Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Spirit on April 08, 2015, 11:20:01 AM

Title: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Spirit on April 08, 2015, 11:20:01 AM
At the end of the most recent Guns N? Roses residency at the Joint, rumors abounded that Axl Rose had no plans for any further touring or recording with the current lineup of GNR.

But Ashba expects to return to the stage with Rose, saying, ?I?ve got his back whenever he needs me. Ever since I joined GNR six years ago, it?s almost been nonstop touring. But we?ve kind of talked of more touring, and I?m looking at this more as a hiatus than the end.?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Sosso on April 08, 2015, 02:29:54 PM
I've heard that there was a feud between him and Ron. Is that true?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: JAEBALL on April 09, 2015, 11:37:30 AM
Hiatus has become a very popular term in GNR forum land.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 09, 2015, 11:52:08 AM
I know this just came out, but any idea when the interview was done?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Spirit on April 09, 2015, 12:07:48 PM
I know this just came out, but any idea when the interview was done?

The article make it seem like they've talked to him just now, referencing their show at The Joint tomorrow.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: sky dog on April 09, 2015, 01:04:31 PM
The hiatus thing just sounds silly. Just say there are no tour dates scheduled and there are no dates set to release any form of new music.

"However, the merchandise shop is this way!"  :hihi:

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: JAEBALL on April 09, 2015, 01:26:15 PM
The hiatus thing just sounds silly. Just say there are no tour dates scheduled and there are no dates set to release any form of new music.

"However, the merchandise shop is this way!"  :hihi:

Haha... well I'm all for capitalism... but I agree that the hiatus term just makes me chuckle.

When DJ starts sounding less optimistic about the future of touring this year... that's a bad sign!

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 09, 2015, 01:40:02 PM

When DJ starts sounding less optimistic about the future of touring this year... that's a bad sign!

And not a peep about this alleged next album.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Gavgnr on April 09, 2015, 02:09:14 PM
I know we shouldn't read too much into snippets from interviews but DJs comments seem v different to the positivity he normally displays when it comes to Guns

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: sky dog on April 09, 2015, 02:49:17 PM
Personally, I don't care if they tour this year or not. Quite frankly, I would be much more stoked to see a Replacements show right now than another Gnr show.

I would just like to see Axl release some music. Who is in the band or out of the band is meaningless to me at this point.  :P

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 09, 2015, 04:00:21 PM

When DJ starts sounding less optimistic about the future of touring this year... that's a bad sign!

And not a peep about this alleged next album.

Yeah, it would be one thing if he said they're not touring because their focus is on getting the album out.  I think most (if not all) of his previous interviews talked about the next album. 

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: sky dog on April 09, 2015, 05:05:12 PM
Because he finally realized it is Axl's business. Period. He is in full control of Gnr. I seriously doubt ANYONE is being paid by Gnr right now outside of his lawyers and management team.

It is an open book. If I am Axl, at his age, that is how I would want it. He has his options. Key word being "his".  : ok:

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Nightrain7 on April 09, 2015, 07:41:14 PM
When DJ Isn't parading about a new album,tons of material and tours  its a worrying sign for this current version.

Are the stars aligning?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jazjme on April 09, 2015, 07:56:19 PM
I think hes more focused atm on Sixx AM, their tour just started, and I had also just read an new article how they are working on the 4th album and plan to tour a lot more next yr.. so who knows.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 09, 2015, 09:45:45 PM

I know we shouldn't read too much into snippets from interviews but DJs comments seem v different to the positivity he normally displays when it comes to Guns

Agreed.  That's what caught my eye too.

Its like he's entering that shoulder shrug mode they all lapse into eventually.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: sky dog on April 10, 2015, 07:26:22 AM
DJ is out of the loop.  :hihi:

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: ITARocker on April 10, 2015, 10:50:33 AM
"Hiatus", ergo misused latin word

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 10, 2015, 12:11:22 PM
Great. At least now there won't be complaints that he doesn't know what's going on and he should shut up! :D



Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: TheBaconman on April 10, 2015, 08:58:56 PM
Great. At least now there won't be complaints that he doesn't know what's going on and he should shut up! :D



If I was a betting man, (which I am, that usually wins), I would have to say

That DJ/all the other band members are totally out of the current loop as to what Axls future plans are. 

I do give DJ credit for always keeping his comments positive.   I would think it would be a case of.  If Axl did let all the guys know he would be reforming a new band and they may or may not be a part of it.   That DJ is just throwing it out there that he would like to be apart of what ever Axl would like to do

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 11, 2015, 08:36:51 AM
Great. At least now there won't be complaints that he doesn't know what's going on and he should shut up! :D



It's not ironic, but rather accurate because for once it sounds like he's being honest instead of the same old "lots of touring, top priority is getting the next album out, Axl has tons of great/#demented songs up his sleeve" routine.  For once, he's not selling us a line of shit. 

If anything, this shows you that us "complainers" don't actually complain about everything.  What is ironic is that you took an otherwise positive thread about DJ and turned it into a negative one.  #irony #staypositive

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 11, 2015, 08:50:16 AM
What's really ironic is that you're whining about my ironic post.  :D

In case you missed it, there were already doom and gloom posts posts.
See, anything can and will be twisted into being bad by a certain clique.

That's what my joke was about.
It obviously went over your head.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 11, 2015, 09:04:26 AM
What's really ironic is that you're whining about my ironic post.  :D

In case you missed it, there were already doom and gloom posts posts.
See, anything can and will be twisted into being bad by a certain clique.

That's what my joke was about.
It obviously went over your head.


Oh, so it was a joke and not (another) attempt to take a dig at people you don't like.

In that case, it was really funny.   :D

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 11, 2015, 09:12:22 AM
Yeah, I made fun of certain people who we all know will never be happy. It's kinda ironic how anything good Dj used to say was bad, and now this isn't as "good" and it's also bad.

Obviously if you're part of that group of people, it's not easy to admit that your behavior is kinda funny (and/or sad, depending how you look at it)! :D


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 11, 2015, 10:14:19 AM
Yeah, I made fun of certain people who we all know will never be happy. It's kinda ironic how anything good Dj used to say was bad, and now this isn't as "good" and it's also bad.

Obviously if you're part of that group of people, it's not easy to admit that your behavior is kinda funny (and/or sad, depending how you look at it)! :D


I actually think that this interview is good.  The"good" that DJ used to say has turned out to be unfounded or unproven.  It was more like he was saying things to keep hopes up, without any regard as to what he was saying was factually correct.

I appreciate his latest comments.  He's not trying to sell us something, rather, he sounds honest about what's going on (not much) and that, whenever Axl calls, he'll answer the phone and be right there to do whatever he wants (new tour, album promotion, etc.).  I find this new approach refreshing.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: italian queen on April 11, 2015, 10:18:02 AM
 : ok: I agree

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 11, 2015, 10:46:32 AM
I actually think that this interview is good.  The"good" that DJ used to say has turned out to be unfounded or unproven.  It was more like he was saying things to keep hopes up, without any regard as to what he was saying was factually correct.


I think the context of the interview shouldn't be disregarded. He's on tour with Sixx: A.M. Obviously he's focused on that at the moment.

Regarding his previous comments. There's nothing wrong with being positive and upbeat. It's unfortunate that it often gets twisted into being some kind of promises and lies when it's not.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: russkwtx on April 11, 2015, 01:49:17 PM
Does anyone have any idea why Axl would want to dissemble the band, stop touring with it, and start all over again? I mean, that line may not be true, but what is the logic (or illogic) behind that statement? Everything I ever saw or heard was that the band was tight and Axl was very happy to be playing with them.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 11, 2015, 02:23:43 PM
I actually think that this interview is good.  The"good" that DJ used to say has turned out to be unfounded or unproven.  It was more like he was saying things to keep hopes up, without any regard as to what he was saying was factually correct.


I think the context of the interview shouldn't be disregarded. He's on tour with Sixx: A.M. Obviously he's focused on that at the moment.

Regarding his previous comments. There's nothing wrong with being positive and upbeat. It's unfortunate that it often gets twisted into being some kind of promises and lies when it's not.


I agree.  Yes, the interview (and DJ's focus) is rightly on Sixx: AM at the moment, and the GnR bit was but a small piece of the interview.

And I'm not one to go so far as to say that he was intentionally lying or being deceitful in the past.  It's just that, when you hear comments from a band member, it's natural to think that they know what's going on.  It's entirely possible he was just speaking with the same type of hope that we as fans's just that you'd think that his comments would carry more weight because he's in the band.

With Axl's comments last year, plus the other rumblings (studio tweets, Richard's interview, Stay of Execution, etc.) people are getting a little antsy to see what the next move is, remaining hopeful that there is a next move.  I get that the band is on break, Ron is gone, and everyone is off on their other projects, so maybe the timing isn't ready for an announcement.  But that doesn't mean I'm going to leave the altar and not wait for one.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: reayj2003 on April 11, 2015, 03:13:05 PM
Just curious..DJ does not wear his hat when playing with Sixx AM. Is it a homage to Slash or what??

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 12, 2015, 09:05:23 AM
And I'm not one to go so far as to say that he was intentionally lying or being deceitful in the past.  It's just that, when you hear comments from a band member, it's natural to think that they know what's going on.  It's entirely possible he was just speaking with the same type of hope that we as fans's just that you'd think that his comments would carry more weight because he's in the band.

In essence what he's said in the past is that there's no shortage of material and that he's written stuff for GN'R.
That's all good news. :)

Just curious..DJ does not wear his hat when playing with Sixx AM. Is it a homage to Slash or what??

Or maybe the hat doesn't fit the image of the rest of the band (Sixx: A.M)?


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: RnT on April 21, 2015, 06:31:38 PM

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: RnT on April 21, 2015, 08:36:28 PM
Sorry, there?s already a thread about it

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: JAEBALL on April 22, 2015, 09:15:12 AM
Sorry, there?s already a thread about it

I posted this in a different thread but I am going to copy and paste here..

(I think the fact that there doesn't seem to be a GNR lineup "in place" at the moment derailed any tentative plans. Which was a fear of mine from the get go with Ron's status.

Maybe at the time when touring plans were in place, Axl wasn't convinced or aware that Ron would walk away.

However, despite Dj's claims of extensive plans... there were all these rumors of everybody being told that they can pursue all avenues for the time being... so really was there ever a plan? Most likely we will never know.

I am just concerned that there really isnt a GNR at the moment... maybe everybody comes back...but maybe they don't. So if there are more changes than just Ron... that's certainly going to slow things down for the foreseeable future.)

It relates to DJ's comments about being on "hiatus" . To me that term means they have no clue what the future holds... Which IMO is a scary thing for GNR fans like us because things often derail plans even when they are firmly in place. When DJ says whenever Axl starts up again he will be there... just means they are on "indefinite leave" to me.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 22, 2015, 09:17:51 AM
It relates to DJ's comments about being on "hiatus" . To me that term means they have no clue what the future holds...

