Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: rpaquette on October 21, 2003, 04:57:50 PM

Post by: rpaquette on October 21, 2003, 04:57:50 PM
This thread is intended for anyone who has actually attended a GNR show where, For one reason or another has ended up in with a RIOT Ensuing.

Unfortunately I was at the Montreal Riot on 8/8/1992. I made the Trek from Vermont where I lived at the time, with several friends(it was the closest GNR Came other than Boston) We actually got caught up in traffic and didnt arrive at the stadium until right after James Hetfield had gotten burned. We really didnt know what was going on, because Most of the fans were french canadian, and didnt speak english. there was already alot of Chaos at this time, but they were in the process of setting up GNR 's Stage set. It was about another 2 hours plus before GNR came out, and the Metallica incident was soon forgotten by the fans, as they cheered we Cheered for Guns!!! Apparently from what we saw Axl was not happy with the crowd response, or the energy level( I thought it was rockin) but He started cutting words and verses short, and then about half way through Patience he just walked off the stage. The other members played for a few minutes after and then they left as well. After about 10 minutes the crowd got real restless, and began pushing towards the front of the venue. The rest is history, people started tearing the stage apart, smashing everything in sight, police were everywhere beating, and hitting people. Most fans just tried to get out without getting hurt, but there were fights breaking out everywhere, it was very scary for a sixteen year old at the time. My Best Friends brother was kicked in the stomach and hit with a trash container before we could get out of there. Once we got outside people were trashing police cars, tipping cars over, it was crazy. Finally we made it back to our car, where we had to sit for three hours before they would open the street. It was a late night. Im just glad we actually had shitty seats that night, some people in the front were hurt very badly.

I know there are more........ I would love to hear someone elses take on the Montreal Riot???


Post by: Axl_rulz on November 10, 2004, 08:19:07 AM
Nice story, thanks.   

Was there ever an explanation (by Axl or other member) of why this happened?  I only know Alx left.  That's all James Hetfield said.  But I never heard an actual explanation of why he left.

Post by: RiotinPhilly on November 10, 2004, 01:00:46 PM
I was at the Philadelphia riot.  I was actually in the four row center- amazing seats.  Just looking at the fatigued and concerned look on Mix Master Mike?s face let me knew that something wasn?t right.  That suspicion was confirmed when I went to order more beers and discovered the taps were all turned off.  I went back to my seat, told my friend there was going to be a riot, called a few of my friends to let them know that things were about to get interesting in South Philly, and then waited patiently for someone to throw the first chair.  Eventually, someone did, and then all hell broke loose.  My friend took off, fearing for her life.  I did my best to help the disturbance turn into a full blown riot.  I personally think everything that went on was hilarious (I say this especially since nobody was injured).  The Christmas tree in the lobby was ripped down and all of the prop gifts were unwrapped, the soundboard was decimated, I watched some guy smash one of the video cameras to pieces with a chair- I laughed so hard I cried.  I?m sure by now you have all seen the pictures and heard numerous accounts.  Hopefully this will be different from the rest since not only did I participate, but I think Axl got exactly what he deserved: his property destroyed, the tour cancelled, and being sent back into obscurity for what looks to be for good.

I know there are going to be tons of comments about how it?s not cool to trash Axl?s stuff and how I should have more respect for the band.  My reply to that is:  I am a very busy man, I?m in law school, have a job, and plenty of other responsibilities; my time is very valuable, so when I make time to go to any event, I expect it should take place, absent a legitimate and announced excuse.  If the artist doesn?t have the courtesy to explain (Ozzy?s absence from Ozzfest this year was explained and there was no insurgence), then fuck him.  When people get really frustrated they have to release it somewhere, where better than on the artist?s stuff- I wasn?t about to go home pissed and be in a bad mood for my girlfriend for reasons beyond her control. 

Axl, if you come back to Philly you better be on your best behavior and give a sincere apology because if you don?t you can count on having all of your stuff destroyed again.  Remember, it only takes a few people to bring about catastrophe.

Post by: Flyguy_1ca on November 10, 2004, 03:38:02 PM
I was at the Vancouver riot.

