Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Bill 213 on December 04, 2006, 06:12:08 PM

Title: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 04, 2006, 06:12:08 PM
Okay let me just say, I always leave tips and good ones at that.? I always believe in good service/good tip.? Anyhow tonight my best friend and I go to our favorite little cozy pub-ish hangout here in town.? We're always there, spend hundreds of dollars there and never cause any problems.? Anyhow, the waitress, who I don't know personally, but know a lot of times from being there flipped out today.? After we paid our bills in full and walked out the door she comes running out screaming, "Is there any reason you guys stiffed me?"? Now we were feeling a little tipsy from all the Guinness and it totally didn't even skim my mind to leave a tip (I would have, it's just we were engaged in some pretty deep drunken conversation).? I say, "excuse me?"......and I thought she was joking at first because she's always been really cool.....then she says "I only make $2.83 an hour plus tips."? Then I realized she was pretty serious and it set me off.? I might have went a little over board and said "It's not my fucking problem to care about your career choice."? Then she mumbles "whatever" and goes back inside.

Now this really puts me in a pickle, because I really love this place.? I always leave a good tip and I've never had a problem with her before (infact she's always been super cool, but I think she just had a baby so maybe she's pissy over that).? Either way.....does that give her the right to harrass a patron over a tip?? I really would like to go back again, but I must say I'm damn pissed at the place. I mean really though......I don't give a fuck if you choose to be a waitress, but don't bitch at me because I was a little drunk and forgot to leave a tip.? If she's that hard up maybe she should waddle her ass over to a titty bar and work?? Goddamnit, why wasn't Steve Buschemi there to leave a tip??

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Back Off Bitch on December 04, 2006, 06:53:38 PM
It wasn't cool you forgot to tip but it also wasn't cool that she went an annoyed you about it. And wasn't cool what you said back...  Also, a waitress is a helluva lot more respectable a job than a strip club.. you might as well have just pulled a Buscemi and said 'this is the world's smallest violin playing just for the waitresses'

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bandita on December 04, 2006, 07:01:21 PM
Wow, I was a waitress a million moons ago.

I can't say I have ever chased a customer down to complain about a tip though, that is totally uncalled for.  The way I figured, if someone stiffed me I would make it up eventually, either on that day or another.  It's the luck of the draw with that kind of job, you can't expect to make a certain amount of money.

You forgot, it happens.

I wouldn't stop going there though.  I don't see why you would if you enjoy it.  I am sure she will come to her senses and realize how she acted over it was out of line and if she doesn't and starts treating other customers badly I am sure the boss will notice and do what is appropriate.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: The Dog on December 04, 2006, 07:15:29 PM
I had a waitress run out after me at my all time fave bar....I tipped her, but not that much (all she did was bring out drinks, whoopdy fucking doo!) so she said something like "is there a reason for such a low tip, my boss kinda chewed me out" or something like that.  she wasn't bitchy but i was shocked she had the balls to run out after me for literally 2-3 dollars.

your comment was kinda shitty, but yeah i don't blame you for going off (esp if you were tipsy) when someone just out of nowhere attacks you like that.  She could have just said "sorry guys but is there a reason you didn't tip? was it the service" and you prob would have been like "oh shit we totally forgot we're so sorry" and then tip her even more. 

its a wash, i'd avoid the place for a week or two and then head back, if you ever get her again just give her a nice tip.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 04, 2006, 07:18:04 PM
She has already bad mouthed you to everybody there. Go back, tip her 20 percent of the bill and apologize.

She should not have run out, that was totally uncool of her, but you still stiffed her. She could have had four guys there who ran up a 300 dollar bill and tipped her 60 bucks instead. See what I mean?

Bandita is right, one lousy tip (or on those rare occasions no tip) even out, as the next guest may very well tip you 50 percent.

Servers, bartenders hate that shit, and nobody is going to want to take care of you (they may smile, but they are still saying what a dick you are back in the kitchen-yea really) when you come in.

People remember the lousy tippers as well as the great ones, and each get their own special treatment when they return to an establishment to dine, or drink.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 04, 2006, 07:29:02 PM
This all in all, makes me hate tipping now.? Why the fuck should I compensate somebody that walks a fucking plate of french fries and a pint of Guinness five feet to my table?? Next time I save someone's life who just got stabbed three times, I'm going to ask them for a dollar or two.? I really don't give a shit if she makes $2.83 an's not my problem.? That's her own fault.? I couldn't fathom going running after someone yelling at them for not leaving me two dollars.? Maybe she should take some of that energy out on the pub owners and ask them for more money?

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bandita on December 04, 2006, 07:34:28 PM
Bill, in the situation you were in, tipping is expected.  That is the reason the minimum wage is so low for the food service industry.

You forgot and the waitress handled it badly.  She took it personally when it was an honest mistake.

Once I had the worst service ever in a diner.  I mean this waitress was just out and out hostile and I have no idea why.  So I left her like a 50% tip.  In my mind this made sense to do, I know most here won't agree but I thought by doing this it would make her look at her actions more.  I have no idea if it worked but I haven't been back there since just because it isn't in a place I frequent.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on December 04, 2006, 07:38:46 PM
I almost always tip 15% and sometimes 20%+ if they're really good.  However, when I goto my fav bar where they all know my name, I tip at least 25%.  To each their own, and it sounds like you made an honest mistake.   But if it were my normal hang out, I'd go teh extra mile to make sure I was in good favor there.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 04, 2006, 07:39:31 PM
The waitress handled it wrong, sure.

But if you are not going to tip, make sure you inform any person of service before they start to work for you. See what happens.

