Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: bombingrun on June 12, 2006, 08:17:18 PM

Title: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: bombingrun on June 12, 2006, 08:17:18 PM
I've heard a few different accounts of what happened at download with flying bass guitars and boo's at certain times. 

I was standing right down the front and here's my account:

The show was amazing but the turning point for everything was when Axl was really pissed off at almost tripping up on things so he asked some roadies to come out and sort the stage.  They taped a few leads to the ground on the centre walkway that extends forwards, this was to try and keep them out the way.  Later Axl almost slipped and fell on the same spot, a few of us kinda of laughed down the front and Axl smirked seeing the funny side - but then he was obviously pissed off and gave the roadies the middle finger.  At the end of the song Axl said "Due to to technical probs we're going to take a break"

Roadies then all came running on stage taping rubber mats all over the place so Axl wouldn't slip, Ron came on and did his solo.  The whole band came back on and launched into Better with all the conviction they could muster up but when Axl appeared he just stood on one spot for the enitire song looking really stuborn as if to say"if you can't sort the stage out i won't put on a show!".   

He sang the song brilliantly but the stage energy was non-existent.  I think this is one of the things that pissed Tommy off cos he kept looking at Axl as if to say, "why are you not putting everything into this?". It must've really got to him cos in the last verse he launched his bass at the ground whilst looking really pissed of at Axl then turned round and threw it at the camera man as hard as he could.    A lot of us down the front started boo-ing... this was not boo-ing about anything apart from Tommy being a complete wanker.  The camera man didn't deserve it, and to be honest I wish the camera man would've stood up and punched the fuck out of Tommy, instead he was pro and just got on with his job.

Afterwards Tommy appologised to the camera man and blamed the incident on being hit with a bottle of piss, but I think that was just an excuse to cover what he was really fucked off about.  Anyway it provided the fire for a great show :peace:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Tomorrows on June 12, 2006, 08:29:47 PM
Both Tommy and the camera man are lucky he didnt get seriously hurt. I mean, if you want to throw something at someone our of frustration, chuck a shoe not a fucking bass guitar.

Oh well, itll hopefully generate some of that "most dangerous band in the world" garbage and get some free publicity. Axl was a total trooper yesterday and gets my thumbs up - hope he continues to stick things out and make something of the concerts that get off to a bad start. Seems like Tommy is the baby of the band nowdays, which is better than that being the lead singer.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: bombingrun on June 12, 2006, 08:37:00 PM
Yeah, you're right.  It will generate the "most dangerous band in the world" style publicity, however i'd like to to think that GNR are passed all that now and could earn respect without resorting to cheap gimmicks.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: estranged.1098 on June 12, 2006, 08:40:41 PM
That's an interesting theory. After what Tommy did at WTTJ in Lisbon I wouldn't doubt anything.

Did anyone here see a bottle hitting Tommy?

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: nycangel on June 12, 2006, 08:48:29 PM
That's an interesting theory. After what Tommy did at WTTJ in Lisbon I wouldn't doubt anything.

Did anyone here see a bottle hitting Tommy?

what did tommy do in lisbon?

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Mattattack on June 12, 2006, 08:52:36 PM
Right on Tommy! Being a prick is part of being a Rock Star. Hopefully Tommy's behavior rubs off on Axl.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Ellroy on June 12, 2006, 08:53:57 PM
Because Tommy threw a bass that makes him the baby of the band? Please. The dude had a bad few minutes, that's all. Why does there even need to be a "baby" in the band? There doesn't and there isn't.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: SWINGTRADER on June 12, 2006, 08:56:05 PM
I think Tommy Stinson is forgetting who people are there to see. ?I know he's in the band ?and has a say , ?but to walk off stage and throw shit just because he feels Axl isn't giving 100% ?is totally childish. ?That is something you bring up behind ?closed doors ?not in public. ?He hasn't established himself in GNR yet ?to be pulling shit like that. ?If Tommy ever pulls shit like ?that again ?I hope Axl punches him right in the ?face in front of everybody. ?For now I am going to take Tommy's word for it ?and ?say he reacted like that because of the Bottles being thrown. ? I see an Axl/ Stinson fight in the near future. ?Those 2 do not seem to be getting along much. ? Even before the tour started ?you can tell ?things weren't right ?with him and Axl when ?listening to ?Tommy interviews. ?You can hear the tension in his voice whenever the DJ brought up GNR in the conversation.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: mikepatton on June 12, 2006, 08:56:56 PM
Ironically in June 1992 in Sevilla Spain when Faith No More opened for GNR--during the FNM set Mike Patton and the boys demanded the crowd throw garbage at the stage, and one guy threw a bottle of piss to which Patton infamously drank it..After FNM finished their set the stage was covered in garbage....(Patton and the rest of Faith No More claim this as their best concert ever).fast forward to the GNR set after the stage had been cleaned from 50,000 people throwing garbage and Axl fell on his ass a couple times after more people threw stuff on stage..This lead to a rant........CLASSIC...............were there any rants at Donington..I am feeling sentimental for another axl rant

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: bazgnr on June 12, 2006, 08:57:02 PM

Sounds like there were several issues going on during the show...

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: KillYourIdols on June 12, 2006, 08:58:27 PM
This is all speculation...

and I seem to remember that Robin on 010101 launched his guitar in to the who gives a fuck.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Mandy. on June 12, 2006, 09:18:27 PM
The Boo-ing was at Tommy for having the attitude many bass players lack.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: philspectorshotme on June 12, 2006, 09:37:39 PM
tommy suffered through more shit than the donnington crowd (and drank more than the donnington crowd) during the replacements heyday. im quite confused as to what exaclt went on, because by all accounts he should be perhaps the most experienced person in the band (including axl).

and his bass smash on jungles explosion at rir is the moment of the tour. absolutely beautiful.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: warrocks on June 12, 2006, 09:39:06 PM
I see an Axl/ Stinson fight in the near future. ?Those 2 do not seem to be getting along much. ? Even before the tour started ?you can tell ?things weren't right ?with him and Axl when ?listening to ?Tommy interviews. ?You can hear the tension in his voice whenever the DJ brought up GNR in the conversation.

man, Tommy's been with axl long enough. they're friends and know each other well. Tommy seems to be a guy who isn't afraid to tell axl to fuck off if there's something wrong or doesn't agree with him. put it this way; Tommy is axl's wife now, they have fights like any other couple but they communicate and find ways to make things work and are happy, totally different from ex axl's wife ;D ?:hihi: ( you know what i mean lol)

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 12, 2006, 09:48:52 PM
It's a live show.

Stuff happens.

It's called life.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: nycangel on June 12, 2006, 10:02:51 PM
i totally agree, axl and tommy fight, and they they make up. tommy had a bad day, everybody does, i really dont see this becoming a bigger problem then what it already was, and nobody has told me what happened at lisbon with tommy during WTJ, can someone please tell me what happened?

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: holtzmn73 on June 12, 2006, 10:03:34 PM
This is all speculation...

and I seem to remember that Robin on 010101 launched his guitar in to the who gives a fuck.

That was 12-29-01 at the Joint, Axl was having troubles with his mic and at the end of Oh My God Robin took off his guitar and threw it at his amps and then stomped off the stage.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Kujo on June 12, 2006, 10:06:02 PM
I wasnt there so I dont fucking know what happened obviously. However from the accounts stated here, it sounds like Tommy is doing what he was brought into this band to do, and thats keep Axl in check as much as possible. If Axl starts to show his ass at all Tommy wont hesitate for a minute to call him on it. Granted he shouldnt have directed his anger at the cameraman though.

Tommy Stinson does not have to establish himself anywhere. He was the punk legend in his teens that a certain other bassist always thought he was but wasnt. I said it after the NYC shows, Robin will be the new star but this band will live or die by Tommy Stinson.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Tomorrows on June 12, 2006, 10:08:53 PM
i totally agree, axl and tommy fight, and they they make up. tommy had a bad day, everybody does, i really dont see this becoming a bigger problem then what it already was, and nobody has told me what happened at lisbon with tommy during WTJ, can someone please tell me what happened?

He smashed his guitar about 3 minutes in, walked off stage - band kept playing. Axl disappeared from the stage a few moments (between verses, not sure if he talked to Tommy or it was for something else) and came back. Tommy followed a few seconds later with a fresh guitar.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: nycangel on June 12, 2006, 10:26:17 PM
thank you!

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: D on June 12, 2006, 11:50:21 PM
I think what Tommy did was cool as fuck.

Welcome to GNR GNR.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Bono on June 13, 2006, 12:02:35 AM
I've heard a few different accounts of what happened at download with flying bass guitars and boo's at certain times.?

I was standing right down the front and here's my account:

The show was amazing but the turning point for everything was when Axl was really pissed off at almost tripping up on things so he asked some roadies to come out and sort the stage.? They taped a few leads to the ground on the centre walkway that extends forwards, this was to try and keep them out the way.? Later Axl almost slipped and fell on the same spot, a few of us kinda of laughed down the front and Axl smirked seeing the funny side - but then he was obviously pissed off and gave the roadies the middle finger.? At the end of the song Axl said "Due to to technical probs we're going to take a break"

Roadies then all came running on stage taping rubber mats all over the place so Axl wouldn't slip, Ron came on and did his solo.? The whole band came back on and launched into Better with all the conviction they could muster up but when Axl appeared he just stood on one spot for the enitire song looking really stuborn as if to say"if you can't sort the stage out i won't put on a show!".? ?

He sang the song brilliantly but the stage energy was non-existent.? I think this is one of the things that pissed Tommy off cos he kept looking at Axl as if to say, "why are you not putting everything into this?". It must've really got to him cos in the last verse he launched his bass at the ground whilst looking really pissed of at Axl then turned round and threw it at the camera man as hard as he could.? ? A lot of us down the front started boo-ing... this was not boo-ing about anything apart from Tommy being a complete wanker.? The camera man didn't deserve it, and to be honest I wish the camera man would've stood up and punched the fuck out of Tommy, instead he was pro and just got on with his job.

Afterwards Tommy appologised to the camera man and blamed the incident on being hit with a bottle of piss, but I think that was just an excuse to cover what he was really fucked off about.? Anyway it provided the fire for a great show :peace:

Why the hell would the crowd boo Tommy for being an asshole when it's obvious Axl was the fucking wanker who started the shit. Granted thorwing the bass at a cameraman isn't cool but Axl's attitude blows ass and too many of you for whatever reason eat that shit up.  Yeah it's always the roadies fault. ::)? and becasue of it Axl's gonna stand there and not perform for the fans. Who's this jerkoff think he's showing up? The roadies won't give a fuck. they'll get fired and then get new jobs with a band who appreciates their efforts. The fans are the ones who as always when it comes to Axl suffer. Why do so many of you support this childish  behaviour as if it's cool. It blows my mind. Obviously Tommy doesn't appreciate it. I wouldn't either if I was in a  band and one guy dictates every move we make and it's alright for him to slack off yet the rest of the band has to give it there all night in and night out "Or else". Tommy should quit and join Soul Asylum full time permanently. Join a band  who respects their fans and treats members of the band equally and treats their road crew with dignity. Fucking Axl Rose just does not get it. Road crews work extremely hard and? in my honest opinion(I wasn't there) there was likely nothing wrong with the set up, only Axl; needed something to bitch about.? "technical difficulties" Gimmie a damn break. how many times is this flake gonna use this excuse. Unbelievable. Believe me when is ay this I LOVE the music but to blindly support every move this guy makes    is absolutely ridiculous and to be honest I have no idea how or why some of you do it.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: AxlFink on June 13, 2006, 12:09:06 AM
tommys cool!!!!! he's a true gunner!!!!

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: CD2006 on June 13, 2006, 12:13:39 AM
tommys cool!!!!! he's a true gunner!!!!

i agree, tommy's punk rock! :smoking:

some of you people have to realize that guns n' roses are, and will always be, the most fucking talented and dangerous band on the planet! wait and see! :smoking:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: riotact_vancity on June 13, 2006, 12:17:18 AM

and the gayest ever pic of Axl is....

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Sukie on June 13, 2006, 12:19:00 AM

He sang the song brilliantly but the stage energy was non-existent.? I think this is one of the things that pissed Tommy off cos he kept looking at Axl as if to say, "why are you not putting everything into this?". It must've really got to him cos in the last verse he launched his bass at the ground whilst looking really pissed off at Axl then turned round and threw it at the camera man as hard as he could.? ?

Afterwards Tommy appologised to the camera man and blamed the incident on being hit with a bottle of piss, but I think that was just an excuse to cover what he was really fucked off about.? Anyway it provided the fire for a great show :peace:

This is just his opinion. ?It's what he perceived from the show but basically it's speculation. ?If Tommy was looking pissed at Axl, he might have been looking at Axl as if to say, "Why don't you do something about this crap?" ?I find that just as likely as any other speculation. ?Plus, Tommy's statement about not throwing more piss bottles or he's going home. ?Why can't we take his actual words as the truth instead of this inflammatory speculation? ?I just don't see why people have to make more out of this than there has to be. ?

 Road crews work extremely hard and ?in my honest opinion(I wasn't there) there was likely nothing wrong with the set up, only Axl; needed something to bitch about. ?"technical difficulties" Gimmie a damn break. how many times is this flake gonna use this excuse. Unbelievable. Believe me when is ay this I LOVE the music but to blindly support every move this guy makes is absolutely ridiculous and to be honest I have no idea how or why some of you do it.

I'm sure that the roadies do work hard. ?BUT, can't you see that it's dangerous for there to be a slippery surface? ?Axl and the rest of the band move around a lot on the stage. ?How would you like one of them to fall down and break an arm or something and then have to cancel shows because of that? ? :nervous: ?If everyone else could see Axl slipping then I would think that the road crew could also. ?So...shouldn't this have been rectified without Axl having to say anything? ? ???

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: misterID on June 13, 2006, 12:22:13 AM
His opinion? That's just crazy talk. Sukie, haven't you learned by now that GNR fans have mind reading abilities?

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: killingvector on June 13, 2006, 12:23:08 AM
I was under the impression that Tommy was pissed because he was struck or dodged bottles filled with piss and water. I doubt this actually had anything to do with Axl. In his younger days, Axl would have had a fit and left if the stage was not set up to his liking. I think he has shown a stronger resilience to work with people now and avoid being labeled the spoiled rock star/has been.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: warrocks on June 13, 2006, 12:25:11 AM
I've heard a few different accounts of what happened at download with flying bass guitars and boo's at certain times.?

I was standing right down the front and here's my account:

The show was amazing but the turning point for everything was when Axl was really pissed off at almost tripping up on things so he asked some roadies to come out and sort the stage.? They taped a few leads to the ground on the centre walkway that extends forwards, this was to try and keep them out the way.? Later Axl almost slipped and fell on the same spot, a few of us kinda of laughed down the front and Axl smirked seeing the funny side - but then he was obviously pissed off and gave the roadies the middle finger.? At the end of the song Axl said "Due to to technical probs we're going to take a break"

Roadies then all came running on stage taping rubber mats all over the place so Axl wouldn't slip, Ron came on and did his solo.? The whole band came back on and launched into Better with all the conviction they could muster up but when Axl appeared he just stood on one spot for the enitire song looking really stuborn as if to say"if you can't sort the stage out i won't put on a show!".? ?

He sang the song brilliantly but the stage energy was non-existent.? I think this is one of the things that pissed Tommy off cos he kept looking at Axl as if to say, "why are you not putting everything into this?". It must've really got to him cos in the last verse he launched his bass at the ground whilst looking really pissed of at Axl then turned round and threw it at the camera man as hard as he could.? ? A lot of us down the front started boo-ing... this was not boo-ing about anything apart from Tommy being a complete wanker.? The camera man didn't deserve it, and to be honest I wish the camera man would've stood up and punched the fuck out of Tommy, instead he was pro and just got on with his job.

Afterwards Tommy appologised to the camera man and blamed the incident on being hit with a bottle of piss, but I think that was just an excuse to cover what he was really fucked off about.? Anyway it provided the fire for a great show :peace:

Why the hell would the crowd boo Tommy for being an asshole when it's obvious Axl was the fucking wanker who started the shit. Granted thorwing the bass at a cameraman isn't cool but Axl's attitude blows ass and too many of you for whatever reason eat that shit up.? Yeah it's always the roadies fault. ::)? and becasue of it Axl's gonna stand there and not perform for the fans. Who's this jerkoff think he's showing up? The roadies won't give a fuck. they'll get fired and then get new jobs with a band who appreciates their efforts. The fans are the ones who as always when it comes to Axl suffer. Why do so many of you support this childish? behaviour as if it's cool. It blows my mind. Obviously Tommy doesn't appreciate it. I wouldn't either if I was in a? band and one guy dictates every move we make and it's alright for him to slack off yet the rest of the band has to give it there all night in and night out "Or else". Tommy should quit and join Soul Asylum full time permanently. Join a band? who respects their fans and treats members of the band equally and treats their road crew with dignity. Fucking Axl Rose just does not get it. Road crews work extremely hard and? in my honest opinion(I wasn't there) there was likely nothing wrong with the set up, only Axl; needed something to bitch about.? "technical difficulties" Gimmie a damn break. how many times is this flake gonna use this excuse. Unbelievable. Believe me when is ay this I LOVE the music but to blindly support every move this guy makes? ? is absolutely ridiculous and to be honest I have no idea how or why some of you do it.

axl axl axl always axl, weren't there so please don't blame someone you' re not sure. read some of the reviews from the guys who were actually there. now, what do you want? i see you like U2... do you want axl to be like bono? how many times did you change your post? ?YOU give me a break::  :peace:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: killingvector on June 13, 2006, 12:26:53 AM
I've heard a few different accounts of what happened at download with flying bass guitars and boo's at certain times. 

I was standing right down the front and here's my account:

The show was amazing but the turning point for everything was when Axl was really pissed off at almost tripping up on things so he asked some roadies to come out and sort the stage.  They taped a few leads to the ground on the centre walkway that extends forwards, this was to try and keep them out the way.  Later Axl almost slipped and fell on the same spot, a few of us kinda of laughed down the front and Axl smirked seeing the funny side - but then he was obviously pissed off and gave the roadies the middle finger.  At the end of the song Axl said "Due to to technical probs we're going to take a break"

Roadies then all came running on stage taping rubber mats all over the place so Axl wouldn't slip, Ron came on and did his solo.  The whole band came back on and launched into Better with all the conviction they could muster up but when Axl appeared he just stood on one spot for the enitire song looking really stuborn as if to say"if you can't sort the stage out i won't put on a show!".   

He sang the song brilliantly but the stage energy was non-existent.  I think this is one of the things that pissed Tommy off cos he kept looking at Axl as if to say, "why are you not putting everything into this?". It must've really got to him cos in the last verse he launched his bass at the ground whilst looking really pissed of at Axl then turned round and threw it at the camera man as hard as he could.    A lot of us down the front started boo-ing... this was not boo-ing about anything apart from Tommy being a complete wanker.  The camera man didn't deserve it, and to be honest I wish the camera man would've stood up and punched the fuck out of Tommy, instead he was pro and just got on with his job.

Afterwards Tommy appologised to the camera man and blamed the incident on being hit with a bottle of piss, but I think that was just an excuse to cover what he was really fucked off about.  Anyway it provided the fire for a great show :peace:

Why the hell would the crowd boo Tommy for being an asshole when it's obvious Axl was the fucking wanker who started the shit. Granted thorwing the bass at a cameraman isn't cool but Axl's attitude blows ass and too many of you for whatever reason eat that shit up.  Yeah it's always the roadies fault. ::)  and becasue of it Axl's gonna stand there and not perform for the fans. Who's this jerkoff think he's showing up? The roadies won't give a fuck. they'll get fired and then get new jobs with a band who appreciates their efforts. The fans are the ones who as always when it comes to Axl suffer. Why do so many of you support this childish  behaviour as if it's cool. It blows my mind. Obviously Tommy doesn't appreciate it. I wouldn't either if I was in a  band and one guy dictates every move we make and it's alright for him to slack off yet the rest of the band has to give it there all night in and night out "Or else". Tommy should quit and join Soul Asylum full time permanently. Join a band  who respects their fans and treats members of the band equally and treats their road crew with dignity. Fucking Axl Rose just does not get it. Road crews work extremely hard and  in my honest opinion(I wasn't there) there was likely nothing wrong with the set up, only Axl; needed something to bitch about.  "technical difficulties" Gimmie a damn break. how many times is this flake gonna use this excuse. Unbelievable. Believe me when is ay this I LOVE the music but to blindly support every move this guy makes    is absolutely ridiculous and to be honest I have no idea how or why some of you do it.

You are of course assuming that the original poster is right.....a fact not supported by the evidence.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: AxlFink on June 13, 2006, 12:29:11 AM

and the gayest ever pic of Axl is....
i just pissed myself laughing when I just looked at that pic!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Jonx on June 13, 2006, 12:36:19 AM
Anyone who gets hit with a bottle of piss is going to get annoyed, i dont blame Tommy, id go fucking nuts!

Tommy is the musical director of GnR, he is the one who actually leads the band. I know alot of people are going to disagree with me on this, but i think its a pretty accurate statement, Axl has even said it. Obviously there are going to be issues between Axl and Tommy that emerge from this sort of relationship. Tommy was in LA leading the band through rehearsals while Axl was in NY doing his thing, most of the pictures we have of the band on their downtime dont show any of the members with Axl. Whenever he is out he is with his own people, doing his own thing. It seems to me that nothing has changed since the illusion days.

Tommy is used to dealing with tough frontmen, read up on your Replacements history if you have any doubts, he has probably seen everything before and doesnt take shit from anyone even if it is Axl Rose. All we can do is speculate but something went on before the 12th Hammerstein shows, fortunatly they made up on stage before TWAT, and i dont know about anyone else but Axl didnt look too pleased with Tommy when he was making his appology.

I dunno, it would be great to know what this band are like backstage and on the road etc!


Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Kujo on June 13, 2006, 12:45:59 AM
Well said, Jonx. Ties in with the point I was making earlier. In the old days everyone in the band had pretty much started at the same point Axl did, so there wasnt really an authority/respected figure thus Axl pretty much did what he wanted which led us to where we are today. Now, however, Tommy is in the band someone who was in the rock scene and relatively successful at it before Axl ever was even known on the Strip.

Axl isn't quite the asshole he is made out to be, but he aint no saint either. Tommy is here because he is a kick ass bassist and he will ensure that we see the saint more than the asshole on stage. At least thats what I hope.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Bono on June 13, 2006, 12:46:09 AM
axl axl axl always axl, weren't there so please don't blame someone you' re not sure. read some of the reviews from the guys who were actually there. now, what do you want? i see you like U2... do you want axl to be like bono? how many times did you change your post? ?YOU give me a break::? :peace:

 I changed my post one time. What's that got to do with anything? have you never edited one of your posts? yeah I thought so. I did read the reviw and from what I gathered was that Axl was AGAIN acting like an ass. Fingering the roadies, pouting and standing still durring an entire song, constantly useing ? the "technical difficulties" excuse is getting so damn lame. Who else in the music business has ever used this excuse a fraction of the times Axl has? Would I like Axl to be more like Bono? hell yeah I would. What's wrong with showing up on time, bringing fans on stage every night, meeting and greeting with fans on a ?regular basis even on the days of the shows, performing his ass off every night, sounding amazing every night, laughing off little things that happen like falling off the stage, or getting hit with a water bottle or roll of paper towel, not blaming the road crew when lemons don't open or a mic cuts out, but instead thank them regularly for being the best crew in the world. Respecting his bandmates and not dictating every move of the band. Yeah i liked it alot if Axl could act a little more like Bono. Can you honestly say you wouldn't appreciate it if Axl acted that way or would that just not be "Rock n' Roll" enough.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Sukie on June 13, 2006, 12:53:59 AM
I changed my post one time. What's that got to do with anything? have you never edited one of your posts? yeah I thought so. I did read the reviw and from what I gathered was that Axl was AGAIN acting like an ass. Fingering the roadies, pouting and standing still durring an entire song, constantly useing   the "technical difficulties" excuse is getting so damn lame. Who else in the music business has ever used this excuse a fraction of the times Axl has? Would I like Axl to be more like Bono? hell yeah I would. What's wrong with showing up on time, bringing fans on stage every night, meeting and greeting with fans on a  regular basis even on the days of the shows, performing his ass off every night, sounding amazing every night, laughing off little things that happen like falling off the stage, or getting hit with a water bottle or roll of paper towel, not blaming the road crew when lemons don't open or a mic cuts out, but instead thank them regularly for being the best crew in the world. Respecting his bandmates and not dictating every move of the band. Yeah i liked it alot if Axl could act a little more like Bono. Can you honestly say you wouldn't appreciate it if Axl acted that way or would that just not be "Rock n' Roll" enough.

The fact is...most of this is speculation.  And, Axl has been showing up on time the last couple of shows.  He does perform his ass off...everyone that has been to a show has said that.  And they also said that he has laughed most stuff off...made jokes about the bad things that have happened.  Let's give him credit for turning the situation around.  Don't focus on the negative.

Another thing, we don't know what Axl or the band does for the road crew...he could thank them every night in a prayer meeting for all we know.   :hihi:  Let's not act like we know everything based on a few posts here. 

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: F*ck Fear on June 13, 2006, 12:58:28 AM
I can't believe some of you people. You complain that he didn't move around for one fucking song? And yet I see posts all the time saying Axl should move less so his voice is better ::) Guess what boys and girls this is rock n' roll not some Black Eyed Peas concert. Shit happens.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Scarlett on June 13, 2006, 01:06:00 AM
I wouldn't have blamed Tommy or Axl for leaving the stage after getting hit with bottles of piss or whatever was in them. Hell, if I was on stage and someone threw one at me, I'd throw the damn thing back into the crowd and probably start a war.  :rofl:

I don't know of too many folks that would appreciate having piss thrown at them.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Kujo on June 13, 2006, 01:06:00 AM
Correct, at a Black Eyed Peas concert, piss happens.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Bono on June 13, 2006, 01:06:06 AM
The fact is...most of this is speculation.? And, Axl has been showing up on time the last couple of shows.? He does perform his ass off...everyone that has been to a show has said that.? And they also said that he has laughed most stuff off...made jokes about the bad things that have happened.? Let's give him credit for turning the situation around.? Don't focus on the negative.

Another thing, we don't know what Axl or the band does for the road crew...he could thank them every night in a prayer meeting for all we know.? ?:hihi:? Let's not act like we know everything based on a few posts here.

So are you saying you would like it if Axl acted a bit more like Bono from time to time? ?;D I gave the guy and the band shit loads of credit after I saw them at the Hammerstein but be honest the antics are never ending. I don't act like I know everything based on a ?few posts here. I act like I know something based on being a fan for 16 years. I've see it all and heard it all. the good the bad, the ugly. With Axl the bad and the ugly simply ?happen far too often and all I'm saying is it amazes me how people support the antics. Like I said earlier I LOVE the MUSIC but the antics are so not cool anymore. ? I know there are people who share my view on this but for some crazy odd reason we're the minority and I don't understand it. Here's an example: If Bono were to act like Axl in any way shape or form the fans would not put up with it. They just wouldn't. They wouldn't support it. Half of what people who aren't Gn'R fans hate baout Gn'R is Axl's behavior and that turns them off without even hearing the music. ? ? ? ? ? ?

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Poof! on June 13, 2006, 01:06:15 AM
I've heard a few different accounts of what happened at download with flying bass guitars and boo's at certain times.?

I was standing right down the front and here's my account:

The show was amazing but the turning point for everything was when Axl was really pissed off at almost tripping up on things so he asked some roadies to come out and sort the stage.? They taped a few leads to the ground on the centre walkway that extends forwards, this was to try and keep them out the way.? Later Axl almost slipped and fell on the same spot, a few of us kinda of laughed down the front and Axl smirked seeing the funny side - but then he was obviously pissed off and gave the roadies the middle finger.? At the end of the song Axl said "Due to to technical probs we're going to take a break"

Roadies then all came running on stage taping rubber mats all over the place so Axl wouldn't slip, Ron came on and did his solo.? The whole band came back on and launched into Better with all the conviction they could muster up but when Axl appeared he just stood on one spot for the enitire song looking really stuborn as if to say"if you can't sort the stage out i won't put on a show!".? ?

He sang the song brilliantly but the stage energy was non-existent.? I think this is one of the things that pissed Tommy off cos he kept looking at Axl as if to say, "why are you not putting everything into this?". It must've really got to him cos in the last verse he launched his bass at the ground whilst looking really pissed of at Axl then turned round and threw it at the camera man as hard as he could.? ? A lot of us down the front started boo-ing... this was not boo-ing about anything apart from Tommy being a complete wanker.? The camera man didn't deserve it, and to be honest I wish the camera man would've stood up and punched the fuck out of Tommy, instead he was pro and just got on with his job.

Afterwards Tommy appologised to the camera man and blamed the incident on being hit with a bottle of piss, but I think that was just an excuse to cover what he was really fucked off about.? Anyway it provided the fire for a great show :peace:

Now we read minds, too?

Anyway, if someone throws a bottle of piss at the stage, I don't care if it hits you or not, my hat's off to Tommy for actually finishing the show. As far as throwing the bass someone's direction, you shouldn't do that. But I find it extremely fucking hypocritical that you guys were booing Tommy for this when you are there to watch and applaud Axl, a man who has, many times in the past, acted in a similar fashion. Sometimes not even showing up to shows. This you pardon? Because he is Axl? Because that's what makes Axl cool? That's fine. But extend the same tolerance/benefit of the doubt to Tommy and the rest of the band.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 13, 2006, 01:11:56 AM
I've heard a few different accounts of what happened at download with flying bass guitars and boo's at certain times.?

I was standing right down the front and here's my account:

The show was amazing but the turning point for everything was when Axl was really pissed off at almost tripping up on things so he asked some roadies to come out and sort the stage.? They taped a few leads to the ground on the centre walkway that extends forwards, this was to try and keep them out the way.? Later Axl almost slipped and fell on the same spot, a few of us kinda of laughed down the front and Axl smirked seeing the funny side - but then he was obviously pissed off and gave the roadies the middle finger.? At the end of the song Axl said "Due to to technical probs we're going to take a break"

Roadies then all came running on stage taping rubber mats all over the place so Axl wouldn't slip, Ron came on and did his solo.? The whole band came back on and launched into Better with all the conviction they could muster up but when Axl appeared he just stood on one spot for the enitire song looking really stuborn as if to say"if you can't sort the stage out i won't put on a show!".? ?

He sang the song brilliantly but the stage energy was non-existent.? I think this is one of the things that pissed Tommy off cos he kept looking at Axl as if to say, "why are you not putting everything into this?". It must've really got to him cos in the last verse he launched his bass at the ground whilst looking really pissed of at Axl then turned round and threw it at the camera man as hard as he could.? ? A lot of us down the front started boo-ing... this was not boo-ing about anything apart from Tommy being a complete wanker.? The camera man didn't deserve it, and to be honest I wish the camera man would've stood up and punched the fuck out of Tommy, instead he was pro and just got on with his job.

Afterwards Tommy appologised to the camera man and blamed the incident on being hit with a bottle of piss, but I think that was just an excuse to cover what he was really fucked off about.? Anyway it provided the fire for a great show :peace:

Why the hell would the crowd boo Tommy for being an asshole when it's obvious Axl was the fucking wanker who started the shit. Granted thorwing the bass at a cameraman isn't cool but Axl's attitude blows ass and too many of you for whatever reason eat that shit up.? Yeah it's always the roadies fault. ::)? and becasue of it Axl's gonna stand there and not perform for the fans. Who's this jerkoff think he's showing up? The roadies won't give a fuck. they'll get fired and then get new jobs with a band who appreciates their efforts. The fans are the ones who as always when it comes to Axl suffer. Why do so many of you support this childish? behaviour as if it's cool. It blows my mind. Obviously Tommy doesn't appreciate it. I wouldn't either if I was in a? band and one guy dictates every move we make and it's alright for him to slack off yet the rest of the band has to give it there all night in and night out "Or else". Tommy should quit and join Soul Asylum full time permanently. Join a band? who respects their fans and treats members of the band equally and treats their road crew with dignity. Fucking Axl Rose just does not get it. Road crews work extremely hard and? in my honest opinion(I wasn't there) there was likely nothing wrong with the set up, only Axl; needed something to bitch about.? "technical difficulties" Gimmie a damn break. how many times is this flake gonna use this excuse. Unbelievable. Believe me when is ay this I LOVE the music but to blindly support every move this guy makes? ? is absolutely ridiculous and to be honest I have no idea how or why some of you do it.

So Axl is a prick for standing still for one song? That makes no sense. He was probably just trying to calm his nerves and not go off. I would much rather have him standing in place than walk off stage and end the show. Plus he sang better the best he ever as last nite.

I went to a tool show where Maynard pretty much sang with his back to the crowd the whole nite.
I also went to a SP show one time where corgan got pissed during the song today and said to the crowd you sing this one and he had the crowd sing the whole song because he didnt feel like it.

Just watch the videos and you can see all the tech problems that were out of their control. From the videos the band and axl sounded amazing.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: misterID on June 13, 2006, 02:42:42 AM
Go see Henry Rollins in concert and then see if you still think Axl is a prick :hihi:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: killingvector on June 13, 2006, 02:59:07 AM
We actually got a great boot of Better without Axl running around.

I hate to say this but what the fuck is wrong with that crowd? What a bunch of wankers chanting for slash and throwing garbage around.. Losers, really. I hate to generalize but that crowd embarrassed itself.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 13, 2006, 03:08:12 AM
We actually got a great boot of Better without Axl running around.

I hate to say this but what the fuck is wrong with that crowd? What a bunch of wankers chanting for slash and throwing garbage around.. Losers, really. I hate to generalize but that crowd embarrassed itself.

Maybe it was just the jerkoffs next to the camera guy.

I remember in NYC I had some douche behind me that kept screaming "You suck" at the top of his lungs. Then cry to his girlfriend/whatever that he wanted to "go home." Just a total idiot, but just a total idiot next to me. He did not represent the entire crowd.

These people were probably drinking all day which only magnified the fact that they were assholes.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Mattattack on June 13, 2006, 03:41:24 AM
What Tommy did was fucking cool! GnR was never some nice guy institution. This is Guns N Fucking Roses we're talking about. The cast may change but the attitude remains the same. I can't believe you guys expect Axl and the rest of the band to be nice, happy, media trained, corporate ass kissers, like Bono and friends. The day Axl tells us to all love one another and help save the third world, is the day I show up armed with Smokes, Pepperoni, and Piss Jugs to kill my Idol!
(Not to actually kill him, referencing the Kill Your Idol shirt)

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Origen on June 13, 2006, 03:51:25 AM

and the gayest ever pic of Axl is....

 :rofl: They could of used  any new photo and  yet they chose that one.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: green on June 13, 2006, 03:51:55 AM
Im really happy to see the way TOMMY reacted to the crowd.He did the right thing,he is here to play ROCK N' ROLL concert as a part of GUNS N' ROSES not to take a hit by a bottle full of PISS....

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Poof! on June 13, 2006, 04:00:11 AM
Im really happy to see the way TOMMY reacted to the crowd.He did the right thing,he is here to play ROCK N' ROLL concert as a part of GUNS N' ROSES not to take a hit by a bottle full of PISS....

Absolutely. I've got more respect for Tommy now than I did before. Didn't think that was possible. Class act all the way.  :beer:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: .Seal on June 13, 2006, 05:04:54 AM
Both Tommy and the camera man are lucky he didnt get seriously hurt. I mean, if you want to throw something at someone our of frustration, chuck a shoe not a fucking bass guitar.
But c'mon you have to admit that a bass guitar is lot more cooler than throwing a shoe  ;D

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Tomorrows on June 13, 2006, 05:19:40 AM
Both Tommy and the camera man are lucky he didnt get seriously hurt. I mean, if you want to throw something at someone our of frustration, chuck a shoe not a fucking bass guitar.
But c'mon you have to admit that a bass guitar is lot more cooler than throwing a shoe  ;D

I dont know man - he could run to Axl's dressing room, get one of his shoes and throw it at the cameraman. Probably worth more than the bass guitar.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: TWT on June 13, 2006, 05:23:42 AM
Both Tommy and the camera man are lucky he didnt get seriously hurt. I mean, if you want to throw something at someone our of frustration, chuck a shoe not a fucking bass guitar.

Or indeed a bottle of piss  : ok:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: sootn on June 13, 2006, 05:29:09 AM
Tommy is a fucking baby, that shit is gonna happen at those kind of shows if he can't handle it he should beat it.

Axl did great gettin the crowd back. Looks like everyone was having a great time when it got dark.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Poof! on June 13, 2006, 05:34:05 AM
Tommy is a fucking baby, that shit is gonna happen at those kind of shows if he can't handle it he should beat it.

Axl did great gettin the crowd back. Looks like everyone was having a great time when it got dark.

So if Tommy Stinson is on a stage, a bottle of piss hitting him should accepted, but if he was walking down the street getting hit by it, it wouldn't be?
Unless your idea of a fun weekend is having some guys piss running down your face (although I'm not judging anyone here, to each his own ::)), I think you should carefully revise your statement.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: bombingrun on June 13, 2006, 06:25:44 AM
Look, if Tommy was in a temper because he got hit by a plastic bottle he should realise that throwing beer cups and water bottles is a standard thing at festivals. ?If one did contain piss I can understand why he'd get angry however it's just disappointing that he would take this out on an innocent guy who was just doing his job. ?

This doesn't add anything to "the most dangerous band in the world" image. ?I don't think anyone including Axl is really interested in that anymore, it was just a tag to give them extra publicity in the early days. ?If they were truly keen to promote that image Axl wouldn't have walked off stage until any trip and spill hazards were sorted. ?:rofl: ?I suppose tripping on stage would just be tooo dangerous, even for the mighty GNR!

Anyway for the record, I still think Tommy is great and he put a hell of a lot into the show (just like the other guys), he's a talented guy and he just needs to chill out in these situations.? :peace:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Death Cube K on June 13, 2006, 06:34:46 AM
This is just nonsense speculation. Some guy tells his THEORY about what happened, and other just take it as a fact and start rambling on? Whats thats all about? Fact is, there was thousands of people at that concert, and Im sure they all have their own opinions and understands of what happened.

Each and everyone constructs their views on life and their knowledge based on how their minds construct it.

Some of you should get into Jean Piaget and his theories.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: RobJ on June 13, 2006, 07:27:16 AM
We actually got a great boot of Better without Axl running around.

I hate to say this but what the fuck is wrong with that crowd? What a bunch of wankers chanting for slash and throwing garbage around.. Losers, really. I hate to generalize but that crowd embarrassed itself.

I agree about the people who were chanting for Slash etc. However I was stood pretty near the front and there were more people not shouting for Slash than there were actually shouting for Slash... the people shouting for Slash were heard because the people not shouting for Slash were not shouting for anything, they were either woundering where Axl was, or they were enjoying the show.

But yeah, the people shouting for Slash (and there were shouts for Duff too during the 'break' and the Tommy Bass incident) had no place at the gig, especially shouting when most people were hoping GnR would come back on stage. Shouting for Slash at a GnR gig most certainly is not going to make Axl come back on stage.

The show was fantastic...and if I were Tommy, I'd be pissed off at people throwing piss at me too, although throwing his bass at people is not the way to deal with it.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Origen on June 13, 2006, 07:31:16 AM
Tommy is a fucking baby, that shit is gonna happen at those kind of shows if he can't handle it he should beat it.

Axl did great gettin the crowd back. Looks like everyone was having a great time when it got dark.

So if Tommy Stinson is on a stage, a bottle of piss hitting him should accepted, but if he was walking down the street getting hit by it, it wouldn't be?

You can't compare the two situations, in a street you don't expect, at a Donnington festival you do/should. Bottles of piss had been throwing at basically every band over the weekend (expect Metallica) and as far as I know GnR/ Tommy was the only one who went in a huff over it.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Poof! on June 13, 2006, 07:40:20 AM
Tommy is a fucking baby, that shit is gonna happen at those kind of shows if he can't handle it he should beat it.

Axl did great gettin the crowd back. Looks like everyone was having a great time when it got dark.

So if Tommy Stinson is on a stage, a bottle of piss hitting him should accepted, but if he was walking down the street getting hit by it, it wouldn't be?

You can't compare the two situations, in a street you don't expect, at a Donnington festival you do/should. Bottles of piss had been throwing at basically every band over the weekend (expect Metallica) and as far as I know GnR/ Tommy was the only one who went in a huff over it.
Yes, I can compare the two, because I am not talking about what you should expect, I am talking about when it supposedly is accepted to throw piss at another human being. Anyone who thinks it should be ok to throw body fluids at an artist because they should "expect" it, is pretty much an idiot in my book. And good for Tommy for telling those assholes off.

And people complain about rock bands being divas... Rock fans complain cuz they can't throw pee around.

Come to think of it, this discussion is fucking hilarious.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: madagas on June 13, 2006, 08:02:30 AM
Bono, give me a break. I am a huge U2 fan as well but calling Axl out when Bono is probably the most pretentious rock star in the world is kinda funny. Also, Tommy leaving Gnr for Soul Asylum cracks me up everytime. Pure comedy. I am sure a 39 year old lifelong financially struggling musician is going to leave all that cash on the table to go play soft rock rubbish in some 500 seat club. Tommy knows where his bread is buttered but he isn't a doormat either. Finally, you are speculating wildly as to why Tommy was mad. As Killingvector said, all evidence points to the bottles as the cause of his anger. They were throwing them at Ron and Richard too but they simply did nothing about it. If Tommy was mad, he was probably mad at Axl for not saying anything to the crowd. Who knows? But, let's don't blindly point the finger at Axl. He actually showed an amazing (well normal for regular people) amount of restraint at Donington.  >:(

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Locomotive98 on June 13, 2006, 08:14:30 AM
Bet they wouldnt have thrown anything at Duff!

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: supaplex on June 13, 2006, 08:49:13 AM
Bet they wouldnt have thrown anything at Duff!
i bet they would. there's a lot of idiots at the shows going just to get drunk and act stupid.
and it was a good thing that tommy stood up and didn't take it quietly. not everybody reacts the same. some laugh it off some don't.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: ckgent on June 13, 2006, 09:50:23 AM
Bet they wouldnt have thrown anything at Duff!

first time i saw the band in newcastle gateshead, someone was throwing stuff at duff. Duff threatend to kick the guys ass, basically inviting onstage for a square go.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: mrlee on June 13, 2006, 10:50:38 AM
lol why is everyone annoyed at axl for standing still, surely youd rather that then him walking off which most of the time he would have done.

Or he could have done the "slips over on bottle sings on the floor for a few songs", would you have liked that?

Axls not gonna jump in a crowd that size to kick someones ass and he probably didnt wanna leave early to avoid starting riots and deaths accuring. As obviously his last donnington show wasnt pleasant.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: KILLYOURIDOL on June 13, 2006, 11:08:51 AM
people pay alot of money to be pissed on and Tommy got it for whats the problem  :rofl:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on June 13, 2006, 11:12:42 AM

my hats off to Tommy,he has BIG BALLS,go Tommy  :hihi:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: codenameninja on June 13, 2006, 11:18:14 AM

my hats off to Tommy,he has BIG BALLS,go Tommy  :hihi:

I really really dislike MEGADOWNLOAD - 99 times out of a 100 i get a message like - Download Exceeded -  :rant: and having to wait 45seconds for that message makes matters worse not better  :hihi:
can someone possibly uploaded it somewhere else  :beer:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: CoMa UK on June 13, 2006, 11:29:00 AM
He blindly threw the guitar he didnt aim at anyone or anything, It was a blind unfortunate throw.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 13, 2006, 11:34:07 AM
Bet they wouldnt have thrown anything at Duff!

That is funny because didnt duff back in the day get a glass bottle thrown at  him and nailed him in the head?

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on June 13, 2006, 11:36:48 AM

my hats off to Tommy,he has BIG BALLS,go Tommy? :hihi:

I really really dislike MEGADOWNLOAD - 99 times out of a 100 i get a message like - Download Exceeded -? :rant: and having to wait 45seconds for that message makes matters worse not better? :hihi:
can someone possibly uploaded it somewhere else? :beer:
try downloadin firefox and using that to open megaupload,works for me  : ok:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: makane on June 13, 2006, 11:37:23 AM
Bet they wouldnt have thrown anything at Duff!

That is funny because didnt duff back in the day get a glass bottle thrown at? him and nailed him in the head?
He ment if Duff would've rejoined Guns. Not the past.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Elrothiel on June 13, 2006, 11:38:30 AM
I agree with the positive people... THIS IS GUNS N' FUCKIN' ROSES!!! Not Polly Wolly Doodle and the Baby Bear Bunch!! For fuck's sake!! If someone lobs a bottle of piss at you, of course you're going to go mental!! Of course you're going to chuck things at people!! And of course you're not gunna be very happy and not wanna run around if you keep slipping over on things because the fucking roadies are too lazy to fucking tape wires down and mop up things properly!!

Jeezz!! You're all fans right!? Well some of you'd better just quit acting like pussies and realize that this is ROCK N' ROLL and sometimes, just sometimes, stuff like this happens!!

... I want Axl's "Shit Happens" t-shirt.... only I want to add "DEAL WITH IT!" at the end! ;D

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: ppbebe on June 13, 2006, 12:44:33 PM
I think Tommy Stinson is forgetting who people are there to see.
to see Slash, I don't think.
You're forgetting that most people are there to see Guns N Roses.

If you want to see duff, go to AICs or VR's show.
If you want to see an idol and their yesmen band, there is Bon jovi for you. 

How hard you want to see Axl being in isolation,  hard cheese, he's not alone anymore.

Guns N Roses is solidly composed of the guys with individualities.
Apart from the unfortunate guitar hitting the cameraman bit, Tommy's anger was reasonable and I believe that helped Axl stay cool. It must have been the sentiment of the whole band at that point.

They won the Download crowd together.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Annie on June 13, 2006, 12:58:51 PM
I think Tommy Stinson is forgetting who people are there to see.
to see Slash, I don't think.
You're forgetting that most people are there to see Guns N Roses.

If you want to see duff, go to AICs or VR's show.
If you want to see an idol and their yesmen band, there is Bon jovi for you.?

How hard you want to see Axl being in isolation,? hard cheese, he's not alone anymore.

Guns N Roses is solidly composed of the guys with individualities.
Apart from the unfortunate guitar hitting the cameraman bit, Tommy's anger was reasonable and I believe that helped Axl stay cool. It must have been the sentiment of the whole band at that point.

They won the Download crowd together.
[/ I totally agree! :peace:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Sillything on June 13, 2006, 01:34:04 PM
I think Tommy Stinson is forgetting who people are there to see. ?I know he's in the band ?and has a say , ?but to walk off stage and throw shit just because he feels Axl isn't giving 100% ?is totally childish. ?

Maybe childish but it's adding to that nervous energy that makes a GNR show great. They had a couple of nice safe shows and people here complained it was Las Vegas-style. This is more exciting is it not?

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Sillything on June 13, 2006, 01:41:52 PM
 Can you honestly say you wouldn't appreciate it if Axl acted that way or would that just not be "Rock n' Roll" enough.

I can honestly say I don't want Axl to act like Bono one bit. Fuck world peace :rofl:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Sillything on June 13, 2006, 01:44:04 PM
We actually got a great boot of Better without Axl running around.

I hate to say this but what the fuck is wrong with that crowd? What a bunch of wankers chanting for slash and throwing garbage around.. Losers, really. I hate to generalize but that crowd embarrassed itself.

If someone chans for Slash when I'm attending theres gonna be trouble :smoking:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Sillything on June 13, 2006, 01:46:19 PM
Both Tommy and the camera man are lucky he didnt get seriously hurt. I mean, if you want to throw something at someone our of frustration, chuck a shoe not a fucking bass guitar.
But c'mon you have to admit that a bass guitar is lot more cooler than throwing a shoe? ;D

Sid Vicous is the coolest bassthrower so far. Go Tommy go! Don't appologise next time ;D

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Saul on June 13, 2006, 01:49:34 PM
Correct, at a Black Eyed Peas concert, piss happens.

Oh my god , I wonder if anyone else got that joke?! poor fergie. hahah , maybe it was sweat?

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: GNR_Green on June 13, 2006, 02:11:16 PM
You really believe Tommy was getting mad with Axl?  Why the fuck would he be?

Fact is, bottles were getting thrown right from the start at all the members so Tommy was probably fucked off about that.  And he threw his bass in a random direction, he wouldn't aim it at a camerman on purpose come on folks  ::)

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: pollyblue on June 13, 2006, 02:20:07 PM
imo the bottle was meant for axl, but tommy accidentally covered him.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: nycangel on June 13, 2006, 02:41:33 PM
You really believe Tommy was getting mad with Axl?? Why the fuck would he be?

Fact is, bottles were getting thrown right from the start at all the members so Tommy was probably fucked off about that.? And he threw his bass in a random direction, he wouldn't aim it at a camerman on purpose come on folks? ::)

i totally agree with you

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Axl8302 on June 13, 2006, 02:51:45 PM
I think Tommy Stinson is forgetting who people are there to see. ?I know he's in the band ?and has a say , ?but to walk off stage and throw shit just because he feels Axl isn't giving 100% ?is totally childish. ?That is something you bring up behind ?closed doors ?not in public. ?He hasn't established himself in GNR yet ?to be pulling shit like that. ?If Tommy ever pulls shit like ?that again ?I hope Axl punches him right in the ?face in front of everybody. ?For now I am going to take Tommy's word for it ?and ?say he reacted like that because of the Bottles being thrown. ? I see an Axl/ Stinson fight in the near future. ?Those 2 do not seem to be getting along much. ? Even before the tour started ?you can tell ?things weren't right ?with him and Axl when ?listening to ?Tommy interviews. ?You can hear the tension in his voice whenever the DJ brought up GNR in the conversation.

He through shit and walked off stage cos he got hit in the head with a bottle of piss not cos of axl.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: AdZ on June 13, 2006, 02:52:02 PM
I thought what Tommy did was awesome, and a lot of people applauded him for it from where I was standing.

And to whoever it was that said they thought Axl and Tommy would have a fight soon and that they weren't getting along.. In between songs in Dublin Axl and Tommy were smiling laughing and joking around like best friends.

Hardly seems like people about to have a fight.

"You're healed!"

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: ppbebe on June 13, 2006, 03:11:43 PM
You really believe Tommy was getting mad with Axl?  Why the fuck would he be?

Fact is, bottles were getting thrown right from the start at all the members so Tommy was probably fucked off about that.  And he threw his bass in a random direction, he wouldn't aim it at a camerman on purpose come on folks  ::)

Noone who was there or watched the clip would believe Tommy was pissed at Axl or aimed his guitar at a camerman on purpose.  :confused:
The band played the song flawlessly and Axl sung it beautifully. I believe This new song means a lot to the band.
Still they got the boos and piss bottles. "fuck off" "go home" from some pricks.  Those people were not there for the music. I fully understand Tommy's exasperation. Everyone in the band must have been dead frustrated inside as well.
We al know the captain Axl already have a yellow card or quite a few negative karma points with him.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Axl8302 on June 13, 2006, 03:24:44 PM
I thought what Tommy did was awesome, and a lot of people applauded him for it from where I was standing.

And to whoever it was that said they thought Axl and Tommy would have a fight soon and that they weren't getting along.. In between songs in Dublin Axl and Tommy were smiling laughing and joking around like best friends.

Hardly seems like people about to have a fight.

"You're healed!"

yeah they were joking around at donnington too.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Rockin' Rose on June 13, 2006, 03:26:09 PM
Bet they wouldnt have thrown anything at Duff!

That is funny because didnt duff back in the day get a glass bottle thrown at  him and nailed him in the head?

And wasn't that piss on that bottle?

I missed the throwing but Tommy said sorry and that he wasn't aiming him and that he doesn't want to get hit with a bottle of piss

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Ines_rocks! on June 13, 2006, 03:31:40 PM
this is the second time tommy does something like this? Does he wants to prove anything by smashing his guitar back? That he can be as rebel as the old members were? Or is he just trying to get some attention from the crowd that goest there to just see Axl? I don?t understand.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: ppbebe on June 13, 2006, 03:46:52 PM
this is the second time tommy does something like this? Does he wants to prove anything by smashing his guitar back? That he can be as rebel as the old members were? Or is he just trying to get some attention from the crowd that goest there to just see Axl? I don?t understand.

No. ex guys wouldn't do this. it not an act or anything rebel.  It's a righteous indignation at the pissbottles.

Watch the video annythinggoes posted and read the posts in this thread or another one about donnington.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: nycangel on June 13, 2006, 03:48:39 PM
this is the second time tommy does something like this? Does he wants to prove anything by smashing his guitar back? That he can be as rebel as the old members were? Or is he just trying to get some attention from the crowd that goest there to just see Axl? I don?t understand.

its neither, he just got pissed, twice. it happens. he had a couple of bad days, thats all

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: gnrlies247 on June 13, 2006, 04:25:24 PM
I've heard a few different accounts of what happened at download with flying bass guitars and boo's at certain times.?

I was standing right down the front and here's my account:

The show was amazing but the turning point for everything was when Axl was really pissed off at almost tripping up on things so he asked some roadies to come out and sort the stage.? They taped a few leads to the ground on the centre walkway that extends forwards, this was to try and keep them out the way.? Later Axl almost slipped and fell on the same spot, a few of us kinda of laughed down the front and Axl smirked seeing the funny side - but then he was obviously pissed off and gave the roadies the middle finger.? At the end of the song Axl said "Due to to technical probs we're going to take a break"

Roadies then all came running on stage taping rubber mats all over the place so Axl wouldn't slip, Ron came on and did his solo.? The whole band came back on and launched into Better with all the conviction they could muster up but when Axl appeared he just stood on one spot for the enitire song looking really stuborn as if to say"if you can't sort the stage out i won't put on a show!".? ?

He sang the song brilliantly but the stage energy was non-existent.? I think this is one of the things that pissed Tommy off cos he kept looking at Axl as if to say, "why are you not putting everything into this?". It must've really got to him cos in the last verse he launched his bass at the ground whilst looking really pissed of at Axl then turned round and threw it at the camera man as hard as he could.? ? A lot of us down the front started boo-ing... this was not boo-ing about anything apart from Tommy being a complete wanker.? The camera man didn't deserve it, and to be honest I wish the camera man would've stood up and punched the fuck out of Tommy, instead he was pro and just got on with his job.

Afterwards Tommy appologised to the camera man and blamed the incident on being hit with a bottle of piss, but I think that was just an excuse to cover what he was really fucked off about.? Anyway it provided the fire for a great show :peace:

I was near the front, i was in the fourth row from the front, but somehow managed to end up in about the tenth row!.Unfortunatley i couldn't see a lot of the time, so when people started booing tommy,i thought what the hells goin on?!.I wish i'd of seen it, that would've been cool.
It was a fuckin' great show though-it's the 1st time i've seen them live and it rocked!.
Even though my legs were acheing like hell after standing for hours without drink or food, i soon forgot about that when gnr came on! :beer:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: bazgnr on June 13, 2006, 04:39:37 PM
this is the second time tommy does something like this? Does he wants to prove anything by smashing his guitar back? That he can be as rebel as the old members were? Or is he just trying to get some attention from the crowd that goest there to just see Axl? I don?t understand.

 It's a righteous indignation at the pissbottles.


If that doesn't deserve to be a song lyric, then I don't know what does.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: estranged.1098 on June 13, 2006, 05:01:22 PM
this is the second time tommy does something like this? Does he wants to prove anything by smashing his guitar back? That he can be as rebel as the old members were? Or is he just trying to get some attention from the crowd that goest there to just see Axl? I don?t understand.

its neither, he just got pissed, twice. it happens. he had a couple of bad days, thats all

Damn right.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Evolution on June 14, 2006, 09:53:57 AM
Up on the hill Tommy got some praise for standing up to it.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Poof! on June 14, 2006, 07:51:30 PM
Up on the hill Tommy got some praise for standing up to it.

As he should. We're not just talking about the fact that a piss bottle is disgusting, it is an object thrown at high speed towards you. It could do some serious physical damage. But people still advocate and condone the right to do so because "it's just what you should expect at festivals like this". I'd like to see any of those people take a piss bottle to the head with a smile.


Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: EFISH on June 14, 2006, 07:59:50 PM

its neither, he just got pissed, twice. it happens. he had a couple of bad days, thats all

this calls for bon jovi's... So ya had a bad day, blah blah blah, blah!
i saw the video and i think tommy didnt do a thing wrong imo

assholes thrwoing piss bottles... itll only happen tehre though, there safe for the rest of the tour.

tommys not trying to get attention, he just got pissed.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: nycangel on June 14, 2006, 08:12:39 PM
exactly, i dont think he did one thing wrong, he got mad, end of story

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: markreed on June 14, 2006, 08:22:02 PM
If someone threw a bottle of piss at you, would you be cool and laugh it off? No. Thought not. If anyone threw a bottle of piss at me, I'd stop the show, tear the guy a new asshole verbally, and make it clear that if anyone threw one more bottle the show would end immediately. And if anyone did throw a bottle, the person who did so would be solely responsible for the end of the show and that the crowd would have my permission to let him know their thoughts.

It's a two way street. If the band treat the audience with respect, the audience should do the same. If GNR turn up on stage two hours late though... they deserve a few bottles of piss.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Elrothiel on June 14, 2006, 08:34:57 PM
Mark... DAMN FUCKIN' STRAIGHT!!! :beer: Same here!! Pissbottles are fuckin sick, unhygienic, and if someone who's throwing one has a disease or something, and the bottle is glass and it breaks.... seriously bad things could happen.

So damn fuckin right I wouldn't be cool about it and laugh it off if someone lobbed one at me!!

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: dman1991 on June 14, 2006, 09:20:53 PM
Yeah, you're right.  It will generate the "most dangerous band in the world" style publicity, however i'd like to to think that GNR are passed all that now and could earn respect without resorting to cheap gimmicks.

thats cool if there dangerous but dont throw a solid 25+ pound object in the direction of an unsuspecting innocent bystander, i dont care if I got hit with flaming bags of shit, i wouldnt attack random people because i was mad.  Axl punched a guy and has done other little shit, but tommy is a douchebag and what he did was inexcusable.  I could care less if he left the stage, im sure one of their 8 guitarists could fill in on the bass.  Who is he to decide if the band is gonna leave.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Tomorrows on June 14, 2006, 09:22:52 PM
After seeing the video of Better from Download I change my opinion.

Good on them for sticking through that shit. They ended up having a mad concert  : ok:

No band deserves the shit they copped  :no:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: estranged.1098 on June 14, 2006, 09:36:09 PM
Yeah, you're right.  It will generate the "most dangerous band in the world" style publicity, however i'd like to to think that GNR are passed all that now and could earn respect without resorting to cheap gimmicks.

thats cool if there dangerous but dont throw a solid 25+ pound object in the direction of an unsuspecting innocent bystander, i dont care if I got hit with flaming bags of shit, i wouldnt attack random people because i was mad.  Axl punched a guy and has done other little shit, but tommy is a douchebag and what he did was inexcusable.  I could care less if he left the stage, im sure one of their 8 guitarists could fill in on the bass.  Who is he to decide if the band is gonna leave.

He didn't attack anyone, he attacked his bass guitar. He should have jumped in the audience to kick the ass of those drunken idiots if you ask me.

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Elrothiel on June 14, 2006, 09:41:43 PM
Yeah, you're right. It will generate the "most dangerous band in the world" style publicity, however i'd like to to think that GNR are passed all that now and could earn respect without resorting to cheap gimmicks.

thats cool if there dangerous but dont throw a solid 25+ pound object in the direction of an unsuspecting innocent bystander, i dont care if I got hit with flaming bags of shit, i wouldnt attack random people because i was mad. Axl punched a guy and has done other little shit, but tommy is a douchebag and what he did was inexcusable. I could care less if he left the stage, im sure one of their 8 guitarists could fill in on the bass. Who is he to decide if the band is gonna leave.

Dude, fucking hell... I don't know if anyone here actually cares about this, but Krist Novoselic threw his bass up in the air at one gig, and it hit Dave on the head. Ya it wasn't aimed at him, but I'm sure that if Tommy had done that, and it had hit Brain.... you'd be all like "Ooooh Tommy's a douchebag for doing that... blah blah blah". But no one calls Krist a douchebag for almost killing Dave Grohl!


And the cameraman's fine! Probably just a little bruised, but other than that fine! I wonder if he got a pic of the bass as it was flying through the air towards him... :hihi:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: johnnythunders24 on June 14, 2006, 09:45:17 PM
if someone throws a bottle of piss at me...i do more than got off lucky :yes:

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Sukie on June 14, 2006, 09:45:53 PM
Yeah, you're right. It will generate the "most dangerous band in the world" style publicity, however i'd like to to think that GNR are passed all that now and could earn respect without resorting to cheap gimmicks.

thats cool if there dangerous but dont throw a solid 25+ pound object in the direction of an unsuspecting innocent bystander, i dont care if I got hit with flaming bags of shit, i wouldnt attack random people because i was mad. Axl punched a guy and has done other little shit, but tommy is a douchebag and what he did was inexcusable. I could care less if he left the stage, im sure one of their 8 guitarists could fill in on the bass. Who is he to decide if the band is gonna leave.

Dude, fucking hell... I don't know if anyone here actually cares about this, but Krist Novoselic threw his bass up in the air at one gig, and it hit Dave on the head. Ya it wasn't aimed at him, but I'm sure that if Tommy had done that, and it had hit Brain.... you'd be all like "Ooooh Tommy's a douchebag for doing that... blah blah blah". But no one calls Krist a douchebag for almost killing Dave Grohl!


And the cameraman's fine! Probably just a little bruised, but other than that fine! I wonder if he got a pic of the bass as it was flying through the air towards him... :hihi:

I thought that it came back down and hit Krist on the head. ? :-\ ? Accidents happen. ?And yes, I'm sure Tommy didn't mean to hit the dude so that makes it an accident. ?Part of life...I've injured myself when I was pissed about something. ?Totally stupid, but it happens. ? ;D

Title: Re: Download: The Boo-ing was at Tommy for being a prick
Post by: Elrothiel on June 14, 2006, 09:50:04 PM
Nah it hit Dave... that was another time when it hit Krist himself. You woulda thought he'd learn his lesson wouldn't ya! :hihi:

But yea, people have gotta get their anger out one way or another! And if it takes throwing a bass, then fine, just make sure that if you're in the line of fire, get out of it and quick!