We were waiting in line for about an hour or so..and people were starting to get antsy...wondering why aren't the doors opening?  There were rumblings that Axl hadn't arrived...but most people seemed in agreement that Axl was already inside and they're just doing some finishing touches before the doors get opened.  about 20-30 mins longer pass I would guess....(the lineup now is past the arena and going down the street)....people driving by had the strangest looks on there faces wondering why all these people are standing outside the arena.....

Then finally, a door opens and a security guard in a yellow coat says "Show's cancelled, Axl didn't show up"....and shuts the door.  Everyone in the line laughs....then confusion for about 20-30 seconds before people realize this is for real....then chants of "Axhole" start and people are screaming "FUCK AXL" all over the place....then I see some holdover from the 80's (He had massive spiked hair and leather jacket" pick up one of the guard rails and throw it through the arena window (the arena has windows all around it)....chaos insues...people everywhere...... some running away..some joining in......I stood there in shock at what was happening....I vivdly remember windows being smashed and seeing about 5-10 security guards huddled together inside the arena scared to death.

At this point I start to hear the faint sounds of sirens....(I remember being surprised that it took them this long....then I realized that the reason was because they wanted a large amount of police to arrive at the same time, not just here and there.....)  I figure there could be tear gas, police dogs I decided it was a good time to leave before I get caught in the middle of it.  I remember walking under a bridge that was connected to the arena and seeing a guy on the bridge holding a huge bolder and looking like he was going to drop it.  My eyes never left that rock as I walked under the bridge...but he never dropped it.

As I was walking back to my hotel room, I met people that were on there way to the arena to see the show....they could hear/see the sirens and asked "what's going on??"...I told them that "Axl didn't show up".  Much to my surprise, they didn't get upset they just laughed and said "typical Axl"

Post by: Axl_rulz on November 10, 2004, 05:38:56 PM
I was at the Philadelphia riot.  I was actually in the four row center- amazing seats.  Just looking at the fatigued and concerned look on Mix Master Mike?s face let me knew that something wasn?t right.  ..........
....I think Axl got exactly what he deserved: his property destroyed, the tour cancelled, and being sent back into obscurity for what looks to be for good.

I know there are going to be tons of comments about how it?s not cool to trash Axl?s stuff and how I should have more respect for the band.  My reply to that is:  I am a very busy man, I?m in law school, have a job, and plenty of other responsibilities; my time is very valuable, so when I make time to go to any event, I expect it should take place, absent a legitimate and announced excuse.  If the artist doesn?t have the courtesy to explain (Ozzy?s absence from Ozzfest this year was explained and there was no insurgence), then fuck him.  When people get really frustrated they have to release it somewhere, where better than on the artist?s stuff- I wasn?t about to go home pissed and be in a bad mood for my girlfriend for reasons beyond her control. 

Sorry for my ignorance, but I'm kinda lost here.  What happened there?.  Did they started the show and left or nothing ever happened?

Is there a site that lists all incidents/riots/fights, etc?  This is my fav GNR subject.  I can't get enough of it.

About giving Axl what he deserved.......I would have done the same.  There's nothing worst than having a show cancelled when you took the time, money, got all exited, etc,etc.  You just wanna break something.

Post by: Johnnyblood on November 10, 2004, 05:52:19 PM
Sorry for my ignorance, but I'm kinda lost here.? What happened there?.? Did they started the show and left or nothing ever happened?

This was the last show of the 2002 tour. Axl didn't show up and the tour ended. People were pissed off.

Post by: Jessica on November 10, 2004, 05:56:18 PM
At pukkelpop, a huge fight broke up in the middle as soon as axl came onstage ( people had been boozing since the afternoon and axl was 3 hurs late, spo they drank for 3 more hours see, sarcasm) and no one noticed and security didnt move their asses because it was their diner time.

I know two people got injured.

Post by: Johnnyblood on November 10, 2004, 06:02:41 PM
I was at the very first show of the UYI tour (at that time is was called the Get In The Ring Tour). This was May 1991 in Alpine Valley, WI. Skid Row had long finished their set and we'd all been standing around waiting for Axl. It was a very long wait, but I can't remember exactly how long. Hours I'm sure. Well, it was the beginning of the concert season for Alpine Valley and they had just installed brand new sod. You could see the little rectangles of grass under your feet. After awhile some of the silly kids down closer to the stage started picking up these squares of grass and dirt and throwing them at one another. Pretty soon other people got the idea and joined them. It wasn't long before most of the the lower area (probably 30,000 people or more) was throwing turf around -- onstage, at security, etc -- and the sky was literally filled with grass. It looked like a swarm of giant bees from where I was standing. The air was completely filled with this stuff. After awhile someone came on the PA and politely told the crowd how much had been spent on this new sod and wouldn't we all please stop wrecking it, or else the show would be cancelled. Keep in mind, folks were doing this because they were restless for the show to start, and of course there was a lot of beer and pot going into people's systems. So the mood was tense for a minute there, and actually I think people started throwing the stuff again. I was worried that they really would cancel the damn show. But fortunately Axl eventually decided to peform and we got the show.

Post by: PhillyRiot on November 10, 2004, 06:04:47 PM
At the Philadelphia one also.  Don't feel like reliving the night.  All I can say is I got hit with a soda, people were going nuts, and it was a dangerous enviroment, and I am still waiting for an explanation.

Post by: Jessica on November 10, 2004, 06:08:43 PM
I think the explanation lies in stands selling booze and people taking drugs before and during the shows. I am sorry but people take toxins and don't fucking know how to behave, and think that a rock and roll attitude is to be stoned and smahing things around. Usually, the younger people act silly and start fights and elder people get so annoyed that they join in ( huh ! men !) and then, you know the rest, someone does one thing, all the sheep follow and the others get the consequences of some IQeued deficient people !

Post by: nesquick on November 10, 2004, 06:28:16 PM
sad stories...what's wrong in axl's head? ???

Post by: jarmo on November 10, 2004, 06:36:12 PM
sad stories...what's wrong in axl's head? ???

Axl wrecked the arena?  ???

I thought people went to concerts to have a good time. Apparently some people think a good time is either: A) a concert or B) tearing the arena apart.


Post by: gnrvrrule on November 10, 2004, 06:59:00 PM
If this means anything, I had a friend (who isn't even much of a Gn'r fan) at the Philly riot in 2002.  He basically said that it was a bunch of drunk people destroying chairs and throwing things.  He got out of there as fast as he could.

Post by: Jessica on November 10, 2004, 07:00:23 PM
If this means anything, I had a friend (who isn't even much of a Gn'r fan) at the Philly riot in 2002.  He basically said that it was a bunch of drunk people destroying chairs and throwing things.  He got out of there as fast as he could.

didn't want to say it but have to : told yous !!! ( above)

Drunks and Druggies..Nice bunch of LOSERS ! :rant: :rant: :rant:

Post by: 33 on November 11, 2004, 06:54:06 AM
Axl, if you come back to Philly you better be on your best behavior and give a sincere apology because if you don’t you can count on having all of your stuff destroyed again. Remember, it only takes a few people to bring about catastrophe.

Who the hell do you think you are? Shut it! Also if you attend law school you should pay a bit more attention in class cos the things you seem to find funny at a riot dont seem very lawful to me!

Post by: Jerseybeibe on November 11, 2004, 07:29:29 AM
Most guns fans seem to be somehow HOSTILE! Just look at how people treat each other on messageboards. (Not necessarily this one and I might just move here for good)   : ok:

But anyway. I've never seen so much fighting on any other band's messageboard and I've been online since... 1995 or 6 or so.  :drool:  ;)

Post by: PhillyRiot on November 11, 2004, 11:03:27 AM
JESSICA AND JARMO - Axl knows by now, that if he doesn't get to a venue on time, or even walks off the stage, fans will riot.  Of course Axl wasn't the one throwing chairs, sodas, or anything else that night, that was fans acting crazy and being criminal.  HOWEVER, Axl know what happens when he pulls his antics and does not perform, and that automatically gives him a responsibilty to show up on time, and not indirectly create a dangerous enviroment for his fans.  He is a grown man, and he should no better.  There is no excuse for fans to turn violent, but Axl should be a little more responsible.  Not to mention if you aren't going to play a show, don't sell tickets for it!  Do you agree with anything I am saying here?

Post by: Mutherfunker on November 11, 2004, 11:18:17 AM
Of course, you are assuming, when talking about vancouver and philly, that it was entirely Axl's fault that the shows didn't happen.....

Untill you know that it was him deciding on a whim not to turn up, and being an asshole, that caused the shows to be cancelled, I think you telling Axl to "be a little more responsible" is entirely redundant.

Post by: 33 on November 11, 2004, 11:21:08 AM
Do you agree with anything I am saying here?


Cos its not very constructive, you just seem to want have a pop at axl for the riot at Philly! IMO nobody can really comment on that particular riot until we know the truth about why there was a no show! I think I'm right in saying that its very hush hush at the moment because of legal issues!

Post by: jarmo on November 11, 2004, 12:33:12 PM
JESSICA AND JARMO - Axl knows by now, that if he doesn't get to a venue on time, or even walks off the stage, fans will riot.? Of course Axl wasn't the one throwing chairs, sodas, or anything else that night, that was fans acting crazy and being criminal.? HOWEVER, Axl know what happens when he pulls his antics and does not perform, and that automatically gives him a responsibilty to show up on time, and not indirectly create a dangerous enviroment for his fans.? He is a grown man, and he should no better.? There is no excuse for fans to turn violent, but Axl should be a little more responsible.? Not to mention if you aren't going to play a show, don't sell tickets for it!? Do you agree with anything I am saying here?

Yeah, the last part.

Most people know there's a chance that a show with Axl might not start at 9pm as it's printed on the ticket.

I don't know why they let people into the arena in Philadelphia or who made that decision. But that was a big mistake.

Shows get cancelled all the time, even on the day of the show, but it seems like GN'R fans have a thing for wrecking the arenas.


Post by: anythinggoes on November 11, 2004, 12:51:36 PM
I was at the Philadelphia riot.? I was actually in the four row center- amazing seats.? Just looking at the fatigued and concerned look on Mix Master Mike?s face let me knew that something wasn?t right.? That suspicion was confirmed when I went to order more beers and discovered the taps were all turned off.? I went back to my seat, told my friend there was going to be a riot, called a few of my friends to let them know that things were about to get interesting in South Philly, and then waited patiently for someone to throw the first chair.? Eventually, someone did, and then all hell broke loose.? My friend took off, fearing for her life.? I did my best to help the disturbance turn into a full blown riot.? I personally think everything that went on was hilarious (I say this especially since nobody was injured).? The Christmas tree in the lobby was ripped down and all of the prop gifts were unwrapped, the soundboard was decimated, I watched some guy smash one of the video cameras to pieces with a chair- I laughed so hard I cried.? I?m sure by now you have all seen the pictures and heard numerous accounts.? Hopefully this will be different from the rest since not only did I participate, but I think Axl got exactly what he deserved: his property destroyed, the tour cancelled, and being sent back into obscurity for what looks to be for good.

I know there are going to be tons of comments about how it?s not cool to trash Axl?s stuff and how I should have more respect for the band.? My reply to that is:? I am a very busy man, I?m in law school, have a job, and plenty of other responsibilities; my time is very valuable, so when I make time to go to any event, I expect it should take place, absent a legitimate and announced excuse.? If the artist doesn?t have the courtesy to explain (Ozzy?s absence from Ozzfest this year was explained and there was no insurgence), then fuck him.? When people get really frustrated they have to release it somewhere, where better than on the artist?s stuff- I wasn?t about to go home pissed and be in a bad mood for my girlfriend for reasons beyond her control.?

Axl, if you come back to Philly you better be on your best behavior and give a sincere apology because if you don?t you can count on having all of your stuff destroyed again.? Remember, it only takes a few people to bring about catastrophe.

Law School??? >:( what need is there to participate in a riot. Axl didn't turn up so what you should half expect it which means you went to the concert ready to have a fight/riot not most peoples idea of a good night shame you didnt get locked up fot the night eh

Post by: Rain on November 11, 2004, 01:23:20 PM
I don't get people that think that the world revolves around them .... ie Axl doesn't show up, I paid for the ticket I have the right to crash everything as if it was a personal attack or something.  ::)

I don't know ... in 2001 I bought 3 tickets to see them in Europe ... I was refunded ... I got to see them at the pukkelpop and in London in 2002 ... and I bought a ticket for Vegas, I paid for the plane and the hotel ... too bad Philly happened ... was I mad ? No because when I booked everything in the first place I knew that these shits happen all the time w/ GNR. When you buy a gnr show ticket you know what to expect. But when it occurs it's a blast and you forget about the cancellations.

Post by: PhillyRiot on November 11, 2004, 01:51:08 PM
Hey I flied from Philly to Vegas to see Axl.  When I see a GNR concert, I take time to buy the tickets, and take time out of my schedule to see a show.  Expecting the performer to show up doesn't translate to thinking the world revolves around me.  Yes, we don't know exactly what happened in Philly, but we do know what happened in Vancouver, where Axl was extremely tardy, and we know what happened in Montreal and we know what happened in St. Louis.  If GNR ever tours again, I will buy tickets, and I will EXPECT to see a show, I don't think that is asking too much. 

Post by: Jessica on November 11, 2004, 02:33:12 PM
JESSICA AND JARMO - Axl knows by now, that if he doesn't get to a venue on time, or even walks off the stage, fans will riot.  Of course Axl wasn't the one throwing chairs, sodas, or anything else that night, that was fans acting crazy and being criminal.  HOWEVER, Axl know what happens when he pulls his antics and does not perform, and that automatically gives him a responsibilty to show up on time, and not indirectly create a dangerous enviroment for his fans.  He is a grown man, and he should no better.  There is no excuse for fans to turn violent, but Axl should be a little more responsible.  Not to mention if you aren't going to play a show, don't sell tickets for it!  Do you agree with anything I am saying here?


But i do still think that axl not showing up or being late is no excuse for stupid mentally retarded drugs addicted yobbos to turn places into war zones and make it dangerous for everyone else ( especially since i saw 2 very small kids in front row at pukkelpop and it could have been disastrous if things had gone worse).

Fans have a collective responsability when they are  at concerts and i am sick and tired of them, they want want want and give nothing but shite in return ! :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

AS for axl : i'll buy you a nice watch for xmas. :-* ;)

Post by: Jessica on November 11, 2004, 02:39:53 PM
JESSICA AND JARMO - Axl knows by now, that if he doesn't get to a venue on time, or even walks off the stage, fans will riot.  Of course Axl wasn't the one throwing chairs, sodas, or anything else that night, that was fans acting crazy and being criminal.  HOWEVER, Axl know what happens when he pulls his antics and does not perform, and that automatically gives him a responsibilty to show up on time, and not indirectly create a dangerous enviroment for his fans.  He is a grown man, and he should no better.  There is no excuse for fans to turn violent, but Axl should be a little more responsible.  Not to mention if you aren't going to play a show, don't sell tickets for it!  Do you agree with anything I am saying here?
it seems like GN'R fans have a thing for wrecking the arenas.


Take 13 year old kids who skip school; who drink beer all day, smoke ciggarettes, hash as soon as they can, who do nothing ?

Take the same ones 5 years later and you have " these"GNR fans.

Stupid gits who would be better off getting themselves an education instead of showing everyone they never got one.

Post by: PhillyRiot on November 11, 2004, 03:27:01 PM
Agreed.  But the bottom line is: Axl showing up to a concert venue on time and doing a full set decreases the odds of a riot.

BTW - VR showed up at the Spectrum last night and I had a GREAT time.

Post by: F*ck Fear on November 11, 2004, 09:54:05 PM
Education has nothing to do with people tearing up an arena.....I didn't finish school,but I know for damn sure that I won't be ripping seats off the floor and throwing them around just because Axl doesn't show...If people are taking drugs they can't control that's something they shouldn't be doing.....But to have a few drinks at a show and catch a buzz is fine IMO.

In Toronto I was worried that he wouldn't show....And the longer we waited I heard more comments from people,about how Axl is an asshole,but once he delivered all was forgot.

Post by: Budweiser Froggs on November 11, 2004, 10:51:28 PM
i dont mind having shows cancelled.  I just had tickets to a sevendust concert and it was cancelled before I went and I didnt mind.  What bothers me is they wait so long to cancel them.  By then your in your seat and all excited for the night.  I never went to a cancelled gnr concert but that woulda pissed me off if i was sitting in my seat and drove all that way to see "the great axl rose."  axl should have a decision by the afternoon at least to say "ya know what im going to do this thing."

Post by: KeVoRkIaN on November 12, 2004, 07:34:37 AM
I was at the Toronto tour with Skid Row  and on the way home on a public (go) bus everyone was docile until the bus driver came over the loudspeaker and said "what wrong with you pussies? lemme hear some rock and roll fans"  a riot started on the bus - one guy had a knife and was demanding the driver to go to Montreal people broke the seats , opened up the fire escape and threw them out of the moving bus.  It was really fucked up.  The driver got the bus to Hamilton and ran off of it leaving all of us to run away from the scene.  By friend still has an armrest as a souvenir.  Pretty scary in such close quarters.

Post by: journey on November 12, 2004, 01:59:32 PM
I think if Axl is unable to make it to a venue, but the rest of the band is already at the venue, that one of them should sing the songs. This would probably help mollify the crowd.  All options should be exhausted before calling it quits. Because, people do pay to see a show and they wait patiently as well. Rioting is very ignorant to me, and useless. But, there are individuals who are ignorant and useless (by choice).

Post by: Jessica on November 12, 2004, 06:27:16 PM
JESSICA AND JARMO - Axl knows by now, that if he doesn't get to a venue on time, or even walks off the stage, fans will riot. Of course Axl wasn't the one throwing chairs, sodas, or anything else that night, that was fans acting crazy and being criminal. HOWEVER, Axl know what happens when he pulls his antics and does not perform, and that automatically gives him a responsibilty to show up on time, and not indirectly create a dangerous enviroment for his fans. He is a grown man, and he should no better. There is no excuse for fans to turn violent, but Axl should be a little more responsible. Not to mention if you aren't going to play a show, don't sell tickets for it! Do you agree with anything I am saying here?
it seems like GN'R fans have a thing for wrecking the arenas.


Take 13 year old kids who skip school; who drink beer all day, smoke ciggarettes, hash as soon as they can, who do nothing ?

Take the same ones 5 years later and you have " these"GNR fans.

Stupid gits who would be better off getting themselves an education instead of showing everyone they never got one.
Crazy lady talking more nonsense.

Bla bal bla. Reality is that you have two sorts of people :

The ones who are pissed off and who are educated enough to think before they act and who go home angered.
The ones who are pissed off and who lack education so much that they were never told breaking material good's belonging to someone else was a felony and morally wrong and who go home feeling very proud of themselves for breaking things and endangering people.

And now, since you cheese me off, i'll take you whenever you want, however you want, IN FRENCH !

Because the day you'll speak french as good as i speak english, pigs will FLY ! :rant:

Post by: K-Rock on November 12, 2004, 07:47:01 PM
I was in Philly and acted like a responsible human being and left as the riot was starting.

A person in law school who openly violates the law and is proud of it??  America is gonna be a better place if you start practicing law.

I'll bet you're aspiring to be a defense attorney so you can stand by pedophiles, drug dealers and murderers.

So you waited patiently for the first person to throw the chair??  What's the matter, didn't have the balls to throw it yourself. 

Your time is valuable??  That's the only funny part about your post.

It has been explained........Axl called out sick.  Clear Channel let the show go on.  Why do you think they had people hired off the street selling tickets for the next show for $10.00.  Those tickets could not be refunded.  Clear Channel knew they were losing money and decided to cash in as best they could on the last night. 

Post by: the dirt on November 12, 2004, 08:08:02 PM
It has been explained........Axl called out sick.? Clear Channel let the show go on.? Why do you think they had people hired off the street selling tickets for the next show for $10.00.? Those tickets could not be refunded.? Clear Channel knew they were losing money and decided to cash in as best they could on the last night.?

I don't think it has officialy been explained. Not by CC or Axl, or management, for that matter.

However, I do believe 2 band members gave 2 different stories as to what happened, so maybe your explanation came from what one of these guys said about it. (i forget which one's mentioned the reason for what happened, but it doesn't really matter anyway)

Post by: K-Rock on November 12, 2004, 08:26:21 PM
However, I do believe 2 band members gave 2 different stories as to what happened, so maybe your explanation came from what one of these guys said about it. (i forget which one's mentioned the reason for what happened, but it doesn't really matter anyway)

Tommy Stinson.

I didn't hear any other explanation from any other band member.

Dizzy seems to be the only other band member willing to share with GNR fans.  I'm guessing it was him.