Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Spirit on May 26, 2010, 06:03:27 AM

Title: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: Spirit on May 26, 2010, 06:03:27 AM
Great news (for me anyway)!!!

 :beer: ( (

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: babydolls on May 26, 2010, 06:12:15 AM
Cheers Spirit! dont know Danko much - worth watching?

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: Spirit on May 26, 2010, 06:17:24 AM
Also, they have released some practical info for the concert in Bergen (attendance estimated to 7000) (

It's in Norwegian, and I've translated the most important ones in bold.


Doors open: 19.00
Support: 19.45 - 20.15
Guns N' Roses: 21.45 - 23.00 (ca)

Billetter bestilles hos Billettservice (815 33 133) eller p? Du kan ogs? kj?pe/bestille billetter i Grieghallens Billettkontor (55 21 61 50, ?pningstider: man-ons og fre 10-17, tors 10-19.30, l?r 11-14), Apollon, Nyg?rdsgaten 2A, Posten, Narvesen, 7-eleven. P? konsertdagen vil vi selge billetter ved inngang fra kl. 18.00

Take the bus!
Limited parking spaces near the arena. We recommend taking the bus from Bergen. Time on bus: 15 min.
Tide Buss will set up extra buses from Bystasjonen to ?sane Terminal (10 min. walk to Vestlandshallen) from 17.30 at the day of the concert. Returning after the concert. Price: normal pricing.

Det vil v?re rampe med god sikt for rullestolbrukere. Benytt samme inngang som det ?vrige publikum, servicepersonell vil bist? med plasshenvisning. Biler med merke for rullestolbruker, eller rullestolbruker i drosje kan kj?re til inngangsomr?det, men kan ikke parkere her. Biler som skal hente rullestolbruker m? v?re ved hallen f?r kl. 22.45

Av hensyn til alles sikkerhet vil publikum bli kroppsvisitert og vesker/bager/sekker vil bli kontrollert for innhold ved inngangene til konsertsalen. Vi ber om at publikum samarbeider slik at alle kan komme inn hurtigst mulig. Det vil kun v?re adgang til hallen etter gjennomf?rt visitasjon.
NB! Du kan ikke g? ut av konsertomr?det og komme inn igjen!

Det er IKKE tillatt ? medbringe f?lgende til konserten:
?Foto/video/lyd-utstyr. Enhver form for fotografering, lyd- eller videoopptak er forbudt.
?lasker, bokser, andre harde, skarpe eller tunge gjenstander
?V?pen av enhver art (ogs? pepperspray o.l.) fyrverkeri, laserpenner
?Bannere, paraplyer
?Drikkevarer, matvarer

Slike ting vil bli avvist ved inngangen. Spar deg selv og det ?vrige publikum for ergrelse og ventetid, ved ? ikke bringe slike ting med deg til konserten.

Av sikerhetsmessige grunner vil det v?re ekstra barrierer f?r omr?det foran scenen (se salkart). De som f?r plass her (f?rste mann til m?llen...) blir utstyrt med armb?nd og kan g? ut av dette omr?det og komme inn igjen.

B?de i venteomr?det utenfor og inne i konserthallen gjelder vanlige skjenkeregler. Tydelig berusete personer vil bli bortvist fra omr?det.

Det er absolutt r?ykeforbud i hele Vestlandshallen. Personer som ikke respekterer dette vil bli bortvist fra konserten.

Det er ikke garderober ved denne konserten

Mat & drikke
Det er ikke tillatt ? ta med mat eller drikkevarer inn i hallen. Mineralvann, ?l og vin selges i publikumsomr?dene.

Salg av autoriserte t-skjorter og lignende vil kun foreg? ved inngangsomr?det og inne i konserthallen. Hvis du blir tilbudt slikt andre steder er dette h?yst sannsynlig falske produkter som ikke er autorisert av Guns N' Roses. NB! Ikke la deg lure! Dersom du blir kontaktet av personer som vil selge VIP-pass eller Backstage-pass til deg er det ren og skj?r svindel du blir utsatt for. Slike eksisterer ikke for salg.

