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Author Topic: Chinese Democracy (Album) - Charting  (Read 523629 times)
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« Reply #1640 on: February 04, 2009, 03:34:03 AM »

I like his new album, but , that has nothing to do with CD.

10.16.87 10.23.87 10.30.87 1.31.88 2.2.88 5.9.88 8.16.88 9.15.88
6.17.91 12.9.91 12.10.91,12.13.91
7.18.92 12.5.02 5.12.06 5.14.06 5.15.06 5.17.06 11.17.11 2.10.12 2.15.12
11.9.12 11.10.12 5.24.14

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« Reply #1641 on: February 04, 2009, 07:18:31 AM »

i often tend to like album tracks that are less commercial sounding than the singles, for example Sweet Child is probably

 my least favourite on appetite , thats why i think although Street of Dreams is one of my least favourites on Democracy

 it would probably be a huge hit. My mates and my missus dont class themselves as GnR fans although they like the odd

 tune but they love SOD. Its often the case that hardcore fans prefer challenging stuff like Coma, Locomotive,

Breakdown etc over Live and let die, Dont Cry and KOHD etc. Thats why although my faves on this album are Sorry and

TWAT i dont think they would be huge hits.

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« Reply #1642 on: February 04, 2009, 07:33:36 AM »

One of my friends didnt know GNR released a new album, so I told him to go get it, and guess what?...he got TSI instead! is he a moron or is just not enough info???

no offense to you but yeah, that dude is a moron! LOL
I wouldn't say he's a moron, I'd say it's lack of info.  If you want to say he's a moron for lacking said info, that's another story.  But the guy probably went to his local record store, which if he's in the US and it's not a Best Buy he would not find Chinese Democracy.  So he probably used the rationale that he was aware of AFD and UYI, TSI wasn't familiar to him so he thought it was new.
I just ask him where he got it and he said WalMart, so I told him its BB exclusive, but i think is all about lack of info, he didnt even know CD was released, hes not a huge fan like me, but he likes GNR very much.

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« Reply #1643 on: February 04, 2009, 10:40:33 AM »

I think claiming "Black Friday" gave Guns n Roses a sales boost is comical at best to beat Bruce Springsteen. Ok 2 things...

                                                        Ok factor this all in...Bruce even sang "Working on a Dream" on Sunday at the SuperBowl , he's been making the rounds media wise ...touring non stop and to move this number is bad for him. His hardcore fanbase didn't like the album. It happens at times.

Guess you missed my point about how the Superbowl show had no effect on his first week sales figures because Neilson/Soundscape stop their counts on Sunday, before he plays the Superbowl.  The show probably will help him in sales for week two, but I doubt many people ran out and bought his cd before Superbowl half-time unless they planned on it anyway.



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« Reply #1644 on: February 04, 2009, 10:59:03 AM »

In North America, this album is done. 

You can offer your opinion, and say that, but it means absolutely zilch in the real world.

I'm sure you would have said AFD was done after two months as well.

I'm not saying because AFD took off after a year the same will certainly happen with Chinese Democracy, what I am saying is that no one knows what is possible with an album full of great material like this.  To make any absolute statements like that is absurd.

See what you're saying 6 months from now.


yeah dude, but this isn't 1987 and there certainly are no SCOM or PC on this album

who knows if there is or not a SCOM, PC, or WTTJ on Democracy yet b/c there may be a single that's released in the future and it catches fire like SCOM did back in 88
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« Reply #1645 on: February 04, 2009, 10:59:55 AM »

Guess you missed my point about how the Superbowl show had no effect on his first week sales figures because Neilson/Soundscape stop their counts on Sunday, before he plays the Superbowl.  The show probably will help him in sales for week two, but I doubt many people ran out and bought his cd before Superbowl half-time unless they planned on it anyway.

It'll definitely help his second week sales.

But his appearance got a lot of publicity for him even before the actual performance.

He performed in Washington DC before the inauguration of Obama.

So in other words, he certainly promoted his album as much as possible.

Still it failed to sell more than GN'R. Which was deemed a failure by many and is now labeled as dead by yourself.

You like to point out how January is a weak sales month, but you like to disregard that sales have been going downhill even before that. Yes, even in November/December.

Why do you think so many retailers are letting people go and closing stores? Why are so many Japanese electronic manufacturers cutting down on spending and letting people go? Shouldn't they be doing great considering all the people who apparently visit Best Buy?  Wink

« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 11:33:45 AM by jarmo » Logged

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« Reply #1646 on: February 04, 2009, 11:20:32 AM »

Guess you missed my point about how the Superbowl show had no effect on his first week sales figures because Neilson/Soundscape stop their counts on Sunday, before he plays the Superbowl.  The show probably will help him in sales for week two, but I doubt many people ran out and bought his cd before Superbowl half-time unless they planned on it anyway.

It'll definitely help his second week sales.

But his appearance got a lot of publicity for him even before the actual performance.

He performed in Washington DC before the inauguration of Obama.

So in other words, he certainly promoted his album as much as possible.

Still it failed to sell more than GN'R. Which was deemed a failure by many and is now labeled as dead by yourself.


You still are missing andrew's valid point. GNR's cd was released on black friday, which is the largest shopping day of the year. Also, Springsteen played the SB AFTER the release, so people that are on th fence about buying it probably waiting to hear him play at halftime and then if they like it will buy it after the game. Also, Bruce is promoting the cd  to promote his upcoming tour. the new model of the music industry is that artists release their cd to promote tours, not the other way around. so, it is mind-boggling that gnr did not announce a tour with the release of "Chinese." You need to understand how the business is operated in order to state a reasonable position. You seem to be blinded by the facts and reality of this situation, but you are entitled to do so...
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« Reply #1647 on: February 04, 2009, 11:46:50 AM »

You still are missing andrew's valid point. GNR's cd was released on black friday, which is the largest shopping day of the year.

No, it definitely was NOT released on black friday.  It was released on SUNDAY November 23rd.

The most anticipated date in GNR history to the fans and you missed it??  hihi


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« Reply #1648 on: February 04, 2009, 12:01:40 PM »

You still are missing andrew's valid point. GNR's cd was released on black friday, which is the largest shopping day of the year.

No, it definitely was NOT released on black friday.  It was released on SUNDAY November 23rd.

The most anticipated date in GNR history to the fans and you missed it??  hihi

Exactly my point! It was released on Sunday plus the follwoing friday was blck friday, thus giving the CD a few x-tra days to rack up sales! Plus, if you didnt know, cd's are released on tuesday's , not friday. The cd was released on the sunday b4 friday to try to get more sales.....

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« Reply #1649 on: February 04, 2009, 12:38:23 PM »

                 On one hand you can't say "Black Friday" sales when the album was released days before that day. And if you looked both Kanye West and Guns n Roses new album under sold. Due to the effect of possible slow down economicly. Its reported Black Friday's sales were down big time. It effected the projections. Kanye was projected to move 700,000+  albums , Guns n Roses was projected  at 300,000-500,000 albums .

                           What happened ? Sales for both were way down. And heres a kicker .... Guns n Roses wasn't a widely distributed album and as Eddie Trunk has reported Best Buy won't cut Wal-Mart like deals to smaller mom & pop chains and cut deals to sell the album in bulk. Unlike Wal-Mart who will with Black Ice.

                               In the end I love The Boss and there is 2-3 songs I enjoy on the new album. But here as Jarmo pointed out he's done huge mainstream press and is widely distributed for it. Its just an under-performing album as much as people claim Chinese Democracy is.
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« Reply #1650 on: February 04, 2009, 01:30:59 PM »

Exactly my point! It was released on Sunday plus the follwoing friday was blck friday, thus giving the CD a few x-tra days to rack up sales! Plus, if you didnt know, cd's are released on tuesday's , not friday. The cd was released on the sunday b4 friday to try to get more sales.....

