Title: January 28th, 2010 - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on October 19, 2009, 09:06:11 AM Board members attending: ARX, AxlsMainMan, Ayako, Crowebar, downzy56, Eazy E, erose, Fernando, Greener, Gunsguy, Hammer1, innocuous1, inlikeflynn420, jarmo, kyrie, loosecannon3, Malcolm, MR.BROWNSTONE, NegZero, neon2002, oldfan, One.In.A.Million, RebelRose89, redarmy76, sexkitten, sv?nsk, waxlrose1982
Tickets (http://www.ticketmaster.ca/event/10004353C0C46940?artistid=735218&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=1/) / Map (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=43.643793,-79.379332&spn=0.010916,0.027874&z=16) / Venue info (http://www.theaircanadacentre.com/) Pre-show: Loose Moose Tap & Grill 146 Front Street West, Toronto, ON M5J 1G2, Canada (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=loose+moose+toronto&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=49.71116,114.169922&ie=UTF8&hq=loose+moose&hnear=Toronto,+ON,+Canada&ll=43.644585,-79.378216&spn=0.01118,0.027874&z=16&iwloc=A) (http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com/images/tour0910/HTGTH_tor20100128_preshow.jpg) Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: redarmy76 on October 19, 2009, 09:57:38 AM I'll be There
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: AxlsMainMan on October 19, 2009, 10:10:54 AM See you there.
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: downzy56 on October 19, 2009, 02:13:43 PM I'm in...
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on October 19, 2009, 11:58:27 PM I will be at this show if I can get a tickect. :beer: Hey AxlsMainMan, downzy56 and redarmy76 I never been to Toronto wanted to know anything I should try and see why I'm in town?
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: w.axl.rose on October 20, 2009, 03:42:39 AM i hate you guys
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on October 20, 2009, 07:20:24 AM I will be at this show if I can get a tickect. :beer: Hey AxlsMainMan, downzy56 and redarmy76 I never been to Toronto wanted to know anything I should try and see why I'm in town? The Hockey Hall Of Fame if you like ice hockey.... I went there in 2006. :D The CN Tower was also nice for the views... /jarmo Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Gunsguy on October 21, 2009, 05:56:22 PM I am there
Gunsguy Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: neon2002 on October 22, 2009, 08:13:41 AM I'll be there. : ok:
Ultimate Fan Pre-Sale Info: Password is - gnrtour http://www.iloveallaccess.com/login_gnr_2009.php# Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on October 22, 2009, 10:23:29 AM I will be in section GA2 floor area. :beer: Good luck to everyone else trying to get tickets. :peace:
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: sexkitten on October 22, 2009, 10:23:42 AM Just got my GA tix for this show! HELL YEAH!!!! :peace: :beer: :smoking:
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Gunsguy on October 22, 2009, 10:24:13 AM right on guys! I will see you there!
Gunsguy Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: loosecannon3 on October 22, 2009, 11:04:11 AM I'll be there too. I splurged and bought the ultimate fan package.
Things to do in Toronto (I am from Toronto): CN Tower NHL Hockey Game - Toronto Maple Leafs - very expensive, but something to see NBA Basketball Game - Toronto Raptors - cheaper than the Leafs and a much better team Hockey Hall of Fame Nightlife - our club district is Queen/Adelaide area. Lots to see Strip Club ;D - Brass Rail is by far the best (Yonge and Bloor) Also, for those wondering about other concerts, Hamilton is about 45-60 min away and London is a little over 2 hours Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: NegZero on October 22, 2009, 01:51:13 PM I'm there! I'll be in a private box baby! :) Can't wait!
Is my old friend Brian Lund still out there? Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: canstocker on October 22, 2009, 02:27:20 PM Hello,
Tried the presale.... bought seats.. then tried again and I bought floors!! Anyone want my 2 seats? Great seat location: section 101, row 9, seats 5-6 - at cost - $100CDN each, not a penny more. Let me know through PM or email dan.g.lee@gmail.com - also is there a place on this forum for posts like this if it doesn't belong here? Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: oldfan on October 22, 2009, 06:20:02 PM Got floors for this one also..
