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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Hammy on January 15, 2006, 01:44:58 PM

Title: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: Hammy on January 15, 2006, 01:44:58 PM

Little short test to see which actor would be 'ideal' to star in a movie of your life, i got....

Benjamin Bratt
A magnetic man like you needs to be played by someone who knows how to get an audience's attention ? and keep it. That's why Benjamin Bratt would be a great leading man in the movie of your life. Underneath your sometimes quieter demeanor, there's an undeniable attraction that draws people to you, your thoughts, and your ideals. There's just something about you that has people screaming for more. But that's a good thing since you probably thrive when you're being social, promoting your causes and getting out and about to see the world.

You've just got that celebrity quality that makes people applaud, whatever you do. Even if you don't match Benjamin's lady-melting looks, his mega-star glow will help translate your charisma to the silver screen

 :rant: Fuck i was hoping for Bill Paxton

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 15, 2006, 01:51:21 PM
i'd be Ethan Hawke .... that's fine with me, he was cool in Lord of War.

and he is almost as hot as i am says people. (blind people ? )

An intellectual like you needs to be played by someone who understands how to be deep without being boring, someone who can grasp complicated subjects and make them seem clear cut, someone like Ethan Hawke. Whether bringing Hamlet to life or getting published himself, Ethan has shown the world that being smart can be sexy.

Were you sometimes the kid in class who realized when the teacher made a mistake — even if you didn't always point it out? Now that you're grown up, it wouldn't surprise us if you still liked the challenge of banter or enjoyed staying up late talking about the latest in political, social, or celebrity circles. Your glamour comes from your head first and radiates out through your looks. So keep that confidence up. Ethan's a natural to star as you because he, like you, has a good head on his shoulders. And isn't afraid to use it.

ahahah, intellectual !! ahahah me ....intellectual ..... ahahaha !

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: Jagged Little Pill on January 15, 2006, 02:05:33 PM
Vin Diesel
A wild child like you needs to be played by someone who's not afraid to live life on the edge, someone who doesn't mind bending the rules a little when necessary, someone like Vin Diesel. With films like XXX and The Fast and the Furious, Vin has proven he would be perfect to play you. While you may not share his buffed-out bod (or bald head), you do share an adventurous attitude towards life ? at least with the characters he's played.

Back in high school, were you the one harassing the substitute teacher and freaking out your folks by driving too fast? Well, even if you weren't climbing out your bedroom window and into a carfull of your pals late at night, you probably had your own ways of pushing the envelope and making adults turn gray before their time.

Like Vin, you probably still like playing hard, that's the way you can really experience life. Leave the armchairs for other people. You, like your movie star double, prefer an edge that makes you feel alive. Vin never apologizes for the decisions he's made, probably because they've been right for him regardless of what others say. Sound familiar?

my double would be a man..hmmm

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: Cubb on January 15, 2006, 03:26:39 PM
Cate Blanchett
An intellectual like you needs to be played by someone who understands how to be deep without being boring, someone who can grasp complicated subjects and make them seem clear cut, someone like Cate Blanchett. Whether bringing to life Elizabethan stories or playing an undercover WWII courier in Charlotte Gray, Cate has shown the world that being smart can be sexy.

Were you sometimes the kid in class who realized when the teacher made a mistake ? even if you didn't always point it out? Now that you're grown up, it wouldn't surprise us if you still liked the challenge of banter or enjoyed staying up late talking about the latest in political, social, or celebrity circles. Your glamour comes from your head first and radiates out through your looks. Cate's a natural to star as you because she, like you, has a good head on her shoulders. And she isn't afraid to use it.

i never thought i was anything like her

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 15, 2006, 03:44:28 PM
i like how they used the same text for cate and etan hawk.

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: Chelle on January 15, 2006, 03:51:47 PM
I got booty!  Ha ha!   :D

Jennifer Lopez
A magnetic maven like you needs to be played by someone who knows how to get an audience's attention ? and keep it. That's why Jennifer Lopez would be a great leading lady in the movie of your life. You've got a certain star quality that makes people applaud whatever you decide to put your energy into. Regardless of whether you match J Lo's glamorous look, her mega-diva glow will help translate your stunning charisma to the silver screen.

Back in high school, were you the one in the spotlight ? star of the school play, student council president, and popular girl around town? Well, with your charms, you should have been. There's just something about you that has people screaming for more. But that's a good thing since you probably thrive when you're being social, surrounded by people, or getting out and about.

If some people perceive you as high maintenance, you can just tell them that you have high expectations. If you're willing to work so hard on yourself, why can't other people do the same? So get ready for the new cast in the movie of your life headed by none other than J Lo herself.

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: the dirt on January 15, 2006, 03:58:37 PM
Im Will Smith and I don't get a description

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: journey on January 15, 2006, 04:08:53 PM
Drew Barrymore

A free spirit like you needs to be played by someone who knows what it's like to carve out her own niche. That's why Drew Barrymore would be great for the part. Whether she's starring in unique films like Riding in Cars With Boys and Ever After, or heading out into town with daring dates, Drew refuses to conform to Hollywood's mold for leading ladies. Like Drew, you have a unique outlook and passion that shines through everything you do. And if you're truly like Drew, you're not afraid to show everyone who you are.

Back in high school, were you the one listening to bands that others hadn't discovered yet, or branching out with political or fashion statements of your own? How about raising quirky questions that stumped your teachers? But now that you've grown up some, people are starting to value your individuality and your creative way of looking at the world. Or at least, they will soon. So who better to play you in the role of your life than Drew? Doesn't it seem she was made for the part?

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: Cubb on January 15, 2006, 04:12:34 PM
i like how they used the same text for cate and etan hawk.

ur right i only just noticed that,
Just another foolproof,honest internet test

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: the dirt on January 15, 2006, 04:13:53 PM
ok, here we go:

A joker like you needs to be played by someone charming, someone who isn't afraid to get a little silly ? but someone who always knows the difference between being outrageous and being obnoxious. That's why Will Smith would be perfect for the part. With his dazzling smile, addictive laugh, and great comedic timing, people would immediately identify with the lighthearted fun you bring to this world. Like Will, you love laughing ? and making other people laugh, too.

Back in school, were you the one making prank phone calls or organizing spoofs of all the teachers? Sure you've matured at least a little bit since then, but you've still probably got that 14-carat sense of humor. Because of that, you're probably the center of attention at parties, as friends gather to hear you making a mockery of everything from current events to the computer-illiterate idiot who sits next to you at work. You, like Will, don't want to take life too seriously, and that's what will shine through if the Fresh Prince of comedy plays you in the movie of your life.

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: Prometheus on January 15, 2006, 07:32:05 PM
Chris Klein

A space cadet (in the nicest sense of the word) like you needs to be played by someone who has his own positive outlook on life, someone who is completely loyal, someone who is unbelievably endearing, someone like Chris Klein.

Whether he's palling around with his buddies in movies like Election, or playing the ultra sweet crooner in American Pie, Chris has the right stuff to play the part of someone who's seemingly clueless at times, but oddly intuitive when it matters most.

Like the roles that Chris has made famous, you might tend to get preoccupied when people are talking around you. But who cares if you jump back into the conversation with a slightly bizarre comment or two? It just means your mind has been wandering in interesting places. You, like Chris in his supporting roles, probably prefer to dedicate your full attention to the things that give you the most joy: your friends, your family, or a cause you're dedicated to. But ultimately, that's part of what attracts people to you and why they love having your good heart and supersensitive brain around. And that's also why Chris Klein is a shoe-in to star in the movie of your life.

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: Rockin' Rose on January 16, 2006, 10:52:23 AM
Chris Klein

A space cadet (in the nicest sense of the word) like you needs to be played by someone who has his own positive outlook on life, someone who is completely loyal, someone who is unbelievably endearing, someone like Chris Klein.

Whether he's palling around with his buddies in movies like Election, or playing the ultra sweet crooner in American Pie, Chris has the right stuff to play the part of someone who's seemingly clueless at times, but oddly intuitive when it matters most.

Like the roles that Chris has made famous, you might tend to get preoccupied when people are talking around you. But who cares if you jump back into the conversation with a slightly bizarre comment or two? It just means your mind has been wandering in interesting places. You, like Chris in his supporting roles, probably prefer to dedicate your full attention to the things that give you the most joy: your friends, your family, or a cause you're dedicated to. But ultimately, that's part of what attracts people to you and why they love having your good heart and supersensitive brain around. And that's also why Chris Klein is a shoe-in to star in the movie of your life.

Got the same

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: badapple81 on January 16, 2006, 11:00:44 AM
Benjamin Bratt

A magnetic man like you needs to be played by someone who knows how to get an audience's attention ? and keep it. That's why Benjamin Bratt would be a great leading man in the movie of your life. Underneath your sometimes quieter demeanor, there's an undeniable attraction that draws people to you, your thoughts, and your ideals. There's just something about you that has people screaming for more. But that's a good thing since you probably thrive when you're being social, promoting your causes and getting out and about to see the world.

You've just got that celebrity quality that makes people applaud, whatever you do. Even if you don't match Benjamin's lady-melting looks, his mega-star glow will help translate your charisma to the silver screen.

Now.. wonder how much spam I'll get  :D

Title: Re: Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 16, 2006, 12:35:29 PM
Im owen wilson  :D

A free spirit like you needs to be played by someone who knows what it's like to carve out his own niche. That's why Owen Wilson would be great for the part. Whether he's acting in memorable oddball roles like Hansel in Zoolander or co-writing offbeat scripts like Rushmore or The Royal Tenenbaums, Owen knows how to create his own arc to stardom in Hollywood.

Back in high school, were you the one listening to bands that others hadn't discovered yet, or branching out with political or fashion statements of your own? How about raising quirky questions that stumped your teachers? Well, now that you've grown up some, people are starting to value your individuality and your creative way of looking at the world. Or at least, they will soon. So who better to play you in the role of your life than Owen? Doesn't it seem he was made for the part?