Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: LeftToDecay on October 26, 2004, 11:55:35 PM

Title: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: LeftToDecay on October 26, 2004, 11:55:35 PM
Does Elvis occasionally speak/sing/perform by using your body as a vessel between worlds?
Are you abducted by aliens on a daily basis?
Do you remember the last dozen past lives of yours like they all took place yesterday?
Can you see the future?
Is moving stuff via telekinesis a walk in a park to you?
Can you kill with your thoughts?
Are you god?

If you answered "yes" to all questions above OR have some..minor supernatural experiences/talents  then, by all means, babble about them here.

Now, I'm sure that everybody expects that I have ?ber-cool stories to tell just because I started this thread. Well, I don't, not really.
Few minor things.

I had had a pretty high fever when I was about 12-13. I was laying on the sofa of our living room, half a sleep, mother is sitting somewhere behind me, watching TV.
The finnish version of Wheel of fortune is on.
Suddenly I begin to announce where the "needle" of the wheel will stop slightly before the guy whose turn it is begins spinning the stupid thing.
According to my mother I had it right about 5 or 6 times in a row, then I just stopped. It's not exactly lottery, there can't be that many different possibilities where that stupid wheel could stop..but 5-6 times in a row? It's weird.
The only even remotely supposedly  supernarural-ish experience of my life has Wheel Of Fortune in it. How cool is that.How cool is that!!?!?Err...

When I was about 15-16 I once sat in my room, reading something, minding my own business when a chair few meters way from my current position umm..leaped in the air for a while. Not really hovering or anything,it was as if something had violently kicked/pushed it or something. I remember staring it for quite a while trying to figure out what could have possibly caused that but couldn't come up with anything.Poltergeist baby!

According to my father&his brother and sisters, my grandmother totally had "da gift" when she was younger.
Supposedly she saw shitty things in dreams slightly before they actually happened.Stuff she had told to my father beforhand included a car accident of her other son, which would take place in the next day.
When my grandmother's sister was first pregnant around early 60's she (the granny) saw a dream of her sister sitting on a cliff, using spinning wheel and crying. Grandmother's sister eventually had 3 children. They all had something wrong in their kidneys and passed away before teenage.
Grandmother's sister dealed with her grief by doing massive amount of wowing/other spinning wheel stuff I can't descripe in english:)
The entire family seems to talk about these dreams as a fact so I too kinda gave up questioning them ages ago. I haven't heard the grandmother mentioning anything about her dreams during the time I have lived though.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Gunner80 on October 26, 2004, 11:58:03 PM
Well feeling like God has come to my mind a few times? 

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: youngerformofaxl on October 27, 2004, 12:03:26 AM
Does Elvis occasionally speak/sing/perform by using your body as a vessel between worlds?
Are you abducted by aliens on a daily basis?
Do you remember the last dozen past lives of yours like they all took place yesterday?
Can you see the future?
Is moving stuff via telekinesis a walk in a park to you?
Can you kill with your thoughts?
Are you god?

1) No.
2) No.
3) No, but I reckon I was probably some sort of Medieval Knight but in the day.
4) Yes, I predict I will be a porn star.
5) No, not even.
6) Nope.
7) No.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: journey on October 27, 2004, 12:39:26 AM
I think I have the ability to see into the future. I predicted that the Boston Red Sox would win the first 4 games. They have won the first 3 so far!  :D

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: D on October 27, 2004, 12:57:11 AM
I think I have the ability to see into the future. I predicted that the Boston Red Sox would win the first 4 games. They have won the first 3 so far!? :D

yeah yeah :hihi: screw u and your redsox! :hihi:

when i was about 2 i use to share a bed with my oldest brother, and the projects we lived in were suppose to be haunted.

one night we were both awakened by a hand which came out of the wall and it landed on my brothers chest and then got up and went back through the wall.

when i was around 13 or 14 the house next door to me is suppose to be haunted. its a real spooky big place, this old woman use to have a parakeet and u could hear it squawking all hours of the night, anyhow she ended up dying in that house.

well one night i waswalking home from my friends house and every light was on in that house. no one had lived there for 2 years and it was very freaky. we called the police and they were even scared to go in there.

a family moved in a few months later and they ended up splitting town, the weird part was they left their furniture, most of their clothes and even some drugs inside.

why would u just cut out and leave all your stuff?

very spooky!

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: badapple81 on October 27, 2004, 01:13:50 AM
I was staying at my girlfriend at the times's place.. she had just moved in.. anyway first night we stayed at the place I felt a cold chill sweep across the bedroom.. during the night I heard my cell-phone vibrating then stop.. I picked it up off the floor beside the bed.. and it was off.. this happened again a couple of times during the night. When I did fall asleep I was woken by knocking on the wall right next to my head.. I was still half asleep and dismissed it because it happened all the time when she lived in her apartment from next door.. then I realised.. hey.. she lives in a house now! There couldn't possibly be any knocking! This happened regulary and the house had this eery feeling to it.

We kept getting the previous occupants mail.. she was a doctor and we wondered why she didn't get her mail redirected.. upon some investigation I found that she had passed away not long before my then-gf moved in!

One morning after the usual knocking, noises and cold chills, I went in to the lounge room to find the sofa had moved a good half metre from where it was supposed to be!

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jagged Little Pill on October 27, 2004, 10:35:51 PM
well i haven't seen anything but the doors here are always opening on their own..the fan's turned on by itself..hear noises upstairs..noises like someone is tapping their finger against the sister said she was sleeping one time ( we have 3 cats ) and she made sure they were all out of her room and she went to sleep and she said she woke up because she heard scratching at the end of her bed. she checked again for the cats but they werent in there but on the end of her bed were about 4 deep scratch marks..and they are still there. she moved out and now i have her room  :nervous:

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: youngerformofaxl on October 27, 2004, 11:52:19 PM
well i haven't seen anything but the doors here are always opening on their own..the fan's turned on by itself..hear noises upstairs..noises like someone is tapping their finger against the sister said she was sleeping one time ( we have 3 cats ) and she made sure they were all out of her room and she went to sleep and she said she woke up because she heard scratching at the end of her bed. she checked again for the cats but they werent in there but on the end of her bed were about 4 deep scratch marks..and they are still there. she moved out and now i have her room? :nervous:

I suggest you not live there. :no:

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: LeftToDecay on October 28, 2004, 12:24:27 AM
Wow, great stories people.Keep em coming!

I would feel somewhat uncomfortable if a freaky hand from a wall paid me a visit in the middle on the night.
Somewhat uncomfortable in that  "Ah, heck I'll just wet my bed and begin screaming and never stop"-sense. :)

4 deep scratch marks that looked like they might have been made by a pissed off cat?
or 4 deep scratch marks that looked like a horde of Satan's minions had tried to destroy the bed?
How deep is deep here?

