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Author Topic: Songs you recommend to people - READ THE RULES FIRST!  (Read 310761 times)

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« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2004, 05:49:15 AM »

I just now found out Kayo Dot was formed after Maudlin of the Well broke up. And yes, many people have heard of Maudlin, and they do have a record deal. Sorry for that. Sad But does Tzadik Records really count as a major record label?  Huh

I probably should have made a new thread about Kayo, but I just saw this one wasn't being used, so...

I'll check out that thrash band now.

Ok, I checked out all of the songs on their web site. The first song had an annoying speaking part right in the middle of it, and I am not liking the singer at all. The production is a big part of it. They could also use fresh riffs at times.

My favorite song is zombified. The band itself is overall good, but they should really consider dropping that whole horror gimmick. Their web site looked really cheesy to me.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2004, 06:06:37 AM by Walk » Logged
Chris Misfit
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2004, 08:52:08 AM »

I just now found out Kayo Dot was formed after Maudlin of the Well broke up. And yes, many people have heard of Maudlin, and they do have a record deal. Sorry for that.  But does Tzadik Records really count as a major record label?  

I probably should have made a new thread about Kayo, but I just saw this one wasn't being used, so...

I put the rules up on your post because, yours was the first post in this page, and people will see them easier. It had nothing to do with Tzadik records.
Tikka to Ride

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« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2004, 03:50:13 PM »

I recommend Send More Paramedics, who are a thrash/metalcore band. I recommend downloading Necromancer, but if you can't find it try one of the MP3's on of Slayer will like this.
I looked around on direct connect and managed to get 'Drive to Destruction' it starts off like Slayer on Acid then seems more like a regular thrash song nothing too special but i like the talking in the middle then it picks up again i would not go out and buy the CD but at the same time im not deleting the mp3 not bad recommendation ok maybe with a few more listens i'll get more of a liking for it Undecided

I'm going to recommend a band called Shrapnel for a short while Shrapnel fucked things up at legendary New York and they recorded a few indie singles and released a self titled EP on Elektra Records in 1984.  They lasted about 7 years but only released an EP and a few singles as far as i know.  I would recommend the song Combat Love and if you can't get that go with Go Cruisin'.  They were classed as punk rock but it's got a pop/rock feel to it still very good stuff all the same.  The lead singer also went onto greater things after they split he taught himself the guitar and formed Monster Magnet, yes Shrapnel was led by Dave Wyndorf smoking

Edit: As i typed my suggestion ive listened to this Send More Paramedics song a few more times and it's getting better with each listen ok
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« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2004, 04:50:34 PM »

My Kazaa can?t find anything from Shrapnel. Or, it did find one song, but i was rap..

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« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2004, 05:27:28 AM »

My Kazaa can?t find anything from Shrapnel. Or, it did find one song, but i was rap..
Sorry i know they are hard to find you can use direct connect or i could e-mail a track to you the files are pretty small
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« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2004, 04:33:40 PM »

Ok, i did listen Shrapnels Combat Love. I liked it, reminds me of the 70?s (once again). I don?t know why, but it did remind me of The Darkness and Beach Boys at the sametime..

I?ll recommend old punk band called Social Distortion and their song Mommy?s Little Monster. It?s basic punk n?roll, hilarious lyrics. They started playing at the early 80?s. Hmm, what else.. Well, I love Mike Ness rough voice!  Tongue

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« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2004, 04:56:35 AM »

Definately very basic.. but I like it! Definately listenable and a neat little guitar solo in there too! Not too sure about the vocals tho..

I recommend an aussie band called Powderfinger.. they are known here and have a deal, but not overseas.. and being as most of you are overseas it counts!? Cheesy

Sooo.. I recommend downloading songs called My Kinda Scene, Up & Down & Back Again and These Days.. whatever appears on Kazaa..

Kinda slower, soulful rock. I think you'll like it.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2004, 05:02:02 AM by Gunner Down Under » Logged
Tikka to Ride

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« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2004, 09:04:43 AM »

I downloaded Not My Kinda Scene and when the song started i thought it was gonna be another The Calling but they are far superior i loved that song didn't even know it was on the Mission Impossible 2 Soundtrack.? Anyway i downloaded some more songs off the album Odyssey Number Five, the tracks These Days, Like A Dog & The Metre.? I love the way they start out really chilled and mellow, but at the same time building up well to really kick in i seriously think this band could be big over here if they tried promoting themselves anyway thanks for the recommendation dude ok

I recommend Hurricane Party, i started a thread on them a while back but i believe only Arron here has heard any of their stuff.? Now i realise you'll find it hard to find their stuff because they have never released anything.? Their debut EP is out August 10th which i hope will sell well but you just never know so ill try and keep spreading the word through this board.? Like ive said before they are like The Darkness but 10 times better they have a great old school feel and are influenced by the likes of Aerosmith, Def Leppard and a whole load of class bands.? Songs to get or PM me for; Last Survivor, Crown of Thorns, Roadster, Magic Hat, Killer.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2004, 09:08:31 AM by Stoned » Logged
Laugh Whore

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« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2004, 12:00:26 PM »

Read the rules you two dolts, you're supposed to check out a previously recommended song before posting your own..

