Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 16, 2005, 06:29:19 AM

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 16, 2005, 06:29:19 AM
 :drool: :drool:

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 16, 2005, 06:46:15 AM
and cry

Post by: liquidvirus on September 16, 2005, 07:01:06 AM
i lurve it....not seen the video as yet....but the pictures are class...i love the "tilt" option as well....nintendo might just start a revolution ::hihi:: the red one looks badass btw.

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 16, 2005, 07:06:34 AM
i lurve it....not seen the video as yet....but the pictures are class...i love the "tilt" option as well....nintendo might just start a revolution ::hihi:: the red one looks badass btw.

watch the video
it's another world.


i was aware of the controler, but not in all the details ( my boss was one of the first non-nintendo people) to be shown the controller and ubi soft is going totally with big N

happy today :)

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 16, 2005, 08:37:32 AM
i can't believe only one person is interested.... this is BIG news, this like bigger than the pope death. ;?___8?

Post by: Izzy on September 16, 2005, 09:40:46 AM
i can't believe only one person is interested.... this is BIG news, this like bigger than the pope death. ;?___8?

U ain't one of those people that goes on about how many 'bits' a console has, and claims its good because of its ''power''?

It could be 60ft wide, transparant and cost the amount of a NASA rocket and i still wouldn't care

Its the games and their gameplay i care about, not the controller......

Nintendo have released bad games and worse consoles for a decade.

Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 16, 2005, 10:10:57 AM
Thats great news It will be mine, Oh yes it will be mine  ;D
It's my idea or the guy with the long hair in the video looks like Adrian Smith?  :nervous:

Post by: pilferk on September 16, 2005, 10:11:21 AM
First impression:

It's crap.

Sorry, I're excited Wat,'s not gonna wash with the masses. In addition, knowing what I know about wireless and motion sensor technology, it's not going to be "perfect". ?Add that too the fact that some of the things they are suggesting using the controller for are not only unweildy, but could lead to reduced "lifespan" of the controller (imagine swining the controller, as suggested, to enact a sword swing...and losing your grip on the controller, sending it, literally, flying across the room). ?And now increase the amount of "personal space" you're going to need to actually play games. ?All that adds up to what I think is a colossal mistake. Nintendo, IMHO, just took a mildly interesting console and turned it into another Virtual Boy. ?I'll need to see much more hands on info, and probably give it a spin myself before I decide, finally, whether to pick up Revolution but...from what I've seen of this...this will be the first Nintendo console I've NOT owned since the original NES.

Given what I've seen, PS3 is going to run away, AGAIN, with this generation's, the question is how big will the gap be.

I'll be picking up my Xbox 360 on Nov 22nd. ?And my PS3 in the spring. :)

On another note, you work at Ubisoft?  Which branch?  Any connection to the SOE side of things (foreign management of the EQ subs, etc?).

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 16, 2005, 11:30:44 AM
First impression:

It's crap.

Sorry, I're excited Wat,'s not gonna wash with the masses. In addition, knowing what I know about wireless and motion sensor technology, it's not going to be "perfect". ?Add that too the fact that some of the things they are suggesting using the controller for are not only unweildy, but could lead to reduced "lifespan" of the controller (imagine swining the controller, as suggested, to enact a sword swing...and losing your grip on the controller, sending it, literally, flying across the room). ?And now increase the amount of "personal space" you're going to need to actually play games. ?All that adds up to what I think is a colossal mistake. Nintendo, IMHO, just took a mildly interesting console and turned it into another Virtual Boy. ?I'll need to see much more hands on info, and probably give it a spin myself before I decide, finally, whether to pick up Revolution but...from what I've seen of this...this will be the first Nintendo console I've NOT owned since the original NES.

Given what I've seen, PS3 is going to run away, AGAIN, with this generation's, the question is how big will the gap be.

