Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Genesis on April 27, 2008, 01:27:43 PM

Title: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: Genesis on April 27, 2008, 01:27:43 PM
Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar' (

A 73-year-old Austrian is under arrest on suspicion of hiding his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and fathering seven children with her, police say.

The existence of the woman, believed missing since 1984 and now 42, emerged after a teenage child fell ill and had to be taken to hospital.

Both the woman and teenage girl are receiving medical treatment and the other children are in care.

A police investigation in Amstetten, Lower Austria Province, is continuing.

The suspect, named only as Josef F, was arrested on suspicion of incest and keeping his daughter in captivity. He has not responded to the charges against him, police say.

One of the children the man allegedly fathered died in infancy, police believe.

Three children, including the 19-year-old, were allegedly kept in the cellar with their mother while the other three reportedly grew up with their grandparents.

DNA tests will be taken to establish whether Josef F was indeed their father.

Placed in care

The alleged crimes came to light after the teenager, named as Kerstin F, was dropped off at the Amstetten hospital last weekend.

Finding Kerstin seriously ill, doctors appealed for her mother, who at that time was assumed to be missing, to come forward to provide more details about her medical history.

Josef F allegedly then released the mother and two other children from the cellar, telling his wife Rosemarie that she had chosen to return home, police say.

It was not immediately clear how police were alerted.

The mother, named as Elisabeth F, has been receiving medical and psychological treatment since being discovered.

She appeared "greatly disturbed" psychologically during questioning and agreed to talk only after authorities assured her that she would no longer have to have contact with her father, and that her children would be taken care of, police added.

The six children are three boys and three girls aged between five and 20.

Police spokesman Franz Polzer told reporters they had been taken to a safe location.

"They are all in psychological care in a secure institution in a clinic here in this area," he said.

"They are being cared for individually - those between 12 and 16 years of age who grew up with their grandparents, and two boys who, when they came out yesterday with their mother, saw the daylight for the first time in their lives."

'Dead baby burnt'

The police issued a statement giving details of the alleged abuses Elisabeth recounted to them.

She said she had been sexually abused by her father since the age of 11.

Josef allegedly lured her into the cellar of their house in Amstetten on 28 August 1984, drugging and handcuffing her before locking her up.

It was assumed she had disappeared voluntarily when her parents received a letter from her asking them not to search for her.

"Abused continuously during the 24-year-long imprisonment", Elisabeth bore six children while a seventh, one of a set of twins, died soon after birth.

The dead baby was allegedly taken out of the cellar and burnt by Josef.

Elisabeth said Josef had provided her and three of her children, who were locked up along with her, with clothing and food.

His wife Rosemarie had allegedly not been aware of what was going on.

The discovery of another Austrian woman, who was held captive in a cellar by an abductor for more than eight years, gripped the country in 2006.

Natascha Kampusch finally escaped from her kidnapper, 44-year-old Wolfgang Priklopil, who killed himself shortly afterwards.

Ms Kampusch was abducted at the age of 10 in 1998 and held in a small, windowless cellar beneath Priklopil's garage in the commuter town of Strasshof, 25km (15 miles) outside Vienna.

Sometimes I just can't believe the things I read...  :-\
What's wrong with this fucking world?

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: Jessica on April 27, 2008, 06:21:52 PM
The question is :

How many more kids are hid in world cellars ?

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: Gunner80 on April 27, 2008, 09:06:00 PM
That's free will at work.  there will always be sick people in this world.  Not until we're more than human will things change.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: fuckin crazy on April 28, 2008, 01:21:29 AM
How the hell did his wife not know, if she lived in the same building. They should pickle that dudes brain for future study.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: rds.06 on April 28, 2008, 08:43:43 AM
The wife had to know. Where did she think the little kids came from and where did her daughter disappear to? His caught so his trying to protect her.

What puzzles me is that the house is not in the middle of nowhere. It seems for the footage to be along a street. How could nobody figure this out? Its boggling  ???

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on April 28, 2008, 09:01:35 AM
Sick shit. How he kept it a secret all those years suspends disbelief.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: *Timothy* on April 28, 2008, 11:12:18 AM
I am sure some people had to know what was going on. But people like to but / turn a blind eye to things. which is almost as sick as what this sorry excuse for a human did.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: polluxlm on April 28, 2008, 11:41:12 AM
Not know? What about the kids she raised? Whom weren't hers?

