Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => Bad Obsession => Topic started by: Mal Brossard on October 23, 2008, 02:47:42 PM

Title: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Mal Brossard on October 23, 2008, 02:47:42 PM
Think about this a bit.

How many truly epic rock bands have come out in the last 10-15 years?  Where are the bands that 30-40 years ago were the Aerosmiths, the Led Zeppelins, the Queens, the Rolling Stones?  What was the last truly good rock band with any staying power to release new (and good) music?

I'll save you the time.  There aren't any.  All the popular new stuff is in hip hop and a poppy side of rock that lacks content and decent solos.  When was the last time you heard a good guitar solo in a Nickleback song?  Or Nirvana and their clones?  Or Linkin Park?  Or any of the flash-in-the-pan nu-metal bands that were big for about 30 seconds?

In the span of a year-- not even a year, in the span of a few months-- we're seeing releases from three timeless rock bands-- Metallica, AC/DC, and Guns N' Roses.  You could even put in the Motley Crue album if you wanted to with this list.  Traditional rock is still alive and kicking.

Could this all potentially kick off a revival and save rock and roll as we know it?

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: JAC185 on October 23, 2008, 03:01:55 PM
I think a new band would have to take over rock n roll for their to be anything of a real revival.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on October 23, 2008, 03:06:17 PM
Also, new stuff from Def Leppard, Oasis, Motorhead, Nine Inch Nails...

This has been quite the year....

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Gnrfan on October 23, 2008, 03:18:34 PM
Think about this a bit.

How many truly epic rock bands have come out in the last 10-15 years?  Where are the bands that 30-40 years ago were the Aerosmiths, the Led Zeppelins, the Queens, the Rolling Stones?  What was the last truly good rock band with any staying power to release new (and good) music?

I'll save you the time.  There aren't any.  All the popular new stuff is in hip hop and a poppy side of rock that lacks content and decent solos.  When was the last time you heard a good guitar solo in a Nickleback song?  Or Nirvana and their clones?  Or Linkin Park?  Or any of the flash-in-the-pan nu-metal bands that were big for about 30 seconds?

In the span of a year-- not even a year, in the span of a few months-- we're seeing releases from three timeless rock bands-- Metallica, AC/DC, and Guns N' Roses.  You could even put in the Motley Crue album if you wanted to with this list.  Traditional rock is still alive and kicking.

Could this all potentially kick off a revival and save rock and roll as we know it?

IMO new bands dont really get a chance to be as big as those other acts these days. Years ago people just listened to the music, these days its all about stupid loyalties to genres and direct comparision to bands that are different.

Anything new is ridiculed as it isn't exactly the same as the above bands. and anyone who gets anything near the "Epic" label starts to get popular and then become uncool.

Persoanlly i think its great that guys like GNR, Zeppelin & AC/DC are back but new acts that try to stamp their ideas on us don't get the respect that the guys like GNR & Co got back in the day.

I think thats why there are no huge acts coming through. Also alot of bands aren't as interested in the "Epic" label these days. Bands like Arctic Monkeys & Kings Of Leon have stated quite openly they are not interested in pusing their music too hard in fear that they'll become considered more pop than rock... which i think happens to quite a few bands.

Like you said. It could be a good 12 months for rock but i think it could be a really exciting time for rock if some people would open their mind to newer music too.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: mrlee on October 23, 2008, 03:19:31 PM
its all the old bands keeping it known though.

sadly the new bands dont have a chance.

theres alot of SHIT new bands full of average shite.

And the few good bands there are dont really get the attention they deserve, doubt they will ever produce hugely successful classics like the old bands.

These days people want pussy music.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Falcon on October 23, 2008, 03:24:24 PM
I think a new band would have to take over rock n roll for their to be anything of a real revival.


With all due respect to the acts mentioned above, their days of blazing any new trails and changing/saving rock are long since gone.

That task is best left to the young.


Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Gnrfan on October 23, 2008, 03:48:31 PM
sadly the new bands dont have a chance.

These days people want pussy music.

Ok thats fine but maybe pussy music as you refer to it is what alot of people like. I assume when you say pussy music you mean music thats not as heavy... bands like Coldplay!

