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Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
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Topic: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up (Read 48282 times)
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #100 on:
April 02, 2008, 06:08:37 PM »
The seeds to this entire fiasco were sewn when Slash went to his former bandmates home a couple years ago and the ensuing press release from the former bandmate that followed was issued.
Allegations were made, fingers pointed and doubt's large shadow cast.
Cause and effect.....
That did seem to do a lot of damage, but only because there was obviously a lot of insecurity about the whole band in the first place. I also think that Weiland just hated the constant comparisons to Axl and the GnR legacy. And his whole junkie issue....he mentions that they all except Dave, have been to rehab, numerous times, so I guess he won't take their advice about using again.
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #101 on:
April 02, 2008, 06:54:06 PM »
Quote from: Freya on April 02, 2008, 06:08:37 PM
The seeds to this entire fiasco were sewn when Slash went to his former bandmates home a couple years ago and the ensuing press release from the former bandmate that followed was issued.
Allegations were made, fingers pointed and doubt's large shadow cast.
Cause and effect.....
That did seem to do a lot of damage, but only because there was obviously a lot of insecurity about the whole band in the first place. I also think that Weiland just hated the constant comparisons to Axl and the GnR legacy. And his whole junkie issue....he mentions that they all except Dave, have been to rehab, numerous times, so I guess he won't take their advice about using again.
And really, why would he? Clearly, they can't take their own advice, or at least overcome temptations...
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #102 on:
April 02, 2008, 06:58:32 PM »
Quote from: MaoAxl on April 02, 2008, 05:33:11 PM
Quote from: bazgnr on April 02, 2008, 03:55:26 PM
Given how much time Sebastian has spent with Axl and GnR once the friendship was rekindled, I can't imagine him falling back in with VR unless he in some way had Axl's blessing. It would just be a class-less move. Like you say, though, I doubt the interest is there from either side at this point. I'm happy to enjoy "Angel Down," and wish Bach the best on his rejuvenated solo career.
True. But at the end of the day.... for all we know Axl wouldn't want to stand in the way of his good friend (Baz) getting a decent opportunity like fronting VR. I wouldn't be completely shocked if he gave his blessing. Having a "pro-Axl" guy fronting VR actually suits Axl's interests when you think about it... better to have the guy fronting the band made up of "old Guns N' Roses" speaking kindly of you as opposed to Weiland's bitching and moaning...
Where I think Baz to VR starts to run into trouble is with the record execs/band mgmt. etc. They may want a guy who brings more of a "90's fanbase" to the fold like Weiland did...
And how sad that would be if it turned out to be true. If VR was such a corporate entity at this point that label/management had a substantial say in who fronts the band. Granted, Slash is all over the place in terms of media endorsements and what not, but still - how much further could you get from what fueled Slash in his GnR days?
Assuming Baz would even be considered at this point, I just can't imagine him following through on it. It seems like an active betrayal of all Axl has done for him over the past few years. I understand your point, but personally, don't see such a blessing - at least a sincere one - being offered. We'll see if and when any of this speculation plays out...
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #103 on:
April 02, 2008, 07:24:22 PM »
Quote from: chineseblues on April 02, 2008, 04:56:22 PM
Quote from: Shoco on April 02, 2008, 04:33:25 PM
Quote from: ShotgunBlues1978 on April 02, 2008, 04:21:14 PM
Quote from: redsquare on April 02, 2008, 01:27:40 PM
In response to Slash's comment regarding my commitment, I have to say it is a blatant and tired excuse to cover up the truth.
That's both Scott and Axl that have called Slash a liar at some point
Drugs, Ego's, too much booze, creates and destroy's.
Well, Slash quit GnR and that didn't go well, then his two bands after that have melted down and it's always been 100% someone else's fault. According to Slash it was Axl's fault that he left GnR, it was Rod Jackson's fault that Snakepit imploded, and now for sure it will be in his mind Weiland's fault and only Weiland's fault. I mean it wasn't until last year when he actually admitted that he himself might have played a minor role in the demise of the AFD/UYI lineup, and even then it was a half-hearted statement. Like he blamed Axl for Izzy leaving the band yet failed to take any responsibility for constantly getting high as a kite and/or shitfaced drunk around Izzy while he was trying to stay sober. Just because he comes off as a cool, laid back guy who is cool to kick back and drink beers with doesn't mean that he's not an egomaniac. He has proven time and again to be a compulsive liar who changes his tune like he changes clothes. He doesn't come off as an outwardly insecure prick like Weiland and Matt do, but that doesn't mean he didn't play a major role in this situation. I'm sure they all played a big role in this situation, it was obvious this would happen from day one. VR was a corporate gig where they selected the lead singer who would sell the most records in the short term, not who was the best long-term fit musically or personality wise. Oh well. But the only people who probably weren't major players in this situation were Duff and Dave. To try to absolve Slash is to ignore history, the guy has been involved in too many volatile falling-outs for anyone to believe he's just an innocent bystander who had the bad luck of being in bands with assholes
but then that applies to axl too, if you wanna say people left bands that slash was in, just as many left bands that axl was in
Except Axl has nothing to do with this at all. Stop trying to make it about him.