But Ashba expects to return to the stage with Rose, saying, ?I?ve got his back whenever he needs me. Ever since I joined GNR six years ago, it?s almost been nonstop touring. But we?ve kind of talked of more touring, and I?m looking at this more as a hiatus than the end.?

There you go.
He answered your question in the same interview.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: JAEBALL on April 22, 2015, 09:20:10 AM
It relates to DJ's comments about being on "hiatus" . To me that term means they have no clue what the future holds...

But Ashba expects to return to the stage with Rose, saying, ?I?ve got his back whenever he needs me. Ever since I joined GNR six years ago, it?s almost been nonstop touring. But we?ve kind of talked of more touring, and I?m looking at this more as a hiatus than the end.?

There you go.
He answered your question in the same interview.


Not really... It doesn't mean they have a plan to do so... just that they have discussed the possibility of it.

I would think they need to nail down a lineup first before any shows can be considered.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 22, 2015, 09:21:56 AM
What do you mean plan?

Maybe not booked and confirmed shows, but if there's plans, they are definitely thinking about it.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 09:59:42 AM

It relates to DJ's comments about being on "hiatus" . To me that term means they have no clue what the future holds... Which IMO is a scary thing for GNR fans like us because things often derail plans even when they are firmly in place. When DJ says whenever Axl starts up again he will be there... just means they are on "indefinite leave" to me.

Which might never start back up again.  I think its totally dishonest to suggest that is not at least a possibility.

Obviously, despite the flowery optimism, they aren't doing dick about a new album.  Which, I'm sorry, at some point you do reach a point where its hard to credibly argue that will ever change.  How strong is any argument that after 6, 7, or whatever years with no progress, all of the sudden they are all about it?

And then you have the possibility of mass defections.  One guy can be replaced.  But what about 2 or 3?  What if the longer this all goes on, another guy (maybe 2) cashes out as well?

What have you seen that would suggest to you Axl has anywhere near the fire to start over, yet again?

Kind of a nervous time for GNR fans right now, I agree.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: JAEBALL on April 22, 2015, 10:03:51 AM

It relates to DJ's comments about being on "hiatus" . To me that term means they have no clue what the future holds... Which IMO is a scary thing for GNR fans like us because things often derail plans even when they are firmly in place. When DJ says whenever Axl starts up again he will be there... just means they are on "indefinite leave" to me.

Which might never start back up again.  I think its totally dishonest to suggest that is not at least a possibility.

Obviously, despite the flowery optimism, they aren't doing dick about a new album.  Which, I'm sorry, at some point you do reach a point where its hard to credibly argue that will ever change.  How strong is any argument that after 6, 7, or whatever years with no progress, all of the sudden they are all about it?

And then you have the possibility of mass defections.  One guy can be replaced.  But what about 2 or 3?  What if the longer this all goes on, another guy (maybe 2) cashes out as well?

What have you seen that would suggest to you Axl has anywhere near the fire to start over, yet again?

Kind of a nervous time for GNR fans right now, I agree.

I wasn't trying to suggest a whole doom and gloom scenario... Just pointing out that whatever plan DJ thought they had... couldn't have materialized without a complete band lineup...

Which has been my concern about Ron's departure from the first time he tweeted off that countdown.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 10:24:47 AM
If Ron is the only defection, I think they weather that storm.  At least to tour further.

But suppose its Ron and Tommy?  Or Ron, Tommy, and whoever else?

I think that word that came down that they were free to do whatever they want for a bit was kind of ominous.  Let's make you one of those guys.  You are presented with some other opportunity.  And then you weigh that against Guns N' Roses.  Well, what is that right now?  Do you even know? 

And are you going to turn down something else a hell of a lot more solid because of it?  Dunno.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: rebelhipi on April 22, 2015, 10:45:16 AM
So here is the situation.

We have had rumours for the past year that Guns N?Roses is retiring.

Axl has claimed this to be untrue (rare from Axl)
Dizzy has claimed that its untrue.
Ashba has said that they are on a break.
Ron says he is concentrating on his solo career.

We have comments by pretty much every member of the band that they are working on a new album. During the last 24 months.

We have had comments from Ashba and GNR facebook that they are thinking about touring soon again.

Most logical scenario would be that GNR is on a touring break, they are working on a album, in GNR pace. And now the next move would be releasing the album then tour some more.

this dosent look like the end of GNR to me. It looks like end of chapter Chinese Democracy.

I Think every member has had their calendar GNR free july 14 - end of 15??

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 10:51:50 AM

We have comments by pretty much every member of the band that they are working on a new album. During the last 24 months.

Have we?

I sort of get the impression sometimes that people consider progress is being made, not via a concrete update, but simply by the absence of a comment like "we are absolutely not working on an album".  And that so long as that is not said out loud, easy, because things are moving.

I think that logic is a bit flawed.

 I would tend to think if serious progress was being made, we'd get more on topic responses than "I don't know, I think we might tour some at some point, I suppose"

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: JAEBALL on April 22, 2015, 10:56:36 AM
So here is the situation.

We have had rumours for the past year that Guns N?Roses is retiring.

Axl has claimed this to be untrue (rare from Axl)
Dizzy has claimed that its untrue.
Ashba has said that they are on a break.
Ron says he is concentrating on his solo career.

We have comments by pretty much every member of the band that they are working on a new album. During the last 24 months.

We have had comments from Ashba and GNR facebook that they are thinking about touring soon again.

Most logical scenario would be that GNR is on a touring break, they are working on a album, in GNR pace. And now the next move would be releasing the album then tour some more.

this dosent look like the end of GNR to me. It looks like end of chapter Chinese Democracy.

I Think every member has had their calendar GNR free july 14 - end of 15??

I can't speak for others... But for me I never thought we'd never see Axl again.

It's just hard to envision any touring soon if they have no clue who is in the band at the moment.

You might be right about the end of the Chinese Democracy era. However the next album is really the same era. So if that ever sees the light of day... It really isn't the end of that era.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Spirit on April 22, 2015, 10:58:08 AM
Doesn't look like the end of GNR to me either.

I think Axl is focused on the album at the moment. The only gripe I have with the situation right now is that we haven't been given any information about the progress. It's always very vague, like "we're working on it" and "that's our main priority".

Axl gave an update last year where he said that the second half of Chinese was already recorded. He didn't mention if that was intended as the next release. If that particular piece of information could come out, we would probably have a better idea of where they stand. That would most likely mean mixing/mastering remaining (since the summer of '14).

If the next release intended is brand new material written by the current line-up, the time scope is up in the air. We wouldn't have any basis to imagine where they are progression-wise.

Hopefully Axl will give an update or agree to an interview where he can inform us of the current status. If it is brand new material, it would be nice to know if it's been recorded or just on paper/demo form.

Right now, if someone were to ask me "when's the next GN'R album coming out?", I could answer either in 6 months or 5 years. Both would make equally as much sense as I haven't got anything to make an informed answer.

Crossing my fingers for something to happen soon.  :)

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 11:02:56 AM

Axl gave an update last year where he said that the second half of Chinese was already recorded. He didn't mention if that was intended as the next release. If that particular piece of information could come out, we would probably have a better idea of where they stand. That would most likely mean mixing/mastering remaining (since the summer of '14).

Well, I think it would have to be, wouldn't it?  He's been sitting on these same songs for a decade, and in some cases, longer. 

Do you think there is a real possibility he's going to bag it and start fresh?  And frankly, do we even want that? 

I have often said an album with people actually in your band currently makes a hell of a lot more sense than an album done by guys out of the band since Dubya's first administration.  But, beggars and choosers and all that, I know that's a total pipe dream.

But if its taken him 10 years to release stuff already long done, I can't say I want him to start over.  I'll be fucking 50 by the time he gets that together.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Bodhi on April 22, 2015, 11:06:16 AM
Not sure if this is relevant to the GNR situation since it is not until next year, but during the live stream of the Sixx:AM concert the other night Nikki Sixx said that in 2016 they are putting out a brand new album and doing a full world tour.  So maybe 2015 is when we will get some new GNR stuff.  I mean there is no reason DJ can't do both in 2016 but you would have to figure a new Sixx AM album and world tour would take up a good chunk of his year.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 11:09:26 AM

Not sure if this is relevant to the GNR situation since it is not until next year, but during the live stream of the Sixx:AM concert the other night Nikki Sixx said that in 2016 they are putting out a brand new album and doing a full world tour.  So maybe 2015 is when we will get some new GNR stuff.  I mean there is no reason DJ can't do both in 2016 but you would have to figure a new Sixx AM album and world tour would take up a good chunk of his year.

This would be the exact thing I was describing earlier.

Let's make you DJ.  You are presented this, a concrete plan of things that are actually going to happen...

...versus a bunch of vague "we'll see what happens, you never know" type stuff from GNR.

What would you choose?  I mean, be honest.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Spirit on April 22, 2015, 11:12:15 AM

Axl gave an update last year where he said that the second half of Chinese was already recorded. He didn't mention if that was intended as the next release. If that particular piece of information could come out, we would probably have a better idea of where they stand. That would most likely mean mixing/mastering remaining (since the summer of '14).

Well, I think it would have to be, wouldn't it?  He's been sitting on these same songs for a decade, and in some cases, longer. 

Do you think there is a real possibility he's going to bag it and start fresh?  And frankly, do we even want that? 

I have often said an album with people actually in your band currently makes a hell of a lot more sense than an album done by guys out of the band since Dubya's first administration.  But, beggars and choosers and all that, I know that's a total pipe dream.

But if its taken him 10 years to release stuff already long done, I can't say I want him to start over.  I'll be fucking 50 by the time he gets that together.

Personally I certainly hope that the second half of Chinese will be the next release.

We could also have a situation where Axl wants to have a mix of old Chinese songs as well as brand new material on the next release. Since Richard mentioned that Axl was recording vocals sometime before Christmas of last year, I would think that's on brand new songs (given Axl's previous statement about the Chinese album being done).

If we could get some information that put things in place for us, it would have been nice. Right now, I don't think any of us have any clue on what to expect. Neither what kind of material nor what their aim is for a release date.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: JAEBALL on April 22, 2015, 11:24:52 AM
Not sure if this is relevant to the GNR situation since it is not until next year, but during the live stream of the Sixx:AM concert the other night Nikki Sixx said that in 2016 they are putting out a brand new album and doing a full world tour.  So maybe 2015 is when we will get some new GNR stuff.  I mean there is no reason DJ can't do both in 2016 but you would have to figure a new Sixx AM album and world tour would take up a good chunk of his year.

Well recently the chatter has been if anything the end of 2015 would be when GNR starts back up again... but if that band is doing it big all next year... hard to see DJ doing both no? Well he could... but obviously everything would have to be timed perfectly.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on April 22, 2015, 12:07:07 PM
Patience Guys,,, Just I Little Patience

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 22, 2015, 12:25:43 PM
Which might never start back up again.  I think its totally dishonest to suggest that is not at least a possibility.

Does this mean you're gonna leave and take your doom and gloom with you? :D

The same could've been said after every tour that ended.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 22, 2015, 12:50:11 PM
Which might never start back up again.  I think its totally dishonest to suggest that is not at least a possibility.

