Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => Bad Obsession => Topic started by: CheapJon on December 06, 2006, 06:06:03 PM

Title: Define EMO
Post by: CheapJon on December 06, 2006, 06:06:03 PM
The subject matter is self explanatory.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Jim on December 06, 2006, 06:26:48 PM
The music? Well, it's emotional hardcore, innit?

The people? Tossers.

... Nah.  ;D

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Hammy on December 06, 2006, 06:32:45 PM
Music for teenagers who specialise in self pity......

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 06, 2006, 06:34:15 PM
Doesn't Moby classify himself as "emo"? :hihi:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Hysteron on December 06, 2006, 06:47:07 PM
The subject matter is self explanatory.


Emo means inequitably the death alternative rock.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on December 06, 2006, 06:52:23 PM


Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: vietnow138 on December 06, 2006, 07:02:04 PM
Music for teenagers who specialise in self pity......

well said

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: T_Roxie on December 06, 2006, 07:07:46 PM
Someone who has hair like this:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on December 06, 2006, 07:11:12 PM
I used to do sound for a venue that was mainly for emo/punk/hardcore shit. I gotta admit they were good musicians but they had no idea about EQing their amps. It was like they would turn up every fucking knob to full. The singers would always ask me to turn the bass way down and put in alot of top end into the vocals. It sounded like shit but they loved it. And I had never seen the most unco-ordiated mosh pits till i saw these kind of bands. They would stand there and swing their arms around in circles and kick their legs out. They looked like a pack of retards in an all-in-brawl.


Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: mrlee on December 06, 2006, 07:14:29 PM
define emo?


hope the music burns out and fades away.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Hammy on December 06, 2006, 07:18:17 PM

Well it's Elmo, but if your a bad speller it's Emo  8)

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on December 06, 2006, 07:24:20 PM
Someone who has hair like this:

Dont get me started on the hair. The thing thats really fucked up is that chicks go for these little girls. What the fuck is that? Wheat girl would want a malnurished, winge guts who takes better care of their hair then the Chick does?


Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: RIFF-RAFF on December 06, 2006, 07:30:38 PM
define emo?


hope the music burns out and fades away.

You are so right about it

It's SHITTY music

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Jim on December 06, 2006, 08:42:43 PM
The thing thats really fucked up is that chicks go for these little girls.

I hear you brother, the birds should be wanting a REAL MAN, a man that really knows how to please that pussy. Fuck yeah. Tattoos and heavy metal, leather and beer and fights and, YEAH!

Real men.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Dirty Little Thing on December 06, 2006, 08:47:32 PM
Music for teenagers who specialise in self pity......

DING DING! We have a winner.  ;D

I seriously can't wait until the whole emo phase is over. I am so tired of hearing "Oh my god... my boyfriend broke up with me, I can't take it anymore"

Or "Oh god, my girlfriend left me after only 3 days, it was true love, man, like for real"

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: chineseroses on December 07, 2006, 01:20:00 PM


Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Mr Rage on December 08, 2006, 06:36:48 PM
You are EMO if:

    if u have hair like the guy in the picture above ^
    you dress in nothing but black
    the boys wear make-up and paint there nails
    they scream every song
    they idolise kurt cobain
    hate rock n roll excess partying e.g motley, GNR

all i can think of for now.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: slash666 on December 08, 2006, 07:05:04 PM
You are EMO if:

    if u have hair like the guy in the picture above ^
    you dress in nothing but black
    the boys wear make-up and paint there nails
    they scream every song
    they idolise kurt cobain
    hate rock n roll excess partying e.g motley, GNR

all i can think of for now.

so true

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: slash666 on December 08, 2006, 07:05:40 PM

Well it's Elmo, but if your a bad speller it's Emo? 8)

you put alot of thought into that didnt you  :hihi:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: T_Roxie on December 09, 2006, 05:52:45 PM
I dont know if modern emos really like kurt cobain though, none of the ones i've met do.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Danny Top Hat on December 09, 2006, 06:24:51 PM
I know someone who looks exactly like that guy in the picture.? We call him Emo Paul. : ok:

Jim, you crack me up man!

