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Off Topic => Fun N' Games => Topic started by: HamsterDemocracy on October 12, 2006, 06:23:16 PM

Title: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 12, 2006, 06:23:16 PM
Hey guys, anyone into videogames at all? I haven't played any games in years but yesterday I suddenly felt the urge to buy a first-person shooter - preferably something with online play. Any suggestions?

Last game I played was actually Half-Life 2 last year and that was pretty cool, but since then I've taken a long hiatus.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Neemo on October 13, 2006, 08:53:58 AM
Hey guys, anyone into videogames at all? I haven't played any games in years but yesterday I suddenly felt the urge to buy a first-person shooter - preferably something with online play. Any suggestions?

Last game I played was actually Half-Life 2 last year and that was pretty cool, but since then I've taken a long hiatus.

that game "Fear" is cool, my buddy has it and it's amazing, kinda creepy too, if you are capable of cranking all the video settings the attention to detail is stunning.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 13, 2006, 08:16:38 PM
I ended up buying Doom 3. Kinda cool. Gets a bit old though. The flashlight gimmick is annoying.

Half-Life 2 is the best videogame ever IMO, at first I was like, "Eh, this isn't so great," but towards the middle I was so caught up in it.

The graphics engine is the best I've ever seen and some of the levels in that game are mind-blowing. And the gravity gun at the end is ungodly sweet.

Doom 3 is really poor compared to HL2 but it's still worth the twenty bucks I paid.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: -Jack- on October 13, 2006, 09:20:07 PM
I used to play video games alot.. and now, nothing interests me.

I still love the Castlevania series.. and I loved Metriod Prime... so I'll try out the Wii at some demo booth.. and then decide to buy it or not.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 13, 2006, 09:22:48 PM
I used to play video games alot.. and now, nothing interests me.

I still love the Castlevania series.. and I loved Metriod Prime... so I'll try out the Wii at some demo booth.. and then decide to buy it or not.

Wii may be the first Nintendo console in a while worth buying.

N64 - man, when that first came out it was the beginning of a new era; I still remember getting one Christmas '96 when no one could find them, it was something I'll never forget.

That was TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO! Crazy! I can't believe it's been that long.

When I hit 16 or so a few years back I really lost interest in videogames - the only ones I still play are GTA, Halo and Half-Life when new ones come out.

I will probably buy an Xbox 360 when the price drops so I can play Halo and GTA when they come out. Halo 3 should be fun.

I also love Unreal Tournament on PC and a new one is coming out at the end of this month, so I'll probably check into that as well.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: AtariLegend on October 13, 2006, 09:25:49 PM
Zelda- there should be a 500page plus thread just about Zelda on this site

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 13, 2006, 09:26:46 PM
Zelda- there should be a 500page plus thread just about Zelda on this site

Zelda 64 was a masterpiece.  :yes:

Haven't played any others.

I heard the Gamecube one sucked.  :no:

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: AtariLegend on October 13, 2006, 09:28:14 PM
It doesn't suck, it's just that it might as well be a different genre to the 64 masterpiece

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: -Jack- on October 13, 2006, 09:30:20 PM
Zelda- there should be a 500page plus thread just about Zelda on this site

Even Zelda I'm tired of.

Majoras mask was bad. Wind Waker I couldn't get into..

I don't really have high hopes for the next one.

I loved the original.. loved the SNES one, and I loved the first N64 one. Thats about it.

Ah and in responce to RR... I forgot to mention Halo.

It's single player games I can't play anymore. I only completed 2 games from last generation (PS2, GC, XBOX)... not because they were too hard to beat.. because I got bored.

Multiplayer games is a different thing though. Social gaming I can do.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Gunner80 on October 14, 2006, 07:07:35 PM
Prey for the PC is a great game you should try out, when it comes down to $19.99 of course. The game is only about 11 hours long.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Megaguns on October 14, 2006, 07:12:49 PM
I dont even play my xbox anymore, I play more roms on my pc, Excitebike on NES anyone?  :hihi:

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: AtariLegend on October 14, 2006, 07:18:49 PM
Prey for the PC is a great game you should try out, when it comes down to $19.99 of course. The game is only about 11 hours long.

Problems with games like Prey, are that it means you have to spend alot on upgrading your PC everytime, 1 comes out.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 14, 2006, 11:56:18 PM
Prey for the PC is a great game you should try out, when it comes down to $19.99 of course. The game is only about 11 hours long.

Problems with games like Prey, are that it means you have to spend alot on upgrading your PC everytime, 1 comes out.

I'm so happy. About five or six months ago I went to Circuit City and they had a $1400 HP computer on sale for $1000.

I know a fair bit about computers and was surprised at the quality of the specs - usually I'd be skeptical buying from Circuit City but this thing is sweet.

300 GB hard drive, dual processor, great graphics card, kickass speed - it's great. It's Windows Media Edition so it comes built-in with TV adapter (I can record straight from the TV as well) and all sorts of special entertainment-related stuff. I uninstalled a lot of it when I got the PC and kept the stuff that was cool. It also comes with a remote control so I can play iTunes from my bed and skip tracks and turn up/down volume when I'm going to sleep. It also plays DVDs with the remote.

On my old 36 GB Dell I had to set the settings on their lowest to play Half-Life 2 and levels took about five minutes to load. With my new PC I can play the game maxed out with all settings and it never freezes; levels load in about 15 - 30 seconds.

I just loaded up Doom3 and I only have 60 GB left of hard disk space and with settings at the max it plays like a dream - it has yet to really freeze up, it got choppy at one point but it was more of a glitch in the game than the PC.

But what depresses me is that in two years this thing won't be able to handle the newest games. Nevertheless I love it and it's my new favorite thing in the world apart from sex and pizza.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: axl_rose_700 on October 15, 2006, 05:21:29 PM
Scarface on ps2 is awesome!  :)

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: the dirt on October 15, 2006, 06:49:24 PM
Scarface on ps2 is awesome!? :)

Is it? Does it stay loyal to the movie and is it big?

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Dirty Little Thing on October 16, 2006, 12:25:51 AM
Prey is a pretty good, nothing amazing but a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon.

If you liked doom i'd recommend Quake 4 too, A few of the guns actually have flashlights on them  :hihi:

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Drew on October 16, 2006, 06:43:10 AM
For the Playstation 2, I recommend:

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
Call of Duty 2 : Big Red One

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Sober_times on October 17, 2006, 08:46:04 PM
Since you just got a new computer I would pick up the new Unreal Tournament and Call Of Duty 3, they look awesome. Also pick Oblivion if you into RPGS, its a great game. World of Warcraft is cool if you can stomach paying 15 bucks a month to play a game, I did for a little while but I dont like the fact I got a pay to play a game i paid 50 bucks for. Also since you just bought a new computer most great console games come out on it anyway such as halo, call of duty, gta to name a few. Pick up a joy pad, buy the computer versions of the consoles games so you dont fork over another $400+ to play em, depending what system you pick up. Though I'm kinda being a hipocrite there cuz i have a 360 and a great computer.? :beer: :smoking:

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Dirty Little Thing on October 17, 2006, 11:00:01 PM
^ Oh yeah, definetely Oblivion, people I know that hate RPGS even like Oblivion. Plus it's only about 40-50$ and it will take you months to complete.  ;D

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 18, 2006, 12:06:15 AM
I got this game called F.E.A.R. - it's friggin' awesome! Probably one of the best FPS games ever. It's like Half-Life 2, Max Payne, The Grudge (movie), Die Hard, and combat games all rolled into one. It's awesome and waaaay scarier than Doom 3 - this game actually made me almost piss myself at parts. It's like a movie at times, and basically there's this creepy dead girl who appears at points during the game and every time she appears this sudden music blasts through the speakers. In one part you're going through a ventilation shaft on your knees with a flashlight and it's dark, and suddenly a steam vent blows and as this happens the girl appears out of the steam and comes running at you on her hands and knees like the alien creatures in ALIENS.

Definitely worth the $40.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Dirty Little Thing on October 18, 2006, 07:49:21 PM
I got this game called F.E.A.R. - it's friggin' awesome! Probably one of the best FPS games ever. It's like Half-Life 2, Max Payne, The Grudge (movie), Die Hard, and combat games all rolled into one. It's awesome and waaaay scarier than Doom 3 - this game actually made me almost piss myself at parts. It's like a movie at times, and basically there's this creepy dead girl who appears at points during the game and every time she appears this sudden music blasts through the speakers. In one part you're going through a ventilation shaft on your knees with a flashlight and it's dark, and suddenly a steam vent blows and as this happens the girl appears out of the steam and comes running at you on her hands and knees like the alien creatures in ALIENS.

Definitely worth the $40.

Yeah, i've been wanting to play this game so bad but I have to wait for it to be released on the 360 first.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Eclipsed107 on October 18, 2006, 08:04:04 PM
In a month pick up a Wii and Zelda: Twilight Princess (it'll be game of the year for sure!) ^-^

Then go pick up Metroid Prime (on gamecube / you can get it for like 6 bucks now...), It's the best FPS of this generation IMO, even better than halo.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: -Jack- on October 18, 2006, 09:08:03 PM
In a month pick up a Wii and Zelda: Twilight Princess (it'll be game of the year for sure!) ^-^

Then go pick up Metroid Prime (on gamecube / you can get it for like 6 bucks now...), It's the best FPS of this generation IMO, even better than halo.

The single player is DEFINITLY leaps and bounds better than Halo.

But the multi is no competition

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Eclipsed107 on October 19, 2006, 04:01:24 PM
That's because there is no multiplayer =P  The single player is amazing though.

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Sober_times on October 19, 2006, 05:43:32 PM
I didnt like the control scheme of Prime, but the game was fun. Just the whole movement control sucked the big one, and because of that I didnt play it that much. The control scheme in Halo was much better, but Halo had something lacking. And the second one still had it.  :smoking:

Title: Re: Videogame suggestions?
Post by: Thorned Rose on May 14, 2008, 04:30:49 PM
yeah does anyone have any suggestions for me?

I love the max payne games... something simulair to that... ... but nothing too crazy because my pc can't run a lot of games.

I can run anything previous from 2006