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: matt88 on October 28, 2004, 07:08:31 AM
I have deja vu alot. I actually remember it before it happens now. Not often but alot more lately.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on October 28, 2004, 10:26:06 AM
I had lots of them since i was a kid. Runs in the family.

My 3 first ones were me beingscared because a "white"lady was standing beside my bed when i was small and she was stroking my hair and it terrified me until i went under hypnosis as an adult.

I predicted a ferry sinking 3 days before it happened ( and it did), i was a kid.

Me and my brother were accompanying our parents on a tour of france and one night, dad decides to stop in a hotel and me and my bro are given a room for both of us to share, our parents in a room next door. Within an hour of being at the hotel, we both got very sick, to the point when my parents had to go and fetch an emergency doctor. Arriving there, he tells our parents that we have nothing. Yet, we are still extremely sick, with a lot of temperature and going worse. Mum calls for meals to be brought to the rooms and the person arrives with the food, and says to mum" i can't believe they put your kids in here !!!" < mum replies " why" ?< " Because there has been a triple murder in here, the killer got in the room and slashed everyone".

We were moved from that room instantly and within another hour, we were not sick anymore.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jagged Little Pill on October 28, 2004, 01:43:21 PM

4 deep scratch marks that looked like they might have been made by a pissed off cat?
or 4 deep scratch marks that looked like a horde of Satan's minions had tried to destroy the bed?
How deep is deep here?

well deep enough not to be cat scratchs..they are thick scratches well..they are wide at the top and get thinner as it goes towards that bottom..cats just make one long thin line..and plus they werent in her room when it happened.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Gunner80 on October 28, 2004, 05:09:30 PM
I have deja vu alot. I actually remember it before it happens now. Not often but alot more lately.
I think you better read this!

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on October 28, 2004, 06:06:45 PM
I have deja vu alot. I actually remember it before it happens now. Not often but alot more lately.
I think you better read this!

Read it and as usual, it think psychiatrists are losers.

They try to put everything that comes from the brain into a category, because they are so big headed that a " gift" is way out of their understanding or CONTROL.

D?j? vu cannot be explained, scientists have tried, psychiatrists have judged and fact is : they don't have a single idea and do not want to explore past lifes or future " experiences".

So i say, fuck them, right ?

In the past, they thought the earth was square and when someone said it were rounded, they thought Gallileo was a nutter.

In time, these idiots will realise that their condemning what they couldn't see was as idiotic as a square earth.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 28, 2004, 07:27:14 PM
Y'know, once, when I was staying at my Grans, there was knowcking at the window, on her second floor, in the bedroom I was kipping in. So, I was shit scared. I tried to tell myself it was a branch knocking against it, but 1) It was a repetitive?knock 2) My Granny had no trees.

I still have no idea what the fuck it was, but I guess it was somthing other than a scary monster trying to eat me, I dunno though, I was shit scared . I know for a fact it was not a person, unless they were 14 foot tall, or had managed to sneak a ladder past my grannys psycho dog.

I'm always interested in the supernatural, I guess I want to believe it exists. But why when people tell stories  its always "When I was a kid.........."

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on October 28, 2004, 07:55:48 PM
simply because you're taught to not believe in it as you grow older chris. Some people lose their natural instinct to feel, see or foresee or end up not trusting it, or believing they are mad.

Kids are still pure and it happens up until you end up being fucked by society ( around 6/7 years old).

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: unoturbo on October 28, 2004, 08:20:28 PM
I sometimes get deja vu so strong that it makes me dizzy! It lasts quite a while too.

I had an almost supernatural experience but it had a logical conclusion. I live away from home and last year could hear this strange music really late at night when everything else was silent. It sounded like a music box. I heard it a few nights in a row and it really freaked me out because i couldn't work out where it was coming from. I went back home over Christmas and after a few nigths heard the exact same music as I did before even though I was now over 50 miles away from where I heard it last. It again carried on for a few nights and i genuinely thought I was going mad as no-one else ever heard it. I eventually realised it was some musical Christmas lights! I laughed to myself but was relived I wasn't crazy.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 28, 2004, 08:21:25 PM
simply because you're taught to not believe in it as you grow older chris. Some people lose their natural instinct to feel, see or foresee or end up not trusting it, or believing they are mad.

Ok. So you're saying everyone has this ability, when they're younger? But surely alot of it is just down to overactive imaginations?

And what you said earlier about the stabbings in the room. Surely, over from the begininning of time, many people have been slaughtered, killed, eaten, whatever in the hotel, or whatever that was there in the previous million years, so why would you believe it had anything to do with the stabbings? And did your parents automaticly find out if it was true, cause I would have got my money back, for sure!

I had an almost supernatural experience but it had a logical conclusion

Welcome back!

You just reminded me, when I was younger I used to hear someone calling my name at night (always I night) my family and Granny (again) often thought I was going mad, going from room to room (happened in my dads, mums and grans, dunno if it happened anywhere else) asking who was calling my name in the early hours.

I put it down to being tired.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on October 28, 2004, 08:37:10 PM
simply because you're taught to not believe in it as you grow older chris. Some people lose their natural instinct to feel, see or foresee or end up not trusting it, or believing they are mad.

Ok. So you're saying everyone has this ability, when they're younger? But surely alot of it is just down to overactive imaginations?

And what you said earlier about the stabbings in the room. Surely, over from the begininning of time, many people have been slaughtered, killed, eaten, whatever in the hotel, or whatever that was there in the previous million years, so why would you believe it had anything to do with the stabbings? And did your parents automaticly find out if it was true, cause I would have got my money back, for sure!

I am saying exactly this : absolutely everyone has this ability.

Imagination is much sweeter than " gifts"and much eaiser to live with. If only it was overactive imaginations. A lot of parents put nightmares on imagination and mine did just that . I had encountered real spirits and it took me 20 odd years to stop sleeping mummified out of fear of the night. Anyways, yeah, everyone is " sensitive" to this. It's called a " gift" but it's not, not really. It's human instinct, a long forgotten one.
Somehow, scientists say we evolve with years for the best, but i do think that our brain is losing a capacity with technology.

You know chris, everytime or almost , if a violent death occured, i am either sick or get to see exactly how the people died. These places are charged with energy and just like in life, some energies are good, some bad, some sad and some happy or even playful ( encountered a playful appartment, little child ghost playing wih stuff and all)

I know a lot of people get like that, and even when the less sensitive of the lot can't feel, they often feel uneasy in some place without being able to point out why.

And no, my parents did not get their money back. Why would they ?

