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Wake up, it's time to play! => Nice Boys Don't Play Rock And Roll => Topic started by: Jmmbo on January 11, 2009, 08:47:51 PM

Title: where to start a band?
Post by: Jmmbo on January 11, 2009, 08:47:51 PM
So ? I?m new in here and I have a question that?s been bugging me for some time now, and I would like to hear you guys? opinion about it. I think this is the right place to ask this question: If I were to start a kick-ass rock n? roll band (inspired by, but not copying bands like G n? R, Aerosmith, the Who, Motley Crue etc.) where should I go? Meaning, where is the greatest possibility of finding other musicians who share the goal of kicking ass on-stage with original material? I currently live in Denmark and even though there are a lot of great bands here, none of them seem to be playing classic rock. It?s either indie music or hip-hop/rn?b and those bands that ARE playing rock-music are either tribute-bands or bands playing part-time. I thought about going to US but where should I go? New York? LA? Maybe another country such as Canada or England? I also heard someone about a ?new wave of rock? coming out of Sweden (which is a lot closer to Denmark than the US). So? what do you think? Where are all the musicians who want to play ROCK? Just wondering? 

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: Captain P?l on January 12, 2009, 11:36:44 AM
what do you play?

i play in a rock n roll band in Norway... and we need an additional guitarist! ;)
There are many cool rock bands in norway actually. But its so damn hard to get a breakthough.

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: Jmmbo on January 13, 2009, 07:53:37 PM
Oh yea right. I forgot: I play bass  8)

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: mrlee on January 14, 2009, 11:19:41 AM
Well in the UK its similar.

We have the same shit in the mainstream currently. If i were you, id advertise yourself in as many places as possible. check as many adverts as you can.

Look at main towns/cities in your country.

And most importently dont give up. Its taken me 3 years of let downs and bullshit to find a proper band that plays proper music. And even this is a challenge in itself.

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: Jmmbo on January 14, 2009, 06:18:25 PM
I thought about that to. I realise its all about visibillity - nothing happens if I do nothing. I have to 'get out there' and make sure that any upcoming band looking for a bass-player knows I'm available and so on. I was just wondering whether my chances would be better if I relocated to another country.

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: mrlee on January 14, 2009, 06:45:39 PM

Well you see. Its hard all over the world to form bands into the hard rock. glam metal sound. As its not popular anymore.

But your best chances are. Sweden where its at its biggest. And of course, that huge slab of rock known as the USA. Theres so many people there im sure youd be able to find the right guys.

But remember. Make sure you have a at least decent image to go. If you turn up half baulding looking like a slob...its gonna make your chances of getting in a band VERY hard.

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on January 19, 2009, 03:42:20 AM
I'm trying to find a band to sing in, and have no clue as to how to go about doing so.

I live close to DC, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: Jmmbo on January 21, 2009, 06:00:26 PM
Out of curiosity - one of my friends is planning to go to Australia. Does anyone in here know how the possibilities for joining a band are in Sydney?

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: don_vercetti on January 21, 2009, 06:52:03 PM
come to the UK, i'm having the same problems trying to find/make a good rock band.  Everyone just wants to play indie and shit, which is dying.  Rock N Roll is due a renaissance.

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: Jmmbo on January 23, 2009, 07:52:50 PM
True. The renaissance of true rock n roll is long overdue. Something needs to happen - and soon!!!! Let's get some bands together ;)

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: Padmasana on January 24, 2009, 11:44:28 AM
Where to start a band? Well, I started in a garage showing a mate some chords, and by playing wherever and whenever I could, I made progress. I played churches, town centres, schools, pubs, clubs... anywhere.

And my last album was mastered by David Gilmour's engineer, so I must be doing something right! The advantage of the modern world is that there are a bazillion places to find people. Upload videos to YouTube, make a Facebook group, set up a MySpace, post on fan forums of the above bands... brilliant ways to meet like minded people!

Good luck  :)

Title: Re: where to start a band?
Post by: Jmmbo on February 04, 2009, 05:47:22 PM
Thanks for the advice - never thought about making a facebook group before. Maybe that was an idea? Well... thing is, I've been playing bass for about ten years now (on and off) and the  couple of bands  I've  have been in have always consisted of friends. Now they have moved on and started pursuing 'real' careers which is why I have no experience in how to start a band with people who are not already a part of my social-circle. Anyone else who has some pieces of advice they would like to share? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated Or if there are any Danes reading this, who would be interested in starting something (inspired by the abovementioned bands), let me know. BTW I'm from near Aarhus. Thanks again for those who took the time to reply.