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on October 22, 2009, 07:29:22 PM I'll be there too. I splurged and bought the ultimate fan package. Also, for those wondering about other concerts, Hamilton is about 45-60 min away and London is a little over 2 hours Thanks for the info on things to check out. I would go to the Hamilton also if it was the day before or after Toronto. :( Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: redarmy76 on October 23, 2009, 10:09:01 AM Right on,
Got my floor seats, Third Time in T.O. I'm such a fan boy when they tour, makes up for all of the other questionable decisions. The Count Down Begins Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: S33J4Y on October 23, 2009, 10:20:55 AM i'll be comin' up for The Bills game... :no:
lol i'll see you guys all there! :peace: Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Hammer1 on October 23, 2009, 01:59:00 PM great news 4 tickets to Toronto, section 118 row 20 & 2 tics or Hamilton Sec. 123 row 4 yippe!....91CNE,92-Hamilton, 2002-T.O, London,2006-Hammerstein, T.O, Ottawa......thank god for something to look forward to in 2010!
The kids are coming with me again! 12 & 15yrs.old..... See ya there! Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Fingers on October 23, 2009, 03:46:11 PM FYI I just checked TM and the GA floor seems to be sold out
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on October 24, 2009, 12:22:41 AM Anyone thinking about meeting before the show at a bar near by? Like for the NYC shows in 06.
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: AxlsMainMan on October 24, 2009, 02:51:11 AM Yes, sounds good. There is a bar near the ACC called the Loose Moose where most people go for drinks before games. Wherever you dudes/dudettes wanna' go is fine by me though.
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on October 24, 2009, 07:06:51 AM We went to this place called Armadillo Texas Grill before the 2006 show...
It wasn't that far away from the venue. /jarmo Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: sexkitten on October 26, 2009, 02:56:49 PM We went to this place called Armadillo Texas Grill before the 2006 show... It wasn't that far away from the venue. /jarmo We should meet here before the show. can you walk to venue from this place? Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: AxlsMainMan on October 26, 2009, 03:10:43 PM I actually think that's next door to the Loose Moose :hihi:
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on October 26, 2009, 10:57:01 PM We went to this place called Armadillo Texas Grill before the 2006 show... It wasn't that far away from the venue. /jarmo It's under a 1/2 mile walk to the venue. :beer: We should meet here before the show. can you walk to venue from this place? Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Greener on October 28, 2009, 09:33:06 PM I'm going.
Got floors to this show and Hamilton. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: kyrie on October 30, 2009, 01:21:10 PM Woohoo I'll be here as well :)
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Malcolm on October 30, 2009, 07:28:48 PM I got tickets as well...cant wait for this show...Axl and Baz will be sick...Ashba is great live to...But ya we should all definetly meet at the Loose Moose before...prime spot for before concerts or sporting events at the ACC or Rogers Centre
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: inlikeflynn420 on November 02, 2009, 10:12:53 PM Hello Canadians! I got my tickets for the Toronto show and i've never been there. I'm driving up from Pennsylvania with a buddy of mine and we're gonna stay for a couple of nights. I've talked to some people who've been there and said it's a great city. Just wondering if any locals could tell me some cool things to do while i'm up there. It's my first real visit to Canada (I've only been to Niagara Falls and that was over 20 yrs ago and only for a few hours then.) Any cool bars, strip clubs, restaurants...whatever! I won't be there very long but i don't plan on sleeping. In addition to rocking out with GnR i'm looking forward to doing as much as i can while i'm in town. :beer:
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: sexkitten on November 03, 2009, 12:30:33 PM can anyone recommend a hotel that is close to venue? thanks.
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2009, 02:28:21 PM can anyone recommend a hotel that is close to venue? thanks. There's a bunch within walking distance. All depends on how much you want to spend. I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express on Lombard Street in 2006 and it wasn't bad. It's a 15-20 minute walk to the arena though.... /jarmo Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: oldfan on November 03, 2009, 10:43:40 PM can anyone recommend a hotel that is close to venue? thanks. Whats your price range? Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Derby Greg on November 05, 2009, 01:18:34 PM Wooooohhooooo - add me to the list Jarmo for this one 2.
Two Canada shows in 2 days - and I live in the UK! Count me in for the meet too. GREG Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Nytunz on November 05, 2009, 06:05:13 PM is there still tickits for this show? I am planing on taking the short trip from Norway to Canada to witness this show! Only 4500 norwegian Kroner for the trip there and back. One american dollar is about 5,5 kroner or something right now. Might be in Canada for a week or two, so maybe i can catch a couple of other shows also.
