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« Reply #14560 on: July 18, 2011, 06:37:14 PM »

CM Punk.

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« Reply #14561 on: August 15, 2011, 10:17:27 AM »

No ones been following this eh? whats everyone think about HHH takin over? I think its some fresh energy, Vince built this company no doubt about it

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« Reply #14562 on: August 16, 2011, 06:55:12 PM »

Well was looking great until they had shitty ass Albert Del Rio cash in... WHY???

CM is the best thing to happen to WWE in a decade... and u let this happen??

Let CM run with the ball.. nobody cares bout Del Rio

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« Reply #14563 on: August 17, 2011, 12:01:35 AM »

Well was looking great until they had shitty ass Albert Del Rio cash in... WHY???

CM is the best thing to happen to WWE in a decade... and u let this happen??

Let CM run with the ball.. nobody cares bout Del Rio

Apparently the WWE is going on a tour of Mexico sometime soon, so they want a Mexican champion to help create excitement and whatnot.

I like Del Rio, but I agree that CM Punk is the hottest thing they have going right now, so why not let him take the ball and run. This is the WWE, though. Everytime they start to build momentum and get people talking, they squander it and go back to their usual shitty booking.

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« Reply #14564 on: August 17, 2011, 06:37:52 AM »

ADR cashing in gives Punk something to be pissed off about. Let's say Punk had beaten Cena totally clean at SS. Then what? I'm sure he'll be involved in a rematch, but this is more pushing him into a feud with HHH, 'the man', the boss, the guy who it's looking like screwed him out the title. Punk without the title gives him something to be angry about and something to try and get back. He doesn't need the title to be interesting.

Plus, ADR is the man. Cool

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« Reply #14565 on: August 17, 2011, 07:03:34 PM »

No CM is THEN the recognized King of the company and as Champ he can say even more what is on his mind and the pissed off WWE brass try to get the title off him by having different scenarios which would be cool as hell. Copy the McMahon vs Stone Cold thing.

They've tried it with no success but this is the first time they got a guy who can actually play that role perfectly.

Del Rio sucks

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« Reply #14566 on: August 17, 2011, 08:11:02 PM »

Copy the McMahon vs Stone Cold thing.

Then they'll just get moaned at for trying to recreate the past though. Undecided

Del Rio sucks

You peasant!

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« Reply #14567 on: August 18, 2011, 11:31:05 AM »

Not a damn word bout Nash eh? Pretty cool to see him back

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« Reply #14568 on: August 18, 2011, 02:17:11 PM »

I think this whole Punk thing has potential to be as big as the Stone Cold vs. McMahon stuff - then again it IS a re-hashing of the same situation,but then again...what isn't a rehashing?

The Punk vs. Nash promo was great - and I've read they were just told go out there and spew. The back and forth was pretty sweet and I'm really looking foward to this going on. I don't want to see a match though if they did have Nash do one, I think Punk could make it entertaining...

The fact that someone texted Nash to do the hit can be done properly, but it can also be completely screwed up. Hopefully it isn't over-analyzed and that WWE does it properly. I could see it being Stephanie, Vince, Johnny Ace - those are the three likely choices.
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« Reply #14569 on: August 23, 2011, 11:18:46 PM »

so basically we are looking at a Jericho/Steph.HHH reboot angle.................

To be awesome the person who texted should be none other than Shawn Michaels. I could get behind that.

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« Reply #14570 on: September 01, 2011, 03:22:05 AM »

I've been saying Punk is good for years, bout time he got where he is. I stopped watching regulary after hbk left and than stopped completely for a couple months after edge. Picked back up just before Punk did his promo in june. Haven't watched SS yet..have it on dvd from friend but haven't watched..was catching up on raws and other stuff. I really liked MITB and thought it was the best ppv in awhile.  Cool

CM Punk is the Best in the World!

I dig crazy chicks like AJ!

HBK is the greatest wrestler of all time!

I miss Edge!

Thats it, thats all I have to say.

P.S. Cena Sucks!

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« Reply #14571 on: September 08, 2011, 03:18:09 PM »

The following is an excerpt from an article on

"Assistant District Attorney Warren McSweeney said the raid came after employees at a Fayetteville FedEx distribution center called police about a suspicious package. The package was addressed to Hardy from a fan in Florida. It contained a Maxwell House coffee can filled with 262 prescription hydrocodone pain killers.

Police resealed the package and had the pills delivered to Hardy at his home. When he accepted the package, Moore County sheriff's deputies raided the house and found other drugs, as well.

Hardy's lawyer, James Van Camp of Pinehurst, said Hardy got involved with the pills to cope with the pain and damage to his body that he endured as a professional wrestler.

Until recently, Hardy was the top star of Impact Wrestling, formerly Total Nonstop Action wrestling.