Many years after, my brother admitted he'd seen blood on the walls. Virtually impossible, but he did. I believe him. He knew our father was dying,  like i know some people are sometimes.  My brother is annoying ,but he never cuns anyone into believing bullshit. This hotel room had  repressed sadness and violence. And the blood thing on the wall is what indicated it was linked to this particular event in the land's history, therefore, as a hotel and that room. So we moved into another room, full stop.

Actually, and just so you know, yes, there have been many brutal deaths all over the world, from murders to wars to sickos torturing and all.
Some healers travel the world to " cure" places. There are places that cannot be " cured", like a castle in Ireland that's so " bad" that eve nthe most serious and stable healer/psychic is scared and runs off.

No one wants to live in a haunted place and if some do, they usually don't if the presence is negative.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 28, 2004, 09:04:25 PM
It's human instinct, a long forgotten one.

See, I've thought for years, what we've lost due to evolution, alot of our humanity, or maybe animility (I think I just made up a word), who knows, it's intriguing though, that as long as we progress, and step forward, we lose some abilities, or are affected by something, that many years ago did not harm us.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on October 28, 2004, 09:08:42 PM
It's human instinct, a long forgotten one.

See, I've thought for years, what we've lost due to evolution, alot of our humanity, or maybe animility (I think I just made up a word), who knows, it's intriguing though, that as long as we progress, and step forward, we lose some abilities, or are affected by something, that many years ago did not harm us.

You won't take out of my brain that christianity had a role to play in denying a major part of what we are as human beings.
In putting jesus was " the only one" being " superhuman", it denied it for everyone else or put them on a saintly or " devilish" pedestal.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: jabba2 on October 30, 2004, 02:16:59 PM
Last winter i would hear weird humming noises that would get very close to the house late at nite, when i would be outside smoking a cigarette. This is a remote area with maybe 10 houses surrounded by woods, so if anyone starts a car at 3am you would hear the engine running or see headlights, but i never do when this noise starts. Sometimes ill hear it start from nowhere and it sounds a few 100 yards away, and the disappears after a minute or too. Other nites it sounds like its 50-100 feet from the house and getting closer, but i never see lights or hear footsteps in the woods, so i cant tell exactly what this noise is.

Its just a strage sound that fades in and out in intensity and plays tricks on your ears depth perception, sometimes it sounds right beside you, but then youll notice its really coming from another direction out of site. and i can always notice it moving to a different area. Im moving out in the next few weeks, sadly i wont be able to investigate this further.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: kj_jive on October 30, 2004, 02:38:31 PM
About the closest thing i had to a supernatural experience was when, (shocker) i was a kid.  I had just had a terrible nightmare about Frankenstein and was sitting in my bed in the dark.  I started to hear footsteps in the hall and i practically stopped breathing.  I remember thinking there is no way something is in the fucking hallway.  They kept coming closer though and i almost died when i saw my door was opening.  A tall figure slowly lurched into my room and i froze in panic.  I couldn't believe that something was really in my room.

But it was just my dad coming to check on me.  That was still one of the scariest moments I've ever had.  Haha scared the crap out of me.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Gunner80 on October 30, 2004, 03:58:33 PM
It's human instinct, a long forgotten one.

See, I've thought for years, what we've lost due to evolution, alot of our humanity, or maybe animility (I think I just made up a word), who knows, it's intriguing though, that as long as we progress, and step forward, we lose some abilities, or are affected by something, that many years ago did not harm us.

You won't take out of my brain that christianity had a role to play in denying a major part of what we are as human beings.
In putting jesus was " the only one" being " superhuman", it denied it for everyone else or put them on a saintly or " devilish" pedestal.
You're really starting scare me.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: LeftToDecay on October 30, 2004, 04:32:24 PM
It's human instinct, a long forgotten one.

See, I've thought for years, what we've lost due to evolution, alot of our humanity, or maybe animility (I think I just made up a word), who knows, it's intriguing though, that as long as we progress, and step forward, we lose some abilities, or are affected by something, that many years ago did not harm us.

You won't take out of my brain that christianity had a role to play in denying a major part of what we are as human beings.
In putting jesus was " the only one" being " superhuman", it denied it for everyone else or put them on a saintly or " devilish" pedestal.
You're really starting scare me.
I think "christianity had a role to play in denying a major part of what we are as human beings." is a bit too strong way to express it but she has a very good point there.

Pretty much every religion gives a very strong codex about natural and supernatural. Religions tend to give very detailed descriptions about why something "supernatural" happens. Usually religions&specially institutions of religion in question  view  supernatural as work of Satan/other bad guy.
As a result it's easy for somewhat religious person to be absolutely horrified when you experience/do something you view as "supernatural"
It is easy to view it as a "work of satan" and fight it/deny it.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on October 30, 2004, 08:36:28 PM
Yeah, that is basically what i was trying to say.


Please you all, don't you forget that although my english is good, i wasn't raised in that language and have, sometimes, difficulties expressing myself as well as you could. Thanks.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jim on October 30, 2004, 10:15:39 PM
I honestly honestly honestly (I'm not like you bullshitters posting for attention making shit up) honestly woke up the other night, and I was still in 'sleepy stage' (when you're not sure what's going on), which is why I'm not as freaked out now, but I looked up at the curtains at the end of my bed and saw the outline of a figure looking around. For so long I was focussing on it (because you know how this usually happens, you focus and it's gone, because it was just your mind fucking around?) and it stayed there, looking around. I got, not so much freaked out, but just so excited. After about twenty seconds (which trust me, is a very long time if you are not really doing anything) it just dissapeared. I was so hyped, and then went back to sleep. It could have been a dream, but I really doubt it...

...I was so happy. Not because of that, but I totally believe in ghosts recently. Mainly because I am sure (I just know it) that there is something after death, and recently I have come to the conclusion that the only thing that makes sense is reincarnation, and ghosts really ties into all that...

...I will go into a lot more detail, but in a thread that I will create soon.  :)

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Lisa on October 30, 2004, 10:25:21 PM
I was born and raised in an old Victorian house and my mother always said there was nothing to be afraid of inside this house...apparently it was haunted by an old woman who had died there, the last of all her family as the story goes...I personally have never seen her but both my parents swear they have...maybe a scare tactic to make my brother and I go to bed directly when we were younger...anyhoo, I have experienced the 'lavendar' smell of some sort of perfume though whenever she is near(again, apparently according to my parents) never knows for sure I guess unless you have seen......all this from a girl who used to be scared at Christmas because my mother used to say "be good, Santa is watching" so used to creep me out and cover my head to near suffocation ;)

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: jabba2 on October 31, 2004, 03:29:17 AM
I honestly honestly honestly (I'm not like you bullshitters posting for attention making shit up) honestly woke up the other night, and I was still in 'sleepy stage' (when you're not sure what's going on), which is why I'm not as freaked out now, but I looked up at the curtains at the end of my bed and saw the outline of a figure looking around. For so long I was focussing on it (because you know how this usually happens, you focus and it's gone, because it was just your mind fucking around?) and it stayed there, looking around. I got, not so much freaked out, but just so excited. After about twenty seconds (which trust me, is a very long time if you are not really doing anything) it just dissapeared. I was so hyped, and then went back to sleep. It could have been a dream, but I really doubt it...

