I got this game called F.E.A.R. - it's friggin' awesome! Probably one of the best FPS games ever. It's like Half-Life 2, Max Payne, The Grudge (movie), Die Hard, and combat games all rolled into one. It's awesome and waaaay scarier than Doom 3 - this game actually made me almost piss myself at parts. It's like a movie at times, and basically there's this creepy dead girl who appears at points during the game and every time she appears this sudden music blasts through the speakers. In one part you're going through a ventilation shaft on your knees with a flashlight and it's dark, and suddenly a steam vent blows and as this happens the girl appears out of the steam and comes running at you on her hands and knees like the alien creatures in ALIENS.
Definitely worth the $40.
Yeah, i've been wanting to play this game so bad but I have to wait for it to be released on the 360 first.