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Author Topic: Scott Weiland - solo thread  (Read 167605 times)

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« Reply #340 on: December 05, 2015, 09:40:47 AM »

I got to see VR play three times...

Once at Jones Beach outdoors, one time in Jersey they did a Christmas radio station event with Korn as co headliners which was cool and I saw them at Hammerstein Ballroom on New Years Eve one year which was really an awesome night, went with my girlfriend at the time. (the same Hammerstein in NYC that Axl and GNR played 4 nights in 2006, which I was at 3 of the 4 nights)

Looking back on those nights fondly the last day or so.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 09:42:24 AM by JAEBALL » Logged

Axl Rose IS Skeletor

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« Reply #341 on: December 05, 2015, 09:41:52 AM »

they can fight about it, money, it's a bag of gold.
they can fight about it, money, the story goes.
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« Reply #342 on: December 05, 2015, 11:26:45 AM »

Total badass moment here
Jim Bob

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« Reply #343 on: December 05, 2015, 02:37:11 PM »

The music world is a little less awesome now.   Cry

However the music world is a lot more awesome because of Stone Temple Pilots.   That will never die.

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« Reply #344 on: December 05, 2015, 05:13:38 PM »

His legacy will certainly live on, first and foremost with Stone Temple Pilots, but he also did make a good impact with Velvet Revolver. Contraband is a hell of a good album.

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« Reply #345 on: December 05, 2015, 06:12:04 PM »

I'm surprisingly sad that he died. He's one of these figures that I'd felt would be around a long time- getting in and out of trouble and never aging. Saw VR in D.C. shortly before the release of Contraband. They were exciting when they first started out because no one had seen the G N' R guys on national level in a long time and besides the Hollywood show it was interesting to hear what their setlist would be. If memory serves, Slash played without the top hat and only brought it out for the encore and the audience went nuts. There were some drunk ladies behind me who kept yelling out "I want to @#$% you Scott Weiland" much to my chagrin over the music. I wonder if the bassist of the Wildabouts will face charges. It's only rock and roll, which is why I set it aside a while ago and only revisit it now and then. 

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« Reply #346 on: December 05, 2015, 07:49:54 PM »

^^^Thanks for the laugh eyemojo. I needed that.  ok

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« Reply #347 on: December 06, 2015, 04:56:44 PM »

I'm surprisingly sad that he died. He's one of these figures that I'd felt would be around a long time- getting in and out of trouble and never aging. Saw VR in D.C. shortly before the release of Contraband. They were exciting when they first started out because no one had seen the G N' R guys on national level in a long time and besides the Hollywood show it was interesting to hear what their setlist would be. If memory serves, Slash played without the top hat and only brought it out for the encore and the audience went nuts. There were some drunk ladies behind me who kept yelling out "I want to @#$% you Scott Weiland" much to my chagrin over the music. I wonder if the bassist of the Wildabouts will face charges. It's only rock and roll, which is why I set it aside a while ago and only revisit it now and then. 
He's already been charged with 5th degree felony possession.

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« Reply #348 on: December 06, 2015, 09:09:28 PM »

Matt Sorum with Matt Pinfield on Weiland and his passing, give it a listen.

"So when we finish our CD, if we book a show and just play the CD and wave our hands around, it would be like what DJs do, right?" -Dave Navarro

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« Reply #349 on: December 07, 2015, 10:37:37 AM »

Excelent Frontman & Musics

RIP Scott


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« Reply #350 on: December 08, 2015, 12:23:56 PM »

Open letter from Scott's ex-wife:

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« Reply #351 on: December 08, 2015, 12:34:23 PM »

Put's things in to perspective.

She pulled no punches... tough to read.

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« Reply #352 on: December 08, 2015, 01:54:21 PM »

Puts things in to perspective.

She pulled no punches... tough to read.

Indeed..... eye opening but necessary to say.   Sad

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« Reply #353 on: December 08, 2015, 02:37:54 PM »

Puts things in to perspective.

She pulled no punches... tough to read.

Indeed..... eye opening but necessary to say.   Sad
Bullshit or not, sounds like something a bitter ex would say.

Anyway i feel bad for their kids. Must not be the smoothest childhood...

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« Reply #354 on: December 08, 2015, 02:52:49 PM »

Puts things in to perspective.

She pulled no punches... tough to read.

Indeed..... eye opening but necessary to say.   Sad
Bullshit or not, sounds like something a bitter ex would say.

Anyway i feel bad for their kids. Must not be the smoothest childhood...

Bitter ex ?

Are you serious....

She has to raise those kids on her own now...well she already has been, and she has to go to sleep each night knowing the pain her kids now have with having their father kill himself with years of drug abuse.