...I was so happy. Not because of that, but I totally believe in ghosts recently. Mainly because I am sure (I just know it) that there is something after death, and recently I have come to the conclusion that the only thing that makes sense is reincarnation, and ghosts really ties into all that...

...I will go into a lot more detail, but in a thread that I will create soon.? :)

Consider yourself lucky that ghost in your house doesnt scare you. I have spent many sleepless nites feeling like i was being watched or hearing voices, and i never get pleasent feelings from it. I didnt mention that in my other thread but i also hear voices or people talking when trying to fall asleep. The voices are in-audible and creepy.

I also dont believe ghosts are in line for reincarnation. Im sure other people are, but that its usually relegion based/controlled like hindu and other beliefs. I think ghosts or demonic or somewhat controlled by that element/religion. Ever hear of friendly ghosts? No because they want to creep you out. I did hear of a story of a ghost or something hugging people in the shower, and a dead father talking to his family in dreams, but thats about as friendly as ive heard.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: matt88 on October 31, 2004, 08:39:28 AM
I have deja vu alot. I actually remember it before it happens now. Not often but alot more lately.
I think you better read this!

Thanks for the link but i read most of that stuff before anyway, i'm also with Jessica..i think phsyciatrists(spelling) are losers and who are mostly no help at all.

Title: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: MikeB on June 12, 2005, 08:46:57 PM
Besides music I'm very interested in ghosts , i plan to hunt ghost this summer since im out of high school before september. Now since i'm trying to remember my ghost encounters better , i 'll wait to post them , but feel free to post your own.

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 13, 2005, 01:11:23 AM
I fell asleep once house sitting my buddies place. When I woke up the movie was out of the vcr and in the box on the coffee table (I fell asleep watching it on the couch).

Either I slept walked, or a ghost did it.

Not sure which...... :-\


Are you saying you have had what you consider legit Ghost encounters?

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Sin Cut on June 13, 2005, 01:33:20 AM
I were driving with my ex and we stopped as this construction site, where there was going to be a motel. We stopped under these high power voltage lines. I got this funny feeling and felt the hair of my neck stand up. I asked my ex is she feeling anything strange and she told me that we should get out of there. Then we noticed the was light in one of the windows even though the motel wasnt open for public, yet.

Later, I heard, there had been several acts of childporn at the scene.

After that one guy of the group said "Yeah, I've have a similar experience at an old train station, near the ruins". And that was creepy, he was pointing out the place where my friends cousin wwas burned alive at  the age of 11.

Also a girl I know told me about how she felt something in jer room when she came home from her 18-y part, tv going on on itself, something pushing her back down. When her mother came she could see these figures behind her. They were two girls with blond hair pointing ay her. I would have thought it all as bullshit, but there were so many details in the story.

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Timothy on June 13, 2005, 01:46:17 AM
I see dead people all the time.

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: slash4ever on June 13, 2005, 12:14:21 PM
ME TOO. :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 13, 2005, 02:12:35 PM
I see dead people all the time.

I see dumb people.....they are everywhere!!!!


Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Kujo on June 13, 2005, 02:28:48 PM
 ;D Love that picture!

Any story  that involves the phrases "I was laying in bed....." or "I was awoken by....." are usually just dreams. So with that in mind, here is my story.

When I first moved to North Florida my ex-wife and I rented a small place in Welbourne, FL. Nothing unusual ever happened except for one night I woke up and the bedroom was extremely cold and I had a heavy feeling on my chest like someone was pressing down on me. I just remember having a feeling that there was something "evil", for lack of a better term, in the room.

I didnt pay much notice to it the next morning, thinking it was only a dream. I happened to mention it one day to the lady we were renting from, and her face just went pale. Less than 2 weeks later she told us we had to move out of there, and she had the place demolished. This was a bit of an inconvenience, so I kept pushing for a reason why she did this on such short notice. She told us that her brother used to live in that place and he had killed himself in that bedroom a year prior to what happened to me. True story :peace:

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Izzy on June 13, 2005, 02:33:08 PM
Besides music I'm very interested in ghosts , i plan to hunt ghost this summer since im out of high school before september. Now since i'm trying to remember my ghost encounters better , i 'll wait to post them , but feel free to post your own.

Do urself a favour - go hunting for a nice girl instead, apparently they exist - ghosts don't

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 13, 2005, 02:38:31 PM
Besides music I'm very interested in ghosts , i plan to hunt ghost this summer since im out of high school before september. Now since i'm trying to remember my ghost encounters better , i 'll wait to post them , but feel free to post your own.

Do urself a favour - go hunting for a nice girl instead, apparently they exist - ghosts don't

I dunno man.

Sometimes it maybe easier to find a ghost then a nice girl.

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Izzy on June 13, 2005, 03:00:12 PM
Besides music I'm very interested in ghosts , i plan to hunt ghost this summer since im out of high school before september. Now since i'm trying to remember my ghost encounters better , i 'll wait to post them , but feel free to post your own.

Do urself a favour - go hunting for a nice girl instead, apparently they exist - ghosts don't

I dunno man.

Sometimes it maybe easier to find a ghost then a nice girl.

Lol, i said 'apparently' :hihi:

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: MikeB on June 13, 2005, 05:33:48 PM
Hey Izzy , wehter you like it or not , i do whatever to have fun in my life .My interests are are Girls,Guitar,Music,Ghost stories and  biking,yeah i have a fuckin life. If you don't believe in ghosts, just leave the? board , goddamnit will you ?!! :rant:

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 13, 2005, 06:13:50 PM
Hey Izzy , wehter you like it or not , i do whatever to have fun in my life .My interests are are Girls,Guitar,Music,Ghost stories and  biking,yeah i have a fuckin life. If you don't believe in ghosts, just leave the  board , goddamnit will you ?!! :rant:

Easy tiger!!!!

Listen, he is just joking around. Just like I was just joking around on the other thread with you.

You need to learn to deal with sarcrasm here (and life in general) it gets thrown around A LOT here. Nobody is attacking you man, just take it easy.


You are free to chase women, ghosts...what-the-fuck-ever...I could care less, and I'm sure he does too.


Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Tj on June 13, 2005, 08:56:28 PM
You need to learn to deal with sarcrasm here

Yeah, we're a really sarcrastic bunch  :hihi:

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: N.I.B on June 13, 2005, 09:01:07 PM
i saw a ghost once. I chased it and the kid tripped over the cloth. then i went to church the next day.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 13, 2005, 09:01:40 PM
You need to learn to deal with sarcrasm here

Yeah, we're a really sarcrastic bunch? :hihi: and your football shenanigans!!!!


EDIT: Change spelling for TJ

Asking for time out because I think my ego has been bruised.......

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Tj on June 13, 2005, 09:04:29 PM
Hey welk at lest i cn tytpe

...and spell 'shenanigans'  :P

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 13, 2005, 09:05:48 PM
;D Love that picture!

Any story? that involves the phrases "I was laying in bed....." or "I was awoken by....." are usually just dreams. So with that in mind, here is my story.

When I first moved to North Florida my ex-wife and I rented a small place in Welbourne, FL. Nothing unusual ever happened except for one night I woke up and the bedroom was extremely cold and I had a heavy feeling on my chest like someone was pressing down on me. I just remember having a feeling that there was something "evil", for lack of a better term, in the room.

I didnt pay much notice to it the next morning, thinking it was only a dream. I happened to mention it one day to the lady we were renting from, and her face just went pale. Less than 2 weeks later she told us we had to move out of there, and she had the place demolished. This was a bit of an inconvenience, so I kept pushing for a reason why she did this on such short notice. She told us that her brother used to live in that place and he had killed himself in that bedroom a year prior to what happened to me. True story :peace:

Now that! Is a nutty story.

There is a house for sale right around the corner from me. It has not sold. Homes are selling like crazy right now, they get snatched up real quick.

Anyway, I found out this lady killed herself in the garage a few years back. The people living in it now, hit the road quick. It's got the for sale sign, but the grass is all grown over. ?:nervous:


I had rented a room when I was younger. Later I found out that some guy had died in the very bed I was sleeping in. Nothing strange had happened though. Turned out my friend knew about it before I moved in!!!! I was like "Hey man, why didn't you tell me!!!???" He said "I dunno, just didn't think it was that big of a deal....." LOL! ?::) :P


TJ: You know I don't like no spell check!

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Tj on June 13, 2005, 09:07:09 PM
TJ: You know I don't like no spell check!

I'm going to assume that double negative was done deliberately, to tempt me? :rofl:

Oh, er...on-topic...I was once bored and taking photos with a digital camera out in my old back garden. One of them had a mysterious mist present in it, which I hadn't noticed whilst taking the photo. I went in and showed my family, thinking it was quite interesting. Then I went back outside and breathed...and worked out what the mist was.

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 13, 2005, 09:09:06 PM
TJ: You know I don't like no spell check!

I'm going to assume that double negative was done deliberately, to tempt me? :rofl:


Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Tj on June 13, 2005, 09:17:09 PM
Asking for time out because I think my ego has been bruised.......

Time out granted  :rofl:

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Irish rose on June 14, 2005, 04:40:48 PM
I saw Jesus in a painting one time....oh wait now, that was a painting of Jesus!

Seriously though, I dont know what to believe when it comes to Ghosts..until I see something I wont believe it. Theres talk of ghosts in my uncles house (was my grandmothers). my uncle says theres noises every night and it doesnt bother him anymore, dogs follow invisible figures across the room etc

Now if that was me I'd hit the road!

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: *Izzy* on June 14, 2005, 04:43:41 PM
I saw Jesus in a painting one time....oh wait now, that was a painting of Jesus!
I saw Padre Pio in a teabag once? :nervous:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Irish rose on June 14, 2005, 04:57:03 PM
I saw Jesus in a painting one time....oh wait now, that was a painting of Jesus!
I saw Padre Pio in a teabag once? :nervous:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Feckin GAS fellow Fr Ted fan!!

Actually, heres a mad one , every night down in o' learys pub theres the perfect outline of a man in the mud....they call him "the mud angel"

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: *Izzy* on June 14, 2005, 05:09:47 PM
Yes that was a good one
But how could we froget the image of Bishop Brennan on the skirting board, or was that just a watercolur painting Dougal drew

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Irish rose on June 14, 2005, 05:16:49 PM
Yes that was a good one
But how could we froget the image of Bishop Brennan on the skirting board, or was that just a watercolur painting Dougal drew

 :smoking: Izzy  :smoking:

Yes the resemblance was uncanny, and did you notice the holy smell in the room? or was that just Jacks underpants hamper?!

I think we better stop the father ted stuff!

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: MikeB on June 14, 2005, 06:43:51 PM
At my old house , one night i was in bed looking out through the door because the hallway light was on , I saw? a teenage girl walk through the hallway out of nowhere, she was white and i could see through her? ? :o . This happened in the mid 90's

In late 2000, i was helping my aunt and grandmother watch my other aunt's dogs so we stayed in that house . The hallway light was left on when we were in bed, of cousre i can't get to sleep right away so i was awake for awhile ... then i see the light from the ceiling hanging spin by itself , it stopped after a few minutes. But then this Man starts floating above ground with his legs bent facing behind him. He was wearing 19th century clothing ,i do know the house is old as a fact.

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: journey on June 14, 2005, 10:16:11 PM
I found some Canadian coins in my purse last week. The scary part is, I've never been to Canada!  :o I think a Canadian ghost is stalking me.

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on June 15, 2005, 12:55:03 PM
When I was a kid I was sleeping in my bed and in the middle of the night I felt that someone was on the room, the room started to get colder and I felt that someone sat next to me. The creepy thing is that I saw in the bed the silohuette of a person sitting next to me and like for two minutes I just cover inside my sheets, pretty scary then the room started to get its normal temperature and the silohuette of the person wasnt there, now thats scary  :nervous:

Other time I was dreaming and a good friend of mine had died like a year. I started to dream that we were partying cause Ecuador went for the first time to the world cup yeeeeeaaah!!  :peace:, anyway all our friends were there and he (my dead friend), seeks me for help and start to tell me help me help me!!, I told him how can I help him?. He ask me kinda surprised if I can see him cause he was dead I started to panic to realized that indeed he was dead I just didnt remembered and I also realized that no one can see him just me I tried to wake up but I couldn't I was so afraid and when I woke up I saw a picture of him and I in the album photograph that was next to me. I knew that that exact day he was 1 year being dead, so I went to the cementary and gave the man a few prayers, hope that settles him.

I got a lot more but I know I just will be bore you so I just wait untill new anecdotes are post

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Sin Cut on June 24, 2005, 03:08:05 AM
I worked half a year back at this company where we called companies to get their details to our service.

So kinda freaky thing happened, she called this small company and the owner answered, a nice older man. So she talked with him a bit small talk about the hisrtory of their company and took some details up. Adress, phonenumbers, some information about their products. Anyway the man wanted to think a bit more so he could come up with more if those "search-words" and they agreed she would call him after a week.

freaky isn't it :D

Anyway she called after a week and a woman anwered, she asked for the man she'd talked earlier. The woman on the phone told her man had died a month earlier.
"But I talked to him a week ago", and the lady told it wasn't possible, anyway my friend wasn't about to press it.

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on June 24, 2005, 10:23:01 AM
In the past 4 years I've lost 3 close friends, I've seen 2 of them after they were dead another friend died last week and I'm very afraid that I'm going to see him a year from now just like my 2 other friends they always come to me asking for help and freak out and I wake the only thing I do is go to the cementery and pray for their souls hope that calms down, this is really freaky  :nervous:

Title: supernatural
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 09, 2005, 10:59:37 PM
Have you ever had any encounters with the supernatural?

Ghosts                 :nervous:

and are you a believer or a non believer?

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: MikeB on August 09, 2005, 11:08:26 PM
yeah I believe in Ghosts and Spirits, there's one or more in my house.

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 09, 2005, 11:10:18 PM
I kind of believe in Ghosts. There have just been too many experiences with people to dismiss it entirely. I'm not sure what I believe, or don't, I just believe there is something that can not be explained 100%. It also throws many other questions into the ring: The existence of God, or heaven and hell, for example. If you believe in God, yet find that there is fairly credible evidence that ghosts exist, then how does that play into your religious beliefs? If ghosts do exist, then why isn't a soul going on to the next great (or not so great) thing?

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: MikeB on August 09, 2005, 11:19:30 PM
One time me and my friends drove to these mountains that were believed to be haunted , they were!!! :nervous: We saw ghosts floating above grounds out of the woods. :o

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: MikeB on August 09, 2005, 11:31:32 PM
How about Bigfoot and Loch Ness Monster? I do, and I'm not afraid to sound weird. :yes:

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 09, 2005, 11:32:47 PM
i have had many encounters with gosts and spirits. i can allways scense when they are close by, and i feel them lightly touch me on my arm..

anyways i was at the cemetary the other night proberbly around 10:00pm,

and i saw a spirit, he was sitting on a grave, he had blode surfy looking hair, a benie, brown t-shirt, jeans and sneakers..

and then in a flash he was gone, so i walked over to the grave that he was sitting on, and pulled out my lighter to see who's grave it was, and then..... i touched him, my hand felt icy..

it was an amzing thing to experience.

but then again, like i said... i feel them around me allot of the time...

TAKE NOTE: if you dont want them there, just say this

You are not welcome here at this point of time, please leave me alone

and you will have no problems, they only come to you when you give them permission - or untill you say those words... just remember that you are only saying that to one spirit, so if you feel any more spirits around at another time you just say those words and there will be no harm done, it ?will leave.

but really there is nothing to be scared of.

i have spirits in my house all the time,

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 09, 2005, 11:36:46 PM
mountains, hills, river's, lakes, misty places.... is where the two worlds re-unite...

there is another world that is just beyond our dreams and these places ^^ is where they join together sometimes, not all times...

that is when i have had alot of my sightings... mostly in misty places... like the river in the morning, or the cemitary at night

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: MikeB on August 09, 2005, 11:39:34 PM
I live in one of these row houses , before the whole building was a ciggar factory. I've felt a strong a pressence of a woman. one night , only a head of a man was staring at me then disappeared. my mom's boyfriend said when slept over, he saw a man with a sailor hat. My neighbors say they have experiences themselves as well too.

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 09, 2005, 11:41:17 PM
How about Bigfoot and Loch Ness Monster? I do, and I'm not afraid to sound weird. :yes:

Big foot- No, i believe that is just a story hun...

Loch ness- now, it is possible, there are photo's whether they are made up of real is besides me. But in all honesty i think it could be possible.

i believe that dragons once existed..... not fire breathing ones of cource, cos that is just not possible, but they existed... and Unicorns, for sure there a possibility that they are not just a myth.... But of course they could not fly, but i believe they did have the horn,

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: Tied-Up on August 09, 2005, 11:46:07 PM
Witches and witchcraft is not supernatural... it is based in religious belief.  What a christian calls praying a witch calls spellcasting.  What a christian calls a miracle or an act of god, a witch calls magick. 

And  yes, I believe in witchcraft. 

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: journey on August 09, 2005, 11:56:26 PM
I believe in angels. They take human form to help us when we need it.

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 10, 2005, 12:48:00 AM
Witches and witchcraft is not supernatural... it is based in religious belief.? What a christian calls praying a witch calls spellcasting.? What a christian calls a miracle or an act of god, a witch calls magick.?

And? yes, I believe in witchcraft.?

yes, it is a religion, we have beliefs... and rules also..

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: Izzy on August 10, 2005, 09:38:20 AM
I believe in angels. They take human form to help us when we need it.

Damn. Exposed!

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on August 10, 2005, 10:00:58 AM
Once I kept the feeling that a ghost was in my room, but now I know it was just my imagination, anyway I always keep dreaming with dead friends and they keep asking me for help, thats tragic  :(

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: MikeB on August 10, 2005, 10:35:09 PM
In my old house I saw a woman walk through the hallway.

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: makane on August 11, 2005, 05:13:49 AM
i have had many encounters with gosts and spirits. i can allways scense when they are close by, and i feel them lightly touch me on my arm..

anyways i was at the cemetary the other night proberbly around 10:00pm,

and i saw a spirit, he was sitting on a grave, he had blode surfy looking hair, a benie, brown t-shirt, jeans and sneakers..

and then in a flash he was gone, so i walked over to the grave that he was sitting on, and pulled out my lighter to see who's grave it was, and then..... i touched him, my hand felt icy..

it was an amzing thing to experience.

but then again, like i said... i feel them around me allot of the time...

TAKE NOTE: if you dont want them there, just say this

You are not welcome here at this point of time, please leave me alone

and you will have no problems, they only come to you when you give them permission - or untill you say those words... just remember that you are only saying that to one spirit, so if you feel any more spirits around at another time you just say those words and there will be no harm done, it ?will leave.

but really there is nothing to be scared of.

i have spirits in my house all the time,

And i thought i have issues.

Title: Re: supernatural
Post by: journey on August 11, 2005, 05:24:22 AM
I believe in angels. They take human form to help us when we need it.

Damn. Exposed!

You heard it here first, Izzy! So spread the good news with everyone you know. ;)

Do you believe in anything that isn't tangible?

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: *Izzy* on August 11, 2005, 07:36:00 AM
I belive in stuff from the Bible like Satan, fallen angels and hell and I know alot of it seems impossible but I feel happy beliving in it. Oh and of course Leprechauns

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on August 11, 2005, 07:38:25 AM
i have had many, but since i am always mocked here, i think i will not talk about them ?

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 11, 2005, 07:41:48 AM
i think earth is boring.
i mean come on: no dragons, no magic, no Force, no jedi ... no wierd creatures that can talk .
we don't see angels or monsters, gosh, earth is such a lame planet.


there's nothing. people think there are stuff, but there is nothing. and they're bored :(

that's be cool if animals could talk.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: MikeB on August 11, 2005, 02:42:44 PM
i think earth is boring.
It would be cool if Wookies existed. :hihi:

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 11, 2005, 02:50:47 PM
i think earth is boring.
It would be cool if Wookies existed. :hihi:

yeah at least :lol:

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 12, 2005, 03:23:36 AM
Y'know, once, when I was staying at my Grans, there was knowcking at the window, on her second floor, in the bedroom I was kipping in. So, I was shit scared. I tried to tell myself it was a branch knocking against it, but 1) It was a repetitive knock 2) My Granny had no trees.

I still have no idea what the fuck it was, but I guess it was somthing other than a scary monster trying to eat me, I dunno though, I was shit scared . I know for a fact it was not a person, unless they were 14 foot tall, or had managed to sneak a ladder past my grannys psycho dog.

I'm always interested in the supernatural, I guess I want to believe it exists. But why when people tell stories its always "When I was a kid.........."

Chris i had a supernatural experience last night .. well this morning

it was about 3am and i woke up for no reason, so i went and got a drink, as as i walked down the dark hallway heading back to my room i felt the presence of a spirit behind me, so i quickly went into my room and closed the door. i turned the light out, but as i layed there under my nice warm playboy doona half of my face went cold, i didnt dare to look so i closed my eyes and asked it to leave and said that it was not welcome in my room at this time of the morning, and then it left..

But i often go to the cemitary and check it out, mostly at night time when it is nice and misty, (that when the supernatural world and our world join together) they also join on hills, rivers and misty places for instance, in the morning where there is fog and just after rain aswell....

I had to ask the spirit to leave, i fully get into this religion, but i would prefere not to feel spirits around me when i am trying to sleep, i cant get to sleep knowing that i am not alone in my room.

you just have to know how to handle them

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on August 12, 2005, 03:52:56 AM
The last freaky experience i had was to be in bed with someone last year, and just after some intimate moment, i started to see things in my head, like watching a very fast movie and it was going from medieval times to the 1950's ?

I saw many things and as i was seeing them, i was telling the person in bed with me.

Then, i yelled, because i saw a young woman and what happened to her.

I thought she was called " Meryl", but somehow, i KNEW she was IN the house.

I learnt last week ( i had a witness (who doesn't " usually" believe) to all this so you don't call me names or think shit about me)
that the family name of the people who use to own the place i live in was " Merle".

Merle and meryl, in french, are almost exact soundex.

What i heard wasn't her name, it was her family name. And i now know what happened to her. And i want to move away.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 12, 2005, 04:27:28 AM
I think I have the ability to see into the future. I predicted that the Boston Red Sox would win the first 4 games. They have won the first 3 so far! :D

haha :)

well good luck with that journey... hehe :P

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 12, 2005, 04:29:52 AM
The last freaky experience i had was to be in bed with someone last year, and just after some intimate moment, i started to see things in my head, like watching a very fast movie and it was going from medieval times to the 1950's ?

I saw many things and as i was seeing them, i was telling the person in bed with me.

Then, i yelled, because i saw a young woman and what happened to her.

I thought she was called " Meryl", but somehow, i KNEW she was IN the house.

I learnt last week ( i had a witness (who doesn't " usually" believe) to all this so you don't call me names or think shit about me)
that the family name of the people who use to own the place i live in was " Merle".

Merle and meryl, in french, are almost exact soundex.

What i heard wasn't her name, it was her family name. And i now know what happened to her. And i want to move away.

soooooo.... C'MON chick dont leave me hanging.... what happened to her?

Title: Re: Our Ghost Encounters
Post by: Queen of Everything on August 25, 2005, 03:13:00 AM
Besides music I'm very interested in ghosts , i plan to hunt ghost this summer since im out of high school before september. Now since i'm trying to remember my ghost encounters better , i 'll wait to post them , but feel free to post your own.

Do urself a favour - go hunting for a nice girl instead, apparently they exist - ghosts don't

Neither Does Izzy not being a grumpy-fun-wrecker (JOKE)

My mum was driving to Darwin with some of her family and they saw this old couple dressed in FULL formal clothing (tx, ballbown, tiara etc etc) from like the 1800's walk across the road into the bush.  They were creeped since they were in the middle of NO-WHERE.  They pulled up at their closest police station (300km away) and told them, they were like "we have had these sightings of this couple for over 36 years - since we opened this police beat.  We have looked into it, a couple died many many many years ago in this area, they got lost and died.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: LeftToDecay on September 04, 2006, 09:50:36 PM
*spooky mid night bumb*

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Queen of Everything on September 05, 2006, 08:54:54 AM
My office is so haunted.  I swear.  I came in here one night and when I left my hip bones had blood all over them.  Weird thing?  No cuts.  Nothing.

My sisters fingers started to cut and bleed.  she was doing nothing except reading a magazigne?!   :nervous: 

I can always hear foot steps in the hall from this room and its creepy as all hell.  :nervous:

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Danny Top Hat on September 05, 2006, 09:23:08 AM
I can't believe I never noticed this thread before.? I didn't believe in ghosts until I saw one. :nervous:

I was at my girlfriend's (now ex - Rrr).? She lives in a big old cottage the middle of nowhere, on the side of the motorway.? Perfect place for a ghost to stay.? When they moved in the old owners told them a girl had died there once before and joked that the place was haunted.? They all claimed to have seen a shadow wandering around the house (except the little sister who didn't believe).? I didn't believe either, but I liked the story.

One time I was sitting with her downstairs late at night, I saw a human sized shadow move across the door (it had that crinkled glass you get, y'know?).? I said one of her parents must have come downstairs but she didn't believe me - she said they were all asleep.? I bet her I was right, knowing that I had seen someone walk past.? I checked everywhere downstairs but there was nobody in any of the rooms. :nervous:

So I lost the bet, obviously. :P


Another time I was really, really sick.? I hadn't eaten for days cause everything I ate came straight back up.? I was lying in bed and started hallucinating.? I saw bees swarming above my head, it was fucking cool!? Then I turned to the side and I could see, clear as day, the outline of a beautiful woman.? She started off sitting on the bed next to me but moved onto her side and lay down.? It was fucking surreal!? Obviously that wasn't a real ghost but I figured it was worth mentioning.