Kj?p av mat og drikke med Cashless ? elektroniske bonger

Elektroniske bongekort erstatter de tradisjonelle papirbongene som har v?rt brukt tidligere. 
Det fungerer slik: du kj?per et plastkort (koster kr 20 ved f?rstegangskj?p) som du selv fyller med ?nsket bel?p p? en p?fyllingstasjon inne i hallen ved ? belaste ditt betalingskort. Ved kj?p av mat eller drikke trekkes bel?pet fra bongekortet. Du kan til enhver tid fylle p? kortet eller sjekke for gjenst?ende bel?p p? stasjoner inne p? konsertomr?det 

Hvis du har bel?p igjen p? kortet etter konsertene, kan dette benyttes ved utvalgte konserter i regi av Bergen Live i 2010. Kortet vil som regel bli brukt p? de st?rre utend?rskonsertene, konserter i Vestlandshallen, Bergenshallen og Arenum. 
NB! kortet kan ikke benyttes ved kj?p av T-skjorter o.l. Vi har introdusert kortet for ? oppn? hurtigere avvikling salget og redusert h?ndtering av kontanter. Se mer informasjon om Cashless betalingssystem her:

Prices: Soda/water: 30 kr, Beer: 60 kr (0,4 liter), Wine: 60 kr

After the concert
The roads in/out from the arena will be closed for private cars after the concert, please; DON'T have someone pick you up in a private car near Vestlandshallen after the concert! Also, don't order taxi cabs for pickup outside the venue after the concert.

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: Spirit on May 26, 2010, 06:19:33 AM
Cheers Spirit! dont know Danko much - worth watching?

Haven't seen them live, but I like their music.

Straight forward good ol' rock n' roll!  : ok:

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: Ericnor on May 26, 2010, 06:21:11 AM
Guns N' Roses: 21.45 - 23.00 (ca)

Short setlist, or do they mean that they will enter stage somewhere within this timeframe? :)

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: Spirit on May 26, 2010, 06:22:46 AM
Guns N' Roses: 21.45 - 23.00 (ca)

Short setlist, or do they mean that they will enter stage somewhere within this timeframe? :)

I doubt they'll play only 1h15m...  ;)

I remember the promoter saying to the press some time ago that this being an indoor concert, there's practically no curfew.. (After hearing the first reports on GN'R doing concerts around 3 hrs long).

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: babydolls on May 26, 2010, 06:36:24 AM
^^ oooh... lets hear it for Norway promoters = rock n roll! awesome! let them play as long as they want!

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: Nytunz on May 26, 2010, 07:09:35 AM
Yes! This works very well for me!

Cant wait now! =)

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: CheapJon on May 26, 2010, 09:30:34 AM
you lucky bastards!

I'm seeing danko this weekend though :headbanger:

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: Nightrained on May 26, 2010, 09:41:43 AM

Will Sebastian Bach be playing also? Or are Danko the only opener!

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: CheapJon on May 26, 2010, 09:48:16 AM

Will Sebastian Bach be playing also? Or are Danko the only opener!
danko jones is touring scandinavia in this period, baz isn't touring at all so it's probably pretty safe to say that it'll only be danko

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: StardustGirl on May 26, 2010, 02:19:51 PM
Also, they have released some practical info for the concert in Bergen (attendance estimated to 7000) (

It's in Norwegian, and I've translated the most important ones in bold.

Doors open: 19.00
Support: 19.45 - 20.15
Guns N' Roses: 21.45 - 23.00 (ca)

Billetter bestilles hos Billettservice (815 33 133) eller p? Du kan ogs? kj?pe/bestille billetter i Grieghallens Billettkontor (55 21 61 50, ?pningstider: man-ons og fre 10-17, tors 10-19.30, l?r 11-14), Apollon, Nyg?rdsgaten 2A, Posten, Narvesen, 7-eleven. P? konsertdagen vil vi selge billetter ved inngang fra kl. 18.00

Take the bus!
Limited parking spaces near the arena. We recommend taking the bus from Bergen. Time on bus: 15 min.
Tide Buss will set up extra buses from Bystasjonen to ?sane Terminal (10 min. walk to Vestlandshallen) from 17.30 at the day of the concert. Returning after the concert. Price: normal pricing.