You are paying a commission of sales (that is how the owners/mgt/waiters see this) to the waiter. The only difference is that there is only a guideline set for you, and you ultimately chose the commission. You pay commissions frequently and it is factored into the final sales price whenever you purchase something.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 04, 2006, 07:45:44 PM
When I used to drink, I tipped my bartender big-time. Guess who always got the hook up? Guess who always got their drink first? Free rounds bought by the manager from time to time? Who got to stay late? Who got happy hour rates well into the night?

When I go to my favorite seafood restaurant on St. Pete beach with Mrs. Punk they are always ready to accommodate us. Sometimes they'll send out a starter course for us on the house, or maybe buy us a cr?me brulee at the end of the meal.

My mechanic back in SLC was the same way, at the end of a job, maybe I'd buy him a 12 pack of nice beer, or give him some extra money, and I always sent him business. Guess who never waited to have their car worked on? Guess who always got right in? Once he did a job for me free and sent me on my way!

If it is your favorite hangout, I?d make nice with the waitress and say you made an honest mistake and were caught off guard. Ten to one she?ll apologize right back.

I remember twice as a waiter getting stiffed where the next day an envelope showed up with money and an apology from an embarrassed guest who was too drunk or whatever.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Queen of Everything on December 04, 2006, 07:52:21 PM
HMMMM this is weird, because in Australia, as far as I am concerned.  It isnt important to tip, its a perk and where I live, rare.

So here the situation was completley out of hand.  No-one would ever ever EVER chase a customer asking for a tip!?  And the way you reacted was perfectly normal.  Something I would say in that situation.

But as I said, Australia may be different.  Actually, Im sure it is.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bandita on December 04, 2006, 08:01:51 PM
Yes, the US is really different when it comes to tipping than other countries.

The minimum wage is lower for this industry because it is expected that with the tips the employee will go over the minimum wage.  The employee is supposed to report all the tips (I never did, the law really only requires that you report what will bring you to min. wage) and the appropriate taxes are taken out of their check.  More times than not, a waiter or waitress receives a paycheck for 0 dollars (a shortfall) because the taxes outweigh the pittance wage they actually get paid before tips.

But as SLC said, you get remembered by how you treat people.  I know when I just walk into my nail salon or hair place they always take me right away because I am a big tipper.  It all evens out in the end when your time gets saved and you need something done on the fly. :peace:

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 04, 2006, 08:02:37 PM
  Something I would say in that situation.

But as I said, Australia may be different.  Actually, Im sure it is.

It is.

But as SLC said, you get remembered by how you treat people.  I know when I just walk into my nail salon or hair place they always take me right away because I am a big tipper.  It all evens out in the end when your time gets saved and you need something done on the fly. :peace:

I forgot about that. The girl who does my hair always has a space for me, always. If she is booked, (her instructions) ask to speak to her and she will fit me in. I am not very good at making appointments so this works well. But I also keep in mind that she is making room for me and tip her accordingly. Her normal charge is 20 bucks for a haircut. After a few visits she began to charge me 15 instead, and I kept the tip at 10 bucks. Lowering the price was a gesture to say thanks, and letting me come in on the fly also.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: TAP on December 04, 2006, 08:12:28 PM
HMMMM this is weird, because in Australia, as far as I am concerned.  It isnt important to tip, its a perk and where I live, rare.

England is different from the US, so I'm sure Oz is too. You can't tip in an English pub, if you try they'll give the money back and more than likely laugh
at you.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Oddy on December 04, 2006, 08:28:36 PM
in Australia tipping is non-existent.

i don't get the concept of tipping.

why give them extra money if they're just doing their job? it should be none of the customers concern. if their doing a good job and are a great worker, the owner or manager should increase their wage or something for it. consumers shouldn't be tipping.

instead of being paid a measly $2.57 + tips why not just raise the wage?

you pay for their good service when you buy the food or book the hotel room or get a cab or whatever.

i bet when i go to america im gonna get a lot of angry waitresses, barmen, doorman, cleaners, cab drivers, bell boys etc etc.

this will result in the spitting in food, the spitting in drink, the loss of luggage, a dirty bed, a cab driver who will run after me and kill me etc etc.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: loretian on December 04, 2006, 08:31:39 PM
As it's been said, you always gotta tip.  It doesn't matter if she ran out for you or if it was uncool, you just gotta tip.

Here's a tip:  Every time you buy a round of shots for your buddies, ask the waitress if you want one, and smile a lot at her.  Even if she turns you down, you'll probably start getting free drinks every time you visit.   : ok:

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: TAP on December 04, 2006, 08:50:50 PM
in Australia tipping is non-existent.

i don't get the concept of tipping.

You just answered your own question before asking it :)

why give them extra money if they're just doing their job? it should be none of the customers concern. if their doing a good job and are a great worker, the owner or manager should increase their wage or something for it. consumers shouldn't be tipping.

instead of being paid a measly $2.57 + tips why not just raise the wage?

you pay for their good service when you buy the food or book the hotel room or get a cab or whatever.

Eating out is extremely cheap in the US compared to the UK and probably Australia. The service industry works by voluntary extra payment (tips) and it works very well, certainly compared to the UK.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bandita on December 04, 2006, 08:59:56 PM

Interesting site on tipping.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 04, 2006, 09:12:41 PM

i bet when i go to america im gonna get a lot of angry waitresses, barmen, doorman, cleaners, cab drivers, bell boys etc etc.

Why not just respect the customs of the country you are visiting instead?

