Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 09, 2005, 11:08:33 AM

Title: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 09, 2005, 11:08:33 AM

i know it's easy. cheap shot. but it's funny :)

what is this chanel anyway ?

 :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 09, 2005, 02:49:55 PM
i thought it was funny :(

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: November Rain 91 on November 09, 2005, 04:39:54 PM
hahahaha, that was hilarious!  :rofl: :rofl: people are so incredibly stupid. I also thought it was funny how the guy pointed West and said East and vice versa, when asking where the best place to invade from is. Great video though.  : ok:

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 09, 2005, 11:17:23 PM
I am not getting anything. But I think I have seen this before.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on November 09, 2005, 11:24:58 PM
Further proof that public opinion shouldn't be cited by either sides, the average American is a fucking moron.  Thus is why I adovocate that people should have to earn their citizenship and right to vote.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 10, 2005, 06:20:43 AM
Further proof that public opinion shouldn't be cited by either sides, the average American is a fucking moron.  Thus is why I adovocate that people should have to earn their citizenship and right to vote.

i'm sure you'll get the same answers in some places in france :)

like the philosophers from slipknot once said people=shit :)

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Izzy on November 10, 2005, 01:31:03 PM
Further proof that public opinion shouldn't be cited by either sides, the average American is a fucking moron.? Thus is why I adovocate that people should have to earn their citizenship and right to vote.

I warned people that watching Starship Troopers 18 times a week leads to brain damage, patient A above clearly demonstrates my findings

Service guarentees citizenship! :peace:

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Walk on November 10, 2005, 01:58:31 PM
I think people should have some military experience before voting. I think a lot of countries have mandatory military service, even in Europe.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Izzy on November 10, 2005, 02:06:10 PM
I think people should have some military experience before voting. I think a lot of countries have mandatory military service, even in Europe.

Nothing like forcing young men to learn how to kill to make ur nation a stable and prosperous one ::)

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 10, 2005, 02:23:39 PM
Further proof that public opinion shouldn't be cited by either sides, the average American is a fucking moron.

See if I said that (even though it's the truth), you'd call me anti American. "Why do you hate America so much?"  ::)


Nothing like forcing young men to learn how to kill to make ur nation a stable and prosperous one ::)


Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 10, 2005, 08:40:22 PM
I said NO politics !
just laughs !!!


Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: MCT on November 10, 2005, 10:18:57 PM

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on November 11, 2005, 12:52:56 AM
Further proof that public opinion shouldn't be cited by either sides, the average American is a fucking moron.

See if I said that (even though it's the truth), you'd call me anti American. "Why do you hate America so much?"? ::)


Nothing like forcing young men to learn how to kill to make ur nation a stable and prosperous one ::)


SLC, the answer to your question is quite obvious.  You and I disagree on what America is and stands for.  I believe in the America that our founding fathers created; one of small government, personal and national/state pride and great personal freedom.  If you read my posts again, you'll find that every time you've provided an opinion poll I've always been the first to argue that popularity means nothing (although I'll openly admit a sense of satisfaction when something I believe is held by the majortiy). 

Izzy, just because you refuse to serve your country in any altrusitic or for a greater purpose doesn't mean you should criticize those who do.  Again, we have a difference of value.  You believe that everyone should have an equal say regardless of what they contribute to their nation or have invested.  I argue that those who have a vested interest in their nation should be in charge.  This means that IMO, "citizens" should have to pass and renew a test that shows that they are knowledgable and up to date on current events pertinent to the issues at hand.  I particulary liked the idea of John Kerry's where he advocated that all people who serve in the military or are civil servants should get a free college education - something that our taxes should go only to those that have earned it.  Imagine a world where everyone who votes is required to be informed and edcuated - the way America's founding father's originally envisioned.  That's the world I want to live in and advocate towards.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 11, 2005, 06:04:40 AM
people always forget about the losers.
so the guy is already dumd and slow and fails at what he does, therefore cannnot serve right his country .... on top of that, on top of the fact that he is a LOSER (in every sense of the term), on top of that .... he does not get anything from teh country.

