Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jim on April 22, 2006, 12:47:28 PM

Title: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Jim on April 22, 2006, 12:47:28 PM
I've seen a few of the movies, ranging from good to... Well, you know. Plus, what with JJ being the man of the moment, it would definatly be something worth a gander. Mission Impossible 3 (new thread, anyone?) looks fantastic, so this will be interesting to say the least. There are enough of you to geek out over it, for sure, any thoughts? Good, bad... Ridiculous?

Anyway, here's the story.

It?s official: Paramount is either in love with Mission: Impossible 3 director JJ Abrams or they really, really want to torture him. How else to explain the fact that the company has decided to give him the job of resuscitating the Star Trek franchise.

For once, its not just idle fan speculation, it?s the solid truth: Paramount chief Brad Grey has handed the keys of the Enterprise to the man who created Lost and Alias and told him to go for a little joyride.

Except that the ol? NCC-1701 (that's the Enterprise to you people who don't know the show inside out) won?t actually turn up in Star Trek XI ? because his plan is to focus on the early years of James T Kirk and Mr Spock, back at a time when they were fresh faced cadets just starting out at Starfleet Academy. And no amount of make-up would convince anyone that William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are hot young whippersnappers. So if we see the Shat or the Nim at all, it?ll likely be in wrap-around bookend scenes.

Abrams is bringing over some of his regular collaborators, as Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman (who worked on Alias and M:I:III) will pen the script. And his Lost co-producers Bryan Burk and Damien Lindelof are also on board. Which means Trek fans can celebrate the fact that loathed producer Rick Berman appears to be nowhere near this new project.

The idea of a Starfleet Academy project had been mooted as far back as the early ?90s, when Paramount was thinking about rebooting the movie franchise and having Star Trek VI chronicle Kirk?s formative years. But more recent rumours had called for a story that took place before Kirk was even born.

Still, the big issue is the franchise itself. Abrams? involvement will spark plenty of interest, and Star Trek remains fairly popular. But with the latest TV show (Enterprise) having gone out in a whimper of cancellation and the previous film (Nemesis) flopping, is there still mass-market appeal for the United Federation Of Planets? Looks like Abrams is about to find out when the film arrives in 2008. (

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Axlfreek on April 22, 2006, 01:05:19 PM
i like the idea of a prequel rather than  sequel.

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Axls Locomotive on April 22, 2006, 07:03:26 PM
fantastic...i dont care as long as berman isnt heard berman was writing a script himself, looks like that has been canned (i hope)

and as long as they stay true to its principles...but thats not likely judging by who theyve hired

not sure that the kirk spock early years is a good idea...where do they go from that one?...

i would rather see a new series without berman and braga

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Prometheus on April 22, 2006, 07:13:30 PM
fantastic...i dont care as long as berman isnt heard berman was writing a script himself, looks like that has been canned (i hope)

and as long as they stay true to its principles...but thats not likely judging by who theyve hired

not sure that the kirk spock early years is a good idea...where do they go from that one?...

i would rather see a new series without berman and braga


Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Jim on April 25, 2006, 05:43:06 PM
not sure that the kirk spock early years is a good idea...where do they go from that one?...

Not please about that, eh? Well, I had a word and I sorted something out for you.

Fans around the world whooped for joy last week at news that the Star Trek franchise was being resuscitated with M:I:3 director JJ Abrams at the helm. News that it would adopt the long-mooted concept of Kirk and Spock's youthful adventures at Starfleet Academy provoked a more mixed reaction. Those who thought such a move sacrilege can rest easy though because, as Empire discovered in an interview today with Abrams himself, the story is nothing of the sort.

"The whole thing was reported entirely without our cooperation," says the director with a hint of regret. "People learned that I was producing a Star Trek film, that I had an option to direct it, they hear rumours of what the thing was going to be and ran with a story that is not entirely accurate."

But the million dollar question is, what will it be about? Unsurprisingly, Abrams isn't saying ("We've made a pact not to discuss any specifics") but the Lost creator is a confirmed Original Series fan so don't be surprised if his take on the series does indeed take place around the era of Kirk and co, or if some of the established characters do make a reappearance. "Those characters are so spectacular. I just think that? you know, they could live again." (

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Axls Locomotive on April 26, 2006, 02:41:25 PM
i find it strange that ran with the story too as the website is part of the company that owns Star Trek

well a is one...i heard the main plot would be Klingons rampaging through Zimbabwe wearing nothing but a batleth and dancing to DJ Kirkmeister dance remix of the Star Trek theme...:P

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Izzy on April 26, 2006, 05:15:30 PM
I would rather watch a Star Trek film in which people stood discussing the weather than one with a 'young kirk' and 'young spock'

Honestly that is the worst idea ever, and Threshold (Voy) was probably holding on to that award

What the hell will they do? Go to Starfleet prom?

I cant wait for more continuity violations!

They have had this idea for forever, and each time they have passed it over i have wopped for joy - if it wasnt worth doing ten years ago - why use the idea now????

Horrah - the M13 director - now he can have another shite film to his name!

Star Trek was surely about going forward - it tried to go back (enterprise) and was laughed at - so they try again!

Star Trek was good - then one day....Kobyashi Maru

Let the series rest in peace untill a NEW idea comes along - well done Paramount, not only do u deny us a break, u deny us a fresh start and then make a Star Trek B side film!

Give us a 21st century Next Generation - refine the moralistic excess and techno babble - actually use the budget for effects and not bloated salaries and for gods sake give us some decent characters - Patrick Stewart managed more class in one line than 3 subsequent series managed in 400 episodes

And NO Vulcans!

..and i know 'young kirk' is not confirmed - but face it, thats what we are getting...

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Izzy on April 26, 2006, 05:23:30 PM
Mission Impossible 3 (new thread, anyone?) looks fantastic


Of course it does :nervous:

Tom Cruise's third rate acting and another sequal to a series that has hardly excelled is hardly 'fantastic'

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Jim on April 26, 2006, 06:40:59 PM
Horrah - the M13 director - now he can have another shite film to his name!

... Of course, you knew that MI3 is JJ Abrams first feature film..................................

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Izzy on April 27, 2006, 04:01:54 PM
Horrah - the M13 director - now he can have another shite film to his name!

... Of course, you knew that MI3 is JJ Abrams first feature film..................................

er...MI3 and Star Trek XI - two shite films...u need me to draw u a diagram?

no..of course, they will both be great :hihi:

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Jim on April 27, 2006, 04:18:39 PM
Tom Cruise (I don't care for his personal life, what I do care about is that he's a damn fine actor)? Philip Seymour Hoffman? Simon Pegg? I'm sold. Get a clue dude, this isn't just another knock off sequel released to feed off the success of the first and second... In all likelihood, almost certainly, this film is going to be the far superior of the three. If you want any more proof, go read Harry's review over at (

But, hey, maybe you're just not a 'movie' fan.

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Axls Locomotive on April 28, 2006, 07:21:30 AM
I would rather watch a Star Trek film in which people stood discussing the weather than one with a 'young kirk' and 'young spock'

Honestly that is the worst idea ever, and Threshold (Voy) was probably holding on to that award

What the hell will they do? Go to Starfleet prom?

I cant wait for more continuity violations!

They have had this idea for forever, and each time they have passed it over i have wopped for joy - if it wasnt worth doing ten years ago - why use the idea now????

Horrah - the M13 director - now he can have another shite film to his name!

Star Trek was surely about going forward - it tried to go back (enterprise) and was laughed at - so they try again!

Star Trek was good - then one day....Kobyashi Maru

Let the series rest in peace untill a NEW idea comes along - well done Paramount, not only do u deny us a break, u deny us a fresh start and then make a Star Trek B side film!

Give us a 21st century Next Generation - refine the moralistic excess and techno babble - actually use the budget for effects and not bloated salaries and for gods sake give us some decent characters - Patrick Stewart managed more class in one line than 3 subsequent series managed in 400 episodes

And NO Vulcans!

..and i know 'young kirk' is not confirmed - but face it, thats what we are getting...

do you something other than complain about everything?

only geeks worry about continuity violations...most people probably didnt even see continuity violations in threshold...who cares if warp 10 is broken and it shouldnt be, who cares if a ship is not the right shape or uniforms dont match...i dont and very few do

if the film is only in the idea generation stage then itll be at least 3 years before it makes the screen, and its already been a year since enterprise finished...thats a large gap ..and with a new director and not those clumsy bawbags called brannan and braga it should have a freshness about the storyline but i know you wont like it anyway

anyway i think they should bring back Q surprises there eh :hihi:

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Izzy on April 29, 2006, 11:05:28 AM
Tom Cruise (I don't care for his personal life, what I do care about is that he's a damn fine actor)? Philip Seymour Hoffman? Simon Pegg? I'm sold. Get a clue dude, this isn't just another knock off sequel released to feed off the success of the first and second... In all likelihood, almost certainly, this film is going to be the far superior of the three. If you want any more proof, go read Harry's review over at (

But, hey, maybe you're just not a 'movie' fan.

Cruise? Damn fine actor? :hihi:

Some dumb action sequal is really not worth defending

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Izzy on April 29, 2006, 11:12:35 AM
do you something other than complain about everything?

Nah, thats about it

only geeks worry about continuity violations...

Er..hello? Who else by geeks watch Star Trek - but of course you can watch it but not be a geek.....

most people probably didnt even see continuity violations in threshold

Threshold was okay for continuity - it was the stupid storyline which even Mr Braga admits he's ashamed of that bothered me

...who cares if warp 10 is broken and it shouldnt be, who cares if a ship is not the right shape or uniforms dont match...i dont and very few do

I dont care either - if a film/tv show is good enough the odd mistake is easily glossed over - are u trying to tell me Voyager and Enterprise were only afflited by the occaisional mistake?!? Saturated by the, more like, as was the more recent films

if the film is only in the idea generation stage then itll be at least 3 years before it makes the screen, and its already been a year since enterprise finished...thats a large gap ..and with a new director and not those clumsy bawbags called brannan and braga it should have a freshness about the storyline

Er...they are using a b-side film idea - thats a 'fresh' idea in your book?

but i know you wont like it anyway

If its well made i might...

anyway i think they should bring back Q surprises there eh :hihi:

Q cant hold an entire film - he's better in a support role a la Q who, All good things etc

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: MCT on April 29, 2006, 11:20:16 AM
If shoe fits, wear it.

Title: Re: Star Trek XI?
Post by: Axls Locomotive on April 29, 2006, 12:42:12 PM
do you something other than complain about everything?

Nah, thats about it

only geeks worry about continuity violations...

Er..hello? Who else by geeks watch Star Trek - but of course you can watch it but not be a geek.....

most people probably didnt even see continuity violations in threshold

Threshold was okay for continuity - it was the stupid storyline which even Mr Braga admits he's ashamed of that bothered me

...who cares if warp 10 is broken and it shouldnt be, who cares if a ship is not the right shape or uniforms dont match...i dont and very few do

I dont care either - if a film/tv show is good enough the odd mistake is easily glossed over - are u trying to tell me Voyager and Enterprise were only afflited by the occaisional mistake?!? Saturated by the, more like, as was the more recent films

if the film is only in the idea generation stage then itll be at least 3 years before it makes the screen, and its already been a year since enterprise finished...thats a large gap ..and with a new director and not those clumsy bawbags called brannan and braga it should have a freshness about the storyline

Er...they are using a b-side film idea - thats a 'fresh' idea in your book?

but i know you wont like it anyway

If its well made i might...

anyway i think they should bring back Q surprises there eh :hihi:

Q cant hold an entire film - he's better in a support role a la Q who, All good things etc

if you have ever read the star trek magazine  there used to be a column about new ideas people would like to see in star trek...lots of strange ideas and stupid ideas...most of them that wrote in wouldnt know continuity if mr spock slapped them on the face and told them its not logical...and these are the guys that are obsessed enough to write in...geeks they might be but they certainly dont pay much attention to continuity or they certainly dont get it...same with the novels of star trek, most of them have little continuity to the fact the star trek team included a group that was dedicated to try and fit everything together so that as little canon was breached as you probably know its not easy to adding to a supposed history that includes 5 different series, over 700 episodes and 10 films

as for the b-side film idea, have you read the other article that says nothing has been decided with the plot...and just because the idea was thought of before, maybe they have though of a better storyline for that particular idea, after all it was brannan and braga that decided not to use it and their judgement cetainly isnt the best eh...

all in all nothing much has been decided apart from the director as far as i am aware

Q- well i never said he could hold the entire film...and besides, he is probably too old to play the part now anyways