I'll be picking up my Xbox 360 on Nov 22nd. ?And my PS3 in the spring. :)

On another note, you work at Ubisoft?  Which branch?  Any connection to the SOE side of things (foreign management of the EQ subs, etc?).

im a game design expert at ubi soft. i work on all the projects right now (ghost recon 3, king kong , far cry ....)
SOE ? nope sorry :(

about the controller, your points are valid.

* but you're talking about lack of "space in your room" ... the Ps3 will be 400$, if people have that money, they have space in the room.

* losing grip ? well . yeah. but that's life. and this is something that can be fixed thru quality process ( material, shape ..)

the idea looks cheap and very "gadget" , well if it was done by some random company, i would say, but Nintendo will do something solid.

well, the thing is that we cant really start bashing the idea until we test it. It really depends on how the devs use it.
but i'm sure glad Nintendo did something really new. i knew about the whole thing, but i never saw the final version (with the remote).

i see several positive points
* it's new, different and original > therefore attracting for gamers and NON gamers
* gamers will surely buy 2 systems , and one of them will be the revolution (as it"s cheaper)
* the remote control will be "common" enough for non gamers (adults, old people)
* moving your arms is more natural than pushing on buttons, this is again, great news for non-gamers
* there will gaming system on one side (ps3, x360) and the revolution on the other.

(PS3 might not be out in 06 tho .... )

so i'm overall happy with the turn it took. this could open to huge new way of game designing product.
some people were like " but how are we gonna play soccer games ?? " - well developers will just have to take a different approach.

i'm also happy that my boss Serge Hascoet said that

"We were among the first publishers to see the control design in action," said Serge Hascoet, Chief Creative Officer of Ubisoft. "We're excited about the new controller and are looking forward to taking advantage of its innovative aspects."

Post by: pilferk on September 16, 2005, 11:35:43 AM
Actually, it's not so much a "space in your room" thing (though, that's it, too, considering that MANY systems end up in college dorm rooms and kids bedrooms, where space is limited).? It's more "I need a 6 foot space all around me so I can play adequately without being restricted, or chancing bashing my friend/roomate/wife upside the head in a particularly rabid moment during Zelda" thing.


And I agree...til I actually get a chance to take it for a test drive, I won't be sure.  But..from what I've seen..I've got LOTS of misgivings.

And the unit they showed looks cheesy, to boot. I'm sure (or I hope) that will change by actual production.

Post by: Timothy on September 16, 2005, 12:23:15 PM
Not that impressed .

I thought King Kong was from EA ?

Post by: pilferk on September 16, 2005, 12:43:24 PM
More press on it:

Post by: purplehaze1988 on September 16, 2005, 01:03:47 PM
i can't believe only one person is interested.... this is BIG news, this like bigger than the pope death. ;?___8?

U ain't one of those people that goes on about how many 'bits' a console has, and claims its good because of its ''power''?

It could be 60ft wide, transparant and cost the amount of a NASA rocket and i still wouldn't care

Its the games and their gameplay i care about, not the controller......

Nintendo have released bad games and worse consoles for a decade.

finally someone who agrees with me. nintendo fan boys piss me off so much whe they talk about how great nintendo is because of its originality and "moving the industry forward". if you ask me nintendo is running out of ideas, and puts "uniqueness" ahead of quality.

of course, the big contradiction is the dozens of mario party games being released.

i dont hate nintendo, but to be honest this controller is just another touch-screen thing - something "original" but the novelty wears off after five minutes (and the even more shambolic GC-GBA connectivity). to be honest, all i can see this controller doing is inhibiting the console. why would a developer spend thousands/millions trying to comply with this stupid periphal when it can release something "normal" on another console which is actually gonna sell copies.

i will be hugely surprised if nintendo manage to see out the decade before getting into serious problems, especially now theyve lost the handheld market.

Post by: pilferk on September 16, 2005, 01:08:18 PM
i can't believe only one person is interested.... this is BIG news, this like bigger than the pope death. ;?___8?

U ain't one of those people that goes on about how many 'bits' a console has, and claims its good because of its ''power''?