BUT, in your philosphy .... the person who is smart and strong, and achieves something .... oh, this guy gets super benefits and bonus and privileges ...... uh ....

what pisses me off, is that being something, achieveing something, serving your country in anyway, getting somewhere ... WHY CANT THIS BE THE REWARD ?
why can't people feel good about what they achieve and say " ok i did that, im great, so im gonna help the ones who loses .... "
and not feel bad or bitter, cause they wouldnt care , as they won.

people are brats. really.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: MCT on November 11, 2005, 11:31:12 AM
Hey Frenchie, listen, you can't appeal to the likes of that (GNRM). Especially when it's a forcefully projected mask you're addressing.

Still, I'd be interested to see how Mr. Archetypical Paradigm In A Can would approach your implications. Idiocy is always fun to watch stumble all over itself.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Izzy on November 11, 2005, 11:51:30 AM

I believe in the America that our founding fathers created

A white only protestant society based on fundamental religion and using slavery? :hihi: Oh and lets not forget the genocide against the natives! What a land they created!

Izzy, just because you refuse to serve your country in any altrusitic or for a greater purpose doesn't mean you should criticize those who do.? Again, we have a difference of value.? You believe that everyone should have an equal say regardless of what they contribute to their nation or have invested.? I argue that those who have a vested interest in their nation should be in charge.? This means that IMO, "citizens" should have to pass and renew a test that shows that they are knowledgable and up to date on current events pertinent to the issues at hand.? I particulary liked the idea of John Kerry's where he advocated that all people who serve in the military or are civil servants should get a free college education - something that our taxes should go only to those that have earned it.? Imagine a world where everyone who votes is required to be informed and edcuated - the way America's founding father's originally envisioned.? That's the world I want to live in and advocate towards.

Just like in Starship Troopers! What a film eh?

U do realise that creating ''citizens'' just makes another class division - so if u didn't complete some stupid test u'd be a second class citizen -denied the vote perhaps? How long untill companies refuse to take those that haven't passed?

So make the test straightforward u say, make it available to all! - Then surely it becomes worthless and meaningless? Army service grants citizenship - so women don't have to fight on the front but men would have to - i wonder, who gets the better deal there :confused:

Ur talking about America of the past - citzens and slaves, millions denied an equal share in their own country!

Wake up man! How the hell do u think our society used to be like - nobility and the rich with their ''vested interests'' running things and subjecting the rest

U have to have a vested interests to be a citizen? So being a hard working law abiding person is not enough?

People will care about their nation and its affairs if the nation cares about them - foriegn wars, massive corruption and a gap between rich and poor that gets bigger by the hour - whats their to be proud of?

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 11, 2005, 12:17:40 PM
Great post.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 11, 2005, 01:38:48 PM
Hey Frenchie, listen, you can't appeal to the likes of that (GNRM). Especially when it's a forcefully projected mask you're addressing.

Still, I'd be interested to see how Mr. Archetypical Paradigm In A Can would approach your implications. Idiocy is always fun to watch stumble all over itself.

what the hell ? ?___?

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on November 11, 2005, 06:10:41 PM
Hey Frenchie, listen, you can't appeal to the likes of that (GNRM). Especially when it's a forcefully projected mask you're addressing.

Still, I'd be interested to see how Mr. Archetypical Paradigm In A Can would approach your implications. Idiocy is always fun to watch stumble all over itself.

Anytime you want to compare IQs MCt, let me know.  Before you tell me how smart you are and that you're going to take me on "an intelectual ride" just like me say that I've read more great works of philosophy then you can care to imagine.  My argument is simple.  SLC and I agree that most Americans (to be more specific in my case, people all over the world) are complete idiots.  As long as they have a full stomach and Tv in front of them, nothing else matters really.  My intent is to create a desire to become educated.  2nd class citizens would only exist if people chose to be 2nd class citizens.  Anyone can serve as a civil servant.  Anyone can read a book - and if they can't they shouldn't be able to vote.  Don't distort my argument to justify your Rawlsian fantasies (do any of you even know who John Rawls is?).  Educated and informed people make better choices than uniformed and uneducated people.  If we're gonna argue that democracy is the best form of government, let's make sure that we don't have babbling retards being counted in the polls.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Izzy on November 11, 2005, 06:21:27 PM

Anytime you want to compare IQs MCt, let me know.? Before you tell me how smart you are and that you're going to take me on "an intelectual ride" just like me say that I've read more great works of philosophy then you can care to imagine.

Bit of advice - if u sound really defensive it kinda just reinforces what ur opponent was saying

My argument is simple.  SLC and I agree that most Americans (to be more specific in my case, people all over the world) are complete idiots.

