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Topic: Gardening 2024 (Read 67171 times)
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #100 on:
June 15, 2024, 11:13:54 PM »
Woohoo. Moving right along at the Salvation Army. Should be finished with a couple more hours. That's if I didn't finish off my back tonight.
I see no reason to get soil for Marsha and then mix in our compost and leaf mulch. I should be able to order some kind of blend that is good for fruit trees that includes that stuff. She's now telling me we have to let the soil settle for a month before the trees can go in and it needs watered several times a week.
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #101 on:
June 16, 2024, 10:43:36 AM »
Oh yeah, it's done.
The volunteers can help finish up on Tuesday. If I can hear the cardboard under the chips when I walk on it, I throw down more. We have a couple spots of those. A few spots where we need to mulch between the plants and then put all the hardscape back in place. The volunteers should be pretty energize when they get there to see there is so little left to do. Apparently, someone at the club meeting brought up down sizing the garden. Shocked the girl who is incharge of it and she's freaking out. Look, don't make me come to that meeting and miss pinball. Takes way more work to take out a garden then maintaining it. And besides lady, I know who you are, how much you don't want to work and you don't want to have to participate in making it smaller. Of course, the lady who is in charge of the garden sits on a stool to weed and stands there while I do the work. So you know, I lose interest might just let mother nature take it over.
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #102 on:
June 18, 2024, 06:11:48 PM »
Marsha is starting to scare me. She turned a policy writing project over to me saying it looks like I will have to finish the rewrite. This isn't due until October and she loves shit like this. Is she thinking she won't be around?
Really hot here with some decent wind. That will dry shit out. Looks like the heat is on through the end of the month. Will move all of my small to medium size containers at home to the shade. My in ground plants even though watered and mostly in the shade show signs of wilt. Means my trees are thirsty. They are bigger and can suck up that moisture leaving very little for the smaller plants. Then again, I did raise my canopy last year and some of my shade plants are getting more sun then they like. The sun will get higher in the sky as summer goes on and give them back their shade but right now they are getting afternoon sun.
but the train's got its brakes on
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #103 on:
June 21, 2024, 04:27:28 PM »
Wood chips are in! They were delivered while I was up there. We never know when they are dropping off a load and today they brought us 2 loads. We need it all over the place. I have politely told the other leads that while I have helped them solve their labor issues in their gardens, they and their teams are not excused from group work sessions. The conversation was all pretty manipulative but that was the basic point.
I don't bark out orders but I'm still giving them, just one of my better disguises.
It is fucking hot and humid out there with no end in sight! And no chance of rain. Real danger of overwatering. Plants quit growing at higher temps and go into survival mode. No matter how much water you give them, they aren't going to grow at those cooler temperature rates. Quit stressing them out by drowning them. Inch per week and that's it. Hopefully they have sent those roots down way deep and only the top layer of soil is what's baking in the sun. Unless your me and there's 4 inches of mulch that's keeping it from drying out.
but the train's got its brakes on
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #104 on:
June 24, 2024, 10:14:20 PM »
My schedule hasn't allowed for morning watering so I'm up at the gardens in the evening watering the containers. You would think I would be fresh meat out there for the mosquitoes but there aren't any. We didn't have any of the cicadas either. Something is wrong with that. We don't use any bug repellants at the gardens so that's not it. We had a late cold snap but I don't think that got them. Not sure what is going on.
The deer rope fence is working. I see damage in other beds but none where I put the rope up.
Our heat loving garden plants are loving this weather. We have a lot of full sun and drought tolerant plants. Edelweiss is thriving. It kind of died back when we planted it but then took off again. Doesn't really look like how it was described in the song but maybe it just needs to settle in. We always sing, a little, when I show it off to people. They are always interested. Then again, it's not a native and I feel guilty for growing it.
but the train's got its brakes on
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #105 on:
June 26, 2024, 12:43:39 PM »
Marsha is dying. She came by the house and gave me everything for the garden. Her heart is failing. She's going on hospice. In typical Marsha fashion, she's trying to take care of everything. She's planning her funeral.
"I don't know just what I should do. There's a blue mist in the air."
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #106 on:
June 28, 2024, 01:25:42 AM »
We got through the monthly meeting without the issue of Marsha coming up. We're going to have to say something soon. Key people are being told and the grape vine is going to get rolling. I'm working this death and funeral. Helps to get through it but delays the deep sense of loss I'm going to have to deal with.
Fuck if the damn put up a bluebird house didn't come up again. I would like one on campus but I am not going to take responsibility for it and no one is stepping up to do it. It requires a lot of attention to keep the sparrows out so the bluebirds who arrive later can occupy it. Several times a week. We've already had hard feelings between two of our members over this issue. Don't even look to me to try to find someone to deal with that!