It could be 60ft wide, transparant and cost the amount of a NASA rocket and i still wouldn't care

Its the games and their gameplay i care about, not the controller......

Nintendo have released bad games and worse consoles for a decade.

finally someone who agrees with me. nintendo fan boys piss me off so much whe they talk about how great nintendo is because of its originality and "moving the industry forward". if you ask me nintendo is running out of ideas, and puts "uniqueness" ahead of quality.

of course, the big contradiction is the dozens of mario party games being released.

i dont hate nintendo, but to be honest this controller is just another touch-screen thing - something "original" but the novelty wears off after five minutes (and the even more shambolic GC-GBA connectivity). to be honest, all i can see this controller doing is inhibiting the console. why would a developer spend thousands/millions trying to comply with this stupid periphal when it can release something "normal" on another console which is actually gonna sell copies.

i will be hugely surprised if nintendo manage to see out the decade before getting into serious problems, especially now theyve lost the handheld market.

See, I don't think Nintendo will ever be in SERIOUS trouble...because they always have the option of "pulling a Sega" and just becoming a content producer....and, should the Revolution fail to capture a significant portion of the market (significant in that it's at least equal to the current share of the 'cube), I think that's probably what they'll do.  If Sony hands them their lunch this time, I think it will be Nintendo's last dedicated console, in any event.

Let someone else risk the hardware costs and just make games.  And they DO make some good stuff.

Post by: purplehaze1988 on September 16, 2005, 01:35:38 PM
yes they do make some good stuff but nothing any more outstanding than you see on any other console, and they only make mario, mario party and zelda games.

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 16, 2005, 02:41:22 PM
U ain't one of those people that goes on about how many 'bits' a console has, and claims its good because of its ''power''?

It could be 60ft wide, transparant and cost the amount of a NASA rocket and i still wouldn't care

Its the games and their gameplay i care about, not the controller......

Nintendo have released bad games and worse consoles for a decade.

you're kinda off here.
Nintendo is everything but power race.
here are basically the dev. axis of each brand

Microsoft - online gaming / media center
Sony - stupid non sense power race - i mean look at the psp .... -
Nintendo - gameplay and innovation (innovation does not have to mean "New never done things" - it means bringing to mainstream somthing kinda new ...)

nintendo bad games ? bad consoles ? .... im not even gonna respond to that ....

finally someone who agrees with me. nintendo fan boys piss me off so much whe they talk about how great nintendo is because of its originality and "moving the industry forward". if you ask me nintendo is running out of ideas, and puts "uniqueness" ahead of quality.

of course, the big contradiction is the dozens of mario party games being released.

i dont hate nintendo, but to be honest this controller is just another touch-screen thing - something "original" but the novelty wears off after five minutes (and the even more shambolic GC-GBA connectivity). to be honest, all i can see this controller doing is inhibiting the console. why would a developer spend thousands/millions trying to comply with this stupid periphal when it can release something "normal" on another console which is actually gonna sell copies.

i will be hugely surprised if nintendo manage to see out the decade before getting into serious problems, especially now theyve lost the handheld market.

yes they do make some good stuff but nothing any more outstanding than you see on any other console, and they only make mario, mario party and zelda games.

have you played Kirby Canvas Curse on Nintendo Ds ?
nintendo is about fun. that's it.
fun = emotions = main objective in game design.

uniqueness and originality are what drives game designer to make new games. if sony ruled the world we would play 5 games, with a new edition every year ... oh wait .....