Wow - what a simple argument. The world = idiots, except for u...the person that thinks everyone but him is an idiot :rofl:

As long as they have a full stomach and Tv in front of them, nothing else matters really.

And the internet to type rubbish into?

My intent is to create a desire to become educated.


2nd class citizens would only exist if people chose to be 2nd class citizens.

Just like how the poor are lazy! :hihi:

Anyone can serve as a civil servant.

U don't actually believe that?

Anyone can read a book - and if they can't they shouldn't be able to vote.

Too bad if ur blind then?

Don't distort my argument to justify your Rawlsian fantasies (do any of you even know who John Rawls is?).

The messiah?

Educated and informed people make better choices than uniformed and uneducated people.

Like....going to war for oil, or tax cuts for the rich or embezzling funds or corruption and cronyism? Look at the US gov, full of Harvard grads etc - doin' a damn fine job ain't they :nervous:

If we're gonna argue that democracy is the best form of government, let's make sure that we don't have babbling retards being counted in the polls.

Yes...if only we were to remove these people, we'd have a racially pure volk - heil Hitler!

I just love how all these little schemes extemisit such as yourself put together always include yourselves in the ''safe'' category - if we go by intellect to determine citizenship then its fairly obvious u wouldnt be included

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on November 11, 2005, 07:32:04 PM
I never said the blind shoudn't be citizens, ever hear of brail.  I never advocated for the euthanizing of mentally retarded people.  Yes, I believe everyone can be a civil servant (do you not know what that term means Izzy).  Any government employee is essentially a civil servant, ever hear of a post man or fire fighter?  How about social worker?  Continue to make personal attacks and distort my ideas to fit your agenda.  Again, it's fine if you disagree with my ideas, but don't distort what I'm saying just so you can laugh to yourself behind the safety and anonymity of the internet. 

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: MCT on November 11, 2005, 08:48:35 PM
Anytime you want to compare IQs MCt, let me know.? Before you tell me how smart you are and that you're going to take me on "an intelectual ride" just like me say that I've read more great works of philosophy then you can care to imagine.

Jesus... :o

I'm as egotistical as they come, but even I thought that was bad form... :hihi:

My argument is simple.? SLC and I agree that most Americans (to be more specific in my case, people all over the world) are complete idiots.? As long as they have a full stomach and Tv in front of them, nothing else matters really.? My intent is to create a desire to become educated.? 2nd class citizens would only exist if people chose to be 2nd class citizens.? Anyone can serve as a civil servant.? Anyone can read a book - and if they can't they shouldn't be able to vote.? Don't distort my argument to justify your Rawlsian fantasies (do any of you even know who John Rawls is?).? Educated and informed people make better choices than uniformed and uneducated people.? If we're gonna argue that democracy is the best form of government, let's make sure that we don't have babbling retards being counted in the polls.

If you weren't so stilted I wouldn't say this:

You. Are. An. Idiot. An idiot of the first rank.

At first I had myself convinced that you were just an egregious little sock puppet of sorts, a second rank idiot. But after your last post there I had to bump you up to first - you believe in yourself...

... :nervous:

Anyway, Roddenberry (for one) already beat ya to it. So go dump your feudalistic fantasies on someone who's game for a cheap olfactory fuck, not someone who smells the roses.

And who in the Holy Heavens goes around with a relatively obscure neologism (in this case, "Rawlsian") as a banner to wave under a certain slant of light?

Oh my... :(...people like you make me feel like I'm suffocating or something...

Again, it's fine if you disagree with my ideas, but don't distort what I'm saying just so you can laugh to yourself behind the safety and anonymity of the internet.

I'd like to see you so forcefully advocate your "ideas" from other than the safety and anonymity of the Internet. It'd be a real hoot I'd say...:yes:

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Walk on November 11, 2005, 10:27:46 PM
You obviously can't see his joke. An idiot, by definition, has an IQ less than 20. Calling someone an idiot is baiting them into an IQ contest. Of course, the guy who doesn't even know what an idiot is (and ignorantly uses the term incorrectly) is probably going to lose.

Besides, ever heard of an idiot savant? Idiots sometimes have extraordinary abilities, like music. Ultimately, isn't it low for an equality loving libbyral to judge someone based on their IQ?  :P

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: MCT on November 11, 2005, 11:39:05 PM
You obviously can't see his joke.