She's got 15 posts, go easy on her...

And you should know better than calling people names here. I know dolt's not too bad, but still.

And Dave_Rose.. With 500 posts, you should know better.

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« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2004, 06:21:25 PM »

Did I miss something here

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« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2004, 07:26:35 PM »

I recommend Hurricane Party, i started a thread on them a while back but i believe only Arron here has heard any of their stuff.? Now i realise you'll find it hard to find their stuff because they have never released anything.? Their debut EP is out August 10th which i hope will sell well but you just never know so ill try and keep spreading the word through this board.? Like ive said before they are like The Darkness but 10 times better they have a great old school feel and are influenced by the likes of Aerosmith, Def Leppard and a whole load of class bands.? Songs to get or PM me for; Last Survivor, Crown of Thorns, Roadster, Magic Hat, Killer.

Hurricane Party is incredible.? I picked up their cd this past Saturday and I love it.? The 5 songs on the Get This EP are so good, I'm surprised they didn't record an entire full-length cd.

You can hear samples of all 5 of the songs on the EP here:

They remind me of Silvertide who released a 3-song EP in 2002- American Excess.? It was not as good as HP's Get This.? Silvertide si releasing their first full-length cd in late September of this year- Show & Tell.

You can listen to their first single Aint Coming Home by hitting this link.?

They are rock 'n' roll, guitars a' blazing.  Plenty of solo action.  Singer sounds a little like Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes.

The song will automatically be playing when you hit their website.? Lead guitarist Nick Perri is incredible.? I'm sure their cd will be full of Perri solos.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2004, 07:34:12 PM by K-Rock » Logged
Laugh Whore

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« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2004, 02:53:15 AM »

Did I miss something here

Yes.. Your now deleted post didn't contain a comment on any of the other songs. Which is required in the rules of the thread displayed at the first post.

I've created an atmosphere where I?m a friend first, moderator second. Probably entertainer third.
Tikka to Ride

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« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2004, 11:15:41 AM »

I recommend Hurricane Party, i started a thread on them a while back but i believe only Arron here has heard any of their stuff.? Now i realise you'll find it hard to find their stuff because they have never released anything.? Their debut EP is out August 10th which i hope will sell well but you just never know so ill try and keep spreading the word through this board.? Like ive said before they are like The Darkness but 10 times better they have a great old school feel and are influenced by the likes of Aerosmith, Def Leppard and a whole load of class bands.? Songs to get or PM me for; Last Survivor, Crown of Thorns, Roadster, Magic Hat, Killer.

Hurricane Party is incredible.? I picked up their cd this past Saturday and I love it.? The 5 songs on the Get This EP are so good, I'm surprised they didn't record an entire full-length cd.

You can hear samples of all 5 of the songs on the EP here:

They remind me of Silvertide who released a 3-song EP in 2002- American Excess.? It was not as good as HP's Get This.? Silvertide si releasing their first full-length cd in late September of this year- Show & Tell.

You can listen to their first single Aint Coming Home by hitting this link.?

They are rock 'n' roll, guitars a' blazing.? Plenty of solo action.? Singer sounds a little like Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes.

The song will automatically be playing when you hit their website.? Lead guitarist Nick Perri is incredible.? I'm sure their cd will be full of Perri solos.

Well i think that album must of already come out somewhere dude.  I took your advice and looked up Silvertide on Direct Connect i downloaded 2 tracks Foxhole Jesus Christ & Nothing Stays.I like both songs [one more than the other which i will explain later] and i can hear the similarities in the music vocally they are very different though.  I would say the Silvertide vocalist is better but only just he seems to have a more matured voice than Richie Hevanz of Hurricane Party who has a more rough around the edges voice which i think is better for the music so technically Silvertide has the better guy but i still prefer Hurricane's.............sorry if that's confusing.  Out of the 2 songs Foxhole Jesus Christ is the better great bit on the piano at the end and an awesome solo.  The other song although being good is like songs i have heard a million times before and it's missing the great solo it feels somewhat grungy in parts and is definately not a stand-out track i will have to check out more stuff of theirs.  But if you have Windows Media Player i assume you know that when on the net it finds album info e.g. tracklisting etc. well it found Silvertide's Show & Tell when i added the tracks to my media library saying it came out on the 8th of June.

