Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Neemo on September 14, 2006, 08:37:07 AM

Title: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Neemo on September 14, 2006, 08:37:07 AM
This is really fucked up :crying: :nervous:

MONTREAL (AFP) - Panicked students at a Montreal college were trampled underfoot in a mad rush to escape a gunman who killed a young woman and wounded 19 other people, witnesses have said, the day after the shooting.
SEP 13, 2006 
"There were moments of panic," said police spokesman Ian Lafreniere on Thursday.

As police investigators combed the crime scene at Dawson college, survivors of the killing spree recalled the confusion and terror within school walls as the gunman opened fire.

One witness, Michel Boyer, "saw the gunman who was dressed in black and at that time he was shooting at people. It was probably one of the most frightening moments of my life," he told CTV television.

"We were in class waiting for police because we didn't want to venture outside. Then we were evacuated," student Elizabeth told Radio-Canada television, shaking with nervousness and speaking in a mixture of French and English.

"The police gave us the signal, they told us to get out and run quickly. "We heard (gunfire) for 45 minutes. It lasted a very long time," she said.

Hours after the shooting, groups of students still shocked by the incident sat near the police perimeter surrounding the campus, hugging each other for comfort.

Canadian authorities Thursday were still wondering what drove a yet unidentified 25-year-old man to his shooting rampage through the English-language university preparatory school before he was surrounded and shot to death by police.

Montreal police director Yvan Delorme said there were no indications the shooting was an act of terrorism or motivated by racism. He said the gunman acted alone.

"We were in class. We heard gunshots, a couple of gunshots. We heard a bunch of girls yelling," student Daniel Harrosh, 17, told AFP.

"I opened the door, I saw a bunch of people running, I closed it, then the teacher came. He locked the door and then said something major was going on in the other room. At a certain point, the lights went off. We heard several gunshots, a dozen maybe," Harrosh said.

Student Roxanne Michaud, 19, told AFP that she locked herself into a classroom with four other students and two professors for two and a half hours when the shooting began.

"We listened to the radio and checked the Internet to find out what was happening," she said. "We couldn't call anyone because the portable telephones did not work."

Police later set up emergency telephone lines to keep families informed.

Some 400 people were evacuated to nearby Concordia University, where they given food and sheltered inside the students' union.

Scores of police shut down the entire area around Dawson college, disrupting traffic in central Montreal.

Three hours after the shooting, police were still searching room-to-room in the college for any other suspect that might have gotten away.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper described the incident as "a cowardly and senseless act of violence."

He added: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the injured and their loved ones, and to the students and staff of the college who are all victims of this terrible tragedy."

Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay described the incident as a "very unhappy event," but also one that was "isolated."

Quebec Premier Jean Charest said that the whole province was "distressed" by news, and expressed "deep sorrow for the victims, the families, (and) for the parents who have children studying at Dawson."

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: zosobob6 on September 14, 2006, 10:55:13 AM
its always sad to see things like this.   and of course the media are already blaming heavy metal and video games. :no:

i wonder what it really was that made this guy go off. 

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 14, 2006, 11:10:43 AM
Dont get me wrong but sometimes people do this to get attention, not because they feel lonely or they are screw up in the head, but just to be "cool" I think the whole world is a mess  :no:

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Neemo on September 14, 2006, 11:12:27 AM
well he's dead so attention don't matter too much...the news is using the old stand by angry teenager...apparently he posted on a goth forum and it has "very violent subject matter" likethe internet made him fucked up ::)

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 14, 2006, 11:21:07 AM
Well he got attention while he was living I think thats all he cared for, then he decided to die just because he achieve his goal. Well, im taking wild guess here Im not a shrink or stuff but sometimes you just want to hurt anybody just for pleasure, i dont know if this is also the case

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: on September 14, 2006, 07:39:28 PM
Go to and type in "Kimveer Gill" and look at all the articles...

It's really sad. What's disturbing is how many similar profiles I've seen on Internet message boards. Unfortunately with something like this the media makes it seem like anyone similar to this guy would go out and do this type of thing. Example: one article says "His favorite movie was Natural Born Killers." Okay. But it doesn't mention the guy was too stupid to realize NBK was a satirical statement against violence and the media's fascination with it.

Oh well. I'm curious to read his blog entries but I believe they've been removed already. If anyone finds a link to it please post it here, I'm curious.

What a stupid fool he was.  :no:

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: MCT on September 14, 2006, 07:45:32 PM
Internet "goth" geek goes on rampage killing spree...