Det vil v?re rampe med god sikt for rullestolbrukere. Benytt samme inngang som det ?vrige publikum, servicepersonell vil bist? med plasshenvisning. Biler med merke for rullestolbruker, eller rullestolbruker i drosje kan kj?re til inngangsomr?det, men kan ikke parkere her. Biler som skal hente rullestolbruker m? v?re ved hallen f?r kl. 22.45

Av hensyn til alles sikkerhet vil publikum bli kroppsvisitert og vesker/bager/sekker vil bli kontrollert for innhold ved inngangene til konsertsalen. Vi ber om at publikum samarbeider slik at alle kan komme inn hurtigst mulig. Det vil kun v?re adgang til hallen etter gjennomf?rt visitasjon.
NB! Du kan ikke g? ut av konsertomr?det og komme inn igjen!

Det er IKKE tillatt ? medbringe f?lgende til konserten:
?Foto/video/lyd-utstyr. Enhver form for fotografering, lyd- eller videoopptak er forbudt.
?lasker, bokser, andre harde, skarpe eller tunge gjenstander
?V?pen av enhver art (ogs? pepperspray o.l.) fyrverkeri, laserpenner
?Bannere, paraplyer
?Drikkevarer, matvarer

Slike ting vil bli avvist ved inngangen. Spar deg selv og det ?vrige publikum for ergrelse og ventetid, ved ? ikke bringe slike ting med deg til konserten.

Av sikerhetsmessige grunner vil det v?re ekstra barrierer f?r omr?det foran scenen (se salkart). De som f?r plass her (f?rste mann til m?llen...) blir utstyrt med armb?nd og kan g? ut av dette omr?det og komme inn igjen.

B?de i venteomr?det utenfor og inne i konserthallen gjelder vanlige skjenkeregler. Tydelig berusete personer vil bli bortvist fra omr?det.

Det er absolutt r?ykeforbud i hele Vestlandshallen. Personer som ikke respekterer dette vil bli bortvist fra konserten.

Det er ikke garderober ved denne konserten

Mat & drikke
Det er ikke tillatt ? ta med mat eller drikkevarer inn i hallen. Mineralvann, ?l og vin selges i publikumsomr?dene.

Salg av autoriserte t-skjorter og lignende vil kun foreg? ved inngangsomr?det og inne i konserthallen. Hvis du blir tilbudt slikt andre steder er dette h?yst sannsynlig falske produkter som ikke er autorisert av Guns N' Roses. NB! Ikke la deg lure! Dersom du blir kontaktet av personer som vil selge VIP-pass eller Backstage-pass til deg er det ren og skj?r svindel du blir utsatt for. Slike eksisterer ikke for salg.

Kj?p av mat og drikke med Cashless ? elektroniske bonger

Elektroniske bongekort erstatter de tradisjonelle papirbongene som har v?rt brukt tidligere. 
Det fungerer slik: du kj?per et plastkort (koster kr 20 ved f?rstegangskj?p) som du selv fyller med ?nsket bel?p p? en p?fyllingstasjon inne i hallen ved ? belaste ditt betalingskort. Ved kj?p av mat eller drikke trekkes bel?pet fra bongekortet. Du kan til enhver tid fylle p? kortet eller sjekke for gjenst?ende bel?p p? stasjoner inne p? konsertomr?det 

Hvis du har bel?p igjen p? kortet etter konsertene, kan dette benyttes ved utvalgte konserter i regi av Bergen Live i 2010. Kortet vil som regel bli brukt p? de st?rre utend?rskonsertene, konserter i Vestlandshallen, Bergenshallen og Arenum. 
NB! kortet kan ikke benyttes ved kj?p av T-skjorter o.l. Vi har introdusert kortet for ? oppn? hurtigere avvikling salget og redusert h?ndtering av kontanter. Se mer informasjon om Cashless betalingssystem her:

Prices: Soda/water: 30 kr, Beer: 60 kr (0,4 liter), Wine: 60 kr

After the concert
The roads in/out from the arena will be closed for private cars after the concert, please; DON'T have someone pick you up in a private car near Vestlandshallen after the concert! Also, don't order taxi cabs for pickup outside the venue after the concert.