You obviously are a joke. Which of course you've demonstrated repeatedly in the past.

Tonight was a real peach as well.

An idiot, by definition, has an IQ less than 20.

Such a definition is actually obsolete nowadays. Technically. And we all, in truth, know what I meant. It's a word too ingrained in our popular culture and collective vocab to be misinterpreted.

Calling someone an idiot is baiting them into an IQ contest.

Maybe. If you want to utilize some severely wrinkled blanket anyway.

But in this case we're dealing with a singularity - me. And branding GNRM an idiot is just that - branding him an idiot.

The same goes for me branding you an idiot right now:

You are an idiot.

Of course, the guy who doesn't even know what an idiot is (and ignorantly uses the term incorrectly) is probably going to lose.

Exactly what I was thinking... : ok:

Besides, ever heard of an idiot savant?

What do you mean, populist?

Idiots sometimes have extraordinary abilities...


Ultimately, isn't it low for an equality loving libbyral to judge someone based on their IQ?

Like it or lump it I don't adhere to any of your prescribed worldviews.

Oh, and before I forget:

You obviously can't see his joke. An idiot, by definition, has an IQ less than 20. Calling someone an idiot is baiting them into an IQ contest. Of course, the guy who doesn't even know what an idiot is (and ignorantly uses the term incorrectly) is probably going to lose.

Besides, ever heard of an idiot savant? Idiots sometimes have extraordinary abilities, like music. Ultimately, isn't it low for an equality loving libbyral to judge someone based on their IQ? :P

Good one.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Walk on November 12, 2005, 12:55:38 AM
Words, especially technical terms, don't have their meanings changed just because the majority of people want a new definition. Intellectual discussions shouldn't involve misusing words that have had their meanings degraded by the plebians. Words like discrimination and racist have pejorative connotations to average people, but they're neutral to those who know better. There are adequate substitutes.

Savant means someone who is well educated or gifted in some way. Idiot savants are people who have developmental problems, but with some unique talents as well.

How am I a populist? Are you besmirching my dilettantish lexicon?  ;)

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: MCT on November 12, 2005, 11:50:53 PM
Salicadoola, Menchicaboola,
Bippity Boppity Boo!
Put 'em together and what do you got?
Bippity, Boppity Boo!

Salicadoola means,
But the thing-a-ma-bob
That does the job is
Bippity, Boppity Boo!

Salicadoola, Mencicaboola,
Bippity, Boppity Boo!
Put 'em together and what do you got?
Bippity Boppity, Bippity Boppity,
Bippity Boppity Boo!


Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Walk on November 13, 2005, 12:31:09 AM
Respect, walk

Run your mouth when I'm not around
It's easy to achieve
You cry to weak friends that sympathize

Can you hear the violins playing your song?
Those same friends tell me your every word

Is there no standard anymore?
What it takes, who I am, where I've been
You can't be something you're not
Be yourself, by yourself
Stay away from me
A lesson learned in life
Known from the dawn of time

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Izzy on November 13, 2005, 06:22:46 AM
Words like discrimination and racist have pejorative connotations to average people, but they're neutral to those who know better.


The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Neutral to those that know better? :confused:

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: *Izzy* on November 13, 2005, 11:49:26 AM
You obviously can't see his joke.

You obviously are a joke. Which of course you've demonstrated repeatedly in the past.

Tonight was a real peach as well.

An idiot, by definition, has an IQ less than 20.

Such a definition is actually obsolete nowadays. Technically. And we all, in truth, know what I meant. It's a word too ingrained in our popular culture and collective vocab to be misinterpreted.

Calling someone an idiot is baiting them into an IQ contest.

Maybe. If you want to utilize some severely wrinkled blanket anyway.

But in this case we're dealing with a singularity - me. And branding GNRM an idiot is just that - branding him an idiot.

The same goes for me branding you an idiot right now:

You are an idiot.

Of course, the guy who doesn't even know what an idiot is (and ignorantly uses the term incorrectly) is probably going to lose.

Exactly what I was thinking... : ok:

Besides, ever heard of an idiot savant?

What do you mean, populist?

Idiots sometimes have extraordinary abilities...


Ultimately, isn't it low for an equality loving libbyral to judge someone based on their IQ?