I think her letter is great... 100 percent spot on and a shame that he wasn't there for his kids...which is really what's important in life... not his rock n roll career.

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« Reply #355 on: December 08, 2015, 03:51:55 PM »

Puts things in to perspective.

She pulled no punches... tough to read.

Indeed..... eye opening but necessary to say.   Sad
Bullshit or not, sounds like something a bitter ex would say.

Anyway i feel bad for their kids. Must not be the smoothest childhood...

Bitter ex ?

Are you serious....

She has to raise those kids on her own now...well she already has been, and she has to go to sleep each night knowing the pain her kids now have with having their father kill himself with years of drug abuse.

I think her letter is great... 100 percent spot on and a shame that he wasn't there for his kids...which is really what's important in life... not his rock n roll career.

I have mixed feelings about it.  Clearly, she and the kids suffered tremendously.  But I suspect they would have suffered even more if someone as troubled as him was more present in their lives.  Also, there's the whole speaking ill of the dead thing.  I think it's acceptable to criticize the dead when it comes to public figures regarding public matters.  But on private matters where the deceased has no opportunity to respond?  Plus, many of his failings may have been due to mental illness, which he would have had very limited control over.

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« Reply #356 on: December 08, 2015, 04:09:18 PM »

Puts things in to perspective.

She pulled no punches... tough to read.

Indeed..... eye opening but necessary to say.   Sad
Bullshit or not, sounds like something a bitter ex would say.

Anyway i feel bad for their kids. Must not be the smoothest childhood...

Bitter ex ?

Are you serious....

She has to raise those kids on her own now...well she already has been, and she has to go to sleep each night knowing the pain her kids now have with having their father kill himself with years of drug abuse.

I think her letter is great... 100 percent spot on and a shame that he wasn't there for his kids...which is really what's important in life... not his rock n roll career.

I have mixed feelings about it.  Clearly, she and the kids suffered tremendously.  But I suspect they would have suffered even more if someone as troubled as him was more present in their lives.  Also, there's the whole speaking ill of the dead thing.  I think it's acceptable to criticize the dead when it comes to public figures regarding public matters.  But on private matters where the deceased has no opportunity to respond?  Plus, many of his failings may have been due to mental illness, which he would have had very limited control over.

I don't doubt that mental illness/his addiction clouded his decision making.. but I don't give him a pass for it.

I'm a full time single father... and I can't fathom any parent who chooses anything over their children. Dealing with my kid's mom is a pain in the ass too! but everyday I pick him up from school and every Saturday I'm there for him no matter how much i'd love to not have to deal with her.

Now publicly blasting a dead person who can't respond... I get it... but I don't think that was her point in writing the letter.

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« Reply #357 on: December 08, 2015, 04:28:59 PM »

Everyone grieves differently, so I wouldn?t begrudge her for posting what she did.
I think there is an overall positive message she?s trying to convey, but I can see where it comes off as attacking someone that can no longer defend his self.
Then again, if he truly was a dead beat dad(bad choice of words), maybe he deserves it, and much more?
That?s between him and Mary.
That?s their personal life.

There?s 3 sides to every story, and we are probably better off not knowing about the personal lives of entertainers we are fans of.
I think it?s kind of creepy when people get swept up in it.

I don?t know, and was never a fan of Scott Weiland the father.
I grew up with his music, and am a big fan of Scott Weiland the musician/entertainer.

He got ripped apart in the press over the last few years. A lot of people have done a 180 and are now praising him because everybody is instantly awesome once they die.
As phony as that is, I think it?s better than vilifying someone for their personal life, or trying to get to the bottom of how he died, so that you can decide to continue feeling sorry for him, or you can say ?I told you so? if it?s drug related.

Obviously you hope the best for his kids, but I won?t pretend to know all the details of his personal life, or pretend I care to.

I do know I?m thankful for his contribution to music.
Rock n Roll got a lot more boring with his passing.

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« Reply #358 on: December 08, 2015, 05:18:41 PM »

I doubt anything she said about their personal life was wrong or very inaccurate, but I notice that while she harshly criticizes Scott here, and also blames his fan base for encouraging/enabling him, she doesn't take any responsibility herself for starting a family with the guy. I mean, Scott was... always this way. The writing was on the wall that he might not be the most attentive father in the world.

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« Reply #359 on: December 08, 2015, 05:30:51 PM »

while she harshly criticizes Scott here, and also blames his fan base for encouraging/enabling him,

I think she was blaming society in general for fixations on celebrities (or a rock star in this case) on how "cool" it allegedly is to be a degenerate because that's supposedly "so rock n roll".  I think she said it all at the end there when she said that the drugs and decadence don't have to be part of rock n roll.  We just live in a society that not only accepts it, but fixates on it, celebrates it, and wallows in it.
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