LOST THE HANDLED MARKET ?? are you kidding me ?
the psp is sellling to 30 years old + that dont care about games and just want something trendy and flashy.
i'm sure 90% pf the psp are staying home right now because the system was NOT thought as a portable ssystem (loading time anyone ?)

we have like 10 psps at my office, NO ONE USE them. we got all exited for like 2 weeks and now, no one cares.
DS games are best selling.
why  ? because the people who bought the DS are gamers (game lover or kids) so they buy games
the 30s years old working men that bought the psp dont have time for games.
thats why DS games are all in top 20 in japan
thats why nintendogs is best selling in the us
that is why the psp sells more movies than games on UMD.

but im not gonna argue about how nintendo is bad or good, or how madden 06 is great game design or not ... cause it's useless. im not gonna talk about game design here ...

and big editors ARE going nintendo

you know why ?
because the ps3 will cost 400
the xbox 360 around 400 also with all the accessories

1 - the nintendo will be both CHEAP and very CASUAL (meaning your mom will wanna play stupid silly fun game when she comes hiome from work)
meaning the nintendo games are GONNA sell.
2 - people that will buy the xbox or the ps3, and who love games, are still gonna buy the cheap nintendo just for fun, cause it's special.

but hey.
thats just my opinion

now i just wish, ubi soft sends me on a nintendo project, i'll keep you guys psoted :)

Post by: purplehaze1988 on September 16, 2005, 03:31:04 PM
dont get me wrong, like i said i dont hate nintendo and if i think revolution is better than ps3 and xbox360 then ill get one, its just ... i dunno. i used to be a big-time gamer but since the release of ps2 there have been literally NO games that have appealed to me on any console, except maybe gta vice city, and i was really excited about getting a GC but the lack of good games made me feel gutted, so i didnt buy one and went for ps2 cos i dont have a dvd player and at the time i was looking fwd to FFX and MGS2, both which disappointed me greatly. this is where nintendo lose out yet again. had GC been a dvd player as well then i would probably have purchased one, and with revolution they seem to be making the same mistake, trying to change the industry rather than satisfy people's wants/needs (although to a certain extent i agree with this, but i tihnk "nintendogs" is the wrong way to go about it, even if it did reach number 1 it still doesnt appeal to me and thats all i care about).

and i genuinely dont want nintendo to "do a sega". dreamcast was amazing, but re-releasing all the games for the various next gen consoles kinda destroyed it for me. im sure many nintendo fans would be devastated if mario ever appeared on a playstation.

p.s. how are you supposed to play the old nintendo games you can apparently download onto your revolution with that new controller

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 16, 2005, 03:35:36 PM
you can plug standard controllers to play old games.
but you wont cause the new ones will be so damn entertaining:)

and the revolution will be retro gaming .

Post by: purplehaze1988 on September 16, 2005, 04:02:56 PM
well if you say so

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 16, 2005, 04:18:21 PM
well if you say so

no, dont take it like that ;)
there is good in everything (exept in EA , we hate EA :) )

Post by: purplehaze1988 on September 16, 2005, 05:40:17 PM
yes, i think every gamer is united in hate for EA

Post by: -Jack- on September 16, 2005, 10:44:26 PM
I freakin KNEW there were some people on the board waiting for this like I was. I've been telling people for the last 7 months.. "the only reason I woke up today was for Chinese Democracy and the Rev controller" (sad life i know  :hihi: lol)

My thoughts went from.. "WOW SUPER GAY"... to "Well maybe"... to "kinda cool but I need to try it myself"

I agree with the personal space thing.. thats a concern. But my biggest one is.. my TV is like on top of a drawer.. how can the recever pick up my controller's signal? Because the receiver goes under the T.V.... I dunno. Its just.. Nintendo claims its trying to make playing games easy but it already sounds like its gonna be a bitch to configure...

and why the FUCK would I want my fucking mom to want to play video games?! I hate it when Nintendo says "Nintendo wants your mom to want to play! Games for old non gamers!" I dont remember the last time my grandma said "I wish this controller was easyier to use so I could frag your ass"

Im just HOPING Nintendo has its act together... or eles you can call the Rev the Dreamcast 2.


O yeah.. PSP is NOT winning the handheld race. DS is outselling it. Also.. yes.. EA needs to die.

If they fuck up Zelda im gonna be PISSED.

P.S. Anyone check the MGS4 video? Wowzer. Smoke em if you got em

Post by: neko on September 17, 2005, 01:07:12 AM
i think the controler is dissapointing , i see it like  another "great innovative/we want to be different" idea by nintendo  , they have said they dont want to compete with sony or microsoft and to be honest i think its because they cant , its incredible how they lost market , they were the number one console in the world 10 years ago , and now they are the third of three at least in america and europe . yes they want the casual gamer so does microsoft with the 360 , but unlike microsoft that keeps getting other companys to make games for the 360 if nintendo keeps losing third patry companies they will sell 20 to 30 million consoles and no more  .  and i think people will be more interested in the new metal gear , the new devill may cry and tons of games that will be shown in the TGS  instead of another less than impressive presentation of nintendo this year.

its wierd for me to hear that ubisoft is so interested in nintendo when its the plataform they have invested less and created less games , i think ubisoft will be with the 360 and ps3 that are the ones that are more in the online era. 

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 17, 2005, 03:36:30 AM
i think the controler is dissapointing , i see it like  another "great innovative/we want to be different" idea by nintendo  , they have said they dont want to compete with sony or microsoft and to be honest i think its because they cant , its incredible how they lost market , they were the number one console in the world 10 years ago , and now they are the third of three at least in america and europe . yes they want the casual gamer so does microsoft with the 360 , but unlike microsoft that keeps getting other companys to make games for the 360 if nintendo keeps losing third patry companies they will sell 20 to 30 million consoles and no more  .  and i think people will be more interested in the new metal gear , the new devill may cry and tons of games that will be shown in the TGS  instead of another less than impressive presentation of nintendo this year.

its wierd for me to hear that ubisoft is so interested in nintendo when its the plataform they have invested less and created less games , i think ubisoft will be with the 360 and ps3 that are the ones that are more in the online era. 

well off course we're making more games for 360 and ps3,, but because the dev kits came on earlier and because, ubi soft gotta make money too ...

but we were the 1st third party to start a rev project. one of my boss actually went to meet myamoto to show him the 4 ideas we had for the rev, and they liked it. im not working on the project right now, but i wish i will be soon.

and nintendo has more chance to get casual gamers (and non gamers) with these kind of controllers and the game they wanna make than microsoft and they FPS and online gaming ...

im a hardcore gamer, i know FPS are fun , and quake 4 will be the bomb. but people always forget that simple games, easy games, fun games can be waaaayyyy addictive.

so i'll play my hardcore games on PC.
and i'll have fun onmy revolution.
just like now with my DS, i have FUN playing with the ds. simple.

si nintendo did the trick. now we 'll have to see if hardcore games like (first person shootesr lets say) will be amazing or not ...

and again, in a few months, microsoft and sony will off course annouce theire motion sensor / space sensor type controller ... becaause as usual everybody copies nintendo, and thats how the gaming world works ...

Post by: Sin Cut on September 17, 2005, 04:12:41 AM
U ain't one of those people that goes on about how many 'bits' a console has, and claims its good because of its ''power''?

It could be 60ft wide, transparant and cost the amount of a NASA rocket and i still wouldn't care

Its the games and their gameplay i care about, not the controller......

Nintendo have released bad games and worse consoles for a decade.

you're kinda off here.
Nintendo is everything but power race.
here are basically the dev. axis of each brand

Microsoft - online gaming / media center
Sony - stupid non sense power race - i mean look at the psp .... -
Nintendo - gameplay and innovation (innovation does not have to mean "New never done things" - it means bringing to mainstream somthing kinda new ...)

nintendo bad games ? bad consoles ? .... im not even gonna respond to that ....

finally someone who agrees with me. nintendo fan boys piss me off so much whe they talk about how great nintendo is because of its originality and "moving the industry forward". if you ask me nintendo is running out of ideas, and puts "uniqueness" ahead of quality.

of course, the big contradiction is the dozens of mario party games being released.