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Natasha23 on December 04, 2006, 09:13:29 PM
If you like the place and want to go back, I would go back, tip her and explain that you were a little drunk and merely forgot to leave a tip. ?It wasn't a reflection on her service whatsoever, but she should not have chased after you and been agressive like that. ? That was just dumb of her because if you had gone to the manager (which I don't suggest at this point) she could have lost her job. ?
It only matters if you want to go back to this place, and it sounds like you do. ?If she's always been cool before, she was probably just having a bad day, so if you clear the air, she'll probably be bringing you free hot wings from now on.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 04, 2006, 10:43:42 PM
If you like the place and want to go back, I would go back, tip her and explain that you were a little drunk and merely forgot to leave a tip. ?It wasn't a reflection on her service whatsoever, but she should not have chased after you and been agressive like that. ? That was just dumb of her because if you had gone to the manager (which I don't suggest at this point) she could have lost her job. ?
It only matters if you want to go back to this place, and it sounds like you do. ?If she's always been cool before, she was probably just having a bad day, so if you clear the air, she'll probably be bringing you free hot wings from now on.

Screw that, I'm on the first flight to Australia baby!!!  Haha nah, I'll go back in a few days and say I'm sorry that I forgot to leave a tip, but she better apologize also or else the tip jar ain't gonna be jingling jangling for Christmas, and this time I'll find a new hangout.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: JennaSide on December 04, 2006, 10:51:46 PM
Who knows what's going on in her life... she might really need the money and had a bad day. Being a waitress probably isn't her "career choice"... she might have several other jobs, she might be between "real" jobs, who knows... ?I remember the days of waiting tables, and there are nights that you just don't make any money. You have to tip-out to the bussers and bartenders, and you might not go home with any real profits at all for a whole night of working with drunk, rude people (I'm not saying that was you)
So yeah.... ?I'm not going to lie and say that there weren't times that I wanted to chase people down, too, and lord knows I wouldn't have been so nice about it ?:rant:
Anyway, as far as tipping goes, I hate it. I think places should pay their wait staff hourly and just eliminate tipping, because it's true that ?just bringing out some drinks and fries isn't really that hard, so why bother? But the wait staff needs to feed their kids and pay their bills and shit, too... so yeah, it's lose-lose sometimes. But until they change the system, if you can afford to go out and buy drinks, you can afford an extra buck or two for a tip

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 05, 2006, 01:12:11 AM
You are going to pay one way or the other. Tip the waitstaff or pay more for the entire meal.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: D on December 05, 2006, 02:17:33 AM
When i first moved to Chattanooga I went to one of those Chain Hair cut places.

I paid the haircut price and left.......... I had no idea u were suppose to tip at these places.

So Next time I went, I left a 5 dollar tip. The cut was only 10 bucks, so I figured 50 percent to make up for the last time as coincidentally it was the same lady who cut my hair the last time.

I never tip less than 20 to 25 percent.

If the waiter or waitress is bad about refills or extra rolls or something, I will tip 15 percent but if they come around and refill and are general good, always 25.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Danny Top Hat on December 05, 2006, 02:26:37 AM
<-Just happy to be English, basically.? I know I don't pay any less but i'd rather just not have to think about all this stuff.? I don't like forced etiquette, it replaces genuine friendliness and makes everyone act like robots.? like phatic talk - I hate phatic talk. >:(

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Oddy on December 05, 2006, 02:45:22 AM

i bet when i go to america im gonna get a lot of angry waitresses, barmen, doorman, cleaners, cab drivers, bell boys etc etc.

Why not just respect the customs of the country you are visiting instead?

because i'm a poor person. i can't afford to be paying extra on top of what im getting.

so if i'm ever there i'd announce to them before what ever it is im getting that im not gonna tip.

they can then proceed to give me the shittest job/service/whatever at their pleasure.

good for them. ::)

no but seriously if i was in america i'd try and tip since its what you guys do there. what i was implying is i'd probably forget due to not having the habit of tipping in australia it'd just slip my mind and i'd walk out from places like bill did. i wouldnt know which people to tip. oh well i doubt i'd be going to america anytime soon. and by the time i did, i would have forgotten all this important information and learn the hardway.

you guys tip hairdressers too? crazy stuff.

do you tip the people at the kwik-e-mart too or the local 7-11?

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 05, 2006, 03:02:19 AM

do you tip the people at the kwik-e-mart too or the local 7-11?

Naw.....just service type of jobs.

Well by the time you make it out I'm sure you will have plenty of money to drop a few extra bucks here and there.  ;D

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Oddy on December 05, 2006, 03:54:13 AM

do you tip the people at the kwik-e-mart too or the local 7-11?

Naw.....just service type of jobs.

Well by the time you make it out I'm sure you will have plenty of money to drop a few extra bucks here and there.  ;D

if all goes well with this law degree and i work my way up the ranks of some law firm............i'll be throwing tips left right and centre! :hihi:

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 05, 2006, 04:03:43 AM

if all goes well with this law degree and i work my way up the ranks of some law firm............i'll be throwing tips left right and centre! :hihi:

Look me up and I'll take you out for dinner, you won't have to worry about a tip.  8)

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: jarmo on December 05, 2006, 08:14:46 AM
I had my first real tipping experiences a few weeks ago when I went to North America for the first time.

I'd leave tips for the house keeping at the hotels. Once they even left a "Thank You" note!

But the thing I noticed was that often at restaurants the waitresses really worked for their tip. Most of them were very nice compared to London (for example).


Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Brody on December 05, 2006, 08:26:24 AM
Some Places its an insult to tip.. I found that out the hardway!

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Backslash on December 05, 2006, 09:02:45 AM
I try to tip at least 15-20% everywhere, depending on the circumstances (that's the standard around here).  If the server is rude and impolite, they still get a tip, just a shitty one.  You send more of a message with a $1 tip on a $25 meal, than you do with a $0 tip.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: The Dog on December 05, 2006, 09:48:53 AM

i bet when i go to america im gonna get a lot of angry waitresses, barmen, doorman, cleaners, cab drivers, bell boys etc etc.

Why not just respect the customs of the country you are visiting instead?

