Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: cineater on November 14, 2012, 12:32:59 AM

Title: Oh my god that sucked
Post by: cineater on November 14, 2012, 12:32:59 AM
Anybody know how to get the adhesive off the floor?  I scrapped on that for 2 hours!  It's only about a quarter done.  I swear over by the dishwasher it's baked on.  There has to be something that just turns that stuff to a gel.

I'm helping the neighbor remodel the kitchen.  He called me at 1 the other night in a panic because he couldn't find the kittens.  We had taken out all the appliances so I figured they had gotten behind the cabinets.  We found them sleeping in one of the drawers.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Oh my god that sucked
Post by: axlrosegnr on November 14, 2012, 01:33:13 AM
Goo gone. Shit'll take off anything.

Title: Re: Oh my god that sucked
Post by: cineater on November 14, 2012, 08:04:20 AM
Tried that.  :hihi:  Took me about 5 minutes to reach for that solution.  Razor blade seems to work best.

Anybody else addicted to these home makeover shows on HGTV?  I want that one Property brother to come in and completely redo my place.

Title: Re: Oh my god that sucked
Post by: cineater on November 15, 2012, 10:14:14 PM
The kitchen remodel has activated the neighborhood ghosts except this time, he believes he caught them on video.  He was filming the kittens and there are a bunch of blue speeding lights caught on camera.  I know it could be explained other ways except he reports one of them acted like a bird.  The place was rental property for a long time and years back there was renters who had exotic birds.  I'm pretty sure they told me one of their birds died. 

So he calls and wants me to go check on the kittens because of the ghosts.  Fuck no!  Not because of the ghosts but because of that floor.  I go over there I'm going to start chipping away at it and I just got my fingers to straighten out from the last 2 nights.  :hihi:

Anyway, he keeps saying, I know you guys don't believe me.  We believe ya.  We told you about the ghosts.  It's just we quit freaking out about them 10 years ago.

Title: Re: Oh my god that sucked
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on November 15, 2012, 10:45:11 PM
Love the Goo Gone!  Reminds me of a birthday gift me and my buddies got for a buddy of ours when he turned 16.  A bootle of Goo Gone and a Penthouse magazine.   :hihi:  ...almost as much fun as sending him 50 free condoms in the mail...only to have his mom get the package with his name on it.  Good stuff.  :)

Title: Re: Oh my god that sucked
Post by: cineater on November 18, 2012, 12:33:54 PM
 :hihi:  oops

Yeah I know we are suppose to be remodeling the kitchen but we had to stop and put up the Christmas lights.  He got one of those sound machines that makes the lights flash to the music.  We connected ALL of the lights to it.  Hurts your eyes to even watch it!  I'm sure the neighbors were wondering what was blowing up outside their windows.  I'm going to have to redo that.

Title: Re: Oh my god that sucked
Post by: pilferk on November 23, 2012, 04:37:13 PM
Anybody know how to get the adhesive off the floor?  I scrapped on that for 2 hours!  It's only about a quarter done.  I swear over by the dishwasher it's baked on.  There has to be something that just turns that stuff to a gel.

I'm helping the neighbor remodel the kitchen.  He called me at 1 the other night in a panic because he couldn't find the kittens.  We had taken out all the appliances so I figured they had gotten behind the cabinets.  We found them sleeping in one of the drawers.  :hihi:

Is this from a prevoius installation of vinyl flooring (rather than tile)? If so:

Well, you might not NEED to scrape it up... sometimes it's easier to either rip up the subfloor (which would require cabinet and appliance removal, first) and put new plywood down OR put a new layer of sheething over the subfloor (which you can level with a good pad and would require appliance removal, only) OR use self leveling concrete if you're using tile (which would likely require both cabinet and appliance removal).  Obviously...some of that takes varying levels of comfort and know how which might be more than removal (which is hard to do and time consuming, but doesn't require much contracting skill).

If you just HAVE to get it up (you're putting in hardwood floors, for example) a power scraper (preferable) or floor sander ($40 a day or so) and let it do the job for you.  If that's not in the can get long handled floor scrapers at Home Depot or Lowes.  They're not all that expensive.  Still means some elbow grease...but it does save the back and the knees.  Use a citrus based adhesive remover, first, leave it on the glue for a good 30 min or so (until completely dry), and then scrape.  Should go easier.

Last..if you've got a particularly bad patch that just won't buge...get a block of dry ice.  Put the block on the patch of adhesive (MAKE SURE YOU USE APPROPRIATE GLOVES/TOOLS), leave for 5 min, and remove.  The patch of adhesive will become so'll scrape right up.

I'm not sure how old the installation you're removing is. If the adhesive is black...BE CAREFUL.  There was an old adhesive type, called cutback adhesive, which contained asbestos.  If you see a sign of might want to call in a pro for, at least, a "2nd opinion".  They'll know the stuff as soon as they look at it.  If it's don't want to remove it without taking proper precautions...and you have to dispose of it properly (NOT the trash can!).

Title: Re: Oh my god that sucked
Post by: cineater on November 24, 2012, 12:23:15 AM
Wasn't black but it's been down for 25 years.  He thinks it might have been a leveling compound.

The refrigerator was too big.  He had to move the cabinets over and cut the counter top.  And as we were unwrapping it, big scratch across the front of the stainless steel.  It's going back and hopefully they make it in a little smaller model.  The thing is a monster.

Tomorrow's project is putting the plastic walls up on the greenhouse.  It's going to be a little bit above freezing.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Oh my god that sucked
Post by: cineater on November 24, 2012, 09:05:30 AM
Wait a minute, I'm not losing my mind.  :hihi:  That got deleted, that was in reference to a scene from Fiddler on the Roof.  It's okay, just don't want anybody thinking I have anything against anybody.

And for everybody wondering what I'm talking about, go buy a powerball ticket, take a chance on a different future.