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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: younggunner on May 27, 2004, 06:12:55 PM

Title: I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: younggunner on May 27, 2004, 06:12:55 PM
After going to the VR show in NYC and listening to their studio tracks I have come to love Axl and the new band even more. Dont get me wrong, some of the VR tracks are very good and the show was excellent but it just isnt magical or great. ANd I dont mean that in a negative way. VR rocks and they have a lot going for them right now...but its only so much they can offer ya know....

Axl writes such beautiful lyrics and the way he is on stage is amazing. After absorbing all of Vr these past few days I have realized how lucky I am in discovering such a unique talent.

Gnr still has to prove everyone wrong and put out a masterpiece type album. I understand that. They still have to prove to everyone they arent a joke. ANd hopefully they will. They certaintly got a talented band and more importantely they have one the greates frontmen that has ever graced the stage. Theres something about Axl and this band that makes it so magical. ANd for that I am excited and grateful......cant wait till the bell rings for gnr....its gonna be fun

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: MIIKA on May 27, 2004, 06:27:54 PM
I totally agree with you. To be honest, i think VR is kind of boring. Nothing special really  :-[

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on May 27, 2004, 06:35:20 PM
Not to diss VR, because they are a good rock band, but that's exactly it: all they are is a good rock band. They lack the magic touch, besides Slash's solos, there is absolutely nothing to differentiate them from, say, Creed or Fuel.

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on May 27, 2004, 06:39:27 PM
I totally agree with you. To be honest, i think VR is kind of boring. Nothing special really  :-[

yeah because playing apetite's songs live again and again 15 years after IS special.
we'll talk when AXL will do half of what VR has done.

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: jarmo on May 27, 2004, 06:53:14 PM
yeah because playing apetite's songs live again and again 15 years after IS special.
we'll talk when AXL will do half of what VR has done.

Seems like it's special to some people since they paid money to see the show. Weren't you one of them?  ;D


Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: privatereserve on May 27, 2004, 07:51:04 PM
I agree.  If anyone hasn't seen the new gnr don't know what they are talking about.  They should have no opinions on the posts if the new gnr sucks or not.  Because they have know clue how good this new band is until they have seen them live.  Yes I've seen the new gnr 4 times.  Velvet Revolvers ok, but just that and they won't make a dent in the music industry like Axl will with the new band.  I would rather wait for a masterpiece, than a medicore album like Velvet Revolver.   :smoking:

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: younggunner on May 27, 2004, 08:53:37 PM
Im not even trying to amke a vr vs gnr thread. Im mostly discussing like how special Axl is. Once you see both bands you will understand what I mean. Axl just lifts any band into another universe. Idk its really hard to explain

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: Naupis on May 27, 2004, 08:59:49 PM
Maybe Nu-GNR with Bucket was special, and they were fantastic when I saw them in Cleveland.....but he's gone now. Even if they keep his parts on the album.. no other guitarist will be able to play half of them I bet as he plays with such speed and precision. Finck can barely play Slash's stuff.....I doubt all of the sudden he will suddenly have an epiphany that allows him to start shredding and playing a cleaner guitar. That to me was the big dissapointment with Bucket leaving is that they have all this material that will sound awesome on the CD, but they won't be able to properly replicate the songs live as they won't have a guitarist capable of playing his stuff.

If anything, seeing VR re-emerge makes me appreciate the magic the old band even more. Having seen Axl live and just how down right cool Slash and Duff are now, It just makes me realize how they were all so perfect for eachother....and that none of them will ever be able to surpass or create the same magic they had as a unit. I never realized how special they really are until now. They will all go on to have future successes(assuming Axl comes out to play), but I just don't ever see either band ever being what GNR once was.  

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: SlashFan on May 27, 2004, 10:00:43 PM
This thread is stupid.All of you people that like to bash GN'R or VR are just trying to get people hating each other over who is better than who.I like both bands and I won't say anything bad about either one.