And people say American tourists are rude??  :-\

That was one of my fave things about new zealand and australia, NO TIPPING! :)  But all the prices are higher then I would have paid at home b/c the workers get a higher salary - so in the end it all kind of evened out.  I did tip occasionaly when I got exceptional service.  Plus I was just so used to it.  I felt like an ass leaving a table without putting down anything. 

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 05, 2006, 11:53:00 AM
I still wanna' know why people don't feel the need to tip the people behind the counter at McDonalds.. :hihi:

Not only are they making your food...they serve it to 'ya too, afterall.. :P

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 05, 2006, 12:25:05 PM
I still wanna' know why people don't feel the need to tip the people behind the counter at McDonalds.. :hihi:

Not only are they making your food...they serve it to 'ya too, afterall.. :P

Because some magical etiquette fairy deemed that these people weren't feasible enough to deserve tips.  Even though they only make $2 something an hour more than the waitress making $2.83, which the waitress will no doubt make up for in tips probably waiting on just one table.  So I say to you time you're ordering that McChicken sandwhich and you're staring into the eyes of that young lad or maiden who is serving your food...tell him to keep the change.  Watch as he puts it back into the register like a true loyalist.  Meanwhile Flo at the Diner is shaking her buns and giving you that plastic smile in hopes that because she carried a plate of food to your table and filled your coffee cup up three times (it should have been six) hoping, just hoping that you'll throw down a dollar or two.  If you don't, she'll treat you like shit next time you go in there...meaning she isn't doing her job.  Meanwhile that McDonalds stormtrooper will treat you the same every single time you go in there.  "Hello and welcome to McDonalds, how may I help you?"  God bless you, you high speed harvester of heavily greased cousine.  We salute you, Mr. McDonalds cashier, you are a real American hero.

This post was paid for by Anheuser-Busch.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: sandman on December 05, 2006, 01:04:37 PM
bill213 - you fucked up. BIG TIME.

her approach might not be ideal, but i can't blame her. what you did is far more wrong than her actions. and being intoxicated in no excuse!

and to those that do not understand or agree with tipping, read jarmo's post above. it provides incentive for the waitor/waitress to do a good job and be friendly. it costs the patron the same, cause if there is no tipping, the food is more expensive, so it probably all evens out.   

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 05, 2006, 01:13:04 PM
I still wanna' know why people don't feel the need to tip the people behind the counter at McDonalds.. :hihi:

Not only are they making your food...they serve it to 'ya too, afterall.. :P

Because some magical etiquette fairy deemed that these people weren't feasible enough to deserve tips.? Even though they only make $2 something an hour more than the waitress making $2.83, which the waitress will no doubt make up for in tips probably waiting on just one table.? So I say to you time you're ordering that McChicken sandwhich and you're staring into the eyes of that young lad or maiden who is serving your food...tell him to keep the change.? Watch as he puts it back into the register like a true loyalist.? Meanwhile Flo at the Diner is shaking her buns and giving you that plastic smile in hopes that because she carried a plate of food to your table and filled your coffee cup up three times (it should have been six) hoping, just hoping that you'll throw down a dollar or two.? If you don't, she'll treat you like shit next time you go in there...meaning she isn't doing her job.? Meanwhile that McDonalds stormtrooper will treat you the same every single time you go in there.? "Hello and welcome to McDonalds, how may I help you?"? God bless you, you high speed harvester of heavily greased cousine.? We salute you, Mr. McDonalds cashier, you are a real American hero.

This post was paid for by Anheuser-Busch.


This post Sir, made my day : ok:

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Backslash on December 05, 2006, 01:26:59 PM
I just can't believe that they can make people work for $2.83/hr.  That is insane!  Well, once tips come in, you go over minimum, but what if there's a storm or something and you get no customers?  You're working for below minimum wage, which is illegal.  Here, they have to pay you minimum wage and whatever you make in tips is extra.

My beef with tipping is when they add an automatic gratuity to your bill.  That defeats the purpose of calling it a "gratuity."  Some friends and I went to a restaurant a few years ago and they sat us at separate tables.  Once a bigger table became available, they offered to move us, so we said "what the hell?  let's do it."  After they brought us our food at our new table, they said that there would be an automatic gratuity of 15% on everyone's bill because we had a table of 10.  To me, that's horseshit.  They can give us the worst service in the world and we'd still have to leave a fairly substantial tip.  It doesn't make sense.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 05, 2006, 01:43:39 PM
have sex with her

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 05, 2006, 02:49:07 PM
The 2 bucks an hour thing should be thrown out the window, on both sides. I don't mean as an hourly wage either. I mean the argument that a waiter "only" makes that per hour. Waiters in denny's type places will make around 5-10 bucks an hour (tips-not counting the hourly wage) while waiters in high end establishments can make 30-40 (or even higher) bucks an hour (not counting the hourly wage). What they get paid per hour goes straight to the IRS most times.

A waiter gets paid based on what they sell, that's what they get paid. Bartenders tend to make even more money and can easily hit 70-100k a year in the right places (working less than 40 hours a week.)

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: The Dog on December 05, 2006, 02:52:36 PM
This thread reminds me of an awesome +LIVE+ song......

come on baby leave some change behind
she was a bitch, but I don't care
she brought our food out on time
and wore a funky barrette in her hair

come on baby leave some change behind
she was a bitch but good enough
to leave some change,
everybody's good enough for some change

the girl's got family
she needs cash to buy aspirin for her pain,
everybody's good enough for some change

we all get the flu,
we all get aids
we've got to stick together after all,
everybody's good enough for some change,

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 05, 2006, 02:57:30 PM
if they dont like their jobs they can become an executive at microsoft or something like a sniper.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on December 05, 2006, 03:17:02 PM
if they dont like their jobs they can become an executive at microsoft or something like a sniper.

that's what I did

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bandita on December 05, 2006, 04:15:08 PM
I just can't believe that they can make people work for $2.83/hr.? That is insane!? Well, once tips come in, you go over minimum, but what if there's a storm or something and you get no customers?? You're working for below minimum wage, which is illegal.? Here, they have to pay you minimum wage and whatever you make in tips is extra.

