Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Solo & side projects + Ex-members => Topic started by: lastroots on February 20, 2004, 04:15:53 PM

Title: BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: lastroots on February 20, 2004, 04:15:53 PM
Buckethead strikes back again!

On March 30, 2004, his new album POPULATION OVERRIDE will be released via Ion Records.

On April 20, 2004, his two years in the making, long awaited n' often delayed album CUCKOO CLOCKS OF HELL (formerly known as "Super Diorama Theater") will come via Disembodied Records.


Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: Captain P?l on February 20, 2004, 04:18:36 PM
so, that is a long awaited album, then what is Chinese Democracy? an acient awaited project?

cant wait to hear them though!

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: Izzy on February 20, 2004, 04:23:40 PM
Thats good news, Buckethead rocks!

However - i get the feeling if he went for quality over quantity...........

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: madagas on February 20, 2004, 04:25:01 PM
He is doing that with Axl.......well, we hope. :beer:

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: killingvector on February 20, 2004, 05:21:05 PM
i want to hear more Cornbugs actually

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: Pandora on February 20, 2004, 05:28:56 PM
Thanks for the news  :beer:  Does anyone know what's up with the DVD he was supposed to release last summer?

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on February 20, 2004, 05:30:08 PM
Jeez, how many record deals does the Bucket have? Geffen, Ion, Disembodied, do they ever end?

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: AxlsMainMan on February 20, 2004, 06:32:03 PM
Jeez, how many record deals does the Bucket have? Geffen, Ion, Disembodied, do they ever end?

last summer when there were strong rumors and suspicions of CD being released to correspond with Terminator 3, many people brought up that CD would be Buckethead's 100th album or 101st or something along those lines. it'll be a few more then that now : ok:

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: noonespecial on February 20, 2004, 06:44:48 PM
I just got the Cornbugs Brain Circus today in the mail...awesome. Bill Mosley is one interesting dude...and Pinchface is playing drums (yea)...nice little booklet that comes with the CD, art work is cool, paper stock high quality, includes lyrics...nice one of the signed ones, #17...check this out for a cornbugs fix... glad to hear that Diorama Theater (cuckoo clocks from hell now) is going to make an appearance, I was beginning to think he was catching some delay disease from hanging round Axl's energy :hihi:

Thanks Buckethead! :beer:

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: Miz on February 20, 2004, 07:03:22 PM
Jeez, how many record deals does the Bucket have? Geffen, Ion, Disembodied, do they ever end?

last summer when there were strong rumors and suspicions of CD being released to correspond with Terminator 3, many people brought up that CD would be Buckethead's 100th album or 101st or something along those lines. it'll be a few more then that now : ok:
maybe it'll be his 116th.

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: Slipdisc on February 20, 2004, 08:54:39 PM
However - i get the feeling if he went for quality over quantity...........

Buckethead always puts quality before quantity. He is just amazingly productive. Combine that with the fact that much of his studio work is shot in one or reasonably few takes (some people call him a ?one-take-wonder?), and there are your albums. He?s a real virtuoso, spending almost every minute on his music, developing several projects at the same time (which can take quite some time after all), when things fall together a lot of albums can surface from that (it seems that there isn?t much he can do for Axl at the moment).


Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: marknroses on February 20, 2004, 09:01:29 PM
Buckethead strikes back again!

On March 30, 2004, his new album POPULATION OVERRIDE will be released via Ion Records.

On April 20, 2004, his two years in the making, long awaited n' often delayed album CUCKOO CLOCKS OF HELL (formerly known as "Super Diorama Theater") will come via Disembodied Records.


no offense to the poster, but let say on behalf of thousands of GNR fans that I don't come on the GNR message boards to hear news about Buckethead.

I don't really give a fuck about him, or any of the GNR solo members. By themselves, they cannot make music to the quality of GNR. I don't know why people jump all over these members just because they're in GNR. they haven't even proved that they are in GNR until they actually put out a record that says GNR on it.

This is a new low on the HTGTH message boards.
There's nothing going on.
Im gonna live my life while you guys still sucker on every rumor there is.
SHAME - I used to be an Axl nutswinger myself. All I can do now is live off the old glory...he hasn't shown any new glory to me.

Neither will Buckethead.

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: scamp on February 20, 2004, 09:20:55 PM
The real waited on album from buckethead is the deli creeps album.  They've been around over a dozen years and still no album.

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: Slipdisc on February 20, 2004, 09:21:00 PM
I don't really give a fuck about him, or any of the GNR solo members. By themselves, they cannot make music to the quality of GNR.

Is that a conclusion or simply the place where you got tired of thinking?

Of all the members GNR has ever had, Buckethead is the most accomplished solo-artist. Too bad you can?t enjoy his music; refrain however from talking BS about the solowork in comparison to the GNR-stuff (what would that say about people like Slash or Adler for example?). Such a statement is based upon nothing.

It?s different music and was never intended to be something like GNR. Buckethead has made music of the quality of GNR (and much higher, many might say) in huge amounts. It?s just a matter of taste. I never heard a GNR-solo with the same qualities as some of the solo?s in Bucks own material. But that?s my opinion, however no reason for me to diss anybody.

If you don?t like news about Buckethead then just hit the backbutton, this is plain childish?


Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: kupirock on February 21, 2004, 06:13:26 AM
still no release date for that buckethead secret recipe DVD :crying:

Title: Re:BUCKETHEAD: Two new albums coming soon!
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on February 21, 2004, 07:21:21 AM
he seems to have plenty of time  :nervous: