Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: cineater on April 03, 2021, 11:03:28 PM

Title: Pets
Post by: cineater on April 03, 2021, 11:03:28 PM
I have Miss Death Lily the Garden Cat.  Lily for short.  She's a tortie.

A female, orange tabby named Simone because this time the orange cat was female and pregnant. 

We have a feral cat who hangs with the girls most nights, Little Boy.  He thanks me for his dinner and lets me rub his fur.  He watches from the back door but won't come in.

Little George, the opossum comes up for a drink and whatever offerings I leave him so he continues to work my yard.  Not really a pet but an acquaintance of the cats.  You know, he kind of looks like a cat, a weird cat in my cats' eyes.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on April 04, 2021, 12:17:18 AM
I have two torties and a russian blue. The torties are Jasmine and Crystal and the Russian blue is Cuddles.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on April 04, 2021, 09:25:21 AM
I have two torties and a russian blue. The torties are Jasmine and Crystal and the Russian blue is Cuddles.

Don't you love torties?  I always have one.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on April 04, 2021, 10:50:20 PM
I have two torties and a russian blue. The torties are Jasmine and Crystal and the Russian blue is Cuddles.

Don't you love torties?  I always have one.

I do but one of them, Jasmine is a real piece of work. Darn cat is too smart for her own good. She's definitely got all the tortitude traits. She's our little escape artist. I can't tell you how many times we've had to chase her down because she got out. We can't even open a window because she will either push the screen out or rip it.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on April 05, 2021, 10:15:36 AM
I have two torties and a russian blue. The torties are Jasmine and Crystal and the Russian blue is Cuddles.

Don't you love torties?  I always have one.

I do but one of them, Jasmine is a real piece of work. Darn cat is too smart for her own good. She's definitely got all the tortitude traits. She's our little escape artist. I can't tell you how many times we've had to chase her down because she got out. We can't even open a window because she will either push the screen out or rip it.

 :hihi:  Usually indoor cats freak when they escape.  They want out there but once they are there it's just so strange.  Mine are indoor/outdoor.  Lily likes to bring her live catches in the house and then the chase is on.  I have to remind myself to check to see if she's carrying before I open the door for her.

Life is never dull with a tortie.  Lily is a talker.  She appears on all my zoom meetings.  When we all chime into vote you can hear her speak up too.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on April 06, 2021, 05:18:01 AM
I have two torties and a russian blue. The torties are Jasmine and Crystal and the Russian blue is Cuddles.

Don't you love torties?  I always have one.

I do but one of them, Jasmine is a real piece of work. Darn cat is too smart for her own good. She's definitely got all the tortitude traits. She's our little escape artist. I can't tell you how many times we've had to chase her down because she got out. We can't even open a window because she will either push the screen out or rip it.

 :hihi:  Usually indoor cats freak when they escape.  They want out there but once they are there it's just so strange.  Mine are indoor/outdoor.  Lily likes to bring her live catches in the house and then the chase is on.  I have to remind myself to check to see if she's carrying before I open the door for her.

Life is never dull with a tortie.  Lily is a talker.  She appears on all my zoom meetings.  When we all chime into vote you can hear her speak up too.  :hihi:

I wish Jasmine were like that. She sees an opportunity and she's like i'm free! Then chasing her is like a game to her. I live in an apartment with lots of traffice. So i would never trust her to be outside. She never goes far. The few times she got out that we didn't know she came back when she had enough, but i still wouldn't feel safe letting her out.

Oh yeah, Jasmine is a talker too and always in the middle of the night. She will be out in the living/dining area yowling. She's trying to get her brother to come play with her. Once he finally does she gets mad when he attacks her.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on April 06, 2021, 10:08:37 AM
I bet the neighbors love that.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: arnarsi on April 07, 2021, 10:40:48 PM
I have a chocolate lab, big mofo that just turned one and weighs about 46 kg, and goes by the name Slash.
We are waiting for his “brother,” a St Bernard that will probably be named Duff.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on April 07, 2021, 11:30:54 PM
I bet the neighbors love that.  :hihi:

They don't hear it but we do and tell her to shut up.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on April 08, 2021, 10:17:17 AM
I have a chocolate lab, big mofo that just turned one and weighs about 46 kg, and goes by the name Slash.
We are waiting for his “brother,” a St Bernard that will probably be named Duff.

Love labs.  You like big dogs!

Poor Simone was sleeping in the laundry basket and I forgot.  Tossed a shirt in on her in the middle of the night.  That little sleepy face looked up at me as if to say what just happen.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on April 18, 2021, 04:20:33 AM
So close.  Lily shows up at the back door, baby bunny in her mouth.  You're not bringing that in here but I can tell she's just carrying it.  Go out and she drops it.  Yeah it's still alive and moving.  Almost grab Lily just as Simone walks up.  Game on!  Bunny racing around yard, two cats in chase and I'm trying to grab anybody at 2:30 in the morning.  :hihi:  Got Simone but Lily and bunny got away.  Next time I go for the bunny.  Has to be easier to catch.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on April 19, 2021, 08:00:20 PM

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on April 27, 2021, 10:09:08 PM
Gotcha!  Simone had her annual exam today.  It's always a challenge to see if I can find her in time for her appointment.  She was sleeping under a neighbor's bush.  And like any cat, she cried the whole way up there and back.  You know, the dog loved the car.  And my pet is upset but I have to wait in the car while they examine her.  I think we were both traumatized.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 07, 2021, 08:39:15 AM
The cats are finally going back outside after all the fireworks.  Lily is a chicken shit but I never thought Simone would refuse to go out.  My feral cat hasn't shown up yet.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 12, 2021, 12:01:33 AM
This is going to freak Lily out.  A stray kitten who looks like her needs a home.  Simone looked like Timone and really freaked Lily out when she showed up and wasn't Timone.   :hihi:  Now it's going to be like looking in the mirror.  Wonder what Simone is going to think?  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 12, 2021, 10:23:26 PM
Okay, that might not have been a good idea.   :hihi:  She's in heat and totally crazy.  Wants to love on you but then attacks your hand.  I'm up to two band aides and wearing gloves.  :hihi:  She'll calm down once she's fixed.  Took to the litter box right away.  Walked right up to my other cats but then hissed at them.  Lily ran for the hills and Simone just looked at her like, I can take you little cat.  She's not so little though, probably last fall's litter.  My friend suggests Zoie.  She's feeling like a Zoie but I have to get her out of heat before her real personality shows through.  Don't think she's going to go with a hippy, Grateful Dead name.  A little too much going on for that.  More of an Axlette.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 15, 2021, 10:43:51 PM
She does have a Grateful Dead name, Terrapin.  She's a tortoiseshell in color, the turtle and she is some what of a terr as in terror.   :D 

I think I can take off the protective clothing. She's stopped attacking me in small spaces and during petting.  She's not spending all her time rubbing on everything so the heat period must have passed, at least for the moment.  She had to have been an indoor cat at some point because she knows to open the cabinets.  She wants to be Lily's friend.  Lily can at least stare at her for long periods without getting upset.  She's enjoying playing with her toys instead of spending all her time wanting to be by me.  This might work out.

Tomorrow I have her checked for a chip.  Find out if she's one of us.  Find out if she's Terrapin.

Er, the vet can't get her in to be fixed until the end of August.  We may have to go through this again.  :o

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 17, 2021, 06:25:34 PM
I know cats don't look at themselves in the mirror but at some point they learn their reflection isn't another cat.  Terrapin and Lily came face to face and I think it surprised them both.  They just sat their staring at each other.  They are pretty hard to tell apart.  Don't know if they were wondering reflection or if they had never seen another cat that had the same coat as them.  There's been a little hissing at each other when they've seen each other through the window but they do a lot of looking first.

Terrapin doesn't have a chip.  The neighborhood I got her from is reporting 3 other new cats running around there.  They think the group was dumped by someone.  I can tell Terrapin's hunting skills aren't that developed.  She's pulled into the station here and that's her last stop.  (Might be the last Grateful Dead reference, can't promise.  :hihi:)  The song is Terrapin Station by the Dead if you think I've gone of the rail with the jokes.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 22, 2021, 11:28:30 AM
Terrapin took her first adventure into the yard without my supervision.  My cats can go outside where I live.  She's been out before but I didn't let her get too far from me.  She's figured it out, she lives here, you want back in, come to the back door.  Now if she can just get down she can't walk across the keyboard when my fingers are on it.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 28, 2021, 12:25:53 AM
She is now Terrapin, the terror.  :hihi:  She was loving all over the vet tech until she took a swipe at her, then started roaming the whole room and hissing a little.  Yeah, take her in the back room and give her a sedative.  She came back in her crate.  The vet said she'd be a little groggy for a few hours.  I took one look and went, nope, she's a mean drunk.  Took her home and made plans to leave the house.  :hihi:  They can't get her in to be fixed for a few more weeks.  I'm expecting she'll calm down some after that.  She still has some PTSD we're going to have to work through.  I can tell she's feeling the effects of the vaccines tonight.  She's keeping her distance and pretty mellow but she needs to be in the same room with me. 

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 31, 2021, 11:37:29 AM
uh-oh, saw a fox in the neighbor's yard this morning.  Simone is a little big for a fox but the other two could be breakfast if the fox is hungry enough.  I hope he's just passing through and not taking up residence.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on August 01, 2021, 01:40:47 PM
uh-oh, saw a fox in the neighbor's yard this morning.  Simone is a little big for a fox but the other two could be breakfast if the fox is hungry enough.  I hope he's just passing through and not taking up residence.

That's one reason i'd never let my cats out. I also live in an apartment. So it isn't the safest environment either.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 01, 2021, 05:00:03 PM
uh-oh, saw a fox in the neighbor's yard this morning.  Simone is a little big for a fox but the other two could be breakfast if the fox is hungry enough.  I hope he's just passing through and not taking up residence.

That's one reason i'd never let my cats out. I also live in an apartment. So it isn't the safest environment either.

Terrapin went out last night and hasn't come back!  New cats will do that, stay gone for 24 hours, while they get to know the territory so I'm holding on to that.  I was up and down all night looking for her and have been out there calling but no show yet.  My feral cat showed up last night.  He's been gone about two weeks.  Looks pretty skinny.  I'm assuming mating season is over.

I can't see making my cats stay inside when outside is so wonderful.  I can't blame people for keeping them in either, it's a dangerous world out there.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on August 01, 2021, 11:54:24 PM
uh-oh, saw a fox in the neighbor's yard this morning.  Simone is a little big for a fox but the other two could be breakfast if the fox is hungry enough.  I hope he's just passing through and not taking up residence.

That's one reason i'd never let my cats out. I also live in an apartment. So it isn't the safest environment either.

Terrapin went out last night and hasn't come back!  New cats will do that, stay gone for 24 hours, while they get to know the territory so I'm holding on to that.  I was up and down all night looking for her and have been out there calling but no show yet.  My feral cat showed up last night.  He's been gone about two weeks.  Looks pretty skinny.  I'm assuming mating season is over.

I can't see making my cats stay inside when outside is so wonderful.  I can't blame people for keeping them in either, it's a dangerous world out there.

And just my luck one of mine is an escape artist. If you open the door you better know where she is went not leave it open. She's even been known to push screens out or rip them to get out.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 02, 2021, 11:56:50 AM
uh-oh, saw a fox in the neighbor's yard this morning.  Simone is a little big for a fox but the other two could be breakfast if the fox is hungry enough.  I hope he's just passing through and not taking up residence.

That's one reason i'd never let my cats out. I also live in an apartment. So it isn't the safest environment either.

Terrapin went out last night and hasn't come back!  New cats will do that, stay gone for 24 hours, while they get to know the territory so I'm holding on to that.  I was up and down all night looking for her and have been out there calling but no show yet.  My feral cat showed up last night.  He's been gone about two weeks.  Looks pretty skinny.  I'm assuming mating season is over.

I can't see making my cats stay inside when outside is so wonderful.  I can't blame people for keeping them in either, it's a dangerous world out there.

And just my luck one of mine is an escape artist. If you open the door you better know where she is went not leave it open. She's even been known to push screens out or rip them to get out.

She showed up this morning, much to my relief, only to find out she's back in heat and being little psycho girl.   :D  She'll be okay from here, knows her home.  Simone came walking up from the general direction of the fox sighting.  I noticed she and Lily have been sticking close to the house.  Could of been because they knew Terrapin was out there or might be the fox.  Hopefully it's moved on.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on August 02, 2021, 02:04:27 PM
uh-oh, saw a fox in the neighbor's yard this morning.  Simone is a little big for a fox but the other two could be breakfast if the fox is hungry enough.  I hope he's just passing through and not taking up residence.

That's one reason i'd never let my cats out. I also live in an apartment. So it isn't the safest environment either.

Terrapin went out last night and hasn't come back!  New cats will do that, stay gone for 24 hours, while they get to know the territory so I'm holding on to that.  I was up and down all night looking for her and have been out there calling but no show yet.  My feral cat showed up last night.  He's been gone about two weeks.  Looks pretty skinny.  I'm assuming mating season is over.

I can't see making my cats stay inside when outside is so wonderful.  I can't blame people for keeping them in either, it's a dangerous world out there.

And just my luck one of mine is an escape artist. If you open the door you better know where she is went not leave it open. She's even been known to push screens out or rip them to get out.

She showed up this morning, much to my relief, only to find out she's back in heat and being little psycho girl.   :D  She'll be okay from here, knows her home.  Simone came walking up from the general direction of the fox sighting.  I noticed she and Lily have been sticking close to the house.  Could of been because they knew Terrapin was out there or might be the fox.  Hopefully it's moved on.

A cat in heat can be profoundly irritating. I would be afraid to let them out with a fox on the loose.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 03, 2021, 12:06:37 AM
The fox is only an addition.  I've got hunting birds and coons.  Fortunately I have a lot of cover.  We have a lot of rabbits so I'm hoping those are more to their liking.

Terrapin got into it with a neighbor's cat and came running.  My other two were on the patio with me and ran the other cat off.  Might be progress in the 3 of them getting along.  Terrapin has quit hissing back at them and everybody has quit running when they see each other.

I've found putting her in the warm garage helps when she's psycho.  It calms her down and she seems to like it.  Or when she's walking around crying to pick her up and walk her around the house.  She cycles every three days.  Her surgery is scheduled for the 20th.  Not looking forward to it as they keep her overnight.  On the other hand, can't come soon enough!

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 17, 2021, 10:50:45 AM
I got a cat statue for the yard for my birthday.  It is freaking the cats out.   :hihi:  They keep sneaking up on it and bopping it in the head to see if it will move.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on August 17, 2021, 07:53:44 PM
You must get a picture of this lol.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 17, 2021, 10:58:18 PM
You must get a picture of this lol.

I was thinking about moving it to a different spot when the cats weren't looking.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on August 18, 2021, 01:29:22 AM
You must get a picture of this lol.

I was thinking about moving it to a different spot when the cats weren't looking.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 19, 2021, 06:56:30 PM
Terrapin goes in tomorrow to get fixed.  My vet keeps them overnight after surgery.  I hate that.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 21, 2021, 05:12:59 PM
She's home!  Nothing makes a cat more crazy then to have one of those collar guards around their neck.  Took that off.  And she's on pain meds so she doesn't know she's injured and was fighting it.  The vet estimates she's 7 months old.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 31, 2021, 01:37:59 PM
Dropped Simone at the vet so they can work her in.  No way in hell she was going in the cat carrier.  She rode up there in the backseat.  She's had little scabs all over her face for 3 weeks that won't heal up.  We had a similar problem last year but it was on her feet.  I'm thinking allergies.  Her little eyes look kind of like mine feel.

Sure, to come home she walks right into the cat carrier.   :hihi:  Antibiotic and steroid shots.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on September 02, 2021, 11:44:47 PM
Terrapin, you're such a kitten.  She's been having a great time all day playing with a rubber ban.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on September 25, 2021, 08:41:39 PM
Terrapin has figured out how to get on the roof from watching the big cats.  She's also learn when you hear the garage door go up you better come when I call or you'll be outside until I get back.  She's working out well.  I have my cat crew again.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: Guns N Ballz on October 04, 2021, 04:45:18 PM
I currently have 2 cats, Kevin and Ozzy. We started out with just Kevin but I convinced my gf that two are better.  :beer: It is wild in the house now! They chase each other every where! It's great! lol

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on October 05, 2021, 03:47:23 PM
WTH?  The cats fighting took out 2 of my glass containers and took out another one today.  Glass, bottle tops and shells everywhere.  They look at me like, what just happened?  You two, that's what just happen!  No, they didn't fall off that shelve by themselves.  You're not the victims here.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on October 10, 2021, 12:00:54 PM

Wonder if I can get away with just putting that up this year instead of my big tree?  It is just me and the cats.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on October 27, 2021, 10:36:36 PM
I went ahead and put the Christmas scratching post together.  Love it.   :hihi:  The cats do too.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on October 28, 2021, 04:06:09 AM
We got a whole cat tree for our 3. Our one cat Cuddles has taken it over and made it his.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on October 28, 2021, 02:13:14 PM
We got a whole cat tree for our 3. Our one cat Cuddles has taken it over and made it his.

Yeah, some times they don't share well.   :hihi:  If I had a cat room I'd have a bunch of those.

I have a new couch coming and I'm getting prepared to protect it from the cats.  I'm going to use those plastic squares on it but I'm replacing/adding to the cat scratching posts.  I have another one on my list that looks like a llama.  Never tell people you like something.  They buy it for you and you don't have room for the ones you actually like!  Finally, I'm picking a llama I like, sort of, not passionate about it.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on October 28, 2021, 11:31:43 PM
The neighbor calls me.  Simone is eating her kill right outside his front door.  It's big and he can't identify what she has, maybe a squirrel.  "Yeah that's gross and disgusting, let me know if she leaves anything behind.  I'll clean it up when I get home."  Really I'm thinking, man up and stop freaking out.  :hihi:  He should be hoping she got that squirrel that tore up his hot tub cover.  I'm not a fan of the circle of life like that but once it's done at least let the kill count for something and let the cat finish her meal.

It was a squirrel.  Yuck.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 02, 2021, 09:53:55 PM
Terrapin is practicing her big cat moves.  She sneaks up on the other cats like she is going to attack them but instead of actually doing it she screams at the top of her lungs.   :hihi:  Scares the shit out of me and the other cats.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 13, 2021, 03:33:37 PM
All the cats are jumpy with Terrapin screaming at them.  They've been cautious around each other and getting into little spats.  I hear Simone and Little Boy, my feral cat, getting into it.  I open the door to break it up and Terrapin runs out screaming at them.  They both freak and scatter.  Terrapin chases Little Boy for a second and Simone runs for the roof.  Lily hearing it all, comes running only to come face to face with Terrapin.  About face and she runs for cover with Terrapin following.  Cats going in every direction.   :hihi:  I'm just standing there thinking, she's a kitten, why are you guys running away from her?

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 17, 2021, 05:08:31 PM
Aw, Axl's cat, Dexter died.  Such a cool cat.  Have been checking him out for years.  Twenty years, that's a long time for a cat.  Axl took good care of him.  Twenty years is just not long enough of a life for people who love them. 

Ooops, fourteen years.  We old cats don't see that well.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 18, 2021, 12:13:52 AM

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 20, 2021, 11:31:37 PM
When I was about 10 my father woke me up to tell me Pappy had died.  He was an African parrot who lived in my grandfather's drug store.  One of those little connections I had with my father the rest of the family didn't have.  Years later we we're out to lunch for some occasion and my father wanted to buy me a gift from the gift shop.  There it was, a parrot pin.  And now many years later with my father gone, I still have the parrot pin.  That little connection.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 24, 2021, 04:58:53 PM
The Christmas tree is going up this weekend.  Terrapin looks like a full grown cat but she's got a kitty brain.  There's a reason she's called Terrapin, The Terror.  I have a feeling she is going to add to her legacy.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on November 24, 2021, 11:17:47 PM
The Christmas tree is going up this weekend.  Terrapin looks like a full grown cat but she's got a kitty brain.  There's a reason she's called Terrapin, The Terror.  I have a feeling she is going to add to her legacy.   :hihi:
Can we take bets on how many times you wake up to a tree on the floor or ornaments all over the place?

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 25, 2021, 01:04:58 AM
The Christmas tree is going up this weekend.  Terrapin looks like a full grown cat but she's got a kitty brain.  There's a reason she's called Terrapin, The Terror.  I have a feeling she is going to add to her legacy.   :hihi:
Can we take bets on how many times you wake up to a tree on the floor or ornaments all over the place?

There is no way to cat proof one of those.  It's going down.  :hihi:  We may have to bet how many times a day.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 25, 2021, 11:12:26 AM
I remember setting the turkey on the table one year and Timon jumped over the table snatching a piece of turkey.  He never touched the table!  I swear that cat did a fly by.   :hihi:  He was gone before any of us could object.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on November 25, 2021, 10:42:16 PM
The Christmas tree is going up this weekend.  Terrapin looks like a full grown cat but she's got a kitty brain.  There's a reason she's called Terrapin, The Terror.  I have a feeling she is going to add to her legacy.   :hihi:
Can we take bets on how many times you wake up to a tree on the floor or ornaments all over the place?

There is no way to cat proof one of those.  It's going down.  :hihi:  We may have to bet how many times a day.
We used to tie it to something th prevent it from falling over. One of my cats now is the climber. She will climb up the middle and lay on the branches. She will also chew the lights. I remember one year we bought this really nice flocked pre lit tree. All the lights worked for a damn day.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 25, 2021, 11:08:46 PM
The Christmas tree is going up this weekend.  Terrapin looks like a full grown cat but she's got a kitty brain.  There's a reason she's called Terrapin, The Terror.  I have a feeling she is going to add to her legacy.   :hihi:
Can we take bets on how many times you wake up to a tree on the floor or ornaments all over the place?

There is no way to cat proof one of those.  It's going down.  :hihi:  We may have to bet how many times a day.
We used to tie it to something th prevent it from falling over. One of my cats now is the climber. She will climb up the middle and lay on the branches. She will also chew the lights. I remember one year we bought this really nice flocked pre lit tree. All the lights worked for a damn day.