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on December 09, 2006, 08:15:54 PM


i call it queer core :yes:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: RIFF-RAFF on December 09, 2006, 08:43:49 PM
This one time I beat up some emo guy because he said GN'R sucks 8)

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on December 09, 2006, 09:32:58 PM
This one time I beat up some emo guy because he said GN'R sucks 8)

Nice  :smoking:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Mr Rage on December 10, 2006, 04:38:44 PM
I dont know if modern emos really like kurt cobain though, none of the ones i've met do.

well he is the creator of the song " I hate myself and want to die "
that is the emo motto!

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: anythinggoes on December 10, 2006, 04:45:39 PM
An entire subculture of people (usually angsty teens) with a fake personality. The concept of Emo is actually a vicious cycle that never ends, to the utter failing of humanity, and it goes something like this:

1. Girls say they like "sensitive guys" (lie)
2. Guy finds out, so he listens to faggy emo music and dresses like a dork so chicks will see that he is sensitive and not afraid to express himself (lie). He dyes his hair black, wraps himself in a stupid looking scarf, develops an eating disorder, and rants about how "nobody understands".
3. Now an emo guy, he meets Emo chick and they start dating, talking about how their well-off suburban lifestyles are terrible and depressing (lie)
4. Emo guy is just too much of a pussy. His penis is too small, he's too depressed to bathe, and has more mood swings than emo chick, and he doesn't even have a menstrual cycle. Emo chick dumps him, saying "It's not you, it's me." (lie) as she drives off with Wayne, the school jock and captain of the football team.
5. Emo guy goes home and cries, proceeds to write a weak song and strum a single string on his acoustic guitar. Another emo chick sees how he is so in touch with his feelings, and the cycle continues.

This is the sad truth of the emo lifestyle/music, and now that I look at how pathetic it really is, maybe the emos DO have something to cry about!

When she sees how sensitive and emo I have become, she'll definately go out with me!

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Mr Rage on December 10, 2006, 04:54:37 PM
what ever happend to rock out with ur cock out?

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: T_Roxie on December 10, 2006, 05:40:09 PM
what ever happend to rock out with ur cock out?

Sorry.  I couldnt help it.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: metallex78 on December 11, 2006, 08:07:08 AM
An entire subculture of people (usually angsty teens) with a fake personality. The concept of Emo is actually a vicious cycle that never ends, to the utter failing of humanity, and it goes something like this:

1. Girls say they like "sensitive guys" (lie)
2. Guy finds out, so he listens to faggy emo music and dresses like a dork so chicks will see that he is sensitive and not afraid to express himself (lie). He dyes his hair black, wraps himself in a stupid looking scarf, develops an eating disorder, and rants about how "nobody understands".
3. Now an emo guy, he meets Emo chick and they start dating, talking about how their well-off suburban lifestyles are terrible and depressing (lie)
4. Emo guy is just too much of a pussy. His penis is too small, he's too depressed to bathe, and has more mood swings than emo chick, and he doesn't even have a menstrual cycle. Emo chick dumps him, saying "It's not you, it's me." (lie) as she drives off with Wayne, the school jock and captain of the football team.
5. Emo guy goes home and cries, proceeds to write a weak song and strum a single string on his acoustic guitar. Another emo chick sees how he is so in touch with his feelings, and the cycle continues.

This is the sad truth of the emo lifestyle/music, and now that I look at how pathetic it really is, maybe the emos DO have something to cry about!

When she sees how sensitive and emo I have become, she'll definately go out with me!