We saw a weasel at the garden. I'm told they are good and eat rodents. Hope that means moles!
The parks department dropped off over two hundred gallon pots. We use them in our plant sale and saves us from buying so many. And Donna's group is going to wash them! I'm still down for cleaning the 500 small pots they already dropped off. I've got till next February to do it.
They wussed out on Wednesday bringing in the 2 cubic yards of soil. It was not raining that hard and it was cool. Now they are waiting two weeks before they try again. It's going to be hot! Little do they know, that's Marsha's area, it has to be ready for the funeral. The life celebrating is at the garden and we are showing her hard work off. They are going to want to do that. I won't even have to ask.
but the train's got its brakes on
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Posts: 6681
Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #107 on:
June 29, 2024, 04:44:19 PM »
Texted Marsha a few pictures from the zoo lantern show we went to. Told her I was at the garden with cloud cover and light rain. Not expecting a reply but she texted back, sounds like heaven. I replied I expected her to have their garden in order when I get there and my assignment ready. She replied and no pots to wash.
She's having a good day. Later she sent her goodbye message to the gardening group.
She included something about getting the garden ready in heaven. Catherine told me she talked to her yesterday and she was way better than when I saw her Wednesday. I'm still hoping this all turns around.
It was a lovely day at the garden. I hid around back. If I went out front I was surrounded by people with all kinds of questions. A man stopped by with some kind of Australian herding dog. I think those are cool. That was probably a young eagle that flew up the creek. We did have cloud cover and it misted a few times. Can't say I got a lot done with the people interruption and I still haven't got my energy back but stuff got done. I need to get out the gas powered trimmer, maybe tonight or tomorrow morning. We are beautiful in June and I'm taking it in.
but the train's got its brakes on
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Posts: 6681
Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #108 on:
June 29, 2024, 08:27:34 PM »
No reason you can't read what she said. She's been as much a part of the gardening topic as I have been. "A lady always knows when to leave."
Subject line was Thank You
I wanted to make sure the 3 main groups I've worked with over the years realizes how much I respect and love all of you. My journey is slowing coming to an end. But I also know, you guys are so ready for the next part of the journey without me. You are such strong teams now, from when we started. And you can always answer a question like I did sometimes, and then fix it laterEmoji
The main thing, please try to be kind and if you start down a road that's hard - make sure it's for the good of the group.
Love you all and hopefully, I'll have the next MG gardens started by the time I see you again.
FYI - there will be a party after I pass to celebrate. Bob will be in charge - so some of you may want to help him out. That will definitely be out of his element.
Non of this is a secret. Just wanted to make sure most of you knew first.
Love to you all my wonderful MG friends and family
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
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Posts: 6681
Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #109 on:
June 30, 2024, 12:12:35 AM »
I think I know what she's getting at with this: if you start down a road that's hard - make sure it's for the good of the group.
It's the board walk and the stone path in the Fruit Abortorium. We originally got the composite for free. It set back there for two years until she had the idea for the boardwalk. Then it turned into a bigger project beyond what we got for free, lots of work and costly. The stone path cost a lot. I talked to her about it a couple of times plus her team was tired of doing it. They have already terminated expanding the boardwalk any more. I think Marsha felt entitled to spend the money since she made it with the plant sale and might be feeling guilty about it now.
Both projects are fucking gorgeous. They have bumped us up to a more professional level and the rest of the gardens are following the example. When it's finished, it will be the only thing like it on this side of the state. What's on the other side of the state takes up 10 acres. This you could do in your backyard. I've told her this too, many times. If she could have finished it, it would have been worthy of national attention. No pressure, I didn't want to tell her what I was thinking. I'll let the team finish it off and the trees grow a few years. I will still put it out there. Marsha you did good. It is for the good of the group.
So anyway, I'm going to stay as overall lead a while longer. I will cut back on all the extra stuff and just focus on the gardens.
but the train's got its brakes on
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #110 on:
July 02, 2024, 02:51:51 PM »
Okay now I'm quitting that job again.
Two people approached me about projects they want to do which involve work by me. And a garden has an immediate problem. I just went up there for a quick mow and to water my pots. I was there 4 hours. My crew should not have been there.
We are getting our main sign at the road replaced.
Okay the plants are going to get trampled but they aren't digging so the roots are safe. Told her she could dig them out if she wanted too but I'd leave them in ground and decorated with some annuals until they come back. Probably do more damage digging the perennial out and putting it back then just letting it get trampled, imo. They aren't woodies, that top growth is meant to die.
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #111 on:
July 03, 2024, 09:34:38 PM »
No we're not getting our main sign replaced. The one the university sent was the wrong size and only had writing on one side. Somehow that doesn't surprise me but then again I didn't give a shit in the first place.