Well Coldplay are one of the biggest acts in the world. But because people refer to them as pussy music they are seen as "rubbish" or "uncool". Now its not for me to say if they are either but my point is too many people can't (or don't) appricate a variety of music. I'm not ashamed to say i like bands like Death Cab & Brand New and i think they are two underated bands with excellent music and great lyrics (albeit different style to the "Epic" Bands) and i think many people will just write them off because they are part of new rock or coz they don't have epic solos or lead a rock star life. Its not everyone, but some people will ignore good music if they don't fit in with their style.

When you compare Coldplay to GNR you are comparing chalk to cheese, but that doesn't mean that they are not good at what they do. I bet most older people who dont like GNR might like Paience or November Rain and it works the other way too... i'm sure Coldplay has individual songs that people might like. But because the band sing about love or whatever rather than Sex,Drugs&RockNRoll they are easy to write off.

I use Coldplay as an example but there are loads of bands out there like that.

Bands like Coldplay, Killers, Muse, Arctic Monkeys, Snow Patrol, Foo Fighters, Kings Of Leon are all big bands that are recent and have produced better albums that alot of those "Epic" bands new albums... so where does that leave them?

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: freedom78 on October 23, 2008, 04:03:03 PM
Rock doesn't need saving.

Corporate pop needs killing.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Gnrfan on October 23, 2008, 04:11:13 PM
Rock doesn't need saving.

Corporate pop needs killing.

I think thats well said. Depending on what you regard as Corporate Pop

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Gunner80 on October 23, 2008, 05:11:20 PM
I think a new band would have to take over rock n roll for their to be anything of a real revival.


With all due respect to the acts mentioned above, their days of blazing any new trails and changing/saving rock are long since gone.

That task is best left to the young.

Name me one young band today that's worth a damned?  Rock hasn't "blazed" new trails sense the 70's.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Falcon on October 23, 2008, 05:32:11 PM

Name me one young band today that's worth a damned?

McQueen, The Glitterati, Bangkok 5 to name a few. 

Will they have the impact or the cultural significance of the Pistols or Nirvana?

Oh hell no.

But - they are authentic, the real deal if you will.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Izzy on October 23, 2008, 06:12:36 PM
Some dinosaur rock bands released their latest contractually obligated album

Rock is saved!

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: mrlee on October 23, 2008, 06:42:58 PM

Bands like Coldplay, Killers, Muse, Arctic Monkeys, Snow Patrol, Foo Fighters, Kings Of Leon are all big bands that are recent and have produced better albums that alot of those "Epic" bands new albums... so where does that leave them?
I dislike these bands, being they are simply, to me. Boring.  They aint rock n roll.

Killers, Artic Monkeys, Snow Patrol. indie bands, i hate indie bands. why , because theres about 500000000000000000000000000000000000 of them being arse raped by NME magazine daily. Shit bands, they all look the same, sound the same. I fuckin hate those bands, it makes me ashamed of the British music scene.

Muse, not really new, alternative from the 90s. Dont interest me, hate matts voice.

Kings Of Leon, started out as a blues rock band with a frontman that couldnt sing understandable words.
Suddenly they go and cut there hair off, dress like lame ass indie kids in cardigans, talk in english but make damn annoying songs like "sex on fire" diieee!!!

Foo Fighters, again, not new. They have some ok singles but their albums are generally loaded with filler.

Rock N Roll to me. Is something is. Aggressive, different, full of energy and power. You can relate to the act, you wanna be them or take influence from them. They speak to you in a way only they can. 

There are new bands fitting that description around. For me. Thing with music is, everyones damn picky in what they want. Some people would absolutely hate the new bands i love (which, they do). Some think they are fuckin brilliant and under-rated.

Ill post some links to bands that i personally feel are the rock n roll today, even if they havent had major success. Obviously the songs come across far better sourced off proper audio, but crappy youtube will have to do lol! anyone who knows me here doesnt even need to click on this, they can guess. <<jsut audio, love the drumming in that song! good ol'  these guys dont tread new ground but the albums just an ass kicker, love it.

plenty of more underground ones, but those are the bigger names of the pack worth mentioning.