Does this mean you're gonna leave and take your doom and gloom with you? :D

The same could've been said after every tour that ended.


Really?  So after every prior tour, a band member left, Axl talked about ?seriously looking into? releasing the next album, other band members talked about ?lots of touring?, only to (months later) have that changed to ?no immediate plans to tour but I?ll pick up the phone when Axl calls?, and literally every band member (besides Axl) is currently involved with another band?

There?s a lot of different stuff going on now than in years past.  It?s up for debate what any of it means, but I don?t think it?s as simple as same old, same old.  I get the feeling that the other members are more detached this time around than before.  Doesn?t necessarily mean it?s over, but it creates the impression that no one knows what the next move is.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 01:06:28 PM

There?s a lot of different stuff going on now than in years past.  It?s up for debate what any of it means, but I don?t think it?s as simple as same old, same old.  I get the feeling that the other members are more detached this time around than before.  Doesn?t necessarily mean it?s over, but it creates the impression that no one knows what the next move is.

And, over time, even gallows humor gives way to annoyance.

"We don't even know what's going on, LOLZ" loses some of its humorous edge after awhile.  All the more so if you are presented with other projects that, you know...actually happen.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 22, 2015, 01:17:00 PM
Really?  So after every prior tour, a band member left, Axl talked about ?seriously looking into? releasing the next album, other band members talked about ?lots of touring?, only to (months later) have that changed to ?no immediate plans to tour but I?ll pick up the phone when Axl calls?, and literally every band member (besides Axl) is currently involved with another band?

There?s a lot of different stuff going on now than in years past.  It?s up for debate what any of it means, but I don?t think it?s as simple as same old, same old.  I get the feeling that the other members are more detached this time around than before.  Doesn?t necessarily mean it?s over, but it creates the impression that no one knows what the next move is.

No, but after every tour some of the doom and gloom fans have been predicting the same shit. The "We got no news so it must be over!" routine.

They talked about the possibility of shows this year. It didn't happen (yet).
Just like there were plans for shows for the summer of 2009 that didn't happen.
How about all those Brazilian fans who claimed there was a tour there in 2013?

There's always been plans that have changed. Nothing new.


If D-X wants us to believe it's all over I suggest he takes his keyboard and rides into the sunset.  : ok:


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Gavgnr on April 22, 2015, 01:32:36 PM
I didn't realise sixx am are planning a world tour next year.

Don't mean to be pessimistic but that doesn't sound good from a touring perspective.

Half glass full approach - perhaps axl is just looking at an album for the next year or two

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 01:47:05 PM

I didn't realise sixx am are planning a world tour next year.

Don't mean to be pessimistic but that doesn't sound good from a touring perspective.

Half glass full approach - perhaps axl is just looking at an album for the next year or two

A world tour for Sixx AM would mean a lot of touring for Nikki in a short period of time.  That guy is a horse.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: EmilyGNR on April 22, 2015, 01:53:32 PM
Really?  So after every prior tour, a band member left, Axl talked about ?seriously looking into? releasing the next album, other band members talked about ?lots of touring?, only to (months later) have that changed to ?no immediate plans to tour but I?ll pick up the phone when Axl calls?, and literally every band member (besides Axl) is currently involved with another band?

There?s a lot of different stuff going on now than in years past.  It?s up for debate what any of it means, but I don?t think it?s as simple as same old, same old.  I get the feeling that the other members are more detached this time around than before.  Doesn?t necessarily mean it?s over, but it creates the impression that no one knows what the next move is.

No, but after every tour some of the doom and gloom fans have been predicting the same shit. The "We got no news so it must be over!" routine.

They talked about the possibility of shows this year. It didn't happen (yet).
Just like there were plans for shows for the summer of 2009 that didn't happen.
How about all those Brazilian fans who claimed there was a tour there in 2013?

There's always been plans that have changed. Nothing new.


If D-X wants us to believe it's all over I suggest he takes his keyboard and rides into the sunset.  : ok:


Can we sing a rousing chorus of "Happy Trails" to him as he fades into the sunset?  :hihi:

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 22, 2015, 02:15:50 PM
I didn't realise sixx am are planning a world tour next year.

Don't mean to be pessimistic but that doesn't sound good from a touring perspective.

Half glass full approach - perhaps axl is just looking at an album for the next year or two

I’ve got his back whenever he needs me. Ever since I joined GNR six years ago, it’s almost been nonstop touring. But we’ve kind of talked of more touring, and I’m looking at this more as a hiatus than the end.” - Dj Ashba


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 02:27:06 PM
"We are on a break." - Ross Geller

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Sosso on April 22, 2015, 02:48:18 PM
I didn't realise sixx am are planning a world tour next year.

Don't mean to be pessimistic but that doesn't sound good from a touring perspective.

Half glass full approach - perhaps axl is just looking at an album for the next year or two

?I?ve got his back whenever he needs me. Ever since I joined GNR six years ago, it?s almost been nonstop touring. But we?ve kind of talked of more touring, and I?m looking at this more as a hiatus than the end.? - Dj Ashba


More touring with a new album please  :-X

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: TheBaconman on April 22, 2015, 07:56:22 PM
When was the last time things have been this slow in the gnr camp ?

In the mid 90s and the 2000s there always seemed to be some buzz and some news and something to talk about. 

Now there is nothing. 

First time I think

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Spirit on April 22, 2015, 08:01:51 PM
When was the last time things have been this slow in the gnr camp ?

In the mid 90s and the 2000s there always seemed to be some buzz and some news and something to talk about. 

Now there is nothing. 

First time I think

How about 2003-2005.

Only news during those years were the canceled Rock in Rio/Bucket's departure and the GH album.

Those are considered "the dark years" of the newer GN'R history.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on April 22, 2015, 09:00:32 PM
When was the last time things have been this slow in the gnr camp ?

In the mid 90s and the 2000s there always seemed to be some buzz and some news and something to talk about. 

Now there is nothing. 

First time I think

How about 2003-2005.

Only news during those years were the canceled Rock in Rio/Bucket's departure and the GH album.

Those are considered "the dark years" of the newer GN'R history.

late '90s were pretty damn dark...'03 to beginning of '06 dark as well.
I can't lie, it's depressing as hell to see Axl Rose, my favorite performer of all time, unable or unwilling to release music.  I don't understand it.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on April 22, 2015, 10:09:03 PM
But,,, Recent Tour 2014

WTF !!!

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 10:45:05 PM
Spirit is right.  2003-05 was the worst.  The worst, Jerry.

To put it in perspective, as grim as things might look right now, tack on 2 full years from right now.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 10:46:55 PM

late '90s were pretty damn dark...'03 to beginning of '06 dark as well.
I can't lie, it's depressing as hell to see Axl Rose, my favorite performer of all time, unable or unwilling to release music.  I don't understand it.

Its a bummer, to be sure.

Too often lamenting the wasted time is attempted to be sold as outrageous demands or uppity entitlement.

Not really the case.  Its just recognizing a shame when you see one.  That's all.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 22, 2015, 10:50:03 PM

But,,, Recent Tour 2014

WTF !!!

Legit point.  You can't say things are as terrible as can be, because we've gone through worse.

Its also not terribly realistic to expect anything to have happened between that last show in June 2014 and now. 

The hope has to be the time wasn't spent in vain, and laid some foundation for something cool in 2016.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: EmilyGNR on April 23, 2015, 01:06:17 AM
When was the last time things have been this slow in the gnr camp ?

In the mid 90s and the 2000s there always seemed to be some buzz and some news and something to talk about. 

Now there is nothing. 

First time I think

It hasn't even been a year off on down time yet.

Some people are entirely too antsy, and then you have the doom patrol who try to act like they are in the know and savvy about the business while painting everything as dark and bleak as possible.    ::)

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on April 23, 2015, 01:27:31 AM
Members In Tour Whit Side Proyects, Axl & GNR Management, Planification, Copyright, Details Of New Disc, New Tour, New Music, etc, etc... Simply...

Patience Please.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: TheBaconman on April 23, 2015, 02:22:14 PM
Lol well then it may be the second quietest period of time then haha

In the late 90s I got a new GNR song

In those dead times in the 2000s I had footage of new concerts and songs and it was exciting still

Now?   It's very quiet.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: sky dog on April 23, 2015, 03:16:22 PM
2003 to 2006 was pretty f'n quiet....we did get one leak with Going Down and some remix leaks as well....but, shhhhh, don't tell anybody that happened! Because it didn't and I didn't hear anything.  ;)

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: rebelhipi on April 23, 2015, 03:40:12 PM
Its been 5 months since a gnr live movie came out (i know it came out last summer in the US)

And because nothing major except Axl recording vocals for the new album has happened since its one of the darkest periods of the bands career?

I think not. they are simply on a break.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 23, 2015, 03:51:01 PM
This sure beats 2013 and 2014 with those pointless shows!
At least now we have.... Oh wait.



Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Spirit on April 23, 2015, 04:25:39 PM
Its been 5 months since a gnr live movie came out (i know it came out last summer in the US)

And because nothing major except Axl recording vocals for the new album has happened since its one of the darkest periods of the bands career?

I think not. they are simply on a break.

I agree, it really hasn't been long since the band was last active.

People might feel a bit insecure about the status because of the Ron situation and the fact that pretty much all the members have other plans for the coming months. There probably isn't anything to be worried about, but a status update from the GN'R camp would have gone a long way to calm the fans down.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Gavgnr on April 23, 2015, 05:10:04 PM
^^agree totally

It hasn't been long since we've seen Guns.

We have heard about Ron though and all the different plans for the guys.

We're not kids and we don't need babysitting.

But we know the band we love and can't help getting jittery!

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: TheBaconman on April 23, 2015, 05:11:06 PM
The thing is now gs pretty obvious there is no plans for anything to happen any time soon

So either talk about it now or this time next year.    My feeling is we still won't have anything

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 23, 2015, 05:31:12 PM

The thing is now gs pretty obvious there is no plans for anything to happen any time soon

So either talk about it now or this time next year.    My feeling is we still won't have anything

Well, we'll have to see.

I agree with others that said its unrealistic to expect anything now.  But if next year comes with no progress, 2015 starts to look bad in retrospect.

You just have to hope things are moving behind the scenes, as some like to believe.  We need to join them in that belief.  For now.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: JAEBALL on April 23, 2015, 05:33:47 PM
Its been 5 months since a gnr live movie came out (i know it came out last summer in the US)

And because nothing major except Axl recording vocals for the new album has happened since its one of the darkest periods of the bands career?

I think not. they are simply on a break.

That would be fine if the band wasn't short a lead guitar player. It's kind of a problem IMO. Hard for the break to end until thats resolved.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: rebelhipi on April 23, 2015, 05:34:52 PM
One scenario would be that Ron leaving would have launched the break. Which would have lead to guns saying to Ron that dont announce that youre leaving the band, cause we are going for a hiatus and we would like to have you back when we come back, to which Ron agreed, or agreed to have time to think about it.