Damn it the rhubarb plant probably died. Phebe was out of town and wasn't watching it. Rainy day so very few people showed up to work including the Marsha's team I was supposed to meet with. No word on Marsha. I just think about if she gets better what fun it would if she came back and started giving orders.
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #112 on:
July 04, 2024, 11:59:31 PM »
Lots of rain. The creek is running even with the bank. The lower level of the Cottage garden is half flooded. All normal stuff for us.
Marsha called. She was able to talk for a little while, I mostly just listen. She gave me marching orders.
That woman will be directing stuff till the day she dies. She had become the person I talked over everything with. I can stand on my own but I'm really feeling that loss. I was glad to hear she was still alive but it really crashes my mood. And prompted several calls and a wait around for when her husband to drop the Iron Cross Oxalis by. I'm not asking questions just grateful when a little information comes my way and I have proof she's having a good day. She doesn't want visitors or I'd be there.
but the train's got its brakes on
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #113 on:
July 05, 2024, 10:56:40 PM »
Marsha called again.
Something about the catering for her life celebration. Assured her we'd take care of it and I knew the menu. I think she started to doze off. Said she was on a fentanyl patch, pretty powerful shit. I kept it short but it's just nice to hear her voice. One more day.
I asked for help and the native team jumped right on cutting back the brush blocking the view trying to turn on the road from the garden. My friend has a giant garden gnome from her mother's house she is throwing out. Should I ask the native team if they want that or just put it in their garden and claim I know nothing.
I like the surprise stuck you with that idea.
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
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Posts: 6681
Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #114 on:
July 08, 2024, 10:36:14 PM »
We're getting what's left of the hurricane starting tonight around 2 and raining until Tuesday evening around 8. The gardens will flood. We work Wednesday morning and may not be able to get in there. Normally, it's not problem, it goes up and goes down, we're built for this. Occasionally shit floats but instead of going down the creek, it gets caught in the backwash and we know where to go get it from. For people who haven't seen us flood, I get a flood of calls.
It is pretty frightening when it's rolling down the creek in rapids.
Caught up with Beka. She has family stuff going on too. We were going to wrap up the trainees project this month but have delayed it to September. The 2 cubic yards of soil we have coming in for Marsha area for Wednesday has been cancelled. If she had been in charge that would have been off my to do list last month and the trees going in next week. They are probably getting better watered staying in their pots, just hope they are too root bound.
No word on Marsha. No apology from Laura. Will make Friday's steering committee interesting if she's still pissed at me. In the meantime, there's pots to wash and my grow room to clean up. Always something to do with gardening even when it rains.
but the train's got its brakes on
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #115 on:
July 09, 2024, 09:23:20 PM »
Checked on the garden. We're soggy. The creek is about 2 feet below the top. We crest tomorrow at 1 a little bit out of its banks. The plants are happy little campers. They needed a good drink.
Texted Marsha a picture of the last group of plants she put in this spring. They all made it and are looking good. No response.
but the train's got its brakes on
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #116 on:
July 10, 2024, 05:39:43 PM »
Two of Marsha's team stepped up to take lead on her garden. I am fully staffed with one person out on medical leave. Perfect timing on who is going to replace the bridge. Both guys I needed to talk to were in the same spot and they are going to do it this fall. Score and I was off to do my own shit.
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #117 on:
July 12, 2024, 05:49:42 PM »
Lay down my dear brothers, lay down and take your rest
Won't you lay your head upon your Savior's breast
I love you, but Jesus love you the best
And I bid you goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
And I bid you goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
And I bid you goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Marsha died
but the train's got its brakes on
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #118 on:
July 13, 2024, 08:43:46 PM »
Workday at the garden. The email hadn't went out about Marsha yet so we had to tell people.
The weeds loved all that rain. Hit a couple of spots in general garden and at Scott's garden while he's on sick leave. Wasn't as bad out there this morning but we are around 100 until Wednesday. Break of dawn watering on the pots coming up.
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
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Re: Gardening 2024
Reply #119 on:
July 14, 2024, 10:51:24 AM »
I'm getting better about the Marsha Life Celebration. She asked me and Donna to help her husband to throw it. I was pretty pissed about it, get a fucking party planner. I didn't want to work the party but I was pretty overloaded at the time. Yes, I would rather just attend a funeral, have it over and done with and move on. I've never been to a Life Celebration party. It was something that got rolling during covid when they couldn't have funerals and got together when it was safe. If this is what they want I wouldn't be happy not working it.
Bob texted yesterday to thank me for my kind words and asked how do we proceed with the celebration. I replied when he was ready we would get together and plan it. I was thinking, didn't Marsha leave us our marching orders?
I know she has some things planned, menu, music, the location (the garden). And everybody will want to help and we should let them.
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and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
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