Shotgunblues was the one who started using Axl and Izzy here ... so stop snapping at someone else.
<--- Apparently I'm a one man Matt Sorum fan club - Well, if that's the case, I'm proud to be!
- Btw, I just love the whole deleting posts thing here
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #104 on:
April 02, 2008, 07:37:04 PM »
Quote from: cyllan on April 02, 2008, 05:35:35 PM
Quote from: BMo13 on April 02, 2008, 05:18:57 PM
Well first of all I doubt Slash gives a fuck about what his "image" is. I mean for over 20 years it seems that's the way he's been and the only thing he takes seriously is making music and touring. Meaning that he could give a fuck about the rest of it.
If you'd told me this in the early 1990s, I'd have agreed with you without a shadow of doubt, but today it's a very different story. I think that Slash is extremely aware of his image in the media and knows that the perception that he doesn't care about his image is, in fact, one of his most powerful selling tools. In almost every interview you read about this supposed lack of image consciousness, but I'm sure that the journalists who've been around a while don't actually buy into it, regardless of what is printed in their magazine, and I certainly don't believe it anymore.
If you're looking for someone who genuinely doesn't care about image, I suggest you look towards Mr Stradlin.
Edited for typo.
First off I'm wondering why my post got deleted?? Is there something wrong with civil discourse?? You can't present both sides of the argument..
But I agree with you. It seems like Izzy doesn't really give a shit about any of it. Which is cool, but it also seems like that carries over into the music with him. Such as the stories of him liking playing half a riff or song back in the day and then the rest of the band having to finish it. Seems like his "coolness" or nonchalant way of going about the music caused some problems eventually. That's based on past interviews,etc.
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #105 on:
April 02, 2008, 07:38:57 PM »
Quote from: bazgnr on April 02, 2008, 06:58:32 PM
Assuming Baz would even be considered at this point, I just can't imagine him following through on it. It seems like an active betrayal of all Axl has done for him over the past few years. I understand your point, but personally, don't see such a blessing - at least a sincere one - being offered. We'll see if and when any of this speculation plays out...
I agree with you as a general matter. I just don't think Axl would
Baz from taking advantage of a great opportunity like working with VR. It's probably more of a case that Baz sees the writing on the wall and knows that he couldn't possibly front VR w/o eventually the media forcing him into a Old GN'R (i.e. Slash, Duff, Matt) v. New GN'R (Axl, Dizzy) showdown. I'm guessing he wants no part of that.
Will be interesting to watch though...
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #106 on:
April 02, 2008, 07:43:45 PM »
Quote from: BMo13 on April 02, 2008, 07:37:04 PM
First off I'm wondering why my post got deleted??
Because you were being an ass by bringing up stuff that had NOTHING TO DO WITH VELVET REVOLVER!
My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #107 on:
April 02, 2008, 07:52:36 PM »
Quote from: jarmo on April 02, 2008, 07:43:45 PM
Quote from: BMo13 on April 02, 2008, 07:37:04 PM
First off I'm wondering why my post got deleted??
Because you were being an ass by bringing up stuff that had NOTHING TO DO WITH VELVET REVOLVER!
Haha, Okay tough guy. If you would of actually read my post I was responding to someone who was implying that this is evidence that it was Slash's fault GNR fell apart. I simpy expressed how easy it is to turn the same claims around the other way. Then I went on to say that type of shit is pointless in these discussions. Which it is, but apparently it's only pointless when it's directed at Axl. My mistake.
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #108 on:
April 02, 2008, 08:32:05 PM »
Quote from: BMo13 on April 02, 2008, 07:52:36 PM
My mistake.
The first mistake you made was the get my attention.....
Now I know you've been banned before so no need to try to act innocent with me.
My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #109 on:
April 02, 2008, 08:37:10 PM »
Just to get back on topic, I have to side with Scott in this mess. If I had to be around Matt Sorum for four years, I'm sure I'd be ready to leave the band too. Also, Slash was obviously doing damage control in his statement, in essence making Scott the scapegoat for all of Velvet Revolver's problems. And I'd be very surprised if that was truly the case.
The only part of Weiland's statement that didn't sit well with me was the Sebastian Bach remark. Mainly because Bach's such a great frontman. To be honest, Velvet Revolver would lucky to have him at this point. If I'm not mistake though, I'm pretty sure I heard Bach make Scott and STP comments after Velvet Revolver turned him down. So I guess it sort of evens out in the end.
I've never been a Velvet Revolver fan, but hopefully things work out best for everyone.
