do ya think Britney is richer than Axl today? if you say ?Yes? So go n' see a good psychologist now !  :hihi:

At this point I don't know whether you are really that stupid or if you are a genius for making me actually respond to your posts. 

What the hell does how rich Axl is or isn't have to do with anything?

I don't know how else to explain this to you, so we will have to do it with simple and basic economic terms.  Forgot who we are talking about for a second.  When the demand for a certain item or good goes up, then the supply of that item or good will go up to reach an equilibrium point.  So, hypothetically speaking of course, if the demand of the GENERAL PUBLIC (and not say, a specific market segment) for a good is low then the supply will be low to meet that demand.

So back to the topic of Axl's love life... because the GENERAL PUBLIC (NOT GNR boards) has a low demand to know who a 40 something past his prime rock star who has not released an album in 12 years is dating at this point in time, there is a low supply of information offered by tabloids to the general public.

On the flip side... the Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston split was/still is a big story.  There is high demand of the public to know what Pitt is doing now, thus the response of the tabloids and other media outlets to offer the supply of information to meet this demand.  That is why thousands of dollars are being offered to see Pitt with Angelina Jolie or him walking into a deli. 

Next up I might have to break out the sock puppets....

And Genesis, if the album is released believe me, I am curious to see what kind of media coverage the band/Axl gets (including tabloid coverage). 

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: Luigi on October 11, 2005, 11:56:03 PM
I suppose if he has know one to love you could pretend your his lover with your finger : ok: But really, Axl's love life is none ya biz and I'm sure Axl would agree :smoking:

Title: Re: Does Axl have somebody to love right now?
Post by: jarmo on October 12, 2005, 08:08:18 AM
>:(? why the personal life of Axl Rose is not interesting?

The keyword is PERSONAL!

Since Pandora isn't here to lock this, I will.

Before you PM me and cry about how it's unfair, nobody has the answer to your question and I don't think we should speculate on his personal life.