Other scandinavians going? Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: kyrie on November 05, 2009, 11:21:21 PM is there still tickits for this show? I am planing on taking the short trip from Norway to Canada to witness this show! Only 4500 norwegian Kroner for the trip there and back. One american dollar is about 5,5 kroner or something right now. Might be in Canada for a week or two, so maybe i can catch a couple of other shows also. Other scandinavians going? There's still tickets available via ticketmaster.ca - best right now I could snag a pair in was section 101 row 27 (far back corner of the lower bowl). No floors left. If you're coming all this way - London and Ottawa both have floors left. Hamilton is the next closest show to Toronto but there are no floors or cheap seats left, only full priced seats (back of the arena as well). Mind you - you might snag a single ticket a little closer, if you're coming solo. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: sexkitten on November 06, 2009, 04:30:09 PM can anyone recommend a hotel that is close to venue? thanks. Whats your price range? $150. do you have a recommendation? thanks. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on November 07, 2009, 12:51:23 AM can anyone recommend a hotel that is close to venue? thanks. Whats your price range? $150. do you have a recommendation? thanks. The Fairmont Royal York Hotel is only 1 block from the air canada center. I got a room for $138 a night. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Malcolm on November 07, 2009, 02:21:12 PM can anyone recommend a hotel that is close to venue? thanks. Whats your price range? $150. do you have a recommendation? thanks. The Fairmont Royal York Hotel is only 1 block from the air canada center. I got a room for $138 a night. When was that? that place is damn expensive lol, 138 is pretty good for a room there Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: kyrie on November 07, 2009, 05:32:19 PM Check out travelzoo.ca for some deals... they have a few things for Toronto in January showing.
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: ericy210 on November 09, 2009, 08:39:13 AM I'll be there
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: AxlsMainMan on November 09, 2009, 09:00:50 AM For those in town for awhile looking for something to do, there is always the Toronto Zoo ;)
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: sexkitten on November 09, 2009, 09:42:47 AM can anyone recommend a hotel that is close to venue? thanks. Whats your price range? $150. do you have a recommendation? thanks. The Fairmont Royal York Hotel is only 1 block from the air canada center. I got a room for $138 a night. thanks! Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Derby Greg on November 12, 2009, 06:34:20 PM We went to this place called Armadillo Texas Grill before the 2006 show... It wasn't that far away from the venue. /jarmo We should meet here before the show. can you walk to venue from this place? Shall we lock this place down for the pre-meet? GREG Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on November 12, 2009, 11:49:05 PM Garry
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Malcolm on November 14, 2009, 05:05:49 PM We went to this place called Armadillo Texas Grill before the 2006 show... It wasn't that far away from the venue. /jarmo We should meet here before the show. can you walk to venue from this place? Shall we lock this place down for the pre-meet? GREG yes for sure, its called the loose moose now though Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on November 14, 2009, 06:11:47 PM Pre-show info added to the first post.
/jarmo Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: kyrie on November 15, 2009, 08:24:51 PM Floors are available for this show again, looks like another block was released or something.
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Derby Greg on November 19, 2009, 03:01:26 PM What's the deal with the poutine Canada?
Does it taste better than it looks and where should I be trying some in your fine city? Or is it a Quebec only thing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine GREG Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Malcolm on November 19, 2009, 08:26:32 PM What's the deal with the poutine Canada? Does it taste better than it looks and where should I be trying some in your fine city? Or is it a Quebec only thing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine GREG You will love it...fries covered in gravy/cheese...you can get it anywhere that sells fast food or whatever Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on November 19, 2009, 08:38:10 PM Does it taste better than it looks This coming from an Englishman..... :rofl: /jarmo Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: kyrie on November 19, 2009, 10:19:27 PM What's the deal with the poutine Canada? Does it taste better than it looks and where should I be trying some in your fine city? Or is it a Quebec only thing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine GREG How do fries with gravy ever look good? :P Poutine is spectacular, and you can get it in Toronto, although Quebec, and Ottawa (being so close) have far better offerings. Regular Poutine (Fries/Gravy/Cheese Curds), Italian Poutine (Spaghetti Sauce with meat instead of gravy), Smoked Meat Poutine... However, just don't get it at a fast food joint. A lot of places will just use shredded cheese instead of cheese curds, and it's not as good. Hit up a pub or diner for better results. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: erose on November 20, 2009, 06:30:13 AM Me and a friend are going to the toronto show! : ok:
Quite excited i must ad. See you at the moose! Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on November 20, 2009, 06:48:13 AM Awesome!