If a storm comes in and you get no customers you still have to work for $2.83 an hour.  In most restaurants, the wait staff have other chores besides waiting on tables for when times are slow.  Filling Ketchup bottles, wrapping up silverware, etc....It's called sidework and it sucks because you know you are only getting $2.83 an hour to do it.  To add insult to injury most restaurants also will "cut" you depending on how slow business is-meaning they will send you home early so you aren't even getting the crappy $2.83 an hour.  It's a tough industry because most money is made when people are out having fun on Friday and Saturday nights.  When I did this for a living more than a decade ago I would take on extra shifts on busy nights running food to tables because they raised the wage to $5.15 for that plus I got a portion of everyone's tips for helping out.  I wound up working sometimes 60-70 hours a week just to make decent money.  On top of the fact that you have to listen to everyone's complaint even if it isn't your fault-such as someone's food not being cooked right, etc....

It's a thankless job, since I did it I really sympathize with those who do and I always leave excellent tips.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: D on December 05, 2006, 04:25:46 PM
The 2 bucks an hour thing should be thrown out the window, on both sides. I don't mean as an hourly wage either. I mean the argument that a waiter "only" makes that per hour. Waiters in denny's type places will make around 5-10 bucks an hour (tips-not counting the hourly wage) while waiters in high end establishments can make 30-40 (or even higher) bucks an hour (not counting the hourly wage). What they get paid per hour goes straight to the IRS most times.

A waiter gets paid based on what they sell, that's what they get paid. Bartenders tend to make even more money and can easily hit 70-100k a year in the right places (working less than 40 hours a week.)

Yes Yes and that is why I am getting ready to attend Bartending school. what a great profession! : ok:

How about Pizza Delivery guys. How much do u guys usually tip?

I usually go about 2 bucks which may be kind of cheap............. :nervous:

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 05, 2006, 04:41:29 PM
Bartender school is a waste of time. Don't do it.

Pizza guys? Forget it.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 05, 2006, 05:02:00 PM
The 2 bucks an hour thing should be thrown out the window, on both sides. I don't mean as an hourly wage either. I mean the argument that a waiter "only" makes that per hour. Waiters in denny's type places will make around 5-10 bucks an hour (tips-not counting the hourly wage) while waiters in high end establishments can make 30-40 (or even higher) bucks an hour (not counting the hourly wage). What they get paid per hour goes straight to the IRS most times.

A waiter gets paid based on what they sell, that's what they get paid. Bartenders tend to make even more money and can easily hit 70-100k a year in the right places (working less than 40 hours a week.)

Yes Yes and that is why I am getting ready to attend Bartending school. what a great profession! : ok:

How about Pizza Delivery guys. How much do u guys usually tip?

I usually go about 2 bucks which may be kind of cheap............. :nervous:

Fuck that......2 bucks is plenty.  They just drive a pizza to your house.  It's not brain surgery.  If they bitch about using their own vehicle, then too bad for them.  I could understand if they deliver a pizza like 10 miles away, but if it's in town, I usually just give a dollar.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: D on December 05, 2006, 05:11:20 PM
Bartender school is a waste of time. Don't do it.

Pizza guys? Forget it.

Bartending is hard to get into unless u work your way up in a bar.

U go to school every saturday for 5 weeks and they teach u everything plus they have job placement, Id say its worth it..........

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Cornell on December 05, 2006, 06:00:04 PM
What about when you eat at a buffet?  You go and get your own food and drink.  :-\

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 05, 2006, 06:05:19 PM
What about when you eat at a buffet?? You go and get your own food and drink.? :-\

I usually just leave a dollar at buffets.  I mean good lord...someone seats you and gets you a glass of water and you're expected to pay them for their excellent services rendered. 

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bandita on December 05, 2006, 06:37:02 PM
What about when you eat at a buffet?? You go and get your own food and drink.? :-\

I usually just leave a dollar at buffets.? I mean good lord...someone seats you and gets you a glass of water and you're expected to pay them for their excellent services rendered.?

The tip etiquette guide says this:

Buffet-lines or cafeterias - Nothing. If there is a person who comes around and keeps your tea glass full, tip him personally $1-2.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 05, 2006, 08:28:08 PM
Well, since I don't go out to bars and such (I'm not 21) the only people I can tip are pizza guys and waiters/waitresses at eateries.

Remember The Golden Rule.  It can go a long way.  :yes:

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: jazjme on December 05, 2006, 10:11:57 PM
I work as a waiter, here in NYC,,and bandita has made a lot of good points, and as well as SLC. 

Ive been reading this thread and Bill213 , you sound like a real (and if ever I waited on you and you left nothing, Id laugh anyway expecting it). See one thing you learn working in the service industry is how to read people and know whats up, Why do you think  so many actors and famous musicians and writters and stuff, all mostly had at one time or another a job in the service industry.

ME I made $700 in 3 days and 30 hrs , of work. And IT is fucking work when you work in midtown manhattan at a fucking TGI Fidays. Its no walk in the park, but I guess I make better tips cause Im on point and attentive to people Im serving, and there are times when shit happens out of my control, like the kitchen gets in the weeds, or the food runner didn't run all the food, or that drink I rang in never got to the bartender. IN those cases I have to eal with it, and really try hard to make my guests(as that what they are to me when they are in my section), feel good, and in the know. Some people think its just about bringing out shit to a table a drink or walking to them thier food. ITs so much more , if I expect to make money , I also expect that I do my best to do so.