This would explain why Ron has made all these semi claims that he is not in Gnr anymore. And why all the members are active at the moment.

And hey, things looked pretty bad in April 2008. Robin had left, we had no clues on Chinese coming out. the leaks got out at summer time, if my memory is correct.

Its not all negative. It could be a longer break of course too.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 23, 2015, 05:37:14 PM

One scenario would be that Ron leaving would have launched the break. Which would have lead to guns saying to Ron that dont announce that youre leaving the band, cause we are going for a hiatus and we would like to have you back when we come back, to which Ron agreed, or agreed to have time to think about it.

I would have to think if they wanted Ron back when that time came, they damn sure would not have wanted him to handle it like this. 

He's been self inflicted P.R. disaster.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 23, 2015, 05:51:40 PM
If you're expecting tour dates during the time when several band members are out touring with their other bands, you're kinda expecting too much.

They managed to handle Tommy's Replacements gigs last year, but that was temporary.

One scenario would be that Ron leaving would have launched the break.

I don't buy that. It would mean he "runs" the band. I find that s bit hard to believe.... He's the guy who has openly complained about not being able to book solo tours because of GN'R. GN'R isn't a side project.

Regarding your theory that the door is open for his return, yeah, who knows? It's possible.
But if that was the plan, recent comments haven't exactly supported that theory. I mean, if you're told you're welcome back, why would you openly complain about that group of people?

It's almost like a school year ending and then on the last day you tell everybody how much they suck and how they can all go fuck themselves. Then you realize you're doing back in September to see the same people?  :hihi:


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jazjme on April 23, 2015, 06:07:34 PM
I've heard from a good source close to Richard that plans were already in motion last yr that if something happened with Ron, while they were touring if he had a meltdown or something and left, they were all ready prepared to go it with just 2 guitar players, and Richard and DJ had already worked out the parts. So Ron being in or out I think has no bearing on anything with GNR.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: rebelhipi on April 23, 2015, 06:12:45 PM
If you're expecting tour dates during the time when several band members are out touring with their other bands, you're kinda expecting too much.

They managed to handle Tommy's Replacements gigs last year, but that was temporary.

One scenario would be that Ron leaving would have launched the break.

I don't buy that. It would mean he "runs" the band. I find that s bit hard to believe.... He's the guy who has openly complained about not being able to book solo tours because of GN'R. GN'R isn't a side project.

Regarding your theory that the door is open for his return, yeah, who knows? It's possible.
But if that was the plan, recent comments haven't exactly supported that theory. I mean, if you're told you're welcome back, why would you openly complain about that group of people?

It's almost like a school year ending and then on the last day you tell everybody how much they suck and how they can all go fuck themselves. Then you realize you're doing back in September to see the same people?  :hihi:


I didnt mean to suggest that Ron runs the band, what i meant is that when youre band is one member short,  you replace him, or you concentrate on things you dont need him for. Could have been aswell the other way around, first plans for a touring break, then problems with Ron.

If my theory would be close to the truth, things would have changed since Rons comments ( in this case he might regret agreeing on keepin his mouth shut, but his got a contract)

What puzzles me is why are they not saying he is out and why Ron is not allowed to officially say that he is out.
this is the most simple explanation to that i found.

GNR was short of a lead guitarist when Chinese came out...

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: rebelhipi on April 23, 2015, 06:13:57 PM
I've heard from a good source close to Richard that plans were already in motion last yr that if something happened with Ron, while they were touring if he had a meltdown or something and left, they were all ready prepared to go it with just 2 guitar players, and Richard and DJ had already worked out the parts. So Ron being in or out I think has no bearing on anything with GNR.

Theres no point in keeping a member you cant count on.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: TheBaconman on April 23, 2015, 06:22:43 PM
If you're expecting tour dates during the time when several band members are out touring with their other bands, you're kinda expecting too much.

They managed to handle Tommy's Replacements gigs last year, but that was temporary.

One scenario would be that Ron leaving would have launched the break.

I don't buy that. It would mean he "runs" the band. I find that s bit hard to believe.... He's the guy who has openly complained about not being able to book solo tours because of GN'R. GN'R isn't a side project.

Regarding your theory that the door is open for his return, yeah, who knows? It's possible.
But if that was the plan, recent comments haven't exactly supported that theory. I mean, if you're told you're welcome back, why would you openly complain about that group of people?

It's almost like a school year ending and then on the last day you tell everybody how much they suck and how they can all go fuck themselves. Then you realize you're doing back in September to see the same people?  :hihi:


I would love the band to have band members that make gnr there number 1 priority.  No more other bands, that can't be considered side projects, but main projects. 

I want band members that are so passionate about guns n roses music they will do everything they can to get it out

I want band members that love to tour the world supporting guns n roses

I want band members that are proud to release new music under the name guns n roses and not there others bands

What do we have now?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 23, 2015, 06:22:47 PM
I didnt mean to suggest that Ron runs the band, what i meant is that when youre band is one member short,  you replace him, or you concentrate on things you dont need him for. Could have been aswell the other way around, first plans for a touring break, then problems with Ron.

Yeah, and I didn't mean to say you did. I was trying to explain that GN'R wasn't/isn't his side project that makes plans around his solo plans. That's all. :)

What puzzles me is why are they not saying he is out and why Ron is not allowed to officially say that he is out.

People also forgot that we didn't know he was in the band until the time he walked on stage in New York in 2006....

I would love the band to have band members that make gnr there number 1 priority.  No more other bands, that can't be considered side projects, but main projects. 

I want band members that are so passionate about guns n roses music they will do everything they can to get it out

I want band members that love to tour the world supporting guns n roses

I want band members that are proud to release new music under the name guns n roses and not there others bands

What do we have now?

Well, the irony is that you want Metallica. A band where you have to quit if you want to do something outside the band.... :hihi:


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: TheBaconman on April 23, 2015, 06:38:35 PM
I am not a fan of that band at all.

I would have no problem with guns n roses band members having side projects.   As long as they were side projects.   While out promoting side projects, they would mostly talk about gnr.    And promote gnr. 

What we have now are members of gnr in other bands.   Promoting other bands.  Spending more time with other bands. 

I am going about my life not waiting, but would love gnr news.....    I have the feeling it won't be for 3 years

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 23, 2015, 07:59:08 PM
How could anyone be opposed to GNR being a relevant, active band?  Who the hell doesn't want that? 

This is our favorite band.  Of course we want them to be out there and doing well.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: draguns on April 23, 2015, 08:21:23 PM
If you're expecting tour dates during the time when several band members are out touring with their other bands, you're kinda expecting too much.

They managed to handle Tommy's Replacements gigs last year, but that was temporary.

One scenario would be that Ron leaving would have launched the break.

I don't buy that. It would mean he "runs" the band. I find that s bit hard to believe.... He's the guy who has openly complained about not being able to book solo tours because of GN'R. GN'R isn't a side project.

Regarding your theory that the door is open for his return, yeah, who knows? It's possible.
But if that was the plan, recent comments haven't exactly supported that theory. I mean, if you're told you're welcome back, why would you openly complain about that group of people?

It's almost like a school year ending and then on the last day you tell everybody how much they suck and how they can all go fuck themselves. Then you realize you're doing back in September to see the same people?  :hihi:


I would love the band to have band members that make gnr there number 1 priority.  No more other bands, that can't be considered side projects, but main projects. 

I want band members that are so passionate about guns n roses music they will do everything they can to get it out

I want band members that love to tour the world supporting guns n roses

I want band members that are proud to release new music under the name guns n roses and not there others bands

What do we have now?

Baconman, that's never going to happen again. One of many reasons why I miss the classic lineup. You just have accept that in this lineup members are going to do their own thing since they are employees. That's what it comes down to. The only owner is Axl. If I was them, I would do the same. In fact, I am actually looking at ways to have a side gig even though I have a steady job with an employer that will be around for a long time to come. So it's natural. 

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on April 24, 2015, 01:13:04 AM
How could anyone be opposed to GNR being a relevant, active band?  Who the hell doesn't want that? 

This is our favorite band.  Of course we want them to be out there and doing well.

2008 To 2014 = 7 (Seven)  :hihi: Years = New Singles, New Music, New Disc, New World Tour, New Live Cd's, New DVD, Exclusive BluRay !!!

 :rofl: GNR = BAND NOT ACTIVE  :rofl:

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: TheBaconman on April 24, 2015, 06:16:49 AM
If you're expecting tour dates during the time when several band members are out touring with their other bands, you're kinda expecting too much.

They managed to handle Tommy's Replacements gigs last year, but that was temporary.

One scenario would be that Ron leaving would have launched the break.

I don't buy that. It would mean he "runs" the band. I find that s bit hard to believe.... He's the guy who has openly complained about not being able to book solo tours because of GN'R. GN'R isn't a side project.

Regarding your theory that the door is open for his return, yeah, who knows? It's possible.
But if that was the plan, recent comments haven't exactly supported that theory. I mean, if you're told you're welcome back, why would you openly complain about that group of people?

It's almost like a school year ending and then on the last day you tell everybody how much they suck and how they can all go fuck themselves. Then you realize you're doing back in September to see the same people?  :hihi:


I would love the band to have band members that make gnr there number 1 priority.  No more other bands, that can't be considered side projects, but main projects. 

I want band members that are so passionate about guns n roses music they will do everything they can to get it out

I want band members that love to tour the world supporting guns n roses

I want band members that are proud to release new music under the name guns n roses and not there others bands

What do we have now?

Baconman, that's never going to happen again. One of many reasons why I miss the classic lineup. You just have accept that in this lineup members are going to do their own thing since they are employees. That's what it comes down to. The only owner is Axl. If I was them, I would do the same. In fact, I am actually looking at ways to have a side gig even though I have a steady job with an employer that will be around for a long time to come. So it's natural. 

Good points

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 24, 2015, 09:16:47 AM

How could anyone be opposed to GNR being a relevant, active band?  Who the hell doesn't want that? 

This is our favorite band.  Of course we want them to be out there and doing well.

2008 To 2014 = 7 (Seven)  :hihi: Years = New Singles, New Music, New Disc, New World Tour, New Live Cd's, New DVD, Exclusive BluRay !!!

 :rofl: GNR = BAND NOT ACTIVE  :rofl:

Clearly, we are the envy of fanbases far and wide.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 24, 2015, 09:40:25 AM
Who gives a fuck?

If I were you, I'd be more concerned about openly admitting to liking Bon Jovi!  :hihi:

Just kidding.
I really don't care if you or anybody else think my taste in music is stupid. :D


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 24, 2015, 09:58:31 AM
How could anyone be opposed to GNR being a relevant, active band?  Who the hell doesn't want that? 

This is our favorite band.  Of course we want them to be out there and doing well.

2008 To 2014 = 7 (Seven)  :hihi: Years = New Singles, New Music, New Disc, New World Tour, New Live Cd's, New DVD, Exclusive BluRay !!!

 :rofl: GNR = BAND NOT ACTIVE  :rofl:

You could change "2008" to "1993" and leave the rest (except 7 years now becomes 21 years).

