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Author Topic: Tsunami Death Toll Rises to 125,000 in Asia  (Read 47915 times)
Axls Locomotive

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« Reply #40 on: December 30, 2004, 06:31:28 AM »

?The strange thing is we haven?t recorded any dead animals,? H.D. Ratnayake, deputy director of the national Wildlife Department, told Reuters on Wednesday.

?No elephants are dead, not even a dead hare or rabbit,? he added. ?I think animals can sense disaster. They have a sixth sense. They know when things are happening.?

amazing how animals can sense danger isnt it?

they probably sensed the change in temperature, air pressure or the vibrations of the quake itself...

the thing with humans is that many on the beaches probably felt the quakes tremors so they would have had time to get to higher ground, maybe 10-15 minutes at the least...many humans are overconfident and arrogant and think that nothing will happen to them so in turn they failed to obey the warning sign

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Axls Locomotive

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« Reply #41 on: December 30, 2004, 11:27:39 AM »

just when you think the worst is over

Tsunami toll jumps past 120,000

ANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) - The mercilessness of Asia's tsunami has grown clearer as worst-hit Indonesia sharply raised its death toll, taking the number of fatalities around the whole Indian Ocean region above 120,000.

Health Ministry sources told Reuters just under 80,000 had died in Indonesia's northern Aceh province that was close to the undersea quake, some 28,000 more than previously announced. Two sources said the toll would be officially announced soon.

Aceh, already suffering a prolonged conflict, has emerged as the "ground zero" of Sunday's great earthquake just off its coast. It triggered monstrous waves all the way to Africa that killed thousands more in India, Thailand and elsewhere.

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« Reply #42 on: December 30, 2004, 06:05:42 PM »

France will offer about $56 million (41 million euros) as part of a huge global relief effort to help countries destroyed by the tsunamis (source: - in French, this was just announced by the French government).

Billions of dollars have been offered together by the U.S, Germany, Spain, Italy, U.K, France, etc.

« Reply #43 on: December 31, 2004, 12:02:09 AM »

I got an email from my friend yesterday, who went to Indonesia to visit her family for the holidays.? She said that her and her family are fine.? Thank God.?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2004, 12:05:28 AM by GnRNightrain » Logged

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« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2004, 03:31:32 AM »

this thing is gonna cause more deaths than any natural disaster, prob ever.

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« Reply #45 on: December 31, 2004, 04:02:01 AM »

Personally I think the number is being kept low for tourist reasons.

The BBC reported this and I agree. Tourism is the tops the list for that region, for overall income.

These papers are reporting much higher and question the current numbers being reported.

One Indonesian town with 150k people had no survivors at all, NONE, it was totally wipped out. This far exceeds the total already.

Add in  death from cholera and lack of clean water (which could well be another 500k) and this could be the biggest human tragedy in some time.
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« Reply #46 on: December 31, 2004, 08:04:37 AM »

It's been some quakes in China with like 300 000 casualties, or more. So this one is'n the worst yet but it's fuckin horrible.

But it's been such a long time
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« Reply #47 on: December 31, 2004, 09:57:41 AM »

Personally I think the number is being kept low for tourist reasons.

I don't know if it matters whether the? tsunami killed ten or hundred thousand. Some people are gonna be scared of going there anyway.

I saw on the news yesterday how some small business owners were already trying to clean up and rebuild so they could open for business as soon as possible.?

These people don't have any other income and if the tourists dissappear, where will they get their income from?

« Last Edit: December 31, 2004, 10:00:04 AM by jarmo » Logged

Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...
« Reply #48 on: December 31, 2004, 11:46:29 AM »

Personally I think the number is being kept low for tourist reasons.

The BBC reported this and I agree. Tourism is the tops the list for that region, for overall income.

These papers are reporting much higher and question the current numbers being reported.

One Indonesian town with 150k people had no survivors at all, NONE, it was totally wipped out. This far exceeds the total already.

Add in? death from cholera and lack of clean water (which could well be another 500k) and this could be the biggest human tragedy in some time.

Your links don't work, buddy.
« Reply #49 on: December 31, 2004, 05:30:52 PM »

Yeah, I don't have a credit card so I can't donate to the place that I tried but I'm gonna see if I can borrow somebody's credit card and then give him/her back the money when I can.

If you don't have a credit card, you can send a check or money order to your local chapter, which is listed on the Red Cross homepage. Or, you can send it to this address:

 American Red Cross International Response Fund, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, DC 20013.

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« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2005, 03:11:43 AM »

It's been some quakes in China with like 300 000 casualties, or more. So this one is'n the worst yet but it's fuckin horrible.

yeah i just learned about that a few hrs ago actully, its amazing.

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« Reply #51 on: January 02, 2005, 06:17:56 PM »

I don't know if it matters whether the? tsunami killed ten or hundred thousand. Some people are gonna be scared of going there anyway.


I think it does matter Jarmo. It makes a difference because it magnifies the tragedy and more lives/families have been destroyed. I see what you are saying, but everyday the number of casualties rises in 10,000 at least. This is one of the biggest natural disasters in recent history. The whole area has been wiped out. I don't think people's biggest fear now is having gone out of business, right now people's main concern is getting their lives back.

Even if the tourists weren't scared to spend their holidays in Indonesia, there are some areas that will take years to rebuild. Even if the 100,000 tourists decide to spend the next few weeks in Sri Lanka, the probably wouldn't find their favorite hotel there anymore.

Satisfying their basic needs is all they care about right now.
« Reply #52 on: January 03, 2005, 02:58:28 AM »

Be thankful for all you have today....I sure am.
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