I think you hit the nail on the head, but man, the kids of this generation are more messed up then I thought...:o

All this time I just thought it was just the bad haircuts that made them so upset, but obviously it's something much deeper... :hihi:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on December 11, 2006, 07:40:12 PM
An entire subculture of people (usually angsty teens) with a fake personality. The concept of Emo is actually a vicious cycle that never ends, to the utter failing of humanity, and it goes something like this:

1. Girls say they like "sensitive guys" (lie)
2. Guy finds out, so he listens to faggy emo music and dresses like a dork so chicks will see that he is sensitive and not afraid to express himself (lie). He dyes his hair black, wraps himself in a stupid looking scarf, develops an eating disorder, and rants about how "nobody understands".
3. Now an emo guy, he meets Emo chick and they start dating, talking about how their well-off suburban lifestyles are terrible and depressing (lie)
4. Emo guy is just too much of a pussy. His penis is too small, he's too depressed to bathe, and has more mood swings than emo chick, and he doesn't even have a menstrual cycle. Emo chick dumps him, saying "It's not you, it's me." (lie) as she drives off with Wayne, the school jock and captain of the football team.
5. Emo guy goes home and cries, proceeds to write a weak song and strum a single string on his acoustic guitar. Another emo chick sees how he is so in touch with his feelings, and the cycle continues.

This is the sad truth of the emo lifestyle/music, and now that I look at how pathetic it really is, maybe the emos DO have something to cry about!

When she sees how sensitive and emo I have become, she'll definately go out with me!

I think you hit the nail on the head, but man, the kids of this generation are more messed up then I thought...:o

All this time I just thought it was just the bad haircuts that made them so upset, but obviously it's something much deeper... :hihi:

1st off that was one hell of a good explaination i now understand the freaks of today. 2nd you damn right on that one. This one dude i go to school with is everything emo has these gay ass gothic pants that are black and have little (pastic) chains on them, if you ask him he'll tell you they're real, but they're not. so now its almost been one semester and now he is called poser and pubes because his hair is really curly and looks like pubes. The little poser writes poems about killen himself in english, about how it "feels good to feel the warm blood run down his viens". Any way long story short this kid is the biggest poser you'd ever want to see. Total FAG.

so i call emo two things Queer core and poser metal :yes:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: lennonisgod on December 12, 2006, 01:14:00 PM
what ever happend to rock out with ur cock out?

Sorry.  I couldnt help it.

That's pretty funny and probably the worst pic of Axl ever.  Why did he take his shirt off at Rio??  I guess he got too excited.

Anyway, I'm surprised that ANYONE is EMO or like EMO because all I've ever heard are jokes when people talk about it.  I've never met anyone that admits to being EMO because for the most part everyone knows how fucking pathetic it is.  I think EMO music definitely has it's own sound to it.  Dashboard Confessional is an EMO band I think.  Shit like that is EMO.  I'm just doing a little surfing on the net to see what bands people would consider EMO because I don't know much about it at all and someone listed Fugazi.  I don't know about that one...

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: T_Roxie on December 12, 2006, 02:26:40 PM
I use it to dismiss bands like my chemical romance and fall out boy.? stuff with those horrible whiny voices, i dont get how anyone could like it.

It's just bad musically, the lyrics are basic at best, vocal range is never pushed and the most the guitarists can do is wear make up and play power chords, badly.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: mrlee on December 12, 2006, 02:41:24 PM
I use it to dismiss bands like my chemical romance and fall out boy.  stuff with those horrible whiny voices, i dont get how anyone could like it.

It's just bad musically, the lyrics are basic at best, vocal range is never pushed and the most the guitarists can do is wear make up and play power chords, badly.

and they all act as if they are desperate on the edge depressed suicide people whilst playing. the way they mosh is so lame.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Mr Rage on December 12, 2006, 03:38:49 PM
I use it to dismiss bands like my chemical romance and fall out boy.  stuff with those horrible whiny voices, i dont get how anyone could like it.

It's just bad musically, the lyrics are basic at best, vocal range is never pushed and the most the guitarists can do is wear make up and play power chords, badly.

i wouldn't call fall out boy emo, more like pop punk, and chemical romance have done everything they can to try and get rid of the emo lablel. funny thing someone called avenged sevenfold emo's!

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: T_Roxie on December 12, 2006, 03:42:18 PM
I use it to dismiss bands like my chemical romance and fall out boy.? stuff with those horrible whiny voices, i dont get how anyone could like it.

It's just bad musically, the lyrics are basic at best, vocal range is never pushed and the most the guitarists can do is wear make up and play power chords, badly.

i wouldn't call fall out boy emo, more like pop punk, and chemical romance have done everything they can to try and get rid of the emo lablel. funny thing someone called avenged sevenfold emo's!

They may not be emo, but that's what a lot of people who like classic rock label them as.  As for avenged sevenfold, they're not doing themselves any favors looking like they do if they dont want to be called emo. :no:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: lennonisgod on December 13, 2006, 08:23:44 AM

As for avenged sevenfold, they're not doing themselves any favors looking like they do if they dont want to be called emo. :no:

If Avenged Sevenfold is just being themselves and not trying to follow the trends, then who can blame them??  Everyone in the world should just be themselves. I like A7X's music a lot but they do look like poser's at times. 

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Mr Rage on December 13, 2006, 01:52:28 PM
maybe that's what's missing from rock, poseing with ur guitar or bass, it looked so cool back in the day and made u wanna pick up an instrument!

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on December 13, 2006, 06:53:09 PM
Emo people ruined tattoos.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: mrlee on December 13, 2006, 06:54:25 PM
there arnt great rock shows anymore.

There arnt great rock festivals either.

just look at the moscow show or something like that.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: RIFF-RAFF on December 13, 2006, 07:29:28 PM
This whole emo phase is gonna be over once Chinese Democracy is out? :smoking:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on December 13, 2006, 07:50:53 PM
This whole emo phase is gonna be over once Chinese Democracy is out? :smoking:

theres gonna be alot of other brands of shitty music that will die when CHINESE DEMOCRACY is out :yes:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: aimz on December 15, 2006, 08:10:31 AM
emo is............girls that slit their rists (i no its stereotypical but its true)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? boys and girls have the same hair style (ie. fringe in face)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?boys wear their 6 year old sisters trousers half way down their ass and they think it looks good on them
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? they hate the taste of alcahol (though i dont know why?)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? they pretend there in to modern metal music but thats just a cover up for liking crap bands like? ?'bring me the horizon' andparamore
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? they are constantly deppressed and think their gods gift to everyone......they should just die..i think its what they would want anyway!!!!? ? ? ? ? ? ?
 ?( ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Mr Rage on December 17, 2006, 02:21:05 PM
just off topic, i'm growing my hair long, i want some tips how to have it so i don't look emo!

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: aimz on December 17, 2006, 05:54:52 PM
just off topic, i'm growing my hair long, i want some tips how to have it so i don't look emo!
cool! if you want some tips so you dont look emo, just dont have your hair like anyone in the pictures above...ok : ok: so dont have a long fringe in your face and you should be fine ;)

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Queen of Everything on December 17, 2006, 06:13:18 PM
EMO was cool in capital cities for about a year.  Now its over and no-one likes it.  Emo died.  A quick death, thank the lord.   ;D

Its basically a trend clouded in fakeness and posing.  No-one is who they say they are, or believes in what they are saying.  Its quite the most pathetic thing ever.

However, boys with long hair are quite fantastical.  :D

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Eazy E on December 17, 2006, 06:41:17 PM
EMO was cool

No!  Never!   :rant:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on December 17, 2006, 07:51:59 PM
emo is............girls that slit their rists (i no its stereotypical but its true)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? boys and girls have the same hair style (ie. fringe in face)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?boys wear their 6 year old sisters trousers half way down their ass and they think it looks good on them
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? they hate the taste of alcahol (though i dont know why?)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? they pretend there in to modern metal music but thats just a cover up for liking crap bands like? ?'bring me the horizon' andparamore
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? they are constantly deppressed and think their gods gift to everyone......they should just die..i think its what they would want anyway!!!!

i agree : ok:

EMO was cool in capital cities for about a year.

hellz no i agree with Easy E on this one. btw i got long hair  :smoking:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: mrlee on December 17, 2006, 08:34:58 PM
EMO was cool in capital cities for about a year.  Now its over and no-one likes it.  Emo died.  A quick death, thank the lord.   ;D

Its basically a trend clouded in fakeness and posing.  No-one is who they say they are, or believes in what they are saying.  Its quite the most pathetic thing ever.