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on April 25, 2015, 12:27:28 AM
How could anyone be opposed to GNR being a relevant, active band?  Who the hell doesn't want that? 

This is our favorite band.  Of course we want them to be out there and doing well.

2008 To 2014 = 7 (Seven)  :hihi: Years = New Singles, New Music, New Disc, New World Tour, New Live Cd's, New DVD, Exclusive BluRay !!!

 :rofl: GNR = BAND NOT ACTIVE  :rofl:

You could change "2008" to "1993" and leave the rest (except 7 years now becomes 21 years).

Welcome To  GNR 2015

 : ok:

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on April 25, 2015, 10:38:30 AM
Guns N' Roses guitarist DJ Ashba has said the band is on hiatus, according to the Las Vegas Sun.

According to the report, Ashba, who has been with the band for six years, suggested the band was on a break but would return. "Ever since I joined GNR six years ago, it's almost been nonstop touring. But we've kind of talked of more touring, and I'm looking at this more as a hiatus than the end," he told the Las Vegas Sun.

NME added that the band, fronted by Axl Rose, has not performed live since July 2014 and does not have any gigs scheduled in the future.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: DeN on April 25, 2015, 01:15:27 PM
is it possible Axl will return with a complete new line up?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 25, 2015, 02:00:26 PM
is it possible Axl will return with a complete new line up?

Seems unlikely.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on April 26, 2015, 10:35:44 AM
is it possible Axl will return with a complete new line up?

You New Life ?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Sosso on April 26, 2015, 06:14:13 PM
The band is just a few months on hiatus and people are  already speculate about the end. Come on it's normal when a band is on hiatus for some time?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: EmilyGNR on April 27, 2015, 10:02:40 AM
The band is just a few months on hiatus and people are  already speculate about the end. Come on it's normal when a band is on hiatus for some time?

Exactly this, it hasn't even been a full year yet

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 27, 2015, 11:10:03 AM
The band is just a few months on hiatus and people are  already speculate about the end. Come on it's normal when a band is on hiatus for some time?

Exactly this, it hasn't even been a full year yet

So when it has been a full year, will you feel any different?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: JAEBALL on April 27, 2015, 11:18:39 AM
Time has no bounds with Axl.

The amount of time isn't an issue... the fact that the band is missing a lead guitar player at the moment is more alarming... or at least it should be... unless you simply don't care who takes part in GNR with Axl.

Besides... I don't think anybody could tell you with a straight face they expected news about the new album by now... When it comes out... we will all like a good chunk of it... I'm sure.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 27, 2015, 12:17:09 PM
December 5th, 2002 - New York City, NY @ Madison Square Garden -> May 12th, 2006 - New York City, NY @ Hammerstein Ballroom
July 21st, 2007 - Osaka, Japan @ Intex Osaka -> December 11th, 2009 - Taipei, Taiwan @ Taipei City Stadium

Get used to it. The band takes breaks.

For years I read some of you complain about the pointless touring, the boring shows you didn't attend and so on. Enjoy the hiatus!


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 27, 2015, 12:25:09 PM
The band is just a few months on hiatus and people are  already speculate about the end. Come on it's normal when a band is on hiatus for some time?

Exactly this, it hasn't even been a full year yet

So when it has been a full year, will you feel any different?

What do you think?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 27, 2015, 12:40:02 PM
The band is just a few months on hiatus and people are  already speculate about the end. Come on it's normal when a band is on hiatus for some time?

Exactly this, it hasn't even been a full year yet

So when it has been a full year, will you feel any different?

What do you think?

Of course not, that?s why I thought it odd to point out that it hasn?t even been a year yet because, even if it had, what difference would that make? 

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 27, 2015, 12:46:35 PM
December 5th, 2002 - New York City, NY @ Madison Square Garden -> May 12th, 2006 - New York City, NY @ Hammerstein Ballroom
July 21st, 2007 - Osaka, Japan @ Intex Osaka -> December 11th, 2009 - Taipei, Taiwan @ Taipei City Stadium

Get used to it. The band takes breaks.

For years I read some of you complain about the pointless touring, the boring shows you didn't attend and so on. Enjoy the hiatus!


First, we did attend boring shows.   ;D

Second, the difference here is that, just a few months ago, we had band members talking about a lot of activity planned for Guns in 2015...then, as you described it, "something changed" and now the band is on a hiatus.

For me, it's trying to know what that "something" is that changed the focus.  I would guess it would be more than just the band realizing they hadn't had a break in a long time.  Maybe it's to take a break from touring...maybe it's to focus on the new album...maybe it's to let people focus on their other bands (meaning they don't need a break from touring, just a break from Guns n Roses)...maybe it's to regroup and figure out what to do post-Ron...[insert other maybes]. 

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: JAEBALL on April 27, 2015, 12:56:15 PM
December 5th, 2002 - New York City, NY @ Madison Square Garden -> May 12th, 2006 - New York City, NY @ Hammerstein Ballroom
July 21st, 2007 - Osaka, Japan @ Intex Osaka -> December 11th, 2009 - Taipei, Taiwan @ Taipei City Stadium

Get used to it. The band takes breaks.

For years I read some of you complain about the pointless touring, the boring shows you didn't attend and so on. Enjoy the hiatus!


No I'm sorry I'm not in that camp... I've spent my hard earned money on every version of this band since 2001 and i enjoyed it every time...definitely not boring.

I have no issue with the"hiatus"... but I am very curious as to what the future holds due to the fact more lineup changes are about to take affect.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Gavgnr on April 27, 2015, 01:02:16 PM
This isn't a dig or troll - I'm not up for that shit.

It's just that a heads up now and then sure would go a long way to make the hiatus an easier journey for the many thousands of Guns fans worldwide.

Of course, there will always be people that moan and complain about whatever the band may say. To bring back a quote of Axl's...I say fuck that shit!

At least the masses of Guns fans will be on track with their favourite band.

jmo and not a criticism....I love this band \m/

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 27, 2015, 03:04:04 PM
December 5th, 2002 - New York City, NY @ Madison Square Garden -> May 12th, 2006 - New York City, NY @ Hammerstein Ballroom
July 21st, 2007 - Osaka, Japan @ Intex Osaka -> December 11th, 2009 - Taipei, Taiwan @ Taipei City Stadium

Get used to it. The band takes breaks.

For years I read some of you complain about the pointless touring, the boring shows you didn't attend and so on. Enjoy the hiatus!


No I'm sorry I'm not in that camp... I've spent my hard earned money on every version of this band since 2001 and i enjoyed it every time...definitely not boring.

I have no issue with the"hiatus"... but I am very curious as to what the future holds due to the fact more lineup changes are about to take affect.

Agreed.  I don't know if any of the people in the "doom and gloom" camp haven't been to any shows.  I'd venture to guess most, if not all of us, have seen GnR on one of their recent tours.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on April 27, 2015, 03:13:19 PM
I Happy Whit Actually Of GNR


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 27, 2015, 03:21:49 PM
First, we did attend boring shows.   ;D

A boring GN'R show? Are you serious?

Second, the difference here is that, just a few months ago, we had band members talking about a lot of activity planned for Guns in 2015...then, as you described it, "something changed" and now the band is on a hiatus.

For me, it's trying to know what that "something" is that changed the focus.  I would guess it would be more than just the band realizing they hadn't had a break in a long time.  Maybe it's to take a break from touring...maybe it's to focus on the new album...maybe it's to let people focus on their other bands (meaning they don't need a break from touring, just a break from Guns n Roses)...maybe it's to regroup and figure out what to do post-Ron...[insert other maybes]. 

All of the above are possible.

It's also possible that there were touring plans for 2015, but once they started to finalize them, it became like jigsaw puzzle because some of the guys had already made plans with their other bands.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 27, 2015, 03:27:33 PM
First, we did attend boring shows.   ;D

A boring GN'R show? Are you serious?


Of course I'm not serious.  You were the one who first said "boring show" a few posts above (I assumed you were joking) and thus played off of that.  Hence the big smiley face emoji.  I have enjoyed every GnR concert I've been to.  That has never been an issue.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 27, 2015, 03:28:44 PM
Yeah. I could never understand those kinds of comments.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 27, 2015, 03:34:48 PM
Second, the difference here is that, just a few months ago, we had band members talking about a lot of activity planned for Guns in 2015...then, as you described it, "something changed" and now the band is on a hiatus.

For me, it's trying to know what that "something" is that changed the focus.  I would guess it would be more than just the band realizing they hadn't had a break in a long time.  Maybe it's to take a break from touring...maybe it's to focus on the new album...maybe it's to let people focus on their other bands (meaning they don't need a break from touring, just a break from Guns n Roses)...maybe it's to regroup and figure out what to do post-Ron...[insert other maybes]. 

All of the above are possible.

It's also possible that there were touring plans for 2015, but once they started to finalize them, it became like jigsaw puzzle because some of the guys had already made plans with their other bands.


Yeah, that's possible too.  I didn't really think of that.  It seems that, in the past, they didn't give too much consideration to other members side projects (at least as it applied to Ron).  I recall Ron having to cancel his solo tour at the last minute to go on tour with Guns.  I'm sure there's another side to that story (I think Ron made mention of it in an interview a while back).

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 27, 2015, 03:40:24 PM

Of course I'm not serious.  You were the one who first said "boring show" a few posts above (I assumed you were joking) and thus played off of that.  Hence the big smiley face emoji.  I have enjoyed every GnR concert I've been to.  That has never been an issue.

I have always found that one dumbass argument.

"The people in the seats sure seemed to be having fun, smartguy.  You are just a hater."

Who the hell ever said people in the building didn't have fun?  Well, Reading, I guess.  They didn't seem to be digging it.  But on average, no one has ever, ever, ever, EVER argued people in the building did not have fun at their show in their town.  Never argued one time.

But how in the blue hell is that a rebuttal to a minimally observant comment that a certain tour, as a whole, is little more than the band running in place?  "No Trickery"..."Appetite For Democracy"...there is nothing new about any of that.  Its the same show celebrating a 25 year old album.  

Compare it say, the shows in 2009/10.  Hell, even 2006/07, if you want.  Both saw new songs in the mix.  It was the band moving forward.

The 2012, 2013, or 2014 might have well been called the "Why The Hell Not" tour.  Doesn't mean its not still fun.  But its not a strong argument anything is progressing.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 27, 2015, 03:43:12 PM
Yeah, that's possible too.  I didn't really think of that.  It seems that, in the past, they didn't give too much consideration to other members side projects (at least as it applied to Ron).  I recall Ron having to cancel his solo tour at the last minute to go on tour with Guns.  I'm sure there's another side to that story (I think Ron made mention of it in an interview a while back).

Last year Tommy had conflicting plans. That was just Tommy. One guy. But imagine if it's Dj, Richard, Dizzy, Tommy and then you don't know what's really going on with Ron.
It's a bit more complicated all of a sudden.