/jarmo Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Derby Greg on November 20, 2009, 07:30:06 PM What's the deal with the poutine Canada? Does it taste better than it looks and where should I be trying some in your fine city? Or is it a Quebec only thing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine GREG How do fries with gravy ever look good? :P Poutine is spectacular, and you can get it in Toronto, although Quebec, and Ottawa (being so close) have far better offerings. Regular Poutine (Fries/Gravy/Cheese Curds), Italian Poutine (Spaghetti Sauce with meat instead of gravy), Smoked Meat Poutine... However, just don't get it at a fast food joint. A lot of places will just use shredded cheese instead of cheese curds, and it's not as good. Hit up a pub or diner for better results. Cheers for that. I will check it out when in Montreal. Don't listen to the Fin - we have come a long way food wise in the last 10 years or so. Well London has at least. GREG Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on November 20, 2009, 07:40:34 PM (http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com/images/tour0910/HTGTH_tor20100128_preshow.jpg)
/jarmo Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Derby Greg on November 20, 2009, 08:38:10 PM Cool :beer:
Loose Moose seems like a fun venue. Good call. GREG Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Malcolm on November 21, 2009, 10:46:07 AM Awesome pic Jarmo...love it lol, getting more excited each day...and ya Loose Moose is prime spot before any big event...great atmosphere...I go there before every show
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on November 21, 2009, 12:49:22 PM Thanks. :)
/jarmo Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: brazil66 on November 22, 2009, 10:09:29 PM Greg.
Poutine you can get in a La belle province fast food place in Montreal just off Bishop Street on St Catherine. and is needed to enable large consumptions of Guiness or Kilkenny on your stomach. Pubs usually do it in Montreal. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: erose on November 23, 2009, 06:57:57 AM so is grabaraxl and the band playing at the moose? ;D
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: erose on November 26, 2009, 06:45:35 AM So i fucked up my ticketorder and now the floor tickets are sold out. :-\
I don't want to support the scalpers on ebay unless I have to so if anyone have two spare GA tickets for this show and a paypal account I'll be more than happy to buy the tickets from you. Let me know if you got what I'm looking for. : ok: Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: downzy56 on December 06, 2009, 04:45:51 AM Hey All,
So I'm looking for one, possibly two floor tickets. I have one for myself, but two female friends of mine now want to go so I'm trying to figure something out where they can join me in the frivolity. If anyone is looking to sell two extra floor tickets, please send me a PM. Much appreciation, Andrew Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Loaded NightraiN on December 07, 2009, 11:49:47 AM I don't want to support the scalpers on ebay unless I have to so if anyone have two spare GA tickets for this show and a paypal account I'll be more than happy to buy the tickets from you. Seriously if you can get a good deal on ebay go for it.... GNR already has their money from that ticket.. Nobody really loses if you buy from there, well except you if you pay way to much Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 07, 2009, 03:01:57 PM So i fucked up my ticketorder and now the floor tickets are sold out. :-\ I don't want to support the scalpers on ebay unless I have to so if anyone have two spare GA tickets for this show and a paypal account I'll be more than happy to buy the tickets from you. Let me know if you got what I'm looking for. : ok: Home-dawg gangster, you should try StubHub.com Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: erose on December 08, 2009, 09:10:07 AM So i fucked up my ticketorder and now the floor tickets are sold out. :-\ I don't want to support the scalpers on ebay unless I have to so if anyone have two spare GA tickets for this show and a paypal account I'll be more than happy to buy the tickets from you. Let me know if you got what I'm looking for. : ok: Home-dawg gangster, you should try StubHub.com Hey man, that site looks very good. Only problem so far is they only ship to a very few countries and norway isn't one of them... :-\ Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Loaded NightraiN on December 08, 2009, 03:08:08 PM Hey man, that site looks very good. Only problem so far is they only ship to a very few countries and norway isn't one of them... :-\ E-bay may be your best solution man.. Stub hub is basically just as bad as far as brokers... Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 08, 2009, 03:39:22 PM So i fucked up my ticketorder and now the floor tickets are sold out. :-\ I don't want to support the scalpers on ebay unless I have to so if anyone have two spare GA tickets for this show and a paypal account I'll be more than happy to buy the tickets from you. Let me know if you got what I'm looking for. : ok: Home-dawg gangster, you should try StubHub.com Hey man, that site looks very good. Only problem so far is they only ship to a very few countries and norway isn't one of them... :-\ Don't they have an option to print your tickets at home? Sorry if that didn't help. Unless you can wait to buy your tickets when you're in Canada, but I don't know if that's even an option for you... Hey man, that site looks very good. Only problem so far is they only ship to a very few countries and norway isn't one of them... :-\ E-bay may be your best solution man.. Stub hub is basically just as bad as far as brokers... Really? I always manage to pay under face for the tickets I want on Stubhub...unless it's for the Miley Cyrus show. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: erose on December 08, 2009, 03:49:57 PM So i fucked up my ticketorder and now the floor tickets are sold out. :-\ I don't want to support the scalpers on ebay unless I have to so if anyone have two spare GA tickets for this show and a paypal account I'll be more than happy to buy the tickets from you. Let me know if you got what I'm looking for. : ok: Home-dawg gangster, you should try StubHub.com Hey man, that site looks very good. Only problem so far is they only ship to a very few countries and norway isn't one of them... :-\ Don't they have an option to print your tickets at home? Sorry if that didn't help. Unless you can wait to buy your tickets when you're in Canada, but I don't know if that's even an option for you... Hey man, that site looks very good. Only problem so far is they only ship to a very few countries and norway isn't one of them... :-\ E-bay may be your best solution man.. Stub hub is basically just as bad as far as brokers... Really? I always manage to pay under face for the tickets I want on Stubhub...unless it's for the Miley Cyrus show. I'll contact them and see if we can work it out somehow, they seem to run a decent site. If I want to get two GA tickets in the same purchase I'll have to pay $125-$150 each. I'm guessing ebay will be in the same range... I'm not stressed out in any way. I know I can always go on ebay if nothing else works. I can't believe I actually missed the GA tickets in the regular ticket sales wtf... Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 08, 2009, 03:52:10 PM So i fucked up my ticketorder and now the floor tickets are sold out. :-\ I don't want to support the scalpers on ebay unless I have to so if anyone have two spare GA tickets for this show and a paypal account I'll be more than happy to buy the tickets from you. Let me know if you got what I'm looking for. : ok: Home-dawg gangster, you should try StubHub.com Hey man, that site looks very good. Only problem so far is they only ship to a very few countries and norway isn't one of them... :-\ Don't they have an option to print your tickets at home? Sorry if that didn't help. Unless you can wait to buy your tickets when you're in Canada, but I don't know if that's even an option for you... Hey man, that site looks very good. Only problem so far is they only ship to a very few countries and norway isn't one of them... :-\ E-bay may be your best solution man.. Stub hub is basically just as bad as far as brokers... Really? I always manage to pay under face for the tickets I want on Stubhub...unless it's for the Miley Cyrus show. I'll contact them and see if we can work it out somehow, they seem to run a decent site. If I want to get two GA tickets in the same purchase I'll have to pay $125-$150 each. I'm guessing ebay will be in the same range... I'm not stressed out in any way. I know I can always go on ebay if nothing else works. I can't believe I actually missed the GA tickets in the regular ticket sales wtf... Don't worry man, I'm coming out from Los Angeles, and I don't have any of my tickets for the three shows I'm going to see. I like to wait until the last second and pounce on someone desperate to sell their tickets. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: kyrie on December 08, 2009, 04:07:36 PM Tickets, folks, not flights or hotels...
but if you're local, check out: gunsnroses.tocontests.com Free to enter, you have to pick up the tickets in Toronto. Link came from The Toronto Star. Jarmo if you want to move this to the touring section fine, wasn't sure where to put it. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Loaded NightraiN on December 08, 2009, 04:10:04 PM Damn you have to be a resident of Ontario... Oh well
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: kyrie on December 08, 2009, 04:11:43 PM Woops didn't notice that :P
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: kyrie on December 09, 2009, 12:19:09 PM Just noticed this:
Limit of one entry per person per day. Contest closes January 21, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. ET. So you can enter multiple times :) Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: oldfan on December 09, 2009, 10:22:55 PM Thanks :D
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: D on December 16, 2009, 11:25:41 PM If I come, can someone help me not get lost?
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Eazy E on December 18, 2009, 12:35:31 AM K, I'm officially in!
I've been checking Ticketmaster for some decent seats and finally brought up a pair in section 120, way better than the far end (Row 23) seats I was bringing up for the past month or so! :peace: If I come, can someone help me not get lost? Toronto is not THAT big. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: D on December 18, 2009, 12:43:01 AM damn, Toronto is on one of my school nights.. so there goes that dream
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: erose on December 18, 2009, 07:37:15 AM damn, Toronto is on one of my school nights.. so there goes that dream C'mon D! Fuck school for one night! It's GN'R we're talking here! Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: svdv22 on December 20, 2009, 06:53:31 AM I'll be there :)
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Eazy E on December 23, 2009, 12:06:16 PM http://gunsnroses.tocontests.com/UserForm.aspx?id=46bf3f7e700b46c7c9f4c6a7ad6447ea&tid=1
Another contest for GNR tickets in TO Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 26, 2009, 02:31:35 PM damn, Toronto is on one of my school nights.. so there goes that dream C'mon D! Fuck school for one night! It's GN'R we're talking here! Yeah, I'm playing hookie for this tour too ;D Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on December 28, 2009, 03:18:01 PM About 30 days to go everyone. What time is everyone going to the Loose Moose Tap & Grill?
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: D on December 28, 2009, 09:36:31 PM its just impossible.. im in last semester.. we have clinicals where we basically work the job for free... if i were to miss, i could royally fuck up my future
i am confident, with how successful and kick ass this has been, however, that they will come to the US and then I am fucking there! Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: downzy56 on January 01, 2010, 04:31:57 AM Hey all,
While I'm still in need of one or two floor tickets, I could use two, but definitely need one, I'm not too worried. Back in 2006 I was able to get four floor tickets for less than face value. Scalpers will often buy up tickets ahead of time hoping there's a huge demand for tickets. It appeared in 2006 they overestimated demand and there was a glut of really good tickets available a few days before the show. I just contacted a few people selling tickets on ebay and offered to pay them $75 for tickets worth $90 if they couldn't get rid of them a day before the show. Turns out I had three people willing to sell me discounted tickets as they didn't want to swallow the whole $90-100 for the ticket. Plus, generally a block of front row aisle and floor tickets become available the week of the show as the release the final batch held back due to various reasons (band members not needing tickets, rearrangements to stage setup, etc.). But yeah, if anyone has an extra floor please contact me asap. Am only looking to pay face value. Thanks! Just have a little patience :) Cheers, Andrew Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Ayako on January 02, 2010, 01:41:11 PM I will be there ;D
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on January 02, 2010, 01:45:50 PM Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Derby Greg on January 03, 2010, 11:27:43 AM Wow indeed, there are a lot of use going. Great. For those looking for accomodation, I have booked the novotel - which I believe our host used the last time the band hit Toronto. GREG Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Lisa on January 05, 2010, 04:54:46 PM Wow indeed, there are a lot of use going. Great. For those looking for accomodation, I have booked the novotel - which I believe our host used the last time the band hit Toronto. GREG Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Lisa on January 05, 2010, 04:56:59 PM About 30 days to go everyone. What time is everyone going to the Loose Moose Tap & Grill? L-O-V-E the Moose...good times.. I can't be arsed to read through 5 pages..what is the general thought on the preshow get togethers?...Spagetti Factory on the Espanade has inexpensive drinkables as well...Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: jarmo on January 05, 2010, 04:58:09 PM See the first post.
/jarmo Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: inlikeflynn420 on January 05, 2010, 10:24:42 PM Anyone else staying at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel? Besides the pre-show at the Moose i'd like to meet up with some gnr fans post-concert and keep the party going, either at a bar or, after they close, back at the hotel. Or anyone at nearby hotles too. I am so psyched for this show! Just got my passport in the mail last week. Can't fucking wait!!!!! :beer:
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Crowebar on January 07, 2010, 12:41:56 PM I'll be there too!!! ;D
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on January 08, 2010, 04:40:02 AM I cannot go anymore, take me my name off this list.
Thank you. Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: innocuous1 on January 09, 2010, 12:37:07 PM I'll be at this show too! ;D
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Crowebar on January 11, 2010, 10:14:11 AM See the first post. hey jarmo? ???/jarmo do you know, roughly, what time you and/or anyone else is planning on showing up for this thing dude? :beer: Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: sexkitten on January 12, 2010, 01:38:25 PM Anyone have 1 extra GA ticket I can buy? My best friend at work is leaving NYC and moving to miami, and I wanted to take her to this show for a going away present
Thanks! sexkitten Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: ARX on January 12, 2010, 04:43:02 PM I will be there! Flying up from FL with some friends! Cant wait but it is gonna be real cold for someone from Florida!
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: One.In.A.Million on January 22, 2010, 11:02:14 AM Hello everyone, I'm flying from the UK for this one and can't wait. I saw GNR 13 times in 2006, and can't wait to be sitting in the arena waiting for the best band in the world to take the stage again.
Hope to see everybody there, Lee Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: peterboroguycanada on January 23, 2010, 01:02:14 PM Hey everyone.I'll be at the T.O show,Sec 108 row 16 seat 20,,Going to check out the Loose Moose, also, ticketmaster has added some floors i was just on the 5mins ago, Cheers
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: redarmy76 on January 26, 2010, 08:33:17 AM I have and extra floor ticket now since a buddy of mine can't make it.
PM me if your interested, I am only looking for my cost Ticket is gone now, sorry for those who were interested Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Malcolm on January 27, 2010, 09:03:10 PM Anyone else staying at the Holiday Inn? About a km away i guess...Pregame and Afterparty in the hotel room for sure lol...Headin to bed soon...cant wait till tmw
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: peterboroguycanada on January 27, 2010, 11:17:55 PM How many of you will be at the loose moose tomorrow.pm me if your going .maybe a bunch of us can meet up there.Oh ya i nevr seen it on here yet.But on the other forum some one said that HD trucks were pulling in to the ACC awhile ago.
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Malcolm on January 28, 2010, 07:39:56 AM How many of you will be at the loose moose tomorrow.pm me if your going .maybe a bunch of us can meet up there.Oh ya i nevr seen it on here yet.But on the other forum some one said that HD trucks were pulling in to the ACC awhile ago. As in filming? Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: Crowebar on January 28, 2010, 11:21:55 AM nah, I think he meant Heavy Duty trucks.
Toronto, here we go!! The day has finally arrived!! Right on!! : ok: :beer: Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: neon2002 on January 28, 2010, 12:19:34 PM Looking forward to the show tonight!
Are we expecting GN'R to hit the stage around 10:30PM Tonight? Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: neon2002 on January 28, 2010, 12:22:58 PM I will be there! Flying up from FL with some friends! Cant wait but it is gonna be real cold for someone from Florida! Yeah the weather looks like it's going to suck Today & Tomorrow. It had been pretty good lately too, right up until yesterday. :( Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: innocuous1 on January 28, 2010, 12:26:21 PM See you at the Loose Moose!! :beer:
Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: One.In.A.Million on January 31, 2010, 11:25:45 PM Hello everyone,
I've just returned to the UK from Toronto after the most amazing time of my life. I went to the Loose Moose and had a few beers, and also said hi to jarmo. Then to the arena and Danko Jones was already playing, he seemed to be enjoying it. Then Sebastian Bach was on and rocked the place after telling the crowd to liven up. Of course GN'R were just outstanding, with all the band on top form. Axl's little speeches were a pleasant addition. Also has anyone mentioned yet how Axl came onto the stage in a wheel chair. Just as DJ was hitting the opening chords to chinese, Axl was spinning around in a wheel chair. What a legend, Axl rocks. : ok: Lee Title: Re: January 28th - Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre Post by: One.In.A.Million on September 10, 2010, 01:28:30 PM Just thought I'd post a few pictures from this amazing show, as I never had the opportunity to do so before. Made them slightly smaller too, due to the size of the originals.
(http://i951.photobucket.com/albums/ad352/leegnr/Guns%20N%20Roses%20Concert%20Pics%20by%20Lee/GNRToronto1.jpg) (http://i951.photobucket.com/albums/ad352/leegnr/Guns%20N%20Roses%20Concert%20Pics%20by%20Lee/GNRToronto2.jpg) (http://i951.photobucket.com/albums/ad352/leegnr/Guns%20N%20Roses%20Concert%20Pics%20by%20Lee/GNRToronto3.jpg) (http://i951.photobucket.com/albums/ad352/leegnr/Guns%20N%20Roses%20Concert%20Pics%20by%20Lee/GNRCanada4.jpg) HTGTH Pre show venue (http://i951.photobucket.com/albums/ad352/leegnr/Guns%20N%20Roses%20Concert%20Pics%20by%20Lee/GNRToronto5.jpg) |