Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: gnrlies on October 14, 2006, 08:32:30 AM

Title: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrlies on October 14, 2006, 08:32:30 AM
Hey everyone

This has been killing me for ages cos ive wanted to watch this show but cant remember which one it is. I own the bootleg, but dont want to sift through every show to find it.

Anyway, its where axl rants on about the war in the middle east would have been the iraq/kuwait conflict. It was in the use your illusion era, and I think he said it as an intro to civil war (i think but may be wrong).

But he says something like:

"We all hate war, but if you dont support our troops when we are over there then you are a fucking idiot" or something like that.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: eggers on October 14, 2006, 08:33:58 AM
Indiana 1991.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on October 14, 2006, 08:45:21 AM
That's very clever...just remember, that support was for a very popular and necessary war.   :yes:

I've said it before, I'll say it again, Axl is a smart man and we won't be hearing him alienate large segments of the listening public by him taking sides when it comes to any current conflicts.  ;)   Until about 80 to 90% of the public are either for or against the war, we won't hear any public statements.    :peace:   :peace:   :peace: 

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrlies on October 14, 2006, 09:24:04 AM
Indiana 1991.

Thank you so much...

After about an hour of trying to get my DVD player to work, I got my 2 minute fix of axl and right wing common sense

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Rainfox on October 14, 2006, 09:35:36 AM

I believe Axl's wording was:

"There's a war going on.... [something].... but I think you'd be a fuckin' asshole, not to fuckin' root for our SIDE!"

To huge cheers.

Axl has become older, wiser. More reflective. He's not the angry, young polarized white man anymore.

Which is great.

There is no DOUBT in my mind where he stands on the current Iraq war, or American politics in general for that matter.

That doesn't mean he doesn't support all the men and women over there getting blown to bits.


Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Charity Case on October 14, 2006, 10:06:34 AM
There is no DOUBT in my mind where he stands on the current Iraq war, or American politics in general for that matter.

How can you know this?  I've never heard him say or been quoted saying anything about the war or politics (at least since 1993).  Did I miss some info??  It's pretty well known that he's a Republican and a huge fan of guys like Arnold, so I can't see where you can say this with such certainty. 

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: guns_n_motley on October 14, 2006, 10:07:19 AM
"war what is it good for"?? ;D :hihi:

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Rainfox on October 14, 2006, 10:12:56 AM

Charity.. Axl is *not* a Republican. Trust me on this  ;)

He's friends with Ah-nuld, yeah.

Think T2 and End of Days. And that old pic of Axl + Izzy's place with a poster of the Austrian Steroid Oak on the wall.

Politics...  to each his own.

All cool.


Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: kingaxl on October 14, 2006, 10:30:54 AM

I believe Axl's wording was:

"There's a war going on.... [something].... but I think you'd be a fuckin' asshole, not to fuckin' root for our SIDE!"

To huge cheers.

Axl has become older, wiser. More reflective. He's not the angry, young polarized white man anymore.
 i like the way you putted it, really like it!!!
Which is great.

There is no DOUBT in my mind where he stands on the current Iraq war, or American politics in general for that matter.

That doesn't mean he doesn't support all the men and women over there getting blown to bits.


Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: kingaxl on October 14, 2006, 10:31:49 AM
i liked the way you putted it, really liked it!!!

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gandra on October 14, 2006, 10:36:12 AM
Hey everyone

This has been killing me for ages cos ive wanted to watch this show but cant remember which one it is. I own the bootleg, but dont want to sift through every show to find it.

Anyway, its where axl rants on about the war in the middle east would have been the iraq/kuwait conflict. It was in the use your illusion era, and I think he said it as an intro to civil war (i think but may be wrong).

But he says something like:

"We all hate war, but if you dont support our troops when we are over there then you are a fucking idiot" or something like that.

Axl have never said something like that,that he support some troops...
axl talking about war in rio 91,but never said "suport" someone

if he soported ocupation troops,that was stupid for him

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: anythinggoes on October 14, 2006, 11:10:46 AM
Indianapolis May 27th 1991 just after Civil War

"That song was dedicated to all the military here tonight"..............."i think that anybody in their right mind, anybody that has a brain at all, wasnt too excited with the concept of going to war, but once we was in it i think you was a fucking asshole not to fucking route for our side .... i met all these people (Impression) I don't think we should be having this war..... Well its too late asshole."

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrlies on October 14, 2006, 11:34:58 AM
Hey everyone

This has been killing me for ages cos ive wanted to watch this show but cant remember which one it is. I own the bootleg, but dont want to sift through every show to find it.

Anyway, its where axl rants on about the war in the middle east would have been the iraq/kuwait conflict. It was in the use your illusion era, and I think he said it as an intro to civil war (i think but may be wrong).

But he says something like:

"We all hate war, but if you dont support our troops when we are over there then you are a fucking idiot" or something like that.

Axl have never said something like that,that he support some troops...
axl talking about war in rio 91,but never said "suport" someone

if he soported ocupation troops,that was stupid for him

What are you talking about? Numerous posts on this thread have confirmed that he did say something synonomous with supporting the troops overseas....

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 14, 2006, 11:48:26 AM
Don't try to impose your political bias on to anyone.  Nothing pisses me off more than when a celebrity goes on a rant in a public venue on their political stance.  Axl's a rock star, not a political scientist.  He's welcome to his views, just as everyone else, but he does an outstanding job of keeping them seperate from his work.  I love seeing liberals coming here saying that they're sure Axl has a certain stance without an ounce of proof to back it up.  If you really care to know what his beliefs are, look at some of his hobbies and statements from the past.  If you were going to make an educated guess on his views (which is all you can really do), he'd probably be a libertarian.  But why should you care what his political beleifs are?  Even if he was against or for the war in Iraq, would that somehow add any creedence to the argument?

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on October 14, 2006, 12:19:06 PM
I like the fact Axl doesn't rant about his political views. Everyone has a right to their own opinion on this and I hate artists who cram their political agenda down their audiences throat. People go to a concert to see the performer's art and music, not to be preached to on what they should think about a certain issue.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Natasha23 on October 14, 2006, 12:23:07 PM
Regarding political views, read I, Axl Part 2 where he talks about AIDS, medicine, "Everyone has got a God-given right to health, and it's being denied by power-hungry, greedy people who want control."
I've never heard a republican say that, but then again you never know. ?He also said at one point years ago that he never voted, because it was a choice between the lesser of two evils. ?
Other than that, I don't think Axl's expressed his political views much at all. ?He's never publicly backed a candidate, he didn't get involved in the rock the vote campaign... ?Either he thinks that kind of information is private (which some do) or he doesn't feel his celebrity gives him license the get up on a soap box and declare his political views. ?Either way, it's probably best for him not to. ?He's kind of been a polarizing figure as it is. ?He can't even scream "Do you know where the fuck you are?!!" at the VMAs without people choosing sides as to was that right or wrong of him to do. ?God help him if he publicly backed a candidate.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrlies on October 14, 2006, 12:47:29 PM
Don't try to impose your political bias on to anyone.? Nothing pisses me off more than when a celebrity goes on a rant in a public venue on their political stance.? Axl's a rock star, not a political scientist.? He's welcome to his views, just as everyone else, but he does an outstanding job of keeping them seperate from his work.? I love seeing liberals coming here saying that they're sure Axl has a certain stance without an ounce of proof to back it up.? If you really care to know what his beliefs are, look at some of his hobbies and statements from the past.? If you were going to make an educated guess on his views (which is all you can really do), he'd probably be a libertarian.? But why should you care what his political beleifs are?? Even if he was against or for the war in Iraq, would that somehow add any creedence to the argument?

I agree that musicians shouldn't go about politicising their music. I hate Chris Martin, and Bono to death for that very reason.

What I do believe howevor, is that its part of axl's charm to be so against the grain (as he is / was with everything else) that he would say something with a bit of bite rather than regurgitating the same old rubbish - as though there some kind of "greenpeace manual for musicians" floating about.

In anycase I dont think that this quote is all that political. For one he didn't even really get into the political side of the war (except to say that no-one in their right mind wants war), he said something that every single person in the USA (which doesn't include me as I dont live there) should think - which is of course that you need to support the troops who have dedicated themselves to their country. Its not really all that controversial.....

Nonetheless, I got no idea what axl's political persuasion is as of 2006, howevor I think he definately had a Ted Nugent / Republican vibe when he said that.... But of course that was 15 years ago...

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Bodhi on October 14, 2006, 12:48:56 PM

There is no DOUBT in my mind where he stands on the current Iraq war, or American politics in general for that matter.

That doesn't mean he doesn't support all the men and women over there getting blown to bits.


Do you also know the last time he took a shit???!! ?Do you like hang out at his house and get inside information? To say you have no DOUBT is retarded, you are assuming...unless you A. are axl B. know Axl c. know someone who knows axl.....


Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: November_Rain on October 14, 2006, 01:07:28 PM
Don?t be surprised dude, some people talk as if they knew it all about Axl^^

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on October 14, 2006, 01:16:23 PM
Listen folks, I've been campaigning since 2003 to get Axl on the ballot here in the States...just look at my screen name.   :hihi:

Seriously, some people here have it right.  Axl has an audience that spans the political spectrum from far right to far left and everything in between.  I think that's pretty damn cool!   :peace: 

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SammyD1st on October 14, 2006, 01:23:29 PM
Indiana 1991:

[after playing Civil War] "... We'll dedicate that to all the military people that are here tonight. I think anybody in their right mind, anybody that has a brain at all, wasn't too excited with the concept of going to war. But once we're in it, I think you're a fucking asshole not to fucking root for our side.  I mean, I met all these people: 'we shouldn't be having a fucking war' - well, it's too late ASSHOLE!"

The mp3:

 - SammyD1st

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: robbyr1 on October 14, 2006, 01:36:46 PM

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: ppbebe on October 14, 2006, 01:39:00 PM
Thanks sammyD

Don?t be surprised dude, some people talk as if they knew it all about Axl^^

Didn't Rainfox say in his mind?  And I think he's not wrong.

"i think that anybody in their right mind, anybody that has a brain at all, wasnt too excited with the concept of going to war, but once we were in it.....................Well its too late asshole

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: ThatGuy on October 14, 2006, 02:16:29 PM
no one gives a fuck about musician's political views. 

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: GeraldFord on October 14, 2006, 02:20:18 PM
Considering Robin Finck has a link to (last I checked) not everyone in the GN'R camp would agree with Axl's (1991) comments. It would seem that Robin is on the left.

Still, I'd like to hear Axl's two cents on the current war.

The whole "if you dont want our side to win. you're an asshole" comments are stupid anyway. NO ONE wants to see anyone killed, but you can still strongly disagree with a war.

Sorry Axl, I disagree with you on this one.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 14, 2006, 02:24:23 PM
  Axl's a rock star, not a political scientist. 

Neither are you.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 14, 2006, 02:26:04 PM
I like the fact Axl doesn't rant about his political views. Everyone has a right to their own opinion on this and I hate artists who cram their political agenda down their audiences throat. People go to a concert to see the performer's art and music, not to be preached to on what they should think about a certain issue.

I was going to offer my extra Barbra Streisand ticket to you...........I guess I'll give it to Kujo instead.

no one gives a fuck about musician's political views. 

By the looks of this thread, it appears that they do.

Considering Robin Finck has a link to (last I checked) not everyone in the GN'R camp would agree with Axl's (1991) comments. It would seem that Robin is on the left.

I'm quite sure Tommy is against the war also. Most people are these days.

1991 and this war are two different things anyway.

Nobody is "against the troops", rather "against the war." If anything the left side of the aisle is more concerned about our soldiers well being: 1) That they should not die for a pack of lies 2) That they should not be stuck in the cross fire of a civil war. 

I digress...........

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gandra on October 14, 2006, 02:27:41 PM
Hey everyone

This has been killing me for ages cos ive wanted to watch this show but cant remember which one it is. I own the bootleg, but dont want to sift through every show to find it.

Anyway, its where axl rants on about the war in the middle east would have been the iraq/kuwait conflict. It was in the use your illusion era, and I think he said it as an intro to civil war (i think but may be wrong).

But he says something like:

"We all hate war, but if you dont support our troops when we are over there then you are a fucking idiot" or something like that.
listen this,and this is reason why i like Axl

and ofcourse,you aren't right

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: GeraldFord on October 14, 2006, 02:31:32 PM
links from Robin's page.
Seems like Robin is on the left. Good for him.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Natasha23 on October 14, 2006, 02:34:14 PM
Considering Robin Finck has a link to (last I checked) not everyone in the GN'R camp would agree with Axl's (1991) comments.

Still, I'd like to hear Axl's two cents on the current war.

The whole "if you dont want our side to win. you're an asshole" comments are stupid anyway. NO ONE wants to see anyone killed, but you can still strongly disagree with a war.

Sorry Axl, I disagree with you on this one.

Absolutely! ?Saying we shouldn't be at war is not rooting for the enemy to win. ?"Support our troops" has become this meaningless catch phrase used to quiet the opposition. ?Supporting our troops meant people used to raise money for the cause... or how about all of the American women in WW2 who went to work in the factories for their husbands because they felt it was their duty. ?That's supporting our troops. ?But to say "I support our troops" and do nothing else... I don't know what that means. ?Maybe it should be "pray for our troops," or "wish our troops success and safety." ?And I say this about any war, not specifically the current one - silence does not equal support. ?You can be vocal about not wanting your country to be at war, yet still recognize the bravery of the people who are over there fighting. ?It's like "support our troops... in every way EXCEPT bringing them home." ?I don't understand that.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 14, 2006, 02:39:03 PM

Absolutely!  Saying we shouldn't be at war is not rooting for the enemy to win.  "Support our troops" has become this meaningless catch phrase used to quiet the opposition. 

It always has been. It was Karl Rove's most clever phrase yet. A way to murky the arugment on purpose, making it difficult to speak out against the government. About as un-American as you could get.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Natasha23 on October 14, 2006, 02:40:01 PM
? Axl's a rock star, not a political scientist.?

Neither are you.

By using that reasoning, than no one should be able to voice their political opinion. ?He's a doctor, not a political scientist. ?She's an athlete, not a political scientist. ?We're all citizens (of our respective nations) and whether you're a politician, or an actor, or you drive a taxi cab, (and I can only speak for America) it's your right to voice whatever opinion you want. ?Being a rock star doesn't negate his right as a citizen to participate in the democratic process.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 14, 2006, 02:48:02 PM
  Axl's a rock star, not a political scientist. 

Neither are you.

By using that reasoning, than no one should be able to voice their political opinion.  He's a doctor, not a political scientist.  She's an athlete, not a political scientist.  We're all citizens (of our respective nations) and whether you're a politician, or an actor, or you drive a taxi cab, (and I can only speak for America) it's your right to voice whatever opinion you want.  Being a rock star doesn't negate his right as a citizen to participate in the democratic process.

Right, that is my point in saying "neither are you."

Few of us are, but that should not limit our right to say it by any means.

Using the excuse that somebody is a rock star and should just shut up is very anti-American. What makes America America is that we all have freedom of speech. What is ironic is that the same group of people who are so proud to "spread democracy" around the globe, despise some of the most fundamental aspects of it.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 14, 2006, 02:49:39 PM
? Axl's a rock star, not a political scientist.?

Neither are you.

By using that reasoning, than no one should be able to voice their political opinion. ?He's a doctor, not a political scientist. ?She's an athlete, not a political scientist. ?We're all citizens (of our respective nations) and whether you're a politician, or an actor, or you drive a taxi cab, (and I can only speak for America) it's your right to voice whatever opinion you want. ?Being a rock star doesn't negate his right as a citizen to participate in the democratic process.

Sadly once again SLC has taken one excerpt from my post to make it appear I'm arguing something different. ?Axl (and every other person) has a right to their opinion (I did write that in my original post right?). ?I simply said he's a rock star, not a political scientist meaning he's in the business of enterainment, not political discussion. ?Although I am not a political scientist SLC, at least I have a degree in it. ?I am by no means an expert or giving any more qualification to my argument than any other person (I've just been exposed to alot more than most). ?It is my belief that Axl should continue to keep his beliefs to himself, as nothing good can come from him exposing them. ?Just look at the Dixie Chicks. ?Anyone who would change their opinion from what a celebrity says isn't worth a grain of salt. ?It's not as if peace is going to come to the Middle East and the Bush Admisitration will withdraw from Iraq just because Axl Rose has an opinion. ?The reality is that most of you look up to Axl Rose and want him to share your beliefs so you can feel like you have something in common with him.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Natasha23 on October 14, 2006, 02:51:14 PM
? Axl's a rock star, not a political scientist.?

Neither are you.

By using that reasoning, than no one should be able to voice their political opinion.? He's a doctor, not a political scientist.? She's an athlete, not a political scientist.? We're all citizens (of our respective nations) and whether you're a politician, or an actor, or you drive a taxi cab, (and I can only speak for America) it's your right to voice whatever opinion you want.? Being a rock star doesn't negate his right as a citizen to participate in the democratic process.

Right, that is my point in saying "neither are you."

Few of us are, but that should not limit our right to say it by any means.

Using the excuse that somebody rock star and should just shut up is very anti-American. What makes America America is that we all have freedom of speech. What is ironic is that the same group of people who are so proud to "spread democracy" around the globe, despise some of the most fundamental aspects of it.

Oops... I was responding to the first part of the quote, not your "neither are you" response.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 14, 2006, 02:53:35 PM
It's funny, as soon as some minute quote that MAY offer a hint that Axl is pro-America or more specifically, not rabidly against American forces in the middle east, people come out of the wood work to ASSURE us that they know it's not possible.  God forbid someone have an opinion that doesn't agree with your own.  I respect Axl Rose for his musical talent; his ability to convert emotion into sound - not his insight on foreign relations.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 14, 2006, 02:54:49 PM
I am by no means an expert or giving any more qualification to my argument than any other person (I've just been exposed to alot more than most).  It is my belief that Axl should continue to keep his beliefs to himself, as nothing good can come from him exposing them.  Just look at the Dixie Chicks.  Anyone who would change their opinion from what a celebrity says isn't worth a grain of salt.  It's not as if peace is going to come to the Middle East and the Bush Admisitration will withdraw from Iraq just because Axl Rose has an opinion.  The reality is that most of you look up to Axl Rose and want him to share your beliefs so you can feel like you have something in common with him.

Who cares if it is a celeb or not. The only difference between you and a celeb is that their opinion is more likey to be published. That's it.

If a celeb makes a compelling argument for or against something, I don't understand why it would be a bad thing. It's obvious you only like free speech if it is something you agree with. Everybody else is "stupid" or "not worth a grain of salt".  :hihi:

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 14, 2006, 02:55:25 PM
  Axl's a rock star, not a political scientist. 

Neither are you.

By using that reasoning, than no one should be able to voice their political opinion.  He's a doctor, not a political scientist.  She's an athlete, not a political scientist.  We're all citizens (of our respective nations) and whether you're a politician, or an actor, or you drive a taxi cab, (and I can only speak for America) it's your right to voice whatever opinion you want.  Being a rock star doesn't negate his right as a citizen to participate in the democratic process.

Right, that is my point in saying "neither are you."

Few of us are, but that should not limit our right to say it by any means.

Using the excuse that somebody rock star and should just shut up is very anti-American. What makes America America is that we all have freedom of speech. What is ironic is that the same group of people who are so proud to "spread democracy" around the globe, despise some of the most fundamental aspects of it.

Oops... I was responding to the first part of the quote, not your "neither are you" response.

That's ok, I figured it.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 14, 2006, 02:56:58 PM
It's funny, as soon as some minute quote that MAY offer a hint that Axl is pro-America or more specifically, not rabidly against American forces in the middle east, people come out of the wood work to ASSURE us that they know it's not possible. 

You are so easily wound up.

Why are you so angry?

Nobody is reacting quite the way you are making it out to be.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 14, 2006, 03:08:44 PM
I am by no means an expert or giving any more qualification to my argument than any other person (I've just been exposed to alot more than most).? It is my belief that Axl should continue to keep his beliefs to himself, as nothing good can come from him exposing them.? Just look at the Dixie Chicks.? Anyone who would change their opinion from what a celebrity says isn't worth a grain of salt.? It's not as if peace is going to come to the Middle East and the Bush Admisitration will withdraw from Iraq just because Axl Rose has an opinion.? The reality is that most of you look up to Axl Rose and want him to share your beliefs so you can feel like you have something in common with him.

Who cares if it is a celeb or not. The only difference between you and a celeb is that their opinion is more likey to be published. That's it.

If a celeb makes a compelling argument for or against something, I don't understand why it would be a bad thing. It's obvious you only like free speech if it is something you agree with. Everybody else is "stupid" or "not worth a grain of salt".? :hihi:

What part of me saying Axl Rose or any other person is entitled to their opinion do you not understand?  If he wants to get on stage and go on a political rant, he surely can and he doesn't give two fucks what I think.  Christ, if I was going to base an assumption off what he would say based on quotes, he would agree with my stance, not yours.  BUt that isn't teh issue.  For the longevity and success of GN'R, he should avoid trying to alienate a segment of his audience.  That's just carer advice.  He's perfectly entitled to say whatever he wants on stage, (in America at least, Europe they'd attack him for hate speech.)  I'd rather Axl not mix the two, at least while on stage, and that's all I've said.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SammyD1st on October 14, 2006, 04:44:25 PM
It's always unfortunate to see what happens when these topics come up. We all have something in common that draws us together, yet it is easy to be drawn apart.

After all, don't forget:

 - SammyD1st

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: ppbebe on October 14, 2006, 05:07:50 PM
If you ask me, The image you posted is disgusting SammyD1st. it's offensive to those who are special or suffering from downs syndrome. >:(

And to whoever, don't try to use any musician or their opinions to gain your own ends such as your political belief.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Origen on October 14, 2006, 05:15:57 PM
It's always unfortunate to see what happens when these topics come up.

Because 9/10 it's Americans, who may love there politics but the rest of us arn't to bothered about it, or at least not to try and turn everything thread into a discussion about it.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Naltav on October 14, 2006, 05:43:15 PM
Are you guys kidding me with these responses??!! Looks to me like there's a lot of "americans" on here! "The first gulf-war was a just war! haha! The US doesn't have a free press that reflects the truth about what's going on! So you are hereby excused! Please for the love of God; stop posting nonsense! "I hate Chris Martin and Bono..." ehem!! The next GNR album is called what? CHINESE DEMOCRACY!!!!!! If that's not political, then I don't know what is! If a rockstar like Chris Martin or Bono (or Axl) wants to talk about their political views, let them do so! It's been done for ages by persons with influence! Who cares if Axl has a little dobbel-standard. Search YouTube for the interview from Donnington '88 where he talks shit about Iron Maiden for being a "political-band" Everyone eventually grows up and wants to make a difference; even Axl! PS: love this site! Keep it up guys, most of these posts are interesting and I enjoy reading them. But MOST on THIS thread is pure ignorence! You made my day!!! :) (by the way; I work in one of the largest recordstores in Norway. I just spoke to Universal this week. And we're not gonna see CD this year! Take my word for it! Sorry guys!)

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: give_it_a_rest on October 14, 2006, 06:04:59 PM
I'm not interested in these old quotes I think:

War: Sucks
George Bush: Sucks
GN'R: Rules

 :peace: :peace: :peace:

btw: I'm a european

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 14, 2006, 06:19:49 PM
links from Robin's page.
Seems like Robin is on the left. Good for him.

cool! Robin has got some interesting links indeed... : ok:

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: ppbebe on October 14, 2006, 06:21:53 PM
hehe I'm like you, give_it_a_rest: ok: I can't see any musician on a worldwide level being for any war.

Keep it up guys, most of these posts are interesting and I enjoy reading them. But MOST on THIS thread is pure ignorence! You made my day!!! :) (by the way; I work in one of the largest recordstores in Norway. I just spoke to Universal this week. And we're not gonna see CD this year! Take my word for it! Sorry guys!)

on what authority we should believe theUniversal you spoke to?

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: smishkey on October 14, 2006, 07:07:39 PM
Every tax payer has the right to express themselves, famous or not. 

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrfanxxx on October 14, 2006, 07:14:03 PM
Even if axl is a rockstar he still has a right to free speach just like all of us!and if you beleive he should keep it to himself cuz it doesnt matter then you can go live in North Korea. Also to that dude who said he shouldent take a side because that might make the audience not like him then your dumb! if you stop liking a band because of there political views then your a total dumbass! you should like them for there music not there political opinions!

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 14, 2006, 07:21:56 PM
Even if axl is a rockstar he still has a right to free speach just like all of us!and if you beleive he should keep it to himself cuz it doesnt matter then you can go live in North Korea. Also to that dude who said he shouldent take a side because that might make the audience not like him then your dumb! if you stop liking a band because of there political views then your a total dumbass! you should like them for there music not there political opinions!

You should probably stick to the 8th grade discussions.  It's obvious this went a little over your head.  At 13 your still being force-fed an opinion.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: -Jack- on October 14, 2006, 07:28:57 PM
Are you guys kidding me with these responses??!! Looks to me like there's a lot of "americans" on here! "The first gulf-war was a just war! haha! The US doesn't have a free press that reflects the truth about what's going on! So you are hereby excused! Please for the love of God; stop posting nonsense! "I hate Chris Martin and Bono..." ehem!! The next GNR album is called what? CHINESE DEMOCRACY!!!!!! If that's not political, then I don't know what is! If a rockstar like Chris Martin or Bono (or Axl) wants to talk about their political views, let them do so! It's been done for ages by persons with influence! Who cares if Axl has a little dobbel-standard. Search YouTube for the interview from Donnington '88 where he talks shit about Iron Maiden for being a "political-band" Everyone eventually grows up and wants to make a difference; even Axl! PS: love this site! Keep it up guys, most of these posts are interesting and I enjoy reading them. But MOST on THIS thread is pure ignorence! You made my day!!! :) (by the way; I work in one of the largest recordstores in Norway. I just spoke to Universal this week. And we're not gonna see CD this year! Take my word for it! Sorry guys!)

I don't understand why a small minority of this board acts like just because the record is called "Chinese Democracy" that it's obviously political. It's just a name.. sounds cool. Contraband must be about the military right man?

And as for the last part of your comment... we all believe you  ::). Noob

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Bandita on October 14, 2006, 07:31:09 PM
Even if axl is a rockstar he still has a right to free speach just like all of us!and if you beleive he should keep it to himself cuz it doesnt matter then you can go live in North Korea. Also to that dude who said he shouldent take a side because that might make the audience not like him then your dumb! if you stop liking a band because of there political views then your a total dumbass! you should like them for there music not there political opinions!

You should probably stick to the 8th grade discussions.? It's obvious this went a little over your head.? At 13 your still being force-fed an opinion.

Also, and I am really trying hard not to be rude here, gnrfanxxx, if you want to have an opinion on this matter it might be taken more seriously if you can spell the state you live in.

I really try hard to stay away from topics regarding politics for the simple reason they wind up like this. ?But I also believe that something someone said over a decade ago now is really silly to argue over. ?No one here is in the position to discuss Axl's political views based on one comment a very long time ago.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Charity Case on October 14, 2006, 08:36:42 PM
It would be intersting to see if Axl is as right as he once was.  I mean, the guy used words like "nigger" and "faggot" in a song, he was likely not too far left back then.

But agree with a lot here, his opinion is worth as much as any of more, no less.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrfanxxx on October 14, 2006, 09:10:11 PM
Even if axl is a rockstar he still has a right to free speach just like all of us!and if you beleive he should keep it to himself cuz it doesnt matter then you can go live in North Korea. Also to that dude who said he shouldent take a side because that might make the audience not like him then your dumb! if you stop liking a band because of there political views then your a total dumbass! you should like them for there music not there political opinions!

You should probably stick to the 8th grade discussions.? It's obvious this went a little over your head.? At 13 your still being force-fed an opinion.

First of all i have my own damn opinion and im not force fed. yes im 13 but i go to political forums and post my opinions on stuff. just because im 13 dosent mean im a baby that cant make up my own opinion. dont treat me like a fuckin baby. this is not over my head, i posted on threads about war and animal rights and abortions and all that crap and i understand what it all means. if i can handle those i think i can handle a thread about axl having his right to say what he wants. So dont be so stupid next time.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrfanxxx on October 14, 2006, 09:15:54 PM
Even if axl is a rockstar he still has a right to free speach just like all of us!and if you beleive he should keep it to himself cuz it doesnt matter then you can go live in North Korea. Also to that dude who said he shouldent take a side because that might make the audience not like him then your dumb! if you stop liking a band because of there political views then your a total dumbass! you should like them for there music not there political opinions!

You should probably stick to the 8th grade discussions.? It's obvious this went a little over your head.? At 13 your still being force-fed an opinion.

Also, and I am really trying hard not to be rude here, gnrfanxxx, if you want to have an opinion on this matter it might be taken more seriously if you can spell the state you live in.

I really try hard to stay away from topics regarding politics for the simple reason they wind up like this. ?But I also believe that something someone said over a decade ago now is really silly to argue over. ?No one here is in the position to discuss Axl's political views based on one comment a very long time ago.

Dude i know how to spell, i only spell because with a z because i type faster that way on the internet, if i was writing an Esay i would spell it BECAUSE. the only other time i spell something wrong is if im typing to fast. ONCE AGAIN dont treat me like a fucking baby because i spell a word or 2 wrong or because im 13.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: The Legend on October 14, 2006, 09:21:32 PM
All of you anti-war & Democrat people are wrong. Axl's not on your side either.

Years ago he did an interview, probably around 1992, and I can't remember the quote, but basically he said he was anti-government. He hates both Republicans & Democrats. He thinks all politicians are liars, and basically really trashed the entire setup of the U.S. Government.

Back in the '92 election, he bashed the dog shit out of both Bush & Clinton.

I'm sure it's no different now, if not worse. He hates the government as a whole. He's not on either side.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: -Jack- on October 14, 2006, 09:24:41 PM
All of you anti-war & Democrat people are wrong. Axl's not on your side either.

Years ago he did an interview, probably around 1992, and I can't remember the quote, but basically he said he was anti-government. He hates both Republicans & Democrats. He thinks all politicians are liars, and basically really trashed the entire setup of the U.S. Government.

Back in the '92 election, he bashed the dog shit out of both Bush & Clinton.

I'm sure it's no different now, if not worse. He hates the government as a whole. He's not on either side.

It sounds like he hates politics.. not government.

I'm not trying to be a smartass at all btw. Just pointing out that theres a difference.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrfanxxx on October 14, 2006, 09:27:32 PM
All of you anti-war & Democrat people are wrong. Axl's not on your side either.

Years ago he did an interview, probably around 1992, and I can't remember the quote, but basically he said he was anti-government. He hates both Republicans & Democrats. He thinks all politicians are liars, and basically really trashed the entire setup of the U.S. Government.

Back in the '92 election, he bashed the dog shit out of both Bush & Clinton.

I'm sure it's no different now, if not worse. He hates the government as a whole. He's not on either side.


Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: polluxlm on October 14, 2006, 09:28:27 PM
It seems it's not just politics he hates, but rather all organized authority. Not so strange from a psychological view, considering his upbringing.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrfanxxx on October 14, 2006, 09:30:59 PM
It seems it's not just politics he hates, but rather all organized authority. Not so strange from a psychological view, considering his upbringing.

true, he's said he hated cops before

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: The Legend on October 14, 2006, 09:35:48 PM
All of you anti-war & Democrat people are wrong. Axl's not on your side either.

Years ago he did an interview, probably around 1992, and I can't remember the quote, but basically he said he was anti-government. He hates both Republicans & Democrats. He thinks all politicians are liars, and basically really trashed the entire setup of the U.S. Government.

Back in the '92 election, he bashed the dog shit out of both Bush & Clinton.

I'm sure it's no different now, if not worse. He hates the government as a whole. He's not on either side.

It sounds like he hates politics.. not government.

I'm not trying to be a smartass at all btw. Just pointing out that theres a difference.

He said government out of his own mouth, so...

I really wish I could find that quote.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: The Legend on October 14, 2006, 09:49:59 PM
"Our government talks about freedom and liberty while they exercise and maintain and enforce and strive for and fight for all the control they can have over the people. Since day one we've been taught to support our own oppression, and I think it's time for things to change." - W. Axl Rose, RIP Magazine, 1992.

Here we are in 2006, and nothing has changed...

And that's after both 8 years of a Democrat, and soon to be 8 years of a Republican...

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrvrrule on October 14, 2006, 09:56:23 PM
In my opinion, like many have said so far, Axl is neither a Republican or Democrat. ?Almost all of his political stances showed no strong support for either side. ?He obviously criticizes Republicans for their lack of initiative for AIDS and health care reform, yet also rips Tipper Gore for her censorship campaign and Clinton for his pot smoking debacle. ?He seems mostly anti-religious, yet has crosses in his house. ?He didn't seem to have a strong stance in support or against the first Gulf War, but obviously supported the troops. ?So, all in all, I'd say Axl doesn't like the government much either way without taking one side or another. ?Btw, a lot of these things I mentioned are things I've read in several different Guns articles; the exact ones, though, I cannot remmeber.  Also, Axl DEFINITELY has the right to say WHATEVER HE WANTS, but that doesn't mean I LIKE THE FACT THAT HE OR OTHER CELEBRITIES SAY THE THINGS THEY DO.  Just because certain people, like myself, don't like celebrities using their status for stating their political opinions does not mean that we believe they don't have the right.  If Axl were to do rants like Scott Weiland during the middle of a show, I would be pissed, because I am going to see Guns N' Roses, not the Republican or Democratic Convention.  If it's a band like Green Day or Sex Pistols, etc., that's different because much of their music is based on politics, whether I agree with them or not.  But Guns N' Roses have never been about that, and even though Axl has the right to say whatever he wants, that doesn't mean it's something I want to hear.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 14, 2006, 10:28:42 PM
In my opinion, like many have said so far, Axl is neither a Republican or Democrat. ?Almost all of his political stances showed no strong support for either side. ?He obviously criticizes Republicans for their lack of initiative for AIDS and health care reform, yet also rips Tipper Gore for her censorship campaign and Clinton for his pot smoking debacle. ?He seems mostly anti-religious, yet has crosses in his house. ?He didn't seem to have a strong stance in support or against the first Gulf War, but obviously supported the troops. ?So, all in all, I'd say Axl doesn't like the government much either way without taking one side or another. ?Btw, a lot of these things I mentioned are things I've read in several different Guns articles; the exact ones, though, I cannot remmeber.? Also, Axl DEFINITELY has the right to say WHATEVER HE WANTS, but that doesn't mean I LIKE THE FACT THAT HE OR OTHER CELEBRITIES SAY THE THINGS THEY DO.? Just because certain people, like myself, don't like celebrities using their status for stating their political opinions does not mean that we believe they don't have the right.? If Axl were to do rants like Scott Weiland during the middle of a show, I would be pissed, because I am going to see Guns N' Roses, not the Republican or Democratic Convention.? If it's a band like Green Day or Sex Pistols, etc., that's different because much of their music is based on politics, whether I agree with them or not.? But Guns N' Roses have never been about that, and even though Axl has the right to say whatever he wants, that doesn't mean it's something I want to hear.

Very well said.  The exact point I was trying to illustrate earlier.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Continental Drift on October 15, 2006, 02:01:03 AM
There's nothing more offensive than "interpreting" someone's political beliefs- especially when that person hasn't said shit. There is absolutely NO evidence about what Axl feels about the current Iraq War, George W. Bush or anything else. If Finck is on the left... good for him- but that doesn't say shit about Axl. Raise your hand if you would want someone to interpret your political beliefs based on your co-worker's opinions????  Literally.... all we know is that Axl supported the TROOPS who served in the Gulf War 15 fucking years ago. No more. No less.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Bandita on October 15, 2006, 02:39:36 AM
There's nothing more offensive than "interpreting" someone's political beliefs- especially when that person hasn't said shit. There is absolutely NO evidence about what Axl feels about the current Iraq War, George W. Bush or anything else. If Finck is on the left... good for him- but that doesn't say shit about Axl. Raise your hand if you would want someone to interpret your political beliefs based on your co-worker's opinions????? Literally.... all we know is that Axl supported the TROOPS who served in the Gulf War 15 fucking years ago. No more. No less.

This is what I was trying to say on the last page.  We are debating quotes that are OVER 10 YEARS OLD.  No one here has any clue of Axl's current opinion of the government, politics, or the like....and even if you did why would you care?  Everyone is entitled to an opinion.  I can see if he said this last week but we are talking about things he said in the early 90's for crying out loud!  I was in my early teens back then and I certainly DO NOT have the same views I did back then and I seriously doubt he does as well, people change, grow, mature....  If he said this shit over the past year I could ALMOST see debating it here but this is just ridiculous.   Put it to bed already.

Do you like his music? Great, now leave it be and stop rehashing crap he said in a totally different CENTURY.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Bodhi on October 15, 2006, 03:35:17 AM
Are you guys kidding me with these responses??!! Looks to me like there's a lot of "americans" on here!

ummm yeah, Guns N' Roses are an AMERICAN I would think there would be alot of americans on this board....whats your point?

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: GeraldFord on October 15, 2006, 03:45:23 AM
Right. We have no way of knowing how Axl feels about any world events or what his beliefs are.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrlies on October 15, 2006, 04:01:45 AM
I wont tie this to any belief of axl's as no-one can really say what he thinks - but I do support the war in Iraq....

I dont want this to turn into a big political discussion (although it already has) but you cant just sit on your ass and let people blow you up without doing something about it. Its not about revenge, its not about appealing to the right wing conservatives along the bible belt of america - its about defending our right to live without some fucking arab going to extremes in order to destroy all that is the western way of life.

People have a right to be upset about the Iraq war though. Weapons of mass destruction was used dishonestly as a justification for war (I mean north korea and iran is more of a threat on that premise, so its fair enough to question why similar action isn't taken to these countries). It wasn't done efficiently, and a lot of pain has been brought to both sides that i'm sure could have, and should have been avoided. But nonetheless, I believe the world is a safer place with mr Hussein out of the picture, and in the long run it will have been worth it.

A traditional arguement against the Iraq war is that by going to war we are only encouraging terrorists to commit furuther attacks. This arguement is false. In fact its proven false by the simple fact that those people decided to fly two planes into the WTC 5 years ago. That was of course before the iraq war, before the afghani war yet people were still out there willing to commit to such evil.

The anti-west beliefs held by that part of the world stems from a complex array of issues ranging from extremist interpretations of the quoran, as well as israel. This is the real problem.

Thats my opinion, so if anyone wants to pay out on me, at least dont personalise it - because there is nothing more disgraceful than someone attacking an individual for their personal beliefs. If you have a problem with what i'm saying then intellectually challenge it. Dont be petulant.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: GeraldFord on October 15, 2006, 04:09:06 AM
I wont tie this to any belief of axl's as no-one can really say what he thinks - but I do support the war in Iraq....

I dont want this to turn into a big political discussion (although it already has) but you cant just sit on your ass and let people blow you up without doing something about it. Its not about revenge, its not about appealing to the right wing conservatives along the bible belt of america - its about defending our right to live without some fucking arab going to extremes in order to destroy all that is the western way of life.

People have a right to be upset about the Iraq war though. Weapons of mass destruction was used dishonestly as a justification for war (I mean north korea and iran is more of a threat on that premise, so its fair enough to question why similar action isn't taken to these countries). It wasn't done efficiently, and a lot of pain has been brought to both sides that i'm sure could have, and should have been avoided. But nonetheless, I believe the world is a safer place with mr Hussein out of the picture, and in the long run it will have been worth it.

A traditional arguement against the Iraq war is that by going to war we are only encouraging terrorists to commit furuther attacks. This arguement is false. In fact its proven false by the simple fact that those people decided to fly two planes into the WTC 5 years ago. That was of course before the iraq war, before the afghani war yet people were still out there willing to commit to such evil.

The anti-west beliefs held by that part of the world stems from a complex array of issues ranging from extremist interpretations of the quoran, as well as israel. This is the real problem.

Thats my opinion, so if anyone wants to pay out on me, at least dont personalise it - because there is nothing more disgraceful than someone attacking an individual for their personal beliefs. If you have a problem with what i'm saying then intellectually challenge it. Dont be petulant.

wow. deep.  :hihi:

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Naltav on October 15, 2006, 04:28:28 AM
Are you guys kidding me with these responses??!! Looks to me like there's a lot of "americans" on here! "The first gulf-war was a just war! haha! The US doesn't have a free press that reflects the truth about what's going on! So you are hereby excused! Please for the love of God; stop posting nonsense! "I hate Chris Martin and Bono..." ehem!! The next GNR album is called what? CHINESE DEMOCRACY!!!!!! If that's not political, then I don't know what is! If a rockstar like Chris Martin or Bono (or Axl) wants to talk about their political views, let them do so! It's been done for ages by persons with influence! Who cares if Axl has a little dobbel-standard. Search YouTube for the interview from Donnington '88 where he talks shit about Iron Maiden for being a "political-band" Everyone eventually grows up and wants to make a difference; even Axl! PS: love this site! Keep it up guys, most of these posts are interesting and I enjoy reading them. But MOST on THIS thread is pure ignorence! You made my day!!! :) (by the way; I work in one of the largest recordstores in Norway. I just spoke to Universal this week. And we're not gonna see CD this year! Take my word for it! Sorry guys!)

I don't understand why a small minority of this board acts like just because the record is called "Chinese Democracy" that it's obviously political. It's just a name.. sounds cool. Contraband must be about the military right man?

And as for the last part of your comment... we all believe you  ::). Noob

 :confused: "It's just a name"??!!  Haven't you heard the Las Vegas '01 bootleg? Do your homework before posting : ok:

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrlies on October 15, 2006, 06:10:31 AM
Are you guys kidding me with these responses??!! Looks to me like there's a lot of "americans" on here! "The first gulf-war was a just war! haha! The US doesn't have a free press that reflects the truth about what's going on! So you are hereby excused! Please for the love of God; stop posting nonsense! "I hate Chris Martin and Bono..." ehem!! The next GNR album is called what? CHINESE DEMOCRACY!!!!!! If that's not political, then I don't know what is! If a rockstar like Chris Martin or Bono (or Axl) wants to talk about their political views, let them do so! It's been done for ages by persons with influence! Who cares if Axl has a little dobbel-standard. Search YouTube for the interview from Donnington '88 where he talks shit about Iron Maiden for being a "political-band" Everyone eventually grows up and wants to make a difference; even Axl! PS: love this site! Keep it up guys, most of these posts are interesting and I enjoy reading them. But MOST on THIS thread is pure ignorence! You made my day!!! :) (by the way; I work in one of the largest recordstores in Norway. I just spoke to Universal this week. And we're not gonna see CD this year! Take my word for it! Sorry guys!)

Theres a diff between disagreeing with someones views and being ignorant....

Personally I hate it when musicians take up a political cause for one single reason.... Who the hell are they to comment on world affairs? They abuse their position by promoting their views to a fanbase who are likely to adopt their cause just because they are fans of the band.

I mean many muscians arent all that educated. They might be artistic, and even genius in nature, but theres a difference between being gifted in an artistic way, and being educated on world affairs.

In all fairness, some people like bono have a lot to show for themselves and are probably in a better position than most to comment, but there are hundreds more bands who are political in nature who dont have a terrible amount of logic behind what they are saying (you know, the typical anti globalisation, anti corporation types)

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Naltav on October 15, 2006, 06:47:57 AM
Are you guys kidding me with these responses??!! Looks to me like there's a lot of "americans" on here!

ummm yeah, Guns N' Roses are an AMERICAN I would think there would be alot of americans on this board....whats your point?

What's my point? Didn't you read the entire post?   ::)

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrfanxxx on October 15, 2006, 10:25:32 AM
this thread is pretty pointless right now

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Jonx on October 15, 2006, 10:38:24 AM
This thread is pointless, who cares! The quote was about the first gulf war not the current situation in Iraq, two completly different conflicts. Axl is entitled to his own opinion on current affairs just like everyone else. We can discuss whether going in was right or wrong, or whether supporting troops in various different ways is right or wrong but at the end of the day we are on a Guns n Roses forum on the internet, not some political think tank that advises those that are in power on foreign policy.

It seems to me Axl has a pretty good understanding of War, Civil War reads true!


Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Bodhi on October 15, 2006, 01:45:16 PM
oh yeah and for the person who said "chinese democracy" just sounds are right...Axl said the same thing in a 1999 interview with kurt loder...

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrfanxxx on October 15, 2006, 02:32:41 PM
This thread is pointless, who cares! The quote was about the first gulf war not the current situation in Iraq, two completly different conflicts. Axl is entitled to his own opinion on current affairs just like everyone else. We can discuss whether going in was right or wrong, or whether supporting troops in various different ways is right or wrong but at the end of the day we are on a Guns n Roses forum on the internet, not some political think tank that advises those that are in power on foreign policy.

It seems to me Axl has a pretty good understanding of War, Civil War reads true!


TRUE if you want to talk about political stuff go to

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Sillything on October 15, 2006, 02:44:24 PM
It would be intersting to see if Axl is as right as he once was.? I mean, the guy used words like "nigger" and "faggot" in a song, he was likely not too far left back then.

But agree with a lot here, his opinion is worth as much as any of more, no less.

Actucally I think he was not too far right either since he says "radicals and racists don't point your finger at me" in the last verse, which always seems to be forgotten

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: The Legend on October 15, 2006, 10:54:18 PM
It would be intersting to see if Axl is as right as he once was.? I mean, the guy used words like "nigger" and "faggot" in a song, he was likely not too far left back then.

But agree with a lot here, his opinion is worth as much as any of more, no less.

Actucally I think he was not too far right either since he says "radicals and racists don't point your finger at me" in the last verse, which always seems to be forgotten

Radicals & racists = Republicans huh?

Sounds ignorant to me...

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: gnrvrrule on October 15, 2006, 11:54:33 PM
The Legend, you're right.  I have personally seen racism from people on BOTH the left and right in almost equal amounts.  That not only includes people that I have personally encountered, but also politicians (i.e. Robert Byrd, Cynthia McKinney, who are as racist as they come and are Democrats).  Are many of the ultra right-wing politicians and people racist/prejudiced?  Yes they are, but there are many people who claim to be leftists who are just as racist, whether some want to be believe it or not.  It works both ways.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: GeraldFord on October 15, 2006, 11:57:23 PM
The Legend, you're right.? I have personally seen racism from people on BOTH the left and right in almost equal amounts.? That not only includes people that I have personally encountered, but also politicians (i.e. Robert Byrd, Cynthia McKinney, who are as racist as they come and are Democrats).? Are many of the ultra right-wing politicians and people racist/prejudiced?? Yes they are, but there are many people who claim to be leftists who are just as racist, whether some want to be believe it or not.? It works both ways.

Yup, the left is full of racism. :hihi: :no:

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 16, 2006, 12:02:04 AM

I believe Axl's wording was:

"There's a war going on.... [something].... but I think you'd be a fuckin' asshole, not to fuckin' root for our SIDE!"

To huge cheers.

Axl has become older, wiser. More reflective. He's not the angry, young polarized white man anymore.

Which is great.

There is no DOUBT in my mind where he stands on the current Iraq war, or American politics in general for that matter.

That doesn't mean he doesn't support all the men and women over there getting blown to bits.


Axl may not have a strict political stance but he clearly leans conservative. He grew up in Indiana, right? What do you expect?

People take things to extremes. People mention Axl is homophobic and suddenly people start calling each other names and saying "that was misinterpreted, he loves Elton John" etc...

Homophobic is over-used. It doesn't mean you hate gays. It means you are either "scared" of them in some sense or do not support their lifestyle. Axl said in an interview that he acknowledges that he feels uneasy around gays because of childhood and early-'20s experiences.

Axl is wise not to speak out about his political stance or thoughts on controversial topics now because it would only add fuel to the fire for those who hate him. "Did you hear Axl say he doesn't support gay marriage?" would turn into "Axl hates gays." Media is terrible.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Brody on October 16, 2006, 02:18:59 AM
  Axl's a rock star, not a political scientist. 

Neither are you.

And you are?

what was that comment he made about china hopefully getting democracy before CD came out? anyone remember that? I think if he was a bleeding heart liberal he wouldnt say that!

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Lucky on October 16, 2006, 03:46:17 AM
And you are?

what was that comment he made about china hopefully getting democracy before CD came out? anyone remember that? I think if he was a bleeding heart liberal he wouldnt say that!

I dont think Axl said that.
it was by a reporter...

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: Brody on October 16, 2006, 05:02:24 AM
And you are?

what was that comment he made about china hopefully getting democracy before CD came out? anyone remember that? I think if he was a bleeding heart liberal he wouldnt say that!

I dont think Axl said that.
it was by a reporter...

Oh yea thats right I think they asked him if democracy would come to china first before the album was released and he said hopefully.


loder dude says CD will happen before Democracy comes to china, Axl replies yes unfortunately.

Im not saying what axl's political veiws are cause i have no clue,

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: realtime visionary on October 16, 2006, 09:13:28 PM
As people have already said here, supporting our troops =/= supporting the war.

If Axl's a Democrat, he might agree with a few things on the Republican platform. If Axl's a Republican, he might agree with a few things on the Democratic platform. It's not as black and white as a lot of folks make it out to be, and Axl's opinions are rarely simple. It's likely that he takes aspects of each to support. He might not favor either party. He might not have voted at all. That doesn't mean he won't agree with certain things each side has to say.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 16, 2006, 11:47:01 PM
  Axl's a rock star, not a political scientist. 

Neither are you.

And you are?

what was that comment he made about china hopefully getting democracy before CD came out? anyone remember that? I think if he was a bleeding heart liberal he wouldnt say that!

You missed the point.

Go back and read.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 16, 2006, 11:47:58 PM
The Legend, you're right.  I have personally seen racism from people on BOTH the left and right in almost equal amounts.  That not only includes people that I have personally encountered, but also politicians (i.e. Robert Byrd, Cynthia McKinney, who are as racist as they come and are Democrats).  Are many of the ultra right-wing politicians and people racist/prejudiced?  Yes they are, but there are many people who claim to be leftists who are just as racist, whether some want to be believe it or not.  It works both ways.

Yup, the left is full of racism. :hihi: :no:

Yea I hate Spanish people. Especially the women.

In particular Cubans...............

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: -Jack- on October 16, 2006, 11:49:32 PM
I don't understand how people become so polarized with their views (political or otherwise.) When you close your mind to either side you end up blinding yourself. Its important to keep in touch.

Anyways, I'd like to hope Axl doesn't play politics and just votes/ stands up for what he believes in.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on October 19, 2006, 08:55:31 AM
If you listen to Axl's lyrics and his interviews it is pretty clear that he has both conservative and liberal values.  Based on his childhood I could pretty much guarantee that the right wing conservative christians probably piss him off, and based on his lyrics/ interviews I dont think he is much of a tree hugging liberal pacifist either.  If anything he sounds more like a libertarian, he likes guns, hes clearly not against drugs, he believes in free speach clearly so if i were to guess I would guess hes a libertarian, but who knows? and truthfully who cares? 

The one thing that is clear is that Tommy Stinson is against the war in Iraq.

Title: Re: "Axl's War Quote"
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on October 19, 2006, 01:17:40 PM
I don't want to hear sh*t from Axl Rose on Iraq - really I don't - I've got my own opinions on it - he can have his -  If he hasn't said sh*t yet, chances are we are safe here -  I disagree that he's a Republican by the way