Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Malcolm on October 07, 2006, 10:18:45 PM

Title: Saw III
Post by: Malcolm on October 07, 2006, 10:18:45 PM
Jigsaw has disappeared. Now aided by his new apprentice Amanda (Shawnee Smith), the puppet-master behind the cruel, intricate games that have terrified a community and baffled police has once again eluded capture and vanished. While city detectives scramble to locate him, Dr. Lynn Denlon (Bahar Soomekh) is unaware that she is about to become the latest pawn on his vicious chessboard. One night, after finishing a shift at her hospital, Lynn is kidnapped by the deranged Amanda and taken to an abandoned warehouse where she meets Jigsaw, aka: John Kramer (Tobin Bell), who's now bedridden and on the verge of death. Lynn is told that she must keep the madman alive for as long as it takes Jeff (Angus Macfayden), another of his victims, to complete a game of his own. Racing against the ticking clock of Jigsaw's own heartbeat, Lynn and Jeff struggle to make it through each of their vicious tests, unaware that Jigsaw and Amanda have a much bigger plan for both of them...

Comes out on Halloween...Wonder what messed up things there gonna have this time

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Kujo on October 07, 2006, 10:30:02 PM
Part 2 was a bit of a letdown but I'm still looking forward to this. I believe it opens the night of the FT Myers/Estero show, so it will be taking the backburner on my priorities for that weekend.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: D on October 08, 2006, 02:53:34 AM
I cannot wait to see this!

I thought Part 2 was pretty fuckin good though, They still kept it suspenseful with a great twist at the end.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: EFISH on October 08, 2006, 02:58:09 AM
Part 2 was a bit of a letdown but I'm still looking forward to this. I believe it opens the night of the FT Myers/Estero show, so it will be taking the backburner on my priorities for that weekend.

It opens 4 days after...

So you decided to go to this show?

Yeah, i saw the preview at the theatre today, they didnt really explain the plot, just showed some scenes.. its gonna kick ass!

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: WeHeldTogether on October 08, 2006, 03:02:33 AM
it doesn't actually come out on halloween, it comes out on October 27th.

im so fuckin stoked for this movie, I and II are pretty much my favorite horror movies.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: -Jack- on October 08, 2006, 03:44:15 AM
Part One was so fucking ridiculous.. seriously, the whole theater was cracking up! It was like there was an inside joke between the makers of the movie and they just wanted to make people laugh.

I loved it... the acting... haha.. at the end of the movie when the two main guys were all crying n shit... someone tell me they can relate to what I'm talking about.  :hihi:

#2 was good too. But not as ridiculously funny.

Hopefully #3 is just as good.

I love these cheesy movies...

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Amish on October 08, 2006, 06:48:33 AM
Umm, a cheesy movie is like Night of the Living Dead, or Dead Alive.

The Saw movies are far ahead of the typical horror movie.  Saw is on an Edgar Allen Poe level. 

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Izzy on October 08, 2006, 07:33:33 AM
I thought the first film was an intresting idea - thought the second one was so tame you could keep it as a pet and think the third will probably be good enough to avoid

I'm also seriously disturbed by people that like these films

a) because they are frankly godawful
b) if the scenes are ''entertaing'' then....frankly your mentally unbalanced. This kind of thing shouldn't be entertaining

''yeah but its not real, stuff like that doesn't happen in real life......''

Go check out the latest UN report on Iraq. They manage considerably worse.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Skeletor on October 08, 2006, 07:49:59 AM
I thought the first film was an intresting idea
if the scenes are ''entertaing'' then....frankly your mentally unbalanced. This kind of thing shouldn't be entertaining

Err, so... you thought the idea is interesting in itself, but still, a movie shouldn't've been made out of it?

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Izzy on October 08, 2006, 08:05:03 AM
I thought the first film was an intresting idea
if the scenes are ''entertaing'' then....frankly your mentally unbalanced. This kind of thing shouldn't be entertaining

Err, so... you thought the idea is interesting in itself, but still, a movie shouldn't've been made out of it?

The idea itself is an intresting one - but it holds interest as an idea only. As a graphic reality appealing to psychotics with barely - repressed homicidal loses that interest.