When I am having a bad day , I never let it show to guests, if anything  I work harder,. I fI cant I dont bother working that day, I call out. tips are just that , gratuity, my restaurant , adds 18% to parties of 6 or more. Its not mandatory! As a Guest you don't HAVE to pay that, if you feel service was not up to snuff for you. Tips are based on sales as SLC said. And yes I have to tip out the bartender, adn busboys, and food runner, at the end of the night.

I had a party of 5 , out of towner's, they rang up 200$  in food and drink. if gratuity woulda been in place it woulda amounted to 30$ in tip .

They left me 70$, why? cause I worked for it, they were my guests, and I made sure all was well throughout their time . So it really comes down to, tiping on the value you feel someone in service did for you. ME I always tip 20%to almost all service, even shitty servers, . thats just me cause I have done and been in this business, for many yrs.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Back Off Bitch on December 05, 2006, 10:25:29 PM
Yeah, bill213, you're one cheap son of a gun... lol

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 05, 2006, 10:25:40 PM
Domino's charges a $1.50 "delivery fee."

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 05, 2006, 10:39:10 PM
Yeah, bill213, you're one cheap son of a gun... lol

Haha, no my initial post...I used to tip heavily.? This bad experience with this waitress who harrassed me by running out and demanding we tip her because she only makes $2.83 an hour and she has to live off those tips.? I've tipped her before and plenty.? My friend and I were drunk and were involved in a heavy conversation and when we paid our checks I didn't even think to write anything on the slip, I just signed it not even thinking.? When she came running out the door and screamed "Hey, Is there a reason you guys stiffed me?", I asked her what she was talking about, we paid our bills.? That's when she said "well you guys didn't leave a tip."? At this moment I was like oh shit okay, my bad we'll hook you up, but then she blurts in very rudely with, "I only make $2.83 an hour and I have to live off tips."? This is what set me off......As I said before, I don't give a shit that she has chosen to work this job, I just go to that place to drink beer and eat.? People make mistakes and this was mine and I would have gladly corrected it had she not tried to put me on some guilt trip for her horrible salary.?

Now this has put my whole view of tipping into a new me HTGTH's George Costanza!!!!? :hihi:

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: jazjme on December 05, 2006, 11:02:02 PM
that  I admire in  you! LOL

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 06, 2006, 01:57:36 AM

Bartending is hard to get into unless u work your way up in a bar.

U go to school every saturday for 5 weeks and they teach u everything plus they have job placement, Id say its worth it..........

If you think it is worth it then do it. Everybody I knew who did it back in their 20's thought it was a waste of time and money.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Mama Kin on December 06, 2006, 03:02:39 AM
There's a place around here called Pita Pit. They have a little jar at the front with the very clever line, "what's pita backwards??? A Tip!!!" Hooray...what's blow me backwards???

Not everyone deserves a fuckin' tip....tipping is for waiters, bathroom attendants and strippers only.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 06, 2006, 03:09:08 AM
I despise tip jars by registers, or take out windows........tacky.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Oddy on December 06, 2006, 03:29:46 AM
in australia theres sometimes a tip jar at the bar.

it usually gets a glass full of 5c coins.

probably coming to a grand total of $1.35

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Eazy E on December 06, 2006, 03:32:08 AM
in australia theres sometimes a tip jar at the bar.

it usually gets a glass full of 5c coins.

probably coming to a grand total of $1.35

Of course half of that $1.35 was likely put in by the bartender to make it look like everybody is tipping.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: D on December 06, 2006, 03:33:50 AM
Fuck Eazy thats a great idea, when I start as a bartender Im gonna have to do that! : ok:

SLC why did they say it was a waste of time and money?

This place I am thinking of attending seem legit and they have job placement.

I know nothing about making drinks so I pretty much have to go somewhere to learn.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 06, 2006, 03:50:48 AM
It's not that they are not legit. They are. But bartending is something that comes with practice. I don't want to tell you what to do. Just do what you think is right.

When you bartend you always make the same 9 drinks anyway............ :hihi:

When I was about 22 I bartended in this busy dance club in Tampa. The place was packed most nights. If I didn't know what a drink was I'd just put vodka in it and make the shit blue.  :hihi: I made the mistake once of asking somebody what was in the drink they ordered (some stupid name like "blue sperm whale".) They said "you are the bartender, you tell me!"   So right then was when my little trick was born. Here ya go!

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Mama Kin on December 06, 2006, 03:51:23 AM
Tipping is also for bartenders...slip him some bills after you order your first drink and he'll keep ya watered : ok:

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Oddy on December 06, 2006, 09:50:01 AM
hey D in australia most bartenders dont go to a school.

they do a 1 day course and get their RSA (responsible service of alcohol certificate).

then they apply for a bartending position. hopefully get it. even if its a small place to start out and doesnt require experience.

from there thats where they learn almost everything. like SLC said bartending comes with practice. its better to learn all the stuff on site and gain experience.

i'd imagine the same thing would be possible in US.

i dunno, find some people that have taken the course and ask what they thought of it and if it was helpful.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 06, 2006, 11:52:09 AM
It's not that they are not legit. They are. But bartending is something that comes with practice. I don't want to tell you what to do. Just do what you think is right.

When you bartend you always make the same 9 drinks anyway............ :hihi:

When I was about 22 I bartended in this busy dance club in Tampa. The place was packed most nights. If I didn't know what a drink was I'd just put vodka in it and make the shit blue.? :hihi: I made the mistake once of asking somebody what was in the drink they ordered (some stupid name like "blue sperm whale".) They said "you are the bartender, you tell me!"? ?So right then was when my little trick was born. Here ya go!