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #110 on:
April 02, 2008, 09:12:53 PM »
Slash, Duff, and Matt are on their way to becoming Van Halen without the brand name by running through lead singers. I'm a huge fan of these guys with all the blood, sweat, and tears they infused into GNR's history but you've gotta stop and wonder. I always thought Eddie Van Halen was to blame for the fact that VH couldn't get along with Dave or Sammy for the long haul. It seems to be the same case here, again without the brand name. So as much as I appreciate the guys, I totally see where Scott's coming from here and have no problems with his comments. Maybe except for the shot at Bach, but lead singers seem very territorial, they make some outlandish statements. That's why people always seem to side with the guitarists, as they hide in the background and play the innocent victim.
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #111 on:
April 02, 2008, 10:23:06 PM »
gnr fans trashing him constantly for nearly 5 years prolly didnt help the situation
and matt was the one that started airing the stuff publically...i'm a fan of all the guys...but coming out of rehab only to be dropped i dont think anyone can fault him for feeling a bit ganged up on ... i really thought that they would have been more sympathetic to scotts situation
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #112 on:
April 02, 2008, 10:23:41 PM »
At the end of the day this is nothing but good news: the end of a mediocre band composed ironically by very talented musicians, and a very happy day for all the STP fans like me.
I hope Slash a very rich career from now on and I also hope a good future full of good music for STP. I really dont care for the other three dudes.
PS: I find Weiland's responses to attacks (this one, the ''botox-face'' one) much more creative and inspired than the songs he wrote for VR...
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #113 on:
April 03, 2008, 12:22:01 AM »
bring rod jackson in aint life grand was an incredible album i think que has potential to be in velvet revolver
army of darknes is the best movie ever!!!
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #114 on:
April 03, 2008, 12:35:04 AM »
If you read Slash's book you would know that Rod jackson won't be singing with any band that Slash is in.
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #115 on:
April 03, 2008, 01:23:19 AM »
There were probably a lot of factors that led to this point, which none of us know anything about. However, Scott's statement leaves a lot to be desired. He did not officially name the band - he helped in the process of it. The other four members were the founding members. And his statement about, "peforming with a group of friends I have known my entire life..people who have always had my back....enjoy being together". What a fucking joke. He didn't feel that way 5 yrs ago..... 4 or 5 yrs ago he said he enjoyed being with VR members and something about them having his back. Personally, from press statements he's made through the years, it seems he may be difficult to get along with, very sensitive to everything, volatile. Good for him, if he feels better being back with STP. I give that a couple years, at most, before he remembers why he thinks he really can't stand them, either. Only time will tell.
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #116 on:
April 03, 2008, 04:28:10 AM »
Quote from: lynn1961 on April 03, 2008, 01:23:19 AM
There were probably a lot of factors that led to this point, which none of us know anything about. However, Scott's statement leaves a lot to be desired. He did not officially name the band - he helped in the process of it. The other four members were the founding members. And his statement about, "peforming with a group of friends I have known my entire life..people who have always had my back....enjoy being together". What a fucking joke. He didn't feel that way 5 yrs ago..... 4 or 5 yrs ago he said he enjoyed being with VR members and something about them having his back. Personally, from press statements he's made through the years, it seems he may be difficult to get along with, very sensitive to everything, volatile. Good for him, if he feels better being back with STP. I give that a couple years, at most, before he remembers why he thinks he really can't stand them, either. Only time will tell.
Couldn't agree more. Scott seems like he was more than a handful to deal with, and I'm pretty sure he was saying the same nasty things about STP when he joined VR.
I think he is better suited to STP anyway, and I really like all the music he's made with them, so good luck if it all works out and he's happier there.
I think VR has so much more potential to go in a more hard rock direction than the STP-alternative stylings they were leaning towards with Scott.
I'm really curious as to who they get in there next.
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #117 on:
April 03, 2008, 06:45:19 AM »
Scott can say all he wants about STP having his back but the story I always rememberwas that Dean almost kicked his ass cause Scott was so fucked up with the drugs and that led to the end of STP. And then when he joined VR I also recall reading interviews with him where he accused to Deleos of being hypocrites cause he said they did drugs and told him not to. Maybe it's all water under the bridge, and I have always liked STP and I hope they can still make some good music together, but don't say "we've been BFF since always and no matter what they have my back. When I see them the theme song from Friends rings in my brain."
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #118 on:
April 03, 2008, 11:10:48 AM »
I'm a great STP fan, but man, is this Scott touchy or what???
Yesterday he were a big friend of Slash, and now he's using sarcasm to describe the guy!
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Re: Scott Weiland Responds to EW About Break Up
Reply #119 on:
April 03, 2008, 11:15:50 AM »
Quote from: overmatik on April 03, 2008, 11:10:48 AM
I'm a great STP fan, but man, is this Scott touchy or what???
Yesterday he were a big friend of Slash, and now he's using sarcasm to describe the guy!
Well that "big friend" you mention did kind of fire the guy, AFTER he quit the band in an attempt to save face so I don't think using a little sarcasm to describe $la$h was going too far.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
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