Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Administrative => Administrative, Feedback & Help => Topic started by: realtime visionary on September 03, 2006, 10:51:14 AM

Title: Thread-locking?
Post by: realtime visionary on September 03, 2006, 10:51:14 AM
I haven't been posting here very long, but I lurked for a good while before I signed up to add my two cents and I'm honestly curious as to thread-locking procedures on the forums.

From what I can tell, the topics sealed up the quickest and topics that inevitably lead to warned or banned users are ones that involve homosexuality, "personal" questions about the band, and "unimportant" questions about the band, and I'd like to know what all qualifies, when it comes to the shit in the quotation marks. What's the difference between a what are those shoes he's wearing? thread versus a how old was Axl/Robin/Slash/Ron/Izzy/whoever when they got laid for the first time thread? Does reposting the photos for people that, that one guy took of Axl's mailbox and front gate really qualify as a stalker post when the photog in question was undoubtedly standing on a public road taking pictures of shit that just barely touches Axl's property line? Are we not allowed to counter the outside-fandom opinion that we're all a bunch of gay-fearing jackasses by publicly displaying openmindness to fellow fans' opinions?

And hey. I'm not trying to start shit or get myself warned or banned or whatever happens when someone says something that seems inflammatory; I'm just trying to present this stuff intelligently and literately and hoping people on the board might just join me in some friendly debate as to what and what isn't "socially acceptable" at HTGTH.

Title: Re: Thread-locking?
Post by: jarmo on September 03, 2006, 01:29:32 PM
From what I can tell, the topics sealed up the quickest and topics that inevitably lead to warned or banned users are ones that involve homosexuality,

Where do you get this from?

Maybe you think we have a problem with the subject because a thread got locked thanks to some posters not being able to discuss the topic?

"personal" questions about the band, and "unimportant" questions about the band, and I'd like to know what all qualifies, when it comes to the shit in the quotation marks.

Here's a few things I don't want on this board:

- Posts about personal stuff (addresses, phone numbers, pictures of the current or former band members' homes etc.)

You get the idea. Anything personal, should stay that way. Respect their right to have privacy.

- Gossip posts about people who aren't in the band. Posts about ex-wives, girlfriends, people working for the band etc. Again, if you feel like reading gossip about somebody Axl might have gone out with, go somewhere else.

Topics that get locked are usually things that are posted just to cause trouble, topics that nobody knows the answer to so it becomes all about pointless speculation and gossip, topics that have turned into private chats between a few board members, topics that have turned into fights etc.

A topic about Axl's shoes might seem pointless to many, but at least it's not about stalking him.


Title: Re: Thread-locking?
Post by: realtime visionary on September 03, 2006, 07:10:15 PM
The next time I have several hours to spend combing through the boards, looking for the locked threads that led to this judgment, then maybe I'll do it and post the links; this board's busy, which is an awesome thing but sadly unfortunate when you're looking for something you saw and noted in passing. It's a shame that some posters can't discuss it maturely, but the problem with locking a thread so quickly in that case is that the people in question aren't ever presented with an at least semi-intelligent, contradicting opinion. They may not ever be able to expand their minds to different points of view but where's the harm in trying for it? From what I can see, the majority of people "contributing" with judgmental posts are of age. They're adults. They should be able to handle (or at least get to prove the fact that they can't handle) other opinions.

But you know, this isn't my board and I do commend you for keeping up with everything here.  : ok:  Seriously, thanks for having a cool place for GNR fans.

And that's fine. I dig it. Privacy's important and unless house photos are printed in well-known publications, you don't want 'em here, that's cool. I'd never post anyone's number on here anyway, that's going way too far and I think pretty much everyone agrees with you on that one. I'm with you on the gossip issue, too, and hey, I actually was interested in the shoes thread, I want a pair of those in red. I was just curious as to the system for locking, warning, and banning here because to people not in the know, it seems like those cards are just played awful random. Thanks for clearing shit up.