I've heard of cats that chew wires but I've never had one of those.  Terrapin will probably prove me wrong.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 26, 2021, 08:31:21 PM
I forgot Terrapin wasn't skilled at climbing trees.  She stretched up into it but her feet never left the ground.  She had a better time playing in the box.  Just to be safe, I'm not getting out any of my glass Christmas stuff this year.  I can still hear my glass canisters crashing to the ground.  :o

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on December 05, 2021, 05:04:11 PM
Last night Lilly and I hear scampering in the wall.  Took Terrapin with me today to inspect the outside of the house.  This is your job little kitty, find where that mouse is getting in.  She went right to it.  We're both thinking the same spot.  Left her out there to take care of that.  I use a packet of herbs the mice don't like the smell of, it does a pretty good job of getting them to leave an area if that cats don't take care of them.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on December 08, 2021, 11:43:05 PM
Terrapin had a great time helping wrap the gifts. Lily at 6 years old still thinks it's pretty cool too.  Cat paws slow me down but it makes wrapping a lot more fun.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on December 12, 2021, 12:41:08 PM
Today is Lily's gotcha day.  She was mostly dead when I found her.  The vet said a couple of hours away from her body shutting down.  I found her in my daylily bed at the garden.  She weighed in at one pound.  My second to last gift from the universe in 2015.  My best year for those, they just kept coming.  Anyway, Miss Death Lily the Garden Cat, Lily for short.  Still grateful for that gift.  She's pretty happy with me too.  :D

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on December 20, 2021, 04:12:32 PM
Simone is pissed!  Never hear her meow at me like that.  I'm getting a new couch so I shoved the old one out for the trash.  Lily talked me through it while I'll shoved the couch out the back door.  Terrapin came in and is looking for the couch but we all know which cat made that couch her bed.  Saw Simone out there checking the couch out at the end of the driveway.  Went out to talk to her and oh shit, take myself back in the house.  Hope she doesn't go in the trash truck with it.  Hope I'm forgiven when the new one shows up Wednesday.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on December 23, 2021, 07:33:48 AM
Simone is pissed!  Never hear her meow at me like that.  I'm getting a new couch so I shoved the old one out for the trash.  Lily talked me through it while I'll shoved the couch out the back door.  Terrapin came in and is looking for the couch but we all know which cat made that couch her bed.  Saw Simone out there checking the couch out at the end of the driveway.  Went out to talk to her and oh shit, take myself back in the house.  Hope she doesn't go in the trash truck with it.  Hope I'm forgiven when the new one shows up Wednesday.

Sounds like someone really liked that couch.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on December 23, 2021, 12:14:11 PM
Simone is pissed!  Never hear her meow at me like that.  I'm getting a new couch so I shoved the old one out for the trash.  Lily talked me through it while I'll shoved the couch out the back door.  Terrapin came in and is looking for the couch but we all know which cat made that couch her bed.  Saw Simone out there checking the couch out at the end of the driveway.  Went out to talk to her and oh shit, take myself back in the house.  Hope she doesn't go in the trash truck with it.  Hope I'm forgiven when the new one shows up Wednesday.

Sounds like someone really liked that couch.

She's claimed her spot on the new one.  We all making the adjustment.  :hihi:
You move yet?  How are your cats doing?

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: tim_m on December 24, 2021, 07:55:55 AM
Simone is pissed!  Never hear her meow at me like that.  I'm getting a new couch so I shoved the old one out for the trash.  Lily talked me through it while I'll shoved the couch out the back door.  Terrapin came in and is looking for the couch but we all know which cat made that couch her bed.  Saw Simone out there checking the couch out at the end of the driveway.  Went out to talk to her and oh shit, take myself back in the house.  Hope she doesn't go in the trash truck with it.  Hope I'm forgiven when the new one shows up Wednesday.

Sounds like someone really liked that couch.

She's claimed her spot on the new one.  We all making the adjustment.  :hihi:
You move yet?  How are your cats doing?

Yep we moved 2 weeks ago. They are doing fine. They've found their new favorite spot,  the master bedroom closet. Lots of places to hide in there.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on December 24, 2021, 11:05:46 PM
I pissed off the neighbor.  Terrapin used his outdoor light to springboard off the roof.  Didn't see her but I heard it.  The light didn't fall down but it looked unlevel.  Talked to his dad who checked it out and said a screw had been pulled out.  Text the guy and told him what happen.  Didn't get a response but tonight I tried to talk to him about it.  He says it can't be fixed and if he sees my cat in his yard again he'll shoot it.  And a few hours later, he's over it.  We fixed it.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 01, 2022, 07:06:26 PM
Not sure what's going on with Terrapin.  She started peeing on my hardwood.  Cats don't like to pee on flat surfaces.  No blood in her urine and there is a lot of it, not signs of a UTI.  I've thought since I got her, her belly is swollen.  Guess I'll drop her off at the vet Monday.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 03, 2022, 08:32:57 PM
I just took in a urine sample today.  She does have a UTI.  The kind that is going to require prescription pet food to keep it from coming back.  Usually only my male cats have that problem.

Apparently she terrorized the vet's office.   :hihi:  They have a note she may need to be sedated to treat her.  Yeah she scared the fuck out of all of us when she was in heat!  Hopefully tomorrow goes better.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 06, 2022, 06:28:21 PM
I did the donation to honor Betty White's 100th birthday.  I've been spammed by the Humane Society everyday since!  Knew I should have just ran up to the gas station and dropped money in the box.  I am kind of interested in seeing if we get a total donated amount for that event although you can donate to any animal fund.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 10, 2022, 06:30:30 PM
Terrapin is a face toucher.  She can't sleep with me without reaching out her paw, sometimes both of them, and touching my face.  Lily snuggles into my neck and Simone pins me down by sitting on my chest.  Thanks for loving me girls but it freaks me out waiting for the cat fight at my face over who gets to sleep with me!   :hihi:  I'm having night terrors.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 17, 2022, 08:50:51 AM
The Betty White campaign is all over the news.  Probably won't be able to tell how much that raises but the word is out there.  That was a good idea by somebody.  :D

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on February 02, 2022, 03:38:13 PM
Terrapin's first snow.  She's a little confused and hyper, freaked about it.   :hihi:  Simone will never forget she was out in the cold as a kitten.  She's taken to snuggling under the blanket on the couch.  She doesn't even want to look at it.  Lily doesn't remember she was almost dead on a cold December day.  Life is good when you can come in out of the cold.  Hope my feral cat is doing okay.  He hasn't shown up yet.  He didn't come last night because of the rain so he has to be getting hungry.  He's only come into the house to eat once this winter.  I'm going to try to follow his tracks when he shows up so I can find out where his house is.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on February 23, 2022, 10:39:00 PM
Poor Lilly.  She had two teeth removed.  Came home from the vet looking like she was tripping on acid.  You'd think she'd sleep it off but she's been on her paws and rubbing on everything since she got home.  I hope that's not some kind of allergic reaction and she's feeling all tingly.  It's been hours.  The anesthetic should have worn off by now.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on February 24, 2022, 01:54:32 PM
I got a box of 98 rolls of toilet paper "to get over my shitty job" when I retired.  Comes in handy during a pandemic.  Apparently Terrapin had a good time in there.  Toilet paper every where, shredded!   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: Bridge on February 24, 2022, 10:32:01 PM
I got a box of 98 rolls of toilet paper when I retired.  Comes in handy during a pandemic.

I bet it did, since toilet paper was scarce as hell in the initial stages of the pandemic!  Made a lot of sense, we're besieged by a respiratory illness, so dumbasses buy all the TOILET PAPER.  ::) :rant:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on February 25, 2022, 12:54:54 AM
I got a box of 98 rolls of toilet paper when I retired.  Comes in handy during a pandemic.

I bet it did, since toilet paper was scarce as hell in the initial stages of the pandemic!  Made a lot of sense, we're besieged by a respiratory illness, so dumbasses buy all the TOILET PAPER.  ::) :rant:

Yeah I didn't understand that either.   :hihi:  I didn't much care for the joke that I had a shitty job either.  It was an important job just didn't pay shit and they worked you to death. 

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on March 31, 2022, 11:07:42 PM
My friend is asking if I'll put her husband's 17 year old dog down.  They have a planned trip out of town in two weeks and their sitter won't do it.  He can't do it and if the dog lives another two weeks, she wants me to do it.  Lily, her name is Lily and she's willed to me if something happens to them.  My favorite dog of all time.  I don't think that's right, she should be with them when it happens.  I'm with him.  I always wait until the last minute and she's not quite there yet.  They are going to know that better than I am.

And I don't want him knowing I'm the one who put her down.  She's put down two of his dogs this way, sent him out of town, but she's his wife.  Besides I love that dog.  They could come back and I didn't do it.  How about if I take him out of town and she stays home with the dog?

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on May 02, 2022, 08:44:36 PM
The dog got better, oh thank god.  Still on her last leg but they've quit calling the vet out to see if it's time.

My feral cat never comes in the house even though I've tried to coax him in.  The best I get is he steps inside for a minute.  I see him at the door the other night waiting for his food.  Right as I open the door, it thunders and he dashes in, half way across the living room.  We both just looked at each other.   :hihi:  He turned around and dashed back out.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on May 06, 2022, 09:28:38 AM
Damn it, my neighbor is calling animal control on my feral cat.  He's tired of it walking on his car and spraying around his house.  I'm hoping he rethinks that.  It never comes out good for him when the city starts looking around his unkept property. 

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on June 19, 2022, 02:23:50 AM
Simone's face broke out in little sores again.  She's allergic to something during the growing season.  The vet gave her a shot and it's clearing up.  Her little eyes aren't as glassy either.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 14, 2022, 12:50:37 PM
Can't eat a bowl of ice cream without Lily.  Give her some or there's no peace.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 08, 2022, 10:15:05 PM
My friend's parents had to put down their cat today.  The dad came home and said hello to the cat.  She's worried the old man is losing it.  Er, most my pets have visited the house after they died.  It's not just me, the kid has seen them too.  I can't explain it.  It just happens.  :)

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 24, 2022, 01:54:11 AM
Open up the closet door, another one bites the dust.  Shredded toilet paper every where.   :hihi:  I am a failure at keeping the toilet paper safe.  Terrapin I know that was you!  But I can't rule out Lily either.  She likes the closets.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on October 13, 2022, 04:48:32 PM
The Maytag commercial with the guy bumping fits with the cat is cute.  "Hit me."  :D

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on October 26, 2022, 06:18:58 PM
Movement caught my eye outside of the bar last night.  Black kitten in one of their plant containers.  My first thought was, damn I'm getting a new cat.  Turns out it was a paper Halloween decoration blowing around in the wind and rain.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 30, 2022, 05:25:53 PM
Poor Terrapin has a bladder infection,
complicated by a car ride to the vet.  :nervous:  I hate that too kitty.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on December 09, 2022, 04:50:44 PM
It's really challenging wrapping Christmas presents with 3 cats.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on December 12, 2022, 11:29:29 AM
It's Lily's gotcha day, seven years ago.  The only cat I've had my mother approved of.  "What could you do?"  Yeah, it was a no brainer.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 06, 2023, 12:49:15 AM
Why are cats so fascinated by the printer?  Mine come running every time, sit up on their butts to check out what comes out of that noise maker.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: Muerto on January 06, 2023, 05:22:21 PM
You entertain yourself with your rather curious kittens, I hope your printer is not a dot matrix one  ;D. I love cats but my wife won't let us adopt one  >:(. Luckily, we have a little chihuahua named Pitin, who I have to take care of more than my daughter, the original owner.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 06, 2023, 08:40:30 PM
I have 3 cats.  I like dogs too but I don't have any at the moment.  But like you said, they require more care.  I do require my dogs to be bigger than my cats though.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 17, 2023, 04:55:25 PM
Aww hell!  Lily is due for her annual exam.  She's my only cat I have to trap and force into the cage.  I'm going to be stressed about this until she's at the vet.  Terrapin walks right in on her own, silly girl.  Simone I just have to wait till she comes home and hold her in the house.  But Lily, it's a whole big thing.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 29, 2023, 02:31:44 AM
At the start of Starting Over they ding the bowl three times.  Gets all the cats' attention, every time.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: willow on March 12, 2023, 07:52:43 AM
 :rofl: No wonder everyone is reading your posts Cineater! lol You sure know how to entertain everyone.
Well Cin as you know I have my little monster Patro'n. He is an Amstaf mix. 30 lbs of cute piss and vinegar. lol Going to be 7 this June. Funniest dog my parents have ever had.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on March 12, 2023, 09:39:36 AM
Leave me driving the train, I will drive you insane.   :hihi:  Okay now that song is stuck in my head.  "You'll feel no pain as we drive you insane, if you stay on the sunny side of life."

You weren't meant to see that one post about the kid.  I don't think I mentioned it at the Dizzy board.  Cancer sucks.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on May 03, 2023, 11:16:31 PM
They say cats are picky about you changing their food.  You're suppose to mix the old with the new, not doing that.  I'm trying a new, more natural food for them.  Give each of them some to try.  Hoping they liked it.  All of them dove right it and gobbled it up.  :)  They politely ate the other stuff when they were too lazy to go outside and kill something.

They are going outside more with the warmer weather.  Haven't had to clean a litter box in 2 weeks.  I guess those are like porta potties.  Hate those too but sometimes there is too many people around to use a bush.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on May 24, 2023, 12:34:30 AM
My 4th cat is out there, crying for her mommy.  Looks just like Lilly and Terrapin.  I heard her crying and found her up, under the neighbor's car but she got away before I could grab her.  She's hanging in the neighbors woods.  Hear her cry but every time I get close, off she goes.  Doesn't help it is dark out there and I'm hunting for her with a flashlight.  I need a few other people.  Looks like she is about 8 weeks.  Lilly and Simone are no help.  "Go get that baby and bring her to me."  Yes, I tried meowing at it.  She's not stupid, I might be.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on May 24, 2023, 02:48:13 PM
Haven't heard the kitten today.  It's daylight and they are more night creatures.  She didn't go to the food I left out for her but then again, she would have to stumble on it.

Terrapin is up at the vet being checked out for a bladder infection.  Never should have changed her food.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on May 26, 2023, 12:08:10 AM
Terrapin has something rare causing UTIs.  They ran a bunch of test and nothing really telling them what's going on.  Big vet bill there.  And then Simone is showing signs of seasonal allergies.  Her eyes get all glassy and she breaks out with sores on her face.  She's getting dropped off in the morning.

No sign of the kitten.  I have all the neighbors keeping an eye out for her.  Come on baby, there's room on the credit card for you too.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: ITARocker on May 30, 2023, 06:06:35 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen...Mr Poldo  ;D

( (

( ( :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on May 30, 2023, 01:32:16 PM
Is that last picture soft kitty porn?   ;D

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: ITARocker on May 30, 2023, 02:13:37 PM
Is that last picture soft kitty porn?   ;D

 :rofl: :rofl:

Well Poldo could definitely make a porn movie, he's a master of classic and basic positions :hihi: :hihi:

( (

he's a friendly cat btw he likes to travel

( (

and plays dota too

( (

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on May 30, 2023, 05:56:56 PM
So cute in the suitcase.  He's got some big paws.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: ITARocker on May 31, 2023, 02:29:12 AM
So cute in the suitcase.  He's got some big paws.

He has very long canines too and he uses a lot his nails... he was a stray cat rescued by some good people (he was a mess)... He lost half his vision (u can see his eyes)  because probably some hunter shot him by mistake (?) and some bullets exploded close to him. He still has some small piece of metal stuck into his paws.. Surely he had to figth for his life :peace:

this is the picture of when they rescued him

( (

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on May 31, 2023, 01:46:23 PM
OMG!  You have really brought him back to life.  One of mine had a pellet in her neck.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on June 26, 2023, 09:39:31 PM
Another $250 at the vet.  Terrapin is fine.  Her UTI responded well and she was given booster shots.  She's an orange dot cat, feral.  She has to be drugged for them to work on her.  She does not come out of that well.  Was hissing at me and everybody from inside her cage.  Better by the time we got home.

I might have a new wildlife.  Heard something digging around in my brush pile last night like it was making a home.  Sounded big.  Lilly seemed interested but not too concerned.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 06, 2023, 12:16:19 AM
Poor Simone.  Her allergies are back.  Her little face is broke out in sores.  Was able to get her into the vet.  She hardly complained about getting in the carrier and riding in the car.  Already the sores have scabbed over and she's back to her perky self.  She'll probably need one more shot to get through the season.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 21, 2023, 11:02:36 PM
Little Boy is back.  A feral cat that hangs around.  I haven't seen him in months.  He's not a fan of the new cat food.  Doesn't look any worse for wear and tear.  Terrapin was not happy to see him.  He was friendly with me.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on July 22, 2023, 11:05:01 PM
Shit, I left Lily outside while I was gone today and she tore up the weather striping on the back door.  How many times have I replaced that?

I haven't been able to get the Purina brand of food.  They must put something in that food to make the cat's fur soft.  What I have is good quality but their fur is kind of coarse.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 03, 2023, 12:17:10 PM
Oh no, you are not bringing that in the house.  Stopped Terrapin with a small bird in her mouth.  She dropped it and it was still alive.  She got it back but I caused her to drop it again and it was able to fly away.  Sorry about that cat but I meant to do that.  She looked at me like like what is wrong with you.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 06, 2023, 01:04:27 PM
 :rofl:  You know I had too.  Terrapin was intensely creeping up on a bag I had on the floor, checking it out.  She didn't hear me come up behind her.  Just a little poke and she jumped straight up in the air.   :rofl:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 22, 2023, 03:22:35 PM
That was not one of my cats caught up under Mike's car.  Not a cat at all.  I'm sure he noticed me staring at him leaving for work.  I'm not the nosey neighbor but what is that dragging along under your car?  Called him, don't tell me if that's my cat! He wondered what that noise was.  Some kind of shield had come loose.

Wow they have a baby giraffe at a zoo in Tennessee that has no spots.  The only one in the world or rather known. 

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on September 14, 2023, 01:15:51 AM
Kept smelling something dead in the garage but couldn't find it.  One of the cats had dropped a dead vole in my rainboots!  Threw those out too.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on September 17, 2023, 04:03:45 PM
Simone hadn't been home in three days.  Was afraid she got trapped in someone's garage.  Asked all the neighbors if they had seen her.  They had but couldn't remember what day.  We're out there working on the trees and spy her across the street.  She looks at me when I call her but goes about her business.  Finally I track her down under a neighbor's bush and bring her home.  She eats and goes right back outside.   :hihi:  

I guess she missed me.  Finally came back in and now she is all over me.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on October 29, 2023, 09:58:25 PM
It's turning colder.  Even Simone comes in at night.  Little Boy is coming back around for food, almost followed me back in the house when I filled up his dish a second time.  Terrapin is still terrorizing the other two.  Hopefully, they all make peace over the winter months.  Lily is about to turn 8, god has it been that long?  It's nice to know they are all safe in the house but lord only knows where these cats find to hang out.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 14, 2023, 10:03:45 PM
Terrapin got locked in Brian's garage last night.  He was not happy.  The feral cats have been spraying in his yard and probably mine too have been using his yard for a litter box.  I have to figure out away to keep mine out of his yard.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on November 20, 2023, 01:37:42 PM
Poor Simone.  I never remember she sleeps in the laundry basket when it gets colder until I'm throwing clothes on top of her.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on December 01, 2023, 01:38:40 AM
Terrapin has a little stuffed cat she sleeps with.  I go in to make sure she's in the house for the night.  She's snuggling with her stuffie, so cute.  She looks up at me all sleepy eyed.  I reach down and give her a little cheek scratch and she reaches out and claws me!   :hihi:  Yeah, that's my cat.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 13, 2024, 05:21:30 PM
6 under the frig.  The cats like to play with my pens and pencils.  Leave one out and you may never find it again.  Have no idea how a dog toy got under the frig or what dog it might belong to.  Wondering if the cats stole it from some neighbor dog and under the frig is their stash.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 17, 2024, 10:46:18 PM
I had two new cats show up on my back porch tonight.  They look pretty healthy but they wouldn't come near me.  I hope they aren't lost.  I saw a sign today that said "good things are coming".  Cats are good things but I hope that's not what that meant.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on January 28, 2024, 04:15:19 PM
I don't know what to think when I see a cat tail disappearing into the kitchen cabinet.  Is she looking for mice?  God, I hope not.  Can she get back out of there?  Seems like she's been in there a while, now which cabinet was that she went into to?  How did you get in there?  I just opened that one looking for you.  Something mysterious about cats and cabinets.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on February 07, 2024, 05:23:57 PM
I don't know who gets more stressed by taking Lily to the vet.  Time for her annual physical.

Little Boy is still not using his right paw.  I can see sores on his paw but they are scabbed over.  This seems to happen every year with him.  He lets me put medicine on it and comes around everyday to eat.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on February 08, 2024, 06:19:18 PM
Little Boy did let me remove a small splinter from his paw but I don't think that's the problem.  Doesn't seem to mind gently checking his paw out.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: Natalie on February 23, 2024, 11:28:11 PM
(" alt="IMG-20210710-184652)

(" alt="IMG-20210711-024516")

My 12 year old Riri :love:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on February 24, 2024, 11:15:53 AM
She's a beauty.   :D

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: ITARocker on March 17, 2024, 03:53:05 PM
 :love: :love:

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on April 25, 2024, 03:34:54 PM
I caught Little Boy.  He couldn't even put weight on his paw.  He came up during the day to eat and I rear ended him into the cat carrier.  First time I've heard him talk outside of his I'm going to kick your ass scream to another cat.  How many times did I say feral cat yet the vet tech took him out of the krate.  He wasn't going back in but didn't tear her up either.  They had to wrap him in a towel to take him to the box where they gas him so they can examine him.  I left him up there to be worked into the schedule.  I don't even want to guess at what this is going to cost.  Somebody needs to help him and I guess that is me.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on April 26, 2024, 03:47:01 AM
It's an old fracture that has healed but is causing him pain when the weather acts up or he strains it.  He did well with them.  He didn't even bitch about riding in the car.  Brought him back home and he hung out on the back porch for a bit.  I elected not to have him fixed because he would have had to stay inside for a week.  Not that I wouldn't have done that for him but he would have went crazy trying to get out of the house the whole time.  And imo, it takes a certain amount of balls to survive in the wild.  He needs all the testosterone he can get.  I'll see if he still comes around me after this.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on April 30, 2024, 12:32:10 AM
That's a new one.  I hear this squeak and Terrapin jumps off the bed.  Go out in the hall and the two cats have something cornered.  Kind of looks like a baby bird but it has fur.  It's a baby bat on the ground.  No idea how that got in here.  Still alive but I don't know if it could fly.  Put it back outside.  Had to let it crawl out of the bag.

Little Boy finally showed back up and seems to have no hard feelings towards me.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on August 04, 2024, 02:01:50 PM
What is with Lily?  She's all over me.  And with the other cats she's expressing her dominance.

Title: Re: Pets
Post by: cineater on October 01, 2024, 04:34:03 PM
Oh yeah, Lily has had it with Terrapin's shit.   :hihi:  I guess they figure she's not a young cat to be torrerated any more and Lily is going to establish herself as the dominated cat.  Work it out girls because I'm not having all the ruckus.  You all know who controls the door and the food.   :hihi:  Yeah, I'm the queen around here.