Just to be clear:  Sunday's sales weren't counted.  I'm not sure where they were counted, actually..anyone know?

Initially, BB said they were going to count the sales as part of the official "1st week".  They weren't, strictly, SUPPOSED to because I gather the Soundscan week is supposed to go from Monday to Sunday.

THEN, when there was a bit of a stink over it, they said they would NOT include the Sunday numbers in their soundscan count, and would, instead, only include Monday -, in essense, that first day of sales disappeared into the ether, I think, according to Soundscan (but not the RIAA or the official "total sale" numbers).

So, in essence, they might have "gained" Black Friday (whatever effect that may or may not have...I'll leave it to others to discuss that piece) but they LOST their entire first day.  On a product you would assume had a pretty decent "pent up" demand, and probably garnered a decent amount of sales on that first day, right?

I'm just sayin'.......

« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 01:32:58 PM by pilferk » Logged

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« Reply #1651 on: February 04, 2009, 02:16:37 PM »

GNR's cd was released on black friday

No, it definitely was NOT released on black friday.

Exactly my point!

Say what??  confused

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« Reply #1652 on: February 04, 2009, 02:44:23 PM »

Anybody know where to find some final numbers on this week's sales?

You should have seen the cover they wanted to do. It wasn't a glove, believe me.

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« Reply #1653 on: February 04, 2009, 06:10:14 PM »

I think the economy has played a major factor into the sluggish sales.   The problem with Best buy is that they're a specialty store...the only reason to go there is to buy something of the electronic nature.  Best Buy's sales went down 7% in the month of December...a month that tends to be their strongest. 

I think the reason that AC/DC's sales were solid at Walmart is because people go to walmart no matter the economic climate...they go for food, clothes, or any household needs...that means they have many more opportunities to buy the album.

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« Reply #1654 on: February 04, 2009, 06:16:58 PM »

I think the economy has played a major factor into the sluggish sales.   The problem with Best buy is that they're a specialty store...the only reason to go there is to buy something of the electronic nature.  Best Buy's sales went down 7% in the month of December...a month that tends to be their strongest. 

I think the reason that AC/DC's sales were solid at Walmart is because people go to walmart no matter the economic climate...they go for food, clothes, or any household needs...that means they have many more opportunities to buy the album.

Plus lets add this stat....there is only 862 Best Buy stores at the moment compared to Wal-Mart's  over 4,000+ stores.

For Chinese Democracy to not have no promotion from a tour or anything to move over 600,000 units at Best Buy is pretty fucking incredible . Could another band do this in todays market ?  No way.

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« Reply #1655 on: February 04, 2009, 06:25:41 PM »

Could another band do this in todays market ?  No way.
What band would want to?

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« Reply #1656 on: February 04, 2009, 06:32:50 PM »

the potential demand for the album hasn't been met yet.

I just ask him where he got it and he said WalMart, so I told him its BB exclusive, but i think is all about lack of info, he didnt even know CD was released, hes not a huge fan like me, but he likes GNR very much.

aren't most of the record buying public like that?

you could have kindly told him where to go tho.

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« Reply #1657 on: February 04, 2009, 06:52:41 PM »

Could another band do this in todays market ?  No way.
What band would want to?

                              Considering Exclusives from major store chains like Wal-Mart hand bands $$$. Your gonna see KISS new album be distributed that way soon. And well .....a lot more. Of course they'll go more with Wal-Mart than going with Best Buy since they know that store chains 1st attempt at moving an album wasn't that solid.

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« Reply #1658 on: February 04, 2009, 06:58:38 PM »

I was saying, what band would want to have an album out with no promo. Not what band would want to have an exclusive deal.

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« Reply #1659 on: February 05, 2009, 12:47:39 PM »

I hear led Zeppelin did not even release singles from their albums in order to develop the concept of album oriented rock.
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