However, boys with long hair are quite fantastical.  :D

its far from dead over here.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: aimz on December 18, 2006, 09:11:54 AM
its far from dead over here.
i agree, my mate used to be into all this modern metal stuff and now she slits her rists and acts all emo......its like everybody is following the crowd when it comes to being an emo,people who are emo are just doing it because everyone else (well not everyone but most people) are doing it too....maybe one day thy'll realise how stupid they look. :hihi:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: mrlee on December 18, 2006, 09:42:47 AM
all it takes is for some badass band to come out, change the face of the planet and they all get owned.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: 25 on December 18, 2006, 02:57:40 PM
"emo" is just the modern branch of the species of music that sprouted the shoegazing/goth/electronica/indie-pop bands in the 80s and 90s. Like any other "movement" in music, it'll grow up, get a haircut, start wearing slippers and hand over the reigns to the next generation of bastardized mutant white music. If you want someone to blame may I suggest; college radio stations.

There hasn't been a "new" genre of music since rap, and that's only just reached it's "gotta pay the bills or they'll repo my escalade, time to sell-out and make gap commercials" phase.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: RIFF-RAFF on December 18, 2006, 05:34:57 PM
all it takes is for some badass band to come out, change the face of the planet and they all get owned.

Guns N' Roses would be that badass band that is going to wipe them out

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: mrlee on December 18, 2006, 05:38:58 PM
"emo" is just the modern branch of the species of music that sprouted the shoegazing/goth/electronica/indie-pop bands in the 80s and 90s. Like any other "movement" in music, it'll grow up, get a haircut, start wearing slippers and hand over the reigns to the next generation of bastardized mutant white music. If you want someone to blame may I suggest; college radio stations.

There hasn't been a "new" genre of music since rap, and that's only just reached it's "gotta pay the bills or they'll repo my escalade, time to sell-out and make gap commercials" phase.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Queen of Everything on December 18, 2006, 08:45:18 PM

Ugh.  I said cool as in Popular.  People followed it because they thought it was the 'trendy' thing to do.

Well in Brisneylandddd (Brisbane) its pretty much dead.  The only people who follow the trend now are considered posers.  Everyone who was originally in the emo scene abandoned it and became like a little hardxcore kid or whatever.

The point being, the trendsetters in Brisbane have abandoned it because its pretty much lame.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Queen of Everything on December 18, 2006, 08:46:31 PM
btw i got long hair? :smoking:

Sweet.  :) I had a dream I was with slash last night.  So at the moment... Im not looking for anyone less than him.  ;)

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Hysteron on December 19, 2006, 02:04:53 AM
Electric Metal Orpheus

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: LeftToDecay on December 19, 2006, 02:40:59 AM

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: 25 on December 19, 2006, 03:20:56 AM
bastardized mutant white music


Toneless, rhythmless, soulless, whiney musical crimes created by and for whiney middle-class white kids with spikey, choppy highlighted hair. You know, like, uh, pop music. Music derived from styles which were derived from styles which were derived from styles created generations ago by people who had balls. Styles which have been neutered, gene-spliced and hermetically sealed so as to be as bland, inoffensive and tasteless as possible. Generally leaning more towards the tasteless part.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: aimz on December 19, 2006, 04:09:31 AM
100% true...this video is so funny :peace:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: mrlee on December 19, 2006, 06:21:15 AM
bastardized mutant white music


Toneless, rhythmless, soulless, whiney musical crimes created by and for whiney middle-class white kids with spikey, choppy highlighted hair. You know, like, uh, pop music. Music derived from styles which were derived from styles which were derived from styles created generations ago by people who had balls. Styles which have been neutered, gene-spliced and hermetically sealed so as to be as bland, inoffensive and tasteless as possible. Generally leaning more towards the tasteless part.

