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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: AxlReznor on September 25, 2006, 07:20:54 PM

Title: Kevin Smith
Post by: AxlReznor on September 25, 2006, 07:20:54 PM
Clerks (1994)
Brian O'Hallaran - Dante Hicks
Jeff Anderson - Randal Graves
Marilyn Ghigliotti - Veronica Loughran
Lisa Spoonhauer - Caitlin Bree
Jason Mewes - Jay
Kevin Smith - Silent Bob
Lenin's Tomb - Cat

To create his first movie, Kevin Smith took out a loan, maxed out his credit cards, and sold his comic book collection to come up with the budget. It was filmed almost entirely at the local Quick Stop in which Kevin worked after hours. Because of this, the entire movie was filmed in grainy black and white, because it was cheaper.
The story is about a day in the life of over-educated, under-achieving, Quick Stop employee Dante Hicks, and his best friend Randal Graves who "works" in the adjacent RST Video. The simplest set-up for what is one of the best comedies of all-time - making realistic situations sometimes seem crazy... right down to the drug-dealing duo who spend their time hanging outside peddling their wares.

Mallrats (1995)
Jeremy London - T.S. Quint
Jason Lee - Brodie Bruce
Shannen Doherty - Rene Mosier
Claire Forlani - Brandi Svenning
Jason Mewes - Jay
Kevin Smith - Silent Bob
Ben Affleck - Shannon Hamilton
Joey Lauren Adams - Gwen Turner

The follow-up to Clerks follows pretty much the same formula. Two twenty-something under-achieving males spend the day at the mall, having long conversations, meeting strange characters - including X-Men/Spider-Man creator Stan Lee as himself - and trying to get their respective girlfriends back. The result is... well, a Kevin Smith movie. lol
Features Clerks supporting characters Jay and Silent Bob, Brian O'Halloran as Gil Hicks (Dante's cousin) as well as a pre-fame Ben Affleck.

Chasing Amy (1997)
Ben Affleck - Holden Mcneil
Jason Lee - Banky Edwards
Joey Lauren Adams - Alyssa Jones
Dwight Ewell - Hooper X

To many, this movie is considered to be Kevin's finest moment. The creators of up-and-coming comic book Bluntman & Chronic (based on the likenesses of Jay and Silent Bob) come up against the toughest point in their friendship. Not only does Holden not want to cash in on the comics success by creating an animated series - a decision Banky disagrees with - he is also in love.
It just so happens that the person he is in love with is a lesbian - creator of arty comic book Idiosyncratic Routine, Alyssa Jones.
The events that follow are the most touching Kevin Smith had directed up until that point - but still not straying from what Kevin does best, which is long, wordy, hilarious conversations. Starring Ben Affleck in the role that made him a star - some say he can only act when Kevin's behind the camera. Also features Jay and Silent Bob in an extremely small role, as well as cameos by Brian O'Hallaran (as Jim Hicks) and Matt Damon.

Dogma (1999)
Ben Affleck - Bartleby
Matt Damon - Loki
Linda Fiorentino - Bethany Sloane
Chris Rock - Rufus
Jason Mewes - Jay
Kevin Smith - Silent Bob
Alan Rickman - Metatron
Jason Lee - Azrael
Salma Hayek - Serendipity

Some people hate this movie, but to me this is the strongest of Kevin Smith's movies. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are angels who were cast out of heaven by God years ago. They find a loophole in Catholic dogma which will enable them to return to heaven. But all of reality runs on the principle that God is infallible, and if they return to heaven they would prove God wrong and destroy existence. As if that wasn't enough, God's gone missing.
So it fulls upon the rest of the all-star cast to destroy the angels and save existence. Also comes with the shocking revelation that Jay and Silent Bob are prophets.
The movie is a frank and intelligent view on religion, from the mind of Catholic, Kevin Smith. The plot is the most interesting, the themes are incredibly poignant, and Kevin Smith veterans Jason Mewes, Jason Lee and Brian O'Hallaran (as Grant Hicks), stand up well against "real" actors like Alan Rickman and Linda Fiorentino. Features a cameo by Alanis Morissette as God.

Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)
Jason Mewes - Jay
Kevin Smith - Silent Bob
Shannon Elizabeth - Justice
Will Ferrell - Federal Wildlife Marshall Willenholly
Eliza Dushku - Sissy
Ali Larter - Chrissy
Jennifer Schwalbach Smith - Missy

This movie was designed as a treat for all of Kevin's fans who had stuck with him through bad review after bad review. The overall story doesn't really matter, as it is basically gag after gag with a whole bunch of references to previous movies. Ben Affleck returns as both Holden McNeil and himself, as does Jason Lee playing both Brodie Bruce and Banky Edwards. Features a whole ton of celebrity cameos including Matt Damon, as well as cameos by other characters such as Dante Hicks, Randal Graves, Alyssa Jones and Hooper X.
The story (which is basically only there because people expect a story when watching movies) involves Jay and Silent Bob finding that a Bluntman And Chronic movie is in production without their permission - which they would need as part of their likeness rights. When they read derogatory remarks made about them on the internet's movie news websites, they set off to Hollywood to halt production of the movie. Funny when taken as it is... but more rewarding if you've seen the previous movies.