Not too long ago my friend and I were at a bar and it was a super busy Monday night (it's right next to our college and a few 21st b-day parties were going on).  Anyhow for shits and giggles my friend and I ordered a few Irish Car Bombs for ourselves (Jamesons, Baileys, Guinness) and then the groups of college kids caught on and they wanted to start doing them.  Well the young girl who was bartending was skimping them a shot of Jameson's because she was lazy.  She even told us later because she knew I was watching and that she was tired of making them drinks (Geez goes back to that super service eh!).  Anyhow the college kids were far too drunk to realize that they'd been bamboozled and they were charged full price.
I always make it a habit to watch what goes into my drink.  I got screwed one time and I caught the person and said something and they tried to play it off like they didn't know how to make it.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: 2112 on December 06, 2006, 12:51:20 PM
I do not tip.


We don't do that.

In the north of Europe.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 06, 2006, 01:10:49 PM
Just remember, "you get what you give."

When me and my Dad were in 'Frisco, between the two of us, we probably gave out  50 dollars to the homeless, and when we got home, there is a note from the bank saying they had been charging my Dad to much income tax the last 2 years, and also enclosed was a check for just over $50 :)

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Casey Shelton on December 06, 2006, 08:24:10 PM
If you frequent a place that has a tip jar then drop a buck in once a week or once every 5 visits.  Like Starbucks. That biz was built on awesome service.  That shit is like my drug or bad habit.  I've charged like 30 bucks already this month of foo-foo drinks.  I usually get straight up black coffee but Ive had a serious taste for lattes and mochas. 

If you drop one in the tip jar, make sure they see you drop it cuz if they dont its like it doesn't count. 

When dining start at 20%. If its good service leave a 20% tip.  If its below par, drop it to like 15%.  For incredible fill your drink without asking, dont leave you sitting there when its bill time type service, go above and beyond.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 06, 2006, 10:49:39 PM
If you frequent a place that has a tip jar then drop a buck in once a week or once every 5 visits.? Like Starbucks. That biz was built on awesome service.? That shit is like my drug or bad habit.? I've charged like 30 bucks already this month of foo-foo drinks.? I usually get straight up black coffee but Ive had a serious taste for lattes and mochas.?

If you drop one in the tip jar, make sure they see you drop it cuz if they dont its like it doesn't count.?

When dining start at 20%. If its good service leave a 20% tip.? If its below par, drop it to like 15%.? For incredible fill your drink without asking, dont leave you sitting there when its bill time type service, go above and beyond.

To you it doens't count, because you don't get that "Wow I just saved the world feeling."  To the person who keeps the tips, it doesn't matter.  So your view on tipping is that it makes YOU feel good?  Interesting to hear that side of it though, no one's even brought that up yet.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: jc524 on December 07, 2006, 12:44:21 AM
I've never understood tipping.

Why tip at one restaurant and not another?

Surely people work just as hard at McDonalds, why don't you tip there?

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 07, 2006, 01:21:11 AM
Nice picture sig Bill.  ;D

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: polluxlm on December 07, 2006, 01:28:10 AM
Tipping is a scam invented by the restaurant owners. This way they can pay lower salaries. Why should I give somebody extra money? I'm not being served in any other fuckin place employing a human?

But of course, I tip. You have to, right........but I'm seriously contemplating giving it up. Fuck em. Go suck off a John if you can't pay the bills. Not my problem.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 07, 2006, 01:29:54 AM
Mwahahahahahaha.......welcome to the dark side everybody.  I've started a revolution!!! NO TIPPING EVER AGAIN!

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 07, 2006, 01:53:44 AM
If you frequent a place that has a tip jar then drop a buck in once a week or once every 5 visits.? Like Starbucks. That biz was built on awesome service.? That shit is like my drug or bad habit.? I've charged like 30 bucks already this month of foo-foo drinks.? I usually get straight up black coffee but Ive had a serious taste for lattes and mochas.?

If you drop one in the tip jar, make sure they see you drop it cuz if they dont its like it doesn't count.?

When dining start at 20%. If its good service leave a 20% tip.? If its below par, drop it to like 15%.? For incredible fill your drink without asking, dont leave you sitting there when its bill time type service, go above and beyond.

To you it doens't count, because you don't get that "Wow I just saved the world feeling."  To the person who keeps the tips, it doesn't matter.  So your view on tipping is that it makes YOU feel good?  Interesting to hear that side of it though, no one's even brought that up yet.

george ..... calzone :)

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 07, 2006, 02:12:12 AM
If you frequent a place that has a tip jar then drop a buck in once a week or once every 5 visits.? Like Starbucks. That biz was built on awesome service.? That shit is like my drug or bad habit.? I've charged like 30 bucks already this month of foo-foo drinks.? I usually get straight up black coffee but Ive had a serious taste for lattes and mochas.?

If you drop one in the tip jar, make sure they see you drop it cuz if they dont its like it doesn't count.?

When dining start at 20%. If its good service leave a 20% tip.? If its below par, drop it to like 15%.? For incredible fill your drink without asking, dont leave you sitting there when its bill time type service, go above and beyond.

To you it doens't count, because you don't get that "Wow I just saved the world feeling."? To the person who keeps the tips, it doesn't matter.? So your view on tipping is that it makes YOU feel good?? Interesting to hear that side of it though, no one's even brought that up yet.

george ..... calzone :)

Hahahahaha YES!!!!  How could I have forgotten that episode.  It was a classic.  The tip jar at it's finest!

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: D on December 07, 2006, 02:13:32 AM
hey D in australia most bartenders dont go to a school.

they do a 1 day course and get their RSA (responsible service of alcohol certificate).

then they apply for a bartending position. hopefully get it. even if its a small place to start out and doesnt require experience.

from there thats where they learn almost everything. like SLC said bartending comes with practice. its better to learn all the stuff on site and gain experience.

i'd imagine the same thing would be possible in US.

i dunno, find some people that have taken the course and ask what they thought of it and if it was helpful.

The school Im gonna attend is a bar.

The classroom is working behind a bar but its a class.

U dont sit at a desk and read textbooks, U are actually behind the bar workin on the craft.

Everything from making the drinks, to taking people's orders, to serving them etc etc etc.

Plus like I said, they are a pretty big time school, so having that on an application would be a big deal. they also have job placement and like the lady told me...... Bartenders dont stay unemployed.

they make great money, its perfect hours for my nocturnal lifestyle. Also my Long Hair and Tattoos arent a detriment. they are welcome.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Oddy on December 07, 2006, 02:33:37 AM
hey D in australia most bartenders dont go to a school.

they do a 1 day course and get their RSA (responsible service of alcohol certificate).

then they apply for a bartending position. hopefully get it. even if its a small place to start out and doesnt require experience.

from there thats where they learn almost everything. like SLC said bartending comes with practice. its better to learn all the stuff on site and gain experience.

i'd imagine the same thing would be possible in US.

i dunno, find some people that have taken the course and ask what they thought of it and if it was helpful.

The school Im gonna attend is a bar.

The classroom is working behind a bar but its a class.

U dont sit at a desk and read textbooks, U are actually behind the bar workin on the craft.

Everything from making the drinks, to taking people's orders, to serving them etc etc etc.

Plus like I said, they are a pretty big time school, so having that on an application would be a big deal. they also have job placement and like the lady told me...... Bartenders dont stay unemployed.

they make great money, its perfect hours for my nocturnal lifestyle. Also my Long Hair and Tattoos arent a detriment. they are welcome.

sounds cool then man go for it i say : ok:

tell me how it goes.

i want to become a bartender. its the only sort of place i could get a job because i have long hair etc etc.

and im completely nocturnal.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Mama Kin on December 07, 2006, 02:47:14 AM
I've never understood tipping.

Why tip at one restaurant and not another?

Surely people work just as hard at McDonalds, why don't you tip there?

Because at McDonald's they're not waiting on me, I'm waiting on them.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Backslash on December 07, 2006, 07:35:14 AM
The pizza guy came to my house once and the order was like $17.  I gave him a $20 (I didn't say "keep the change") and he didn't even offer me the change back.  He just said "thanks, goodnight!" and that was it.  Those assumed tips are the worst.  I mean, I would've said the change was unnecessary once he started digging for it, but he didn't even extend an offer.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 07, 2006, 05:05:10 PM
You're not supposed to say keep the change.

You pay the man and say thank you and good night.  And close your door.

Saying "keep the change" is kind of like saying you're better than them.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bill 213 on December 07, 2006, 10:32:23 PM
You're not supposed to say keep the change.

You pay the man and say thank you and good night.? And close your door.

Saying "keep the change" is kind of like saying you're better than them.

Isn't that what tipping is in the first place?  More or less....."here you go stable wench, thanks for fetching me my ale, this be your reward"

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Bud Fox on December 07, 2006, 11:36:55 PM
Am I in the wrong here?

Yes, you are wrong.

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: jazjme on December 08, 2006, 05:15:22 AM
I've never understood tipping.

Why tip at one restaurant and not another?

Surely people work just as hard at McDonalds, why don't you tip there?

cause they get paid a wage, and its not a servie , its like goin to the store and buying clothes, do you tip the cashier?

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: fieldsy on December 08, 2006, 07:14:34 AM
Tipping makes me laugh.  Why should I give someone extra money for doing there job?  Are they doing me a big favour by serving me food/drink for which I have paid for already?  Is the fact that they are on a low wage my responsibility, their's or the bosses fault?

I am a social worker, does that eman I can expect a tip every time I go on a visit to a house and help them out?

Sorry but I really dont agree with tipping for everything.  Luckily in England the tipping side of things is kept in London.  If I go for a nice meal and it is very good, the service is excellent I may decide to give a little extra but I feel under no pressure to do this. 

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: freedom78 on December 08, 2006, 10:52:14 PM
I've never understood why tipping is based on the total price of the bill.  If I order lobster and a glass of wine, and my bill is $40, a 15% tip would be $6.  Yet I could order a cheeseburger, a coke, and get 1,426 refills and have my total be $10.  The second waitress worked her ASS off, and got $1.50.  And I know you can argue about quality food in quality establishments, and having a better waitstaff, but you can get a lobster and a cheeseburger (or something equally normal) at the same restaurant. 

That said, I tip 15%+...and based on mood I make the tip a nice even amount, like $3.50, or an amount that brings my total to a nice even amount, like $3.56 to make my bill $21, exactly.  I don't know that I've ever forgotten to tip, though it wouldn't surprise's bound to happen, really. 

At bars, tipping is higher, generally, both because I often order at the bar top, and add $1 per order...this coupled with inebriation leads to higher overall tipping. 

I also think that the waitress was being ridiculously unprofessional in chasing you down in a hostile fashion.  You could have gone in the next day, found the manager and said "Hey, after a few drinks last night, we accidentally left without tipping.  Could you get this to such-and-such waitress."  Since it was just a mistake, that should be fine. 

Title: Re: Tipping....Am I in the wrong here?
Post by: Cornell on December 09, 2006, 03:22:12 PM
Tipping makes me laugh.? Why should I give someone extra money for doing there job?? Are they doing me a big favour by serving me food/drink for which I have paid for already?? Is the fact that they are on a low wage my responsibility, their's or the bosses fault?

I am a social worker, does that eman I can expect a tip every time I go on a visit to a house and help them out?

Sorry but I really dont agree with tipping for everything.? Luckily in England the tipping side of things is kept in London.? If I go for a nice meal and it is very good, the service is excellent I may decide to give a little extra but I feel under no pressure to do this.?

I'm pretty much with you on this!  Where I work, every year they take up a collection for the custodians and give them the money at a lunch party for them - thanking them for all they do for us.  Isn't that their job?