Hardy remains on the company's roster, and Van Camp asked Superior Court Judge Joseph Turner to allow his client to travel outside of North Carolina and the country to continue his work.

Turner granted the request."

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« Reply #14572 on: October 30, 2011, 03:51:10 PM »

Unifying the titles only makes sense if they end the brand extenstion too. I could see them having maybe one WWE Champion who competes on both brands (they did that briefly with the Undisputed Title) but the IC and US titles give the midcard guys on each show something to compete for. I don't think having two of them devalues them really.

Two titles is a cop out. and pointless in an era where isn't enough top stars for 2 brands. Isn't 2001/2002 anymore and it completely demeans the prestige of both belts when when they get passed around like frisbies. Royal Rumble and Wrestlemaina main event would mean more too like it used too under 1 world championship.
« Reply #14573 on: November 06, 2011, 01:03:53 PM »

I honestly don't know why they don't get rid of the 2 brands, and make the roster complete again. I don't think the workload would be an issue as in 1999-2002 it seemed to work fine. And wrestlers could be heavily involved in storylines for a few months, then take a break to compose themselves.

I think the brand seperation is what has killed alot of the WWE fanbase, because people liked to focus on 1 event, and a handfull of wrestlers. The WWE could save alot of money by getting rid of lacking talent, and concentrate on their best stars. And start working and focusing on storylines and scenes better, to get the crowd excited again.

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« Reply #14574 on: November 15, 2011, 04:31:53 PM »

Not sure what that Cena this is your life thing was about, ive seen it before but not sure how it played in storyline...loved seeing the rock come out and rock bottom foley though, and loved seeing foley back

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« Reply #14575 on: December 20, 2011, 03:51:28 PM »

Kanes back

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« Reply #14576 on: January 03, 2012, 05:37:16 PM »

Regarding the online rumor of Rob Van Dam returning to WWE, Power Slam confirms in their latest issue that RVD is seriously considering returning to the organization once his contract with TNA Wrestling expires. The magazine adds that the feeling is mutual as people in WWE want the master of the Five-Star Frog Splash back.

?RVD from what we?re told would receive a warm welcome in WWE,? the magazine says.

Providing that no contract extension has been reached since his arrival to TNA Wrestling in March 2010, it would appear that Van Dam will be a free agent in the near future. It was reported in 2010 that RVD had signed a two-year contract with TNA.

During his hiatus from full-time wrestling, Van Dam said he would consider returning to WWE if and when he felt ready.

?One thing that?s for sure is that WWE and I do have a good-faith understanding that if and when I?m ready to return that I?ll be talking to them. They look forward and hope that we?ll be doing business again,? he told the Baltimore Sun during an interview.

Van Dam, who turned 41 years old last month, performed for WWE from 2001 to 2007. Should RVD return to WWE, he would join a select group of former WWE world champions?Booker T, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley?who joined TNA and ultimately returned to the Stamford based organization.

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« Reply #14577 on: February 03, 2012, 09:48:59 PM »

Regarding the online rumor of Rob Van Dam returning to WWE, Power Slam confirms in their latest issue that RVD is seriously considering returning to the organization once his contract with TNA Wrestling expires. The magazine adds that the feeling is mutual as people in WWE want the master of the Five-Star Frog Splash back.

?RVD from what we?re told would receive a warm welcome in WWE,? the magazine says.

Providing that no contract extension has been reached since his arrival to TNA Wrestling in March 2010, it would appear that Van Dam will be a free agent in the near future. It was reported in 2010 that RVD had signed a two-year contract with TNA.

During his hiatus from full-time wrestling, Van Dam said he would consider returning to WWE if and when he felt ready.

?One thing that?s for sure is that WWE and I do have a good-faith understanding that if and when I?m ready to return that I?ll be talking to them. They look forward and hope that we?ll be doing business again,? he told the Baltimore Sun during an interview.

Van Dam, who turned 41 years old last month, performed for WWE from 2001 to 2007. Should RVD return to WWE, he would join a select group of former WWE world champions?Booker T, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley?who joined TNA and ultimately returned to the Stamford based organization.

TNA, don't seem to be the "rival" it felt like it was going to be when the hype started. I think alot of the trouble is that TNA reminds people of WCW, in which the way it is ran and how it feels in every which way like a WCW show.

WWE, has some momentum now with the Rock - Cena rivalry, but they need to make sure they don't go back to the PG crap they had going a few years. I think the WWE, will eventually finish TNA off, like it did WCW.....but it's always good to have a competitor to the organisation, as it brings out the best in both.
« Reply #14578 on: March 11, 2012, 11:44:43 PM »

This topic hasn't been posted in for a while... Smiley

What's everyone's thoughts on the Rock / Cena feud?, and who's your pick to win?.
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« Reply #14579 on: March 11, 2012, 11:54:04 PM »

Words can describe how much i hate John cena

Rock is eating him alive in the promos

Cena will win


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