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: tim_m on April 29, 2008, 12:41:41 AM
A friend of mine just told me about this. I can't believe this i'm completely in disbelief.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: Genesis on April 29, 2008, 01:25:50 AM
There are lots of questions unanswered:

1) Why did he do this? Is he insane or is it something else? I mean, WHY? I don't want more details of his cellar dungeons, I want to know why.

2) How the hell did he construct a soundproofed underground 'bunker' with sleeping quarters, a kitchen and toilet without his wife / family knowing?

3) Three of the children were given for adoption / living with their grandparents and nobody bothered to question as to where these children came from?


Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: norway on April 29, 2008, 01:37:55 AM
Is he insane or is it something else? I mean, WHY?
Not "insane" but a complete lack of empathy. He probably couldn't stop once started.

Who knows why, I think todays modern world and culture isn't good.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: Jessica on April 29, 2008, 03:30:19 AM

THIS is the wife, anyone thinking she looks like a man ? How do we know she is a woman really ? How do we know his daughter wasn't abducted to start with by TWO men really ?

They adopted the little boys and left all girls in the cellar to be raped ...

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: Genesis on April 29, 2008, 04:09:58 AM
THIS is the wife, anyone thinking she looks like a man ? How do we know she is a woman really ?

I think the cops would have found out by now if it was a man.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: Jessica on April 29, 2008, 04:28:20 AM
THIS is the wife, anyone thinking she looks like a man ? How do we know she is a woman really ?

I think the cops would have found out by now if it was a man.

There is no reason for them to have this " woman" have a gynecological check up or a body search, how would they know ? The only way to know is go and look " down there".

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: polluxlm on April 29, 2008, 04:33:20 AM
Several times Josef F. traveled on long vacations to Thailand and Spa centers.

Who took care of the basement?

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: MJ23 on April 29, 2008, 05:08:30 AM
As far as I understood he made his daughter write letters for the kids he adopted later on. Something like: "Take care of my kids, and don't search for me". Stuff like that. It also seems that he managed to bring clothes and food into the basement after dark only. But I doubt the theory that nobody noticed anything for 24 years. I mean it is not like a week or so. Imagine all the money that was spent throughout the years for electricity, water supply, stuff for expanding the basement, food, clothes and other things. The wife must have been blind not to notice the costs for the additional people who were living there. And the most interesting thing is who gave the anonymous hint to the police after the 19 year old daughter was receiving medical help in a nearby hospital because of severe medical problems. At least the one who did it must have had knowledge of the things going on there.

It's a mad world outside sometimes.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: LeftToDecay on April 29, 2008, 05:47:44 AM

It's a mad world outside sometimes.

I cant't remember coming across a fictional tale as sickening as this. Those poor kids. 

Media has made most people completely immune to random murder/abuse news-stories. You just read them, go "ohthatshorrible", shrug  and move on. But this enough to keep most people awake at night if you let your mind dwell in it.
How does it feel to have world consist of a fucking basement and getting raped every now and then?
Everything about this story  is  just so horrible really.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: MJ23 on April 29, 2008, 06:30:00 AM
Exactly, nowadyas people are only caring about what is happening in their own life, sometimes they even fail doing so. But those stories people just "inhale" and after a couple of minutes the story is gone again.
It's really sad, it's even more sad if you try to imagine what these people must have went through the last decades.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: Genesis on April 29, 2008, 07:08:47 AM
THIS is the wife, anyone thinking she looks like a man ? How do we know she is a woman really ?

I think the cops would have found out by now if it was a man.

There is no reason for them to have this " woman" have a gynecological check up or a body search, how would they know ? The only way to know is go and look " down there".

In this age of miraculous surgery, even 'looking down there' might not tell them the truth. :hihi:

Anyway, I think that line of thinking is a bit paranoid. Most likely the wife might have had some idea of what was going on but did not want to report it because:

a) The perpetrator was her husband.
b) She was afraid of the scandal it would cause. If no one ever found out about it, it's okay right?
c) She was afraid of her husband.
d) All of the above and more.

Title: Re: Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'
Post by: Jessica on April 29, 2008, 11:55:18 AM
or she wanted more kids than this, and was fully aware her husband was raping their daughter and she was very glad she didn't have to have sex with him and got kids in return.

I think the recent years have shown that not all women are innocent little creatures when it comes to motherhood and abuse.