Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Wake up, it's time to play! => Nice Boys Don't Play Rock And Roll => Topic started by: Oddy on October 31, 2005, 03:07:34 AM

Title: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: Oddy on October 31, 2005, 03:07:34 AM
hey i made a song for this course at uni and i was wondering what are some good sites to upload songs.

where do you guys host your songs?

i wanna try and upload it tomorrow so you guys can listen to it critique it etc.

edit: ok i found a host. this song still needs to be eq'd and mixed properly. some things like the drums are too loud and stuff.

i wrote this song about 6 months ago and finally had teh chance to record it. Itts an instrumental since i can't sing.

I'm a rock n roll bluesy sorta player so this sorta music is really outta character for me. don't expect professional quality this is like demo quality. and also run the file through windows media player. it doesnt seem to like winamp.......the song sounds shit throught it for some reason.

oh yeah and i feel obliged to add this

lead guitar - Oddy
Rhythm guitar Oddy
bass - Midi Composed by Oddy
Drums - Drum machine composed by Oddy :hihi:

*sits anxiously at computer awaiting replies*

Title: Re: Uploading Music Somewhere
Post by: *Izzy* on November 01, 2005, 05:25:59 AM
Sorry it's not working, try this

Title: Re: Uploading Music Somewhere
Post by: Oddy on November 01, 2005, 05:34:34 AM
thanks i'll try uploading it there

Title: Re: Uploading Music Somewhere
Post by: Oddy on November 01, 2005, 05:42:47 AM
ok go here

then click on the download

see how that goes.

Title: Re: Uploading Music Somewhere
Post by: *Izzy* on November 01, 2005, 06:51:56 AM
"Happy as Fuck"? More like "Hippy as Fuck"? :hihi:

Honsestly though I love it, the sitar type intro is great and I love the military style drums. The best part, I think, is the solo/outro.

Good job, great instrumental

Title: Re: Uploading Music Somewhere
Post by: Oddy on November 01, 2005, 04:50:02 PM
"Happy as Fuck"? More like "Hippy as Fuck"? :hihi:

Honsestly though I love it, the sitar type intro is great and I love the military style drums. The best part, I think, is the solo/outro.

Good job, great instrumental

hahahah thanks for listening. yeah like i said im a rock n roll bluesy player. so this hippy sorta pop shit is outta character for me. wait til i eq and mix everything properly it'll sound much better.

where's D that bastard.........i'm always first one there to comment on his he's just left me for dead. :hihi:

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: badapple81 on November 01, 2005, 06:14:44 PM
Hey Oddy, not bad at all  : ok:  Look forward to hearing more stuff in future.

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: loretian on November 01, 2005, 08:45:34 PM
Yeah, I dig it too.  Very cool man  : ok:

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: conny on November 01, 2005, 09:20:08 PM
Doesn't work...just pop ups and no download... ? :-\

Got another link? I'd like to hear it.

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: Oddy on November 01, 2005, 11:31:55 PM
did you try this one aswell ?

i'll look for somewhere else to host. that one seemed to be working so far but.  ???

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: Oddy on November 02, 2005, 07:53:51 PM
alright new link courtesy of loretian.

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: conny on November 04, 2005, 12:51:50 PM
That one worked, thanks.

Sounds great, very moody. I like the intro a lot. Reminds me a bit of one of Hendrix' instrumentals, so there ya go with "hippy"!

The solo sticks out maybe it could sound even better with the tone knob rolled more down. But it's nice as it is.

How did you get the drums? They sound pretty good.

Great job!  : ok:

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: Evolution on November 04, 2005, 08:34:54 PM
The Happy as Fuck label made me laugh out loud.

Musically it revs my engine!

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: Oddy on November 04, 2005, 09:43:28 PM
That one worked, thanks.

Sounds great, very moody. I like the intro a lot. Reminds me a bit of one of Hendrix' instrumentals, so there ya go with "hippy"!

The solo sticks out maybe it could sound even better with the tone knob rolled more down. But it's nice as it is.

How did you get the drums? They sound pretty good.

Great job!? : ok:

thanks for listening. i think the solo sticks out cuz its just way too loud atm. you really think it would be better with the tone knob rolled down? i would have thought people would say the opposite. i usually never solo with the neck pickup so im still not sure i like it.

drums were from my Zoom Rhythm Track 123. Drumkit number 34. They took about an hour to program. I had to come up with all those drum beats myself you see so thats why it took that long.