Now for another of my recommendations Medication they only did one album a couple of years ago and had virtually no success or at least none people really remember so i am going to recommend them.  They are fronted by Whitfield Crane formerly of Ugly Kid Joe [also very underated].  The 2 bands are worlds apart so fans of one may not like the other.  Medication are a lot heavier and some would say have Nu-Metal tendancies but i would like to think they are more heavish metal i certainly would not group them with Limp Bizkit & Linkin Park and Whitfield has one of the best voices in rock.  Songs worth checking out are Inside, Something New, No Direction.
« Reply #33 on: August 21, 2004, 09:41:22 PM »

Well i think that album must of already come out somewhere dude.?

It will be released in Japan on August 30th of this year and everywhere else on September 21st or 28th.

But if you have Windows Media Player i assume you know that when on the net it finds album info e.g. tracklisting etc. well it found Silvertide's Show & Tell when i added the tracks to my media library saying it came out on the 8th of June.

It was originally scheduled to be released on June 8th, but got pushed back to September.

I agree on your assessment of the vocalists for Silvertide & Hurricane Party.? Listen to Hurricane Party's "Last Survivor".? On that song Richie sounds like Jon Bon Jovi when he sang "Runaway".? Pretty cool.

Regarding Medication....I wasn't crazy about the music.? I do like Whitfield Crane's voice though.? I guess the music was too dark for me.

Check out Flavor.? I've had a hard time figuring out what style they are.? The best I could come up with was "funk rock".? Check out Must Have Been Dreaming.

They describe themselves as:? Their music is laced with funky hooks in the spirit of Lenny Kravitz & Maroon 5 with soulful vocals that have been compared to Jeff Buckley & Prince and musicianship reminiscent of Dave Mathews & The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

It's definately different.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2004, 10:06:52 PM by K-Rock » Logged
Chris Misfit
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2004, 01:23:26 PM »

Right. I tried Hurricane Party. Gosh,  that was bad. Obviously, I was listening to it  on the link that K-Rock posted, but my god what a polished sound. You can tell that these guys are having the big bucks being thrown at them not a bad thing if you can pull it off). I get the impression that these guys are british, trying to act american. I haven't read a biog, so I don't know. but that's what it sounds like. This is terrible though, I honestly cannot say enough bad things about this cliched cock rock crap.

I'm gonna submit Zen Motel. An up and coming rock group from the UK. The song I recomend is a rock n' roll track basicly, although I can hear a bit of a grunge influence in there, it's got a great chorus (great for live shows) and some pretty neat guitar work. Download: Devil Song.

I saw these guys a while back, mainly because I heard on the streets they were going to be the next Wildhearts. They could very well be, if they stopped trying to be Nirvana.
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« Reply #35 on: September 23, 2004, 03:39:07 PM »

I liked Devil Song. Fast, basic rock n?roll song. But it wasn?t too fast or too unclear. I?m not sure if the "special effect" in singers voice is good or bad.
Anyway, this kind of music is for me! Reminds me of Turbonegro.

So, I?ll recommed Turbonegros Fuck The World. Turbonergo?s norwegian rockn?n roll band. Again basic rock. Intro of this song makes me think of James Bond-movies..  Lips Sealed
You should compare Devil Song and Fuck The World, any similarities?

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Chris Misfit
« Reply #36 on: October 08, 2004, 01:01:55 AM »

Fuck The world is one of the low points of their last album. Good at the time, but really lacking energy. After a few listens, it gets boring.

My song is The Donnas - Get Rid Of That Girl. Just an awesome sugar punk song off their first album, when they were in 11th grade. I love the energy of this band, unlike other female artists, they actually have some balls to go out and play faster and better than the males, instead of using their tits to sell records. PLAY IT LOUD.
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« Reply #37 on: October 08, 2004, 02:55:15 PM »

Fuck The world is one of the low points of their last album.

Nooouu! I love that song, it?s not boring!!

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« Reply #38 on: October 10, 2004, 11:19:54 AM »

Right. I tried Hurricane Party. Gosh,? that was bad. Obviously, I was listening to it? on the link that K-Rock posted, but my god what a polished sound.
Yeah they are british and i guess maybe they are trying to sound american but you should check them out live if you get the chance that is where they really shine, at the same time if you don't like cock rock you won't like them.
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« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2005, 03:36:36 PM »

Let's restart this.

Burning Brides "Leave No Ashes".

Maybe this is the biggest band in the world that everybody knows about, I wouldn't know since I never listen to the radio or watch MTV.

The song is a great rock n' roll song, go listen to it and recommend something else people can listen to.


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