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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Axls Locomotive on May 14, 2006, 12:22:33 PM

Title: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 14, 2006, 12:22:33 PM
POLL SHOCK FOR WANNABE PMs Six out of 10 English don't want a Scot in No.10
By Brian Lironi Political Editor

MOST English voters believe Scots should not be allowed to become Britain's Prime Minister.

A survey shows 55 percent of English people think it is wrong to have a Scots PM as Scotland has its own parliament.

The poll is a blow to Chancellor Gordon Brown - expected to succeed Tony Blair as the next PM - and Home Secretary John Reid, a possible rival for the top job.

In recent months Brown has been trying to make himself "more British" in a bid to win support from England.

In January, he championed the idea of a British Day to match celebrations of national identity in other countries.

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 14, 2006, 12:38:11 PM
I dont know about anyone else but to me this stinks of racism

what has nationality got to do with anything? surely finding someone to do the job is more important? what about a black man being prime minister or even a politician?  Irish? of Chinese origin? What about a Scot living in England? who cares as long as he gets the job done, thats my opinion

Scotland has only got control of a lot of minor elements like education, fisheries, tourism, transport etc and doesnt have control of defence, constitution, foreign policy, social security, employment legislation etc, those elements are taken care of in the UK does this poll say that Scots cannot have the chance to gain a position that has control of most aspects of their country? 

Doesn't American states have local control, ie they can pass laws for their state only...this is like denying people from individual states from becoming the President of America...would Americans accept that?...

Some days I think we arent living in a democracy

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Danny Top Hat on May 14, 2006, 12:57:37 PM
Man, that wouldn't bother me in the slightest.  These people have their priorities all wrong. >:(

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Evolution on May 14, 2006, 01:07:03 PM
That's no shock result. As Q said if he can do the job why can't he? Holding someone back like that purely on his nationality is purely discrimination.

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: axl_rose_700 on May 14, 2006, 02:57:20 PM
Having a Scot as PM wouldn't bother me just because he was Scottish.

However, I think what most English people object to is Scottish MP's voting on English only matters and getting bills through Parliament, when they have their own Parliament.

And I believe people have had this in mind when answering this survey, rather than just thinking about a Scot being PM.

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 14, 2006, 03:31:51 PM
Having a Scot as PM wouldn't bother me just because he was Scottish.

However, I think what most English people object to is Scottish MP's voting on English only matters and getting bills through Parliament, when they have their own Parliament.

And I believe people have had this in mind when answering this survey, rather than just thinking about a Scot being PM.

im not sure that is a valid argument...even if there was an English Prime Minister, dont you think that Scots MP's would still vote on English-only matters? After all loyalty is to the political party far more than it is to their country...from the way the politicians act , thats more than obvious

and besides, English MP's vote on Scottish matters all the time (before and after devolution)...or cant you see that?

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: axl_rose_700 on May 14, 2006, 03:53:58 PM
I'm not saying thats a reason to say no to a Scottish PM but I'm saying thats why people would have said no.

And English MP's do not vote in the Scottish Paliament do they, you have your own Parliament, we don't. If there are English matters Scottish MP's vote on them to get them through Parliament when it has nothing to do with them

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Izzy on May 14, 2006, 04:08:58 PM
I dont know about anyone else but to me this stinks of racism

what has nationality got to do with anything? surely finding someone to do the job is more important? what about a black man being prime minister or even a politician?? Irish? of Chinese origin? What about a Scot living in England? who cares as long as he gets the job done, thats my opinion

C'mon man, ur smart enough to know this poll says far more about the way the question was worded than anything else

Hell i could start a poll in which the question was ''Would you rather vote for Hitler or die?'' and then claim 99% of people would vote for Hitler if he stood at the next election

All these polls are just twisted

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 14, 2006, 05:46:43 PM
I'm not saying thats a reason to say no to a Scottish PM but I'm saying thats why people would have said no.

And English MP's do not vote in the Scottish Paliament do they, you have your own Parliament, we don't. If there are English matters Scottish MP's vote on them to get them through Parliament when it has nothing to do with them

is that right?

last year westminster disbanded one of the scottish regiments and merged the others into one when few in scotland wanted  the merge to happen

when the interest rates are raised by the Bank on England they affect Scotland

when the chancellor does the budget speech, tax changes affect Scotland, i.e. oil prices, benefits etc etc

when the bill to change daylight savings time goes before Westminster and is passed it will affect Scotland...darker mornings means more children will go to school while it is dark

you want me to go on? im sure i could find a hundred more

dont you understand? cant you read, read the following statement out loud

Scotland controls about 40% of the total powers available
they do NOT have control over
# Abortion
# Broadcasting policy
# Civil service
# Common markets for UK goods and services
# Constitution
# Electricity, coal, oil, gas, nuclear energy
# Defence and national security
# Drug policy
# Employment
# Foreign policy and relations with Europe
# Most aspects of transport safety and regulation
# National lottery
# Protection of borders
# Social security
# Stability of UK's fiscal, economic and monetary system


this is devolution...we have devolution, if we did have a real parliament we would be independent, do you understand?


and yes izzy, i know how the questions can be worded...but since the wording of the question is unavailable, what do you want me to think?

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: axl_rose_700 on May 14, 2006, 06:24:30 PM

last year westminster disbanded one of the scottish regiments and merged the others into one when few in scotland wanted? the merge to happen

when the interest rates are raised by the Bank on England they affect Scotland

when the chancellor does the budget speech, tax changes affect Scotland, i.e. oil prices, benefits etc etc

when the bill to change daylight savings time goes before Westminster and is passed it will affect Scotland...darker mornings means more children will go to school while it is dark

you want me to go on? im sure i could find a hundred more

Why are you trying to patronise me?

They also disbanded regiments in Yorkshire and made one Yorkshire regiment, it's the BRITISH Army and the British parliament decided (rightly or wrongly doesn't matter now) that there should be fewer regiments, and it's not the English Parliament as they're are MP's from all over Scotland who vote on issues.

Because we are one country and interest rates are generally the same in 1 country, I know it's called the Bank of England but that is only because it's old, it's really the British Bank.

All the points you've raised are quite pointless as they are bills designed to affect the country as a whole.

Scotland has it's own Parliament for Scotland only issues, England does not. Which is why I mentioned Scottish MP's voting on English only issues such as university fees, Scottish MP's got this through the commons despite the fact that Scottish kids get free university tuition and therefore it has fuck all to do with them?

Do you understand!?

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Mr Rage on May 14, 2006, 07:16:04 PM
if we could get an honest PM, thats something to hope 4

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 14, 2006, 07:55:37 PM

Why are you trying to patronise me?

They also disbanded regiments in Yorkshire and made one Yorkshire regiment, it's the BRITISH Army and the British parliament decided (rightly or wrongly doesn't matter now) that there should be fewer regiments, and it's not the English Parliament as they're are MP's from all over Scotland who vote on issues.

All the points you've raised are quite pointless as they are bills designed to affect the country as a whole.

I'm not patronising you, just pointing out how i see it

why should English MP's vote on defence issues concerning Scotland? you say its a country affects the country as a whole...but education for instance was a UK issue before devolution...why shouldnt that be the same for defence etc?

i know what your concern is, the fact that Scottish MP's can vote on English bills...but my concern is that English MPs vote on Scottish matters such as those in the above list, you may not think its the same but since there are 10 times more MP's in England than Scotland, they can vote to change Scotlands laws even if every Scots MP voted against it...hmmm....and lets face it, more often than not Scottish MP's voting on English issues wont make a difference since there are 560-70 English MP's and only what? 59 Scottish MP's...get it?

do you know what the effect the education bill is having on Scotland's Universities? more applications from England are squeezing Scots out of University places and more lecturers are moving south...imo the passing of that bill was not in the interests of Scotland...dont you think that loyalties run with the party?...besides if it wasnt passed they would have watered it down a little bit to get it through even if Scots MP's didnt vote on the issue...also bear in mind that some Scottish MP's abstained and some voted against it

give me independence, from this day to that,


Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Sin Cut on May 15, 2006, 07:44:36 AM
Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister

Who, Scot Weiland?

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Mr Rage on May 15, 2006, 09:38:47 AM
that was so bad it was funny! :rofl:

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Prometheus on May 15, 2006, 11:39:07 AM
ok so england and scottland are "proviences" of the UK?

if thats the case then you can look at Canada in relation to Quebec and see the same thing.... well to a point.

the simple solution to all of this is to create a seperate english paralement then turn the existing system into a Federal paralement.

seperate the power of both limiting education and such to that of the lower paralements scottlnad for scottish stuff and england for english stuff. Keep the things that affect both like defence, national security, etc. on the federal level.

drop scottland and england as thinking as being seperate countries, you are one country.

in canada we have the same problem with quebec...... but the difference is we have 10 proviences and 3 territories, and quebec thinks its more equal then them all because they speak french...... there is more to it then that... however for themost part thats why.

but the simple fix in the uk is to create anoth lower house for england to handle their internal issues similar to that of scottland where scotts have the say only and english have a say only... then the federal house where they all have a say on everythign else.

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Jim on May 15, 2006, 11:53:34 AM
Charlie Nicholas for Prime Minister!

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Sakib on May 15, 2006, 12:53:27 PM
that's disgusting. Who cares if he/she's scottish? I wouldn't give a toss if it was a japanese or any other race (pick japanese at random)

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Jim on May 15, 2006, 01:21:40 PM
I think that, maybe, you missed the point somewhat...............

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 15, 2006, 02:36:07 PM
Charlie Nicholas for Prime Minister!

is there a hidden joke there? or are you, as scots say, aff yer heid


Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 15, 2006, 03:21:59 PM
ok so england and scottland are "proviences" of the UK?

historically, they are individual countries...but they were joined together in a Union to form Great Britain,  it was a political Union out of mutual interest although many here know that Scotland was sold out by a minority of Scottish nobleman who were only looking after their own interests, no democracy in those days unfortunately, most Scots see themselves as living in an individual country within the Union... so no, not provinces

drop scottland and england as thinking as being seperate countries, you are one country.

in canada we have the same problem with quebec...... but the difference is we have 10 proviences and 3 territories, and quebec thinks its more equal then them all because they speak french...... there is more to it then that... however for themost part thats why.

but the simple fix in the uk is to create anoth lower house for england to handle their internal issues similar to that of scottland where scotts have the say only and english have a say only... then the federal house where they all have a say on everythign else.

federal government? if the EU wasnt bad enough...i see your point though...but i definitely dont like the "one country" comment....i think i will pass on that...sorry prom :P

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: axl_rose_700 on May 15, 2006, 05:46:14 PM
Right, we are 1 country yes so there should be rules which govern everyone

however, we are 4 seperate countries so each 1 should have its own parliament, which england currently does not

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 15, 2006, 06:35:41 PM
Right, we are 1 country yes so there should be rules which govern everyone

however, we are 4 seperate countries so each 1 should have its own parliament, which england currently does not

actually we are 4 countries...there is no single country, i dont think the UK can be defined as a country

yes, i knew what you meant...

i would sympathise,
but for years of imposing unwanted laws on this country while turning a blind eye,
and for years of imposing interest rates which severely affected my country's economy while pandering to the economy in SE England for decade upon decade,
and for numerous other effects
i dont

and then when Scottish MP's just influenced one single parliament bill, just one!... it didnt take you guys long to complain did it?

to me, that was no surprise

you are welcome to full independence...because lets face it, the union is seriously FUBAR

Title: Re: 6 out of 10 English don't want a Scot as Prime Minister
Post by: axl_rose_700 on May 15, 2006, 06:45:35 PM
Not only Scotland was affeted by these interest rates, look at Wales and Northern England, they were fucked up probably worse