Jersey Girl (2004)
Ben Affleck - Ollie Trinke
Jennifer Lopez - Gertrude Steiney
Liv Tyler - Maya
Raquel Castro - Gertie Trinke
George Carlin - Bart Trinke

Kevin's first Jay and Silent Bob-less movie is the story of a man whose wife died in labour, and who lost his job as a PR man for insulting a then up-and-coming Will Smith at a press conference. He's left to look after his daughter with only the help of his father after moving from New York City back to New Jersey. And then Maya enters their lives...
Undoubtedly, Kevin's most adult movie this sentimental comedy has some genuinely funny moments. Unfairly blasted upon its release, based largely on the fact that Ben and Jennifer were in a relationship whilst filming the movie and a lot of people thought he should be doing nothing outside of the "View Askew-niverse". Cliched? Yes. With faults? Yes. But also sweet and an enjoyable watch.

Clerks II (2006)
Brian O'Hallaran - Dante Hicks
Jeff Anderson - Randal Graves
Rosario Dawson - Becky Scott
Trevor Fehrman - Elias Grover
Jason Mewes - Jay
Kevin Smith - Silent Bob
Jennifer Schwalbach Smith - Emma Bunting

Fans of the original Clerks finally got the first official sequel to the movie this year... and it was worth the wait. I've never laughed so much during a Kevin Smith movie. Not for everybody - if you're offended by jokes about bestiality, or racial slurs, don't watch this movie. If not, then this movie was made for you.
Ten years after the original movie, the Quick Stop has burnt down and Dante and Randal find themselves working in Mooby's (a fictional fast food restaurant featured in Dogma and Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back). Other than that, not much has changed - they still do very little work and have insanely funny, ridiculous conversations all day. And those drug dealers (who have been to rehab and found Jesus) Jay and Silent Bob are still hanging around. One thing that's about to change though, is Dante is about to set off to Florida and marry a woman with whom he has nothing in common despite an obvious attraction to his boss. If you've seen any of the above movies and enjoyed them, go see this!

Kevin Smith has also worked as producer on Drawing Flies, A Better Place, Good Will Hunting and Vulgar. He has also appeared in Drawing Flies, Scream 3, Vulgar, Daredevil, Doogal, Southland Tales, Bottom's Up, Catch And Release, Veronica Mars and Tail Lights Fade. He has wrote stories for comic books Green Arrow, Spider-Man and Daredevil, has penned a screenplay for a live action movie of comic book The Green Hornet and is working on his next movie Ranger Danger And The Danger Rangers which is due for release in 2008.

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: MadmanDan on September 25, 2006, 07:49:11 PM
Brilliant comedic director !! All his movies rocked, and were a treat for any smart open-minded person.

  The two Clerks movie are magnificent, I consider them dirtier versions of Seinfeld...apparently meaningless dialogue, but with lots of substance and incredibly funny.

Jay and Silent Bob strike back was better than all the Scary Movies put together

 I'm not much of a Chasing Amy fan, but it was a good, original movie.

  Jersey girl is a sweet, fun,  enjoyable movie
My favourite, though, is Dogma. The story is so well made, and all the characters, and if you have half a brain, you see that absolutely nothing in the movie is insulting to religion.

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: Bill 213 on September 25, 2006, 08:56:13 PM
Dogma and Chasing Amy are the only two movies I really get into.  I think Clerks is way overrated, but that's just my opinion.  Chasing Amy had an interesting story and Dogma was pretty funny.  Mallrats was too cheesy and anything after that just full on sucked.  I haven't seen Clerks 2 yet though.

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: Kujo on September 25, 2006, 09:19:54 PM
Love all his movies. I enjoyed them more before Hollywood decided he was cool and everyone had to have a cameo in his films. He accomplished the impossible with "Chasing Amy" by making a chick flick that a guy could watch. As far as Dogma goes, any movie that pisses off that many catholics is good in my book.

Vulgar;  :nervous:  but good

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: pasnow on September 25, 2006, 09:43:59 PM

  Jersey girl is a sweet, fun,  enjoyable movie

WHAT?!! Are you kidding me? Jersey Girl was the worst piece of garbage ever put to film. I accidentally rented it because I meant to rent "Garden State" instead, and got the two mixed up. What an awful, awful decision this turned out to be. I could only put up with about 10 minutes of this constant, conversation laced babbling dialogue before I finally realized that the six year old girl was involved in half that dialogue!!! Have you ever spoken to a six year old?!! They give 2 word answers, they don't hold conversations.

Clerks is great, but his movies went slightly downhill as they went on.. Mallrats, while funny, suffered from lacking much of a plot. Chasing Amy was ok, but a niche audience, Dogma - wayyyyy too much talking.. Needed about 20 minutes of talking cut out of it. In fact just cut Affleck & Damon completely out of it. Strikes back took a step back towards the right direction, however he said at the time he was "retiring Jay & Bob" Well that lasted long.. 1 fucking God-Awful movie later and what do we have, Clerks 2.

Personally I put John Hughes above him as comedic director (Vacation, 16 Candles, Ferris Bueller) and the Farrelly Brothers (Dumb & Dumber, Something About Mary) among others above him as they made 'better movies' rather than loaded with raunchy yet funny conversation.

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: Kujo on September 25, 2006, 09:56:05 PM
While I respect your opinion since you have watched the movies, you lost all credibility after admitting to confusing "Jersey Girl" for "Garden State" :rofl:

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: Bill 213 on September 25, 2006, 09:58:06 PM
Harold Ramis actually directed NL's Vacation if that's the one you were talking about. ?He did that, Caddyshack and Groundhog Day.........he also wrote Caddyshack, Groundhog Day, Stripes, NL Animal House, Ghostbusters 1 and 2, Back to School and a few others. ?One of the true greats. ?He's doing something now with Owen Wilson. ?I think his only big flop was directing Bedazzled with Brendon Fraiser

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: MadmanDan on September 25, 2006, 10:05:34 PM

? Jersey girl is a sweet, fun,? enjoyable movie

WHAT?!! Are you kidding me? Jersey Girl was the worst piece of garbage ever put to film. I accidentally rented it because I meant to rent "Garden State" instead, and got the two mixed up. What an awful, awful decision this turned out to be. I could only put up with about 10 minutes of this constant, conversation laced babbling dialogue before I finally realized that the six year old girl was involved in half that dialogue!!! Have you ever spoken to a six year old?!! They give 2 word answers, they don't hold conversations.

Clerks is great, but his movies went slightly downhill as they went on.. Mallrats, while funny, suffered from lacking much of a plot. Chasing Amy was ok, but a niche audience, Dogma - wayyyyy too much talking.. Needed about 20 minutes of talking cut out of it. In fact just cut Affleck & Damon completely out of it. Strikes back took a step back towards the right direction, however he said at the time he was "retiring Jay & Bob" Well that lasted long.. 1 fucking God-Awful movie later and what do we have, Clerks 2.

Well I liked Jersey girl...not a brilliant movie, but a good film to watch on a sunday afternoon.

Way too much talking in Dogma? Talking is the best thing about Kev Smith movies! If you don't get that, you've wasted about 10 hours of your life watching his films. Go rent Independence Day...

So what if he didn't retire Jay and Silent Bob? After 10 years, they still fuckin rule, and Clerks 2 was absolutley phenomenal

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on September 25, 2006, 10:27:56 PM
He was good, but like many indie directors of that era - including Tarantino - he has suffered from over-exposure. The difference between Smith and QT, however, is that QT takes more time on his films and hasn't made a single bad movie, whereas Smith has directed and acted in a number of duds. Clerks II was a nice return to form and I think he needs to ease back on the exposure.

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: GnFnR87 on November 03, 2006, 06:27:00 PM
i've seen Clerks, Dogma, and Chasing Amy.

Out of those three i think Chasing Amy is the best, Joey Lauren Adams should have at least been nominated for an oscar for that, great great performance.

Dogma was good.? I think Clerks was good too but it is a tad overrated in my opinion. i'm not saying its bad, it was good, just not as good as people say.

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on November 03, 2006, 06:34:16 PM
i've seen Clerks, Dogma, and Chasing Amy.

Out of those three i think Chasing Amy is the best, Joey Lauren Adams should have at least been nominated for an oscar for that, great great performance.

Dogma was good.  I think Clerks was good too but it is a tad overrated in my opinion. i'm not saying its bad, it was good, just not as good as people say.

I think Chasing Amy is overrated. I have the Criterion DVD and it has its moments but I don't think it's nearly as mature or witty as people claim it is. I think it's a rather immature and unrealistic film.

Title: Re: Kevin Smith
Post by: GnFnR87 on November 05, 2006, 07:46:41 PM
I just saw Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

i thought it was pretty good.

Kevin Smith has stated that hes thinking about a sequel to Dogma!!