Title: Re: Uploading Music Somewhere
Post by: D on November 05, 2005, 02:48:23 AM
"Happy as Fuck"? More like "Hippy as Fuck"? :hihi:

Honsestly though I love it, the sitar type intro is great and I love the military style drums. The best part, I think, is the solo/outro.

Good job, great instrumental

hahahah thanks for listening. yeah like i said im a rock n roll bluesy player. so this hippy sorta pop shit is outta character for me. wait til i eq and mix everything properly it'll sound much better.

where's D that bastard.........i'm always first one there to comment on his he's just left me for dead. :hihi:

Im here, sorry havent been online that much here lately, its downloading now, I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: D on November 05, 2005, 02:51:23 AM
WOW DUDE, trippy, kick ass shit man.

ID love to see what would happen if U,Conny,Loretian and I all cowrote a song, it would be something else let me tell u.

do u sing?

Id love to hear some vocals on this, u seem to have the ability that u could really write some kick ass epic shit.

where did u get that drum machine? I need one like that.

keep writing, keep sending them, i like it!

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: Oddy on November 05, 2005, 08:06:12 AM
thanks for listening man i appreciate it. i was only kidding about what i said before i know lots of people are busy here and don't always have the time for these things.

thats my problem man......singing. like i have no voice whatsoever. not even a voice that could be trained to sing. maybe i could learn to sing in tune since that can be taught with the possiblity of like backup vocal standard but even then thats a long shot. my voice just isn't powerful.

i could of played all the vocal melodies i had in my head on guitar over the versy-chorus-y parts but i didn't wanna turn it into a guitarfest you know. and plus i've only been playing guitar for exactly 2 years now so i dunno if i'd have the vocabulary to pull that off.

drum machine is called a Zoom Rhythm Track 123. $230 Australian. Maybe like $150 US i'm not sure probably around that. you should be able to get it from a music store or maybe online. i usually just hit a loop on it and jam to that for practice this is the first time i've used it for a song. i had to break out the instruction manual to learn how to program it.

i'm in quite a dillemna now about recording but. this uni semester ends in like 2 weeks and i can only record using the equipment there. after 2 weeks is a summer holiday for like 3 months and i don't think they're open then. so i'm totally screwed i'll have to wait til next semester to get a chance for a new recording project :(. don't have the money to make a home studio at the moment either.

on the plus side over the summer i could get better at guitar and and plenty of time to think of songs to do. i'll have to write them all out somewhere so i don't forget.

we've got a cool little musician's community here its great. : ok:

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: Oddy on November 07, 2005, 02:50:31 AM
hey i found some older shit i had recorded on the computers today.

this is really scrappy stuff. i just bunched all the riffs together in no order or real reasoning and put a really crappy drum loop underneath it. so riffs just cut out and a new one starts right after it. this is not meant to be a was just a rough collection of ideas that i abandonded.

theres an unfinished guitar solo on there too.

i don't think theres anything special there.....but its something to post. its run of the mill rock crap.

i wonder what other crap i can find that i did.

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: Dont Try Me on November 07, 2005, 05:06:10 AM
Man, the happiness song could turn out really great man. Your abilities to write catchy tunes is really stunning. The guitarwork is unlike anything I ever heard before! Really original and pretty dark the first minute! And after the dark period it turns into catchy happiness.

The "scrappy stuff" file.............oh my god...........? :o You really should be in a band or something. Your fucking great on guitar man! And for the "i don't think theres anything special there.....but its something to post. its run of the mill rock crap." comment....Dude, there's allot of interesting riffs, solo thingy's worth working out!

I wish I had some more time to come by more often to listen to all this good stuff from all of yous, oddy, loretian, D!


Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: loretian on November 13, 2005, 05:41:55 PM
Yeah, that sounds great Oddy!  That's awesome stuff.  I'd love to hear some full songs w/ vocals made out of that stuff.

All of "us" should really get together and make one big epic song to benefit all the hurricane, earthquake, catostrophy, etc. victims and put Michael Jackson to shame.  : ok:

Title: Re: Come listen to my hippy as fuck song
Post by: Verse Chorus Verse on November 21, 2005, 07:42:08 PM
Sorry for the lat reply, but WOW. I really enjoyed it. The first part, though, could use a bit more guitar to get it going. Like, maybe a slow fade in riff, then onto the rest. It was nearly quiet for that first bit, and it bugged me. But hell, I have no room to talk since I don't play nothing.