My sisters fingers started to cut and bleed. she was doing nothing except reading a magazigne?! :nervous:

Paper cuts? ;)

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on September 05, 2006, 02:22:00 PM
The last freaky experience i had was to be in bed with someone last year, and just after some intimate moment, i started to see things in my head, like watching a very fast movie and it was going from medieval times to the 1950's ?

I saw many things and as i was seeing them, i was telling the person in bed with me.

Then, i yelled, because i saw a young woman and what happened to her.

I thought she was called " Meryl", but somehow, i KNEW she was IN the house.

I learnt last week ( i had a witness (who doesn't " usually" believe) to all this so you don't call me names or think shit about me)
that the family name of the people who use to own the place i live in was " Merle".

Merle and meryl, in french, are almost exact soundex.

What i heard wasn't her name, it was her family name. And i now know what happened to her. And i want to move away.

soooooo.... C'MON chick dont leave me hanging.... what happened to her?

Seems like she was murdered, her and her husband died 6 months apart and some woman who has no family ties inherited the whole lot ( a LOT) when i later learnt that the couple had cousins although no direct descendancy, meaning, according to our laws, that the cousins should have inherited.

I have other details, but a bit gore, like insects and smells, i have seen a ghostly figure smelling the flowers in the garden, lights switching ( i wasn't alone and the guy was freaked out), tv going on and off when the plugs had been taken off the wall; etc etc

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Queen of Everything on September 05, 2006, 06:09:44 PM
My sisters fingers started to cut and bleed. she was doing nothing except reading a magazigne?! :nervous:

Paper cuts? ;)

Nope.  She was in no pain and the cuts dissapeared in less than a few hours.  But they were there on her finger tips. 

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Sin Cut on September 05, 2006, 07:30:25 PM
How long does it take for a papercut to dissapear?

Maybe it was stigmas.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Mandy. on September 05, 2006, 07:42:55 PM
My mum said that a couple of days after I was born, she was in the hospital, had just woken up and saw this man coming to see me, except that it wasn't any regular man... It was my grandpa who died 15 years before. She said he stared at me for a while and then left.

Also, there's this really famous beach here in Rio (Copacabana), and my friend said he hates going there at night, because he sees all sorts of bad spirits floating around, only people who died in a really horrible way (car accidents, murdered, etc). It's a place full of negative energy.

Thank God I've never seen or felt anything. I'd probably shit my pants, or worse, pass out.? :nervous:

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: MCT on September 05, 2006, 08:04:21 PM
Thank God I've never seen or felt anything (supernatural). I'd probably shit my pants, or worse, pass out...

...or worse, shit your pants...:puke:

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on September 05, 2006, 08:04:41 PM
yah, bad energy is scary, but we all have both as we live, good energy and bad energy.

A while abck, whilst on holidays, a man sat behind me ( i was feeling HATE then, towards my baby's dad sat opposite me, plus i was in hypoglycemia, felt like shit) told me to calm dow, because my baby would pick up on my negative energy and told me i was the only person in the room who had such a negative energy ?

He actually picked up on my hate ?

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: MCT on September 05, 2006, 08:07:58 PM
...we all have both as we live, good energy and bad energy.

Prove it.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on September 05, 2006, 08:10:51 PM
...we all have both as we live, good energy and bad energy.

Prove it.

well, the world ( we are included in it) needs an equal balance of good and bad, so a balanced individual is just the same, at times, good times, we are full of positive energy, and at others, bad energy.

It's logical.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: MCT on September 05, 2006, 08:17:00 PM
It's logical.

YEAH, and my scrotum is full of blueberries... ::)

You're gone by...gone... :-\

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on September 05, 2006, 08:19:33 PM
It's logical.

YEAH, and my scrotum is full of blueberries... ::)

You're gone by...gone... :-\

is your scrotum full of blueberries ?  :o :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A balanced individual is someone who is sane. someone happy happy or sad all the time aren't sane.
We are energy, wether you like it or not.
You too.

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: MCT on September 05, 2006, 08:32:24 PM
I still haven't seen much in the way of proof... :hihi:

Lord Jumpins!

Listen, provide some good literature, from credible sources. Don't just bandy about metaphysical nonsense...

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: Jessica on September 05, 2006, 08:33:38 PM
I still haven't seen much in the way of proof... :hihi:

Lord Jumpins!

Listen, provide some good literature, from credible sources. Don't just bandy about metaphysical nonsense...

I'll do that tomorow, because i'm too tired to get stuff scanned or google anything right now..

Title: Re: Supernatural experiences!!
Post by: on September 05, 2006, 10:28:30 PM
I had weird experiences when I was younger.

Was walking my dog through the woods one day. My dog started sniffing this area along the trail. There was a hill, and I looked up the hill as I stood there holding onto the dog leash. Then I saw it - at the top in the shadows of the treeline there was a massive animal. It was obscured by the shadows but I could see its outline. At the time I thought it was a bear. It seemed hunched over, and stared at me for what seemed an eternity. I was in shock and wasn't moving. Then it moved one of its feet forward, and as it did the foot kind of curled, like a bear's foot.  The foot moved into the sunlight above the trail, out of the shadow of the treeline, and it seemed to be covered in thick fur. I dropped the dog leash and ran. I really thought I was dead. My adrenaline kicked in. It's the fastest I think I've ever run. My dog followed me, thinking it was a game or something. He never saw the animal at the top of the hill because he had been sniffing the leaves at the bottom the entire time.

I later realized the scent my dog had picked up at the bottom of the hill was from this animal. What's strange is that when I think back it's hard for me to remember what it really looked like, it's very strange. I can remember the movement it made with its paw/foot/whatever, but it's very hazy memory.

One day I was outside and a massive bird flew right over my head. Biggest bird I've ever seen. I didn't get a real good look at it. The only reason I looked up is because a massive shadow engulfed me and had blocked out the sun. Suddenly everything was dark, and I could see the massive outline on the ground. I looked up, and briefly saw it fly over me. I thought it was a bald eagle. I didn't get a very good look at it - it swooped down right over me and then disappeared.

Later during nighttime if I looked out into the woods I could see two very large red lights - always in the same place. No one lived down there, there was no road, no buildings, nothing. Whatever it was appeared once in a while and would then disappear.

When I saw the movie THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES I realized perhaps this was what I had seen...

This was right before September 11th. After 9/11 I don't recall ever seeing it again.

And it wasn't an overactive imagination - the encounter I had in the woods was one of the scariest things ever. And maybe it was just a bear all along - but the fact that I saw it yet can't remember any specifics about it, and the whole memory is so hazy, is very strange to me. I can remember it so distinctly and yet at the same time I can't remember it at all.