Like it or lump it I don't adhere to any of your prescribed worldviews.

Oh, and before I forget:

You obviously can't see his joke. An idiot, by definition, has an IQ less than 20. Calling someone an idiot is baiting them into an IQ contest. Of course, the guy who doesn't even know what an idiot is (and ignorantly uses the term incorrectly) is probably going to lose.

Besides, ever heard of an idiot savant? Idiots sometimes have extraordinary abilities, like music. Ultimately, isn't it low for an equality loving libbyral to judge someone based on their IQ? :P

Good one.

I like this post, how do you come up with this stuff? :hihi:

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 13, 2005, 12:46:46 PM
I love a good internet beat down when they are so deserved. Thanks for the read.

Anytime you want to compare IQs MCt, let me know. Before you tell me how smart you are and that you're going to take me on "an intelectual ride" just like me say that I've read more great works of philosophy then you can care to imagine.

Just because you read something, does not mean you understand it, nor does it make you more intelligent. In fact you are living proof of this very statement.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Izzy on November 13, 2005, 01:47:45 PM
I love a good internet beat down when they are so deserved. Thanks for the read.

Indeed, a very fine performance

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Walk on November 13, 2005, 03:19:08 PM

The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Neutral to those that know better? :confused:

You have problems if you're using a dictionary definition to define a complex issue such as racism. Tomes have been written on subjects like racism, philosophy, religion, etc. Dictionaries are for common knowledge of a word for the common people, not the thinkers. Refrain from using them on these kinds of debates and you'll come out better.

I'll settle this issue with some hard facts. Biological fact: all species overbreed when given the opportunity. Another one: the stronger species survive the death cycle brought about by overbreeding. Heres more: a population group (race) is a division of a species that hasn't gone through speciation yet, but has phenotype traits in place to aid the process (feather color, fur length, skin color, etc). Population groups stay separate until resources are short due to overbreeding, and then they compete, and the stronger group wins.

That's just hardcore biology for you. War between tribes and genocide are the rules of history, not the norm. Some historians calculated that in all of human history, there have only been ~200 years of world peace. These were rare times in which all societies were in the growth phase, but they were ALWAYS followed by the death phase. And this cycle continues, bringing about stronger and better humans through natural selection. Do you not believe in evolution, then? Evolution of this type (microevolution within a species) is even compatible with the Bible!

We live in a unique time where technology permits overbreeding and races can live together in peace temporarily, even sharing culture! This will end when the oil ends, or a nuke goes off, a meteor hits Earth, or a plague hits all countries (choose your disaster, it doesn't matter what it is, but it will happen eventually), and another death cycle, a law of biology, will happen. People will compete for resources and the weaker will die. Even if we were a single race, we would break down into subdivisions and the cycle would occur. It's inevitable.

This goes beyond race. Race only means something in a death cycle, and even then, culture and belief are just as important, if not more important, when it's time to find similar thinkers and plan to survive the coming winter, so to speak. In the end, the human race benefits (cheesy, I know!  : ok:) as we get progressively stronger throughout time. Did you know a single Wall Street Journal contains more information than a Dark Age barbarian would know in his lifetime? We're getting stronger and smarter due to death cycles; it's what made us what we are: modern humans.

Race isn't a good or a bad thing. It's just how we are and we have to live with it. It's part of being human. The only way we could eliminate racism is eliminating death cycles, but our finite resouces and biological laws prevent this from happening. Decrying racism as cruel or abnormal only works in a peace cycle when there's a lot of resources to go around. Facing it as I have done it to understand why it happens is much more effective.

EDIT: Racism is going to be history when genetic engineering picks up. We'll still find exciting new ways to kill each other, however, and that's what the true issue is. I'm only giving you the historical and current explanation, but these reasons will be obsolete in a few hundred years, given our growing knowledge of biology. It's kind of silly argueing it, therefore, in our current time, but the history of the subject is still part of our memory.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 13, 2005, 07:16:49 PM
I say, ignore the racist troll. He may go away one day.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: *Izzy* on November 14, 2005, 06:48:28 AM
I say, ignore the racist troll. He may go away one day.

We can't ignore racism, it has to be taken care of

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Surfrider on November 14, 2005, 11:06:41 AM
I can see we have come along way since Jarmo lectured the board about personal attacks in political threads.? I was astonished no one got banned from this thread, let alone warned.? Of course, I guess it is only the conservatives that throw personal attacks.? This thread is a pretty good conglomeration of the normal attacks: Hitler, racist, idiot etc.  Check this out:

the average American is a fucking moron.?

I warned people that watching Starship Troopers 18 times a week leads to brain damage, patient A above clearly demonstrates my findings

Service guarentees citizenship! :peace:

Hey Frenchie, listen, you can't appeal to the likes of that (GNRM). Especially when it's a forcefully projected mask you're addressing.

Still, I'd be interested to see how Mr. Archetypical Paradigm In A Can would approach your implications. Idiocy is always fun to watch stumble all over itself.

Anytime you want to compare IQs MCt, let me know.? Before you tell me how smart you are and that you're going to take me on "an intelectual ride" just like me say

Yes...if only we were to remove these people, we'd have a racially pure volk - heil Hitler!

You. Are. An. Idiot. An idiot of the first rank.

At first I had myself convinced that you were just an egregious little sock puppet of sorts, a second rank idiot. But after your last post there I had to bump you up to first - you believe in yourself...

You obviously are a joke. Which of course you've demonstrated repeatedly in the past.

Tonight was a real peach as well.

But in this case we're dealing with a singularity - me. And branding GNRM an idiot is just that - branding him an idiot.

The same goes for me branding you an idiot right now:

You are an idiot.


The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Neutral to those that know better? :confused:

I love a good internet beat down when they are so deserved. Thanks for the read.

Anytime you want to compare IQs MCt, let me know. Before you tell me how smart you are and that you're going to take me on "an intelectual ride" just like me say that I've read more great works of philosophy then you can care to imagine.

Just because you read something, does not mean you understand it, nor does it make you more intelligent. In fact you are living proof of this very statement.

I say, ignore the racist troll. He may go away one day.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 14, 2005, 11:30:03 AM
IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FUCKIN "funny video" thread .... guys ...  !!! ?____?

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Walk on November 14, 2005, 02:31:28 PM
We can't ignore racism, it has to be taken care of

People will still find some other unimportant reasons to kill and mistreat each other, though. You're looking at the symptom, not the disease. You won't solve anything doing that.

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Walk on November 14, 2005, 02:32:07 PM
IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FUCKIN "funny video" thread .... guys ...  !!! ?____?

I think most people have already seen and commented on the video. Relax. :)

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 14, 2005, 03:42:56 PM
IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FUCKIN "funny video" thread .... guys ...  !!! ?____?

I think most people have already seen and commented on the video. Relax. :)

i know, i was just chainging topic.
hey walk, we never really talk.
how is life by the way ? school's fun ? dating anyone ?

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: *Izzy* on November 14, 2005, 04:06:04 PM
We can't ignore racism, it has to be taken care of

People will still find some other unimportant reasons to kill and mistreat each other, though. You're looking at the symptom, not the disease. You won't solve anything doing that.

That's a nice excuse, but an excuse is all it is

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 14, 2005, 04:17:42 PM

We can't ignore racism, it has to be taken care of

You are right. But who is going to take the trash out? And when?

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Izzy on November 14, 2005, 04:23:40 PM

We can't ignore racism, it has to be taken care of

You are right. But who is going to take the trash out? And when?

Didn't u read Walk's post - rascism is apparently ''okay'' its just society that tells us its wrong...apparently

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on November 15, 2005, 06:40:51 PM
You are right. But who is going to take the trash out? And when?

I got it, lets make phony hate crime laws.  Oh wait....

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Walk on November 15, 2005, 07:19:16 PM
i know, i was just chainging topic.
hey walk, we never really talk.
how is life by the way ? school's fun ? dating anyone ?

I have exams coming up, and my philosophy professor is an ever bigger jerk than I am (seriously!). I'm going to have a really fun time study for this one...  :-\  :rant:

Title: Re: Who should we Attack First ? (NO Politics !!) just laughs - video -
Post by: Walk on November 15, 2005, 07:35:31 PM
You are right. But who is going to take the trash out? And when?

Malcolm X is a good person to research if you're interested in the history of racism in America. MLK gets way too much attention compared to X. I see X as more practical, while MLK set forth the ideals that American society strives for, yet never achieves.

Government always messes up when it tries to regulate human nature. It's better for a society to change its own values instead of having the changes imposed, since the transition is where the most problems occur.