Without those bands i think id be pretty bored with the music scene. Fucking hate indie, and i god damn hate emo even more. Dont get me started on "hardcore" bands like Bring Me the Horizon and Architects, load of shit.

oh and just a small mention. I actually think Nickelback are a damn good rock band. Very commercial, but they have good songs on their albums with little filler in my opinion.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: D on October 23, 2008, 06:48:10 PM
U consider the Killers Rock?

They are probably a long with The White Stripes the most overrated bands of the last 20 years.

If they were out in 1991, they'd be as big as Britny FOx or somebody.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: mrlee on October 23, 2008, 06:49:04 PM
U consider the Killers Rock?

They are probably a long with The White Stripes the most overrated bands of the last 20 years.

If they were out in 1991, they'd be as big as Britny FOx or somebody.
Except Britney Fox actually rock. The Killers dont.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on October 23, 2008, 06:49:20 PM
Guitar Hero & Rock Band has certainly played a part in revitalizing it with the younger generation.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: mrlee on October 23, 2008, 06:50:57 PM
Guitar Hero & Rock Band has certainly played a part in revitalizing it with the younger generation.
Problem is alot of people only bother getting that one song by the band. Not the back catalogue.

But yes, while i despise the games, they have made a BIG difference in making kids wanna pick up the guitar n play guitar solos again.

What i do like about the games is they cover all sorts of rock n roll.

and glam ;)

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: mrlee on October 23, 2008, 07:15:01 PM

a band you wanna watch out for!!!

The vocalist is great, hes sung with Alice Cooper live once apparently. They have had a few line up changes. But theres a brand new track just up, off the new album with, what im going to guess will become the bands "classic" line up in a few years and a few albums later if they keep shit together.

There other older tracks are pretty good but they aint ever gonna be released i dont think.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Gunner80 on October 23, 2008, 07:51:34 PM
Some dinosaur rock bands released their latest contractually obligated album

Rock is saved!

Do you think it's a different thing for young bands? all commercial albums are contractual. :P

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on October 23, 2008, 07:59:45 PM
Think about this a bit.

How many truly epic rock bands have come out in the last 10-15 years?  Where are the bands that 30-40 years ago were the Aerosmiths, the Led Zeppelins, the Queens, the Rolling Stones?  What was the last truly good rock band with any staying power to release new (and good) music?

I'll save you the time.  There aren't any.  All the popular new stuff is in hip hop and a poppy side of rock that lacks content and decent solos.  When was the last time you heard a good guitar solo in a Nickleback song?  Or Nirvana and their clones?  Or Linkin Park?  Or any of the flash-in-the-pan nu-metal bands that were big for about 30 seconds?

In the span of a year-- not even a year, in the span of a few months-- we're seeing releases from three timeless rock bands-- Metallica, AC/DC, and Guns N' Roses.  You could even put in the Motley Crue album if you wanted to with this list.  Traditional rock is still alive and kicking.

Could this all potentially kick off a revival and save rock and roll as we know it?

you damn right 8) :headbanger:

and yes i do includ motley crue in that as well only they haven't gotten alot of support from it which surprises me a little. Most of you probably disagree cause you think vince is a piece of shit but i think he's cool.

i heard CHINESE DEMOCRACY  on the radio for the first time today and just got achill down my spine and thought wow its finally coming, Metal is back!


Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: mrlee on October 23, 2008, 08:21:44 PM
the new crue album would get support from me, if it was actually any good.

Cause i love the Crue.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on October 23, 2008, 08:57:07 PM
This year has been the best year for music in a long time.

Guns N' Roses
Alice Cooper

My 4 favourite Bands all with new albums this year. It don't get much better than this  : ok:


Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Malcolm on October 23, 2008, 09:32:25 PM
Dont forget new Judas Priest album and Alice Cooper, both concept albums....The Who inducted into the VH1 Rock Honors....Cruefest......STP reunion....Zeppelin reunion..or was that 2007 I forget....It's been and is going to continue to be an amazing year...New GNR, AC/DC, Metallica, Motley Crue, John Mellencamp, Chris Cornell, Nazareth and lots more...All tours as well, The best is yet to come, 2009 should be great also with all these bands tour going into the new year...Fleetwood Mac has plans to tour in 2009, as well as Queen + Paul Rodgers again I cant wait...New Skynyrd album in 2009.....New U2 cd...New Van Halen possibly..New Alice In Chains...Whatever Slash n them get together with VR...For the newer bands in 2008 we were introduced to Airbourne, New Disturbed album, New these are great times for Rock N Roll right now

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: freedom78 on October 23, 2008, 09:33:37 PM
Rock doesn't need saving.

Corporate pop needs killing.

I think thats well said. Depending on what you regard as Corporate Pop

It's like the Supreme Court said about pornography...I know it when I see (hear) it.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on October 24, 2008, 05:22:55 AM
My favorite active bands have all released something this year.

Guns N' Roses
The Black Crowes

The only band missing on that list is Pearl Jam.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: MadmanDan on October 24, 2008, 07:20:31 AM
   The only way rock can be "saved" is for it to become "cool" again. Nirvana killed that, and now most rockers are considered social rejects, therefore record labels won't risk promoting an unknown good rock band, because there's noone out there to listen to it: all the "cool" people listen to crappy pop, hip-hop and house music these days.

   The only real rock that can actually sell records is by the old school bands, like Metallica or AC/DC recently, but their creativity has been dead for years, so their new albums are Good, but they'll never be GREAT again...but they, along with GNR and others, can make it all seem fuckin cool again.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Thorned Rose on October 24, 2008, 03:22:43 PM
Yes, this year has been the best year of my life for music releases.

I'm loving it so much!

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Gnrfan on October 24, 2008, 03:36:53 PM
   The only way rock can be "saved" is for it to become "cool" again. Nirvana killed that, and now most rockers are considered social rejects, therefore record labels won't risk promoting an unknown good rock band, because there's noone out there to listen to it: all the "cool" people listen to crappy pop, hip-hop and house music these days.

   The only real rock that can actually sell records is by the old school bands, like Metallica or AC/DC recently, but their creativity has been dead for years, so their new albums are Good, but they'll never be GREAT again...but they, along with GNR and others, can make it all seem fuckin cool again.

Good post i agree

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on October 24, 2008, 04:45:17 PM
   The only way rock can be "saved" is for it to become "cool" again. Nirvana killed that, and now most rockers are considered social rejects, therefore record labels won't risk promoting an unknown good rock band, because there's noone out there to listen to it: all the "cool" people listen to crappy pop, hip-hop and house music these days.

   The only real rock that can actually sell records is by the old school bands, like Metallica or AC/DC recently, but their creativity has been dead for years, so their new albums are Good, but they'll never be GREAT again...but they, along with GNR and others, can make it all seem fuckin cool again.

i completely agree, thats why i hate nirvana. they just killed it they killed everything even their singer who should ate the bullet as soon as they got signed if they really were "for the fans" ::).............fuckin' posers

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: norway on October 25, 2008, 01:50:04 PM
I don't think rock needs a "save".

This genre always evolve and a lot of diferent sub-genres has bloomed throughout the world in the 90's.
Take Norwegian Black Metal from Norway for example, Buckethead + "tehcno" bands like The Prodigy incorporating rock/metal elements into their music.

2008 is more a year of nostalgia although CD are pushing the envelope.

It's great to see Metallica, AC/DC, Motley Crue, Gn'R etc keep rocking and making great music tho :peace:

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Nighteyes on November 01, 2008, 09:32:12 PM
I don't think rock needs to be saved either, it has always been around and will too when the next popular thing comes. There are some really good young rock bands around, but as said earlier, they're not as promoted as the pop and hiphop acts, today it seems like people want easy listened music that they forget in a day, and they move on to the next thing. Seems like rock and metal fans stay loyal and there will always be angry young people who wants to tell the world who they are. Now I really don't know where I'm going with this post, a little bit tired, it's 2:30 am here..

Another thing , if rock became popular again, I think that many who are fans today would dislike that. The people I've met likes not being like everyone else, they have this thing that keeps them together that the 'other' people don't get and they have a pride in that. If rock would be all over the place again they wouldn't feel as special. And I can in a way understand that. I love rock and metal (and other music too), but I don't take myself so seriously  ;D That's just my thoughts though.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Dot on November 02, 2008, 09:54:08 PM
Don?t know if 2008 will save Rock, but I do know it has been a great year in which classic bands are making strong statements n how to Rock...M?tley Cr?e, Metallica, AC/DC, even Brian May and Roger Taylor are bringing back Queen somehow...I also think Coldplay?s Viva la Vida is a very strong and well conceived album.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on November 03, 2008, 07:33:00 AM
I am loving this at the moment. makes me laugh. Been reading everywhere that rock is linked to the last couple of economy crashes.  :hihi:


Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on November 04, 2008, 10:02:07 PM
Interesting article about 'flyover rock' - the reign of the Hinders/Nickelbacks/Daughtry over rock right now,0,204871.story

How will CD fit into the current soundscape, will it be seen as flyover rock or not?

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on November 05, 2008, 12:48:41 AM
CD will be an instant classic and will hopefully push these flyover rock bands off the radar screen.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: mrlee on November 05, 2008, 08:07:44 AM
Interesting article about 'flyover rock' - the reign of the Hinders/Nickelbacks/Daughtry over rock right now,0,204871.story

How will CD fit into the current soundscape, will it be seen as flyover rock or not?
what a load of bullshit.

So basically unless you are a political activist or a fucking emo faggot your music isnt real?

you cant have lyrics about feeling good unless you are a redneck racist?

what fucking tool wrote that article.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on November 05, 2008, 11:15:28 AM
So basically unless you are a political activist or a fucking emo faggot your music isnt real?

I know what you're saying, and I think that comes from the Pitchfork effect on music. 

I think Axl & Co are in the best position to fight this view of what counts as real music. If anything, this forum shows that GNR fans are definitely not a homogeneous like-minded bunch.  Just look at the political threads  :hihi:

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: mrlee on November 05, 2008, 11:27:11 AM
So basically unless you are a political activist or a fucking emo faggot your music isnt real?

I know what you're saying, and I think that comes from the Pitchfork effect on music. 

I think Axl & Co are in the best position to fight this view of what counts as real music. If anything, this forum shows that GNR fans are definitely not a homogeneous like-minded bunch.  Just look at the political threads  :hihi:
i love sarcasm.

but i hate emo.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on November 13, 2008, 08:06:24 AM
Now that Rock is up there again do you think Grunge will be next? It'd be kind of cool. With STP and AIC doing stuff again it might be a possibility.


Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: mrlee on November 13, 2008, 01:35:41 PM
Now that Rock is up there again do you think Grunge will be next? It'd be kind of cool. With STP and AIC doing stuff again it might be a possibility.

please no.

id hate it if, now guitar solos are suddenly starting to become "cool" again if grunge took a rising and everyone stopped learning to play guitar solos again.

i do like both bands but id hate if there was a new grunge movement cause alot of the bands in that genre fuckin sucked n thats why they aint remembered today.

There is one band who are successful in the UK who class themselves as the new grunge.

They are ok actually.

ill link you there stuff. Thet grunge formula is certainly there ,just more effects ridden. love the main riff <<another good main riff

I like most of the songs on the album. The Grunge formula is definately there, but i find them more interesting then some of the shite 90s grunge bands. Again, i like STP and AIC though.. Also i havent heard the band, but im told theres a band called "Zico Chain", also from the UK that play grunge.

Anyways let me know what you think on those dudes.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: Mobenrad on December 04, 2008, 10:41:43 AM
Metallica, AC/DC, Guns N' Roses, DragonForce, Slipknot, what an amazing year for rock.

Title: Re: 2008: The year that saved rock?
Post by: western_chaos on December 06, 2008, 01:21:28 PM

They say that a genre of music usually dies on average around 50 years, and it's been over 50 years for rock.

But, I don't really want rock to die, it's the best lol.  :hihi:

I wish all pop, and hip-hop would vanish right now.