Watch the film if you must - but to claim you had a great time watching generic ethnic sterotype #1 be incinerated is......deeply worrying

'wasn't it great when so and so got crushed n' all the blood came out??'
'yeah that was awesome!!11!!!1111!!''

I've seen both the films in this series so far - and i'm assuming i did so just to remind myself how desperatly sad this world is, because that was my thinking as  i left the cinema

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Skeletor on October 08, 2006, 08:59:26 AM
'wasn't it great when so and so got crushed n' all the blood came out??'
'yeah that was awesome!!11!!!1111!!''

That's a bit over the top, I doubt many adults would get hyped up about the movie in that sense... Yet, I think it's pretty narrow-minded to label people sociopaths just because they aren't as repulsed by the scenes as you are. Guess we all just have our own tresholds to these things.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Evolution on October 08, 2006, 09:12:29 AM
I'm certainly off to see this one. It's more of a "awww man" kind of laugh along rather than a horror flick.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: jazjme on October 08, 2006, 09:29:50 AM
I look forward to this jsut to sit there in a theather, with a six pack, and popcorn, and escape, laugh and go owh,god "told him/her not to do that".lol

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Steel_Angel on October 08, 2006, 03:33:47 PM
I saw part 2 in the theater, it was alright, havent seen the first part.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Jim on October 08, 2006, 05:33:58 PM
I saw part 2 in the theater, it was alright, havent seen the first part.

ah... wait, no... ah...

wait... SNAP!

I'm in the same boat.

And, what... Oh dear. Bit o' Cannibal. This relation through association is enough to give an upstanding member of society such as myself a heart attack.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: journey on October 08, 2006, 07:51:00 PM
I love these cheesy movies...

Take it back!? :hihi:

They're not cheesy, not like the Friday the 13th or? Elm St. movies. They're more hardcore and unpredictable than the typical formulaic horror movie. A lot of horror movies out today try to mimic Saw. It's true.

Silent Hill, now that was funny.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: -Jack- on October 08, 2006, 08:07:09 PM
I thought the first film was an intresting idea - thought the second one was so tame you could keep it as a pet and think the third will probably be good enough to avoid

I'm also seriously disturbed by people that like these films

a) because they are frankly godawful
b) if the scenes are ''entertaing'' then....frankly your mentally unbalanced. This kind of thing shouldn't be entertaining

''yeah but its not real, stuff like that doesn't happen in real life......''

Go check out the latest UN report on Iraq. They manage considerably worse.

Dude you gotta be kidding me. I'm not laughing at the blood and gore. Did I ever say that?

I'm laughing at the ridiculous B-movie acting in the first movie. Even when I said "when they were crying n shit"... it was just because it seemed so ridiculously fake. Go watch the last 40 min of the original Saw.. bad acting at it's finest. Honestly.. the whole theater was laughing.


In responce to Journey and the other people telling me Saw isn't funny... I guess it's opinion. I hardly think Saw is a very scary or clever.. but I do enjoy the movies. And they are pretty good! I was a fan of the first one! Most people didn't even care about the Saw series until the second one came out... so I consider myself a Saw fan.

And.. Silent Hill wasn't funny. It was bad.  :hihi:. Can't believe I wasted 10 bucks on that!

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: axlrosegnr on October 08, 2006, 09:25:25 PM
I loved both of them so far, as did many, many other people. In fact, Millions of people love Horror movies in general. So I guess in Izzy's eyes, millions of people are "mentaly unbalanced" for enjoying a specific genere of movie.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on October 08, 2006, 10:06:26 PM
I like the 1st two. I think Saw II was better than Saw I. I will check Saw III out for sure.  I think the Saw movies are some good horror movie when you compare them to some of the other ones over the past few years. 

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Malcolm on October 28, 2006, 05:21:57 PM
Saw III' has brains and heart
By STEVE TILLEY -- Toronto Sun

PLOT: A terminally ill Jigsaw carries out his final game, a twisted life lesson for a grieving father, a depressed doctor and Jigsaw?s own murderous apprentice.

There?s a lot to be said for low expectations. Predict the worst, and you?ll either end up being exactly right, or you?ll get a pleasant surprise. It?s win-win.

The original Saw was a cheap yet clever little flick, but Saw II felt more like a cold and nasty exercise in making people cringe, with a large cast of dull and unlikable cretins getting their gruesome just desserts.

You might think the shot-in-Toronto Saw III would be more of the same ? expecting the worst and all ? but you?d be wrong. Saw III isn?t just by far the best film of the series, it?s one of the better horror movies of the year.

John Kramer, aka Jigsaw (Tobin Bell), isn?t dead ? yet. Bedridden with terminal brain cancer, he?s got one last twisted lesson to teach, this time to Jeff (Angus Macfadyen), a grieving father who can?t move past the death of his son at the hands of a careless driver.

With the help of his protege Amanda (Shawnee Smith), Jigsaw constructs his most elaborate game yet, kidnapping a talented but troubled doctor (Crash?s Bahar Soomekh) to keep him alive long enough to see his plan through to the end.

Everything fans of the franchise could want is here: Gruesome deathtraps, jolting plot twists, black humour and, of course, blood. Oh yes, there will be blood.

While there?s nothing quite as intense as Saw II?s pit of dirty syringes, an extended sequence involving drills, saws and a shiny white hunk of exposed skull gets pretty close. To say nothing of the vat full of liquified pig parts. Yum.

But aside from some slightly slow pacing here and there, everything clicks. There isn?t a weak link in the cast, and Bell?s mix of ruthlessness and humanity makes Jigsaw one of the most fascinating screen killers in recent memory.

Fans of the franchise will swoon over the way Saw III ties up many of the loose ends, including the fate of Saw II?s principal characters, a deeper explanation of the relationship between Jigsaw and Amanda, and even a peek at the events that took place right before the original Saw.

Without giving too much away, Saw III could well be the last film in the series, because it?s tough to see where it could go from here. That said, the ending does leave the door open for another chapter, if series screenwriter Leigh Whannell can figure out a way to escape the corner he?s painted himself into.

If Saw III is a sign of the direction this series is headed, hopefully he?ll find a way out of his own devious trap. What a pleasant surprise that would be.

BOTTOM LINE: Saw III is gross and squirmy, but it?s got a lot of brains and heart to go along with its guts. Better than Saw and Saw II combined.

(This film is rated 18A)

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: GnFnR87 on October 28, 2006, 06:10:43 PM
i loved them, i thought the second was even better than the first.

i still cringe when i think about getting thrown into a vat of used needles!!! man.

ill hopefully be seeing this soon, its been getting decent reviews huh?

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Pinball Wizard on October 28, 2006, 06:35:29 PM
I can't wait to check out Saw 3!!!! It will be on brazilian's movie theaters this week, and I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!!!!!!!

When I saw the second movie, I was at the movie theater with a girl that wanted to "play a game"( :rofl: :hihi:) with me, but I couldn't be with her because I was so into the movie!!!!  :rofl:

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: mrlee on October 28, 2006, 07:13:11 PM
i watched the first one, i like the plot and the twists, really great twists, very voilent though, sometimes a bit too voilent for my liking.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Bandita on October 28, 2006, 08:07:44 PM
I am going to see this tonight as part of pre Halloween fun!

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: -Jack- on October 28, 2006, 08:38:48 PM

Saw 3 sucked.

What a bad way to end a great series. I loved the other two.

This one only relied on gore. The story took a bad seat... and the twists were weak.


Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Bandita on October 29, 2006, 01:27:22 AM

Saw 3 sucked.

What a bad way to end a great series. I loved the other two.

This one only relied on gore. The story took a bad seat... and the twists were weak.


This one definitely took a backseat to the others.  Plenty of gore though!

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: D on October 29, 2006, 01:45:37 AM
Saw dropped the ball as a franchise.

They should've never revealed the true mastermind behind the games.

I hope they spin the angle and make Jigsaw some masterminds Pawn and the series continues.

they are low budget and make millions.

They said that they didnt have to end with a trilogy. Saw IV can happen as they left the door open for it.

The twist at the end was ok.......... the movie was decent. worth seeing but not as good as the first 2.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Izzy on October 29, 2006, 07:44:25 AM
I loved both of them so far, as did many, many other people. In fact, Millions of people love Horror movies in general. So I guess in Izzy's eyes, millions of people are "mentaly unbalanced" for enjoying a specific genere of movie.

Walk down the street, listen to the news, read a paper - the world is full of maniacs, there are hundreds of millions of them - products of broken homes, bad parenting, illness or just dealt a bad hand by life

Watching Saw doesn't make u mentally unbalanced - but a certain type of person enjoys that type of film. If u enjoy torture - what does that say about you? If your watching a film just for the hilarious acting - what does that say about your notions of quality?

Saw is purely about suffering - dont try and tell me the amazing script and ''storyline' had u rushing to the cinema, u wanted to see people die. Is that healthy?

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: journey on October 29, 2006, 01:53:15 PM
I really didn't like all the extra gore. Lots of blood and torture doesn't equal fear or suspense, in my opinion. I did like the storyline though. It dealt with true emotions of revenge and sadness. The ending had a nice twist, but it seemed more obvious than the last two movies.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Jim on October 29, 2006, 01:53:59 PM
Journey, didn't I tell you months ago that it would be rubbish?

... ;D

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: journey on October 29, 2006, 02:00:28 PM
Journey, didn't I tell you months ago that it would be rubbish?

... ;D

Yeah, yeah.? :hihi:

I'll trust your expertise from now on.? :beer:

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Jim on October 29, 2006, 02:09:03 PM
Saw it is!

(Seriously though, number 3 will be rubbish)

Seriously though, don't have such a bloody rubbish attitude. The writer and director of Saw is young, imaginative and new school. So you won't be disappointed.

Damn straight you will from now on! Seriously though.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: EFISH on October 29, 2006, 02:10:52 PM
I didnt read any of the posts here because I didnt want to ruin it for me, but I'm going to see it right now  :D................

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Eclipsed107 on October 29, 2006, 02:31:26 PM
the Saw movies have good plots and ideas but in the end just seem like sencless gore to me, and that makes it tough to watch (because it seems like they rely on the gore for the movies to work).  I haven't seen the third one yet, and I don't plan on it - but there is a very kick ass song by Static-X on the soundtrack. :)

I think Saw would be better if they focused more on the ingenius plot and ideas instead of focusing on the gore so much.  "Oh yes, there will be blood."  How many times were they going to say that during the advertising for the second one?  ugh.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Bandita on October 29, 2006, 02:37:28 PM
I loved both of them so far, as did many, many other people. In fact, Millions of people love Horror movies in general. So I guess in Izzy's eyes, millions of people are "mentaly unbalanced" for enjoying a specific genere of movie.

Walk down the street, listen to the news, read a paper - the world is full of maniacs, there are hundreds of millions of them - products of broken homes, bad parenting, illness or just dealt a bad hand by life

Watching Saw doesn't make u mentally unbalanced - but a certain type of person enjoys that type of film. If u enjoy torture - what does that say about you? If your watching a film just for the hilarious acting - what does that say about your notions of quality?

Saw is purely about suffering - dont try and tell me the amazing script and ''storyline' had u rushing to the cinema, u wanted to see people die. Is that healthy?

Are you kidding?  What if I was watching The Passion of the Christ or Titanic for that matter?  That is all about suffering as well. 

I watch movies to escape reality.  If that makes me unbalanced so be it.

Title: Re: Saw III
Post by: Chris Axl on October 29, 2006, 02:43:43 PM
Jigsaw has disappeared. Now aided by his new apprentice Amanda (Shawnee Smith), the puppet-master behind the cruel, intricate games that have terrified a community and baffled police has once again eluded capture and vanished. While city detectives scramble to locate him, Dr. Lynn Denlon (Bahar Soomekh) is unaware that she is about to become the latest pawn on his vicious chessboard. One night, after finishing a shift at her hospital, Lynn is kidnapped by the deranged Amanda and taken to an abandoned warehouse where she meets Jigsaw, aka: John Kramer (Tobin Bell), who's now bedridden and on the verge of death. Lynn is told that she must keep the madman alive for as long as it takes Jeff (Angus Macfayden), another of his victims, to complete a game of his own. Racing against the ticking clock of Jigsaw's own heartbeat, Lynn and Jeff struggle to make it through each of their vicious tests, unaware that Jigsaw and Amanda have a much bigger plan for both of them...

Comes out on Halloween...Wonder what messed up things there gonna have this time

cant wait for that!

The first and second film were in a sick way really amasing!