i dont hate nintendo, but to be honest this controller is just another touch-screen thing - something "original" but the novelty wears off after five minutes (and the even more shambolic GC-GBA connectivity). to be honest, all i can see this controller doing is inhibiting the console. why would a developer spend thousands/millions trying to comply with this stupid periphal when it can release something "normal" on another console which is actually gonna sell copies.

i will be hugely surprised if nintendo manage to see out the decade before getting into serious problems, especially now theyve lost the handheld market.

yes they do make some good stuff but nothing any more outstanding than you see on any other console, and they only make mario, mario party and zelda games.

have you played Kirby Canvas Curse on Nintendo Ds ?
nintendo is about fun. that's it.
fun = emotions = main objective in game design.

uniqueness and originality are what drives game designer to make new games. if sony ruled the world we would play 5 games, with a new edition every year ... oh wait .....

LOST THE HANDLED MARKET ?? are you kidding me ?
the psp is sellling to 30 years old + that dont care about games and just want something trendy and flashy.
i'm sure 90% pf the psp are staying home right now because the system was NOT thought as a portable ssystem (loading time anyone ?)

we have like 10 psps at my office, NO ONE USE them. we got all exited for like 2 weeks and now, no one cares.
DS games are best selling.
why? ? because the people who bought the DS are gamers (game lover or kids) so they buy games
the 30s years old working men that bought the psp dont have time for games.
thats why DS games are all in top 20 in japan
thats why nintendogs is best selling in the us
that is why the psp sells more movies than games on UMD.

but im not gonna argue about how nintendo is bad or good, or how madden 06 is great game design or not ... cause it's useless. im not gonna talk about game design here ...

and big editors ARE going nintendo

you know why ?
because the ps3 will cost 400
the xbox 360 around 400 also with all the accessories

1 - the nintendo will be both CHEAP and very CASUAL (meaning your mom will wanna play stupid silly fun game when she comes hiome from work)
meaning the nintendo games are GONNA sell.
2 - people that will buy the xbox or the ps3, and who love games, are still gonna buy the cheap nintendo just for fun, cause it's special.

but hey.
thats just my opinion

now i just wish, ubi soft sends me on a nintendo project, i'll keep you guys psoted :)

I smell .. GEEK  :hihi:

Anyway, my vote goes for ps3 (Just look at the fight night 3)

I don't play "fun" girlie games with a jumping Picatchu in it (Just lead it through the forest of man eating bunnies and butterflies, oh the fun!). Those games are girlie, you hear me, girlie!

When it goes to gaming it's either pedal to the metal (Burnout and Gran Turismo-series), boxing (fight night), other fighting (Tekken etc.) or Hockey. And with those I can double the fun when I have a friend over. Oh, and if I want fun, there's always Gran Theft Auto.

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 17, 2005, 06:20:58 AM

im' not a GEEEkKKK !!

Post by: Sin Cut on September 17, 2005, 06:37:51 AM

im' not a GEEEkKKK !!

but you like girlie games  :hihi:

What's wrong with some fist-to-fist action?

Post by: Will on September 17, 2005, 07:04:09 AM
I'm really not that impressed. I'm not sure we're looking at the same thing. It looks like my TV remote controller. What's so great in that?

Anyway, I'm really not waiting for the new Nintendo system or controller or whatever. I don't like Nintendo games so I never bought a Nintendo system. I borrowed a SNES from a friend of mine when I was like 12 or whatever to play Super Zelda but that was it. The new Xbox looks pretty cool but I don't think I'll buy it, I'm saving up money for the PS3. The new Sony controller looked pretty weird but hopefully the final production will be better.

I still don't get what's so great about the new Nintendo Can you switch channels and adjust brightness/ contrast with it? ;D

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 17, 2005, 07:16:06 AM

im' not a GEEEkKKK !!

but you like girlie games  :hihi:

What's wrong with some fist-to-fist action?

i like all games. and usually fist-to-fist gay games are poor game design.

will : regarde la video que j'ai mis dans mon 2?me post, il n'y a pas QUE la telecommande.

Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 17, 2005, 08:37:06 AM
This is the best version of Nintendo  ;D

Post by: Sin Cut on September 17, 2005, 10:24:13 AM

im' not a GEEEkKKK !!

but you like girlie games  :hihi:

What's wrong with some fist-to-fist action?

i like all games. and usually fist-to-fist gay games are poor game design.

I must say I saw this coming :)

Post by: neko on September 17, 2005, 07:02:14 PM
WAT-EVER, i'm totally buggin , are they plans to a new rainbow six game for the new consoles? (im pretty sure it is )
and how does Rainbow six lockdown is doing in the eyes of Ubisoft ?  because i see many people dissapointed (myself included alittle bit) , bad reviews , and this looked to be the next big online game of the xbox .  i have to say that Ubisoft its one of my favorite companys just because they develop very good games , Rainbow six (wich it takes 90% of my gaming time),Splinter cell ,etc. im looking forward to Ghost Reacon 3 that looks pretty cool , and its pretty weird to see the center of Mexico in the game , it looks amazingly real .

Post by: Eazy E on September 17, 2005, 07:13:03 PM
but people always forget that simple games, easy games, fun games can be waaaayyyy addictive.

Agreed... 4 player Mario Tennis is the bomb!

Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 18, 2005, 05:21:43 AM
WAT-EVER, i'm totally buggin , are they plans to a new rainbow six game for the new consoles? (im pretty sure it is )
and how does Rainbow six lockdown is doing in the eyes of Ubisoft ?  because i see many people dissapointed (myself included alittle bit) , bad reviews , and this looked to be the next big online game of the xbox .  i have to say that Ubisoft its one of my favorite companys just because they develop very good games , Rainbow six (wich it takes 90% of my gaming time),Splinter cell ,etc. im looking forward to Ghost Reacon 3 that looks pretty cool , and its pretty weird to see the center of Mexico in the game , it looks amazingly real .

well i guess we can say, that, no we're not happy with the new rainbow 6 4. i worked on it too. we did ton of reports and analyse on it telling the devs were going the wrong way.... they di not listen ...which is stupid .... so yeah it sucks, ihavent played since may, but i dont think it changed a lot when it came out.

ghost recon 3 will be the bomb on xbox 360, and pc ... its not looking good on normal xbox now. we'll have new version this week we'll see what they did ...

and the king kong game will be cool too - on every support, even psp - . not hardcore hard game, but very immersive and follows closely the movie.

Post by: purplehaze1988 on September 18, 2005, 01:07:18 PM
imagine what 4 player games will be like on revolution.

haha imagine someone walking in on four people swaying about infront of a tv. brilliant.

Post by: t800 series on September 18, 2005, 01:12:59 PM
Screw Nintendo ;) Ps3's going to be better then Nintendo Revolution and xbox 360 Combined.

Look at the controller of that baby

 :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :yes: : ok:

Post by: Evolution on September 18, 2005, 02:17:47 PM
That controller looks like a boomerang, bring back the NES  :yes:

Post by: POPmetal on September 18, 2005, 04:43:55 PM
I don't play video games but I like anything that's innovative and the Revolution controller caught my attention. If Nintendo did this right, meaning it responds in real time and the sensors are extremely accurate, I just might buy my first game console ever. I thought the DS with the stupid touch screen was crap though.

Post by: t800 series on September 18, 2005, 10:51:31 PM
That controller looks like a boomerang, bring back the NES? :yes:

I prefer the boomerang look then a T.V Remote Control for a game console controller , bra

Post by: -Jack- on September 20, 2005, 12:41:54 AM
I don't play video games but I like anything that's innovative and the Revolution controller caught my attention. If Nintendo did this right, meaning it responds in real time and the sensors are extremely accurate, I just might buy my first game console ever. I thought the DS with the stupid touch screen was crap though.

Hey thats what Nintendos aiming for. Check it out eh?