That bastard.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Danny Top Hat on September 14, 2006, 07:59:12 PM

It's really sad. What's disturbing is how many similar profiles I've seen on Internet message boards. Unfortunately with something like this the media makes it seem like anyone similar to this guy would go out and do this type of thing. Example: one article says "His favorite movie was Natural Born Killers." Okay. But it doesn't mention the guy was too stupid to realize NBK was a satirical statement against violence and the media's fascination with it.

Tell me about it!  I had to write an essay on that in year 10, Natural Born Killers was used as an example cause the characters got away at the end.  Some kid killed his parents and blamed the film.

I hadn't heard anything about this story.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: axlslover on September 14, 2006, 09:19:37 PM
another sick fuck loose with a damn gun. soo sad :'(

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: spacebrain5000 on September 14, 2006, 09:37:52 PM
It happened in Montreal. Which is like an hour away from where I live. Around here, the papers are cluttered with this story- 7 full pages today in the newspaper.
It's really shockuing, sad, depressing and scary. Senseless violence.
Impossible to comprehend.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: on September 15, 2006, 01:10:45 AM

It's really sad. What's disturbing is how many similar profiles I've seen on Internet message boards. Unfortunately with something like this the media makes it seem like anyone similar to this guy would go out and do this type of thing. Example: one article says "His favorite movie was Natural Born Killers." Okay. But it doesn't mention the guy was too stupid to realize NBK was a satirical statement against violence and the media's fascination with it.

Tell me about it!  I had to write an essay on that in year 10, Natural Born Killers was used as an example cause the characters got away at the end.  Some kid killed his parents and blamed the film.

I hadn't heard anything about this story.

People who blame film, videogames or other forms of entertainment have no one but themselves to blame. Parents who sue videogame retailers are idiots. "Well, we let our kid buy a mature-rated game, and let him sit in his bedroom alone all day on his computer and playing the videogame, and we let him listen to death metal 24/7, and we knew he was doing drugs and had no friends and never talked to us...but it's your fault!"

It's called parenting. Likewise, for adults, there's such a thing as self-control. ANYTHING is bad if it's not taken in moderation.

Natural Born Killers was a satire about the media's fascination with violence. This stupid asshole who killed that girl the other day also shaved his head into a mohawk to replicate Taxi Driver's De Niro character, Travis Bickle.

TAXI DRIVER WAS NOT a glorification of violence! It was a condemnation! Yet these people who are so absorbed with violence see these films and focus only on the violent aspects, not staying tuned to hear the moral at the end.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Eazy E on September 15, 2006, 04:40:29 AM
It blows my mind that stuff like this actually happens... and it just encourages copy-cats too.  So much senseless violence.  I was right in the area just a week ago.  :no:

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Sin Cut on September 15, 2006, 05:05:07 AM
news like this make me want to get a gun of my own.

Tho with my luck when I'd fire back I'd prolly be charged of murder.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Skeletor on September 15, 2006, 08:19:11 AM
news like this make me want to get a gun of my own.

Sounds like a cool idea! As everyone knows, the more guns there are, the less violence there is.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Neemo on September 15, 2006, 08:36:16 AM
as of this morning only 4 victims remain in critical condition...2 were upgraded to stable

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Sin Cut on September 15, 2006, 09:52:33 AM
news like this make me want to get a gun of my own.

Sounds like a cool idea! As everyone knows, the more guns there are, the less violence there is.

yeah well, you would think twice shooting at me if I can return fire, now wouldn't you?

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Neemo on September 15, 2006, 10:10:55 AM
news like this make me want to get a gun of my own.

Sounds like a cool idea! As everyone knows, the more guns there are, the less violence there is.

yeah well, you would think twice shooting at me if I can return fire, now wouldn't you?

the dude claimed on a blog that he wanted to die in a gunfight so I'd guess no in this instance...

how bout less guns as an answer instead :rant:

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Lucky on September 15, 2006, 12:42:22 PM
the guy had the balls

everyone wants to walk into their highschool and start a masacre...
but most people are wimps, so they end up not doing it :'(

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Neemo on September 15, 2006, 12:55:00 PM
lucky your messed up...

I wouldn't call it balls....I'd call it a screw loose :-\

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Lucky on September 15, 2006, 12:59:49 PM
he was misunderstood ;D


Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Neemo on September 15, 2006, 01:03:05 PM
 :hihi: :peace:

anyway another thing the media is harping about is that his favorite online game was the colombine massacre who is more fucked up? someone who plays that or someone who invents it in the first place :nervous:

apparantly after he was shot in the arm by police in the firefight he turned the gun on himself and took his own life

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Danny Top Hat on September 15, 2006, 01:15:59 PM
Yeah well they relate to the character in the story - they probably don't worry about the theme too much.  He'll have seen the anger in De Niro's character and made a connection.  It's not the film's fault the kid was messed up, but it will have been a catalyst.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Rasputin on September 15, 2006, 01:28:02 PM
news like this make me want to get a gun of my own.

Tho with my luck when I'd fire back I'd prolly be charged of murder.

hey, speakin of this, Sin..

is it illeagal where you live to kill someone if they are on your property illeagally? if they are tressassing..
or does your life have to be in danger, whats the law on that?

i dont think more or less guns wil solve much, it all just depends on whos hands they are in
if you didnt use it unless in self defence, its not a problem, if you use it just to be an ass, THEN it becomes a problem..   even if people didnt have GUNS there is always a way to kill people

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Eazy E on September 15, 2006, 03:11:27 PM
If you check the news stories you can get a run down of a lot of the stuff in his profile.  Such as calling himself "the angel of death" and making a post hours before the shooting saying "whiskey in the morning, mmmmm good!".  There are also several pictures of him posing with his gun.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Walk on September 15, 2006, 09:31:11 PM


Heavy metal is going to get another beating by the media.  >:(

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Laura on September 15, 2006, 11:06:12 PM
this school is right down the street from mine, about a 15min walk...
i sadly knew the girl who was shot and killed, she was shot once and the shooter then asked the guy standing next to her to go check for police, the guy asked if he could take the wounded girl with him to get her help and the gunman proceeded to shoot her 8more times and then told him he no longer needed to worry about her cause now she was dead. What kind of fucked up person does that! She was a sweet intelligent pretty young girl who had a lot going for her. RIP stacey!

I also know many people who saw the gunman and ran... it is a devestating time in montreal

And i cannot believe they are sending the students back to classes on monday! thats just sick.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: cotis on September 15, 2006, 11:45:47 PM
this school is right down the street from mine, about a 15min walk...
i sadly knew the girl who was shot and killed, she was shot once and the shooter then asked the guy standing next to her to go check for police, the guy asked if he could take the wounded girl with him to get her help and the gunman proceeded to shoot her 8more times and then told him he no longer needed to worry about her cause now she was dead. What kind of fucked up person does that! She was a sweet intelligent pretty young girl who had a lot going for her. RIP stacey!

I also know many people who saw the gunman and ran... it is a devestating time in montreal

And i cannot believe they are sending the students back to classes on monday! thats just sick.

thats so messed up

were you good friends with that girl? or did you just know her?

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: on September 16, 2006, 12:24:18 PM


Heavy metal is going to get another beating by the media.  >:(

What a fucking idiot. Before he shot himself someone should have cut off his testicles and juggled them like oranges at a state fair.

R.I.P. Stacey, that's an awful way to die.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Sin Cut on September 17, 2006, 04:42:45 PM
news like this make me want to get a gun of my own.

Tho with my luck when I'd fire back I'd prolly be charged of murder.

hey, speakin of this, Sin..

is it illeagal where you live to kill someone if they are on your property illeagally? if they are tressassing..
or does your life have to be in danger, whats the law on that?

i dont think more or less guns wil solve much, it all just depends on whos hands they are in
if you didnt use it unless in self defence, its not a problem, if you use it just to be an ass, THEN it becomes a problem..? ?even if people didnt have GUNS there is always a way to kill people
good point, after all a car in wrong hands will be dangerous too.

(keep women away from behind the wheel)
Just kidding  :hihi:

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: the dirt on September 17, 2006, 04:45:37 PM
It's amazing that he only killed one person.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: journey on September 17, 2006, 05:02:39 PM
So sad.

I'll never understand what makes some people so selfish. That girl had a life and people loved her. He robbed her of that. It's unfortunate that so many people have guns and are able to do this.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on September 17, 2006, 06:31:34 PM
news like this make me want to get a gun of my own.

Sounds like a cool idea! As everyone knows, the more guns there are, the less violence there is.

Although you say this in jest, it's true.  Read the book More Guns, Less Crime by Jon R. Lott Jr.

Title: Re: Montreal school shooting
Post by: Eazy E on September 17, 2006, 07:01:39 PM
Although you say this in jest, it's true. Read the book More Guns, Less Crime by Jon R. Lott Jr.

Maybe you should read the book Bullshit & How To Spot It.  By me.