youll find there is alot of very shit black music around also. take 50 cent.

but yes i agree that there is alot of shit music, however i do not agree that only white people make crap music now.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: aimz on December 19, 2006, 06:35:29 AM
bastardized mutant white music


Toneless, rhythmless, soulless, whiney musical crimes created by and for whiney middle-class white kids with spikey, choppy highlighted hair. You know, like, uh, pop music. Music derived from styles which were derived from styles which were derived from styles created generations ago by people who had balls. Styles which have been neutered, gene-spliced and hermetically sealed so as to be as bland, inoffensive and tasteless as possible. Generally leaning more towards the tasteless part.

youll find there is alot of very shit black music around also. take 50 cent.

but yes i agree that there is alot of shit music, however i do not agree that only white people make crap music now.
yeh i agree, i hate 50 cent,round here loads of chavs have started listaning to all these dance remix tracks (which are absolute crap, especially when there being played through a mobile phone) but i think there is WAY too much rubish music round today loads of new music is just pointless :no:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: mrlee on December 19, 2006, 06:51:00 AM
bastardized mutant white music


Toneless, rhythmless, soulless, whiney musical crimes created by and for whiney middle-class white kids with spikey, choppy highlighted hair. You know, like, uh, pop music. Music derived from styles which were derived from styles which were derived from styles created generations ago by people who had balls. Styles which have been neutered, gene-spliced and hermetically sealed so as to be as bland, inoffensive and tasteless as possible. Generally leaning more towards the tasteless part.

youll find there is alot of very shit black music around also. take 50 cent.

but yes i agree that there is alot of shit music, however i do not agree that only white people make crap music now.
yeh i agree, i hate 50 cent,round here loads of chavs have started listaning to all these dance remix tracks (which are absolute crap, especially when there being played through a mobile phone) but i think there is WAY too much rubish music round today loads of new music is just pointless :no:

i also hate how they have 5000 chaka kahn (however name is spelt) remixes where her voice is sped up and is all squeeky and lame. Then in thr background all it is is "UM TISH UM TISH UM TISH"

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: aimz on December 19, 2006, 04:35:10 PM
bastardized mutant white music


Toneless, rhythmless, soulless, whiney musical crimes created by and for whiney middle-class white kids with spikey, choppy highlighted hair. You know, like, uh, pop music. Music derived from styles which were derived from styles which were derived from styles created generations ago by people who had balls. Styles which have been neutered, gene-spliced and hermetically sealed so as to be as bland, inoffensive and tasteless as possible. Generally leaning more towards the tasteless part.

youll find there is alot of very shit black music around also. take 50 cent.

but yes i agree that there is alot of shit music, however i do not agree that only white people make crap music now.
yeh i agree, i hate 50 cent,round here loads of chavs have started listaning to all these dance remix tracks (which are absolute crap, especially when there being played through a mobile phone) but i think there is WAY too much rubish music round today loads of new music is just pointless :no:

i also hate how they have 5000 chaka kahn (however name is spelt) remixes where her voice is sped up and is all squeeky and lame. Then in thr background all it is is "UM TISH UM TISH UM TISH"
i no its crap,they obviously have to taste :hihi:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on December 19, 2006, 09:10:58 PM
bastardized mutant white music


Toneless, rhythmless, soulless, whiney musical crimes created by and for whiney middle-class white kids with spikey, choppy highlighted hair. You know, like, uh, pop music. Music derived from styles which were derived from styles which were derived from styles created generations ago by people who had balls. Styles which have been neutered, gene-spliced and hermetically sealed so as to be as bland, inoffensive and tasteless as possible. Generally leaning more towards the tasteless part.

youll find there is alot of very shit black music around also. take 50 cent.

but yes i agree that there is alot of shit music, however i do not agree that only white people make crap music now.

i agree fully : ok:

my theory is that all the rappers will get pissed off and eventually shoot each other and all the emo dip-shits will kill themselves because maybe they'll get the point that they are unwanted ;D

