Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Edward Rose on March 26, 2007, 01:11:31 PM

Title: Public Disclosure of The Illuminated Rodent Wheel
Post by: Edward Rose on March 26, 2007, 01:11:31 PM
So this is what I've been working on since shortly after the MSG concert in November. I've already filed for the patent, so now I can show it to people.

It's a hamster wheel that doesn't require batteries and shines a wide array of lights onto the wall behind the rodent's cage. It functions with 16 neodimium magnets and 4 yellow jumbo L.E.D.'s, and is designed to operate in dimly lit or dark rooms. (When rodents spend the majority of the time running on their wheels)

To say I bled for this f**ker would NOT be an exxageration. At one point I actually cut my pinky finger while making the coils... which required 4 stitches  :rofl:

Patent Pending : US60/897,649

Some of the other features are:

Works in both directions.
Doesn't cause ANY resistance on the rodent's legs. (Spins just as freely as regular wheels)
Does not create heat or other electrical disturtbances
The 4 L.E.D.'s flash in a two-two pattern as the rodent runs... o_o_ ... _o_o

Here's a couple of pictures of the wheel that we'll be manufacturing. These images came from the early design stages and have since changed quite a bit. We're working with a Chinese guy in Cali who communicates with the people in China. (This could never be affordably manufactured in The U.S.A.  :hihi: ) The Chinese guys are the ones who made these images with their C.A.D. program...


Title: Re: Public Disclosure of The Illuminated Rodent Wheel
Post by: 25 on March 26, 2007, 02:37:56 PM
So it's a dynamo powering LEDs? That would be hours of fun for anyone with both a rodent and a cat. Got one big enough for a rabbit?

Title: Re: Public Disclosure of The Illuminated Rodent Wheel
Post by: Edward Rose on March 26, 2007, 11:20:31 PM
So it's a dynamo powering LEDs? That would be hours of fun for anyone with both a rodent and a cat. Got one big enough for a rabbit?

It's not really a dynamo because a dynamo is usally made with one or more D.C. motors, which creates back E.M.F. and would allot of resistance on the rodent's legs.

This creates A.C. electricty and causes no measurable resistance  : ok:

Big ones? Not yet, but my patenet application covers it.