Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: D-GenerationX on December 08, 2015, 09:54:28 PM

Title: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 08, 2015, 09:54:28 PM
I know Trunk is not universally loved, but give this a fair read :

Over the last few months few I have been inundated with people asking me about the rumored Guns n? Roses reunion. It?s been incredible to see the massive amount of rumors (many being reported and taken as fact) out there. I get that this is something many would like to see, but to watch the incredible amount of misinformation is mind boggling. People are literally making shit up, and there are many just waiting to buy it. I had someone on Twitter ask me about a ?second leg? of the tour, when of course there is no FIRST LEG!. A UK website said the tour if off until 2017 recently so Axl can do a proper farewell with the current band. What current band?? He?s down two guitarists! So what, hire two new guys and do a farewell essentially for Tommy Stinson? It?s insane! I get TONS of questions about this because as many know I have a friendship, or know, almost all the players involved potentially. But I have refused to get into the rumor game and promote baseless sources. Just the other day I asked Dana to not post stories about this unless it is CREDITED TO AN OFFICIAL SOURCE. What a concept huh? Actually wait for REAL information!? So what?s going on since there is still no real news? Here is my two cents:

I have said for years I think one day some sort of reunion will happen. Why? Because it?s too big not to, the members are still relatively young, and the money is way too attractive to ignore. The main reason I would like to see it is because as a lifelong promoter of rock and metal it would give our genre a shot in the arm. I do believe and have been told by very reliable sources over the last year or so that indeed there have been talks. But ?talks? can go several ways as we all know and have seen. Promoters can and sometimes do make offers for bands and tours not currently formed. Hoping the amount of money makes the bands reunite. Zeppelin, Floyd, etc. I have personally been asked to make offers to the guys in Skid Row to reunite by promoters half a dozen times over the years. Offers happen all the time, putting the pieces in place to make tours happen, not so much. Ego, politics, control, money, merch, control of the name and brand, all play a part. Factor in that when a band splits all the members now have their own managers and agents who must then negotiate. So I think 100% there are talks and hopes of doing something with GnR. How close they are or if they actually happen is anyone?s guess. It could be tomorrow, it could be in five years, it could be never. Unless you are on the very inside with lawyers, agents and managers you just don?t know. And with how volatile this stuff can be it could have been set and pulled off the table five times already for all we know.

Here?s where the fans can?t be blamed for speculation; there has been no announcement from any source that this ISN?T happening! To end this all that would need to happen is Slash, Duff, or Axl put out a statement saying this is not happening and they are staying on their current paths. They would have to be on another planet to not know it?s being talked about everywhere. But if Axl came out tomorrow and said ?I have a new lineup, here are my new guys replacing Bumble and DJ, here?s what we are doing? , it would all be over. A statement from anyone killing it will stop all the madness. But since that has not happened you can?t blame any fan who wants this for dreaming. And it likely means there are still talks ongoing. So the speculation and rumors will continue until we get an announcement saying one thing or the other. All I will say is be careful what you believe and consider where it?s coming from. The ?media? world is so saturated with irresponsible people who?s affiliation might be a twitter feed or web page that it can make your head spin. And it amazes me how some people in my industry of radio put some of this on the air as fact! Everyone is looking to be the first, or get the most clicks for their page. Let?s all chill and discuss and dissect when there is REAL information one way or the other. I actually had people calling my radio show the other day upset about who?s not being included in a reunion that hasn?t even been announced at all in any way, shape or form! If/when there is REAL news we will get into then. And as I said, for all I know that can be tomorrow, next week, or never. But until then all we need is a little patience?

PS: I?ve also been asked by many, "hey, you know these guys, ask them what?s up". I?m not going to put these guys in that position. They know me, if they want to tell me anything on or off the record they will. They aren?t dumb and neither am I. The way to handle stuff like this properly and professionally to maintain relationships is to make requests at times like these through proper channels for interviews. I of course have done that and my doors are wide open to any and all to discuss. To date Steven Adler and Gilby Clarke were the only ones to come forward and discuss this on my radio show from LA a couple months ago and give their take. I truly hope when the time is right and there is something to announce either way I can share it with you through the band members when they want to talk. But I?m not going to put these guys who I have been friends with and worked with often over the years in an awkward position until they are ready to discuss. It would serve no purpose and obviously nobody is going to say anything on the record with anyone until they want to and know what?s up.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 08, 2015, 09:55:21 PM
Does any of that seem unreasonable in any way to anyone here?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: kyrie on December 08, 2015, 10:12:52 PM
If only all media outlets took that approach.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: OscarAxl22 on December 08, 2015, 10:21:25 PM
Not at all unreasonable. It was put perfectly in my eyes.

note; i was impressed by the fact that he mentioned if Axl, Duff, and Slash wanted to put an end to this speculation and madness if its broken down that all they need to do is make 1 statement. Some on here have said that all along, but until then.... the madness will continue until something either way is put out there.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 08, 2015, 10:21:57 PM

If only all media outlets took that approach.


And maybe this is just because he's a ultimately a fan too, but I liked how he did mix in some talk of the relevant angles of this story, mixed in with his word of caution on speculation.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GNR4LIFEJD on December 08, 2015, 10:37:28 PM
I think he nailed it on the head Axl, slash and duff are well aware im sure of all the reports out there and if they were to be false they would quash it. He has said he thinks a reunion will happen when it might happen who knows and I think the most important thing he said is the fact that he has relationships with these guys. He is one of very few people who has actually gotten to interview with Axl you think he would do anything to harm his relationships with any of those guys hell no I wouldn't.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 08, 2015, 10:39:48 PM

He is one of very few people who has actually gotten to interview with Axl you think he would do anything to harm his relationships with any of those guys hell no I wouldn't.

So true.

Let's make you him.  How many times have people come up to him in the past few weeks, and started out with "Look, I know you can't *really* say anything, but you know you can trust me..."

Like, 100 times?  200?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 08, 2015, 10:42:28 PM
D-Gen, maybe you should listen to him too? Speculating on what is going to happen is just silly at this point....beyond the pale....just let it go for awhile.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GNR4LIFEJD on December 08, 2015, 10:46:19 PM
Eddie Trunk is a Radio Personality whos area of expertise is in hard rock and heavy metal and he is well connected in the industry lots of friends and people know he has relationships with all the guys from GNR past and present so he is going to get inundated with these questions especially with all the rumors that have been out their. He wouldn't be doing his job if he didn't express his feelings

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GNR4LIFEJD on December 08, 2015, 10:48:43 PM

He is one of very few people who has actually gotten to interview with Axl you think he would do anything to harm his relationships with any of those guys hell no I wouldn't.

So true.

Let's make you him.  How many times have people come up to him in the past few weeks, and started out with "Look, I know you can't *really* say anything, but you know you can trust me..."

Like, 100 times?  200?

Wasn't AXL the one who reached out to Eddie when they did that last interview what down in florida after a concert with DJ I believe. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 08, 2015, 11:01:00 PM

D-Gen, maybe you should listen to him too? Speculating on what is going to happen is just silly at this point....beyond the pale....just let it go for awhile.

Yeah, disagree with that.  If its all speculation anyway, where's the harm?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 08, 2015, 11:02:58 PM

Eddie Trunk is a Radio Personality whos area of expertise is in hard rock and heavy metal and he is well connected in the industry lots of friends and people know he has relationships with all the guys from GNR past and present so he is going to get inundated with these questions especially with all the rumors that have been out their. He wouldn't be doing his job if he didn't express his feelings

Oh, no doubt.

But I'm thinking more like he could have sent out a 2 line tweet saying he didn't know shit about shit and to stop hounding him.

Yet he didn't.  I thought he was weighing pros and cons, discussion reasons for how things are going where they are, etc.

He sounds like a fan.  He sounds

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GNR4LIFEJD on December 08, 2015, 11:16:47 PM
I think the problem is because of how many people ask him. He wants to make things very clear and a 2 word tweet doesn't do that he wants everyone to know that hey a lot of the reports our their are false nobody knows anything but it seems nobody is getting the message so he comes out with the big statement.

Remember this guy could easily ask any of them himself hey whats going on but I actually give the guy credit he hasn't and has said hey when any of them want to come talk to him its an open door policy which I respect him for.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Annie on December 08, 2015, 11:50:05 PM
Still not a fan of his. No sympathy or empathy for him whatsoever.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 08, 2015, 11:52:32 PM
""" And it amazes me how some people in my industry of radio put some of this on the air as fact """

Poor Eddie


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: axlvai on December 09, 2015, 12:12:38 AM
Trunk are doing very political and cautious. He is a professional.

And he put a little gasoline to this bonfire again. Time goes on... and nothing official.

Personally i think this is too big and complicated to do in a short period of time. A bunch of lawyers too.

Assuming the reunion as a fact, when u r negociating a possible reunion u cant say that GNR r negociating a reunion. Why? Because is more pressure to deal for free.

2016 will be a good year for GNR... Remember gunners... 2016 have 366 days.... fuck me.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 09, 2015, 01:54:58 AM
After reading this now I really feel for Axl. The por guy worked his ass off against all odds to make a new band and CD. And at the end of the day all he got was a bunch of guys asking Eddie Trunk about the second leg of a reunion tour


I need a favor, all those who want CD II please ask Trunk if he has news about it. Just to balance things up a little bit. Please do it for Axl, just to cheer him up

  : ok:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 09, 2015, 02:17:12 AM
After reading this now I really feel for Axl. The por guy worked his ass off against all odds to make a new band and CD. And at the end of the day all he got was a bunch of guys asking Eddie Trunk about the second leg of a reunion tour


I need a favor, all those who want CD II please ask Trunk if he has news about it. Just to balance things up a little bit. Please do it for Axl, just to cheer him up

  : ok:

thats where im at about now. all this reunion talk, and i really could not care less. if guns went on tour tomorrow with the full original lineup, it would be no different to me than if it were 2 new guitarists, although i think a more likely scenario would be to bring back one of the older cd players, like bbf or robin. but either way, i wouldnt care l3ss. sure, it would be fun to watch them play new shows. even a tour without new music, i could dig.

but for me, cd 2 and or remix of cd is where the money is at. thats my dream come true stuff. but nobody seems to care much about that. thats why i think it would be all the cooler if this was swept under the rug with a simple "not happenin" along with a release date or, even better, a single.

i want cd 2/ remix so bad. not sure who can relate exactly. but man, im dyin for that stuff. thats what really calls me back here day after day. the reunion stuff.... its so irrelevant to my current wants.

that was quite a big block of text (the interview). read the whole thing. all i saw was an eddempt to not be held accountable. wether or not he should, dont care. its just not my bag, as austin p. would say.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Spirit on December 09, 2015, 02:25:52 AM
Yeah, Eddie is basically describing my point of view on the whole thing.

I do get the argument from some that Axl might be staying silent until he has an alternative ready to go before going public about these reunion rumors being bullshit. If that's the case. But on the other hand you have (as Eddie says) Duff and Slash playing the silent game as well... Quite peculiar.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 09, 2015, 04:10:19 AM
Yeah, Eddie is basically describing my point of view on the whole thing.

I do get the argument from some that Axl might be staying silent until he has an alternative ready to go before going public about these reunion rumors being bullshit. If that's the case. But on the other hand you have (as Eddie says) Duff and Slash playing the silent game as well... Quite peculiar.

it does give off the impression that they all may be in cahoots about something, even if that something is just to remain silent. for them to all just coincidentally stay quiet doesnt seem as likely as them having reached some kind of agreement, whatever that agreement may or may not be. 

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: RnT on December 09, 2015, 05:56:20 AM
100% with Eddie in this one.
It?s simple: Not true? Just come and says "that?s not happening".

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 09, 2015, 06:49:27 AM
Eddie tells us to wait for real news and writes a news story based on no news. :hihi:

Yeah, it's common sense what he says and that's why many have already figured it out.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 09, 2015, 07:25:57 AM
A rumor and opinion news blog made to discuss other rumor and opinion news blogs, and some people are impressed that he is stating the obvious?  :hihi:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Virolec on December 09, 2015, 08:58:14 AM
It's obvious to us - we've spent the last however many months discussing it all in detail on here.  People who've just seen some of these articles on clickbait site?  They need told the obvious things.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: LIGuns on December 09, 2015, 09:04:04 AM
Eddie Trunk is a name dropper and hypocrite. Just a few years ago he "reported" on his show that he heard there were 2 contracts available for GNR, current and "classic" lineups, regarding festivals..Is that much if any different to the current rumors going around? The post was long winded, because Eddie Trunk had to mention his industry ties and relationships with band members...Overall I enjoy his shows but find him annoying as he is his biggest fan...

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: LIGuns on December 09, 2015, 09:04:42 AM
Eddie tells us to wait for real news and writes a news story based on no news. :hihi:

Yeah, it's common sense what he says and that's why many have already figured it out.


Very well put Jarmo...

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 09:09:43 AM

After reading this now I really feel for Axl. The por guy worked his ass off against all odds to make a new band and CD. And at the end of the day all he got was a bunch of guys asking Eddie Trunk about the second leg of a reunion tour

Its a tough spot, no question about it.

But you know what?  Maybe this was just never going to work.  While I have been critical about just how hard he really tried to give this relaunch the best shot, in the back of my mind I've never been able to shake the notion that the whole never had a real shot at success with the public.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 09:11:49 AM

I do get the argument from some that Axl might be staying silent until he has an alternative ready to go before going public about these reunion rumors being bullshit. If that's the case. But on the other hand you have (as Eddie says) Duff and Slash playing the silent game as well... Quite peculiar.

Sake of argument, let's say he really has been hard at work on the new album and putting together a new line-up.

Would Slash and Duff be receptive to agreeing to stay quiet until he's ready to roll?  I don't know.  What's really in that for them?

And as we've said many times, after all this rumor and conjecture, Axl re-emerging with yet another new line-up of replacement guys might not land.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Spirit on December 09, 2015, 10:02:22 AM

Sake of argument, let's say he really has been hard at work on the new album and putting together a new line-up.

Would Slash and Duff be receptive to agreeing to stay quiet until he's ready to roll?  I don't know.  What's really in that for them?

If there's no truth to the reunion rumors, I would have to say it's pure coincidence that they are all staying quiet now.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 10:07:44 AM
Maybe our timeline is all wrong.

Most of the talk seems to put things in the "finishing touches" stage of the game.  What is these talks haven't been going on all that long?

As is often pointed out to me, I have no clue what Axl has been doing with his time in calendar 2015.  Is it possible after taking a long time to decide how to proceed, he only started really entertaining this reunion talk more recently?

I just can't believe these contracts and all thee terms could be quite this complicated, to necessitate haggling for 6-8 months over them.  I also don't know if that's great news.  If this is being negotiated in that manner, doesn't that suggest the whole thing would be pretty fragile?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: JAEBALL on December 09, 2015, 10:19:13 AM

I do get the argument from some that Axl might be staying silent until he has an alternative ready to go before going public about these reunion rumors being bullshit. If that's the case. But on the other hand you have (as Eddie says) Duff and Slash playing the silent game as well... Quite peculiar.

Sake of argument, let's say he really has been hard at work on the new album and putting together a new line-up.

Would Slash and Duff be receptive to agreeing to stay quiet until he's ready to roll?  I don't know.  What's really in that for them?

And as we've said many times, after all this rumor and conjecture, Axl re-emerging with yet another new line-up of replacement guys might not land.

I think Slash and Duff have made it clear over the years that they would love to "do GNR" again. For a variety of reasons... the money, the exposure, that it would just feel good to be in "their band" again. (before anybody gets upset, I mean that they view it as their band)

So if acquiescing to certain things to make it happen are part of the deal (such as remaining silent now)... then they will deal with it.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 09, 2015, 10:23:30 AM

I do get the argument from some that Axl might be staying silent until he has an alternative ready to go before going public about these reunion rumors being bullshit. If that's the case. But on the other hand you have (as Eddie says) Duff and Slash playing the silent game as well... Quite peculiar.

Sake of argument, let's say he really has been hard at work on the new album and putting together a new line-up.

Would Slash and Duff be receptive to agreeing to stay quiet until he's ready to roll?  I don't know.  What's really in that for them?

And as we've said many times, after all this rumor and conjecture, Axl re-emerging with yet another new line-up of replacement guys might not land.

whats in it for them to be quiet, for one thing, could be that he would only agree to do it if they stayed quiet. it could be part of the agreement. it could be a coincidence, but if you throw their supposedly improved relaionships into the mix, i think it gives the coincidence angle less credibility. if theyre on decent terms, maybe theyve at least discussed whats been going on. then again, who knows.

as for a new line up not landing after the reunion talk, im not sure that would matter too much. maybe to hardcore fans, but to the public at large, im not sure if theyd even notice if bumble/dj were replaced with new guys if the reunion didnt happen. i think the focus would just be that the reunion wasnt happening. any details after that would be kind of moot for them i think.

(jaeball beat me to it on the what theyd have to gain by remaining silent thing)

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Spirit on December 09, 2015, 10:28:05 AM
Yeah, when I think it's a coincidence, I base that on the whole thing being bullshit, that Axl and Slash haven't even spoken together.

If there've been talks, but nothing is confirmed, they have probably all agreed to stay quiet for now.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 09, 2015, 10:36:46 AM
It's obvious to us - we've spent the last however many months discussing it all in detail on here.  People who've just seen some of these articles on clickbait site?  They need told the obvious things.

Guess Eddie Trunk is filling that gap. :D

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 09, 2015, 10:55:37 AM
Maybe our timeline is all wrong.

Most of the talk seems to put things in the "finishing touches" stage of the game.  What is these talks haven't been going on all that long?

As is often pointed out to me, I have no clue what Axl has been doing with his time in calendar 2015.  Is it possible after taking a long time to decide how to proceed, he only started really entertaining this reunion talk more recently?

I just can't believe these contracts and all thee terms could be quite this complicated, to necessitate haggling for 6-8 months over them.  I also don't know if that's great news.  If this is being negotiated in that manner, doesn't that suggest the whole thing would be pretty fragile?

If I remember corectly it was Trunk himself last year who sort of started the whole thing. He said he had sources telling him that a reunion was put in motion. That one went away rather quickly.

Then we got the news of BBF and DJ leaving the band. Later Slash said in an interview that his relationship with Axl was better. It was a serious of events that got us at this stage.

Now due to the storm of rumors Trunk has been asked by fans. They guy came up with this article for everyone to see as an answer to all the people asking him. He is not going to answer to every single one of them.

I do think negotiation could be complicated depending of the character of things that are being negotiated. If they plan a one off show, yeah that easy. But if they meant a long term partnership, albums, tours, DVDs, etc. Well that?s a lot  more complex

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 11:03:53 AM

I do think negotiation could be complicated depending of the character of things that are being negotiated. If they plan a one off show, yeah that easy. But if they meant a long term partnership, albums, tours, DVDs, etc. Well that?s a lot  more complex

Here is my concern.

The more we talk about how detailed the contracts have to be, all the details (big and small) that need to be agreed to...does that bolster or hurt the argument that this is something they really want to do?  Does that suggest a lack of trust?

I guess I'm asking how much of a strict business endeavor this would all be, as opposed to the more emotional guys wanted one final run on top with each other.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 09, 2015, 11:12:42 AM
Eddie Trunk fueled a lot of gossip in Sept 2014 when he said on his Podcast that he heard "things had been set into motion" (for a reunion).

He also talked about it in his August podcast this year, saying Bumblefoot and Ashba leaving have nothing to do with this, he asked Slash for an interview to address the situation and his manager stated that this entire thing has been blown out of proportion and Slash was laying low and not taking interviews then.

it's been a LOOOOOONG time since i've seen an honest/un-slanted pov re: the state of gnr in mainstream media.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 11:16:16 AM
Can anyone picture the scene of Axl, Slash, and Duff all up on a dais, chuckling about how they had to pretty much play everybody all this time?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: JAEBALL on December 09, 2015, 11:20:02 AM
Can anyone picture the scene of Axl, Slash, and Duff all up on a dais, chuckling about how they had to pretty much play everybody all this time?


If this ever happens... I can't see the big photo op press conference with them hugging it out...

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Spirit on December 09, 2015, 11:20:50 AM
Can anyone picture the scene of Axl, Slash, and Duff all up on a dais, chuckling about how they had to pretty much play everybody all this time?

You mean they've played a long game since 1996?  :o

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 11:25:03 AM

Can anyone picture the scene of Axl, Slash, and Duff all up on a dais, chuckling about how they had to pretty much play everybody all this time?


If this ever happens... I can't see the big photo op press conference with them hugging it out...

Yeah, I really can't either.

I could see Slash and Duff calling a press conference.  That Axl no shows.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 11:25:56 AM

Can anyone picture the scene of Axl, Slash, and Duff all up on a dais, chuckling about how they had to pretty much play everybody all this time?

You mean they've played a long game since 1996?  :o


No, just the past year or so.

Axl wouldn't even have to say he played coy, cause it ain't like he talks anyway.  Slash and Duff would have to cop to it though.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 09, 2015, 11:27:44 AM

I do think negotiation could be complicated depending of the character of things that are being negotiated. If they plan a one off show, yeah that easy. But if they meant a long term partnership, albums, tours, DVDs, etc. Well that?s a lot  more complex

Here is my concern.

The more we talk about how detailed the contracts have to be, all the details (big and small) that need to be agreed to...does that bolster or hurt the argument that this is something they really want to do?  Does that suggest a lack of trust?

I guess I'm asking how much of a strict business endeavor this would all be, as opposed to the more emotional guys wanted one final run on top with each other.

Think about it. First Axl owns the name. Do Slash, Duff, Izzy still care? We don?t know. What if they want to reestablish the old partnership? To what extend is Axl willing to give something up?

If they are negotiating with the record company. How much money? How many albums, DVDs, etc?

How much money for the tours?  Who is gonna be the band manager? Who is gonna be the drummer?

Things so complex like this it is not something they can all agree in 5 minutes

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Spirit on December 09, 2015, 11:42:04 AM

Can anyone picture the scene of Axl, Slash, and Duff all up on a dais, chuckling about how they had to pretty much play everybody all this time?

You mean they've played a long game since 1996?  :o


No, just the past year or so.

Axl wouldn't even have to say he played coy, cause it ain't like he talks anyway.  Slash and Duff would have to cop to it though.

It would've been some hardcore shit though.

Imagine them sitting by the table in 1997 and sorting out what Duff and Slash shall say in the interviews early on to create tension, maybe create a new band playing on the words "Guns" and "Roses". Axl plans to wait until 2008 to give "his side of the story", and then be totally dismissive of a reunion in the years to come. Duff suggests himself gradually coming back around 2010, maybe a one-off performance at first... Slash shouldn't then knock on Duff for doing that, then Slash eyes 2015 as the year he will start dropping small hints of contact with Axl again.

They've been thorough in their planning.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 12:03:37 PM
It would be the best long con of alltime in the history of the music business.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 09, 2015, 12:37:37 PM
After reading this now I really feel for Axl. The por guy worked his ass off against all odds to make a new band and CD. And at the end of the day all he got was a bunch of guys asking Eddie Trunk about the second leg of a reunion tour


I need a favor, all those who want CD II please ask Trunk if he has news about it. Just to balance things up a little bit. Please do it for Axl, just to cheer him up

  : ok:

AjajAJujaAJJjajA, AXL Is Happy, Much Good News For 2016


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 09, 2015, 02:41:00 PM

Can anyone picture the scene of Axl, Slash, and Duff all up on a dais, chuckling about how they had to pretty much play everybody all this time?

You mean they've played a long game since 1996?  :o


No, just the past year or so.

Axl wouldn't even have to say he played coy, cause it ain't like he talks anyway.  Slash and Duff would have to cop to it though.

It would've been some hardcore shit though.

Imagine them sitting by the table in 1997 and sorting out what Duff and Slash shall say in the interviews early on to create tension, maybe create a new band playing on the words "Guns" and "Roses". Axl plans to wait until 2008 to give "his side of the story", and then be totally dismissive of a reunion in the years to come. Duff suggests himself gradually coming back around 2010, maybe a one-off performance at first... Slash shouldn't then knock on Duff for doing that, then Slash eyes 2015 as the year he will start dropping small hints of contact with Axl again.

They've been thorough in their planning.

And all along they have been recording 10 albums worth of material !  ;D to be released in christmas 2015 !

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Bridge on December 09, 2015, 03:37:32 PM
Here?s where the fans can?t be blamed for speculation; there has been no announcement from any source that this ISN?T happening!   (Slash, Axl, Duff) would have to be living on mars to not know of the speculation

A guy who deserves no credibility just lowered himself even further. 

MR. TRUNK, you'd have to be living on Mars to not know that fans have been told for years that there will be no reunion.  YOU admitted that Axl's management told you not to ask about a reunion when he appeared on your show.  On one hand, you're criticizing people for making shit up.  On the other hand, you're basically telling all the fans that it's okay to make shit up just because they haven't been told otherwise.  People do deserve to be blamed for being rumor whores!


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: dmathski on December 09, 2015, 03:46:59 PM
Until any of the guys shoots this down, mainly Axl, Slash or Duff then we have to believe something is being planned.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Bridge on December 09, 2015, 03:47:42 PM
Until any of the guys shoots this down, mainly Axl, Slash or Duff then we have to believe something is being planned.

Why?  Why do you have to believe?  What sense does that make?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 03:51:41 PM

Until any of the guys shoots this down, mainly Axl, Slash or Duff then we have to believe something is being planned.

Why?  Why do you have to believe?  What sense does that make?

I see what you are saying, but couldn't we also ask you the reverse?

Is there some harm in thinking something is happening?

I mean...hell, we are supposed to believe Axl is hard at work on the album, despite the similar dearth of confirmation of such.  Right?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Ginger King on December 09, 2015, 04:11:08 PM
Until any of the guys shoots this down, mainly Axl, Slash or Duff then we have to believe something is being planned.

Why?  Why do you have to believe?  What sense does that make?

You don't have to believe, but it's reasonable to believe.  History has shown that Axl has shut down reunion rumors in the past.  He hasn't this time.  It could be because he's letting his past comments stand and doesn't feel the need to say it could be because "something's changed" and it's now under consideration. 

And that's why we have this forum to discuss and speculate.  Mind you, neither opinion is wrong (yet).  I don't begrudge anyone for thinking that there's no reunion because of Axl's comments in the past.  Likewise, I don't begrudge anyone who thinks it may be different this time around (which is my opinion, FWIW).

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Bodhi on December 09, 2015, 04:15:25 PM
Eddie Trunk also bitched that Guns N Roses got in on the first ballot to the rock hall while Kiss and a bunch of other bands he listened to in high school didn't.  He also said Guns N Roses only have 1 good album.  That means even delusional wind bags with shifty taste in music seems to realize how wildly inaccurate all of these stories have been.  What does that say for the rest of the media?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 04:19:29 PM
I just struggle with the inconsistency.

"It's cool and probably overdue." vs "Starting to look very seriously in that regard."

What's the difference?  Both are comments made by people that don't say anything concrete.

But, taking a step back, at least there are other rumors about the reunion.  Ain't dick floating around on that supposed new album.

Isn't it fair to say you are probably going to put more stock in whichever one you'd like to see more?  

In other words, if you are super gung-ho about this new album, you might be inclined to tell the reunion folks they are getting carried away over one line followed by silence from all parties.

Conversely, if you are more interested in seeing some sort of reunion, you are probably more inclined to point out that Axl doesn't have the most sterling reputation on follow through, and there isn't even any rumors you can point to that any of that "looking very seriously" came to fruition.

I think concretely dismissing either side out of hand is foolish.  No one knows jack.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: JAEBALL on December 09, 2015, 04:25:55 PM
Eddie Trunk also bitched that Guns N Roses got in on the first ballot to the rock hall while Kiss and a bunch of other bands he listened to in high school didn't.  He also said Guns N Roses only have 1 good album.  That means even delusional wind bags with shifty taste in music seems to realize how wildly inaccurate all of these stories have been.  What does that say for the rest of the media?

Wellllll ... music is subjective...

Gnr is not one his favorite bands, but I think he understand the impact GNR made.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Bridge on December 09, 2015, 04:31:34 PM
Is there some harm in thinking something is happening?

I mean...hell, we are supposed to believe Axl is hard at work on the album, despite the similar dearth of confirmation of such.  Right?

Why invest in either one?  Unless you have actual confirmation either way?

As far as "harm", I guess that's up to you.  You've admitted yourself (in your sig) that it's going to be the most disappointing thing in God's universe if there isn't a reunion.  So the level of harm in believing in a reunion is going to depend on how well the believers can handle it if it doesn't come true.

You don't have to believe, but it's reasonable to believe.  History has shown that Axl has shut down reunion rumors in the past.  He hasn't this time. 

The fact that history shows Axl shutting down reunion rumors makes it unreasonable to believe as far as I'm concerned.  You're believing against what the official source has always told you, and using "but we haven't heard from him lately" as an excuse to believe.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 04:39:23 PM

The fact that history shows Axl shutting down reunion rumors makes it unreasonable to believe as far as I'm concerned.  You're believing against what the official source has always told you, and using "but we haven't heard from him lately" as an excuse to believe.

There is definitely an air of conspiracy theory "logic" at work here on the reunion angle.

The conspiracy theorist's best friend is silence.  Why aren't they denying my claim that 9/11 was carried out by aliens from outer space?  THEY MUST HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: OscarAxl22 on December 09, 2015, 04:40:32 PM
I just struggle with the inconsistency.

"It's cool and probably overdue." vs "Starting to look very seriously in that regard."

What's the difference?  Both are comments made by people that don't say anything concrete.

But, taking a step back, at least there are other rumors about the reunion.  Ain't dick floating around on that supposed new album.

Isn't it fair to say you are probably going to put more stock in whichever one you'd like to see more?  

In other words, if you are super gung-ho about this new album, you might be inclined to tell the reunion folks they are getting carried away over one line followed by silence from all parties.

Conversely, if you are more interested in seeing some sort of reunion, you are probably more inclined to point out that Axl doesn't have the most sterling reputation on follow through, and there isn't even any rumors you can point to that any of that "looking very seriously" came to fruition.

I think concretely dismissing either side out of hand is foolish.  No one knows jack.

I think you had it right the first time with your previous comment... there seems to be NO current rumours about CD2... everything in the media (and yep their guessing) is all about reunion... based on that (and yes its a flimsy base), you would probably put your money on some sort of reunion, hybrid or otherwise at this point IMO.....

In saying that... no-one knows Jack... as you say, so i guess we need to just maintain these excitement levels and wait patiently either way.  ;)

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 09, 2015, 04:48:14 PM
There's no rumors about a new album because nobody made comments to the media about it recently.

A lot of the rumors about the reunion are kinda like Seinfeld's a show about nothing.
Stories are written based on a thing Slash told a Swedish journalist... It has snowballed from there. Not a lot of real information, but a lot of assumptions.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Bridge on December 09, 2015, 04:50:03 PM
There is definitely an air of conspiracy theory "logic" at work here on the reunion angle.

The conspiracy theorist's best friend is silence.  Why aren't they denying my claim that 9/11 was carried out by aliens from outer space?  THEY MUST HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE.

Riiiiiiiiiight.    :)

Stories are written based on a thing Slash told a Swedish journalist...

I've been saying that all along.  It all stemmed from a quote by Slash that likely resulted from him mishearing the question or just wording the answer wrong -- and then people taking it all wrong from there.

I think you had it right the first time with your previous comment... there seems to be NO current rumours about CD2... everything in the media (and yep their guessing) is all about reunion...

Yeah, but that's based more on desire, in my view.  The rumors are circulating around what fans WANT from Guns N Roses, and overall, they obviously want a reunion more than another album from Axl's (now fractured) lineup -- hence the reunion rumor being stronger.  But not more valid.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 09, 2015, 04:57:44 PM
I just struggle with the inconsistency.

"It's cool and probably overdue." vs "Starting to look very seriously in that regard."

What's the difference?  Both are comments made by people that don't say anything concrete.

But, taking a step back, at least there are other rumors about the reunion.  Ain't dick floating around on that supposed new album.

Isn't it fair to say you are probably going to put more stock in whichever one you'd like to see more?  

In other words, if you are super gung-ho about this new album, you might be inclined to tell the reunion folks they are getting carried away over one line followed by silence from all parties.

Conversely, if you are more interested in seeing some sort of reunion, you are probably more inclined to point out that Axl doesn't have the most sterling reputation on follow through, and there isn't even any rumors you can point to that any of that "looking very seriously" came to fruition.

I think concretely dismissing either side out of hand is foolish.  No one knows jack.

I think you had it right the first time with your previous comment... there seems to be NO current rumours about CD2... everything in the media (and yep their guessing) is all about reunion... based on that (and yes its a flimsy base), you would probably put your money on some sort of reunion, hybrid or otherwise at this point IMO.....

In saying that... no-one knows Jack... as you say, so i guess we need to just maintain these excitement levels and wait patiently either way.  ;)

What Is CD2 ?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Bodhi on December 09, 2015, 05:01:25 PM
Eddie Trunk also bitched that Guns N Roses got in on the first ballot to the rock hall while Kiss and a bunch of other bands he listened to in high school didn't.  He also said Guns N Roses only have 1 good album.  That means even delusional wind bags with shifty taste in music seems to realize how wildly inaccurate all of these stories have been.  What does that say for the rest of the media?

Wellllll ... music is subjective...

Gnr is not one his favorite bands, but I think he understand the impact GNR made.

Yeah music is subjective, I was joking around.  But, I don't think he understands the  size of the impact GNR made.  The bands he lumps them in with sometimes blows my mind.  I don't think it's him short changing GNR as much as it is him overvaluing bands that were on his lunchbox in grade school.  He completely disregards anything post 1990.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 09, 2015, 05:02:23 PM
What Is CD2 ?

It's before CD3.  ;)

He completely disregards anything post 1990.

At least Winger is safe then!


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: OscarAxl22 on December 09, 2015, 05:02:52 PM
I just struggle with the inconsistency.

"It's cool and probably overdue." vs "Starting to look very seriously in that regard."

What's the difference?  Both are comments made by people that don't say anything concrete.

But, taking a step back, at least there are other rumors about the reunion.  Ain't dick floating around on that supposed new album.

Isn't it fair to say you are probably going to put more stock in whichever one you'd like to see more?  

In other words, if you are super gung-ho about this new album, you might be inclined to tell the reunion folks they are getting carried away over one line followed by silence from all parties.

Conversely, if you are more interested in seeing some sort of reunion, you are probably more inclined to point out that Axl doesn't have the most sterling reputation on follow through, and there isn't even any rumors you can point to that any of that "looking very seriously" came to fruition.

I think concretely dismissing either side out of hand is foolish.  No one knows jack.

I think you had it right the first time with your previous comment... there seems to be NO current rumours about CD2... everything in the media (and yep their guessing) is all about reunion... based on that (and yes its a flimsy base), you would probably put your money on some sort of reunion, hybrid or otherwise at this point IMO.....

In saying that... no-one knows Jack... as you say, so i guess we need to just maintain these excitement levels and wait patiently either way.  ;)

What Is CD2 ?

Good question.... no-one really knows if its real or a myth.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 09, 2015, 05:12:16 PM
Ridiculous, it is not a may never get released but it is not a "myth"...don't be an ass. See, I can troll too. : ok:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 05:15:24 PM

What Is CD2 ?

It's before CD3.  ;)


I debated posting that very thing.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 09, 2015, 05:19:42 PM
What Is CD2 ?

It's before CD3.  ;)

He completely disregards anything post 1990.

Ahhh, Thanks, After Of CDI

 : ok:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 09, 2015, 05:28:40 PM
Yes, it's between CD and CD3.

CD would be CD1, but people are lazy, so they just don't type that 1.

At least it's not in Roman numerals....

That'd be confusing as hell!  ;D


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 09, 2015, 05:50:52 PM
Yes, it's between CD and CD3.

CD would be CD1, but people are lazy, so they just don't type that 1.

At least it's not in Roman numerals....

That'd be confusing as hell!  ;D


aAahhhhh.. Ok, Then:

- Reunion Is Whit "R" Of Robin -

I Understand, Thanks


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GNR4LIFEJD on December 09, 2015, 10:44:08 PM
with all due respect to everyone in this particular topic I will fully admit I like eddie trunk being a new Yorker that I am his weekly radio show is the only fm time I will listen to because he is the only one that plays the music I enjoy hard rock n heavy metal so if I am biased towards him so be it.

The guy gets inundated with Guns N Roses questions regularly what is the guy supposed to do say nothing? Atleast the guy answers peoples questions you may not like the answer or may not give you a specific answer like yes there is a reunion or no there is not one. I think any criticism towards the guy is unfair. I will always take hearing something over nothing at all.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 09, 2015, 10:55:19 PM

The guy gets inundated with Guns N Roses questions regularly what is the guy supposed to do say nothing? Atleast the guy answers peoples questions you may not like the answer or may not give you a specific answer like yes there is a reunion or no there is not one. I think any criticism towards the guy is unfair. I will always take hearing something over nothing at all.

I agree.

He could have just told people to fuck off.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 09, 2015, 11:45:19 PM
My Respects For Eddie


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: norway on December 10, 2015, 02:04:04 AM

So I think 100% there are talks and hopes of doing something with GnR.

well duh, tell us smt we don't know?

Here?s where the fans can?t be blamed for speculation; there has been no announcement from any source that this ISN?T happening!

It has been shot down since the 90's...

To end this all that would need to happen is Slash, Duff, or Axl put out a statement saying this is not happening and they are staying on their current paths.

It wouldn't 'end all this'. It hasn't so far.


 'Not in this lifetime'

'give me a break'


"There will never come a time when we get all together and play under the name GUNS 'N ROSES because it's too fuckin' tainted,

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 10, 2015, 08:10:46 AM

So I think 100% there are talks and hopes of doing something with GnR.

well duh, tell us smt we don't know?

Here?s where the fans can?t be blamed for speculation; there has been no announcement from any source that this ISN?T happening!

It has been shot down since the 90's...

To end this all that would need to happen is Slash, Duff, or Axl put out a statement saying this is not happening and they are staying on their current paths.

It wouldn't 'end all this'. It hasn't so far.


 'Not in this lifetime'

'give me a break'


"There will never come a time when we get all together and play under the name GUNS 'N ROSES because it's too fuckin' tainted,

Great Post

 : ok:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: JAEBALL on December 10, 2015, 08:34:17 AM
Eddie Trunk also bitched that Guns N Roses got in on the first ballot to the rock hall while Kiss and a bunch of other bands he listened to in high school didn't.  He also said Guns N Roses only have 1 good album.  That means even delusional wind bags with shifty taste in music seems to realize how wildly inaccurate all of these stories have been.  What does that say for the rest of the media?

Wellllll ... music is subjective...

Gnr is not one his favorite bands, but I think he understand the impact GNR made.

Yeah music is subjective, I was joking around.  But, I don't think he understands the  size of the impact GNR made.  The bands he lumps them in with sometimes blows my mind.  I don't think it's him short changing GNR as much as it is him overvaluing bands that were on his lunchbox in grade school.  He completely disregards anything post 1990.

I agree... he is very biased towards those bands from his youth.

BTW... Bodhi... I refuse to see the Point Break remake...what a disgrace!

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 10, 2015, 08:46:09 AM
Ridiculous, it is not a may never get released but it is not a "myth"...don't be an ass. See, I can troll too. : ok:

Too many people have heard material to label it "a myth".

It may be, in the end, unreleased material.  It may all end up in the vaults.

But I think labeling it a myth would indicate the material simply doesn't exist, in any way, shape, or form...and that all the discussion about it has been fake(d).

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 10, 2015, 10:02:38 AM

BTW... Bodhi... I refuse to see the Point Break remake...what a disgrace!

Very tough to remake a "so bad, its good" movie.

Can't ever replicate the campy value that make it fun.

The 'Road House' remake will run into the same problems.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 10, 2015, 10:05:45 AM

Ridiculous, it is not a may never get released but it is not a "myth"...don't be an ass. See, I can troll too. : ok:

Too many people have heard material to label it "a myth".

It may be, in the end, unreleased material.  It may all end up in the vaults.

But I think labeling it a myth would indicate the material simply doesn't exist, in any way, shape, or form...and that all the discussion about it has been fake(d).

If I say I've painted a masterpiece, even if I can produce a handful of people that will swear to it on a stack of bible books, what value does it have to anyone if it never sees the light of day?

Aren't we both making semantic arguments here?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: JAEBALL on December 10, 2015, 10:08:17 AM

BTW... Bodhi... I refuse to see the Point Break remake...what a disgrace!

Very tough to remake a "so bad, its good" movie.

Can't ever replicate the campy value that make it fun.

The 'Road House' remake will run into the same problems.

100 percent...The original is so bad that its one of my favorite movies ever.

"I'm so hungry I could eat the ass end out of a dead rhino, I should have had you get me three of these things!"

Axl should have been one of the bad guy surfers with Anthony Kiedis.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 10, 2015, 10:22:15 AM
If I say I've painted a masterpiece, even if I can produce a handful of people that will swear to it on a stack of bible books, what value does it have to anyone if it never sees the light of day?

Aren't we both making semantic arguments here?

The chances of the public seeing the painting is a bit bigger if it actually exists, compared to it just being an imaginary thing that only exists in your mind....

So yeah, it does matter. :)


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 10, 2015, 10:29:13 AM

If I say I've painted a masterpiece, even if I can produce a handful of people that will swear to it on a stack of bible books, what value does it have to anyone if it never sees the light of day?

Aren't we both making semantic arguments here?

The chances of the public seeing the painting is a bit bigger if it actually exists, compared to it just being an imaginary thing that only exists in your mind....

So yeah, it does matter. :)

Yeah, except it doesn't, really.

My imaginary painting and Axl's totally real album are running neck and neck right now on the relevance scale.

pilferk is right that its incorrect to label it a total myth, as if the sessions never happened.  That's obviously not accurate.

But until it comes out, who really gives a shit?  It has no value to anyone right now.  Nothing is being accomplished while Axl looks VERY seriously at it.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 10, 2015, 10:34:47 AM
What value did Brian Wilson's 'Smile' really have, the 30 or so years it sat locked away?

Wilson and some of his buddies could correctly claim it exists.  But so what?  Who what that helping and what was it accomplishing for anyone?

We are in that "tree falls in the forest" scenario with this album.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 10, 2015, 10:55:37 AM

If I say I've painted a masterpiece, even if I can produce a handful of people that will swear to it on a stack of bible books, what value does it have to anyone if it never sees the light of day?

Aren't we both making semantic arguments here?

It has value to the artist...and maybe to those that have seen/heard it.

I refer squarely to "The Santa Clause":

Ever seen a million dollars, in person?  No.  I know people who have.  Does that fact YOU'VE never seen it mean it's a myth? Or that it doesn't exist? Or that it has no value?

And yes, I know it's not the same thing.  But in terms of "real vs myth", it's still a decent analogy.

There are enough people, in the industry, who have heard pieces of unreleased material, and commented on it's quality that I'm pretty sure CD2 isn't Santa, or the Easter Bunny.

Semantics? No.  Not here.  I think we're actually arguing reality vs perception, and whether something can be real just because the observer in question can't see it or perceive it.  It's not even "faith" on this.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 10, 2015, 10:58:16 AM
What value did Brian Wilson's 'Smile' really have, the 30 or so years it sat locked away?

Wilson and some of his buddies could correctly claim it exists.  But so what?  Who what that helping and what was it accomplishing for anyone?

We are in that "tree falls in the forest" scenario with this album.

I remember the movie, an old Brian Wilson goes to buy a car, and the car saleswoman doesnt know who he is: the name Brian Wilson no longer rang a bell, but of couse the name Beach Boys did.

Waiting too long is like erasing your brand little by little. So its like starting over from scratch in a sense.
When that tree falls for everyone to see, nobody will know what kind of tree it is, why it matters if it falls, and why should they even look at it.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 10, 2015, 10:58:23 AM

Yeah, except it doesn't, really.

My imaginary painting and Axl's totally real album are running neck and neck right now on the relevance scale.

pilferk is right that its incorrect to label it a total myth, as if the sessions never happened.  That's obviously not accurate.

But until it comes out, who really gives a shit?  It has no value to anyone right now.  Nothing is being accomplished while Axl looks VERY seriously at it.

It might not have value TO YOU.  But you (the consumer/fan/whatever) aren't the only person who could/would find value in the material.

Axl might. Other band members might. Those that have heard it, and potentially been inspired by it, might find value in it.  Those that have heard it and then based business or other decisions based on that hearing might find value in it.

It's not relevant to the masses, maybe.  Other than as a discussion point, here.  But then, I guess that's value, too.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 10, 2015, 10:59:55 AM
What value did Brian Wilson's 'Smile' really have, the 30 or so years it sat locked away?

Wilson and some of his buddies could correctly claim it exists.  But so what?  Who what that helping and what was it accomplishing for anyone?

We are in that "tree falls in the forest" scenario with this album.

I guess my problem in all this is that you're passing judgment on a things existence/status based on some sort of value calculation...which is ephemeral and sort of personal, even if it was released.

Even so, It's effect is, at this point, narrow.  It's not non-existent.

And the thing is, as for the "tree falls in the forest" this case we have reports from folks that it made a noise when it fell.  So....maybe not apt.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 10, 2015, 11:12:22 AM
My imaginary painting and Axl's totally real album are running neck and neck right now on the relevance scale.

You're giving yourself way too much credit.

The music exists, the other... Probably like your imaginary celebrity girlfriend.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 10, 2015, 11:13:18 AM
pilferk is right

I have printed this, framed it, and hung it over my PC.

I also just had to break out the portable defib.

Elizabeth? Elizabeth? This is the big one!! I'm coming, Elizabeth?


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 10, 2015, 11:33:00 AM

pilferk is right

I have printed this, framed it, and hung it over my PC.

I also just had to break out the portable defib.

Elizabeth? Elizabeth? This is the big one!! I'm coming, Elizabeth?


I tell you you're right all the time.

Save this sentiment for when I tell Jarmo he's being fun and breezy in one of our conversations.  THAT will be news.  "Man walks on the moon" type news.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 10, 2015, 11:33:48 AM
pilferk is right

I have printed this, framed it, and hung it over my PC.

I also just had to break out the portable defib.

Elizabeth? Elizabeth? This is the big one!! I'm coming, Elizabeth?




Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 10, 2015, 01:02:10 PM

I tell you you're right all the time.

Save this sentiment for when I tell Jarmo he's being fun and breezy in one of our conversations.  THAT will be news.  "Man walks on the moon" type news.

Yeah, I still really like it, though.  And in THAT particular context....well, Xmas maybe came early. :P

I'm just bustin' yer arse...

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 10, 2015, 01:02:46 PM
pilferk is right

I have printed this, framed it, and hung it over my PC.

I also just had to break out the portable defib.

Elizabeth? Elizabeth? This is the big one!! I'm coming, Elizabeth?




THANK GOD someone got the reference.  I was legit worried nobody would and would be like WTF?!

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 10, 2015, 01:05:47 PM
Oh yeah, I use that Fred Sanford reference all the time.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 10, 2015, 01:38:59 PM
The Junkyard Genius.... ;)

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 10, 2015, 05:25:52 PM

If I say I've painted a masterpiece, even if I can produce a handful of people that will swear to it on a stack of bible books, what value does it have to anyone if it never sees the light of day?

Aren't we both making semantic arguments here?

It has value to the artist...and maybe to those that have seen/heard it.

I refer squarely to "The Santa Clause":

Ever seen a million dollars, in person?  No.  I know people who have.  Does that fact YOU'VE never seen it mean it's a myth? Or that it doesn't exist? Or that it has no value?

And yes, I know it's not the same thing.  But in terms of "real vs myth", it's still a decent analogy.

There are enough people, in the industry, who have heard pieces of unreleased material, and commented on it's quality that I'm pretty sure CD2 isn't Santa, or the Easter Bunny.

Semantics? No.  Not here.  I think we're actually arguing reality vs perception, and whether something can be real just because the observer in question can't see it or perceive it.  It's not even "faith" on this.

I agree with you that people from the industry have heard pieces of unreleased material. The thing is pieces are far from being a full album.

So if what Axl has in The Vault are pieces instead an album ready to be released, then there is no such a thing as CDII.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 10, 2015, 05:47:52 PM
But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That's already recorded.

Notice how he didn't say he had pieces recorded.
Maybe next we'll be discussing what second half means....  If it's the second half, does it mean it's the pieces that make the whole second half and the whole second half is half of the full two halves? :hihi:


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 10, 2015, 06:11:44 PM
But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That's already recorded.

Notice how he didn't say he had pieces recorded.
Maybe next we'll be discussing what second half means....  If it's the second half, does it mean it's the pieces that make the whole second half and the whole second half is half of the full two halves? :hihi:


Just because he didn?t use the word pieces it doesn?t necesarilly means there is a full album ready to be released.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 10, 2015, 06:40:35 PM
Whatever you say.

No point in arguing with someone who knows better than Axl himself.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 10, 2015, 06:55:16 PM

If I say I've painted a masterpiece, even if I can produce a handful of people that will swear to it on a stack of bible books, what value does it have to anyone if it never sees the light of day?

Aren't we both making semantic arguments here?

It has value to the artist...and maybe to those that have seen/heard it.

I refer squarely to "The Santa Clause":

Ever seen a million dollars, in person?  No.  I know people who have.  Does that fact YOU'VE never seen it mean it's a myth? Or that it doesn't exist? Or that it has no value?

And yes, I know it's not the same thing.  But in terms of "real vs myth", it's still a decent analogy.

There are enough people, in the industry, who have heard pieces of unreleased material, and commented on it's quality that I'm pretty sure CD2 isn't Santa, or the Easter Bunny.

Semantics? No.  Not here.  I think we're actually arguing reality vs perception, and whether something can be real just because the observer in question can't see it or perceive it.  It's not even "faith" on this.

I agree with you that people from the industry have heard pieces of unreleased material. The thing is pieces are far from being a full album.

So if what Axl has in The Vault are pieces instead an album ready to be released, then there is no such a thing as CDII.

axl said the second half of chinese is recorded.

Folks have attested to that, and have verified hearing the material.

The only person who, at this point, i've seen assume that its only pieces, rather than a full slate of material at some stage in the production process, is you.

I'll stick with axl, and the folks who claim to have heard the material, here.  :beer:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 11, 2015, 02:07:21 AM

If I say I've painted a masterpiece, even if I can produce a handful of people that will swear to it on a stack of bible books, what value does it have to anyone if it never sees the light of day?

Aren't we both making semantic arguments here?

It has value to the artist...and maybe to those that have seen/heard it.

I refer squarely to "The Santa Clause":

Ever seen a million dollars, in person?  No.  I know people who have.  Does that fact YOU'VE never seen it mean it's a myth? Or that it doesn't exist? Or that it has no value?

And yes, I know it's not the same thing.  But in terms of "real vs myth", it's still a decent analogy.

There are enough people, in the industry, who have heard pieces of unreleased material, and commented on it's quality that I'm pretty sure CD2 isn't Santa, or the Easter Bunny.

Semantics? No.  Not here.  I think we're actually arguing reality vs perception, and whether something can be real just because the observer in question can't see it or perceive it.  It's not even "faith" on this.

I agree with you that people from the industry have heard pieces of unreleased material. The thing is pieces are far from being a full album.

So if what Axl has in The Vault are pieces instead an album ready to be released, then there is no such a thing as CDII.

axl said the second half of chinese is recorded.

Folks have attested to that, and have verified hearing the material.

The only person who, at this point, i've seen assume that its only pieces, rather than a full slate of material at some stage in the production process, is you.

I'll stick with axl, and the folks who claim to have heard the material, here.  :beer:

No, it wasn?t me talking about pieces. You brought it up.  :smoking:

Look I?m 100% sure that over the years they have tapes with recorded material. Many band members have said they have share files of material that obviously has been recorded. Can we call that an album?

 With the old band we all have heard bootlegs with with demos, accustic versions, piano version, rehearsals etc. All that stuff is not the final product we ended up having. All that stuff is not an album all by itself.

If the new band recorded some accustic version of Soul Monster or a piano version of The General. That is not an album

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 04:28:14 AM

If I say I've painted a masterpiece, even if I can produce a handful of people that will swear to it on a stack of bible books, what value does it have to anyone if it never sees the light of day?

Aren't we both making semantic arguments here?

It has value to the artist...and maybe to those that have seen/heard it.

I refer squarely to "The Santa Clause":

Ever seen a million dollars, in person?  No.  I know people who have.  Does that fact YOU'VE never seen it mean it's a myth? Or that it doesn't exist? Or that it has no value?

And yes, I know it's not the same thing.  But in terms of "real vs myth", it's still a decent analogy.

There are enough people, in the industry, who have heard pieces of unreleased material, and commented on it's quality that I'm pretty sure CD2 isn't Santa, or the Easter Bunny.

Semantics? No.  Not here.  I think we're actually arguing reality vs perception, and whether something can be real just because the observer in question can't see it or perceive it.  It's not even "faith" on this.

I agree with you that people from the industry have heard pieces of unreleased material. The thing is pieces are far from being a full album.

So if what Axl has in The Vault are pieces instead an album ready to be released, then there is no such a thing as CDII.

axl said the second half of chinese is recorded.

Folks have attested to that, and have verified hearing the material.

The only person who, at this point, i've seen assume that its only pieces, rather than a full slate of material at some stage in the production process, is you.

I'll stick with axl, and the folks who claim to have heard the material, here.  :beer:

No, it wasn?t me talking about pieces. You brought it up.  :smoking:

Look I?m 100% sure that over the years they have tapes with recorded material. Many band members have said they have share files of material that obviously has been recorded. Can we call that an album?

 With the old band we all have heard bootlegs with with demos, accustic versions, piano version, rehearsals etc. All that stuff is not the final product we ended up having. All that stuff is not an album all by itself.

If the new band recorded some accustic version of Soul Monster or a piano version of The General. That is not an album

From the Revolver interview-

?We recorded a lot of things before Chinese was out,? ?We?ve worked more on some of those things and we?ve written a few new things. But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That?s already recorded. And then we have a remix album made of the songs from Chinese. That?s been done for a while, too.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 11, 2015, 05:19:14 AM
pilferk is right

I have printed this, framed it, and hung it over my PC.

I also just had to break out the portable defib.

Elizabeth? Elizabeth? This is the big one!! I'm coming, Elizabeth?




THANK GOD someone got the reference.  I was legit worried nobody would and would be like WTF?!

not only did i get the reference, but it always reminds me of my great grandpa i used to live with. he always said he was dying. "i wont make it till tomorrow. im dying esther, im dying!". it went on for years. got to the point that you almost couldnt help but smirk when he said it.

then one night, when i was just about to go under for an operation to get a tumor removed from my stomach, he called me and told me he was dying. "yeah grandpa, i know. youre dying. i really need to go... love you, gtg." that night, he actually died! it was the first in a series of events that led to my 4 months or so of homelessness. i had a job and was a full time student, but no way could i afford to pay rent in ca! i used to watch that show with him all the time. he also used to always say he was gonna win the publishers clearing house thingy, but that never happened.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 06:20:36 AM
No, it wasn?t me talking about pieces. You brought it up.  :smoking:

Where did I say there were pieces?

That concept wholly came from you. And seemingly no where else.

Look I?m 100% sure that over the years they have tapes with recorded material. Many band members have said they have share files of material that obviously has been recorded. Can we call that an album?

 With the old band we all have heard bootlegs with with demos, accustic versions, piano version, rehearsals etc. All that stuff is not the final product we ended up having. All that stuff is not an album all by itself.

If the new band recorded some accustic version of Soul Monster or a piano version of The General. That is not an album

That is not what Axl said.  Nor is it what the people who've heard the material have said. And, indeed, the only person I can see supposing that it is all that exists

Axl said CD 2 was "already recorded". That means it's not's all the tracks necessary to assemble final versions of the song. That's not to say certain tracks won't get re-recorded, and swapped in, as that happened with CD, too. So the final versions of the tracks might not be assembled, from a production standpoint, but...yeah...I'd call that an album.  Released or not.  Not polished, mixed, and mastered...but an album.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 06:23:27 AM
From the Revolver interview-

?We recorded a lot of things before Chinese was out,? ?We?ve worked more on some of those things and we?ve written a few new things. But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That?s already recorded. And then we have a remix album made of the songs from Chinese. That?s been done for a while, too.

Exactly.  I'm not sure how you come away, after reading that, and after hearing numerous people talk about having heard the material, both in and out of the band, that it's "demos and pieces".

Nor do I get why, if you do, you expect others to take your word for it being in that condition.  In direct contradiction to people who would actually know and their comments. Weird.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 07:07:53 AM
Yeah, I don't see how you make that assumption either...


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 11, 2015, 07:52:26 AM

If I say I've painted a masterpiece, even if I can produce a handful of people that will swear to it on a stack of bible books, what value does it have to anyone if it never sees the light of day?

Aren't we both making semantic arguments here?

It has value to the artist...and maybe to those that have seen/heard it.

I refer squarely to "The Santa Clause":

Ever seen a million dollars, in person?  No.  I know people who have.  Does that fact YOU'VE never seen it mean it's a myth? Or that it doesn't exist? Or that it has no value?

And yes, I know it's not the same thing.  But in terms of "real vs myth", it's still a decent analogy.

There are enough people, in the industry, who have heard pieces of unreleased material, and commented on it's quality that I'm pretty sure CD2 isn't Santa, or the Easter Bunny.

Semantics? No.  Not here.  I think we're actually arguing reality vs perception, and whether something can be real just because the observer in question can't see it or perceive it.  It's not even "faith" on this.

There... Your own post

As for the definition of album, I guess we have agree to disagree. For me not final versions, not polished, not mixed. It is no album. But if you it is, fine

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 07:59:16 AM

If I say I've painted a masterpiece, even if I can produce a handful of people that will swear to it on a stack of bible books, what value does it have to anyone if it never sees the light of day?

Aren't we both making semantic arguments here?

It has value to the artist...and maybe to those that have seen/heard it.

I refer squarely to "The Santa Clause":

Ever seen a million dollars, in person?  No.  I know people who have.  Does that fact YOU'VE never seen it mean it's a myth? Or that it doesn't exist? Or that it has no value?

And yes, I know it's not the same thing.  But in terms of "real vs myth", it's still a decent analogy.

There are enough people, in the industry, who have heard pieces of unreleased material, and commented on it's quality that I'm pretty sure CD2 isn't Santa, or the Easter Bunny.

Semantics? No.  Not here.  I think we're actually arguing reality vs perception, and whether something can be real just because the observer in question can't see it or perceive it.  It's not even "faith" on this.

There... Your own post

As for the definition of album, I guess we have agree to disagree. For me not final versions, not polished, not mixed. It is no album. But if you it is, fine

OK, I get it.  You just completely misunderstood what I meant.

Pieces meaning many of the folks commenting outside the band have not heard, from start to finish, every track from the album. They've heard pieces of the unreleased album, as a whole, in the form of single (or a few) specific tracks...but tracks that are relatively finished. But Axl has, and I'm sure the band has, heard all of it. They have also commented. So, in sum total, the depiction is an entire construct.

Not meaning they've heard snippets, demos, and "pieces" of songs. Big difference

And if your definition of an album is "only finished and released material"...then nobody can ever announce anything, ever...or be working on creating anything, ever...because it can't exist til it's completely done and on store shelves.  Your definition is much more narrow than the one that's commonly used.  Which is fine...but it's going to pretty much mean you're unable to discuss anything on this topic with most folks on that front.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 11, 2015, 08:27:52 AM
I?m not talking about released. I?m talking about a process. Something that it is in production or preproduction it is not much of an album to me. Now if you tell me about final versions of songs in the process of being polished or mixed. That?s another story.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 08:31:13 AM
Let me put it this way:

Using your narrow definition, Chinese Democracy, the album, did not exist until it hit store shelves in 2008.

Despite the fact there were comments from within, and from outside, the band who had heard the material. Despite the fact Axl had said that the material was recorded. Despite the fact we'd all pretty much heard some of the material performed live. Despite the fact that very rough mixes of many (most?) of the tracks had leaked before the album release.

Despite all evidence pointing to the fact that there was, in fact, a relatively completed your definition, it didn't exist because it wasn't released.

That's fine, if that's your litmus.  But I think you're going to run into issues when discussing that topic, going forward (or backwards), with folks.  Because generally, the definition of an album is a little more broad.  "Smile" by Brian Wilson.  "Extrodinary Machine" by Fiona Apple.  Those were examples of albums that are considered to have existed long before they actually saw the light of day.....

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 08:34:59 AM
I?m not talking about released. I?m talking about a process. Something that it is in production or preproduction it is not much of an album to me. Now if you tell me about final versions of songs in the process of being polished or mixed. That?s another story.

Thats a VERY narrow definition that I don't think you'll find many people are going to share with you.

So then what's your litmus test for finished?

Packed with artwork, booklet, and linear notes?

Mixed and mastered?

Fully recorded, and READY to be mixed and mastered? (This seems to be the stage the material is at, since Axl says the recording is done)

Completely written and ready to be recorded?

Something else?

Again, I refer back to CD.  From comments, it seems like the material is right about the place it was when we started to get the CD leaks. Fully recorded, but likely not final mixed and mastered.  And there's always a chance that certain tracks get re-recorded/redubbed during the mixing process, to get a specific sound.  That's true of every album recorded since mixing was a thing.

And don't think that's an album.  Sorry, I just don't think you're going to find many folks who jump off at that same point.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 08:41:41 AM
I?m not talking about released. I?m talking about a process. Something that it is in production or preproduction it is not much of an album to me. Now if you tell me about final versions of songs in the process of being polished or mixed. That?s another story.

To add...commonly in the music industry:

Pre-production = writing and song creation
Production = recording process
post-production = mixing and mastering process (and marketing, pack in creation, etc)

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 11, 2015, 08:54:49 AM
I am quite certain there is an album of material, maybe 2 albums of material well in to post production....again, whether it sees the light of day is a whole other issue.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 09:06:12 AM

I?m not talking about released. I?m talking about a process. Something that it is in production or preproduction it is not much of an album to me. Now if you tell me about final versions of songs in the process of being polished or mixed. That?s another story.

Frankly, the songs not being quite all the way done yet is a pro-Axl argument, as far as I'm concerned.

Why?  Because the alternative is that its all done, been done, and he's just been staring at the master tapes for 18 months, if not longer.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 11, 2015, 09:11:50 AM
I know you don't buy in to this, but maybe there is a few songs he wants Slash to play on......

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: JAEBALL on December 11, 2015, 09:15:02 AM
The songs are there...

Axl said they were recorded...

I mean jesus.. some of those songs are 20 years old! I sure hope they are "finished" by now....

I find it amazing that this is still a debate... he will release them when ... HE WANTS TO ... same with Chinese... up until 2006 or so when the record company held things up for a year or two.

I firmly believe him when he says there's another record and a remix... but lets face it Axl is on Axl time.. and we all know that's different than most!

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: JAEBALL on December 11, 2015, 09:15:40 AM
I know you don't buy in to this, but maybe there is a few songs he wants Slash to play on......

Would be pretty freaking cool...

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 09:16:10 AM

I know you don't buy in to this, but maybe there is a few songs he wants Slash to play on......

I don't really buy it, no.

Having said that, if that turned out to be true, it puts a better spin on the situation.

No different than a reunion tour.  It's the same principle.

If a reunion tour is announced, right away "Axl's just been sitting on his ass doing nothing" is cast in a whole new light.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 11, 2015, 09:16:18 AM
22 songs according to Tommy...36 songs recorded during the chinese sessions.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 11, 2015, 09:18:19 AM
If a hybrid lineup is what they are doing, adding Slash to some of the more traditional tracks is a win-win for all.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 09:20:03 AM

Frankly, the songs not being quite all the way done yet is a pro-Axl argument, as far as I'm concerned.

Why?  Because the alternative is that its all done, been done, and he's just been staring at the master tapes for 18 months, if not longer.

Yeah, I don't think it's final mixed and mastered. Maybe, but given the way CD played out, I don't think so.  I think it's all likely rough mixed material (aka: "CD leak quality").

IMHO, it probably needs some spit and polish, and then mastering, before release.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 09:21:01 AM
22 songs according to Tommy...36 songs recorded during the chinese sessions.

Which is actually MORE than another album.  It's like an album and a half.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: norway on December 11, 2015, 09:24:04 AM

From the Revolver interview-

?We recorded a lot of things before Chinese was out,? ?We?ve worked more on some of those things and we?ve written a few new things. But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That?s already recorded. And then we have a remix album made of the songs from Chinese. That?s been done for a while, too.

Noted how media don't spin 'Axl promise follow-up and remix-album after end of vegas-residency', but Tommy and Slash-interviews gets blown out of proportions? :P

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 09:24:14 AM

If a hybrid lineup is what they are doing, adding Slash to some of the more traditional tracks is a win-win for all.

Oh, it would help.

But let me ask you this.  This isn't like adding the Ron Thals of the world to a mostly finished tracks.  I don't know you can bring in the second most famous person in band history, a guy recognized as a true giant in his field, and tell him he's just throwing a few licks over Robin Finck's work.

Wouldn't you have to erase what's on there and give him a full crack?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 09:24:57 AM

From the Revolver interview-

?We recorded a lot of things before Chinese was out,? ?We?ve worked more on some of those things and we?ve written a few new things. But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That?s already recorded. And then we have a remix album made of the songs from Chinese. That?s been done for a while, too.

Noted how media don't spin this 'Axl promise follow-up and remix-album after end of vegas-residency', but Tommy and Slash-interviews gets blown out of proportions? :P

Because no one believes Axl.  He's the The Boy Who Cried New Album at this point.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 11, 2015, 09:29:01 AM

If a hybrid lineup is what they are doing, adding Slash to some of the more traditional tracks is a win-win for all.

Oh, it would help.

But let me ask you this.  This isn't like adding the Ron Thals of the world to a mostly finished tracks.  I don't know you can bring in the second most famous person in band history, a guy recognized as a true giant in his field, and tell him he's just throwing a few licks over Robin Finck's work.

Wouldn't you have to erase what's on there and give him a full crack?

maybe....the guts of the song would already be done so give Slash the guts and vocals and see what he can do with it.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 09:29:51 AM

Oh, it would help.

But let me ask you this.  This isn't like adding the Ron Thals of the world to a mostly finished tracks.  I don't know you can bring in the second most famous person in band history, a guy recognized as a true giant in his field, and tell him he's just throwing a few licks over Robin Finck's work.

Wouldn't you have to erase what's on there and give him a full crack?

You definitely give him the song, and let him take a full crack at the track, if he wants it.

But he's still left to work within the confines of the existing song structure, so....

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 09:32:04 AM

But let me ask you this.  This isn't like adding the Ron Thals of the world to a mostly finished tracks.  I don't know you can bring in the second most famous person in band history, a guy recognized as a true giant in his field, and tell him he's just throwing a few licks over Robin Finck's work.

Wouldn't you have to erase what's on there and give him a full crack?

maybe....the guts of the song would already be done so give Slash the guts and vocals and see what he can do with it.

Oh yeah, I don't think he'd rewrite anything.  I think he would just put his own spin on it.

But in its entirety.  I don't see Slash as a complimentary piece.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: norway on December 11, 2015, 09:34:34 AM

From the Revolver interview-

?We recorded a lot of things before Chinese was out,? ?We?ve worked more on some of those things and we?ve written a few new things. But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That?s already recorded. And then we have a remix album made of the songs from Chinese. That?s been done for a while, too.

Noted how media don't spin this 'Axl promise follow-up and remix-album after end of vegas-residency', but Tommy and Slash-interviews gets blown out of proportions? :P

Because no one believes Axl.  He's the The Boy Who Cried New Album at this point.

hahaha :lmao:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 11, 2015, 10:04:29 AM

From the Revolver interview-

?We recorded a lot of things before Chinese was out,? ?We?ve worked more on some of those things and we?ve written a few new things. But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That?s already recorded. And then we have a remix album made of the songs from Chinese. That?s been done for a while, too.

Noted how media don't spin this 'Axl promise follow-up and remix-album after end of vegas-residency', but Tommy and Slash-interviews gets blown out of proportions? :P

Because no one believes Axl.  He's the The Boy Who Cried New Album at this point.

hahaha :lmao:

And this is the reason why you can't really blame people for complaining.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 10:44:58 AM

From the Revolver interview-

?We recorded a lot of things before Chinese was out,? ?We?ve worked more on some of those things and we?ve written a few new things. But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That?s already recorded. And then we have a remix album made of the songs from Chinese. That?s been done for a while, too.

Noted how media don't spin this 'Axl promise follow-up and remix-album after end of vegas-residency', but Tommy and Slash-interviews gets blown out of proportions? :P

Because no one believes Axl.  He's the The Boy Who Cried New Album at this point.


Just because you don't believe a new album exists doesn't mean everyone shares your view.

I find people that frequently lie and are dishonest are the first ones to jump up and accuse others of doing the same thing.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 11:07:18 AM

Just because you don't believe a new album exists doesn't mean everyone shares your view.

That's not what I'm saying.  I'm speaking to the contrast in reactions.

My post was a response to the questions why "the media" is not holding Axl's feet to the fire based on his Revolver interview.

And the answer is that no one really believes him.  Not that he's lying.  But they roll their eyes as they read it, because his track record is so piss poor.

The diehard GNR fan wants to believe, so they have a rosier outlook.

But the rest of the planet?  Goes something like this :

"So, going to start the business of getting that follow up together for release, huh?  Great.  Oh, and a remix album too, huh?  That's just dynamite.  Tell you what...I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing in the meantime.  That cool?  I'm sure this is all totally happening though."

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 11:15:26 AM

Just because you don't believe a new album exists doesn't mean everyone shares your view.

That's not what I'm saying.  I'm speaking to the contrast in reactions.

My post was a response to the questions why "the media" is not holding Axl's feet to the fire based on his Revolver interview.

And the answer is that no one really believes him.  Not that he's lying.  But they roll their eyes as they read it, because his track record is so piss poor.

The diehard GNR fan wants to believe, so they have a rosier outlook.

But the rest of the planet?  Goes something like this :

"So, going to start the business of getting that follow up together for release, huh?  Great.  Oh, and a remix album too, huh?  That's just dynamite.  Tell you what...I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing in the meantime.  That cool?  I'm sure this is all totally happening though."

Not honestly interested in your imaginary dialogues you concoct in your head.

I don't think "everyone" has your outlook of not believing him, and you do not speak for everyone, nor could you know what everyone is thinking.

The media hasn't got a great track record.

The release of CD was a perfect storm of Murphy's Law happenings, and conflict- It is amazing it got released in 2008 all things considered.

?To say the making of this album has been an unbearably long and incomprehensible journey would be an understatement,? Rose wrote. ?Overcoming the endless and seemingly insanity of the obstacles faced by all involved, not withstanding the emotional challenges endured by everyone: the fans, the band, our road crew and business team has at many times seemed for all like a bad dream where one wakes up only to find they are still in the nightmare and unfortunately this time it has been played out for over a decade in real life.

?The true ongoing behind-the-scenes triumphs and casualties are much more complicated than any negative speculation that media or otherwise has managed to hit upon. For much of the time some form or another of legalities have been taking place that really the best way to deal with publicly was to keep our mouths shut in an attempt to ensure the best outcome and especially one that wouldn?t jeopardize the band or the album.?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 11:22:19 AM

I don't think "everyone" has your outlook of not believing him, and you do not speak for everyone, nor could you know what everyone is thinking.

Check the emotion at the door for a second, if you even can, and just listen to what I am saying.

Its less about not believing him, and more about believing it when they see it.  But given his penchant for absurd delays, little point in wasting a lot of time and effort following up on his claims.

Which is why there has not been much follow up, or wondering about his progress, since the Revolver interview.  Which is how this conversation began.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 11:37:35 AM

"So, going to start the business of getting that follow up together for release, huh?  Great.  Oh, and a remix album too, huh?  That's just dynamite.  Tell you what...I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing in the meantime.  That cool?  I'm sure this is all totally happening though."

Without the sarcasm, and that last bit...that's pretty much my reaction, too.  And not in a bad way...I'm firmly in the "Go live your life" boat.  And that's not because I think Axl is lying, or whatever.  It's because we know there have been LONG stretches with no new material. Shit happens. I jokingly refer to it as "Slash's Snake Bit" amongst my friends.   Sorta like the curse of the Bambino.

Not that I'm not above making a foray here, to chat with everyone on the subject.  And do some speculation.  But I believe it's coming when a release date is announced, or a (approved) single is on the radio.

I'm also a Disney nut, specifically the Disney parks.  I take a similar tactic with them: Until there is vertical construction, even announcements aren't a good indicator.

It happens when it happens.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 11:44:10 AM

Without the sarcasm...

You might as well as not even have the conversation.

Sarcasm is the *best* case scenario of a reaction from non-GNR diehards.  I didn't even bother to speak on the people that give precisely no fucks about a new album from replacement players on any level.  People that absolutely exist.

Sarcasm is what you get from people still interested on some level, but well aware the relying on Axl following through on anything resembling a timely manner is a fool's errand.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 11:46:14 AM
You might as well as not even have the conversation.

Sarcasm is the *best* case scenario of a reaction from non-GNR diehards.  I didn't even bother to speak on the people that give precisely no fucks about a new album from replacement players on any level.  People that absolutely exist.

Sarcasm is what you get from people still interested on some level, but well aware the relying on Axl following through on anything resembling a timely manner is a fool's errand.

No, no...I get all that.

I was just pointing out that the reactions aren't all that different, other than the tone (and again, that last bit).  That was really the only point.  And some personal anecdote.  I wasn't trying to make a larger point or anything.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 12:14:56 PM

I don't think "everyone" has your outlook of not believing him, and you do not speak for everyone, nor could you know what everyone is thinking.

Check the emotion at the door for a second, if you even can, and just listen to what I am saying.

Its less about not believing him, and more about believing it when they see it.  But given his penchant for absurd delays, little point in wasting a lot of time and effort following up on his claims.

Which is why there has not been much follow up, or wondering about his progress, since the Revolver interview.  Which is how this conversation began.

No emotion involved on my part, you are wrong yet again. :D

I don't and haven't seen any "absurd delays"- I think you are once again attempting to put a negative spin on things.

No release date was announced in the revolver interview- and there will be updates/announcements when there is something ready to announce.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 11, 2015, 12:41:51 PM
I?m not talking about released. I?m talking about a process. Something that it is in production or preproduction it is not much of an album to me. Now if you tell me about final versions of songs in the process of being polished or mixed. That?s another story.

Thats a VERY narrow definition that I don't think you'll find many people are going to share with you.

So then what's your litmus test for finished?

Packed with artwork, booklet, and linear notes?

Mixed and mastered?

Fully recorded, and READY to be mixed and mastered? (This seems to be the stage the material is at, since Axl says the recording is done)

Completely written and ready to be recorded?

Something else?

Again, I refer back to CD.  From comments, it seems like the material is right about the place it was when we started to get the CD leaks. Fully recorded, but likely not final mixed and mastered.  And there's always a chance that certain tracks get re-recorded/redubbed during the mixing process, to get a specific sound.  That's true of every album recorded since mixing was a thing.

And don't think that's an album.  Sorry, I just don't think you're going to find many folks who jump off at that same point.

I believe it when I see it. You and others are free to believe otherwise. All I know is that not even one of those 100 songs you and others say they have recorded is avaible on iTunes. Not even one of those songs have been performed at shows. Not even one of those songs have ever been part of a movie soundtrack. We don?t even have a name for the so called album.

This wasn?t the case with CD. Before it was released we had something tangible. There was some evidence. We could at least believe there was something in the making.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 12:44:31 PM
I guess the latest go to excuse is that those who don't share his outlook on things are emotionally invested in the topic?

Not only are we "blind followers", we're also emotionally attached to things which makes us see things differently.

You can't make this shit up.

I'm sorry if I don't buy this lame retort about emotions. Nobody believes that anybody here is a robot without emotions.

If you're here, you got some kind of connection with the band and/or its music. There's emotions involved. Is this just another try at making one seem better than others? "Look at them, they're emotionally invested in this while I'm so objective and the only one who can think freely". Please come down.....


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 12:46:13 PM
Before it was released we had something tangible. There was some evidence. We could at least believe there was something in the making.

Who's "we"?  ???


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 12:48:12 PM

This wasn?t the case with CD. Before it was released we had something tangible. There was some evidence. We could at least believe there was something in the making.

Its definitely weird.  I've brought it up, but got shouted down.

Using the band's past history seems to only apply on a case by case basis.  What's important is that everything is still rosy, so fear not.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 12:49:05 PM

Before it was released we had something tangible. There was some evidence. We could at least believe there was something in the making.

Who's "we"?  ???

Anyone still giving enough of a shit to follow this misadventure from 01.01.01 onwards.

So...just about everyone here.  And countless other folks that don't post at this particular spot.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 12:50:57 PM

I'm sorry if I don't buy this lame retort about emotions. Nobody believes that anybody here is a robot without emotions.

No, but you get your back up and take everything as a grave insult.  It suggests an emotional hypersensitive mindset.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 12:52:50 PM
Anyone still giving enough of a shit to follow this misadventure from 01.01.01 onwards.

So...just about everyone here.  And countless other folks that don't post at this particular spot.

Why do you need to always find a way to be negative? Are you having a bad day? Bad year maybe?

Also, I'm here but she doesn't speak on my behalf.

No, but you get your back up and take everything as a grave insult.  It suggests an emotional hypersensitive mindset.

I have a low tolerance for stupidity and bullshit. Some of your posts are like an insult of other people's intelligence.
I'm not perfect.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 12:57:46 PM
I can't help or control the way you react.  If you choose to see things as negative or an insult, that's on you.

I'd also counter that since its only the same handful of folks that takes things that way, its less of a universal opinion and more a tailored reaction.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 01:05:35 PM
I can't help or control the way you react.  If you choose to see things as negative or an insult, that's on you.

this misadventure from 01.01.01 onwards.

misadventure: an unfortunate incident; a mishap.

How is this positive?
You mean it's unfortunate in a good way?

Must be my English once again.

Maybe if you want to avoid confusion and avoid being seen as negative, you could've said unlucky adventure.  : ok:


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 01:07:56 PM
No, I'm all set.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 01:19:28 PM

Its definitely weird.  I've brought it up, but got shouted down.

Using the band's past history seems to only apply on a case by case basis.  What's important is that everything is still rosy, so fear not.

For the live show thing: We have heard bits and bites in the intro (according to Axl and some band members) and maybe some solos.  Yes, they haven't performed the stuff, in full, live.  BUT, they also had issues with leaks and bootlegs with CD...and one of the primary criticisms from folks was they had "heard it all, already" when it was released.  So I think there's an easy explanation, there. 

For the leaks...I have a hard time taking them to task for improved "security" to prevent tracks getting out before they want them out there.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 01:21:38 PM

Before it was released we had something tangible. There was some evidence. We could at least believe there was something in the making.

Who's "we"?  ???

Anyone still giving enough of a shit to follow this misadventure from 01.01.01 onwards.

So...just about everyone here.  And countless other folks that don't post at this particular spot.

I think the point is "we" think there is some evidence, in the way of comments from those in the band, and those outside it, who claim to have heard the tracks.

YOU (meaning Princess Leia, and those who might be on the same boat) want "tangible" evidence: IE to hear the actual notes played with your own ears.

I think that's a very narrow definition of something's existence.

I've never held a million dollars.....

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 01:25:53 PM
I've never held a million dollars.....

It's a myth I tell you!

Like that line in that song about finding a million Dollars that someone forgot....


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 11, 2015, 01:46:05 PM

Before it was released we had something tangible. There was some evidence. We could at least believe there was something in the making.

Who's "we"?  ???

Anyone still giving enough of a shit to follow this misadventure from 01.01.01 onwards.

So...just about everyone here.  And countless other folks that don't post at this particular spot.

I think the point is "we" think there is some evidence, in the way of comments from those in the band, and those outside it, who claim to have heard the tracks.

YOU (meaning Princess Leia, and those who might be on the same boat) want "tangible" evidence: IE to hear the actual notes played with your own ears.

I think that's a very narrow definition of something's existence.

I've never held a million dollars.....

By "we" I meant fans in general. Was that hard to figure it out?

And the CD leaks is a really lame ass excuse. When OMG came out we didn?t have any leaks. When the band perfomed in RIR and Vegas 2001 there were no leaks either.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 01:52:51 PM
So playing songs live before you know when they'll be released makes sense to you?

That's what the band did last time around. Only to have certain fans complain about the "old songs they heard on bootlegs for years" when they were released.
I guess that's the explanation regarding live shows that I can think of.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 01:52:59 PM

For the live show thing: We have heard bits and bites in the intro (according to Axl and some band members) and maybe some solos.  Yes, they haven't performed the stuff, in full, live.  BUT, they also had issues with leaks and bootlegs with CD...and one of the primary criticisms from folks was they had "heard it all, already" when it was released.  So I think there's an easy explanation, there. 

I think it was the outright leaks that played more of a role there, don't you think?

You can't really tell from a live version what the actual album version might sound like.  'Chinese Democracy' and 'The Blues' (as it was known at the time) from RIR III are still my favorite versions of the songs.  

But when we finally got the album, 7 years later, those versions were quite different.

The leaks of 'I.R.S.', 'Better', 'There Was A Time', 'If The World', 'Prostitute'...yeah, they were pretty much what we got on the album.  Only very minor tweaks.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 01:55:05 PM

I think the point is "we" think there is some evidence, in the way of comments from those in the band, and those outside it, who claim to have heard the tracks.

YOU (meaning Princess Leia, and those who might be on the same boat) want "tangible" evidence: IE to hear the actual notes played with your own ears.

I think that's a very narrow definition of something's existence.

I've never held a million dollars.....

Yeah, but I just roll my eyes at those sorts of questions.

Who is "we"?...Who are "the fans"?...Who is "everybody"?

How many times do you see that sort of thing in response to a post?  And it is ever NOT about trying to change the subject?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 01:56:07 PM
I've never held a million dollars.....

It's a myth I tell you!

Like that line in that song about finding a million Dollars that someone forgot....

Well, time went by and it most certainly all went up in smoke.  A few times over now.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 01:57:32 PM

By "we" I meant fans in general. Was that hard to figure it out?

Of course not.

But its easier to feign confusion and start talking about general terminology than it is to tackle the points you raised within the post that contained the term.

This is not new.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 01:57:49 PM

For the live show thing: We have heard bits and bites in the intro (according to Axl and some band members) and maybe some solos.  Yes, they haven't performed the stuff, in full, live.  BUT, they also had issues with leaks and bootlegs with CD...and one of the primary criticisms from folks was they had "heard it all, already" when it was released.  So I think there's an easy explanation, there. 

I think it was the outright leaks that played more of a role there, don't you think?

You can't really tell from a live version what the actual album version might sound like.  'Chinese Democracy' and 'The Blues' (as it was known at the time) from RIR III are still my favorite versions of the songs.  

But when we finally got the album, 7 years later, those versions were quite different.

The leaks of 'I.R.S.', 'Better', 'There Was A Time', 'If The World', 'Prostitute'...yeah, they were pretty much what we got on the album.  Only very minor tweaks.

I think the leaks were the major part of it. But I think the fact a LOT of the material was played live contributed, too....especially considering how far out in front of the actual release date it was played.  I mean.....we're talking half a decade prior, in some cases.

But I think if that's the criticism (and might have been a business point the label brought up in regards to the potential for CD2, maybe)....then you handle both parts.  Esp when you've already got a ton of material on your set list.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 01:58:16 PM

I think the point is "we" think there is some evidence, in the way of comments from those in the band, and those outside it, who claim to have heard the tracks.

YOU (meaning Princess Leia, and those who might be on the same boat) want "tangible" evidence: IE to hear the actual notes played with your own ears.

I think that's a very narrow definition of something's existence.

I've never held a million dollars.....

Yeah, but I just roll my eyes at those sorts of questions.

Who is "we"?...Who are "the fans"?...Who is "everybody"?

How many times do you see that sort of thing in response to a post?  And it is ever NOT about trying to change the subject?

Nope, it is an attempt to decipher just who you are pretending to be the spokesman and representative of this time.

When you say "us" and "we" you are attempting to speak for others, or you are insinuating you somehow magically know what others think.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 01:59:29 PM

So playing songs live before you know when they'll be released makes sense to you?

I certainly did not object to it at the time.  Did anyone?

It also spoke to the fact that they were excited about what they had worked out.  Let's cut the crap here.  

Do you think those guys got more enjoyment about playing the new songs they actually helped create...or running through 'Out Ta Get Me' for the umpteenth time?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 02:00:14 PM

When you say "us" and "we" you are attempting to speak for others, or you are insinuating you somehow magically know what others think.

Its a general term that is easier to talk about than the rest of the point being made.

We need to get to the bottom of it!

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 02:00:43 PM
I've never held a million dollars.....

It's a myth I tell you!

Like that line in that song about finding a million Dollars that someone forgot....

Well, time went by and it most certainly all went up in smoke.  A few times over now.

If that is your opinion, why are you here on a fan forum of that band??

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 02:02:07 PM

When you say "us" and "we" you are attempting to speak for others, or you are insinuating you somehow magically know what others think.

Its a general term that is easier to talk about than the rest of the point being made.

We need to get to the bottom of it!

Ooooh- wrong yet again.

It is an honest attempt to determine who you are pretending to speak for and falsely represent.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 02:02:39 PM

I think the leaks were the major part of it. But I think the fact a LOT of the material was played live contributed, too....especially considering how far out in front of the actual release date it was played.  I mean.....we're talking half a decade prior, in some cases.

Why, in your opinion, did they choose to play songs on the 2006 summer tour that had leaked over the spring?

I've heard people say that was "proof" the leaks were intentional, but I never bought that.  I always tended to think the played them out of a combination of the cat already being out of the bag, and the fact that if offered the band a chance to actually do more of their own material.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 02:04:08 PM

I've never held a million dollars.....

It's a myth I tell you!

Like that line in that song about finding a million Dollars that someone forgot....

Well, time went by and it most certainly all went up in smoke.  A few times over now.

If that is your opinion, why are you here on a fan forum of that band??

Because hope springs eternal.

Just because I'm not going to sit here and laughably try and pretend everything is going swimmingly doesn't mean I don't still hope it might...eventually.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 02:04:13 PM

By "we" I meant fans in general. Was that hard to figure it out?

And the CD leaks is a really lame ass excuse. When OMG came out we didn?t have any leaks. When the band perfomed in RIR and Vegas 2001 there were no leaks either.

Yeah, but I don't think fans, in  general, have nearly as narrow a definition for existence, when it comes to an album, as you're suggesting you have, here.  So applying that "we", forward, isn't really apt.

Again, your litmus test is "I have to hear it with my own ears". Thus HOW you hear it becomes relevant.  It's not a lame excuse, it's history.  You heard some of the material prior to CD's release via live performance ...and the bulk of it because of leaks. True?  

So what you're saying is absent show playing of a few tracks and the leaks of most of the rest of it..there's no album.  Because you've already said that just hearing about "pieces" from other people isn't enough for you.  You need to hear enough to label it "an album".

THAT is a very narrow definition of existence.  Way more narrow than you're going to find is commonly held.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 02:06:20 PM

I've never held a million dollars.....

It's a myth I tell you!

Like that line in that song about finding a million Dollars that someone forgot....

Well, time went by and it most certainly all went up in smoke.  A few times over now.

If that is your opinion, why are you here on a fan forum of that band??

Because hope springs eternal.

Just because I'm not going to sit here and laughably try and pretend everything is going swimmingly doesn't mean I don't still hope it might...eventually.

Gee, what would we ever do without your negative, toxic "open mindedness"

I don't see where anything is remotely as dire and dark as you like to pretend.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 02:06:53 PM

I think the point is "we" think there is some evidence, in the way of comments from those in the band, and those outside it, who claim to have heard the tracks.

YOU (meaning Princess Leia, and those who might be on the same boat) want "tangible" evidence: IE to hear the actual notes played with your own ears.

I think that's a very narrow definition of something's existence.

I've never held a million dollars.....

Yeah, but I just roll my eyes at those sorts of questions.

Who is "we"?...Who are "the fans"?...Who is "everybody"?

How many times do you see that sort of thing in response to a post?  And it is ever NOT about trying to change the subject?


But in this case I think it's a fair question, considering how narrow the parameters are.

"We" implies that a ton of folks are going to expect the same sort of tangible evidence to believe that CD2 exists.

I don't think thats the case, here.  Or, rather, I think that "we" is much more narrow than "all fans".

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 02:07:45 PM

So what you're saying is absent show playing of a few tracks and the leaks of most of the rest of it..there's no album.  Because you've already said that just hearing about "pieces" from other people isn't enough for you.  You need to hear enough to label it "an album".

Do you think its odd that the others never press Axl to play more of their own stuff, rather than have the "new song" in the setlist being a song released in 1991 (Yesterdays)?

Do you think its odd that Axl is supposedly wanting to establish these new line-ups as a viable band, and figures the best way to do that it to play even more older songs they had nothing do with, both old GNR and random covers?

There really are no "right" answers here.  Just curious what you think.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 02:08:41 PM

For the live show thing: We have heard bits and bites in the intro (according to Axl and some band members) and maybe some solos.  Yes, they haven't performed the stuff, in full, live.  BUT, they also had issues with leaks and bootlegs with CD...and one of the primary criticisms from folks was they had "heard it all, already" when it was released.  So I think there's an easy explanation, there. 

I think it was the outright leaks that played more of a role there, don't you think?

You can't really tell from a live version what the actual album version might sound like.  'Chinese Democracy' and 'The Blues' (as it was known at the time) from RIR III are still my favorite versions of the songs.  

But when we finally got the album, 7 years later, those versions were quite different.

The leaks of 'I.R.S.', 'Better', 'There Was A Time', 'If The World', 'Prostitute'...yeah, they were pretty much what we got on the album.  Only very minor tweaks.

I think the leaks were the major part of it. But I think the fact a LOT of the material was played live contributed, too....especially considering how far out in front of the actual release date it was played.  I mean.....we're talking half a decade prior, in some cases.

But I think if that's the criticism (and might have been a business point the label brought up in regards to the potential for CD2, maybe)....then you handle both parts.  Esp when you've already got a ton of material on your set list.

I also want to add..a lot of the material that was played live "later", but before CD's release...wasn't played until AFTER the leaks went critical mass.  I think that, likely, that material doesn't get played live if the leaks don't happen.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 02:12:29 PM

So playing songs live before you know when they'll be released makes sense to you?

I certainly did not object to it at the time.  Did anyone?

It also spoke to the fact that they were excited about what they had worked out.  Let's cut the crap here.  

Do you think those guys got more enjoyment about playing the new songs they actually helped create...or running through 'Out Ta Get Me' for the umpteenth time?

And do you think the fans at the shows...the majority of them..not the hardest core of the hardcore...want to hear My Michelle or Out to Get Me or Anything goes vs something from CD2 they've never heard before?  That's a sincere question, and it's one I don't expect is going to be overly popular....

Because I know, when I've attended shows in 02 and 06...before CD came out...guess what the "casual" fans did, en masse, when IRS or the Blues was being played?  Off to use the head and buy a beer...

That changed during the shows I attended post CD release, at least to my eyes.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 02:13:01 PM
I think in the light of today's cyber climate it is very understandable why new songs aren't played at shows- they would end up on YouTube within minutes- and is that the way you want fans to first hear the song? From somebody's low quality YouTube they uploaded?

First presentations and impressions are very important.

They played unreleased material on tour in 1991 but cell phones and the internet were not a factor then- even cameras were prohibited.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 02:15:11 PM

Why, in your opinion, did they choose to play songs on the 2006 summer tour that had leaked over the spring?

I've heard people say that was "proof" the leaks were intentional, but I never bought that.  I always tended to think the played them out of a combination of the cat already being out of the bag, and the fact that if offered the band a chance to actually do more of their own material.

I addressed that sort of in a follow up, but...I think when you have lemons, you make lemonade.

I don't think it was proof the leaks were intentional.  I think they were faced with the fact the leaks were out there, and they could move forward, and sort of grudgingly embrace the fact people dug some of the new stuff, or bury their heads in the sand and pretend they didn't happen.

FWIW, I think they made the right call to then PLAY the material live.  It gave them at least a small chance to present it in the light THEY wanted, and felt more comfortable with, over the leaks.

But, having said that, I don't think that material gets played, at that point, if the leaks don't happen.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 02:22:04 PM

Do you think its odd that the others never press Axl to play more of their own stuff, rather than have the "new song" in the setlist being a song released in 1991 (Yesterdays)?

Do you think its odd that Axl is supposedly wanting to establish these new line-ups as a viable band, and figures the best way to do that it to play even more older songs they had nothing do with, both old GNR and random covers?

There really are no "right" answers here.  Just curious what you think.

I think, for live shows, they're very conscious of what they think the fans want to hear, at this point.  I think the chants for Don't Cry (which led to BBF playing the solo, which led to them adding the song to the setlist) and the like really did have an effect.

And they're doing 2.5 to 3 hour sets.  They have a LOT of "classic" material, that people want to hear.  And I know...I know...the setlist is the same every night, and there's no variety, and BLARGHHH!!!!  I'm not opening that can of worms again.

Suffice to say, I think the reason the band plays what they play is they think that's what the people buying tickets want to hear.  And that includes the rarities that are also fan favorites (Yesterday's is a great example). 

I also think they ARE a little gun shy of the leaks, and of the amount of material that got out there prior to CD release.  Especially if, of the 25-ish tracks they have put together that could potentially make CD2, they're not 100% sure which 13 or so are going in.  As jarmo alluded to, if you don't have a 100% set in stone track list, you don't want to start playing material that might not see the light of day for another 3, 5, 10 years.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 02:27:39 PM
I think in the light of today's cyber climate it is very understandable why new songs aren't played at shows- they would end up on YouTube within minutes- and is that the way you want fans to first hear the song? From somebody's low quality YouTube they uploaded?

First presentations and impressions are very important.

They played unreleased material on tour in 1991 but cell phones and the internet were not a factor then- even cameras were prohibited.

I agree this is part of it.

I sort of disagree with the part about "low quality Youtube upload".  I mean: Yes, artistic presentation is a concern, and it might even be axls biggest concern, BUT...

I've seen full concerts in 720p taken from a phone, up close. 

The audio isn't PERFECT, but it's pretty damn good.

And that's the even bigger issue, at least from the business side: You potentially have something that sounds relatively close to a "live" album, containing unreleased material that you someday want to monetize, available to the masses.  It makes your material less valuable.

I know in the pop scene..the princesses have completely stopped playing anything that isn't released (by them, or someone else).  I don't see a LOT of bands playing new material, now a days, either....if it's not available as a single, or on an album, already.

I think, in part, this is one of the changes that have happened in the industry.....its kinda sad, because it really has changes the way a concert sort of ebbs and flows.  It's much more static, now.  You feel like there's not surprises.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 02:32:39 PM

Gee, what would we ever do without your negative, toxic "open mindedness"

I don't see where anything is remotely as dire and dark as you like to pretend.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 02:34:08 PM

I don't think it was proof the leaks were intentional.  I think they were faced with the fact the leaks were out there, and they could move forward, and sort of grudgingly embrace the fact people dug some of the new stuff, or bury their heads in the sand and pretend they didn't happen.

FWIW, I think they made the right call to then PLAY the material live.  It gave them at least a small chance to present it in the light THEY wanted, and felt more comfortable with, over the leaks.

But, having said that, I don't think that material gets played, at that point, if the leaks don't happen.

Agreed all around.

I think it had to be a cool thing to see fans singing the words back to you.  I get the part about you maybe being pissed they downloaded the leaks, but I don't think you can discount the level of interest that would even compel them to track them down.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 02:36:17 PM

I sort of disagree with the part about "low quality Youtube upload".  I mean: Yes, artistic presentation is a concern, and it might even be axls biggest concern, BUT...

I've seen full concerts in 720p taken from a phone, up close. 

The audio isn't PERFECT, but it's pretty damn good.

Yep.  You can definitely get the gist.

And you can also make an at least somewhat informed definition on the quality of what you hearing.  Axl sounding good, Axl sounding shaky.  DJ nailing a solo, DJ being woefully out of tune.

You can get the gist.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 11, 2015, 03:22:19 PM
So playing songs live before you know when they'll be released makes sense to you?

That's what the band did last time around. Only to have certain fans complain about the "old songs they heard on bootlegs for years" when they were released.
I guess that's the explanation regarding live shows that I can think of.


Yes, and it made pefect sense for the band to do it. During the club days they perfomed AFD songs before the album came out. They played Patience, Used To Love Her and One In Million before Lies came out, same with the UYI albums.

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 03:40:02 PM

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

Sure you do.

It's "right" because they didn't do it.  If they had done it (like the countless other examples that they did that very thing) it also would have been "right".

In other words, they were both "right" to do this very thing in 1987, 1988, 1991, 2001, 2002, 2006, and 2007...

...but also "right" NOT to do it in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.'

Guns N' Roses : Perpetually In The "Right"

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 03:57:44 PM

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

Sure you do.

It's "right" because they didn't do it.  If they had done it (like the countless other examples that they did that very thing) it also would have been "right".

In other words, they were both "right" to do this very thing in 1987, 1988, 1991, 2001, 2002, 2006, and 2007...

...but also "right" NOT to do it in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.'

Guns N' Roses : Perpetually In The "Right"


Just like other bands have been "right" not to play new material, anymore, in their set lists, prior to release. When those same bands USED to do it.  I'd even go so far as to call it a "trend".

Again, I think it is VERY hard to make comparisons to the industry "then" vs "now".  Even if "then" is as recent as 2006 (and, again, they were sorta forced into playing the bulk of that new material with the many artists are forced to release albums early when there are mass leaks prior to release).

Surely you can see there are technologies, and differences, that might make it less attractive to play those songs now? Right?

I get the point you're trying to make.  I'm just not sure THIS is the best example to use to make it.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 04:03:50 PM

I sort of disagree with the part about "low quality Youtube upload".  I mean: Yes, artistic presentation is a concern, and it might even be axls biggest concern, BUT...

I've seen full concerts in 720p taken from a phone, up close. 

The audio isn't PERFECT, but it's pretty damn good.

Yep.  You can definitely get the gist.

And you can also make an at least somewhat informed definition on the quality of what you hearing.  Axl sounding good, Axl sounding shaky.  DJ nailing a solo, DJ being woefully out of tune.

You can get the gist.

I know this is a jab at a long standing argument between you and jarmo about "live vs memorex" and I'm going to leave it alone, since it really doesn't have anything to do with my point.

MY point is that bootlegs have increased in quality, drastically, in the past, say, 3 to 5 years (and esp in the last 3...where every phone is pretty much a high capacity, high quality, digital recorder).  And those recordings might, possibly, effect how you can monetize your material down the line. Or how you get to "release" it.

Way different than even, say, 2006  (I'm thinking, specifically, of the Hammerstein shows)..where it was MUCH harder to get anything of quality without a soundboard hook in or an amazingly expensive camera that would be way harder to smuggle in than, say, your phone.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 04:09:37 PM

MY point is that bootlegs have increased in quality, drastically, in the past, say, 3 to 5 years (and esp in the last 3...where every phone is pretty much a high capacity, high quality, digital recorder).  And those recordings might, possibly, effect how you can monetize your material down the line. Or how you get to "release" it.

But good as it is, is it ever going to serve as a replacement of an official product?  I would say there is no chance of that.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 04:12:59 PM

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

Sure you do.

It's "right" because they didn't do it.  If they had done it (like the countless other examples that they did that very thing) it also would have been "right".

In other words, they were both "right" to do this very thing in 1987, 1988, 1991, 2001, 2002, 2006, and 2007...

...but also "right" NOT to do it in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.'

Guns N' Roses : Perpetually In The "Right"

Any new song played would doubtlessly be up on YouTube in a matter of minutes, this is a very valid concern.

The industry has changed, and so has technology and the public's appetite for immediate gratification.

Cell phones were not an issue in the early 90's, they were not so well developed in 2006- and you weren't allowed to have them in certain venues- for instance, the Hammerstein shows.

Having the first impression of a new song come from someone's questionable quality cellphone recording is a viable concern.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 11, 2015, 04:19:14 PM

Any new song played would doubtlessly be up on YouTube in a matter of minutes, this is a very valid concern.

The industry has changed, and so has technology and the public's appetite for immediate gratification.

Cell phones were not an issue in the early 90's, they were not so well developed in 2006- and you weren't allowed to have them in certain venues- for instance, the Hammerstein shows.

Having the first impression of a new song come from someone's questionable quality cellphone recording is a viable concern.

These are valid points.

However, do you think the odds are high that anyone that is actually in the market to buy new GNR material is going to be turned off by what they heard on a cellphone recording?

This is the part I can't reconcile.

Even if a new song sounded godfuckingawful, it would not even remotely affect my interest in hearing its proper version.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 04:19:36 PM
So playing songs live before you know when they'll be released makes sense to you?

That's what the band did last time around. Only to have certain fans complain about the "old songs they heard on bootlegs for years" when they were released.
I guess that's the explanation regarding live shows that I can think of.


Yes, and it made pefect sense for the band to do it. During the club days they perfomed AFD songs before the album came out. They played Patience, Used To Love Her and One In Million before Lies came out, same with the UYI albums.

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

You can't compare the industry practices of the late 80's -early 90's with today's practices nor the advancement of technology.

GNR played some unreleased UYI songs - but nobody had a galaxy 5 to pop out, record it, and stick it on YouTube.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 04:21:46 PM

Any new song played would doubtlessly be up on YouTube in a matter of minutes, this is a very valid concern.

The industry has changed, and so has technology and the public's appetite for immediate gratification.

Cell phones were not an issue in the early 90's, they were not so well developed in 2006- and you weren't allowed to have them in certain venues- for instance, the Hammerstein shows.

Having the first impression of a new song come from someone's questionable quality cellphone recording is a viable concern.

These are valid points.

However, do you think the odds are high that anyone that is actually in the market to buy new GNR material is going to be turned off by what they heard on a cellphone recording?

This is the part I can't reconcile.

Even if a new song sounded godfuckingawful, it would not even remotely affect my interest in hearing its proper version.

I think a lot of people are susceptible and base their opinion on first impressions, why take the chance of seeing a song you worked hard on get it's premier on some crappy, possibly subpar cell phone recording?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 04:22:14 PM

But good as it is, is it ever going to serve as a replacement of an official product?  I would say there is no chance of that.

Depends on "for who", and what you mean by "replace".

I suspect the leaks proved "good enough" quality for some people, considering how much of the material was there.

I think show recordings, when done well, are REALLY starting to approach that level of quality.  Are they there yet? No, they're not.  But they are getting close enough that an audio rip of that video might, for some folks, be "good enough".

When I say replace, I mean in lieu of purchase.  Not of the same quality as.  So, on one side, no..they won't replace the official products, in terms of quality.  Even the best bootlegs, today, don't equal the quality of the Blu-Ray release of Appetite for Democracy.  BUT...that doesn't mean that some folks won't look at a bootleg of the Vegas show(s), look at the price of the Blu Ray...and say "nope, I'm good with the unofficial stuff".

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 04:25:42 PM

Any new song played would doubtlessly be up on YouTube in a matter of minutes, this is a very valid concern.

The industry has changed, and so has technology and the public's appetite for immediate gratification.

Cell phones were not an issue in the early 90's, they were not so well developed in 2006- and you weren't allowed to have them in certain venues- for instance, the Hammerstein shows.

Having the first impression of a new song come from someone's questionable quality cellphone recording is a viable concern.

These are valid points.

However, do you think the odds are high that anyone that is actually in the market to buy new GNR material is going to be turned off by what they heard on a cellphone recording?

This is the part I can't reconcile.

Even if a new song sounded godfuckingawful, it would not even remotely affect my interest in hearing its proper version.


Nope, I agree. Mine either.

The average joe, who stumbles across a link to the vid on his friends facebook page?  You're just piling on one more way for them to point and laugh.

So, yeah, I absolutely think that.  You can argue if that person might actually consider purchasing a GnR album in the first place. Fair enough.  But who knows what would have happened if that material had been exposed to them in a different way?  You lose a POTENTIAL sale, maybe.  And odds are, at some point, you lose at least some actual sales, when amortized over all the eyeballs that watch it.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 05:03:46 PM
Just because I'm not going to sit here and laughably try and pretend everything is going swimmingly doesn't mean I don't still hope it might...eventually.

One question: When was the last time everything went swimmingly for "us"?


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 05:09:18 PM
Yes, and it made pefect sense for the band to do it. During the club days they perfomed AFD songs before the album came out. They played Patience, Used To Love Her and One In Million before Lies came out, same with the UYI albums.

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

Yes, before they were signed to a record company they played songs that were unreleased.... It's kinda the only way for bands to get signed and build an audience. So if you wanna do that, you got very little options don't you think?

Also, have you noticed anything changing between say 1991 and today? Maybe something relating to technology? Just asking because it seems like you're not paying attention to this thing called the Internet where something played live once will end up on the Internet in minutes for the whole world to see.... Yes I admit to being a smart ass, but I can't believe somebody would say something like "but they did this in 1988 and why can't they do it in 2015?". It's kinda obvious why.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 11, 2015, 05:31:49 PM
Yes, and it made pefect sense for the band to do it. During the club days they perfomed AFD songs before the album came out. They played Patience, Used To Love Her and One In Million before Lies came out, same with the UYI albums.

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

Yes, before they were signed to a record company they played songs that were unreleased.... It's kinda the only way for bands to get signed and build an audience. So if you wanna do that, you got very little options don't you think?

Also, have you noticed anything changing between say 1991 and today? Maybe something relating to technology? Just asking because it seems like you're not paying attention to this thing called the Internet where something played live once will end up on the Internet in minutes for the whole world to see.... Yes I admit to being a smart ass, but I can't believe somebody would say something like "but they did this in 1988 and why can't they do it in 2015?". It's kinda obvious why.


It still doesn't explain why it is wrong. So what if a live song gets recorded and uploaded? if it's good, no matter how cheap the recording is, it is still going to be a good song, people will blame the bad recording, not the artists, unless he doesnt sing or play well, in which case its his fault and should spend more time practicing.

 Some artist have gone that way ,  instead of hiding everything they create they make the whole album available but still charge in case people want to buy them.

We've reached a moment in this day and age where people who love the music and the artist and have the money,  are the ones who buy the albums. They are the target audience.

If you are somewhat afraid that live recordings are going to hurt the sales of your album its because you expect people to buy the album without listening to it, in order words, they pay in order to check it out.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 05:43:21 PM
Yes, and it made pefect sense for the band to do it. During the club days they perfomed AFD songs before the album came out. They played Patience, Used To Love Her and One In Million before Lies came out, same with the UYI albums.

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

Yes, before they were signed to a record company they played songs that were unreleased.... It's kinda the only way for bands to get signed and build an audience. So if you wanna do that, you got very little options don't you think?

Also, have you noticed anything changing between say 1991 and today? Maybe something relating to technology? Just asking because it seems like you're not paying attention to this thing called the Internet where something played live once will end up on the Internet in minutes for the whole world to see.... Yes I admit to being a smart ass, but I can't believe somebody would say something like "but they did this in 1988 and why can't they do it in 2015?". It's kinda obvious why.


It still doesn't explain why it is wrong. So what if a live song gets recorded and uploaded? if it's good, no matter how cheap the recording is, it is still going to be a good song, people will blame the bad recording, not the artists, unless he doesnt sing or play well, in which case its his fault and should spend more time practicing.

 Some artist have gone that way ,  instead of hiding everything they create they make the whole album available but still charge in case people want to buy them.

We've reached a moment in this day and age where people who love the music and the artist and have the money,  are the ones who buy the albums. They are the target audience.

If you are somewhat afraid that live recordings are going to hurt the sales of your album its because you expect people to buy the album without listening to it, in order words, they pay in order to check it out.

Worlds of difference in "wrong" and not desirable or preferable.

Some people would go on first impressions, you are effectively diminishing the impact the song would have under optimal conditions.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 11, 2015, 05:54:01 PM
Yes, and it made pefect sense for the band to do it. During the club days they perfomed AFD songs before the album came out. They played Patience, Used To Love Her and One In Million before Lies came out, same with the UYI albums.

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

Yes, before they were signed to a record company they played songs that were unreleased.... It's kinda the only way for bands to get signed and build an audience. So if you wanna do that, you got very little options don't you think?

Also, have you noticed anything changing between say 1991 and today? Maybe something relating to technology? Just asking because it seems like you're not paying attention to this thing called the Internet where something played live once will end up on the Internet in minutes for the whole world to see.... Yes I admit to being a smart ass, but I can't believe somebody would say something like "but they did this in 1988 and why can't they do it in 2015?". It's kinda obvious why.


Technology is given too much credit in this debate. I think there could be other issues. For example some people may not care about NuGN?R. Others may think GN?R is a thing of the past. And they rather listen to other bands. So even if there is no new songs perfomed live , no leaks  and no Youtube. Still that won?t changes how some people might feel. And an eventual new album is not going to make impact anyway

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 06:04:19 PM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?

Technology is given too much credit in this debate.

No it's not.

You played a song live in 1991, and if somebody made a bootleg, it could get out. Tapes being traded and so on. But nothing like having it on Youtube. Almost everybody who goes to a show is a potential bootlegger these days. It used to require a bit more determination in the past. You had to get the gear into the gig first and bring enough batteries and so on.

So yes, chances of your new song appearing in circulation is way bigger and it gets spread way more today than in 1991. Sorry but that's the way it is.

Nothing to do with what bands people listen to.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 11, 2015, 06:07:01 PM
Yes, and it made pefect sense for the band to do it. During the club days they perfomed AFD songs before the album came out. They played Patience, Used To Love Her and One In Million before Lies came out, same with the UYI albums.

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

Yes, before they were signed to a record company they played songs that were unreleased.... It's kinda the only way for bands to get signed and build an audience. So if you wanna do that, you got very little options don't you think?

Also, have you noticed anything changing between say 1991 and today? Maybe something relating to technology? Just asking because it seems like you're not paying attention to this thing called the Internet where something played live once will end up on the Internet in minutes for the whole world to see.... Yes I admit to being a smart ass, but I can't believe somebody would say something like "but they did this in 1988 and why can't they do it in 2015?". It's kinda obvious why.


It still doesn't explain why it is wrong. So what if a live song gets recorded and uploaded? if it's good, no matter how cheap the recording is, it is still going to be a good song, people will blame the bad recording, not the artists, unless he doesnt sing or play well, in which case its his fault and should spend more time practicing.

 Some artist have gone that way ,  instead of hiding everything they create they make the whole album available but still charge in case people want to buy them.

We've reached a moment in this day and age where people who love the music and the artist and have the money,  are the ones who buy the albums. They are the target audience.

If you are somewhat afraid that live recordings are going to hurt the sales of your album its because you expect people to buy the album without listening to it, in order words, they pay in order to check it out.

Worlds of difference in "wrong" and not desirable or preferable.

Some people would go on first impressions, you are effectively diminishing the impact the song would have under optimal conditions.

It is the responsibility of the artist to make that first impression a good one, not the audience.

Some other people go on first looks, but we don't mind them.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 11, 2015, 06:12:27 PM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?


UHmm, there's no surprise effect when you first hear them live?  ;D

I heard Madagascar live the first time ROck in Rio, to this day it is still the version I listen to. Some people were turned off by it on the VMA'S, but that was based on far more distractions than the song itself.

New people with a weird look, Axl out of breath, voice breaking. And a lot people didnt pay attention to the great  song behind it.
If they had not played that song live, I would've gotten the version that was on the album. And I don't like that version because Axl changed the vocals.

You could argue that the live performance hurt the album experience, but I could argue that it is just a better performance of the song and I don't think I would've liked the album version eitherway. So I may not have liked the song at all.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 06:13:17 PM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?

Technology is given too much credit in this debate.

No it's not.

You played a song live in 1991, and if somebody made a bootleg, it could get out. Tapes being traded and so on. But nothing like having it on Youtube. Almost everybody who goes to a show is a potential bootlegger these days. It used to require a bit more determination in the past. You had to get the gear into the gig first and bring enough batteries and so on.

So yes, chances of your new song appearing in circulation is way bigger and it gets spread way more today than in 1991. Sorry but that's the way it is.

Nothing to do with what bands people listen to.


Yeah, with that tech statement, i'm out. Between the narrow defintion of what constitutes existence, and that stunnng lack of understanding of what s true in todays music industry.....and not just for gnr, for pretty much everyone...theres just not enogh common ground or understanding to base a legit duscussion.

Its just going to lead to banging my head into the wall.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 06:16:08 PM
Yes, and it made pefect sense for the band to do it. During the club days they perfomed AFD songs before the album came out. They played Patience, Used To Love Her and One In Million before Lies came out, same with the UYI albums.

So if they did it before I don?t see why all of a sudden  it is wrong to play new or unheard songs in a show.

Yes, before they were signed to a record company they played songs that were unreleased.... It's kinda the only way for bands to get signed and build an audience. So if you wanna do that, you got very little options don't you think?

Also, have you noticed anything changing between say 1991 and today? Maybe something relating to technology? Just asking because it seems like you're not paying attention to this thing called the Internet where something played live once will end up on the Internet in minutes for the whole world to see.... Yes I admit to being a smart ass, but I can't believe somebody would say something like "but they did this in 1988 and why can't they do it in 2015?". It's kinda obvious why.


It still doesn't explain why it is wrong. So what if a live song gets recorded and uploaded? if it's good, no matter how cheap the recording is, it is still going to be a good song, people will blame the bad recording, not the artists, unless he doesnt sing or play well, in which case its his fault and should spend more time practicing.

 Some artist have gone that way ,  instead of hiding everything they create they make the whole album available but still charge in case people want to buy them.

We've reached a moment in this day and age where people who love the music and the artist and have the money,  are the ones who buy the albums. They are the target audience.

If you are somewhat afraid that live recordings are going to hurt the sales of your album its because you expect people to buy the album without listening to it, in order words, they pay in order to check it out.

Worlds of difference in "wrong" and not desirable or preferable.

Some people would go on first impressions, you are effectively diminishing the impact the song would have under optimal conditions.

It is the responsibility of the artist to make that first impression a good one, not the audience.

Some other people go on first looks, but we don't mind them.

Um, yes, exactly.

So the artist is takng that responsibility seriously, and not putting themselves in a position that their material might not make the best first impression. And, again, this isnt unique to gnr.

Nobody is blamng the audience for taking those vids, or realstically expecting them to stop.  Thats rather the point. You cant record whats not played live. Thus, artist responsibility.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 06:21:13 PM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?

UHmm, there's no surprise effect when you first hear them live?  ;D

I heard Madagascar live the first time ROck in Rio, to this day it is still the version I listen to. Some people were turned off by it on the VMA'S, but that was based on far more distractions than the song itself.

New people with a weird look, Axl out of breath, voice breaking. And a lot people didnt pay attention to the great  song behind it.
If they had not played that song live, I would've gotten the version that was on the album. And I don't like that version because Axl changed the vocals.

You could argue that the live performance hurt the album experience, but I could argue that it is just a better performance of the song and I don't think I would've liked the album version eitherway. So I may not have liked the song at all.

But you said it yourself: theres an argument to be made that, the reason you preferred the live version heard it.  And you heard it first. You think its not so..but how can you, or we, be sure? You cant undo that experience.  And that, really, just makes the point. 

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 11, 2015, 06:21:29 PM
UHmm, there's no surprise effect when you first hear them live?  ;D

Obviously I meant the surprise element once you buy the release with said song on it.  : ok:

I heard Madagascar live the first time ROck in Rio, to this day it is still the version I listen to.

Good point. In hindisght, maybe the band wishes your first listen would've been the album version so you didn't have that as your first impression?

If they had not played that song live, I would've gotten the version that was on the album. And I don't like that version because Axl changed the vocals.

If they played it the way it's on the album you wouldn't know any other way and you might be happy with it. :)

So did you or did you not understand any of the reasons why one wouldn't premier a new song live in concert before there's a release date set for said song? Just trying to figure out if you're just arguing because you want something, or because you don't understand something.  ???


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Gavgnr on December 11, 2015, 06:36:47 PM
My $0.02

If it's a choice (and assuming a new record is coming), I'd rather wait for a first-time listen of new tracks in studio quality.

Hearing tracks live is always great but it's never the full deal for me; more of an interpretation.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 11, 2015, 06:44:04 PM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?

UHmm, there's no surprise effect when you first hear them live?  ;D

I heard Madagascar live the first time ROck in Rio, to this day it is still the version I listen to. Some people were turned off by it on the VMA'S, but that was based on far more distractions than the song itself.

New people with a weird look, Axl out of breath, voice breaking. And a lot people didnt pay attention to the great  song behind it.
If they had not played that song live, I would've gotten the version that was on the album. And I don't like that version because Axl changed the vocals.

You could argue that the live performance hurt the album experience, but I could argue that it is just a better performance of the song and I don't think I would've liked the album version eitherway. So I may not have liked the song at all.

But you said it yourself: theres an argument to be made that, the reason you preferred the live version heard it.  And you heard it first. You think its not so..but how can you, or we, be sure? You cant undo that experience.  And that, really, just makes the point. 

You claim I would've liked Madagascar just as much on the album if I hadn't heard it live before? right?
I disagree.
You know why I know ?
You know how sometimes Axl has a great night and his vocals are flawless? ( I had the chance to see that in 2006) but then some other nights he's got very bad vocals, so much so that I would rather stop watching the video because it makes me uneasy ? Well that's what happens to me when I listen to Madagascar on the album, I think he had a very bad vocal day and that very bad vocal day ended up on the album. Its my point of view and I have the right to say this. I do recognize the song is very good, but because of the vocals I can't listen to it. Maybe you like those vocals, and good for you, but I don't.

If we take it the other way around, with another example This I love. I actually think it sounds better live, the part that goes ''oh please you must believe me'' when I first heard it on the album I felt something was off,  and I heard the live version after the album and it seemed to me that it worked live, especially with Axl all alone screaming his ass off.  Had I heard it before you think It would've hurt the album experience? I don't, EDIT: it was already hurt, because as I said I felt something was off?  It just sounds better live to me.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 11, 2015, 06:54:12 PM

So did you or did you not understand any of the reasons why one wouldn't premier a new song live in concert before there's a release date set for said song? Just trying to figure out if you're just arguing because you want something, or because you don't understand something.  ???


I understand the reasons, but I don't agree with them haha.

The problem might come from the fact that the song isnt finished and the band plays it anyway live.

If by definition a song is finished in the final Album version, then what you should've done was play it accordingly live or realize it was not finished and decide not to play it.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 07:05:26 PM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?

UHmm, there's no surprise effect when you first hear them live?  ;D

I heard Madagascar live the first time ROck in Rio, to this day it is still the version I listen to. Some people were turned off by it on the VMA'S, but that was based on far more distractions than the song itself.

New people with a weird look, Axl out of breath, voice breaking. And a lot people didnt pay attention to the great  song behind it.
If they had not played that song live, I would've gotten the version that was on the album. And I don't like that version because Axl changed the vocals.

You could argue that the live performance hurt the album experience, but I could argue that it is just a better performance of the song and I don't think I would've liked the album version eitherway. So I may not have liked the song at all.

But you said it yourself: theres an argument to be made that, the reason you preferred the live version heard it.  And you heard it first. You think its not so..but how can you, or we, be sure? You cant undo that experience.  And that, really, just makes the point. 

You claim I would've liked Madagascar just as much on the album if I hadn't heard it live before? right?
I disagree.
You know why I know ?
You know how sometimes Axl has a great night and his vocals are flawless? ( I had the chance to see that in 2006) but then some other nights he's got very bad vocals, so much so that I would rather stop watching the video because it makes me uneasy ? Well that's what happens to me when I listen to Madagascar on the album, I think he had a very bad vocal day and that very bad vocal day ended up on the album. Its my point of view and I have the right to say this. I do recognize the song is very good, but because of the vocals I can't listen to it. Maybe you like those vocals, and good for you, but I don't.

If we take it the other way around, with another example This I love. I actually think it sounds better live, the part that goes ''oh please you must believe me'' when I first heard it on the album I felt something was off,  and I heard the live version after the album and it seemed to me that it worked live, especially with Axl all alone screaming his ass off.  Had I heard it before you think It would've hurt the album experience? I don't, EDIT: it was already hurt, because as I said I felt something was off?  It just sounds better live to me.

Not really. I'm claiming we dont know if you would have liked the album version, period, absent having heard the live version.

Because we cant go back and erase that experience, and have you listen to the album version first.

Which, in the discussion, is exactly the point.

Its ok to like the live version more (as your this i love example shows)..but the point is, if you hear the live version first, and love it...why seek out (and pay for) the album version? Why not stick with the bootleg version?

And vice versa. If you hear a live version first, and hate it..are you going to give it another try on the album (a la silkworms/rhiad)?

I know, FOR YOU, the answer to the above questions is yes, you would still buy the album. But i suspect it might not be so true for many if the more casual fans.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 11, 2015, 07:11:07 PM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?

UHmm, there's no surprise effect when you first hear them live?  ;D

I heard Madagascar live the first time ROck in Rio, to this day it is still the version I listen to. Some people were turned off by it on the VMA'S, but that was based on far more distractions than the song itself.

New people with a weird look, Axl out of breath, voice breaking. And a lot people didnt pay attention to the great  song behind it.
If they had not played that song live, I would've gotten the version that was on the album. And I don't like that version because Axl changed the vocals.

You could argue that the live performance hurt the album experience, but I could argue that it is just a better performance of the song and I don't think I would've liked the album version eitherway. So I may not have liked the song at all.

But you said it yourself: theres an argument to be made that, the reason you preferred the live version heard it.  And you heard it first. You think its not so..but how can you, or we, be sure? You cant undo that experience.  And that, really, just makes the point. 

You claim I would've liked Madagascar just as much on the album if I hadn't heard it live before? right?
I disagree.
You know why I know ?
You know how sometimes Axl has a great night and his vocals are flawless? ( I had the chance to see that in 2006) but then some other nights he's got very bad vocals, so much so that I would rather stop watching the video because it makes me uneasy ? Well that's what happens to me when I listen to Madagascar on the album, I think he had a very bad vocal day and that very bad vocal day ended up on the album. Its my point of view and I have the right to say this. I do recognize the song is very good, but because of the vocals I can't listen to it. Maybe you like those vocals, and good for you, but I don't.

If we take it the other way around, with another example This I love. I actually think it sounds better live, the part that goes ''oh please you must believe me'' when I first heard it on the album I felt something was off,  and I heard the live version after the album and it seemed to me that it worked live, especially with Axl all alone screaming his ass off.  Had I heard it before you think It would've hurt the album experience? I don't, EDIT: it was already hurt, because as I said I felt something was off?  It just sounds better live to me.

Not really. I'm claiming we dont know if you would have liked the album version, period, absent having heard the live version.

Because we cant go back and erase that experience, and have you listen to the album version first.

Which, in the discussion, is exactly the point.

Its ok to like the live version more (as your this i love example shows)..but the point is, if you hear the live version first, and love it...why seek out (and pay for) the album version? Why not stick with the bootleg version?

And vice versa. If you hear a live version first, and hate it..are you going to give it another try on the album (a la silkworms/rhiad)?

I know, FOR YOU, the answer to the above questions is yes, you would still buy the album. But i suspect it might not be so true for many if the more casual fans.

So, those questions are not for me but the casual fans? ok? But? am I not the one taking the money and buying the album? why give so much importance to casual fans. Chances are some will ike the album, like the live performance and still not pay, so who cares about them ?  :hihi:

EDIT: But I still believe I wouldnt have loved the album version of madagascar as much second edit: or at all - because I never listen to that version- , based on the fact that I dont think it was a good vocal performance, not because I heard the live version. If Axl had gone the raspy route but it was actually a good raspy performance maybe I would've liked it. Its not so much that it is different from the live version, its just that it is not good.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 07:23:13 PM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?

UHmm, there's no surprise effect when you first hear them live?  ;D

I heard Madagascar live the first time ROck in Rio, to this day it is still the version I listen to. Some people were turned off by it on the VMA'S, but that was based on far more distractions than the song itself.

New people with a weird look, Axl out of breath, voice breaking. And a lot people didnt pay attention to the great  song behind it.
If they had not played that song live, I would've gotten the version that was on the album. And I don't like that version because Axl changed the vocals.

You could argue that the live performance hurt the album experience, but I could argue that it is just a better performance of the song and I don't think I would've liked the album version eitherway. So I may not have liked the song at all.

But you said it yourself: theres an argument to be made that, the reason you preferred the live version heard it.  And you heard it first. You think its not so..but how can you, or we, be sure? You cant undo that experience.  And that, really, just makes the point. 

You claim I would've liked Madagascar just as much on the album if I hadn't heard it live before? right?
I disagree.
You know why I know ?
You know how sometimes Axl has a great night and his vocals are flawless? ( I had the chance to see that in 2006) but then some other nights he's got very bad vocals, so much so that I would rather stop watching the video because it makes me uneasy ? Well that's what happens to me when I listen to Madagascar on the album, I think he had a very bad vocal day and that very bad vocal day ended up on the album. Its my point of view and I have the right to say this. I do recognize the song is very good, but because of the vocals I can't listen to it. Maybe you like those vocals, and good for you, but I don't.

If we take it the other way around, with another example This I love. I actually think it sounds better live, the part that goes ''oh please you must believe me'' when I first heard it on the album I felt something was off,  and I heard the live version after the album and it seemed to me that it worked live, especially with Axl all alone screaming his ass off.  Had I heard it before you think It would've hurt the album experience? I don't, EDIT: it was already hurt, because as I said I felt something was off?  It just sounds better live to me.

Not really. I'm claiming we dont know if you would have liked the album version, period, absent having heard the live version.

Because we cant go back and erase that experience, and have you listen to the album version first.

Which, in the discussion, is exactly the point.

Its ok to like the live version more (as your this i love example shows)..but the point is, if you hear the live version first, and love it...why seek out (and pay for) the album version? Why not stick with the bootleg version?

And vice versa. If you hear a live version first, and hate it..are you going to give it another try on the album (a la silkworms/rhiad)?

I know, FOR YOU, the answer to the above questions is yes, you would still buy the album. But i suspect it might not be so true for many if the more casual fans.

So, those questions are not for me but the casual fans? ok? But? am I not the one taking the money and buying the album? why give so much importance to casual fans. Chances are some will ike the album, like the live performance and still not pay, so who cares about them ?  :hihi:

EDIT: But I still believe I wouldnt have loved the album version of madagascar as much, based on the fact that I dont think it was a good vocal performance, not because I heard the live version. If Axl had gone the raspy route but it was actually a good raspy performance maybe I would've liked it. Its not so much that it is different from the live version, its just that it is not good.


But when you make decisions like this, they aren't based on "what would woody do".

They are based on "what is the majority of our potential customers/fans going to do". And thats not really what you, or i, or dx, or jarmo are going to do. We are the hardcore of the hardcore, posting on gnr message boards and spending hours shooting the shit about the band.

When i say "more casul", thats what i mean. Not us. Not "casual", entirely. More casual than us.

And they are given more imporance because, quite simply, there are a lot more of them.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 11, 2015, 07:33:10 PM

And they are given more imporance because, quite simply, there are a lot more of them.

But with GNR, arent there enough fans already ? arent there enough casual, non casual, fake, detractor fans that will check the music anyway? facebook gnr page has got 29 million "friends"  do you really have to worry that much about fan count ? and potential buyers?  Its not like its a band starting out? its not like they dont fill arenas all over the world.. its not like they won't get exposure, direct or indirect.

What is one live song going to do? erase 10 million friends from the facebook page?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 11, 2015, 07:54:20 PM
Also I don't think that casual fans, (the fans that seem to matter most $$$), either wait for the album or search for live performances of the band prior to the band releasing an album.
Fans do that, casual fans not so much.

The kind of casual album-buying fan, that will see it, search for it to give it a listen on the internet and potentially buy it does so when it is shoved down their throats with advertisement, that is, when it comes out.

EDIT: so how is a version of a live performance going to hurt the possibility of them buying the album if they have never heard it.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 11, 2015, 08:09:53 PM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?

UHmm, there's no surprise effect when you first hear them live?  ;D

I heard Madagascar live the first time ROck in Rio, to this day it is still the version I listen to. Some people were turned off by it on the VMA'S, but that was based on far more distractions than the song itself.

New people with a weird look, Axl out of breath, voice breaking. And a lot people didnt pay attention to the great  song behind it.
If they had not played that song live, I would've gotten the version that was on the album. And I don't like that version because Axl changed the vocals.

You could argue that the live performance hurt the album experience, but I could argue that it is just a better performance of the song and I don't think I would've liked the album version eitherway. So I may not have liked the song at all.

But you said it yourself: theres an argument to be made that, the reason you preferred the live version heard it.  And you heard it first. You think its not so..but how can you, or we, be sure? You cant undo that experience.  And that, really, just makes the point. 

You claim I would've liked Madagascar just as much on the album if I hadn't heard it live before? right?
I disagree.
You know why I know ?
You know how sometimes Axl has a great night and his vocals are flawless? ( I had the chance to see that in 2006) but then some other nights he's got very bad vocals, so much so that I would rather stop watching the video because it makes me uneasy ? Well that's what happens to me when I listen to Madagascar on the album, I think he had a very bad vocal day and that very bad vocal day ended up on the album. Its my point of view and I have the right to say this. I do recognize the song is very good, but because of the vocals I can't listen to it. Maybe you like those vocals, and good for you, but I don't.

If we take it the other way around, with another example This I love. I actually think it sounds better live, the part that goes ''oh please you must believe me'' when I first heard it on the album I felt something was off,  and I heard the live version after the album and it seemed to me that it worked live, especially with Axl all alone screaming his ass off.  Had I heard it before you think It would've hurt the album experience? I don't, EDIT: it was already hurt, because as I said I felt something was off?  It just sounds better live to me.

really!? Madagascar, bad vocals? youre of course free to your opinion, but wow. i dont see where your coming from.

i dont see any way how some bad vocals take would end up on the album considering how long the recording process was. i think if it didnt sound exactly as he wanted it to, it wouldnt have been on the album. he had so many chances to redo them if he thought otherwise.

i think theyre great! theres an evader remix out there (anubis?) where theres less going on in the background and you can hear the vox a litle more clearly than in the original version. the really long oh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is incredible. so much humanity and emotion crammed in that one part, its unreal.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 08:49:15 PM

And they are given more imporance because, quite simply, there are a lot more of them.

But with GNR, arent there enough fans already ? arent there enough casual, non casual, fake, detractor fans that will check the music anyway? facebook gnr page has got 29 million "friends"  do you really have to worry that much about fan count ? and potential buyers?  Its not like its a band starting out? its not like they dont fill arenas all over the world.. its not like they won't get exposure, direct or indirect.

What is one live song going to do? erase 10 million friends from the facebook page?

In short: yes. You still have to worry about them.

Thats business.

How much of an effect i cant quantify, but its enough to make bands...and again, not just gnr...go this route.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2015, 08:57:10 PM
Also I don't think that casual fans, (the fans that seem to matter most $$$), either wait for the album or search for live performances of the band prior to the band releasing an album.
Fans do that, casual fans not so much.

The kind of casual album-buying fan, that will see it, search for it to give it a listen on the internet and potentially buy it does so when it is shoved down their throats with advertisement, that is, when it comes out.

EDIT: so how is a version of a live performance going to hurt the possibility of them buying the album if they have never heard it.

again..i point to the leaks. Look at how much exposure they got. You don't think "more casual" (again, thats a comarative to the hardcore, not a sum total measure and labe...that bit is important) fans were exposed to, and had access, to those? In droves? It really is the same principal...just a different delivery method (bootleg vs leak).

And, i beg to differ on the searching for music thing. Youtube vids, via vevo, etc.,, are one of the most popular things on youtube. Lots of folks, casual and otherwise, are getting their music that way. Thats not a supposition, its a fact.  Again, thats part of the changing in the industry.

We've covered that last bit, in the edit, over the past few posts. Good quality might be good enough, and poor quality might push them away. Both result in a potential lost sale.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 11, 2015, 09:08:36 PM
Also I don't think that casual fans, (the fans that seem to matter most $$$), either wait for the album or search for live performances of the band prior to the band releasing an album.
Fans do that, casual fans not so much.

The kind of casual album-buying fan, that will see it, search for it to give it a listen on the internet and potentially buy it does so when it is shoved down their throats with advertisement, that is, when it comes out.

EDIT: so how is a version of a live performance going to hurt the possibility of them buying the album if they have never heard it.

again..i point to the leaks. Look at how much exposure they got. You don't think "more casual" (again, thats a comarative to the hardcore, not a sum total measure and labe...that bit is important) fans were exposed to, and had access, to those? In droves? It really is the same principal...just a different delivery method (bootleg vs leak).

And, i beg to differ on the searching for music thing. Youtube vids, via vevo, etc.,, are one of the most popular things on youtube. Lots of folks, casual and otherwise, are getting their music that way. Thats not a supposition, its a fact.  Again, thats part of the changing in the industry.

We've covered that last bit, in the edit, over the past few posts. Good quality might be good enough, and poor quality might push them away. Both result in a potential lost sale.

Leaks is a whole different thing. I agree with leaks hurting the album.
But Not live. Live s supposed to be finished, leaks were not finished.

I don't disagree with the underlined bit, that's not what I meant to say,  I just meant potentially buying fans do not wait for the album, and therefor, do not look for GNR youtube videos as much as if they are told that the album is out.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 11, 2015, 09:09:14 PM
Regarding the leaks--from the Billboard interview-

In his first official interview to promote the album, Rose said it was ?hard to say? whether the leak was responsible for the album?s poor sales.

But he did acknowledge that fans would probably have grown ?emotionally attached? to the unfinished edits ahead of the record's release.

?Having someone jeopardize your efforts so cavalierly is pretty much a nightmare,? he told Billboard.

?I don't know that it hurt us though, at least as one might think. Hard to say.

?That's not to imply leaks don't hurt artists, but that they were earlier roughs and the level of sound quality is much higher with the finals.?

He added: ?That said, you have those who become emotionally attached to how the leaks sound, which, for better or worse, usually isn't so great to contend with.

?And it seems that those who often do so and complain publicly, oddly and coincidentally, have a history of basically being detractors as well even if they're somehow considered part of a ?fan? base.?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Hell House on December 12, 2015, 02:12:35 AM
Let me put it this way:

Using your narrow definition, Chinese Democracy, the album, did not exist until it hit store shelves in 2008.

Despite the fact there were comments from within, and from outside, the band who had heard the material. Despite the fact Axl had said that the material was recorded. Despite the fact we'd all pretty much heard some of the material performed live. Despite the fact that very rough mixes of many (most?) of the tracks had leaked before the album release.

Despite all evidence pointing to the fact that there was, in fact, a relatively completed your definition, it didn't exist because it wasn't released.

That's fine, if that's your litmus.  But I think you're going to run into issues when discussing that topic, going forward (or backwards), with folks.  Because generally, the definition of an album is a little more broad.  "Smile" by Brian Wilson.  "Extrodinary Machine" by Fiona Apple.  Those were examples of albums that are considered to have existed long before they actually saw the light of day.....

I think the definition of "done" is going to be different for a lot of people. To me, it's when the recording's done. But I seem to recall from Slash's autobiography that Axl said, about the Illusion records, "the motherfucker is done". And at the time, what he meant was the albums we're ready to hit the shelves.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: norway on December 12, 2015, 02:58:38 AM
Do you think those guys got more enjoyment about playing the new songs they actually helped create...or running through 'Out Ta Get Me' for the umpteenth time?

Duh, they are session-musicians! It's not like they don't interpret the material their own way tho.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 12, 2015, 03:15:17 AM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?

Technology is given too much credit in this debate.

No it's not.

You played a song live in 1991, and if somebody made a bootleg, it could get out. Tapes being traded and so on. But nothing like having it on Youtube. Almost everybody who goes to a show is a potential bootlegger these days. It used to require a bit more determination in the past. You had to get the gear into the gig first and bring enough batteries and so on.

So yes, chances of your new song appearing in circulation is way bigger and it gets spread way more today than in 1991. Sorry but that's the way it is.

Nothing to do with what bands people listen to.


Yeah, with that tech statement, i'm out. Between the narrow defintion of what constitutes existence, and that stunnng lack of understanding of what s true in todays music industry.....and not just for gnr, for pretty much everyone...theres just not enogh common ground or understanding to base a legit duscussion.

Its just going to lead to banging my head into the wall.

Dude if you think that Axl is gonna sell more albums than Adele and U2 just because he doesn?t perfom one new song live. You?re delusional!!!

What hurt CD sales was not technology It was the whole pathetic soap opera that went on during the making of the album. The fact that a lot of people didn?t buy Axl?s idea that he and a bunch of nobodys are GN?R. A lot of causal fans or rock fans got fed with riots, tours cancellations or late start shows and lack of news and activity for years. And you are the one with a very narrow vision if you think that Youtube is to blame

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: norway on December 12, 2015, 03:21:57 AM

In hindisght, maybe the band wishes your first listen would've been the album version so you didn't have that as your first impression?

Axl said something like 'we're holding back our big guns' when he talked about that. 06'ish interview iirc

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 12, 2015, 06:10:26 AM
It still doesn't explain why it is wrong.

GN'R did that in the past. Is it possible they decided to try a different way of doing things this time?
I understand how much you'd want them to play new songs live, but you have to understand that it's not only a good thing. There's downsides. I'm sure you can see that, and you're just arguing this because you'd prefer them to play new songs live and then not having the surprise effect later, right?

Technology is given too much credit in this debate.

No it's not.

You played a song live in 1991, and if somebody made a bootleg, it could get out. Tapes being traded and so on. But nothing like having it on Youtube. Almost everybody who goes to a show is a potential bootlegger these days. It used to require a bit more determination in the past. You had to get the gear into the gig first and bring enough batteries and so on.

So yes, chances of your new song appearing in circulation is way bigger and it gets spread way more today than in 1991. Sorry but that's the way it is.

Nothing to do with what bands people listen to.


Yeah, with that tech statement, i'm out. Between the narrow defintion of what constitutes existence, and that stunnng lack of understanding of what s true in todays music industry.....and not just for gnr, for pretty much everyone...theres just not enogh common ground or understanding to base a legit duscussion.

Its just going to lead to banging my head into the wall.

Dude if you think that Axl is gonna sell more albums than Adele and U2 just because he doesn?t perfom one new song live. You?re delusional!!!

What hurt CD sales was not technology It was the whole pathetic soap opera that went on during the making of the album. The fact that a lot of people didn?t buy Axl?s idea that he and a bunch of nobodys are GN?R. A lot of causal fans or rock fans got fed with riots, tours cancellations or late start shows and lack of news and activity for years. And you are the one with a very narrow vision if you think that Youtube is to blame

Only one willingly delusional and ignorant here is you.

Nobody here ever brought up "selling more albums than Adele? and U2"-- straw man nonsense.

Your apparent ignorance toward the changes in both the industry and the advances in technology is astounding and apparently this ignorance extends to other areas as well.

It is delusional how you pretend to speak for an entire cross section of fans-

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 12, 2015, 06:56:26 AM
I understand the reasons, but I don't agree with them haha.

The problem might come from the fact that the song isnt finished and the band plays it anyway live.

If by definition a song is finished in the final Album version, then what you should've done was play it accordingly live or realize it was not finished and decide not to play it.

Ok, good. :)

In this case, I don't think it's so much about the songs not being done. Just that playing songs live before you know when the audience can buy them, might not be the right strategy. That's what I think. :)

Dude if you think that Axl is gonna sell more albums than Adele and U2 just because he doesn?t perfom one new song live. You?re delusional!!!

Once again, that's you trying to prove your point. None of us made claims like that.

So get back to us when you take into account the technology that wasn't in use in 1991 compared to today. The fact that you're sitting there typing is partly made possible by that same technology we're talking about, that you don't wanna take into account. Ironic.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 12, 2015, 07:19:33 AM
He can sell as many albums as U2...they give theirs away for free.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 12, 2015, 08:28:36 AM
He can sell as many albums as U2...they give theirs away for free.  :hihi:

And who is to blame technology or the guy who came up with the idea? Still it didn?t work for GN?R. Maybe it works for other artists. Maybe it doesn?t. In the case of GN?R. I think there was a lot more that went on besides MySpace and the leaks. It is posible that people listened to it. They didn?t like so they didn?t buy the album

Adele decided to follow other path. It worked for her it doesn?t mean it will work the same way or better for every single artists out there.

I don?t think there is magic formula to sell albums, except the most obvious one. People buy what they like

Axl could performed one new song live. Or he could try to sell a song on iTunes or on their official website

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 12, 2015, 09:22:27 AM
Let me put it this way:

Using your narrow definition, Chinese Democracy, the album, did not exist until it hit store shelves in 2008.

Despite the fact there were comments from within, and from outside, the band who had heard the material. Despite the fact Axl had said that the material was recorded. Despite the fact we'd all pretty much heard some of the material performed live. Despite the fact that very rough mixes of many (most?) of the tracks had leaked before the album release.

Despite all evidence pointing to the fact that there was, in fact, a relatively completed your definition, it didn't exist because it wasn't released.

That's fine, if that's your litmus.  But I think you're going to run into issues when discussing that topic, going forward (or backwards), with folks.  Because generally, the definition of an album is a little more broad.  "Smile" by Brian Wilson.  "Extrodinary Machine" by Fiona Apple.  Those were examples of albums that are considered to have existed long before they actually saw the light of day.....

I think the definition of "done" is going to be different for a lot of people. To me, it's when the recording's done. But I seem to recall from Slash's autobiography that Axl said, about the Illusion records, "the motherfucker is done". And at the time, what he meant was the albums we're ready to hit the shelves.

Yes, but we aren't talking about done.

We are talking about existence.  Whether the album and material exist.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 12, 2015, 09:26:32 AM
He can sell as many albums as U2...they give theirs away for free.  :hihi:

And who is to blame technology or the guy who came up with the idea? Still it didn?t work for GN?R. Maybe it works for other artists. Maybe it doesn?t. In the case of GN?R. I think there was a lot more that went on besides MySpace and the leaks. It is posible that people listened to it. They didn?t like so they didn?t buy the album

Adele decided to follow other path. It worked for her it doesn?t mean it will work the same way or better for every single artists out there.

I don?t think there is magic formula to sell albums, except the most obvious one. People buy what they like

Axl could performed one new song live. Or he could try to sell a song on iTunes or on their official website

Honestly don't follow "Adele" or buy anything off ITunes ever so your little suggestions won't cut it for me.

It has already been explained to you how the industry and technology have changed to the point where performing new songs live may not be the best option or in the best interest of bands.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 12, 2015, 09:35:25 AM
He can sell as many albums as U2...they give theirs away for free.  :hihi:

And some people still complained  :hihi:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 12, 2015, 10:32:54 AM
He can sell as many albums as U2...they give theirs away for free.  :hihi:

And who is to blame technology or the guy who came up with the idea? Still it didn?t work for GN?R. Maybe it works for other artists. Maybe it doesn?t. In the case of GN?R. I think there was a lot more that went on besides MySpace and the leaks. It is posible that people listened to it. They didn?t like so they didn?t buy the album

Adele decided to follow other path. It worked for her it doesn?t mean it will work the same way or better for every single artists out there.

I don?t think there is magic formula to sell albums, except the most obvious one. People buy what they like

Axl could performed one new song live. Or he could try to sell a song on iTunes or on their official website

This is a very valid point though. ANd I think ultimately this hurt the album more than strategies or leaks. The amount of people who liked the demo leaks or the live songs more than the album versions may have been far less people than the people who listened to 1) the live versions of new songs 2) demo leaks 3) the finished album, either on myspace or in their music store with headphones, and after all of that, they still didnt think the album was worth buying.

Just like I have issues with the vocals on madagascar that ended up on the album, people may have had issues with the whole album, or at least the songs they checked out, before deciding to stop.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: raindog on December 12, 2015, 10:37:50 AM
Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 12, 2015, 10:49:54 AM
Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

Nah, that is simply your speculative, unqualified opinion :D

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 12, 2015, 10:52:49 AM
Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

I agree, of course.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 12, 2015, 10:56:14 AM
Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

I agree, of course.

Birds of a feather flock together. :D

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 12, 2015, 11:35:43 AM
I don't wear a uniform. I walk outside naked.  :)

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: raindog on December 12, 2015, 02:32:33 PM
Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

Nah, that is simply your speculative, unqualified opinion :D

Based only on 50+ years of precedent in the music industry. But no, I'm sure you're right and I'm wrong and promoting an album with TV appearances and press interviews makes it sell less. That's just good logic.  :hihi:

Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

I agree, of course.

Birds of a feather flock together. :D

Now you're just being embarrassing.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 12, 2015, 02:36:31 PM
Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

Nah, that is simply your speculative, unqualified opinion :D

Based only on 50+ years of precedent in the music industry. But no, I'm sure you're right and I'm wrong and promoting an album with TV appearances and press interviews makes it sell less. That's just good logic.  :hihi:

Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

I agree, of course.

Birds of a feather flock together. :D

Now you're just being embarrassing.

Nah, that's you that is embarrassing trying to play armchair quarterback e-expert.

"Based on 50 years precedent in the music industry" LOL at you.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: raindog on December 12, 2015, 02:47:19 PM
Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

Nah, that is simply your speculative, unqualified opinion :D

Based only on 50+ years of precedent in the music industry. But no, I'm sure you're right and I'm wrong and promoting an album with TV appearances and press interviews makes it sell less. That's just good logic.  :hihi:

Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

I agree, of course.

Birds of a feather flock together. :D

Now you're just being embarrassing.

Nah, that's you that is embarrassing trying to play armchair quarterback e-expert.

"Based on 50 years precedent in the music industry" LOL at you.   :hihi:

I've been working for Rough Trade Records and more recently Sunday Best for 15 years, so you're spot on as ever.

You don't think there's been 50 years of precedent in the music industry for TV appearances helping to sell records. OK. I guess in your world Elvis and The Beatles on Ed Sullivan or Michael Jackson debuting the moonwalk on Motown's 20th were insignificant events and their respective careers and sales would have been much the same if they'd stayed at home petting their dogs.

Can you do me a favour and not reply to my posts or put me on ignore or something.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 12, 2015, 03:42:17 PM
Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

Nah, that is simply your speculative, unqualified opinion :D

Based only on 50+ years of precedent in the music industry. But no, I'm sure you're right and I'm wrong and promoting an album with TV appearances and press interviews makes it sell less. That's just good logic.  :hihi:

Any damage done to the album's sales would have been undone with one timely TV appearance or a Rolling Stone interview. I think when you put leaks and MySpace next to the lack of real promotion, they pale into insignificance

I agree, of course.

Birds of a feather flock together. :D

Now you're just being embarrassing.

Nah, that's you that is embarrassing trying to play armchair quarterback e-expert.

"Based on 50 years precedent in the music industry" LOL at you.   :hihi:

I've been working for Rough Trade Records and more recently Sunday Best for 15 years, so you're spot on as ever.

You don't think there's been 50 years of precedent in the music industry for TV appearances helping to sell records. OK. I guess in your world Elvis and The Beatles on Ed Sullivan or Michael Jackson debuting the moonwalk on Motown's 20th were insignificant events and their respective careers and sales would have been much the same if they'd stayed at home petting their dogs.

Can you do me a favour and not reply to my posts or put me on ignore or something.

Sure you are --- anyone can claim anything on the internet so I'll take you supposed claims with a dose of salt and skepticism and weigh it all against your posting history.

Even if it were true, it doesn't qualify you as an expert on all media imo or all situations- nor does it qualify you to make the statement that X or Y would have definitely worked in this situation-- that is speculation, and hindsight is always 20/20

You can bring up as many past events as you want to, and namedrop like a madman but it doesn't change the fact that this is your opinion and you are speculating on ways a past even could have been improved- without knowing specific details.

I don't see anyone arguing against the fact that television has increased visibility of numerous musical groups over the years and has definitely been a factor in selling more Albums, Nobody here is saying those events were insignificant.

Who stayed home to "pet their dog" exactly? Care to elaborate?

No I won't put you on block, you respond publicly on a discussion board and you are fair game to respond to.  :-*

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 12, 2015, 06:55:56 PM
So, to be clear...because other things may have had an effect, ignore everything else you have control over, too?

The fact here is: Nobody here is in a position to quantify how much each individual thing may have factored in to cds release, whatever you think (success or failure) . But we can categorically say, to some extent, the influence tech has had on the industry as a whole. Its stated in industry publications, studies, market research, annual reporting, etc. It is HUGE. You can't over state it, or overestimate it, or over emphasize it.  The min someone suggests you can...the discussion, for me, ends. Because there is just no where to go from there.

So it sounds pretty dumb to me to only, potentially, adress one factor, no matter what you think had the most effect, and not the others.

They likely all had some effect effect. They should all be addressed. You don't ignore the tech side, even if you think the pr, or press, or distribution, or....whatever...was lacking. Thats nuts.

And, regardless of the specfics to cds doesnt explain why most other big acts have adopted the same  stance in regards to playing new, unreleased, material at live shows.

You can wiggle, and waggle, and try to shift focus to whatever your preferred narrative is, here, for cd specifically. But its all a smokescreen, really. Because you literally can not deny...unless you are burying your head in the sand...that tech has been the single biggest influence on the music industry, and the way it operates and does business, over the past decade or so. Period.

You can argue other factors with cd, 7 years ago. Great. Lovely. But, thats not what we are discussing. We are talking about cd2.

So, then..what about Metallica? Fall out boy? Afi? Green day? Other acts, too? Why dont they play new, unreleased, material at their live shows?

I understand that its an inconvenient truth for the folks that WANT new material played at guns shows. And they'd rather sidetrack to discuss "what else was wrong" with cd.  Go for it.  But if you do it to try to minimze the influence tech has had, and is having, you are, plain and simple, wrong. This isn't opinion. It is accepted fact in the industry. And you can see it demonstrated all over the place.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Mysteron on December 12, 2015, 07:10:36 PM
The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: rebelhipi on December 12, 2015, 09:58:25 PM
The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (
I didnt know all this stuff.

Explains a lot of things.
What happened to the case, did Axl win it?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 12, 2015, 10:58:04 PM
The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (
I didnt know all this stuff.

Explains a lot of things.
What happened to the case, did Axl win it?

This definitely hurts more than a live performance  ;D

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 13, 2015, 12:42:46 AM

The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (

Yeah, I had read through this all before.

Axl has a lot of very legitimate beefs with Azoff.  That Van Halen thing alone is a disgrace.

I think its obvious to anyone that Azoff's actions and motivations were sketchy at best, outright deceptive lies at worst.

But do we even have this album without Irving Azoff?  Like it or not, pretty much as soon as he came onboard, he got things moving on a release.  And within 7 months, the album was on shelves.  An album that had been in limbo seemingly forever.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Mysteron on December 13, 2015, 06:16:07 AM

The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (

Yeah, I had read through this all before.

Axl has a lot of very legitimate beefs with Azoff.  That Van Halen thing alone is a disgrace.

I think its obvious to anyone that Azoff's actions and motivations were sketchy at best, outright deceptive lies at worst.

But do we even have this album without Irving Azoff?  Like it or not, pretty much as soon as he came onboard, he got things moving on a release.  And within 7 months, the album was on shelves.  An album that had been in limbo seemingly forever.

You get the album, but that was all. The release did not reflect the expectations of Axl in any way at all.

Imagine being Axl and reading on the internet the frustrations of the fans because of the lack of promotion. Everything that happens with GN'R reflects on him and him alone.

Also, in terms of releasing another album, how is Axl going to feel about that. Imagine the distrust he must have of the record company and alot of other people. You spend years of your life creating something only for the above to happen. It must feel awful.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Mysteron on December 13, 2015, 06:23:48 AM
The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (
I didnt know all this stuff.

Explains a lot of things.
What happened to the case, did Axl win it?

It was settled a year later (

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: rebelhipi on December 13, 2015, 09:57:56 AM

The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (

Yeah, I had read through this all before.

Axl has a lot of very legitimate beefs with Azoff.  That Van Halen thing alone is a disgrace.

I think its obvious to anyone that Azoff's actions and motivations were sketchy at best, outright deceptive lies at worst.

But do we even have this album without Irving Azoff?  Like it or not, pretty much as soon as he came onboard, he got things moving on a release.  And within 7 months, the album was on shelves.  An album that had been in limbo seemingly forever.

You get the album, but that was all. The release did not reflect the expectations of Axl in any way at all.

Imagine being Axl and reading on the internet the frustrations of the fans because of the lack of promotion. Everything that happens with GN'R reflects on him and him alone.

Also, in terms of releasing another album, how is Axl going to feel about that. Imagine the distrust he must have of the record company and alot of other people. You spend years of your life creating something only for the above to happen. It must feel awful.
Big time.

Remember after the huge Tokyo show in 2009 Axl said that this has been the worst year of his life.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Ginger King on December 13, 2015, 10:29:45 AM
The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (
I didnt know all this stuff.

Explains a lot of things.
What happened to the case, did Axl win it?

It was settled a year later (

Interesting read.  I note that Axl and his attorneys refer to the the AFD lineup as the "original member of Guns n Roses".  Can we please put this stupid semantics argument to bed?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 13, 2015, 10:37:25 AM

The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (

Yeah, I had read through this all before.

Axl has a lot of very legitimate beefs with Azoff.  That Van Halen thing alone is a disgrace.

I think its obvious to anyone that Azoff's actions and motivations were sketchy at best, outright deceptive lies at worst.

But do we even have this album without Irving Azoff?  Like it or not, pretty much as soon as he came onboard, he got things moving on a release.  And within 7 months, the album was on shelves.  An album that had been in limbo seemingly forever.

You get the album, but that was all. The release did not reflect the expectations of Axl in any way at all.

Imagine being Axl and reading on the internet the frustrations of the fans because of the lack of promotion. Everything that happens with GN'R reflects on him and him alone.

Also, in terms of releasing another album, how is Axl going to feel about that. Imagine the distrust he must have of the record company and alot of other people. You spend years of your life creating something only for the above to happen. It must feel awful.

True, I remember reading about the Azoff mess. I never understood why the guy took the job when he wanted to do things that Axl at that time Axl didn?t want. He knew that Axl didn?t want a reunion.

And on top of that  Axl had to deal with Universal and with guys like Iovine. Clearly the music industry was better off before this conglomerates era.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Annie on December 13, 2015, 11:16:11 AM
Azoff is the prot?g?e of Jerry Heller.  He is a very ruthless man who sucks the life force out of artists because he has no talent of his own. He is very greedy.  He is all about money and he has no integrity.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Annie on December 13, 2015, 11:17:09 AM
Princess Leia why did you quote me in your signature?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 13, 2015, 11:44:42 AM
Princess Leia why did you quote me in your signature?

I find it interesting...  :smoking:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Annie on December 13, 2015, 11:52:12 AM
Princess Leia why did you quote me in your signature?

I find it interesting...  :smoking:
Ok .That's cool. I did something totally out of character and wore it three days in a row. Posted alot of pics on the visitor posts on the official Nightrain facebbok page.The shirt brought me really good luck. Bitty Ted and my friend and I got to meet the ultimate Thunder Buddy Chris Hemsworth just outside of Rockerfeller Center. Turns out he was in NYC to film SNL.And we met the Catcher in Times Square. We were also at the Star Wars costume exhibit and my friend did not want to see any Star Wars previews and one of the people said she was on on the lookout for the GUNSNROSES people who were wearing matching GNR shirts. Was kinda cool.We even got to chat up some really cool NYPD officers in Times Square who were GNR fans.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 13, 2015, 12:58:50 PM
The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (
I didnt know all this stuff.

Explains a lot of things.
What happened to the case, did Axl win it?

It was settled a year later (

Interesting read.  I note that Axl and his attorneys refer to the the AFD lineup as the "original member of Guns n Roses".  Can we please put this stupid semantics argument to bed?

Oh look, Bait.

It also says on #37 that Azoff wanted to sabotage things so Axl would have no choice but to tour with the GNR lineup from Appetite for Destruction and Use Your Illusion.

History does not change no matter how much you want it to.  :-*

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: norway on December 13, 2015, 01:37:01 PM
Oh look, Bait.

yes, and u bite

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 13, 2015, 01:41:34 PM

It's a non-argument and I'm bored waiting on a taxi :D

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Ginger King on December 13, 2015, 02:47:42 PM
The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (
I didnt know all this stuff.

Explains a lot of things.
What happened to the case, did Axl win it?

It was settled a year later (

Interesting read.  I note that Axl and his attorneys refer to the the AFD lineup as the "original member of Guns n Roses".  Can we please put this stupid semantics argument to bed?

Oh look, Bait.

It also says on #37 that Azoff wanted to sabotage things so Axl would have no choice but to tour with the GNR lineup from Appetite for Destruction and Use Your Illusion.

History does not change no matter how much you want it to.  :-*

Not bait at all.  I find it very interesting that they used the phrase original members of Guns N Roses.  We've spent countless posts discussing this issue, and it's interesting that Axl and his legal team call the AFD lineup the original members.  Why would they do that?  Do they not know the real history?  Or, are they just acknowledging what the rest of the world (save a handful of people here) deems the original members of GnR?

I'm not trying to change history.  I am trying to show you that no one (not even Axl) gives a shit about your technically correct, yet meaningless, distinction of original members.  But keep setting the record straight.  Maybe in his next lawsuit Axl will get it right.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 13, 2015, 02:59:09 PM
No, "nobody cares" as long as they get labeled original and founding members. But if somebody dares to point out how the band actually started.... Shit, meet your new best friend, a fan.
Some of you are very sensitive regarding this topic. You don't like that part of the band's history and you're fine with a rewritten version of history being presented as the truth.

Hey, whatever works for you! Don't just get all pissy about it when other Internet geeks actually give a damn about facts. :)

The constant need to bring up the subject says enough.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 13, 2015, 03:03:08 PM
I'll just bump my question in case it was somehow overlooked:

Just because I'm not going to sit here and laughably try and pretend everything is going swimmingly doesn't mean I don't still hope it might...eventually.

One question: When was the last time everything went swimmingly for "us"?


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 13, 2015, 06:32:57 PM
The case between Frontline and GN'R in 2010 looks into Chinese Democracy and what affected it's sales.

The public document is here (
I didnt know all this stuff.

Explains a lot of things.
What happened to the case, did Axl win it?

It was settled a year later (

Interesting read.  I note that Axl and his attorneys refer to the the AFD lineup as the "original member of Guns n Roses".  Can we please put this stupid semantics argument to bed?

Oh look, Bait.

It also says on #37 that Azoff wanted to sabotage things so Axl would have no choice but to tour with the GNR lineup from Appetite for Destruction and Use Your Illusion.

History does not change no matter how much you want it to.  :-*

Not bait at all.  I find it very interesting that they used the phrase original members of Guns N Roses.  We've spent countless posts discussing this issue, and it's interesting that Axl and his legal team call the AFD lineup the original members.  Why would they do that?  Do they not know the real history?  Or, are they just acknowledging what the rest of the world (save a handful of people here) deems the original members of GnR?

I'm not trying to change history.  I am trying to show you that no one (not even Axl) gives a shit about your technically correct, yet meaningless, distinction of original members.  But keep setting the record straight.  Maybe in his next lawsuit Axl will get it right.  :hihi:

Because they are likely talking about the original legal partnership "Guns n Roses".  Not the band "guns n Roses".

They are two separate and distinct things.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: CherryGarcia on December 13, 2015, 07:59:31 PM
I'll just bump my question in case it was somehow overlooked:

Just because I'm not going to sit here and laughably try and pretend everything is going swimmingly doesn't mean I don't still hope it might...eventually.

One question: When was the last time everything went swimmingly for "us"?


1993 and 2009. 93 because Guns was still a global force and gave interviews pretty regularly and there was a focus on a future vision for the band (which sadly never happened), and 2009 because CD had finally came out, Axl gave several interviews and sang great, seemed to have fire in his belly and seemed to actually be really interested in putting CD II out.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 13, 2015, 08:02:31 PM
wow, ive never read that lawsuit stuff before. the band really has had it rough. that just blew my mind. thanks for posting that mysteron. it makes perfect sense why things are the way they are now.

sure dx, azoff may have gotten cd released, but he did it by lying. its like sleeping with a girl by promising her youre gonna marry her afterwards and then not following through. total scumbag stuff. it must suck always being treated as an object instead of a person by both business partners and fans.

very cool that he didnt give in on his anti reunion stance despite all the bullying, and makes me question a little more if a reunion is actually materializing.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 13, 2015, 08:42:00 PM
I'll just bump my question in case it was somehow overlooked:

Just because I'm not going to sit here and laughably try and pretend everything is going swimmingly doesn't mean I don't still hope it might...eventually.

One question: When was the last time everything went swimmingly for "us"?

Not in this century.

2006 probably had the best potential.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2015, 06:09:05 AM
Not in this century.

2006 probably had the best potential.

I'm assuming the last few years of the last weren't going swimmingly either. So about 15-20 years of you waiting for the next time things start going swimmingly again.
That must be frustrating for you.
Wonder if it's even more frustrating (if that's the word) to see others being able to enjoy themselves without carrying the baggage of all those years of feeling frustrated..... Who knows.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 14, 2015, 07:48:14 AM

sure dx, azoff may have gotten cd released, but he did it by lying. its like sleeping with a girl by promising her youre gonna marry her afterwards and then not following through. total scumbag stuff. it must suck always being treated as an object instead of a person by both business partners and fans.

Seems very underhanded.

I assume its only the fact the van Helen talk never got out of the discussion stages that keeps it from being outright fraud.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 14, 2015, 07:49:32 AM

Not in this century.

2006 probably had the best potential.

I'm assuming the last few years of the last weren't going swimmingly either. So about 15-20 years of you waiting for the next time things start going swimmingly again.
That must be frustrating for you.
Wonder if it's even more frustrating (if that's the word) to see others being able to enjoy themselves without carrying the baggage of all those years of feeling frustrated..... Who knows.

I'm doing OK with it, thanks.

But, appreciate the concern.  Which I know is genuine.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Slashrose on December 14, 2015, 08:01:07 AM
rumors indicate the return of Buckethead , Axl Rose is crazy ?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2015, 08:15:40 AM
rumors indicate the return of Buckethead , Axl Rose is crazy ?

What rumors?


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 14, 2015, 08:38:03 AM

rumors indicate the return of Buckethead , Axl Rose is crazy ?


Where did you hear this?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 14, 2015, 12:35:39 PM
rumors indicate the return of Buckethead , Axl Rose is crazy ?

Only thing crazy is you inventing things out of the blue and endlessly promoting that crackpot Facebook page.

Not credible. :no:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2015, 12:53:16 PM
I found it, on a Brazilian site:

I suspect the writer just thought it would make "sense".


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 14, 2015, 01:11:56 PM
Yeah, maybe Buckethead will sign back on.  Sure, why not?

And hey, maybe Axl will rehire Alan Niven too.  But first, Axl will notify Mick Wall to give him the exclusive.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2015, 01:34:34 PM
I suspect the thinking, or lack thereof, goes like this: A British site says "Rose is believed to want to play more gigs in 2016 to show some loyalty to his existing bandmates" -> Buckethead will return.
Done. New story to write, new rumor started.



Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 14, 2015, 01:37:46 PM
That Playa Del Nacho Bel grande person makes some bizarre tweets as well.

I don't consider Whiplash a source for real news- any more than franchise herald, media mass or alternative nation.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 14, 2015, 01:38:17 PM

I suspect the thinking, or lack thereof, goes like this: A British site says "Rose is believed to want to play more gigs in 2016 to show some loyalty to his existing bandmates" -> Buckethead will return.
Done. New story to write, new rumor started.

Yeah, most likely.

Not like that theory made much sense anyway.  That bit about touring in 2016 with the recent band as some sort of send off.

What "existing bandmates"?  They are gone, long gone.  DJ and Ron for sure, and Tommy unless you are willing to do some contortions with your thinking to tapdance around all his own comments that sure seem like a done deal.

Who would be on this supposed tour?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 14, 2015, 01:43:55 PM
I suspect the thinking, or lack thereof, goes like this: A British site says "Rose is believed to want to play more gigs in 2016 to show some loyalty to his existing bandmates" -> Buckethead will return.
Done. New story to write, new rumor started.



Speak of the devil- look at this - GNR's 2016 Drummer Revealed  :hihi:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2015, 02:08:36 PM
Wow. A story based on a Christmas photo!



Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Ginger King on December 14, 2015, 02:30:04 PM
I suspect the thinking, or lack thereof, goes like this: A British site says "Rose is believed to want to play more gigs in 2016 to show some loyalty to his existing bandmates" -> Buckethead will return.
Done. New story to write, new rumor started.



Speak of the devil- look at this - GNR's 2016 Drummer Revealed  :hihi:

Since facts matter, the actual title of the article is "Guns N' Roses' 2016 Drummer Revealed?"

I agree it's a stupid article, but the inclusion of the question mark means the author is posing a question, not stating a fact. 

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 14, 2015, 02:40:15 PM
I suspect the thinking, or lack thereof, goes like this: A British site says "Rose is believed to want to play more gigs in 2016 to show some loyalty to his existing bandmates" -> Buckethead will return.
Done. New story to write, new rumor started.



Speak of the devil- look at this - GNR's 2016 Drummer Revealed  :hihi:

Since facts matter, the actual title of the article is "Guns N' Roses' 2016 Drummer Revealed?"

I agree it's a stupid article, but the inclusion of the question mark means the author is posing a question, not stating a fact. 

Look at the rest of the articles that blog? Has posted though.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: RnT on December 14, 2015, 04:07:39 PM
I found it, on a Brazilian site:

I suspect the writer just thought it would make "sense".


Forget about this Brazilian site. Anyone can write an article and publish it there

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 14, 2015, 04:37:39 PM
I didn't know that....
So it's even less credible than I assumed.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 14, 2015, 05:39:17 PM

Forget about this Brazilian site. Anyone can write an article and publish it there

"That's how you know you get the best information." - Michael Scott

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Annie on December 15, 2015, 11:24:09 AM

Forget about this Brazilian site. Anyone can write an article and publish it there

"That's how you know you get the best information." - Michael Scott
That is a sad way of looking at life.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 15, 2015, 11:26:57 AM

Forget about this Brazilian site. Anyone can write an article and publish it there

"That's how you know you get the best information." - Michael Scott

That is a sad way of looking at life.

Well, taking life advice from most of your sitcom characters is going to be hit or miss, really.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 15, 2015, 11:30:56 AM
"I read the Internet, I know what's going on".


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: norway on December 15, 2015, 11:31:43 AM
"I read the Internet, I know what's going on".


u have 2 do it w the voice

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 15, 2015, 11:39:10 AM
Haha. That's true!


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GNR4LIFEJD on December 15, 2015, 01:11:22 PM
that was a pretty cute pic of frank with im guessing with his family though and nice of them to sport the GNR sweater lol

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 17, 2015, 09:26:11 AM
Eddie Trunk@

Spoke to @Slash last night and he said he is working on new songs for the next Conspirators album.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Slashrose on December 17, 2015, 10:05:06 AM
Eddie Trunk@

Spoke to @Slash last night and he said he is working on new songs for the next Conspirators album.

It is a disappointment.

I expected more from Axl Rose, expect more respect for the fans who follow him for decades .

I wish a Merry Christmas to Axl Rose, and that one day he respects the fans that made him famous and full of money

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 10:21:37 AM

Eddie Trunk@

Spoke to @Slash last night and he said he is working on new songs for the next Conspirators album.

This is not encouraging.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 10:25:09 AM

It is a disappointment.

I expected more from Axl Rose, expect more respect for the fans who follow him for decades .

I wish a Merry Christmas to Axl Rose, and that one day he respects the fans that made him famous and full of money

Well, you just bought yourself a lecture (or 7) with these comments.

Personally, if there is no reunion, there is no reunion.  Longshot anyway.  But that will be a hell of a lot easier to swallow if he has actually been doing something and will be back with a new band and new album soon.

However, part of the reason I am really pulling for the reunion is that I don't think any of that shit is happening.  If there truly is no reunion, I don't expect we'll hear a peep anyway.  But if we did, I don't see why it wouldn't be more of that same, vague "we are still looking at everything" type of bullshit.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 10:25:57 AM
Eddie Trunk@

Spoke to @Slash last night and he said he is working on new songs for the next Conspirators album.

It is a disappointment.

I expected more from Axl Rose, expect more respect for the fans who follow him for decades .

I wish a Merry Christmas to Axl Rose, and that one day he respects the fans that made him famous and full of money

Exactly how is he "disrespecting" you?

Nobody is forcing you to buy GNR tickets , merch, or albums (if you have) and nobody owes you a thing.
If you are under the misguided notion that GNR "owe" you a play by play on internal business you are laboring under a misplaced entitlement delusion- like a few others here.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 17, 2015, 10:31:40 AM

It is a disappointment.

I expected more from Axl Rose, expect more respect for the fans who follow him for decades .

I wish a Merry Christmas to Axl Rose, and that one day he respects the fans that made him famous and full of money

Well, you just bought yourself a lecture (or 7) with these comments.

Personally, if there is no reunion, there is no reunion.  Longshot anyway.  But that will be a hell of a lot easier to swallow if he has actually been doing something and will be back with a new band and new album soon.

However, part of the reason I am really pulling for the reunion is that I don't think any of that shit is happening.  If there truly is no reunion, I don't expect we'll hear a peep anyway.  But if we did, I don't see why it wouldn't be more of that same, vague "we are still looking at everything" type of bullshit.

What I don't understand is, if there is no reunion, why nobody shoots down all of the rumors ?!  :crying:

Fucking Slash gets together with Eddie Trunk and they talk about Conspirators songs?! wtf ?!

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 10:37:16 AM

What I don't understand is, if there is no reunion, why nobody shoots down all of the rumors ?!  :crying:

I agree.  But silence is not "proof" of anything, unfortuantely.

You could just as easily argue there have been no comments because neither side feels the need, as they are long on record being against the idea.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 17, 2015, 10:42:51 AM

What I don't understand is, if there is no reunion, why nobody shoots down all of the rumors ?!  :crying:

I agree.  But silence is not "proof" of anything, unfortuantely.

You could just as easily argue there have been no comments because neither side feels the need, as they are long on record being against the idea.

Yes, but when you've got people close to Axl saying they hope they get together (TOMMY, DJ ASHBA) (having a clue or not of what is going on), its far different than a rumor on a brazilian site, that PEPE from Mexico can edit.  :rant:

How can Eddie even post that on twitter, knowing damn well what we all want to hear? Nobody cares about Conspirators songs, Either Post: No, the reunion isnt happening, Slash is working on his stuff. OR Yes, The reunion is happening, Slash is also working on his stuff.

 :hihi: Im going to become like Twilight Annie and start hating Eddie Trunk  :hihi:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 10:46:38 AM

Yes, but when you've got people close to Axl saying they hope they get together (TOMMY, DJ ASHBA) (having a clue or not of what is going on), its far different than a rumor on a brazilian site, that PEPE from Mexico can edit.  :rant:


Axl is the only one with anything to lose if this doesn't happen.

If there is no reunion, fans of each side will then ask what they will be doing instead.  Slash will have answer to that question, so no worries for him..

Will Axl?  Highly unlikely.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 11:05:36 AM
It is a disappointment.

I expected more from Axl Rose, expect more respect for the fans who follow him for decades .

I wish a Merry Christmas to Axl Rose, and that one day he respects the fans that made him famous and full of money

Sorry your Christmas was ruined.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 11:14:57 AM

Yes, but when you've got people close to Axl saying they hope they get together (TOMMY, DJ ASHBA) (having a clue or not of what is going on), its far different than a rumor on a brazilian site, that PEPE from Mexico can edit.  :rant:


Axl is the only one with anything to lose if this doesn't happen.

If there is no reunion, fans of each side will then ask what they will be doing instead.  Slash will have answer to that question, so no worries for him..

Will Axl?  Highly unlikely.

So you don't think he knows what he will be doing next? Laughable.

And- re: signature-  I'm not on your team.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 11:19:12 AM

So you don't think he knows what he will be doing next? Laughable.

I didn't say that at all.

"Not much" is still an answer, just a shitty one.

My point is that Slash's fans will have an actual alternative to no reunion.  We, will not.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 11:21:53 AM

And- re: signature-  I'm not on your team.

Yeah, but are you even you?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 11:50:50 AM

So you don't think he knows what he will be doing next? Laughable.

I didn't say that at all.

"Not much" is still an answer, just a shitty one.

My point is that Slash's fans will have an actual alternative to no reunion.  We, will not.

Oh, so you can tell the future now? Amazing!

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 11:53:25 AM
My point is that Slash's fans will have an actual alternative to no reunion.  We, will not.

Both alternatives are the same. No reunion.  :P


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 11:59:43 AM

And- re: signature-  I'm not on your team.

Yeah, but are you even you?

I am me, who are you?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:02:13 PM

Oh, so you can tell the future now? Amazing!

I can, indeed.

For instance, I predict that in 2016 you will continue to wear out the term "entitled" (and all its variations) and that you will not find fault in anything that happens.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:04:19 PM

My point is that Slash's fans will have an actual alternative to no reunion.  We, will not.

Both alternatives are the same. No reunion.  :P

Totally disagree.

If there is no reunion, there will be a new Slash album before there is a new Guns N' Roses album.

Which is incredible, considering the head start Axl has.  Or, would be incredible, I guess I should say, if you didn't know anything about Axl Rose.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 17, 2015, 12:17:39 PM
Eddie Trunk@

Spoke to @Slash last night and he said he is working on new songs for the next Conspirators album.

It is a disappointment.

I expected more from Axl Rose, expect more respect for the fans who follow him for decades .

I wish a Merry Christmas to Axl Rose, and that one day he respects the fans that made him famous and full of money

What ? Axl What ? GNR What ? Five Months Of LIES & RUMORS No-Official


Welcome The World Of GUNS N' ROSES


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 12:21:23 PM
Eddie Trunk@

Spoke to @Slash last night and he said he is working on new songs for the next Conspirators album.

It is a disappointment.

I expected more from Axl Rose, expect more respect for the fans who follow him for decades .

I wish a Merry Christmas to Axl Rose, and that one day he respects the fans that made him famous and full of money

What ? Axl What ? GNR What ? Five Months Of LIES & RUMORS No-Official


Welcome The World Of GUNS N' ROSES


I love that song!  Especially the lyric "Nobody owes you, not one godamned thing"


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 12:22:36 PM

My point is that Slash's fans will have an actual alternative to no reunion.  We, will not.

Both alternatives are the same. No reunion.  :P

Totally disagree.

If there is no reunion, there will be a new Slash album before there is a new Guns N' Roses album.

Which is incredible, considering the head start Axl has.  Or, would be incredible, I guess I should say, if you didn't know anything about Axl Rose.

There is no competition here, except in your head and in your spin.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:25:52 PM

There is no competition here, except in your head and in your spin.

Well, as I often say, we can't both be right.

Actually, let me amend that.  We couldn't both be right, so long as both sides of an argument had the balls to take a position.

As usual, I am willing to go on record, yet the opposition never steps up to go on record with the alternative.

So, I guess I better way to put it would be : I will either be right or wrong, and others too chickenshit to take a stand face no consequences, regardless.

Yet another Profile In Courage, this discussion.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 12:26:01 PM

Oh, so you can tell the future now? Amazing!

I can, indeed.

For instance, I predict that in 2016 you will continue to wear out the term "entitled" (and all its variations) and that you will not find fault in anything that happens.

If certain "fans" continue to have misplaced entitlement issues and mistakenly think they are somehow "owed"  then it will continue to be pointed out.

I'll play Nostradamus too- I predict that you will continue to bitch, moan and complain as long as you are allowed to post here- celebrating festivus 365 days a year :D

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 12:27:31 PM
Totally disagree.

If there is no reunion, there will be a new Slash album before there is a new Guns N' Roses album.

Which is incredible, considering the head start Axl has.  Or, would be incredible, I guess I should say, if you didn't know anything about Axl Rose.

I think your way of thinking is once again somewhat illogical.

Either there is a reunion, or there isn't.
It's not really a question of having one or a Slash album.

You're talking about what the alternatives are if the answer is NO.... That's a different discussion altogether.

I'm not surprised you're spreading your special kind of joy around once again.
20+ years of carrying a weight on your shoulders sure seems to be taking its toll..... :)

Imagine if your prediction is true. Will you still be posting this same nonsense in a year? When will you move on?


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 17, 2015, 12:27:36 PM
I suspect the thinking, or lack thereof, goes like this: A British site says "Rose is believed to want to play more gigs in 2016 to show some loyalty to his existing bandmates" -> Buckethead will return.
Done. New story to write, new rumor started.



Speak of the devil- look at this - GNR's 2016 Drummer Revealed  :hihi:

This People Is CRAZY & INSANE !!!


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 12:27:52 PM

There is no competition here, except in your head and in your spin.

Well, as I often say, we can't both be right.

Actually, let me amend that.  We couldn't both be right, so long as both sides of an argument had the balls to take a position.

As usual, I am willing to go on record, yet the opposition never steps up to go on record with the alternative.

So, I guess I better way to put it would be : I will either be right or wrong, and others too chickenshit to take a stand face no consequences, regardless.

Yet another Profile In Courage, this discussion.

Haha, you truly have delusions of grandeur- your posts and "positions" aren't noble or courageous.  :hihi:

Hilarious example of how seriously you take yourself and how important you think you are.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:30:34 PM

I think your way of thinking is once again somewhat illogical.

Either there is a reunion, or there isn't.
It's not really a question of having one or a Slash album.


The original post of mine you quoted was about how Axl has more to lose than Slash in the case of no reunion, because Slash will actually get off his ass and have something else for his fans, while our man is highly unlikely to do so.

That's the argument.

You attempting to reframe it because its uncomfortable has no relevance to me.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:34:23 PM

Haha, you truly have delusions of grandeur- your posts and "positions" aren't noble or courageous.  :hihi:

The position one takes is not noble.  Its not having the courage to take one that makes one a coward, however.

Handy dandy example :

Stance : "Absent a reunion, there will be a Slash album before there is a Guns N' Roses one".

Now if you are going to speak out and call that bullshit, go on record with the alternative.  Over time, we see who is right and who is wrong.

Ah...but that's the rub, isn't it?  Doing so means you have to actually rely on Axl to come through for you.  And despite your constant proclamations of total faith, in actual fact, you don't have it.

So you don't take the position.  You don't take any position, actually.

Always easier to avoid being wrong when you never step up.  Pretty sad state of affairs though.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 17, 2015, 12:37:03 PM

This People Not Have Life ?


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 12:39:25 PM

Haha, you truly have delusions of grandeur- your posts and "positions" aren't noble or courageous.  :hihi:

The position one takes is not noble.  Its not having the courage to take one that makes one a coward, however.

Handy dandy example :

Stance : "Absent a reunion, there will be a Slash album before there is a Guns N' Roses one".

Now if you are going to speak out and call that bullshit, go on record with the alternative.  Over time, we see who is right and who is wrong.

Ah...but that's the rub, isn't it?  Doing so means you have to actually rely on Axl to come through for you.  And despite your constant proclamations of total faith, in actual fact, you don't have it.

So you don't take the position.  You don't take any position, actually.

Always easier to avoid being wrong when you never step up.  Pretty sad state of affairs though.

Amusing, and simply another case of you attempting to establish some sort of online pseudo courageous stance for some lack in your real life- compensation is always a little pathetic.

So you are inventing this little competition? Do you honestly think there will never be another GNR album Mr.fake courage?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 12:41:33 PM
The original post of mine you quoted was about how Axl has more to lose than Slash in the case of no reunion, because Slash will actually get off his ass and have something else for his fans, while our man is highly unlikely to do so.

That's the argument.

I think the argument is that you think you know what's gonna happen. The truth is, you're just guessing.
And no matter what happens, you'll still be right about something. Because essentially, there's always something not 100% right.... So you can keep this act up.

Even if GN'R would win this imaginary race you've created, you wouldn't admit being wrong.

You attempting to reframe it because its uncomfortable has no relevance to me.

It's not uncomfortable. It's boring.
There's a difference.

The question remains. You've already stated that 2016 will most likely suck for you. So when will you move on?
Don't you get tired of this so called waiting for things to go swimmingly? I mean, 20 years.... That's a long wait for something,
Especially if you consider that things probably didn't go as swimmingly even then, you just choose to remember it that way.

Always easier to avoid being wrong when you never step up.  Pretty sad state of affairs though.

Always easy being right when you ignore when somebody proves you wrong.



Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:42:28 PM

This People Not Have Life ?

Of course they do.  But when it comes to this particular subject, there are some answers better than others.

People aren't going to stop living their lives is there is no reunion.  But that doesn't mean they are as excited about a new Slash album.

That's all.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: JAEBALL on December 17, 2015, 12:44:00 PM
I don't think Slash or Duff would and will sit still in waiting for something to move on GNR ...if it's even being considered.

So therefore either of them working on songs for something else at present time doesn't mean something with GNR isn't happening.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:44:44 PM

I think the argument is that you think you know what's gonna happen. The truth is, you're just guessing.
And no matter what happens, you'll still be right about something. Because essentially, there's always something not 100% right.... So you can keep this act up.

Even if GN'R would win this imaginary race you've created, you wouldn't admit being wrong.

I am making an educated guess based on all available evidence, yes, I am.

If there were no reunion, but Axl still came out with an album before Slash, of course I'd admit I was wrong.

How would I get out of it?  I've spelled out in no uncertain terms what I think will happen.  I am either right or wrong.  There is no wiggle room on this one.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 17, 2015, 12:45:44 PM

This People Not Have Life ?

Of course they do.  But when it comes to this particular subject, there are some answers better than others.

People aren't going to stop living their lives is there is no reunion.  But that doesn't mean they are as excited about a new Slash album.

That's all.

But music of Slash Is GOOD

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:46:12 PM

Amusing, and simply another case of you attempting to establish some sort of online pseudo courageous stance for some lack in your real life- compensation is always a little pathetic.

Ah, so we're on to the "you must be a loser in real life because you have a different opinion than me on the internet" portion of the proceedings.

I see.  I accept your unconditional surrender on this topic.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 12:49:43 PM
I am making an educated guess based on all available evidence, yes, I am.

If there were no reunion, but Axl still came out with an album before Slash, of course I'd admit I was wrong.

How would I get out of it?  I've spelled out in no uncertain terms what I think will happen.  I am either right or wrong.  There is no wiggle room on this one.

How would you get out of it? I'm sure you could find a way.

I don't think Slash or Duff would and will sit still in waiting for something to move on GNR ...if it's even being considered.

So therefore either of them working on songs for something else at present time doesn't mean something with GNR isn't happening.

True. But people are desperate for clues in anything.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 12:50:48 PM

Amusing, and simply another case of you attempting to establish some sort of online pseudo courageous stance for some lack in your real life- compensation is always a little pathetic.

Ah, so we're on to the "you must be a loser in real life because you have a different opinion than me on the internet" portion of the proceedings.

I see.  I accept your unconditional surrender on this topic.
You honestly have reading comprehension issues, or else your translations are purposely skewed.

Nobody cares about your little invented competitions, find another way to validate your life.

This isn't even a worthwhile argument, you're slipping :D

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:52:05 PM

I am making an educated guess based on all available evidence, yes, I am.

If there were no reunion, but Axl still came out with an album before Slash, of course I'd admit I was wrong.

How would I get out of it?  I've spelled out in no uncertain terms what I think will happen.  I am either right or wrong.  There is no wiggle room on this one.

How would you get out of it? I'm sure you could find a way.

Grow up, dude.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 17, 2015, 12:53:53 PM
The Slash new album is not really news

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 12:55:41 PM
The Slash new album is not really news

Correct, that has been in the plans for awhile- not the first time I've heard about it.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:56:01 PM

The Slash new album is not really news

The glass half full position, I think, is to simply say Slash is not going to totally put his life on complete hold for someone as unreliable as Axl.

In other words, there could still be talks that this could all happen, but Slash is still going to hedge his bets.  And its not like songs he works on now can't still be used down the line somewhere, anyway.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 17, 2015, 12:56:07 PM
I have to say Eddie Trunk needs to shut the fuck up........he is turning in to clickbait personified. :rant:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 17, 2015, 12:57:00 PM

The Slash new album is not really news

The glass half full position, I think, is to simply say Slash is not going to totally put his life on complete hold for someone as unreliable as Axl.

In other words, there could still be talks that this could all happen, but Slash is still going to hedge his bets.  And its not like songs he works on now can't still be used down the line somewhere, anyway.

yep, and same goes for Axl...two way street.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:57:35 PM

I have to say Eddie Trunk needs to shut the fuck up........he is turning in to clickbait personified. :rant:


But based on the reactions around here and some of the other forums, its hard to say its not working for him.  Even if we resent his motives.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 12:58:29 PM
How would you get out of it? I'm sure you could find a way.

Grow up, dude.

Oh insults. How original.

Just because you don't like me pointing out the uncomfortable truth about how little interest you have in admitting to being wrong.
Track record.


So, when will you move on from this to something that has gone swimmingly in the past 20+ years? :)

The Slash new album is not really news

Isn't there some movie thing too?


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 12:58:38 PM

The glass half full position, I think, is to simply say Slash is not going to totally put his life on complete hold for someone as unreliable as Axl.

In other words, there could still be talks that this could all happen, but Slash is still going to hedge his bets.  And its not like songs he works on now can't still be used down the line somewhere, anyway.

yep, and same goes for Axl...two way street.

Sure, but we aready knew that, right?

We've known for over a year he's been looking VERY seriously at what he's doing in regard to releasing his next album.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 12:59:57 PM

The Slash new album is not really news

The glass half full position, I think, is to simply say Slash is not going to totally put his life on complete hold for someone as unreliable as Axl.

In other words, there could still be talks that this could all happen, but Slash is still going to hedge his bets.  And its not like songs he works on now can't still be used down the line somewhere, anyway.

Wow amazing! You not only think you can tell the future for GNR but now you know what Slash is supposedly thinking.

You should get your own 900 number and charge for magical psychic advice :D

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 17, 2015, 01:00:15 PM

Amusing, and simply another case of you attempting to establish some sort of online pseudo courageous stance for some lack in your real life- compensation is always a little pathetic.

Ah, so we're on to the "you must be a loser in real life because you have a different opinion than me on the internet" portion of the proceedings.

I see.  I accept your unconditional surrender on this topic.

Yep, when you start insulting, you lose.  ;D

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 01:00:31 PM

How would you get out of it? I'm sure you could find a way.

Grow up, dude.

Oh insults. How original.

You want to have a mature conversation, I'll have one.

You want to resort to juvenile grade school bullshit in place of a mature conversation, you can talk to yourself.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Princess Leia on December 17, 2015, 01:01:46 PM
How would you get out of it? I'm sure you could find a way.

Grow up, dude.

Oh insults. How original.

Just because you don't like me pointing out the uncomfortable truth about how little interest you have in admitting to being wrong.
Track record.


So, when will you move on from this to something that has gone swimmingly in the past 20+ years? :)

The Slash new album is not really news

Isn't there some movie thing too?


Yes he is producing a new horror movie. And I think he is gonna make the movie soundtrack as well.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 01:02:28 PM

How would you get out of it? I'm sure you could find a way.

Grow up, dude.

Oh insults. How original.

You want to have a mature conversation, I'll have one.

You want to resort to juvenile grade school bullshit in place of a mature conversation, you can talk to yourself.

Oh I'm sorry you got insulted by me pointing out that you're one of those people who thinks they're never wrong.
If you actually acted differently, maybe I wouldn't think that.

DXPityParty on a Thursday... On a school night no less!

By the way, if I want to have a mature conversation, you wouldn't be involved.....
There's plenty of others capable of that. Including the wall in front of me. And that one to the left... But not as much.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 01:03:04 PM

Amusing, and simply another case of you attempting to establish some sort of online pseudo courageous stance for some lack in your real life- compensation is always a little pathetic.

Ah, so we're on to the "you must be a loser in real life because you have a different opinion than me on the internet" portion of the proceedings.

I see.  I accept your unconditional surrender on this topic.

Yep, when you start insulting, you lose.  ;D

It's a complete surrender position.

No one in the history of the internet ever had a merit based counterargument based on the facts of the topic of the conversation...but then decided, nah, I'll bag that.

Instead, I'll go with how the guy is probably a virgin living in his parent's basement, totally unhappy at his failure of a life.

Has never happened.  Will never happen.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 01:03:56 PM
How would you get out of it? I'm sure you could find a way.

Grow up, dude.

Oh insults. How original.

Just because you don't like me pointing out the uncomfortable truth about how little interest you have in admitting to being wrong.
Track record.


So, when will you move on from this to something that has gone swimmingly in the past 20+ years? :)

The Slash new album is not really news

Isn't there some movie thing too?


Yes-  The "Hell within" filming early 2016, then new Conspirators record in the spring.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 17, 2015, 01:04:39 PM

The Slash new album is not really news

The glass half full position, I think, is to simply say Slash is not going to totally put his life on complete hold for someone as unreliable as Axl.

In other words, there could still be talks that this could all happen, but Slash is still going to hedge his bets.  And its not like songs he works on now can't still be used down the line somewhere, anyway.

Well, I think its safe to say Slash has creative freedom whereas Axl does not.
I have a little more sympathy now for Axl, ever since I truly understood that he is in Prison from the label.

That being said, you are right, Slash might still go his own way while lingering on the GNR possibility just in case.

This is why, Eddie Trunk is to blame on this one, for not asking THE question.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 01:06:07 PM
This is why, Eddie Trunk is to blame on this one, for not asking THE question.

Eddie can ask THE questions until eternity, doesn't mean he'll get THE answers.  :hihi:


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 01:06:12 PM

By the way, if I want to have a mature conversation, you wouldn't be involved.....
There's plenty of others capable of that. Including the wall in front of me. And that one to the left... But not as much.

Then go bother the wall when it won't give you the attention you are craving.

I got shit to do.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 17, 2015, 01:06:35 PM

Amusing, and simply another case of you attempting to establish some sort of online pseudo courageous stance for some lack in your real life- compensation is always a little pathetic.

Ah, so we're on to the "you must be a loser in real life because you have a different opinion than me on the internet" portion of the proceedings.

I see.  I accept your unconditional surrender on this topic.

Yep, when you start insulting, you lose.  ;D

It's a complete surrender position.

No one in the history of the internet ever had a merit based counterargument based on the facts of the topic of the conversation...but then decided, nah, I'll bag that.

Instead, I'll go with how the guy is probably a virgin living in his parent's basement, totally unhappy at his failure of a life.

Has never happened.  Will never happen.

Boo Hoo- all bitter because nobody wanted to engage in your imaginary boring  competition.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 17, 2015, 01:07:05 PM
This is why, Eddie Trunk is to blame on this one, for not asking THE question.

Eddie can ask THE questions until eternity, doesn't mean he'll get THE answers.  :hihi:


Then why not say he asked the question, and all he got was an awkward look?  ;D

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 01:07:47 PM
Then go bother the wall when it won't give you the attention you are craving.

I got shit to do.

I'm not craving attention. :)

Please go do your shit. Do it slowly.

When will you move on?  

Somebody seems irritated.  :-*

Then why not say he asked the question, and all he got was an awkward look?  ;D

Yeah, and post the headline: I asked Slash & Duff THE question, and you'll never guess what happened next.



Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 01:14:04 PM

Then why not say he asked the question, and all he got was an awkward look?  ;D

Yeah, and post the headline: I asked Slash & Duff THE question, and you'll never guess what happened next.


Yeah, can't rule that out.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 01:15:17 PM
How many would click that headline? Be honest!  :hihi:


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 01:40:48 PM
Oh, would be impossible to ignore.  No question about it.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 17, 2015, 02:26:11 PM
How many would click that headline? Be honest!  :hihi:


All the peoples...

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: JAEBALL on December 17, 2015, 02:59:06 PM
Is "clickbait" a popular gripe among other circles? or is it only a GNR la la land kind of thing?  :)

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 17, 2015, 03:18:15 PM
Hiatus may be over so we need a new buzz word.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: JAEBALL on December 17, 2015, 03:18:51 PM
Hiatus may be over so we need a new buzz word.


So true.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 03:19:22 PM
Is "clickbait" a popular gripe among other circles? or is it only a GNR la la land kind of thing?  :)

I don't know.
I hope it's not just GN'R fans who are noticing these things.

You used to be able to read a headline and get an idea what the deal was, now the headline is there just to make you click on it.  :hihi:

It used to be like: Friday's weather is gonna be rainy. And now: You'll never guess what we found out about Friday's weather!  ;)


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 03:19:49 PM
Hiatus may be over so we need a new buzz word.

Is this a new holiday?

How is Hiatus celebrated?


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sky dog on December 17, 2015, 03:24:06 PM
We celebrate it by starting off the new year with news about a new Guns album and tour! :beer:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: norway on December 17, 2015, 03:52:16 PM

What I don't understand is, if there is no reunion, why nobody shoots down all of the rumors ?!  :crying:

It's been shot down for years :P

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 03:55:34 PM

Is "clickbait" a popular gripe among other circles? or is it only a GNR la la land kind of thing?  :)

I hear it with other groups, but few take it as personal as this fanbase.

I've seen people resent the practice, but more in just an eye-rolling way.

This fanbase, though?  Its an outrage, the guy is unprofessional, and the basically he's reason that puppies go unadopted and old people die.  All because of clickbait.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 03:56:56 PM

Hiatus may be over so we need a new buzz word.

Well, Fernando's time is up at year's end.

I'm all for taking a guy at his word.  But eventually, that bill comes due.

He said 2-4 months.  Even going with the outer edge of that time frame, the full 4 months, its up at the beginning of next year.

So what do ya got for us, playa?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sofine11 on December 17, 2015, 04:15:02 PM

Hiatus may be over so we need a new buzz word.

Well, Fernando's time is up at year's end.

I'm all for taking a guy at his word.  But eventually, that bill comes due.

He said 2-4 months.  Even going with the outer edge of that time frame, the full 4 months, its up at the beginning of next year.

So what do ya got for us, playa?

Assuming he remembers and/or cares.  :-\

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 04:20:11 PM

Hiatus may be over so we need a new buzz word.

Well, Fernando's time is up at year's end.

I'm all for taking a guy at his word.  But eventually, that bill comes due.

He said 2-4 months.  Even going with the outer edge of that time frame, the full 4 months, its up at the beginning of next year.

So what do ya got for us, playa?

Assuming he remembers and/or cares.  :-\

Oh, I have exactly zero belief something is forthcoming when the time runs out.

The comedy will be when the usual suspects start their lecturing about how we are not owed anything, despite us simply going by WHAT THE MAN SAID.

Somehow, that will not matter.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: sofine11 on December 17, 2015, 04:23:34 PM

Hiatus may be over so we need a new buzz word.

Well, Fernando's time is up at year's end.

I'm all for taking a guy at his word.  But eventually, that bill comes due.

He said 2-4 months.  Even going with the outer edge of that time frame, the full 4 months, its up at the beginning of next year.

So what do ya got for us, playa?

Assuming he remembers and/or cares.  :-\

Oh, I have exactly zero belief something is forthcoming when the time runs out.

The comedy will be when the usual suspects start their lecturing about how we are not owed anything, despite us simply going by WHAT THE MAN SAID.

Somehow, that will not matter.

Some sort of variation on "You are just a negative "fan" and will never be happy."

This from the same people who scoffed at us back in February when we eluded to a 2015 album release being unlikely. Please.  ::)

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Ali on December 17, 2015, 04:24:44 PM

Eddie Trunk@

Spoke to @Slash last night and he said he is working on new songs for the next Conspirators album.

This is not encouraging.
Only if you expected GN'R to be operational year round going forward.  Since that really hasn't been the case other than two years (2010, 2012) - and even then with breaks of a couple months in there - I don't see a reason to expect that.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Ali on December 17, 2015, 04:26:47 PM
I don't think Slash or Duff would and will sit still in waiting for something to move on GNR ...if it's even being considered.

So therefore either of them working on songs for something else at present time doesn't mean something with GNR isn't happening.

SMKC can't be a full time operation for Slash since Myles is in Alter Bridge as well.  And, if GN'R weren't playing until next spring or summer, I don't see what the conflict is with writing/recording songs between now and next spring.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 04:30:45 PM

SMKC can't be a full time operation for Slash since Myles is in Alter Bridge as well.  And, if GN'R weren't playing until next spring or summer, I don't see what the conflict is with writing/recording songs between now and next spring.

I agree.

But do you find it odd on any level that Slash cuts off all communication with Eddie in terms of a reunion, but is willing to talk about this?

Could that be a passive aggressive "let's talk about something that is actually real" type of deal?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: norway on December 17, 2015, 04:31:40 PM

because Slash will actually get off his ass and have something else for his fans, while our man is highly unlikely to do so.

That's the argument.

and if our boy release an album there wont be a reunion, amagad!

is it also bad for us and axl if current gnr-members releases stuff before cd2?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Ali on December 17, 2015, 04:38:18 PM

SMKC can't be a full time operation for Slash since Myles is in Alter Bridge as well.  And, if GN'R weren't playing until next spring or summer, I don't see what the conflict is with writing/recording songs between now and next spring.

I agree.

But do you find it odd on any level that Slash cuts off all communication with Eddie in terms of a reunion, but is willing to talk about this?

Could that be a passive aggressive "let's talk about something that is actually real" type of deal?
Could be, yeah.  It would be easier to determine that knowing the full context of the conversation.  Was GN'R even brought up?  If so, how did he react? So and so forth.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jemin on December 17, 2015, 04:59:29 PM

SMKC can't be a full time operation for Slash since Myles is in Alter Bridge as well.  And, if GN'R weren't playing until next spring or summer, I don't see what the conflict is with writing/recording songs between now and next spring.

I agree.

But do you find it odd on any level that Slash cuts off all communication with Eddie in terms of a reunion, but is willing to talk about this?

Could that be a passive aggressive "let's talk about something that is actually real" type of deal?
Could be, yeah.  It would be easier to determine that knowing the full context of the conversation.  Was GN'R even brought up?  If so, how did he react? So and so forth.


I imagine if there is discussions then there probably is a gag order.  If that's the case then Slash probably asked/told Eddie off the record that he can't talk about it or something similar, I would think.

If him and Eddie are friends as Eddie says then I'm sure he wouldn't speak on it until it is known that he can.  My imo.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Annie on December 17, 2015, 05:13:26 PM

What I don't understand is, if there is no reunion, why nobody shoots down all of the rumors ?!  :crying:

I agree.  But silence is not "proof" of anything, unfortuantely.

You could just as easily argue there have been no comments because neither side feels the need, as they are long on record being against the idea.

Yes, but when you've got people close to Axl saying they hope they get together (TOMMY, DJ ASHBA) (having a clue or not of what is going on), its far different than a rumor on a brazilian site, that PEPE from Mexico can edit.  :rant:

How can Eddie even post that on twitter, knowing damn well what we all want to hear? Nobody cares about Conspirators songs, Either Post: No, the reunion isnt happening, Slash is working on his stuff. OR Yes, The reunion is happening, Slash is also working on his stuff.

 :hihi: Im going to become like Twilight Annie and start hating Eddie Trunk  :hihi:

Haha Woody.  The more Eddie shoots his mouth off the more convinced I am that my impression from my short encounter with him was correct. I don't hate him. I just don't think he has a lot of integrity. People here said that it can be unsettling to be approached by a fan. Well he should be grateful that he has fans. He has no real talent.  Hell I met Chris Hemsworth just walking down the street in NYC at MN after he had spent the whole day rehearsing for SNL. He was very nice and he even took a picture with Bitty Ted.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Annie on December 17, 2015, 05:50:17 PM

Yes, but when you've got people close to Axl saying they hope they get together (TOMMY, DJ ASHBA) (having a clue or not of what is going on), its far different than a rumor on a brazilian site, that PEPE from Mexico can edit.  :rant:


Axl is the only one with anything to lose if this doesn't happen.

If there is no reunion, fans of each side will then ask what they will be doing instead.  Slash will have answer to that question, so no worries for him..

Will Axl?  Highly unlikely.
That is not true. You don't know what is going on with Axl.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 17, 2015, 05:51:49 PM
In Summary, GNR Keep Looking 2 New Guitars For 2016

Happy Holidays


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2015, 05:55:19 PM

Is "clickbait" a popular gripe among other circles? or is it only a GNR la la land kind of thing?  :)

I hear it with other groups, but few take it as personal as this fanbase.

I've seen people resent the practice, but more in just an eye-rolling way.

This fanbase, though?  Its an outrage, the guy is unprofessional, and the basically he's reason that puppies go unadopted and old people die.  All because of clickbait.

I Googled "I hate clickbait", Google tells me there's about 489 000 results.
I guess only certain GN'R fans really dislike it. I mean, the ones who often seem to disagree with you.  :hihi:


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 17, 2015, 07:05:40 PM

Makes sense.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Ali on December 17, 2015, 07:09:45 PM

SMKC can't be a full time operation for Slash since Myles is in Alter Bridge as well.  And, if GN'R weren't playing until next spring or summer, I don't see what the conflict is with writing/recording songs between now and next spring.

I agree.

But do you find it odd on any level that Slash cuts off all communication with Eddie in terms of a reunion, but is willing to talk about this?

Could that be a passive aggressive "let's talk about something that is actually real" type of deal?
Could be, yeah.  It would be easier to determine that knowing the full context of the conversation.  Was GN'R even brought up?  If so, how did he react? So and so forth.


I imagine if there is discussions then there probably is a gag order.  If that's the case then Slash probably asked/told Eddie off the record that he can't talk about it or something similar, I would think.

If him and Eddie are friends as Eddie says then I'm sure he wouldn't speak on it until it is known that he can.  My imo.
That's exactly why I think knowing the context is important.


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: draguns on December 17, 2015, 08:01:45 PM

SMKC can't be a full time operation for Slash since Myles is in Alter Bridge as well.  And, if GN'R weren't playing until next spring or summer, I don't see what the conflict is with writing/recording songs between now and next spring.

I agree.

But do you find it odd on any level that Slash cuts off all communication with Eddie in terms of a reunion, but is willing to talk about this?

Could that be a passive aggressive "let's talk about something that is actually real" type of deal?
Could be, yeah.  It would be easier to determine that knowing the full context of the conversation.  Was GN'R even brought up?  If so, how did he react? So and so forth.


I imagine if there is discussions then there probably is a gag order.  If that's the case then Slash probably asked/told Eddie off the record that he can't talk about it or something similar, I would think.

If him and Eddie are friends as Eddie says then I'm sure he wouldn't speak on it until it is known that he can.  My imo.

I was thinking this as well. I don't see an issue with Slash working on new songs. I found it odd that no one associated with GNR wanted to meet with eddie when he was in LA. Wouldn't it make more sense to meet and tell him in person that Slash and the Conspirators are working on new songs?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 17, 2015, 10:56:25 PM
Maybe Axl:



Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: mrhays on December 18, 2015, 02:40:32 AM
Eddie Trunk@

Spoke to @Slash last night and he said he is working on new songs for the next Conspirators album.

It is a disappointment.

I expected more from Axl Rose, expect more respect for the fans who follow him for decades .

I wish a Merry Christmas to Axl Rose, and that one day he respects the fans that made him famous and full of money
Your expectation is your problem. And you're creating your disappointing conclusions. No one other than those directly involved know anything. Eddie Trunk knows nothing. He's only self-promoting and purporting his own self-appointed, self-proclaimed authority.
Wishing Axl Rose a Merry Christmas is a wasted gesture. He does not know you. He will not receive your wish. Because of your complete lack of relationship, using his name in such an knowingly empty pleasantry is blatantly spiteful and callous.
Who are you to claim what deems his behavior disrespectful? What has he done other than deliver Guns N' Roses in the best way possible for all those decades? What could you possibly know about his business?
You come across as selfish and ungrateful.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 18, 2015, 03:07:19 AM
i thought it was interesting how the last announcement ed made about the silence, some people were convinced the reunion was a go,  and now that this announcement was made about the conspirators album, some people are giving up on the reunion.

i have to agree with mr hays that the gnr fanbase does a lot of this to itself, as far as disappointment goes. i think part of the reason for the silence in gnr land is that if we are disappointed about something, it will be our fault and no one elses.

if we were outright lied to i could understand the resentment, but that doesnt seem to be the case. what we make of silence and what that does to our feelings is our own business. its like when you speculate about why someone didnt answer your text. maybe they hate you, maybe theyre playing hard to get, maybe theyre busy, maybe their phone broke. theres no way to know until you hear from them, so its best to leave the subject alone till then i think. definitely dont send more text messages, and especially not ones that are emotionally charged from your inner speculation.

as for fernandos announcement, i do believe it will come. either an anouncement, or a cancellation of the announcement. i dont think he will just leave us hanging. even if he does, im sure it wont be out of spite. but again, my bet is that we will hear from him. thats my stance.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: AXLRIVERS on December 18, 2015, 05:54:32 AM
Ahhh there it is again. That 'mythical' Fernando statement still being clung onto. How many months ago was that? Get real.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: reayj2003 on December 18, 2015, 06:37:49 AM
Slash has talked about working on new material for ages. His singer is in a very successful band in his spare time don't forget.

Keep the faith Jedi's.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 18, 2015, 06:39:42 AM

SMKC can't be a full time operation for Slash since Myles is in Alter Bridge as well.  And, if GN'R weren't playing until next spring or summer, I don't see what the conflict is with writing/recording songs between now and next spring.

I agree.

But do you find it odd on any level that Slash cuts off all communication with Eddie in terms of a reunion, but is willing to talk about this?

Could that be a passive aggressive "let's talk about something that is actually real" type of deal?

Or, equally as likely, "Lets change the subject and talk about something I CAN talk about, without giving away 'the big secret'".

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 18, 2015, 06:43:41 AM
Is "clickbait" a popular gripe among other circles? or is it only a GNR la la land kind of thing?  :)

Pretty much everywhere, on every topic. News, entertainment, movies, music, video games, etc.

It's not a term, or a complaint, unique to the GnR fandom.  It's what online "news" media is becoming....and not just the more "tabloidy" sites.  Even the more mainstream reporting sites (MSNBC, CNN, BBC, SI, ESPN) are doing it.  And pretty much ALL the entertainment focused sites are doing it.

Because clicks are $$, regardless of how the person reading the article at the end of the click actually feels about the content AFTER they click.  It's a terrible, icky, trend in "reporting".

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 18, 2015, 06:47:08 AM

Is "clickbait" a popular gripe among other circles? or is it only a GNR la la land kind of thing?  :)

I hear it with other groups, but few take it as personal as this fanbase.

I've seen people resent the practice, but more in just an eye-rolling way.

This fanbase, though?  Its an outrage, the guy is unprofessional, and the basically he's reason that puppies go unadopted and old people die.  All because of clickbait.

You're not hanging out in the right places, then.

Gamers, pop music fans, and ESPECIALLY the politicos, are all up in arms about the way their respective news media coverage is resorting to clickbait headlines.  And those are just the fandoms I'm aware of, and have seen take issue, directly.  I'm sure there are others.

Trust me, it's not just GnR.

And it's a pet peeve of mine, across the board.  So...I'll cop to being one of those folks who REALLY take issue with it, and am vocal about it. But it's not just here, FYI.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 18, 2015, 07:23:39 AM
Eddie Trunk@

Spoke to @Slash last night and he said he is working on new songs for the next Conspirators album.

It is a disappointment.

I expected more from Axl Rose, expect more respect for the fans who follow him for decades .

I wish a Merry Christmas to Axl Rose, and that one day he respects the fans that made him famous and full of money
Your expectation is your problem. And you're creating your disappointing conclusions. No one other than those directly involved know anything. Eddie Trunk knows nothing. He's only self-promoting and purporting his own self-appointed, self-proclaimed authority.
Wishing Axl Rose a Merry Christmas is a wasted gesture. He does not know you. He will not receive your wish. Because of your complete lack of relationship, using his name in such an knowingly empty pleasantry is blatantly spiteful and callous.
Who are you to claim what deems his behavior disrespectful? What has he done other than deliver Guns N' Roses in the best way possible for all those decades? What could you possibly know about his business?
You come across as selfish and ungrateful.


 : ok:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 18, 2015, 07:40:08 AM

Makes sense.

Maybe next time you want to make an uneducated generalization, you could make one about how no other fanbases compared refugees trying to survive with releasing an album?

Look, We Joke.  We Break Balls.  Sometimes, We Outright Fight.  But Anyone Still Choosing To Post Here, We Are All On The Same Team.

That's pretty cute. :)


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: HBK on December 18, 2015, 07:46:25 AM


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Slashrose on December 18, 2015, 07:50:12 AM
It is a disappointment.

I expected more from Axl Rose, expect more respect for the fans who follow him for decades .

I wish a Merry Christmas to Axl Rose, and that one day he respects the fans that made him famous and full of money

Sorry your Christmas was ruined.



I'm fucked

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Wooody on December 18, 2015, 08:40:44 AM
Is Fernando's announcement considered clickbait ?  ;)

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 18, 2015, 09:15:38 AM

Is Fernando's announcement considered clickbait ?  ;)


Legit question.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 18, 2015, 09:44:15 AM
Is Fernando's announcement considered clickbait ?  ;)

Only if he creates a blog or "news" site and posts

"You won't believe what's in store next for GNR-  Click here to find out!"

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 18, 2015, 11:38:34 AM

Is Fernando's announcement considered clickbait ?  ;)

Only if he creates a blog or "news" site and posts

"You won't believe what's in store next for GNR-  Click here to find out!"

Oh, he would have to be proactive about it?

He's got no worries then.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 18, 2015, 11:39:08 AM

Is Fernando's announcement considered clickbait ?  ;)


Legit question.

Not really.

I mean you can question his motives or whatever, but its not clickbait. He's not running a blog, or a news site, and using misleading or over sensationalized headlines to drive web traffic to it. Hell, even here on htgth, its buried in a completely different doesn't even have its own discussion thread. Nor does it have an article link on the main page.

So, no..not clickbait. At all.

Sort of on that same note...are we sure that news he was talking about wasnt the merch site revamp/relaunch? He mentioned that some time later....i was never sure if that was the original news he was talking about or not.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 18, 2015, 01:51:31 PM

Sort of on that same note...are we sure that news he was talking about wasnt the merch site revamp/relaunch? He mentioned that some time later....i was never sure if that was the original news he was talking about or not.

Well my god, I think we would all hope that wasn't it.

He dropped that "2-4 months" line when we were asking him about band defections and what the plan was going forward. 

I would certainly hope his answer to such was not to tell us to us to sit tight, because the 'Welcome To The Jingle' shirts were already being produced.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 18, 2015, 02:13:18 PM

Sort of on that same note...are we sure that news he was talking about wasnt the merch site revamp/relaunch? He mentioned that some time later....i was never sure if that was the original news he was talking about or not.

Well my god, I think we would all hope that wasn't it.

He dropped that "2-4 months" line when we were asking him about band defections and what the plan was going forward. 

I would certainly hope his answer to such was not to tell us to us to sit tight, because the 'Welcome To The Jingle' shirts were already being produced.

I know we hope it....i mean, i do to. But are we sure?

I mean, the new "old" merch was a pretty big deal, here.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 18, 2015, 02:19:24 PM

I know we hope it....i mean, i do to. But are we sure?

Well, no, not really.  And I can't say I'd be shocked if they tried to run that up that flagpole.

Just another in a line of "well, technically...technically, I'm saying...." sort of explanations from them.  If we even got that much.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 18, 2015, 03:32:52 PM

I know we hope it....i mean, i do to. But are we sure?

Well, no, not really.  And I can't say I'd be shocked if they tried to run that up that flagpole.

Just another in a line of "well, technically...technically, I'm saying...." sort of explanations from them.  If we even got that much.

Poor you, nobody holds your hand and informs you with step by step on internal GNR business. You are so abused  :crying:

When there is information ready, it will be publicly shared.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 18, 2015, 03:44:30 PM

Poor you, nobody holds your hand and informs you with step by step on internal GNR business. You are so abused  :crying:

When there is information ready, it will be publicly shared.

Well, actually, to be honest?  That is sort of hard to understand.

Can you shed any light?

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GNR4LIFEJD on December 18, 2015, 04:14:09 PM
Are people really losing their minds because Slash is working on other songs as if thats the only possible thing he could be doing now. Seriously people get off the ledge's. there are alot of musicians today as we know who have multiple bands they play in look at DJ Ashba people can multi task whos to say slash can't be working on his own stuff while potential reunion with Axl is also in the works.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GypsySoul on December 18, 2015, 06:34:02 PM
there are alot of musicians today as we know who have multiple bands they play in look at DJ Ashba people can multi task

Guess you haven't heard:  Dj quit GNR to focus on his other band.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 18, 2015, 06:54:00 PM

Sort of on that same note...are we sure that news he was talking about wasnt the merch site revamp/relaunch? He mentioned that some time later....i was never sure if that was the original news he was talking about or not.

Well my god, I think we would all hope that wasn't it.

He dropped that "2-4 months" line when we were asking him about band defections and what the plan was going forward. 

I would certainly hope his answer to such was not to tell us to us to sit tight, because the 'Welcome To The Jingle' shirts were already being produced.

I dont think this is the case. I think if that were the case, then after the old new merch/welcome to the jingle stuff came around and we were still discussing the announcement, someone would have told us "hey guys, that was the announcement. stop waiting for another one."

and i also dont think it was going to be about a new website either, since he already said they were working on a new website or something. so that and the announcement also seemed to be two different things.

who knows, maybe the announcement is being saved as a christmas present or another reason to celebrate on new years.

any input you could give, jarmo? do you think weve already received the announcement Fernando was talking about, or do you think he was talking about something else? i think many of us are under the impression that the upcoming announcent was not about merch.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GNR4LIFEJD on December 18, 2015, 07:43:03 PM
there are alot of musicians today as we know who have multiple bands they play in look at DJ Ashba people can multi task

Guess you haven't heard:  Dj quit GNR to focus on his other band.

Yes i know that. And how do we know he didn't work on GNR material while also doing sixx a.m. stuff. The point was that alot of musicians these days are involved in multiple bands.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: D-GenerationX on December 18, 2015, 08:47:07 PM

I dont think this is the case. I think if that were the case, then after the old new merch/welcome to the jingle stuff came around and we were still discussing the announcement, someone would have told us "hey guys, that was the announcement. stop waiting for another one."

and i also dont think it was going to be about a new website either, since he already said they were working on a new website or something. so that and the announcement also seemed to be two different things.

I agree with this, pretty much.

Not that there is not a market for that merch, because I'm sure there is.  But I don't really think he'd treat that like huge news and try and build it up.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 18, 2015, 09:16:04 PM

I dont think this is the case. I think if that were the case, then after the old new merch/welcome to the jingle stuff came around and we were still discussing the announcement, someone would have told us "hey guys, that was the announcement. stop waiting for another one."

and i also dont think it was going to be about a new website either, since he already said they were working on a new website or something. so that and the announcement also seemed to be two different things.

I agree with this, pretty much.

Not that there is not a market for that merch, because I'm sure there is.  But I don't really think he'd treat that like huge news and try and build it up.

the merch is great. my old lady surprised me with a long sleeve afd cross shirt in the mail the other day, along with a hundred bucks to spend on video games and a can of san marcos whole jalapenos... you cant really get jalapenos in japan, so its really awesome and nostalgic to have them here.

but anyway, the announcement is the main reason i keep coming back every day. if i know its not coming, thats my cue to forget about gnr for a while, take a break, stop fixating on it so much. not trying to force info out of anyone or sound demanding, but if the announcement was about the merch, that would definitely be nice to know.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: pilferk on December 18, 2015, 10:17:36 PM

I dont think this is the case. I think if that were the case, then after the old new merch/welcome to the jingle stuff came around and we were still discussing the announcement, someone would have told us "hey guys, that was the announcement. stop waiting for another one."

and i also dont think it was going to be about a new website either, since he already said they were working on a new website or something. so that and the announcement also seemed to be two different things.

I agree with this, pretty much.

Not that there is not a market for that merch, because I'm sure there is.  But I don't really think he'd treat that like huge news and try and build it up.

the merch is great. my old lady surprised me with a long sleeve afd cross shirt in the mail the other day, along with a hundred bucks to spend on video games and a can of san marcos whole jalapenos... you cant really get jalapenos in japan, so its really awesome and nostalgic to have them here.

but anyway, the announcement is the main reason i keep coming back every day. if i know its not coming, thats my cue to forget about gnr for a while, take a break, stop fixating on it so much. not trying to force info out of anyone or sound demanding, but if the announcement was about the merch, that would definitely be nice to know.

We should set up exchanges. Jalepenos for good wasabi.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 18, 2015, 11:33:25 PM
my mistake about the shirt. it was from another place online, although it was made by bravado so im guessing its a night train product, but probably not the new merch.

I dont think this is the case. I think if that were the case, then after the old new merch/welcome to the jingle stuff came around and we were still discussing the announcement, someone would have told us "hey guys, that was the announcement. stop waiting for another one."

and i also dont think it was going to be about a new website either, since he already said they were working on a new website or something. so that and the announcement also seemed to be two different things.

I agree with this, pretty much.

Not that there is not a market for that merch, because I'm sure there is.  But I don't really think he'd treat that like huge news and try and build it up.

the merch is great. my old lady surprised me with a long sleeve afd cross shirt in the mail the other day, along with a hundred bucks to spend on video games and a can of san marcos whole jalapenos... you cant really get jalapenos in japan, so its really awesome and nostalgic to have them here.

but anyway, the announcement is the main reason i keep coming back every day. if i know its not coming, thats my cue to forget about gnr for a while, take a break, stop fixating on it so much. not trying to force info out of anyone or sound demanding, but if the announcement was about the merch, that would definitely be nice to know.

We should set up exchanges. Jalepenos for good wasabi.

the thing is, the wasabi here is usually not hot for some reason! getting your spicy fix in japan is tough. ill order food that comes with a warning for how spicy it is, and it will be like taco bell level spicy. japanese people do not have a tolerance for spicy food at all.

as for jalapenos, have you tried san marcos? they are the best around from what ive seen. the texture is firm and the oil they are in is very hot. most brands are too soggy. i highly recommend san marcos. do you have a favorite brand?

i can definitely hook you up with some good wasabi! if youre serious we could take it to pms. i could send you the wasabi and the receipt and you could reimburse the amount by sending a letter with cash.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: kukol1978 on December 19, 2015, 08:09:13 AM
im going to say what i think.Is really sad how this bands works with the fans or the people who follow them.I see other great bands,Metallica,Iron Maiden,Judas,Helloween,there are always something that they say each month, the tours are being prepared for years in advance,the changes in the lineup are known.

But this band........we have seen how 2 players are gone,we dont know anything more,even if reunion is on the way.So sad really,no music,no tour,no twitts about current situation.Look at Iron Maiden,Bruce had a cancer in his tongue and we all know when they were going to tell us if he was ok.And he made a multiple interviews explaning what was going to be the future and why the tour was delayed ( first tour delayed in decades).

I dont know whos fault it is,but sure they need to update somethings,like "we are going to start auditions for guitar players" or the current lineup is the ones you know less BBF and Ashba.Is all mistery,and time flies and Axl is not young anymore.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: jarmo on December 19, 2015, 11:12:36 AM
Yes, we know. Some want updates when there's no updates to be had.
Updates for the sake of updates.

That's why when you get an update from the camp, even if it's not a promise, it's taken as a promise and then talked about for months.

And to be honest, is this something you noticed recently? Sorry for all the sensitive people to point this out, but is this something new for 2015? No, it's not.
It's always the same. Something happens and it's ok for a bit. Then when there's downtime it's the "we need updates/the band hates their fans" posts, until something happens and then it's fine on that front for a little bit again..... Around we go.

In closing, Merry Christmas, enjoy the holidays and hopefully we'll have more news in 2016 than 2015. :)


Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GNR4LIFEJD on December 19, 2015, 04:43:00 PM
Well the funny thing is right now who is there to actually give updates. It used to be DJ or Ron whether the updates meant anything obviously they didn't anytime you get an interview with Richard or dizzy its the same responses. The only one who could actually give an update is Axl and he has never been the type to give regular updates which is his choice.

I feel for the fans who want axl to reach out to their fan base more in this day of technology.  there are many artists who keep in touch with fans thru different media avenues and Axl could easily do the same but we should all know by now he is not going to do that and the sooner we all accept it the saner we can be and not lose are marbles wondering why he doesn't say something.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 19, 2015, 05:34:27 PM

From 2013

CA: You don't seem like someone who trawls Facebook or Twitter or You Tube. Do any of the fan or media comments filter through to you? What are your thoughts on social media?

 I'm not that directly involved with social media, though we do use it with GNR. I'll make a post here and there. I get shown or told about things people think I'll have an interest in, updates. I like that our fans can keep up to date and connect with each other.
Regarding social media, I really don't understand what appears to be the general population's lack of concern over privacy issues in publicizing their entire lives on the internet for others to see to such an extent... but hey it's them, not me, so whatever.
However, when so many seem to be making similar choices regarding their privacy to where it seems to become the norm, and in turn businesses use someone's lack of involvement with social media to marginalize or stereotype and stigmatize them, or use it as grounds not to hire someone, I feel it's extremely unfair and seems a bit Orwellian

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on December 19, 2015, 05:43:39 PM

From 2013

CA: You don't seem like someone who trawls Facebook or Twitter or You Tube. Do any of the fan or media comments filter through to you? What are your thoughts on social media?

 I'm not that directly involved with social media, though we do use it with GNR. I'll make a post here and there. I get shown or told about things people think I'll have an interest in, updates. I like that our fans can keep up to date and connect with each other.
Regarding social media, I really don't understand what appears to be the general population's lack of concern over privacy issues in publicizing their entire lives on the internet for others to see to such an extent... but hey it's them, not me, so whatever.
However, when so many seem to be making similar choices regarding their privacy to where it seems to become the norm, and in turn businesses use someone's lack of involvement with social media to marginalize or stereotype and stigmatize them, or use it as grounds not to hire someone, I feel it's extremely unfair and seems a bit Orwellian

Love this quote and always felt exactly the same way. 

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on December 19, 2015, 06:35:34 PM
Have tried to read through these posts and it's a lot to digest.
My opinion on Trunk just by watching his show all of the time is that the guy is just a legit fan who tries to keep his integrity
Not sure I'm fully informed on some of the other stuff that happened and why people do not really trust him, but from a basic perspective and
just getting a vibe from someone, I have to say I think the guy is allright

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: GypsySoul on December 19, 2015, 07:31:33 PM
there are alot of musicians today as we know who have multiple bands they play in look at DJ Ashba people can multi task

Guess you haven't heard:  Dj quit GNR to focus on his other band.

Yes i know that. And how do we know he didn't work on GNR material while also doing sixx a.m. stuff. The point was that alot of musicians these days are involved in multiple bands.

No, the point is, that even though a lot of musicians these days are involved in multiple bands, two major players in GNR - DJ and BBF - feel otherwise.  Whatever their involvement working on GNR material and with the band currently on hiatus, they still felt it necessary to break their ties with GNR to focus on their solo careers. 

Guess multi-tasking isn't for everyone.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 19, 2015, 07:55:40 PM
i wasnt really asking for an announcement, just if the new merch thing was the announcement weve been told we were going to get. it seems there are reasons, likely legit, that this question cannot be answered. so thats all good. if im fixating on gnr too much, thats my own fault.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: ice cream sand pig on December 19, 2015, 08:07:20 PM
Yes, we know. Some want updates when there's no updates to be had.
Updates for the sake of updates.

That's why when you get an update from the camp, even if it's not a promise, it's taken as a promise and then talked about for months.

And to be honest, is this something you noticed recently? Sorry for all the sensitive people to point this out, but is this something new for 2015? No, it's not.
It's always the same. Something happens and it's ok for a bit. Then when there's downtime it's the "we need updates/the band hates their fans" posts, until something happens and then it's fine on that front for a little bit again..... Around we go.

In closing, Merry Christmas, enjoy the holidays and hopefully we'll have more news in 2016 than 2015. :)


i knew it! i knew we were getting an update for new years! you just hinted at it, didnt you! and your post had two 2s in it, and in 2015 2 guitarists left. that means the announcement will be about chinese democracy 2! someone call eddie trunk and alternative nation, quick! weve got the hot new scoop right here!

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Annie on December 20, 2015, 04:04:58 PM
Have tried to read through these posts and it's a lot to digest.
My opinion on Trunk just by watching his show all of the time is that the guy is just a legit fan who tries to keep his integrity
Not sure I'm fully informed on some of the other stuff that happened and why people do not really trust him, but from a basic perspective and
just getting a vibe from someone, I have to say I think the guy is allright
I think he just lucked out in getting the job he has. The ultimate Wayne and Garth fantasy come to life  :hihi:

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: norway on December 21, 2015, 06:49:35 PM

Well the funny thing is right now who is there to actually give updates. It used to be DJ or Ron

not rly, they are bugged with gnr and reuniongnr-questions everytime they promote themselfs/sideprojects. :P

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: Bridge on December 22, 2015, 03:04:07 PM
My opinion on Trunk just by watching his show all of the time is that the guy is just a legit fan who tries to keep his integrity

I think he just lucked out in getting the job he has. The ultimate Wayne and Garth fantasy come to life  :hihi:

I agree.  I've watched his show quite a bit and Trunk has always come across as a yammering, half-witted fanboy who happens to land some really cool guests.

Title: Re: Eddie Trunk On Reunion Rumors. Hear Him Out.
Post by: EmilyGNR on December 22, 2015, 06:02:51 PM
My opinion on Trunk just by watching his show all of the time is that the guy is just a legit fan who tries to keep his integrity

I think he just lucked out in getting the job he has. The ultimate Wayne and Garth fantasy come to life  :hihi:

I agree.  I've watched his show quite a bit and Trunk has always come across as a yammering, half-witted fanboy who happens to land some really cool guests.

I'm inclined to agree with this opinion for the most part.