Heres to a CHINESE DEMOCRACY in March :beer:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: aimz on December 20, 2006, 06:10:51 AM
bastardized mutant white music


Toneless, rhythmless, soulless, whiney musical crimes created by and for whiney middle-class white kids with spikey, choppy highlighted hair. You know, like, uh, pop music. Music derived from styles which were derived from styles which were derived from styles created generations ago by people who had balls. Styles which have been neutered, gene-spliced and hermetically sealed so as to be as bland, inoffensive and tasteless as possible. Generally leaning more towards the tasteless part.

youll find there is alot of very shit black music around also. take 50 cent.

but yes i agree that there is alot of shit music, however i do not agree that only white people make crap music now.

i agree fully : ok:

my theory is that all the rappers will get pissed off and eventually shoot each other and all the emo dip-shits will kill themselves because maybe they'll get the point that they are unwanted ;D

Heres to a CHINESE DEMOCRACY in March :beer:
:hihi: that sounds right,my bet is in 3 years :hihi:....why march though ???

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: CheapJon on December 20, 2006, 07:07:59 AM
why march though ???

'cuz the man himself said that 6th march was a tentative (?) release date : ok:

check this:

or this:

the second one is tha same as the first only that it's on gn'rs official site :yes:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: 25 on December 20, 2006, 08:23:16 AM
bastardized mutant white music


Toneless, rhythmless, soulless, whiney musical crimes created by and for whiney middle-class white kids with spikey, choppy highlighted hair. You know, like, uh, pop music. Music derived from styles which were derived from styles which were derived from styles created generations ago by people who had balls. Styles which have been neutered, gene-spliced and hermetically sealed so as to be as bland, inoffensive and tasteless as possible. Generally leaning more towards the tasteless part.

youll find there is alot of very shit black music around also. take 50 cent.

but yes i agree that there is alot of shit music, however i do not agree that only white people make crap music now.

No-one said that only white people make crap music. But white people make up most of the population of the US and Europe, so naturally they make up the larger part of the music industry which, as a whole, produces a large amount of crap. We also make up the larger portion of the buying public so we're double damned, we're demanding and supplying ourselves with crap.

Morons like 50 Cent make me laugh. They're the modern version of Minstrels, Al Jolson without the catchy tunes. I'm sure that any black musician with any self-respect is thoroughly disgusted by guys like him, rappers playing stereotypes of black gangsta-rappers. A stereotype created by the (largely white) mass media. I think it was 50 Cent himself who said he isn't interested in music at all, he considers himself a businessman and his albums are just a product. And while it's almost gratifying that we know that he knows his music is a bunch of crap, it's unfortunate that he doesn't hit himself in the face with a concrete block a few hundred times each morning.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: aimz on December 20, 2006, 09:45:39 AM
why march though ???

'cuz the man himself said that 6th march was a tentative (?) release date : ok:

check this:

or this:

the second one is tha same as the first only that it's on gn'rs official site :yes:
oh right i see..thanks, : ok: well i guess this means more waiting :-\
And while it's almost gratifying that we know that he knows his music is a bunch of crap, it's unfortunate that he doesn't hit himself in the face with a concrete block a few hundred times each morning.
yeh, i no what you mean :hihi:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Queen of Everything on December 21, 2006, 04:45:33 AM
I think it was 50 Cent himself who said he isn't interested in music at all, he considers himself a businessman and his albums are just a product. And while it's almost gratifying that we know that he knows his music is a bunch of crap, it's unfortunate that he doesn't hit himself in the face with a concrete block a few hundred times each morning.

Ermmm... isnt he dead??

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: You Gonna Eat That? on December 21, 2006, 05:00:59 AM
The music? Well, it's emotional hardcore, innit?

Circle Takes The Square, Hot Cross, Rites Of Spring, Envy are emo bands, not My Chemical Romance :D  :hihi:

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: acompleteunknown on December 23, 2006, 02:12:14 AM

Circle Takes The Square, Hot Cross, Rites Of Spring, Envy are emo bands, not My Chemical Romance :D? :hihi:

rites of Spring and Minor threat are really credited with beginning the emocore movement back in the late 80s.  And as I assume many of you know, the bands split up and came together to form Fugazi.  Another emocore pioneer.  As the emo kids say, that was first generation emo.  As the years progressed the emo sound grew lighter and mellower as you will see...

The next generation of emo came in the early 90s with Pavement, Sebadhoh and Weezer (some people will even include Nirvana)

The 3rd generation came in the late 90s with bands like Braid, Sunny Day Real Estate, and Cap N Jazz.

the 4th generation was the first to break out into the mainstream with Death Cab For Cutie, Jimmy Eat World, Dashboard Confessional, Get-Up Kids.

The 5th generation is the crap on the radio now like Panic at the Disco and Fall Out Boy.  Watered-down radio blandness.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Mr Rage on December 27, 2006, 07:51:22 PM
there seems to be an effort by the music business to keep heavy metel n hard rock underground!

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: CheapJon on December 27, 2006, 08:19:13 PM
I, today came to the conclusion that maybe EMO is just a trend that will dissapear in music buisness kinda like the alternative/grunge music in early 90's

anopther thing i have thought about is that yeah, these so called emo bands wear make up, but didn't most big-popular bands in the 80's also do that ::)

but anyway hopefully, faggy boys that dresses like girls and slit their wrists will put CD on and have there hair in braids instead of dyed dark black and in front of their eyes so they can't see anything :rant:


Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: mrlee on December 27, 2006, 09:05:28 PM
hey man, make up on dudes is cool....when its sleazy not faggy.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: CheapJon on December 29, 2006, 08:09:25 AM
you have all watched this EMO parody right?

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: mrlee on December 29, 2006, 08:21:04 AM
there seems to be an effort by the music business to keep heavy metel n hard rock underground!
agreed, lack of media exposure for one.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: CheapJon on December 30, 2006, 03:31:49 PM
what is the difference between goth and emo?

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: St.heathen on December 30, 2006, 04:28:40 PM
EMO is defined by guys who like to wear their jeans so far down their fucking arse your just doing something normal like shopping ....and it's right infront of u and your like man.... pull the fuckers up! lol

And also i'm sure some of you have witnessed this ...especially with the girls ...They'll be wearing a GNR or Maiden (etc)? t-shirt, but you start talking to them and they look at you with a blank expression ...they have no idea!

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: GangstarrGabe on January 01, 2007, 08:54:36 AM
This topic is too hilaruios. Thank the lord that this stuff is this funny.

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Verasa on January 01, 2007, 09:01:44 AM
 EMO connects with kids who lack passion for music

Title: Re: Define EMO
Post by: Derby Greg on January 01, 2007, 09:39:17 AM
An entire subculture of people (usually angsty teens) with a fake personality. The concept of Emo is actually a vicious cycle that never ends, to the utter failing of humanity, and it goes something like this:

1. Girls say they like "sensitive guys" (lie)
2. Guy finds out, so he listens to faggy emo music and dresses like a dork so chicks will see that he is sensitive and not afraid to express himself (lie). He dyes his hair black, wraps himself in a stupid looking scarf, develops an eating disorder, and rants about how "nobody understands".
3. Now an emo guy, he meets Emo chick and they start dating, talking about how their well-off suburban lifestyles are terrible and depressing (lie)
4. Emo guy is just too much of a pussy. His penis is too small, he's too depressed to bathe, and has more mood swings than emo chick, and he doesn't even have a menstrual cycle. Emo chick dumps him, saying "It's not you, it's me." (lie) as she drives off with Wayne, the school jock and captain of the football team.
5. Emo guy goes home and cries, proceeds to write a weak song and strum a single string on his acoustic guitar. Another emo chick sees how he is so in touch with his feelings, and the cycle continues.

This is the sad truth of the emo lifestyle/music, and now that I look at how pathetic it really is, maybe the emos DO have something to cry about!

When she sees how sensitive and emo I have become, she'll definately go out with me!

Absolutely quality post!! Just read this.

 : ok:
