Hi all,
Check out
Appetite for Discussion, a new forum dedicated to GN'R past and present. This forum is meant to be a forum for fans of GN'R, past and/or present. Everyone is welcome as long as they behave nicely. Trolling is not tolerated. I would think it lies somewhere between MYGNR and HTGTH. Criticism of GN'R and band members is allowed, but members who
only criticise will have to go, it is a
forum for fans and fans don't just criticise. So keep this in mind. We are fans, not fanatics.
Here are some of the features:
* No ads for members
* Embedded tweets from GN'R members
* Embedded inline GN'R news from google and other news outlets
* Embedded tweets mentioning GN'R
* Largest selection of GN'R interviews found online (in construction, only visible to members right now)
* Song database with quotes from band members on individual songs
* GN'R member database with quotes from other members
* Our own Q&A section (expect a new Q&A with a former gunner to be published shortly)
* Possible to embed youtube and other media content directly in posts
* Automatic rescaling of embedded images
* A friend and foe system
* A reputation and points system (our own "Plectra System")
* Unique ranking system based on rock and roll tour positions
* VIP area with exclusive content
* Dedicated admin who add new features continuously and talk with members