Title: With Liberty Post by: Guitar1281 on December 18, 2018, 03:09:38 PM I finished a double album project earlier this year that I had started in 2011 (Axl's influence seeped into finishing the albums :hihi: :hihi:) entitled Enticement & Atonement
https://withliberty.bandcamp.com/ (https://withliberty.bandcamp.com/) The album tells a story throughout from disc 1 (Enticement) and finishes in disc 2 (Atonement) It's mainly rock based but has many influences throughout. Some songs more punk, some songs more experimental, some more classic rock, one classical, etc. The song Warped is very Guns/Aerosmith influenced The song Parasite (which I've posted here before) takes some influence from Chin Dem. I did all of the instrumentation, lyrics, and production save for one song where I collaborated with a friend. I hope everyone gives it a chance and enjoys :beer: |