This is all hypothetical though.
But since free thinking is so cool..... ;)


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Sober_times on April 27, 2015, 04:05:19 PM
Well, unless it gets like it was after 02 for a few years, I'm not worried about any "hiatus" they take. Those years were tough.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 27, 2015, 04:13:52 PM

Well, unless it gets like it was after 02 for a few years, I'm not worried about any "hiatus" they take. Those years were tough.

Were you here back in those days?

The posts here don't go back quite that far, but what was the mood?  Everything's fine?  Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain?  It will all work out?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ginger King on April 27, 2015, 04:25:45 PM
Yeah, that's possible too.  I didn't really think of that.  It seems that, in the past, they didn't give too much consideration to other members side projects (at least as it applied to Ron).  I recall Ron having to cancel his solo tour at the last minute to go on tour with Guns.  I'm sure there's another side to that story (I think Ron made mention of it in an interview a while back).

Last year Tommy had conflicting plans. That was just Tommy. One guy. But imagine if it's Dj, Richard, Dizzy, Tommy and then you don't know what's really going on with Ron.
It's a bit more complicated all of a sudden.

This is all hypothetical though.
But since free thinking is so cool..... ;)


It's kind of the tail wagging the dog when the "side" projects are dictating the band's plans...but yeah, I can see how when everyone is off doing something else it makes it more difficult than when one member has other plans.  Except when that one member is Ron...

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 27, 2015, 04:39:59 PM

It's kind of the tail wagging the dog when the "side" projects are dictating the band's plans...but yeah, I can see how when everyone is off doing something else it makes it more difficult than when one member has other plans.  Except when that one member is Ron...

Here's the thing though.

Don't you think the guys seem to be getting a bit more proactive in doing the side stuff because the main band they are supposedly in does nothing?

I just wonder if the conversation goes like this :

Member of side project : "So what's up?  We're thinking of getting it started up again."

GNR member : "Cool, cool.  Do we have anything lined up?"

Member of side project : "Well, obviously everyone has to check with their other commitments.  Have you talked to Axl?"

<both guys laugh>

Member of side project : "I know, I know.  But I had to at least ask.  Professional courtesy and all that.  So you are good whenever?"

GNR member : "Pretty much."

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 27, 2015, 04:42:36 PM
Were you here back in those days?

The posts here don't go back quite that far, but what was the mood?  Everything's fine?  Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain?  It will all work out?

Same whining, different decade.

It's kind of the tail wagging the dog when the "side" projects are dictating the band's plans...but yeah, I can see how when everyone is off doing something else it makes it more difficult than when one member has other plans.  Except when that one member is Ron...

Yes. But that's only a hypothetical scenario.

To be fair, Ron has had plenty of solo adventures during the years that didn't get canceled because of GN'R.
And now, he hasn't toured his own solo album yet..... Instead he's doing charity work. Which is cool. But then you're not really "focused" on your solo work?

I just wonder if the conversation goes like this :

Member of side project : "So what's up?  We're thinking of getting it started up again."

GNR member : "Cool, cool.  Do we have anything lined up?"

Member of side project : "Well, obviously everyone has to check with their other commitments.  Have you talked to Axl?"

<both guys laugh>

Member of side project : "I know, I know.  But I had to at least ask.  Professional courtesy and all that.  So you are good whenever?"

GNR member : "Pretty much."

Do you wonder or do you think it does?
I think you want to think you have an idea....


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: DeN on April 27, 2015, 06:11:51 PM
I think Ron is waiting to see if the LP sells before launching a tour...he's indie right so it's a bit more complicated financially, I suppose.
about the hiatus thing, seems natural to me and logical, but all these rumours made me think about the most extremes scenarios.

to me the only important thing is the new album. and side projects doesn't affect music already recorded, right?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 27, 2015, 06:44:09 PM
He didn't wait long after the GN'R tour ended to go on tour. I guess thee offer was there and he took it. Now it seems like he's doing charity work instead. Good for him.

to me the only important thing is the new album. and side projects doesn't affect music already recorded, right?

I don't think so.

And I suspect recording sessions are easier to coordinate than tour dates.
Let's say somebody is on the East Coast, and the other person on the west. You can still record your part even if you're not in the same place together.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 27, 2015, 08:56:36 PM

to me the only important thing is the new album. and side projects doesn't affect music already recorded, right?


And since he's already shown that he's got no qualms releasing something and then not touring for over a full calendar year...theoretically, he could still put something out later this year, even if there were not touring plans until mid to late 2016.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on April 27, 2015, 10:51:30 PM
I Believe, All News Of GNR... 2da Part Of 2015


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 06:54:41 AM
Well, unless it gets like it was after 02 for a few years, I'm not worried about any "hiatus" they take. Those years were tough.

Agree, 100%.

I think that's why I find some of the objections/arguments that perpetually come up here so tiresome. 1) We've had them for over a decade, and 2)Some of them held a LOT more merit 13 years ago than they do now (specifically the inactivity ones).

They've been "inactive" for..what...10 months? And, really, less than that since we KNOW there was work going on, on "something" via the studio pic that was tweeted out.

Yeah, sorry...10 months doesn't get my panties in a bunch. Talk to me again in another 2 years or so.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 06:59:07 AM
I think Ron is waiting to see if the LP sells before launching a tour...he's indie right so it's a bit more complicated financially, I suppose.
about the hiatus thing, seems natural to me and logical, but all these rumours made me think about the most extremes scenarios.

to me the only important thing is the new album. and side projects doesn't affect music already recorded, right?

It's really not that much more complicated financially.  Find a promoter. Tour.

Now, the thing is..selling more albums makes it a LOT easier to find a promoter who will give you a decent deal, so you can actually make some money touring (if that's your concern).

But being "indie" doesn't have an oz of effect on the finances and logistics of touring....other than the fact your label won't also function as your promoter (which is becoming an EXCEEDINGLY rare occurance, these days, anyway).

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 07:05:15 AM

It's kind of the tail wagging the dog when the "side" projects are dictating the band's plans...but yeah, I can see how when everyone is off doing something else it makes it more difficult than when one member has other plans.  Except when that one member is Ron...

Here's the thing though.

Don't you think the guys seem to be getting a bit more proactive in doing the side stuff because the main band they are supposedly in does nothing?

I just wonder if the conversation goes like this :

Member of side project : "So what's up?  We're thinking of getting it started up again."

GNR member : "Cool, cool.  Do we have anything lined up?"

Member of side project : "Well, obviously everyone has to check with their other commitments.  Have you talked to Axl?"

<both guys laugh>

Member of side project : "I know, I know.  But I had to at least ask.  Professional courtesy and all that.  So you are good whenever?"

GNR member : "Pretty much."

Equally as likely:

Member of side project : "So what's up?  We're thinking of getting it started up again."

GNR member : "Cool, cool.  Do we have anything lined up?"

Member of side project : "Well, obviously everyone has to check with their other commitments.  Have you talked to Axl?"

GNR member : "He's working on finishing up the album. Says he won't need us long term til next year. Just maybe some spot recording, but that's easy to work around.  Might need to find a studio on the road but...."

Member of side project :   So you are good whenever?"

GNR member : "Pretty much."

The fact is, we don't know what's going on.  We can create all sorts of different scenarios in our heads, none more likely, or more compelling, than any other.  If we're listening to the voices in our heads.....well, mine have much more interesting things to say to me than fictitious conversations about GnR members.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 28, 2015, 09:21:22 AM

GNR member : "He's working on finishing up the album. Says he won't need us long term til next year. Just maybe some spot recording, but that's easy to work around.  Might need to find a studio on the road but...."

Its not that I mind the editing in terms of the addition, but rather the subtraction.  Because you could still leave the laugh in there after this part.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 10:20:02 AM

GNR member : "He's working on finishing up the album. Says he won't need us long term til next year. Just maybe some spot recording, but that's easy to work around.  Might need to find a studio on the road but...."

Its not that I mind the editing in terms of the addition, but rather the subtraction.  Because you could still leave the laugh in there after this part. fit your pre-conceived notion, and back up what the voices in your head are telling you.

But it wouldn't make it any more, or less, a reflection of an "in real life" conversation that took place.  No more, or less, a reflection of reality.

Which was sort of the point.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 28, 2015, 10:31:34 AM fit your pre-conceived notion, and back up what the voices in your head are telling you.

But it wouldn't make it any more, or less, a reflection of an "in real life" conversation that took place.  No more, or less, a reflection of reality.

Which was sort of the point.

Listen, it don't really matter me, baby
You believe what you want to believe

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 28, 2015, 11:44:24 AM
Nothing like a random quote eh?

Everybody wants to feel important, some want to feel like they know what's going on. Unfortunately we can't all always win. Some know nothing, others know more. That's life.
You just need to accept the reality that you're a fan like the rest of us and you don't really have a better understanding of GN'R than the next guy.  : ok:


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: DeN on April 28, 2015, 12:54:13 PM
I vote for a live streaming at the studio where Axl would talk about the creative process and technical recording/mixing.
with some music in the background...

yeah I know...

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 01:55:25 PM

Listen, it don't really matter me, baby
You believe what you want to believe

Thanks for sharing what the voices in YOUR head are singing, today. It's slightly random, but, if they feel that's an accurate depiction of their position on the topic..there you have it.

Mine are singing "Life is a Highway".....and a little bit of Soup Dragons.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 02:01:20 PM
Nothing like a random quote eh?

Everybody wants to feel important, some want to feel like they know what's going on. Unfortunately we can't all always win. Some know nothing, others know more. That's life.
You just need to accept the reality that you're a fan like the rest of us and you don't really have a better understanding of GN'R than the next guy.  : ok:


Thanks for making my point, maybe a bit better than I did.

We can all create all the fictional conversations, create all the odd scenarios, or write fan fiction til we're blue in the face.

None of it is going to be FACTUAL or ACTUAL. 

At the end of they day, we're all fans.  And we're all playing "what if".  And if ANYBODY expects their version of "what if" to be taken as gospel by ANYBODY else but them....they need to smoke better shit.

You can laugh at my version of "what if", and I can do the same to yours. But at the end of the day, we're just fans writing more fan fiction.  Maybe we should have another sub forum for that....

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 28, 2015, 02:19:16 PM

Listen, it don't really matter me, baby
You believe what you want to believe

Thanks for sharing what the voices in YOUR head are singing, today. It's slightly random, but, if they feel that's an accurate depiction of their position on the topic..there you have it.

Mine are singing "Life is a Highway".....and a little bit of Soup Dragons.

Some guys feel the need to make light of a ridiculous situation.

Some guys feel the need to white knight it and defend the subject's honor from what they see as slanderous offenses.

Both are fairly certain they are just doing god's work, right?

So it ain't no thing.  Just guys doing what they do.  Same as it ever was.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 03:37:32 PM

Some guys feel the need to make light of a ridiculous situation.

Some guys feel the need to white knight it and defend the subject's honor from what they see as slanderous offenses.

Both are fairly certain they are just doing god's work, right?

So it ain't no thing.  Just guys doing what they do.  Same as it ever was.

And some just like a little truth in their tea.

The fact is, I'm not defending Axl, here. And I don't think I'm doing anyone's work but my own.  I don't actually believe the conversation I presented ACTUALLY happened.

But I believe it's not more, or less, likely to happen than the one you presented.  The point is, in all this: I DON'T KNOW.  And neither do you.  So you're not "making light of a ridiculous situation"...unless it's the piece of fiction that you created (or are creating) in your own head.

And you reinforce my point, above, again.

This isn't guys on two sides of a coin (court jester and white knight?).  It's one guy creating fiction, labeling it as historical fiction, and the other guy pointing out it's much closer to fantasy.

There's nothing wrong with that, but as a jumping off point for further's not so stable.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 28, 2015, 03:47:05 PM

And some just like a little truth in their tea.

The fact is, I'm not defending Axl, here. And I don't think I'm doing anyone's work but my own.  I don't actually believe the conversation I presented ACTUALLY happened.

Well, that's the thing.  Nowhere am I claiming my little example up there to be sworn testimony that I swear on a stack of biblebooks absolutely, totally happened.  It's a joke.

I assume our disconnect is that I am making light of these preposterous delays.  Whereas you were coming back and claiming that it not only didn't happen, its not fair and its not right to do that.

Is that the wrong read?
Your responses had that sort of "how dare you / you got some balls" tone.  Which we've long established I tend to find sort of over the top, when the topic is a rock band that moves at a snail's pace.  I don't see rock bands as sacred.  Rock bands, sports teams, athletes, movies stars, etc.  These are not serious topics that should ever warrant legit outrage if someone has some fun with them.

Life's too short.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 03:53:04 PM

Well, that's the thing.  Nowhere am I claiming my little example up there to be sworn testimony that I swear on a stack of biblebooks absolutely, totally happened.  It's a joke.

Not your best material, given the context

I assume our disconnect is that I am making light of these preposterous delays.  Whereas you were coming back and claiming that it not only didn't happen, its not fair and its not right to do that.

Nope, our disconnect is in the fact that you're presenting only ONE possible scenario..and it's the one that paints the worst possible picture. And the WAY it's presented makes it seem like there is some reason to believe it's accurate.

I don't care that you're doing it.  But it should be labeled for what it is: A piece of fiction

Is that the wrong read?

Sorta, yeah.
Your responses had that sort of "how dare you / you got some balls" tone.  Which we've long established I tend to find sort of over the top, when the topic is a rock band that moves at a snail's pace.  I don't see rock bands as sacred.  Rock bands, sports teams, athletes, movies stars, etc.  These are not serious topics that should ever warrant legit outrage if someone has some fun with them.

Nope, not at all.  I'm rarely outraged, except at outright lies, around here.

But I think it bears pointing out that your scenario only fits if you're trying to prop up a very specific agenda.  There's no reason to believe any conversation like that ACTUALLY occurred, nor anything like it. Right?

It's fiction.  I'm just pointing it out. As did jarmo.

At the end of the day, we're fans. We don't know shit.  So "taking the piss" out of Axl, in fan fiction....I'm 100% OK with it.  But I'm going to call it what it is. Fiction.

Life's too short.

You got that, brother. It's why I spend less and less time here, reading the rehashed arguments of a decade ago.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on April 28, 2015, 03:58:52 PM
I assume our disconnect is that I am making light of these preposterous delays.  Whereas you were coming back and claiming that it not only didn't happen, its not fair and its not right to do that.

Nope, our disconnect is in the fact that you're presenting only ONE possible scenario..and it's the one that paints the worst possible picture. And the WAY it's presented makes it seem like there is some reason to believe it's accurate.

Kinda amazing how their "free thinking" always has that angle....  :hihi:


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 28, 2015, 04:01:34 PM

Nope, our disconnect is in the fact that you're presenting only ONE possible scenario..and it's the one that paints the worst possible picture. And the WAY it's presented makes it seem like there is some reason to believe it's accurate.

I don't care that you're doing it.  But it should be labeled for what it is: A piece of fiction

Again, I kind of didn't think I really had to.  I was sort of giving people credit to sort that out on their own.

In the future, I guess I will type in all caps WHAT FOLLOWS IS A PARODY...

Avoid all this pesky confusion.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 28, 2015, 04:08:10 PM

But I think it bears pointing out that your scenario only fits if you're trying to prop up a very specific agenda.  There's no reason to believe any conversation like that ACTUALLY occurred, nor anything like it. Right?

OK, so I'm not totally offbase here.

Its less to do with the fact you couldn't deduce it was a joke post (which frankly, was near impossible to believe), its you are offended at the fact its even joked about. 

You think its out of line.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 04:15:51 PM

But I think it bears pointing out that your scenario only fits if you're trying to prop up a very specific agenda.  There's no reason to believe any conversation like that ACTUALLY occurred, nor anything like it. Right?

OK, so I'm not totally offbase here.

Its less to do with the fact you couldn't deduce it was a joke post (which frankly, was near impossible to believe), its you are offended at the fact its even joked about. 

You think its out of line.

Nope, not offended. And agenda was the wrong word there. I hunted, shot, and missed. Point of view was what i was looking for.

And you're allowed to have your pov. I dont begrudge you it. I dont think its out of line. I dont share it, but i see where it comes from

But maybe allow for the fact there are others, equally as valid/likely.

Thats where we largely part company...when its all pov, no substance. Not because youre not allowed/welcome to your pov. But because its just not solid footing for actual discussion. Its just noise....and "propaganday" noise (note quotes).

I think that bears pointing out. Thats all.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 28, 2015, 04:19:59 PM

Nope, not offended. And agenda was the wrong word there. I hunted, shot, and missed. Point of view was what i was looking for.

In all fairness, that does change things quite a bit.  The reality is that "agenda" does have a connotation to it.  And its not how light you are taking things.

As for the rest of your post, I think what you said is both fair and accurate.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 04:37:47 PM

Nope, not offended. And agenda was the wrong word there. I hunted, shot, and missed. Point of view was what i was looking for.

In all fairness, that does change things quite a bit.  The reality is that "agenda" does have a connotation to it.  And its not how light you are taking things.

As for the rest of your post, I think what you said is both fair and accurate.

I know. Chalk it up to hurrying out the door, struggling with a word on the tip of your tongue, and ultimately using the only word thats "coming out". I call that "spinnng my wheels" around the house. I knew when i hit post it wasnt the right word...and the right one hit me half way to picking my kid up from softball practice.

My bad. Pov was def the word i was trying, but failed, to find.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: pilferk on April 28, 2015, 04:38:45 PM

Nope, our disconnect is in the fact that you're presenting only ONE possible scenario..and it's the one that paints the worst possible picture. And the WAY it's presented makes it seem like there is some reason to believe it's accurate.

I don't care that you're doing it.  But it should be labeled for what it is: A piece of fiction

Again, I kind of didn't think I really had to.  I was sort of giving people credit to sort that out on their own.

In the future, I guess I will type in all caps WHAT FOLLOWS IS A PARODY...

Avoid all this pesky confusion.

I suggest fluffy unicorns, bloody daggers, and rainbows to identifly them.  Or actual funny.  :P

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: sky dog on April 29, 2015, 08:59:28 AM
exciting conversation.  :hihi:

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: RnT on May 01, 2015, 07:44:21 PM

So Nikki Sixx tweeted that there will be a new Sixx Am Album and a world tour in 2016, so does that means GNR will do no shit in 2016 also? or TB will make Ashba cancel the Sixx Am tour? or maybe Sixx Am could open for GNR? or Ashba is out too?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Lord Stan on May 01, 2015, 09:21:40 PM
or TB will make Ashba cancel the Sixx Am tour? or maybe Sixx Am could open for GNR? or Ashba is out too?

DJ probably thinks that it doesn't really matter where he plays as long as he gets to do what he loves. Nikki asked first and off we go. It's one thing to say something in an interview and another thing what they really think.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: EmilyGNR on May 02, 2015, 12:43:27 AM

So Nikki Sixx tweeted that there will be a new Sixx Am Album and a world tour in 2016, so does that means GNR will do no shit in 2016 also? or TB will make Ashba cancel the Sixx Am tour? or maybe Sixx Am could open for GNR? or Ashba is out too?

Where in that did it say Ashba was out or mention GNR future shows? Must have missed that part  ::)

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: RnT on May 02, 2015, 02:19:48 PM

So Nikki Sixx tweeted that there will be a new Sixx Am Album and a world tour in 2016, so does that means GNR will do no shit in 2016 also? or TB will make Ashba cancel the Sixx Am tour? or maybe Sixx Am could open for GNR? or Ashba is out too?

Where in that did it say Ashba was out or mention GNR future shows? Must have missed that part  ::)

All questions asked by me

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ja5oN on May 02, 2015, 02:46:33 PM
A Sixx:AM world tour could occupy a month or two still leaving tons of room for Ashba to do things with GNR or score a film (referencing today's pic he posted), or Ashba Media, etc.

I don't see a Six Month Sixx:AM tour happening.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: EmilyGNR on May 02, 2015, 03:47:45 PM

So Nikki Sixx tweeted that there will be a new Sixx Am Album and a world tour in 2016, so does that means GNR will do no shit in 2016 also? or TB will make Ashba cancel the Sixx Am tour? or maybe Sixx Am could open for GNR? or Ashba is out too?

Where in that did it say Ashba was out or mention GNR future shows? Must have missed that part  ::)

All questions asked by me

Was a rhetorical question. I'm not a fan of reading between the lines, twisting words, or interpretations that mean something else besides what was directly said.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: NaturalLight on May 02, 2015, 06:28:40 PM

So Nikki Sixx tweeted that there will be a new Sixx Am Album and a world tour in 2016, so does that means GNR will do no shit in 2016 also? or TB will make Ashba cancel the Sixx Am tour? or maybe Sixx Am could open for GNR? or Ashba is out too?

Where in that did it say Ashba was out or mention GNR future shows? Must have missed that part  ::)

All questions asked by me

Was a rhetorical question. I'm not a fan of reading between the lines, twisting words, or interpretations that mean something else besides what was directly said.

The dude asked a few simple questions. ::)
 No suppositions, no twisting of words, no insinuations. He wanted to know what others thought regarding DJ's status if he's out with Sixx AM.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on May 02, 2015, 07:35:32 PM
So Nikki Sixx tweeted that there will be a new Sixx Am Album and a world tour in 2016, so does that means GNR will do no shit in 2016 also? or TB will make Ashba cancel the Sixx Am tour? or maybe Sixx Am could open for GNR? or Ashba is out too?

A year is 12 months. Besides, look at how they managed to squeeze in the album and tour when Nikki was busy with the Motley Crue farewell tour.
It's possible the roles will be reversed in 2016 and Dj will be busy with GN'R.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: MeanBone on May 02, 2015, 09:04:58 PM
People will read into Nikki's comments what they wanna read, but he wasn't even mentioning Gn'r because he's not even part of that group.

Jarmo said it all. Sixx Am and Motley Crue did it in 2015 so there's no reason to think Gn'r can't do the same in 2016.


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: FunkyMonkey on May 02, 2015, 11:36:00 PM
In this new interview, DJ says when asked if he will still be touring with Guns N' Roses -- GN'R will always be "one" of his top priorities.

Vegas Rocks: What do you like most about working with SIXX:A.M.?

DJ Ashba: "SIXX:A.M. is a labor of love. It's where we all three come together and there are no rules and no limits. We have total freedom to push ourselves creatively and also stay true to who we are as artists without a label breathing down our necks."

Vegas Rocks: I know that Nikki said after Motley Crue finish their final tour, SIXX: A.M. with be his priority. What big plans does the band have in store?

DJ Ashba: We will continue to put out albums that we can be proud of and connect with our audience.

Vegas Rocks: Will you still be touring with Guns N' Roses?

DJ Ashba: Yes, Guns N' Roses will always be one of my top priorities.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Lord Stan on May 03, 2015, 04:49:14 AM
DJ Ashba: Yes, Guns N' Roses will always be one of my top priorities.

This is quite worrying really. It used to be that this band was always a top priority with new music coming out. Now it sounds like he's conceding it's not happening.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: The Wight Gunner on May 03, 2015, 06:30:43 AM
DJ Ashba: Yes, Guns N' Roses will always be one of my top priorities.

This is quite worrying really. It used to be that this band was always a top priority with new music coming out. Now it sounds like he's conceding it's not happening.
He has many irons in the fire, Ashba Swag, His design company, production projects, Sixx AM and GnR, and not forgetting his wife - all could be considered as a "top priority...." What's changed? Nothing as I can tell  : ok:

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on May 03, 2015, 08:56:29 AM
Exactly. What kind of business man is gonna say something else is his only top priority while running a company?


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: EmilyGNR on May 03, 2015, 10:09:21 AM

So Nikki Sixx tweeted that there will be a new Sixx Am Album and a world tour in 2016, so does that means GNR will do no shit in 2016 also? or TB will make Ashba cancel the Sixx Am tour? or maybe Sixx Am could open for GNR? or Ashba is out too?

Where in that did it say Ashba was out or mention GNR future shows? Must have missed that part  ::)

All questions asked by me

Was a rhetorical question. I'm not a fan of reading between the lines, twisting words, or interpretations that mean something else besides what was directly said.

The dude asked a few simple questions. ::)
 No suppositions, no twisting of words, no insinuations. He wanted to know what others thought regarding DJ's status if he's out with Sixx AM.

I thought the interview was pretty clear on what it said, I don't honestly count on the opinions of others to inform me, I read the articles,interviews and bank on official announcements Instead of rampant gossip and rumors.

Different POV I suppose.  :-*

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: EmilyGNR on May 03, 2015, 10:12:36 AM
DJ Ashba: Yes, Guns N' Roses will always be one of my top priorities.

This is quite worrying really. It used to be that this band was always a top priority with new music coming out. Now it sounds like he's conceding it's not happening.
He has many irons in the fire, Ashba Swag, His design company, production projects, Sixx AM and GnR, and not forgetting his wife - all could be considered as a "top priority...." What's changed? Nothing as I can tell  : ok:

Great insight-!  :beer:

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on May 03, 2015, 11:58:53 AM
Agree that no one should be reading anything into GN'R being "one" of his top priorities.  If he said its no longer a priority than we'd have a different conversation.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: FunkyMonkey on May 03, 2015, 01:33:53 PM

What's changed? Nothing as I can tell  : ok:

Sixx:A.M. just completed their first-ever headlining tour to mostly sold out shows.

Nikki Sixx is done with Motley Crue in December and says that Sixx:A.M. will be his top priority.

Sixx:A.M. is currently writing for their next full length album and plan an album release and first-ever world tour in 2016.

Will any of this impact Guns N' Roses plans in the future, maybe, maybe not.  Right now Guns N' Roses don't have any album or tour plans.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Spirit on May 03, 2015, 01:45:39 PM
If Dj comes in a position where he is forced to choose, in a situation where GN'R has a new album and a tour planned, he would be stupid to ditch GN'R in favor of Sixx AM.

I think he knows that as well. Let's just hope GN'R doesn't wait too long before they come up with a plan for the future so such a situation doesn't occur.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: TheBaconman on May 03, 2015, 02:54:53 PM
If Dj comes in a position where he is forced to choose, in a situation where GN'R has a new album and a tour planned, he would be stupid to ditch GN'R in favor of Sixx AM.

I think he knows that as well. Let's just hope GN'R doesn't wait too long before they come up with a plan for the future so such a situation doesn't occur.

Money talks

If guns has a new album coming out where DJ is not featured and six am has one out where he is featured    It is probably in his bestinterests to support six am and ditch guns.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Ja5oN on May 03, 2015, 03:44:13 PM
Or...they make them both work.

DJ doesn't seem to be the kinda guy that likes a light load.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Spirit on May 03, 2015, 06:32:39 PM
If Dj comes in a position where he is forced to choose, in a situation where GN'R has a new album and a tour planned, he would be stupid to ditch GN'R in favor of Sixx AM.

I think he knows that as well. Let's just hope GN'R doesn't wait too long before they come up with a plan for the future so such a situation doesn't occur.

Money talks

If guns has a new album coming out where DJ is not featured and six am has one out where he is featured    It is probably in his bestinterests to support six am and ditch guns.

I don't think they're making much money selling records, it comes down to touring revenue.

I would think Dj makes more money touring with GN'R than with Sixx AM.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on May 03, 2015, 08:59:54 PM
If Dj comes in a position where he is forced to choose, in a situation where GN'R has a new album and a tour planned, he would be stupid to ditch GN'R in favor of Sixx AM.

I think he knows that as well. Let's just hope GN'R doesn't wait too long before they come up with a plan for the future so such a situation doesn't occur.

Money talks

If guns has a new album coming out where DJ is not featured and six am has one out where he is featured    It is probably in his bestinterests to support six am and ditch guns.

I don't think they're making much money selling records, it comes down to touring revenue.

I would think Dj makes more money touring with GN'R than with Sixx AM.

Exactly.  And especially if the next tour supports a new album, interest will peak again and would have to be much more lucrative for DJ, regardless of how many writing credits he gets on the next record.  Which by the way I believe will be a mix of old and some new, when it eventually does arrive.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: FunkyMonkey on May 04, 2015, 04:27:36 PM

I don't see a Six Month Sixx:AM tour happening.

It sounds like it could be longer...

Once M?tley Cr?e plays its final show in Los Angeles on December 31, Sixx envisions taking a month off, before Sixx: A.M. becomes his new full-time job. Sixx says that 2016 will be devoted to touring the band?s current album, 2014?s Modern Vintage, all the while recording its follow-up. Beyond that, Sixx sees that new album arriving in 2017, followed by a world tour.

Unfortunately, due to Sixx?s hectic M?tley Cr?e schedule, Ashba playing guitar for Guns N? Roses and Michael being active in the studio as a music writer and producer, this type of touring was unable to happen ? until now.

?Now, we have the bug,? he adds. ?If there was any part of me that thought my touring life would be minimal [after M?tley Cr?e], it was wrong.?

I would think Dj makes more money touring with GN'R than with Sixx AM.

Who knows.  But it looks like Nikki is planning a worldwide arena tour...

?They already have changed,? replies Sixx when asked if his expectations for Sixx: A.M. will change following the M?tley Cr?e farewell tour. ?I?m loving finishing off the M?tley Cr?e stuff, but my expectations are high for Sixx: A.M. The first thing we have to do is take it around the world and play in front of everybody. Then we have to release the right fourth record and just go out there and do it. My expectations are that we are an arena band.?

?When you?re in a band like AC/DC, or Van Halen, or M?tley Cr?e, or Guns N? Roses, you do something and you have a sound: it?s really potent and amazing. But Sixx: A.M. is a different kind of band, because no one is really holding us accountable, so [people] are just allowing us to make pretty obscure and wide strokes?and we?re taking advantage of it.?

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: TheBaconman on May 04, 2015, 04:38:25 PM
Well we all know how plans change......

Good luck with filling arenas Nikki.   I don't know how big a draw six am is in the United States of American.   But here in Canada they will be playing theatres

But at least they have a plan.   At least they are getting new music out there and at least they are touring

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on May 04, 2015, 04:42:17 PM

But at least they have a plan.   At least they are getting new music out there and at least they are touring

Passive aggressive are we?  :hihi:

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on May 04, 2015, 06:49:46 PM

But at least they have a plan.   At least they are getting new music out there and at least they are touring

Passive aggressive are we?  :hihi:


Little bit.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Spirit on May 05, 2015, 06:22:09 PM

I would think Dj makes more money touring with GN'R than with Sixx AM.

Who knows.  But it looks like Nikki is planning a worldwide arena tour...

Worldwide arena tour... Do they have a fanbase big enough to pull that off? There aren't many rock bands these days that are considered to be an arena draw.

I imagine those will be curtained shows.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: The Wight Gunner on May 06, 2015, 01:09:15 AM

I would think Dj makes more money touring with GN'R than with Sixx AM.

Who knows.  But it looks like Nikki is planning a worldwide arena tour...
[/quote ]

Worldwide arena tour... Do they have a fanbase big enough to pull that off? There aren't many rock bands these days that are considered to be an arena draw.

I imagine those will be curtained shows.

They might have if they are supporting Guns 'n fuckin Roses  ;)

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on May 06, 2015, 02:45:03 AM
GNR World Tour 16/17 ☺ Special Guest: SixxAm



Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: D-GenerationX on May 06, 2015, 12:50:44 PM

Worldwide arena tour... Do they have a fanbase big enough to pull that off? There aren't many rock bands these days that are considered to be an arena draw.

I imagine those will be curtained shows.

Oh, I would doubt they'd even book arenas.  That seems way ambitious.

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: jarmo on May 06, 2015, 01:14:40 PM
GNR World Tour 16/17 ☺ Special Guest: SixxAm



I love that "Maybe".

Let's hope promoters don't start using it.

Elvis Presley


plus special guest
Jimi Hendrix




Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: FunkyMonkey on May 06, 2015, 01:59:54 PM
Some advise from DJ Ashba:

At a young age, I was taught that learning how the music business works is every bit as important as learning your instrument. After all, they call a business for a reason. Always have a back-up plan, that's the smartest advice I can give you. Unfortunately, the reality is that very few bands will ever achieve success in this industry; even fewer will establish longevity.

MAY 5, 2015

Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: HBK on May 06, 2015, 03:33:42 PM
GNR World Tour 16/17 ☺ Special Guest: SixxAm



I love that "Maybe".

Let's hope promoters don't start using it.

Elvis Presley


plus special guest
Jimi Hendrix




Or Special Guest: VINCE NEIL Fight AXL


Title: Re: DJ comments on current situation
Post by: Sober_times on May 08, 2015, 02:24:47 AM
GNR World Tour 16/17 ☺ Special Guest: SixxAm



I love that "Maybe".

Let's hope promoters don't start using it.

Elvis Presley


plus special guest
Jimi Hendrix




Or Special Guest: VINCE NEIL Fight AXL


Maybe.  ;) :hihi: