Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Mom on August 09, 2006, 07:34:17 PM

Title: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Mom on August 09, 2006, 07:34:17 PM

Great cast, great director. I'll be there on opening day.

BTW for those keeping count this is the third gangster movie in a row in which Scorsese has used "Gimme Shelter," my all time favorite song. He must be a huge Stones fan because he's used lots of their stuff in his gangster films, and not just the well known tracks ("Gimme Shelter," "Satisfaction" "Jumping Jack Flash") but also fairly to very obscure songs only real fans know about ("Monkey Man," "Tell Me," "Sweet Virginia" "Memo From Turner").

David Chase has taken a page out his playbook, using songs like "Undercover," and the then ultra-obscure "Thru and Thru" on "The Sopranos." Hell, so has Axl recently covering "Sway" in concert which the Stones just played live for the first time on this current tour.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Drew on August 09, 2006, 07:44:29 PM
Matt Damon?....then I'm in! :yes: : ok:

The film does look interesting though.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Mom on August 09, 2006, 07:48:23 PM

The film does look interesting though.

It does, I'm most curious as to wether it uses a similar style of editing as Goodfellas and Casino, that's part of what made those two films for me.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Stonerose on August 10, 2006, 02:55:15 AM
I cannot fukin wait till this film comes out, how cool does the trailer look! Goodfellas is by far my all time favourite movie, lets hope scorsese does it again. Although its a remake or reinterpretation rather of internal affairs, is jack nicholsons character, frank costello, based on Whitey bulger?

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: jimmythegent on August 10, 2006, 06:15:45 AM
cannot wait - am a huge scorsese fan and throw in Jack and you have a sure winner

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Mom on August 10, 2006, 10:32:48 AM
I've heard he's based on him to some extent, I'm not sure how much though.

A movie really about Whitey would be sick, of course his story hasn't been finished yet.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: bromle on August 10, 2006, 04:16:01 PM
Scorsese is really making leonardo di caprio into a respected actor. With Gangs of New you, the aviatior and now this.

This film looks good and I'm looking forward to see what scorsese is making. He has yet to disepoint me. (or wait, the one with the ambulance driver. that was boring as hell IMO)

I guess this will be another scorsese movie that everyone involved in it gets a oscar exept scorsese himself :p

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Timothy on August 10, 2006, 04:19:34 PM

I guess this will be another scorsese movie that everyone involved in it gets a oscar exept scorsese himself :p

God I hope not .I mean Damn it the man is long over fucking due.

The mvie look slike it should be one of the years best . Great director ,great cast and a pretty intersting plot. so hopefully it all comes together nicely .

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Derby Greg on August 10, 2006, 04:38:26 PM

Great cast, great director. I'll be there on opening day.

BTW for those keeping count this is the third gangster movie in a row in which Scorsese has used "Gimme Shelter," my all time favorite song. He must be a huge Stones fan because he's used lots of their stuff in his gangster films, and not just the well known tracks ("Gimme Shelter," "Satisfaction" "Jumping Jack Flash") but also fairly to very obscure songs only real fans know about ("Monkey Man," "Tell Me," "Sweet Virginia" "Memo From Turner").

David Chase has taken a page out his playbook, using songs like "Undercover," and the then ultra-obscure "Thru and Thru" on "The Sopranos." Hell, so has Axl recently covering "Sway" in concert which the Stones just played live for the first time on this current tour.

Sweet Virginia is an awesome song

I agree with you about Gimme Shelter- its right up there for me too.
In fact I have a live version with Mick Taylor which is off the chart.........will put it on next I believe


Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Mom on August 10, 2006, 07:43:42 PM

Sweet Virginia is an awesome song

I agree with you about Gimme Shelter- its right up there for me too.
In fact I have a live version with Mick Taylor which is off the chart.........will put it on next I believe


Is it from the 72' tour? I've heard that and it's killer. My favorite version of "Sympathy" is the "Ya Ya's" version because of his inspired minute plus long solo. It boggles my mind that he isn't named more often along such greats as Clapton, Hendrix, Page etc. considering how much work he did during the Stones classic period. One of my favorite solos of all time is his from "Dead Flowers," man it just makes me feel like morning in the poppy fields in Afghanastan.

Ronnie's been around the longest and gels personality wise the best, and Brian is always the most romanticized, but for me Lil' Mick will always be the best of the Stones lead guitarists...too bad he didn' t/couldn't stick around.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Derby Greg on August 12, 2006, 10:43:04 AM
I think it is 72 and its sweet as

Shamefully haven't heard the Ya Ya's version of Symapthy - must put on 'to do' list.


Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Stonerose on August 13, 2006, 03:48:46 AM
Hey guy i know this is off topic, but could you post the versions of sweet virginia and gimme shelter, id love to hear them.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Mom on October 15, 2006, 09:06:39 PM
Ok I saw it (the opening day thing did not pan out), I thought it was real good, I've heard some people say people it is better than Goodfellas but that's going way too far. Very unrealistic at times though, yet the great story and acting though made it worth it for me, plus I knew it was based on a Hong Kong film, and their gangster pics tend to be less realistic then his gangster pics.

Speaking of which I should note I have not seen any of the "Internal Affairs" trilogy on which the film was based, but will definitely make it a point too. If I had to complain I would say that it might have been better to see Scorsese do an adaption of a book on the life of former South Boston Irish crime boss James "Whitey" Bulger, with whom he shares some similarities. There is one plot point that anyone who is familiar with "Whitey" will see coming a mile away, and was evidently not in "Internal Affairs," you'll know what I mean...

Like all of Scorsese's gangster films it had a great use of music. For me the highlight in this arena (aside from my fave "Gimme Shelter" being so prominent) was hearing the obsure Stones classic "Let It Loose" off of Exile on Main St, the cover of which is used later on in the film. Marty (or his music guy) has been much more surprising with his Stones song choices then the Stones themselves for most of this past tour.

One more thing, anyone ever notice that Italian gangsters always look so bad compared to other ethnic gangs in films? Departed, Miller's Crossing, State of Grace, a million blaxploitation films, King of New York, The Punisher (never saw but I was told Yakuza kicks their ass) etc. Anyone have any theories as to why? Is Spike Lee doing a whole lotta ghost writing or something?

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Mattattack on October 15, 2006, 10:13:23 PM
I saw it last night and I thought it sucked. I almost walked out at one point because it was so long and boreing.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: fridayfan13 on October 15, 2006, 10:20:46 PM
Speaking as a Scorsese fan, as well as future filmmaker, this is one of the top 5 films i have seen in my life. yes, its that good, for those of you who cant understand why, watch it again.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 15, 2006, 10:45:48 PM
Scorsese is god.

DiCaprio is the next De Niro.

Damon is underrated and one of the best of his generation.

Nicholson is Nicholson.

Wahlberg is Dirk Diggler.

I need to see this immediately.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Stonerose on October 15, 2006, 11:08:02 PM
I absoloutly fukin loved this movie! I thought leonardo dicaprio was brilliant, i really felt for the guy, i loved the music in the film, you know gimme shelter, let it loose. Being of irish stock, i loved the fact that the gangsters were irish as well.

Great film, scorsese better get the fukin oscor for this.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 15, 2006, 11:14:18 PM
I absoloutly fukin loved this movie! I thought leonardo dicaprio was brilliant, i really felt for the guy, i loved the music in the film, you know gimme shelter, let it loose. Being of irish stock, i loved the fact that the gangsters were irish as well.

Great film, scorsese better get the fukin oscor for this.

DiCaprio is a fucking great actor and underrated as hell. Everyone ignorantly picked on him as a "pretty boy" after Titanic because he got female attention afterwards but these are the same people who probably have never even heard of "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" or "This Boy's Life." He stole the film from De Niro which is amazing considering he was a teenager. (It was De Niro's weakest role IMO - way too clown-ish and over-the-top.)

DiCaprio's just like Depp - they tried for years to abandon their "pretty boy" label (Depp didn't do mainstream pictures for years until Pirates) and have both proven themselves as great actors in the process.

DiCaprio's got that same brooding passion that De Niro had thirty years ago and I think Scorsese sees it and is utilizing it to his advantage. This is their third film together already and rumor has it they're already planning another film together.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Dirty Little Thing on October 15, 2006, 11:46:16 PM
Just saw this movie tonight, I loved it.  : ok:

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 15, 2006, 11:48:52 PM
Just saw this movie tonight, I loved it.  : ok:

DLT.  :o

This is MovieAddict.  ;D

You should post here more often man.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Dirty Little Thing on October 15, 2006, 11:50:16 PM
Just saw this movie tonight, I loved it.  : ok:

DLT.  :o

This is MovieAddict.  ;D

You should post here more often man.

Im thinking about it, I've actually been a member here for about a year but forgot i signed up.  :P Came in handy for getting the pre-sale for hammerstein though.  ;D

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 15, 2006, 11:53:02 PM
Just saw this movie tonight, I loved it.  : ok:

DLT.  :o

This is MovieAddict.  ;D

You should post here more often man.

Im thinking about it, I've actually been a member here for about a year but forgot i signed up.  :P Came in handy for getting the pre-sale for hammerstein though.  ;D

It's better than MyGNRForum IMO, I stopped going back there. I miss a few posters there but the people here in general seem to be more mature and open - topics like this wouldn't get much thought from anyone over there. So yeah you should definitely post here more.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Dirty Little Thing on October 15, 2006, 11:54:40 PM
Just saw this movie tonight, I loved it.  : ok:

DLT.  :o

This is MovieAddict.  ;D

You should post here more often man.