Sounds awfully strict to me, is this common? What are they gonna do if you carry with you let's say a mobile phone with a built-in camera and a chocolate bar? Deny access if you don't get rid off them?

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: Nightrained on May 26, 2010, 02:26:38 PM

Stardustgirl could you translate what is says that your having a problem with?

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: wight gunner on May 26, 2010, 02:36:58 PM
Also, they have released some practical info for the concert in Bergen (attendance estimated to 7000) (

Also, the garden They released some practical information for the concert in Bergen (eighteen two dance Estimated 7000)

It's in Norwegian, and I've translated the Most Important ones in bold.

Doors open : 19.00
Support: 19.45 to 20.15
Guns N 'Roses: 21.45 to 23.00 (approx)

Tickets ordered from Ticket Service (815 33133) or on . You can also buy / book tickets in the Grieg Hall Ticket Office (55 21 61 50, opening hours: Mon-Wed and Fri 1910-1917, Thurs 10 to 19.30, Sat 1911-1914), Apollo, Nyg?rdsgaten 2A, Post Office, Narvesen, 7-Eleven . On concert days, we will sell tickets at the entrance at. 18.00

Take the bus!
Limited parking spaces near the arena. We recommend taking the bus from Bergen. Time Wed bus: 15 min.
Tide Coach class will set up extra buses from Bystasjonen two ?sane Terminal (10 min. walk to West Hall) from 17.30 at the day of the concert. Returning after the concert. Price: normal pricing.

Wheelchair Users
There will be a ramp with good visibility for wheelchair users. Use the same entrance as the general public, service personnel will assist with space reference. Cars with brand wheelchair or wheelchair user in a taxi to drive to the entrance area, but can not park here. Cars to get wheelchair users should be at the hall before. 22.45

in / ticket control / body visitation
of consideration for everyone's safety will be the public kroppsvisitert and purses / bags / sacks will be checked for content by the entrances to the concert hall. We ask that the public work together so everyone can come in as quickly as possible. It will only be access to the hall after completion of visitation.
NB! You can not leave the concert area and come back!

It is NOT permitted to bring the following to the concert:
? Photo / video / audio equipment. Any form of photography, audio or video recording is prohibited.
? brackets, boxes, other hard, sharp or heavy objects
? Weapons of any kind (including pepper spray, etc.), fireworks, laser pens
? Banners, umbrellas
? Beverages, food products

, such things will be rejected at the entrance. Save yourself and the rest of the audience for the annoyance and delay, by not bringing these things with you to the concert.

to property For convenience purposes, there will be additional barriers before the area in front of the stage (see seating chart). The fit here (the first man to the mill ...) will be provided with wristbands and can exit this area and come back.

Both in waiting area outside and inside the concert hall is frequently bestow rules. Obviously drunken people will be expelled from the area.

There is absolutely no smoking in the West Hall. People who do not respect this will be expelled from the concert.

is not changing at this concert

Food & drink
are not allowed to bring food or beverages into the hall. Mineral water, beer and wine are sold in public areas.

Sales by authorized t-shirts and the like will only take place at the entrance area and inside the concert hall. If you are offered such other places, this is probably fake products not authorized by Guns N 'Roses. NB Do not be fooled! If you are contacted by people who want to sell VIP passes or Backstage pass to you is pure fraud you are exposed. These exist not for sale.