Atleast VR has a record out and are playing live and I hope that GN'R will be doing the same soon,that would be so cool. :peace:

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: younggunner on May 27, 2004, 10:58:20 PM
and that none of them will ever be able to surpass or create the same magic they had as a unit.
You have a valid point and it might very well turn out ot be true...but we have one more members work before we close the book on that theory. so once gnr release thier stuff then you can say what you said...or maybe it wont be tru...

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: Naupis on May 27, 2004, 11:19:38 PM
Younggunner.....while the music Axl may could potentially be on par with music he has made in the past, GNR will never rule the world the way in which they once did. The atmosphere is just too different...Hip hop rules the world now as well as Clear Channel. GNR will never be on TRL or Kiss FM. They just don't fit the format. The same goes for VR. They could right the second coming of Appetite and there will never be stadium tours or 24/7 GNR/VR simply because this is such a different musical atmosphere than it was from 87-93. I hope Im wrong as I would love to see GNR/VR rule the world, but the cards are stacked heavily against Rock N' Roll being so main stream. That, and if a song like November Rain was released today, it would never make it to radio as they don't put songs of that length in heavy rotation. I don't like the way radio is run now, but the rules have just changed so much.

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: SlashFan on May 27, 2004, 11:28:45 PM
Younggunner.....while the music Axl may could potentially be on par with music he has made in the past, GNR will never rule the world the way in which they once did. The atmosphere is just too different...Hip hop rules the world now as well as Clear Channel. GNR will never be on TRL or Kiss FM. They just don't fit the format. The same goes for VR. They could right the second coming of Appetite and there will never be stadium tours or 24/7 GNR/VR simply because this is such a different musical atmosphere than it was from 87-93. I hope Im wrong as I would love to see GNR/VR rule the world, but the cards are stacked heavily against Rock N' Roll being so main stream. That, and if a song like November Rain was released today, it would never make it to radio as they don't put songs of that length in heavy rotation. I don't like the way radio is run now, but the rules have just changed so much.

Here the radio stations still play November Rain,not that it has anything to do with what you said tho. :smoking:

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: Naupis on May 27, 2004, 11:45:35 PM
I still here it once in a while, but I doubt we will ever see a situation in which a 9 minute epic would ever get played every hour the way Jay-Z and Lincoln Park do, regardless of how good a song is. I think its a damn shame, but it is factors like that wren't around when GNR initially rose to prominence I argue will keep them or any band for that matter from reaching the heights they once had.

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: DRUNK on May 28, 2004, 12:48:27 AM
haha, you guys are dumbasses!  If November Rain was released a new song today, of course it would get played 24/7.  Songs that good do get recognized, bottomline.  GNR was so fucking good, that yes, if they came out in 2004 instead of 1987, they would still be huge.  Definitly.  

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: badapple81 on May 28, 2004, 01:25:18 AM
haha, you guys are dumbasses!  If November Rain was released a new song today, of course it would get played 24/7.  Songs that good do get recognized, bottomline.  GNR was so fucking good, that yes, if they came out in 2004 instead of 1987, they would still be huge.  Definitly.  

DRUNK, perhaps cocaine would help them think more clearly?  :hihi:

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: volcano62 on May 28, 2004, 09:36:29 AM
Maybe Nu-GNR with Bucket was special, and they were fantastic when I saw them in Cleveland.....but he's gone now. Even if they keep his parts on the album.. no other guitarist will be able to play half of them I bet as he plays with such speed and precision. Finck can barely play Slash's stuff.....I doubt all of the sudden he will suddenly have an epiphany that allows him to start shredding and playing a cleaner guitar. That to me was the big dissapointment with Bucket leaving is that they have all this material that will sound awesome on the CD, but they won't be able to properly replicate the songs live as they won't have a guitarist capable of playing his stuff.

If anything, seeing VR re-emerge makes me appreciate the magic the old band even more. Having seen Axl live and just how down right cool Slash and Duff are now, It just makes me realize how they were all so perfect for eachother....and that none of them will ever be able to surpass or create the same magic they had as a unit. I never realized how special they really are until now. They will all go on to have future successes(assuming Axl comes out to play), but I just don't ever see either band ever being what GNR once was.  