Im thinking about it, I've actually been a member here for about a year but forgot i signed up.  :P Came in handy for getting the pre-sale for hammerstein though.  ;D

It's better than MyGNRForum IMO, I stopped going back there. I miss a few posters there but the people here in general seem to be more mature and open - topics like this wouldn't get much thought from anyone over there. So yeah you should definitely post here more.  :hihi:

I've been browsing mygnr occasionaly but it makes me sick, all they do is argue, Slash Vs. Robin, New Vs. Old. I like both I don't see why other people can't or at least ignore the other. Anyway we better stop before this thread gets off topic.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 15, 2006, 11:57:38 PM
Just saw this movie tonight, I loved it.  : ok:

DLT.  :o

This is MovieAddict.  ;D

You should post here more often man.

Im thinking about it, I've actually been a member here for about a year but forgot i signed up.  :P Came in handy for getting the pre-sale for hammerstein though.  ;D

It's better than MyGNRForum IMO, I stopped going back there. I miss a few posters there but the people here in general seem to be more mature and open - topics like this wouldn't get much thought from anyone over there. So yeah you should definitely post here more.  :hihi:

I've been browsing mygnr occasionaly but it makes me sick, all they do is argue, Slash Vs. Robin, New Vs. Old. I like both I don't see why other people can't or at least ignore the other. Anyway we better stop before this thread gets off topic.  :hihi:


Anyways I am hoping to see The Departed soon, but after my last experience at the theater with the scary man trying to mug me I don't plan on going back there during matinee hours.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Dirty Little Thing on October 16, 2006, 12:01:29 AM
Just saw this movie tonight, I loved it.  : ok:

DLT.  :o

This is MovieAddict.  ;D

You should post here more often man.

Im thinking about it, I've actually been a member here for about a year but forgot i signed up.  :P Came in handy for getting the pre-sale for hammerstein though.  ;D

It's better than MyGNRForum IMO, I stopped going back there. I miss a few posters there but the people here in general seem to be more mature and open - topics like this wouldn't get much thought from anyone over there. So yeah you should definitely post here more.  :hihi:

I've been browsing mygnr occasionaly but it makes me sick, all they do is argue, Slash Vs. Robin, New Vs. Old. I like both I don't see why other people can't or at least ignore the other. Anyway we better stop before this thread gets off topic.  :hihi:


Anyways I am hoping to see The Departed soon, but after my last experience at the theater with the scary man trying to mug me I don't plan on going back there during matinee hours.

I don't think you'll be disapointed with the movie. BTW, now that your forum is back up I started posting again.  :beer:

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Bandita on October 16, 2006, 12:25:06 AM
This is one of the best films I have seen in a long time and I even watched it twice now.  I also saw Infernal Affairs which it was based on which was also good, IMO but this re-make blows it away!

Whomever said this movie sucked and was boring obviously just didn't get it.  Great story, great action, great actors, what more could you want?

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Mattattack on October 16, 2006, 01:45:52 AM
I can't believe you guys all liked this movie so much. I realized just how awful and cheesy this movie was when DiCaprio slept with Damon's girlfriend.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: meanmachine73 on October 17, 2006, 03:52:32 PM
The original Infernal Affairs blows it away. The US/English speaking film industry is on it's knees. How many more hit movies are going to #1 that have been ripped off an Asian original. the Eye, Ring, Infernal Affairs. The script writters have alot to answer for, what originals do we have to look forward to this yr? Rocky 6, Rambo 4? Show some originality for god sake......

They would remake battle royal if they could, if only to be worried about the political correctness!

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: MadmanDan on October 19, 2006, 09:57:08 AM
Brilliant movie, from beginning to end. Great story, directing and acting.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Stonerose on October 20, 2006, 02:10:24 AM
Iv seen it twice now, fantastic, il prob go see it again aswell.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: GnFnR87 on January 08, 2007, 06:48:11 PM
saw it twice as well. best movie of 2006, the acting performances were all spot on and it was just perfect. i reccomend it to anyone who still hasnt seen it.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: bazgnr on January 08, 2007, 07:36:40 PM
Great, great film.  Honestly, I found all the head shots rather...unsettling, but still - very powerful, and a nice return to form for Scorsese and Nicholson.  My favorite Damon performance as well.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Axlfreek on January 08, 2007, 08:13:44 PM
This film will definatly go down as one of the great classic crime movies. Best film i saw in 2006.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Polly Parrot on January 08, 2007, 08:19:38 PM
I still have to see this one.

Title: Re: Martin Scorsese-The Departed
Post by: Izzy on January 09, 2007, 08:46:40 AM
Ace film - really well done, everone put in such a good performance - who thought DiCaprio would develop into one of the very best actors in the world - and Matt Damon cant just act, he can act superbly - who knew?