Purchase of food and drink with Cash ? - electronic vouchers
Electronic bong card replaces the traditional papirbongene that has been used previously. It works like this: you buy a plastic card (costs $ 20 first-time purchase) that you fill with desired amount of a filling station in the hall by charging your credit card. When buying food or beverage the amount deducted from the bong card. You can always refill card or check for the remaining amount on drives inside the concert area

, if you have any amount left on the card after the concerts, this can be used at selected concerts under the auspices of the Bergen Live in 2010. The card will usually be spent on the major outdoor concerts, concerts in the West Hall, Bergen Hall and Arenum.
NB card can not be used for purchases of T-shirts, etc. We have introduced the card to achieve faster liquidation sales and reduced handling of cash. More information about Cash Payment Less here:
Prices: Soda / water: 30 kr, Beer: 60 AU (0.4 liters), Wine: ? 60

After the concert
the roads in / out from the venue Will Be closed to private cars after The concert, please, DO NOT Have someone pick you up in a private car near West Hall after the concert! Also, do not order taxi cabs for pickup outside the venue after the concert.

Sounds awfully strict to me, is this common? What are They gonna do if you carry with you let's say a mobile phone with a built-in camera and a chocolate bar? Deny access if you do not get rid off restriction? [/b]

Sounds awfully strict to me, is this common? What are they gonna do if you carry with you let's say a mobile phone with a built-in camera and a chocolate bar? Deny access if you don't get rid off them?

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: serp616 on May 26, 2010, 05:19:41 PM
just checked out Danko Jones on youtube....and well...ehm....not really surprised i've never heard of them before :S
to me that was total crap, i'd rather have the BFMV warming up again :S and they sucked royally last time xD

perfect warm up for me would be cKy :P

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: Nytunz on May 26, 2010, 06:02:05 PM
just checked out Danko Jones on youtube....and well...ehm....not really surprised i've never heard of them before :S
to me that was total crap, i'd rather have the BFMV warming up again :S and they sucked royally last time xD

perfect warm up for me would be cKy :P

Check out the songs: Take me Home, and I Think bad Thoughts ... Cool songs.. i like em

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: norway on May 26, 2010, 06:22:51 PM
Rock band, has a great feel.

Sounds awfully strict to me, is this common?

Welcome to the last sovjet-state. :P

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: kyrie on May 26, 2010, 11:46:50 PM
I'll throw this in, having seen Danko with GN'R - I'm not a huge fan of their music, but they really do try to bring some energy/attitude to their live shows. I was actually mildly amused. I'm still not a fan, but it could be a lot worse. Having seen Mix Master Mike in 2002...

and I've seen Bach open too many times now so I was just glad for something different.

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: CheapJon on May 27, 2010, 06:03:07 AM
052710 5 Guns N? Roses support shows added

We?re happy to announce that Danko Jones will be supporting Guns N? Roses once again for five shows. The shows are as follows:

May 31 ? NO ? Bergen, Vestlandshallen

June 2 ? NO ? Oslo, Spectrum

June 6 ? RU ? St Peteresburg, New Arena

June 8 ? RU ? Moscow, Olympiski

June 14 ? DK ? ?lborg, Gigantium

In addition to these 5 shows they are also playing the Helsinki Live festival together on June 5:th.

if I'd only known this before I'd try to go to the aalborg show as well, don't think i have the budget for it now :no:

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: wight gunner on May 27, 2010, 06:50:30 AM
Look on the Bright side, anybody going to Leeds and Reading are bound to have at least one support act that they'll find  :peace: acceptable  :peace:  :rofl:

Leeds 2002 was pretty good, Amen, The Prodigy,    The Offspring,    Slipknot (RIP No.2 btw), Puddle of Mudd

Title: Re: Danko Jones will be opening for GN'R in Norway!
Post by: Spirit on May 27, 2010, 08:53:57 PM
Guns N' Roses: 21.45 - 23.00 (ca)

Short setlist, or do they mean that they will enter stage somewhere within this timeframe? :)

I doubt they'll play only 1h15m...  ;)

I remember the promoter saying to the press some time ago that this being an indoor concert, there's practically no curfew.. (After hearing the first reports on GN'R doing concerts around 3 hrs long).

There was obviously a typo in the release, it's been updated:

Guns N' Roses: kl 20.45 - 23.00 (cirka)