I used the feel the same way about Slash, that he was the best in the world and guys like Kirk Hammet, Marty Friedman and Zakk Wylde couldn't come close to him! But then I grew up, years had passed and my guitar knowledge got better and I realised that there are thousands of guitar players that can play like Slash or even better. Buckethead plays Slash's parts cause he could and others can also. I'm sure Axl has alot of talented guitarists applying for the position.

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: blues_rock_axeman on May 28, 2004, 10:43:16 AM
GNR was so fucking good, that yes, if they came out in 2004 instead of 1987, they would still be huge.  Definitly.  

I disagree. People would probably look at them as wannabes who tried to do the whole 'recapturing an era' thing, and they'd probably get slammed like The Darkness.

And the press sure wouldn't be happy with delays in concerts or album releases or whatever...they'd get savaged.

GN'R were so effective because they were the antithesis (nearly) of their own scene...a time period and a set of bands that have now long gone...the only bands that come out of LA now are pop morons like Maroon 5...

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on May 28, 2004, 03:16:45 PM
I agree with younggunner!!

'Slither' is an awesome song with a great solo. The song is cool and I do think that VR will do good. But there is something more with the New Guns N' Roses songs. When I listen to 'The Blues,' 'Madagascar,' 'Chinese Democracy,' 'Oh My God,' and even 'Riyadh And The Bedouins,' its something special. Its really magical when I listen to those songs and they have so much energy, and so much emotion in them. It's hard to describe, but there is something more with the New GN'R songs than the VR songs.

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: Walapino on May 28, 2004, 03:23:53 PM
The Blues and Maddy are very very good songs but quite frankly I see nothing special in CD, Rhiad or Silk Worms. I think VR stuff blow them away. But hey its a matter of taste anyway. You could only wish they where still together and we got The Blues and Fall to Pieces in the same CD ;)

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: MadmanDan on May 28, 2004, 04:10:48 PM
If there's enough airspace for crap like Linkin Park,Good Charlote or Blink 182, we'll see and hear VR and GNR on TV and radio.

  VR is a great rock band,but clearly they need Axl more than Axl needs them. I love ther attitude,though!! I've missed that bad-ass I don't give a fuck attitude.

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: MeanBone on May 28, 2004, 04:16:52 PM
i'll take nu gnr over VR any given day. with or without bucket, you know why? cuz Axl alone is better than 5 VR members  :beer:


Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: Vegar on May 28, 2004, 04:41:07 PM
I agree with u YG.
Im really waitin' for Chinese democracy, but im also goin' to buy Contraband the 1st day its released anyway.
Im excited to hear V.r songs, Have only heard SMF and Slither and they were OK, but nothing more.  :peace:

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: younggunner on May 28, 2004, 06:36:31 PM
Its not even about axl vs vr. They both are talented but I have realized that what Axl brings to the table cannot be matched.

Im also beginning to realize that weiland isnt talneted enought to keep up with slash/duff/matts fine work.....

Title: Re:I appreciate GNR even more...
Post by: Imfuckincrazy on May 29, 2004, 06:55:09 PM
DRUNK, perhaps cocaine would help them think more clearly?


VR is a great rock band,but clearly they need Axl more than Axl needs them.
What the fucking hell??? I find this remark similar to that of another poster who said that Slash needs Axl and Izzy "to hold his hand." That's fucking bullshit. Slash just so happens to be the best guitarist around today, as a fact, and in my opinion, ever, and he is in a band that is releasing an album and tours, and we even hear from them on a regular basis. And even before this band, we knew everything that was going on with them. But where is Axl??? As far as Axl goes, he hasn't released shit since Slash, Duff, and Matt were in the fucking band, so that's stupid to say that they need Axl more than Axl needs them. Axl can't keep a fucking band together because he thinks he's the shit and doesn't need anybody. How do they need him more he needs them?
cuz Axl alone is better than 5 VR members

Right. That's exactly it. If you think that the one who doesn't release shit, doesn't care about his fans, is better, fine. Waiting for Axl (and refusing to enjoy anything else because you're too blind to realize he is an asshole and not god) is like running into a door repeatedly instead of going somewhere else until the door is opened. And it's just as stupid.