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Author Topic: Hallenstadion - July 1 (Z?rich, Switzerland) - CHANGED DATE  (Read 98690 times)
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« on: May 03, 2006, 02:58:55 PM »


Web site:

Board members attending the show: kaunt3000, keleko, Lucs, My Michelle, tonya_ytzerman?

« Last Edit: June 21, 2006, 06:48:16 PM by jarmo » Logged

Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...
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« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2006, 03:22:29 PM »

If it's confirmed I'll be there for sure!!!

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« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2006, 04:09:23 AM »

Am I the only Swiss fan of Guns N'Roses in the world ? Huh

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« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2006, 04:28:35 AM »

Am I the only Swiss fan of Guns N'Roses in the world ? Huh

no, the other are waiting to know if it's true  hihi

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« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2006, 04:29:41 AM »

Am I the only Swiss fan of Guns N'Roses in the world ? Huh

no, the other are waiting to know if it's true  hihi

I'm also waiting to know if it's true Grin Sent a mail to Hallenstadion and Starticket Grin I hooooooooooooope it's true!


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Her Most Evilness

« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2006, 07:40:23 AM »

sorry, Lucs, as i wrote in the other thread - not true. I phoned up starticket and Hallenstadion, and they both said they didn't know anything about such an event. The guy at Hallenstadion said they put up all events on their web page as soons as they are confirmed. No Gn'R on the Hallenstadion page. Nothing on the starticket page, nothing in their booking system (said the lady at the phone).
The only source for this rumor is, who list only and as "sources" - but as i wrote above, nothing to be found on these pages.

Would have been cool, i live a 10min walk away from Hallenstadion...

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« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2006, 10:37:12 AM »

Well I sent a mail to starticket and they said they had no information yet and told me to keep checking the website. Maybe they can't say anything yet (let's hope). Well, we'll see if Monday there's tickets on sale on starticket, if not, too bad Sad

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« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2006, 05:53:44 AM »


Dear Lucs

They will be in Switzerland the 21.6.06 Hallenstadio Z?rich. Tickets will be
available on Monday 8.5.06 at the TicketCorner 0900 800 800 or

Ticket price   75.00 (seating)
         65.00 (standing)

Kind regard

Rita Galvagno-Pisaniello


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« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2006, 05:56:56 AM »

congratulations beer

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« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2006, 06:48:16 AM »


Just got a mail from Startickets :

Dear Sir
The avance sell for the concert of Guns N'Roses of 21st June 2006 in the Hallenstadion will start
on Monday, 8 th May 2006 at am 8 o'clock.
Doors : pm 6:00
Begin : pm 8:00
For more information visit our website from Monday, 8 th May 2006 on.
Best regards
Mirjam Sch?pbach
*starticket Customer Care

0900 325 325 (1.49/Min.)

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« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2006, 10:22:32 AM »

Got a mail from Hallenstadion confirming everything Cool
« Last Edit: May 05, 2006, 12:05:33 PM by Lucs » Logged


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« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2006, 05:38:31 AM »

...i'm gonna be there. first in line. OMFG.  Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

if anyone needs help w/ accommodation / getting there / ..., PM me.

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« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2006, 10:58:08 AM »

Does anybody know the capacity of this stadium?

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Her Most Evilness

« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2006, 11:13:34 AM »

The stadium was remodeled last year. They had a capacity of 11500 for hockey games before it was remodeled, and now they list the capacity as 11000 if all people are seated (conferences). However, at concerts the whole area where the ice field is is "standing places" (no seating), so my rough estimate is 15000 (biggern than 11000 anyway).

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« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2006, 02:06:10 AM »

Got my tickets Cheesy

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« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2006, 04:02:41 AM »

Got mine too ! It's selling very well !!!

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« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2006, 10:54:49 AM »

Got mine too ! It's selling very well !!!

how do you know that?

Psychologically, you could consider this a reunion tour because I`ve managed to find enough pieces of my mind in order to be with you here tonight - - Axl Rose, Chicago 2002
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« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2006, 11:34:53 AM »

Got mine too ! It's selling very well !!!

how do you know that?

When I bought my tickets, the "lady" told me that most of seating tickets were sold and a lot of standing too (it was 45 minutes till it was opened).

But in the French part of Switzerland there is NO advertisement or anything else... I was the first one to bought ticket there... it's probably selling better in the German part of Switzerland !

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« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2006, 01:04:39 PM »



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« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2006, 03:20:29 AM »

Ok, she doesn't read this board - but i wanted to mention that my mom will be attending the show as well (she's 64)   ok  rofl  ok

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« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2006, 03:28:56 AM »

Great!!! Grin Is she going in front of the stage ? Cheesy


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« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2006, 07:12:30 AM »

Yeah, sort of. I called her because I thought that *maybe* she'd want a ticket for a sitting place (hell my bro and I tortured her with the Gn'R stuff when we were teens, so it's sort of a sentimental thing for her too  hihi). She insisted on a standing place to "watch the concert with me". I hated her as a teen cause she wouldn't let me attend the gig in Basel in '93, but now I think she rocks peace

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« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2006, 08:00:04 AM »

I live one minute walking distance from the Hallenstadion.... I got tickets... Woha! Maybe we can meet up before or after the gig...

Ps.: I've been reading this board for years now... My first post... So glorious!
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« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2006, 02:16:51 PM »

Great, we are now 3 Swiss here Grin I'm still the only one from French part of Switzerland lol !

Well, on we're planning to meet before the show and all go in front of the stage together, maybe you can come with us if you want Cheesy We could try to plan something Cool

My Michelle
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« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2006, 06:52:14 AM »

I Have A Ticket  beer
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« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2006, 08:42:46 AM »

That's actually not true, Lucs. I'm originally from Geneva, but I'm studying in Z?rich now... so here goes the reason for living in Z?rich!

But in any case it'd be great to do something!
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« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2006, 09:02:59 AM »

Great Keleko !! So I guess you speak french ? If so, you could come on GNRFrance forum to talk with us ! There are really few swiss french speaking fans out there Grin

Well, we're planning stuffs on GNRFrance forum, I'll keep you up to date.

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« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2006, 11:19:33 AM »

Hey Lucs, I may be wrong but are you going to both the Zurich and Milan shows? I'll be there too? ok
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« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2006, 12:49:43 PM »

Yes I'm doing both Cool

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« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2006, 08:49:42 AM »

HI Leute
also ich machs mal auf deutsch ...

ich hab mein ticket YUHU..aber leider sitzplatz (gut zum recorden Smiley
also wie siehts denn aus gibts nen fantreffpunkt oder ne afterhouer oder oder oder...?

ihr k?nnt eu ja melden.....ich komm aus Ravensburg also 1.5 hrs away

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Her Most Evilness

« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2006, 10:42:09 AM »

HI Leute
also ich machs mal auf deutsch ...

ich hab mein ticket YUHU..aber leider sitzplatz (gut zum recorden Smiley
also wie siehts denn aus gibts nen fantreffpunkt oder ne afterhouer oder oder oder...?

ihr k?nnt eu ja melden.....ich komm aus Ravensburg also 1.5 hrs away
==> for the non-german-speaking:
Hi everyone, I'll write in German.... I have my ticket, yeehaw.. sadly it's only a seating place (good for recoring Smiley . How are you guys organised - is there a fan meeting point or an afterhour or, or, or, or...?

We have not yet figured out when/where to meet. I personally suggest Burger King for meeting before (cause you can eat, the place is big enough, and they're not as fucking expensive as the pubs in the area. and yes, they do sell alcohol). You can't miss it, it's right next to the train/tram station "Bahnhof Oerlikon" (tram line 11 or any train that stops in Oerlikon). Hallenstadion is walking distance from there.

Meeting after the show is gonna get complicated, cause most pubs close at 12 during the week. Some bars in Langstrasse (red light quarter, good for finding drugs, cheap brazilian chicks, and trouble of all sorts) should be open for a longer time, but i can also try organise a bar in Oerlikon which will open for a gunner meeting. how many would be in?

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« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2006, 08:23:24 AM »

Keleko and I are organising an after-party. Depending on how many plan on attending, we will plan the location (it will be walking distance either way). So please post in this thread whether you will be coming or not (similar to the Dublin-quote-yourself-to-death-thing).

People attending the afterparty

Of course, people from other boards are very welcome to attend as well Smiley .

We can provide a mattress or at least a roof over your head and some hot water for approx. 10 people in our flats. First come, first serve (--> PM me if you need a place to crash).

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« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2006, 09:46:52 AM »

I won't be able to stay after the show (I have to get back to Lausanne cause I have class the day after Tongue).

But we could meet before the show and stay all together during the show ! I'll be at the Hallenstadion around 14-15h, we'll try to gather as much fans from GNRFrance as we can Cheesy But it'd be cool to meet some people from heretodaygonetohell too !

If I knew you were registered here tonya I would have talked to you at Gilby show Cheesy Hehe !


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« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2006, 09:32:46 AM »

I have approx. 5 standing place tickets to sell. They cost me 65.- CHF, and that's what I'm selling them for. PM me, first come first serve.

If you have a friend who wants the ticket - they can have it for the same price, they should either register themselves and PM me or beat you up until you PM me for them Wink .

I'm gonna be away from today (Tuesday) night until Sunday night (Novarock), so I am sorry for slow replies. I'll be online some time tonight to check back.

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« Reply #34 on: June 18, 2006, 08:52:55 AM »

I will be on business in Z?rich on Wednesday the 21st of June.
I was wondering how to find out in which Hotel the Band is staying. Maybe they are in the same as I am...
Does anyone know how I could find out?
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« Reply #35 on: June 18, 2006, 09:51:29 AM »

I have no idea... I'm not even sure they'll stay in Zurich for the night... I wouldn't be surprised if they go back to Paris as they'll be playin' in Belgium 3 days later.


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« Reply #36 on: June 20, 2006, 08:17:34 AM »

I just saw the following on the page of the promoters (good news productions): The show starts at 19:45, not 20:00.

That's the text they have on their page:
Die Rockgiganten Guns N? Roses melden sich zur?ck
Die ph?nomenalen Rock Giganten Guns N? Roses, eine der gr?ssten Bands aller Zeiten, sind f?r ein Konzert im Z?richer Hallenstadion am Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2006 best?tigt. Guns N? Roses Auftritte waren im letzten Jahrzehnt eine extreme Seltenheit und Free & Virgin und Good News freuen sich ausserordentlich, das exklusive und einzige Schweizer Konzert 2006 dieser Rock-Band anzuk?ndigen. Mit dieser Konzertbest?tigung und dem angek?ndigten lang ersehnten neuen Guns N? Roses Album wird dies f?r Guns N? Roses selbst, wie auch f?r deren ergebenen Fans, ein ausserordentliches Jahr werden! Guns N? Roses? S?nger Axl Rose sagte ?England und Europa waren schon immer sehr speziell f?r mich. Nach unseren letzten grossartigen Konzerten sind wir alle aufgeregt und freuen uns alle sehr darauf, dorthin zur?ckzukehren und wieder vor so einem phantastischen Publikum zu spielen. Es ist f?r mich eine Ehre und ein Privileg, welches keiner von uns als selbstverst?ndlich betrachtet. Wir freuen uns alle, euch diesen Sommer wiederzusehen!?

Rock Giants Guns N' Roses are back
The phenomenal rock giants Guns N' Roses, one of the biggest bands of all times, are confirmed for a concert in Zurich's Hallenstadion on Wednesday, June 21st 2006. Live appearances of Guns N' Roses have been an extrem rareness in the past decade, and Free & Virgin and Good News are extremely delighted to announce the exclusive and only 2006 concert of this rock band. With this concert confirmation and the also announced, long waited-for new Guns N' Roses album, this is going to be an extraordinary year for Guns N' Roses themselves as well as for their devoted fans! Guns N' Roses' singer Axl Rose says "England and Europe have always been very special for me. After our last great concerts we are all excited and looking forward to playing for such a phantastic audience. It is an honor and a privilege for me, which none of us looks upon as a matter of course. We are all looking forward to seeing you again this summer!"

I also just phoned the promoters: Small cameras (ie. non-professional ones) are allowed in the stadium.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2006, 08:21:12 AM by tonya_ytzerman » Logged

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« Reply #37 on: June 20, 2006, 10:05:40 AM »

Tonya, at what time are you going to the Hallenstadion ? I guess I'll be there at 3-3.30pm !


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Her Most Evilness

« Reply #38 on: June 20, 2006, 12:03:58 PM »

I have to teach a lesson till 3 at the university, i think i'll cut it as short as i can and then run for the stadium. It's gonna be about 3 to 3:30 pm with me as well.

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« Reply #39 on: June 20, 2006, 01:12:57 PM »

I have to teach a lesson till 3 at the university, i think i'll cut it as short as i can and then run for the stadium. It's gonna be about 3 to 3:30 pm with me as well.

Teach at the university ? Huh Wow ! Well, we probably meet there Cool Cool !

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« Reply #40 on: June 22, 2006, 09:25:15 AM »

I bought my ticket yesterday, seating one unfortunately, but hey nothing's perfect Cheesy
Can someone tell me how far the train station is from the stadium?
If I can walk until there maybe?

It don't really matter.

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Her Most Evilness

« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2006, 10:09:38 AM »

Yes, you can walk. Here is a .pdf of the plan. If you are arriving by train, simply get off at "Bahnhof Oerlikon" or "Hauptbahnhof", and take tram no. 11 towards "Messe/Hallenstadion". Tram no. 11 leaves from "Bahnhofstrasse" in front of the main station ("Hauptbahnhof"), or right in front of the train station in Oerlikon (Oerlikon being closer to the stadium). Your train ticket is valid on the tram. Get off at the terminal station "Messe/Hallenstadion", and you're right in front of the stadium.

I have seen quite some tickets for sale on ebay and, also for standing places. You need an account to bid though, it takes a few days to get one.

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« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2006, 10:17:01 AM »

Awesome! Thanks so much for all the details!! And I would bid but, I really don't know how it works and anyways, I already bought one, and it won't be the last GNR concert so.. but thanks a lot for the info!!? Grin

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« Reply #43 on: June 25, 2006, 04:05:41 AM »

Does anyone know at what time the show is supposed to start?
Also, are Avenged Sevenfold still the opening act?

May seems irrelevant but not for me 'cause I'm gonna travel to be there and maybe get in Zurich just a short time before the show begins...

Thank you? Kiss

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Her Most Evilness

« Reply #44 on: June 25, 2006, 04:58:04 AM »

The promoter's page says the show starts 8pm. The Avenged Sevenfold homepage lists a gig in San Francisco on that day, so if there is an opener, it won't be them.

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« Reply #45 on: June 25, 2006, 05:13:43 AM »

thanks so much tonya? Smiley

so I guess unless they announce another opener, I'd better be there at 8pm...good to know!

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« Reply #46 on: June 29, 2006, 04:15:30 PM »

The promoter's page says the show starts 8pm. The Avenged Sevenfold homepage lists a gig in San Francisco on that day, so if there is an opener, it won't be them.
And Bullet for My Valentine will be in Germany saturday. Any News? love

I'm Fuckin' Innocent!
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« Reply #47 on: June 30, 2006, 05:40:11 AM »

Just phoned the promoter again:
There will be another support act starting 19:30, they say a homepage update ( is underway.

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« Reply #48 on: June 30, 2006, 09:20:23 AM »

Update: Shakra will be supporting Gn'R tomorrow. Whoever that is, I'm not into the Swiss metal scene.
Note that the show is now scheduled to start 19:30, not 20:00. source (the text there says you cannot give back your ticket safe for if you're considered a "case of hardship"(?) like you can prove that you had already booked some holydays that you can't postpone &  stuff like that. In that case you could have sent back the ticket until yesterday (Thursday the 29th). )

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« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2006, 04:30:26 AM »

Today's the day Cool Cool ! Cool


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« Reply #50 on: July 02, 2006, 11:15:06 AM »

Ok, this is gonna take a while. So I put some keywords before every paragraph, and if you're not interested you can skip.

Got in line around 3, there were already some ppl waiting. Was with Keleko and a friend of his from Ljubljana, and I also met Lucs and his friends (that was your Swiss flag Axl wore, right?).

Security was the most disorganised, uninformed, power-trippy and incompetent bunch of housewives I've ever seen. I can elaborate on that, but won't bore you now.

pit, photos, promoter
Anyway, they finally opened gates some time after 6, and I ran for 1st row. There was a pit with wristbands, and we got 1st row center. The stage was not as high up as eg. in Dublin or Novarock, where you couldn't see half the stage because that thing in the middle is in the line of sight. So would have been really great if I could have taken my camera in. Which I couldn't. I had called the promoter and asked, and they said it was ok to bring cappy cameras (see my post in this thread). And like 2 minutes before gates open the security dude says no cams whatsoever allowed, only phones. Thanks for that rant . So I left my camera at the wardrobe. Keleko's friend took some pics with her phone (mine is too crappy), and maybe someday we figure out a way of how to transfer them to thenet.

opener (Shakra)
Shakra were really cute. They were soooo happy to have the opportunity to play one of the biggest stadiums in Switzerland and to open for Gn'R :-) . One of their guitarists seemed to be completely daunted and hardly moved. At some point the singer asked us to all raise our hands so that he could take a picture hihi . The sound was ok.

official pics, stage setup
since Gn'R were late, I started to talk to some of the photographers who were waiting. They told me that only photographers from daily newspapers were allowed, no agencies. I specifically asked about the "all your copyright are belong to us" contract, and they didn't know anything about it. So I'll see that I get some of the papers & scan the pics that we have at least a few from the 1st 3 songs.
The stage was smaller than the ones I'd seen before, but I think that was good. Never an empty space anywhere, always something to look at Smiley (problem is with at least 5 of the 8 guys running in all directions, you never know where to look Tongue ).

gn'r finally took the stage with the usual songs. There were no surprises in the setlist (check out the updates thread in the main Gn'R section, I sent updates to Jarmo). Since they started about 40 mins late and probably had to stop by midnight, i found the gig rather short. No Madagascar, no Rocket Queen, no CD, ... .

Was in good mood, talked very few. Sometimes he said something, but it was inaudible (at least from where I was standing, I got a good listen of the bass though Tongue ). Joked around with the band (Tommy was clapping his hands over his head and Axl came out on stage, watched him, and started jumping up an down with the "jumping jack" exercise. Voice was on the ok side, but have heard him stronger. Might have been the mix, but also some of my friends who were farther in the back said they could hardly hear him. He also wore only one earpiece, the other was hanging round his neck. Safe for that, I'm tempted to say "as usual" (clothing, moving, energy, snakedancing drool , mood), but that would not be suitable. He did a great show!

"the band"
Richard wore a scarf round his neck and a jacket in the beginning and stripped to no-shirt during the show  drool drool .  In between, he was dressed all in black, like Novarock. Seemed to have himself a blast, his solo was great! The best of him I've seen so far!

Robin was also hot (yes, he also took off the jacket and was dressed all-white safe for the Addams-Family print on his shirt, the stockings, and the ... whatever it is. A skirt? That thing was red and black. The stage was very close to 1st row, so I got a good look at him. I have never seen someone more into what he's doing. It's as if he can physically feel the music, not just hear. Great solos also! Though my friend joked that probably Richard and Robin had a marital quarrel because they weren't drooling at each other during "Beautiful" as much as they had been at Novarock hihi . But it was also great without the drooling, some people even sang along Smiley .
He came down to 1st row once, and after the show (like after they had taken a bow and stuff) he ran down to 1st row again and just hugged the fans that were standing there and then ran back up.

bbf was wearing the red cap you've seen on other pictures, and sometimes an army-green and also kinda army-style cap. Someone asked in the other thread about his guitar, yes he did use the foot guitar for his solo. He also was playing with the fretless guitar (his homepage lists the guitars he has, you can see a pic of it there), but I forgot which song it was. At one point during the show he came to the front, and I threw a kiss at him, and he threw one back (now *that*'s the info you've been waiting for Tongue ). We also noticed his beard: He's shaved it such that when you look from underneath at his chin it's a stlyised figure of a man :-)
I never get his footguitar solo, I'm just not that much into the shredding thing, but don't cry was killer again. I've said it before and I'll say it again: The dude rocks!

Tommy - it's so sad there's hardly ever a spot on so that you can see the fucker! He jumps around a lot, bangs his head a bit, kind of a one-man-party (safe for when he's sneaking up behind Robin hihi ). He's very much into it! I saw him conferring with Axl a lot in between songs, seems like he's the conductor or something. As I was standing in front of where they probably had the subwoofers, I had a great listen to his playing - awesome!

Dizzy was the first one to lose the shirt (yes, also the temperatures were hot), and... maybe he should pull up the pants just a tiny bit, but that's a guess hihi . Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery good solo! The crowd LOVED it, just plain awesome!!! In good mood, too :-) . Chris was wearing what appeared to me a brazilian soccer shirt (it was red and black, with some print on the chest - but since I'm neither brazilian nor into soccer, don't hang me for that). He also lost the shirt rather quickly :-)  (though you never get to see what he looks like, right?).

Frank - great on drums, didn't hear a single mistake, didn't see him behind the drums though, so I can't say if he went shirtless too Wink . He has  a slightly differen drum setup than Brain (from what I the thing looked like, I don't know shit about drumming to be honest :-/ ).

They all rocked big time, from start to the end! My friends now finally understand me at least, and I think I drew some more people into world's most unpredictable religion hihi . The crowd was very loud, sang along every single line (even the new songs). Single shows are so much different from festivals in that way! I'm looking forward to the reviews in newspapers tomorrow (and we'll see which journalist was at the same show I was at...).

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« Reply #51 on: July 02, 2006, 11:15:18 AM »

Aftershow & Backstage
A friend of mine had caught a guitar pick (he thinks it's Robin's) which he gave to me (thanks Krusty!), and then Lucs walked up to me and handed me his VIP-backstage sticker which he had gotten, since he had to run home. Thank you SO MUCH for that!!!!!! I owe you lots of beer for that, man! So I had the sticker, and my camera outside the building, and noone could tell me where to go with that sticker. So I asked around until some dude told be to go back to the concert area, where I met Gio (the Gn'R security dude). He "knows" me from the Gn'R gig I have been to (well from saying hi and stuff), so I asked him what to do. He took me behind a door and told me to wait there. So I stood in the catacombs of a huge stadium, have no idea where to go (aisle to the right? aisle to the left?) , where i can go, or what to do, and noone expecting me to be there (Lucs should have been there, after all!). I tried my luck with the aisle to the right cause the door there was open and I saw Richard and Robin there. So I walked up to them, and asked if they had a pen and if I could have an autograph. Then the security dude there saw my pass and told me I wasn't allowed to be there, so while I backed up through the aisle with said security dude in front of me, Richard was following him with a pen, and signed my pass (thanks!). I think he and Robin had come straight from the shower or something, so I didn't "talk" to Richard (Robin had disappeared) and just went back to my post between the aisles and waited.

It was the exit that lead to the busses, so I figured that at some point the band would just walk past me. Then I phoned my friend and gave her my wardrobe ticket through the fence, hoping to get the cam before the band came. Right after I had given her the ticket, Gio walked up to me and told me to follow him. On our way I briefly met Richard, who was already leaving for the bus. He took me to the band's catering, like, he opens a door, shows me to enter and I nearly step on Tommy's feet and Dizyy sits in front of me and everyone stares at me like "Hi....??" I really didn't have the slightest idea of where I was, who the other people in the room were (safe for Tommy, Dizzy, and Frank), how to act, or what to do. Dizzy was signing some autographs for the blonde next to him (who looked like she was suffering from an overdose of self-tanner, wore a white thing that I first identified as a net for a scubadiving tank but then decided she called that a shirt, and who found it hard to work a digital camera later the night), so I thought that I would just slip in my ticket for him to sign as well (I still had no pen, and no camera). There was another blonde at that table, and beer, so I didn't want to disturb him any more (after all, what do I have to say? "Great solo"? They probably notice if I say that to everyone, and second, ... err... what answer would I expect? "great you shut up during November Rain, I can't stand it when people who can't sing do"? So most of the time I just shut up and watched.

When I turned around, I saw bbf standing right behind me (he's really not that tall, hehe). I talked to him for a while - he's really such a nice and funny guy!!! Most was just "about God and the world", he said he'd love to work on an upcoming Gn'R record, but that he didn't know if that was the plan ("I hope they don't kick me ;-) "). He also wore a shirt that read "my name is Ronald and your name is douchebag" hihi.

Tommy joked about the fact that the tickets for the show were actually pink (see pics in this thread) "Have you seen this? They sell pink tickets for a rock show!!!". He didn't say much and seemed to only be waiting for everyone to hop on the bus, so I left him alone. For some reason, he had *two* folded sunglasses in his shirt's neckline.

I must say that everyone was *very* friendly, introduced themselves (bass & drum technicians), asked my name n' stuff (I guess erveryone just thought I was with some of the other guys hihi ). Talked to them for quite a while, at some point Del James walked up to me and asked if he could bring me a beer (I said I didn't drink, but a diet coke would be fine, and could keep myself from asking whether I may fall on my knees and kiss his feet for the "without you" story ;-) ).

At some time, Robin came in (he wore a Poncho and a hat), and he also signed my ticket. Frankly, he scared me a bit... I mean, he's the nicest person and stuff, but I just felt a little intimidated for some reason. He didn't stay long, but I have to say he has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen (he kinda walked up close).

Beta was also there for a short while, but I didn't talk to her (I didn't want anyone to figure out I wasn't with anyone and getting thrown out). She has actually blonde, not white/grey hair as you could think from some of the pictures.

I didn't talk to Frank (he was busy with some of his guests), but got an autograph when he was leaving. Chris also was there and made a shrews comment about my shirt (I wore the HTGTH thing again). I didn't get it, and neither did he (somehow, HTGTH seems to be a name people know, but they don't know what it is exactly). He also said that he didn't go on the Internet, so that's probably why Wink .

Then some dude came in and shouted for everyone to leave ("we have a schedule to keep"), cause they needed to get on the bus to Nijmegen, so my time there was over, Dizzy wanted a hug before he left (even though we hadn't talked), and that was it basically. I hopped on my bike and joined my friends again at a pub, went to sleep at 6 in the morning and got up some time this afternoon. But considering I had to fly or ride trains forever for the other shows before I could write  a review, I think I was fast enough.

tonya is now a *very* happy gunner, thanks to Lucs (!!! can't thank you enough!!!), and Gio (i just don't know how to thank him...).

Picture-taking was forbidden, but I took some of my ticket and of the wristband (here).

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« Reply #52 on: July 02, 2006, 11:29:56 AM »

Cool !! I'm so happy that you got to meet the band !! Too bad for me I couldn't stay there, but well, the show was really great Cool

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« Reply #53 on: July 02, 2006, 11:33:50 AM »

Got in line around 3, there were already some ppl waiting. Was with Keleko and a friend of his from Ljubljana, and I also met Lucs and his friends (that was your Swiss flag Axl wore, right?).

Yup ! I threw it on stage and he "wore" it and everything it was so cool Grin Grin

About Axl's voice, it was pretty hard to heard it from where we were (front of the stage). But I got some pieces of videos (from German forum and we can hear it very well !

Live And Let Die

November Rain

I got to touch (Cheesy) Robin Finck at the end of the show while he went to hug someone in the audience just next to me ! A friend of mine slapped his ass lol Grin
« Last Edit: July 02, 2006, 11:36:44 AM by Lucs » Logged

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« Reply #54 on: July 02, 2006, 11:53:44 AM »

I got to touch (Cheesy) Robin Finck at the end of the show while he went to hug someone in the audience just next to me ! A friend of mine slapped his ass lol Grin

LMAO  rofl  rofl  rofl

Tonya, thanx for great review! 

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« Reply #55 on: July 02, 2006, 11:59:40 AM »

Wow thanks tonya_ytzerman great review and backstage story! beer

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« Reply #56 on: July 02, 2006, 12:10:11 PM »

thnaks Tonya....again you provided a great review ok


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« Reply #57 on: July 02, 2006, 05:25:20 PM »

god tonya u?re just fucking lucky!! how cool girl! peace

"I've always wanted to have it written in my will that when I die, the coffin shows up a half-hour late and says on the side, like in gold, SORRY I'M LATE." Axl Rose, 1992

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« Reply #58 on: July 02, 2006, 08:25:35 PM »


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« Reply #59 on: July 03, 2006, 07:21:18 AM »

As promised, here are the reviews from the local newspapers. The pictures are shit, Tages Anzeiger even used a picture from Roskilde (this one: ).

Review from Neue Zuercher Zeitung (translation, it's not my fault they can't spell Gn'R correctly):
Witching Hour with AxlGuns'n'Roses in front of euphoric audience in Hallenstadion

The songs of US hardrockers Guns'n'Roses are timeless grand rockers. Despite for the slightly anaemic presentation in Hallenstadion, 13 000 spectators sang along to every single line.

Who exactly was on stage remained as unclear as it remained unimportant until the end. For a moment you could think you recognised guitarist Izzy Stradlin, this scarf was waving so perfectly! But it was only Richard Fortus. And could the slim-as-an-aspargus keyboarder really be Dizzy Reed, who, safe for Axl Rose, is the only remaining member from the era of the really existing Guns'n'Roses? Drummer Brian Mantia, who was the reason why the first Zurich concert had been cancelled, hadn't returned; anyway a bald understudy sat behind the caldrons. And bearded lead guitarist Robin Finck, in his temple whore costume, reminded you of Jim Martin of Faith No More.

But frontman W. Axl Rose could have masqueraded his nameless fellow musicians also explicitly, with top hat and hydrogen dye, as Slash, Duff & Co. Because on this saturday night, it wasn't about a new beginning, a glorious return, or even only a new interpretation. The program was: Axl Rose sings old hits of his dead band. There is no creative reason for this, the new Guns'n'Roses album, advertised for over ten years, still has no release date set. That the stage decoration with lampions and [chinese] characters alludes to the known-for-years album title "Chinese Democracy" seems like sheer mockery.

Nearly all songs of 1988's debut album as well as hits from the "Use Your Illusion" time ("November Rain", "Knocking on Heaven's Door", "Live & Let Die", "You could be mine") were presented. "Patience" and "Night Rain" were the highlights. The blessed audience waved with lighters in an emotional way that didn't fit the unpretentious mien of the band in at all.

W. Axl Rose, in shirt and blue jeans instead of stretch under pants as earlier on, had an acceptable voice (not worse as at the Freddie-Mercury-Tribute), herlicoptered in little dancing steps across the stage and acted, even though he forbore from announcing anzthing, reasonably engaged. Also the playing time of two and a quarter hours attests this. The audience thanked the difficult star and applauded every superfluous-as-it-gets guitar solo, and even the four new songs presented. The latter, by their disappointing unvividness, made clear that Guns'n'Roses don't make it to the present even with their surprising tour.

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« Reply #60 on: July 03, 2006, 07:45:18 AM »

From TagesAnzeiger (translated):
The Hit Parade of Axl Rose
Guns N' Roses conjured up the golden era from the early nineties in Hallenstadion - as the trustee of their own past.

Fans had to wait long for this moment, and the anticipation was accordingly big this saturday night in Hallenstadion. You look at a richly decorated stage, in whose center a mighty podium is enthroned, while there are big pennants with a Chinese-styled band logo hanging in the background and refer to the mysterious album "Chinese Democracy", which Axl Rose has been tinkering on for many years now. The audience's saved-up energy can not discharge yet, because as it behooves a Man with diva pretenses, Rose is a long time coming.

Only shortly after ten the houselights go out, and then everything goes by fast. The guitar riff of "Welcome to the Jungle" sounds, the first salvo of fireworks lights up, and Axl Rose steps up to the microphone, to shoot off his characteristic staccato singing into the masses.

The entering of the fronman, who's become obviously more corpulent, is very much applauded, and successively, Rose and his seven assisting musicians play all their trumps. One hit after the other, from "Sweet Child o' Mine" via "Knocking on Heaven's Door" to "Patience". These are acoustic testimonials of an epoch long bygone, which was started off nearly two decades ago with the album "Appetite for Destruction", and which reached its climax with the double album "Use Your Illusion".

Of course, of the original members, only Axl Rose is left, who since this spring is - supposedly for financial reasons - on tour again under the name Guns N' Roses. During his performance, the 44-year-old tries hard to get the gestures from back in the day right, while his rented comusicians rebuild the sound of the past perfectly. Even if the voice of the egomaniac doesn-t sound as present as in former times, the show elements are right. Fire fountains sparkle up during "Live and Let Die", and for the epic masterpiece "November Rain", a black piano is rolled in.

Besides for the cumulated conjuration of nostalgy, there is space left to cavort a bit: Rose, winking opportunistically, wraps himself in a Swiss flag after only a few songs. Few later, the two lead guitarists step into the limelight and play an instrumental version of Christina Aguilera's hit "Beautiful". Safe for that, they concentrate on administrating their past glory and leave an audience, who was allowed to dive into the golden era of the early nineties for a short summer night.

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« Reply #61 on: July 03, 2006, 08:06:42 AM »

(we got one more...)
Aargauer Zeitung (translated):
Puzzles with Axl Rose
The Guns N' Roses concert in Zurich's Hallenstadion had absorbing classics and superfluous noise.

They were said to be unpredictable from the very beginning. Guns N' Roses were a drug-addicted bunch of american hardrock chaotics who clumped into the early nineties with melodic heave-ho-rock. Even if singer Axl Rose by now is the only one remaining from the original lineup, he still knows how to strain his fans' nerves.

The cancellation of June 21st's concert in Hallenstadion was followed by a confirmation and subsequent cancellation of Open Air St. Gallen, then again a concert in Hallenstadion that's taking place on the 1st of July after an agonising waiting time of one and a half hours.

"Just a little patience, njjaaah njjaaaah" sings Axl Rose towards the end of the two hour set - without one sparkle of self-mockery. Patience had to be brought by the pound for a band whose bloated frontman (type: Ronaldo with dreadlocks) has to leave the stage after every other song - arguably for the oxygen shower?

Meanwhile you realise that Axl, mostly wriggling in a half-open shirt, is not the only egomaniac on stage. Three as much self-enamoured guitarists play unspeakable stuff from nowhere. Sometimes, that sounds more like rehearsal than stadium. And the new songs from the "Chinese Democracy" album? If you want to be nice, they are second-rated, and superfluous noise if you want to say the truth.

That is sad, but not everything what one got on this hardrock rollercoaster. Because: Subsequent to those hellish tortures follows - thank God - a heavenly hookline of old calibre. Already the impetuous opener "Welcome to the Jungle" is a not-to-be-killed snakepit, for "Sweet Child o' Mine", Axl puts a Swiss flag round his shoulders, at "Knocking on Heaven's Door", fans' singing takes overhand.

"November Rain" reveals itself as the peak, in the beginning only Tommy Stinson on bass and Axl at the piano, then boosting to a stormwind. Salute shots and fire magic are due at the closing "Paradise City". You have to have a little stage show. But: Was that the big comeback that we've been waiting for over a decade? Or only a random best-of show? At least: Axl didn't have any major misfires. But if that's enough to act as the excessive LA rocker one more time?

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« Reply #62 on: July 03, 2006, 10:05:46 AM »

Well, journalists always talk about the same shits, but at least they liked my Swiss flags Grin

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« Reply #63 on: July 04, 2006, 11:25:34 AM »

Why can't they tell it as it was. Listening to them, for someone who hasn't been there, sounds like people were disappointed and bored or something which wasn't the case at all. Journalists Roll Eyes .... they really should get their asses in queue to get in the ring hihi

Btw, Tonya, it's Karine (Keleko's friend) I just wanna say how happy I am you could meet the band backstage! It's like one of us got in there, ya know? And I honestly believe you deserved it with all the following around you did... and still do as you're going to London right? Awesome ok By the way I loved your review and man all the details you noticed Shocked rofl Oh yeah and you shouldn't expect much of my pics cause I think all in all I only took 5 and they're not great. Which sucks but hey, I'm sure people took some. Though I haven't seen them yet (nor the official ones). I remember a french guy on my left having an awesome cellphone, I think he was filming so yeah, there has to be some pics out there. And I really wanna thank you again for keeping us in front. I think I'll never be able to thank you enough for that. I so thought I'd be seating on the east wing so really, it was a dream come true... just to sound a little americanish, as we're the 4rth of July, god bless you yes rofl

Lucs, we talked a little before the concert. You shown us (Keleko, Tonya, Pink Floyd & I) your magic backstage pass hihi I'm really sorry to hear you couldn't go there, and I find it really generous of you to enable another fan to replace you? ok? Of course, how could I miss the throwing of the Swiss flag at Axl! That was a.w.e.s.o.m.e.!!! You must be so proud, everyone saw it and loved it. (I wonder what's become of the flag now confused) Just like this guy who wanted Axl to autograph his tatoo. I think it was him who threw the sign onstage at the end of the show.. but unfortunately, it fell in the hole. Shame shame shame, more luck next time, I hope..

I really believe we should have wrote that "Axl, bite me" sign, he would have read it and comment on it for sure, and we'd be laughing our asses off. Too bad we didn't... hey Tonya, you should do it in London yes

Another special thanks goes to Andre - otherwise known as.. Pink Floyd - lol, for keeping us informed of the football match result. And the french guy on my left for the beer!

Keleko, last but definitely not least: I OWE YOU BIG TIME!! For the shelter, the company, the ticket exchange, the food, etc.. thank you just doesn't do you justice!!!

Oh yeah, and as a quick ps, thanks to that band called GNR?
Seriously, for making it happen!!!
I finally got to see the Jungle, I finally knocked on Heaven's door and Zurich as a one night Paradise City did just fiiiiine!!



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« Reply #64 on: July 04, 2006, 11:48:11 AM »

all the details you noticed Shocked rofl
I noticed some more. The most hilarious thing was when the band started to play a song, and then Robin ran (like, darted) offstage and then ran back onstage with his guitar (like "oh fuck, i need a guitar to play this song").

I think he was filming
Yeah, I saw that too, and Gio was watching him, but didn't take away the thing. I was waiting for that...

throwing of the Swiss flag at Axl!
Btw, Lucs, what did you write on the flag?

like this guy who wanted Axl to autograph his tatoo.
Yeah. And someone handed Axl a letter (like, in an envelope). confused

hey Tonya, you should do it in London yes
Probably not, I don't want to get kicked out of the arena Wink

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« Reply #65 on: July 04, 2006, 12:14:01 PM »

Lucs, we talked a little before the concert. You shown us (Keleko, Tonya, Pink Floyd & I) your magic backstage pass hihi I'm really sorry to hear you couldn't go there, and I find it really generous of you to enable another fan to replace you  ok
Mmmmh... you have redhair ? If so I see who you are Cheesy But I don't remember if we talked in French or English Grin

Of course, how could I miss the throwing of the Swiss flag at Axl! That was a.w.e.s.o.m.e.!!! You must be so proud, everyone saw it and loved it. (I wonder what's become of the flag now confused)

Yeah it was really cool ! Here's a video someone posted on :

You can see Axl with the Swiss flag ! I love how the crowd just scream when they saw Axl with the flag !! It's so cool !!! They hanged the flag to the little place where Axl was always going between songs Grin
Tonya, we wrote on the top :, on the bottom :, we didn't know what to write in the middle, so we all signed it, but we signed it when we were already in the Hallenstadion so I haven't been able to make you sign it Tongue Sorry Sad
Oh, I added "PLAY TWAT" on the left side lol Grin

I really believe we should have wrote that "Axl, bite me" sign, he would have read it and comment on it for sure, and we'd be laughing our asses off. Too bad we didn't... hey Tonya, you should do it in London yes

Lol !! It would have been fun yeah, next time Grin We'll see if he stills remember it Grin

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« Reply #66 on: July 04, 2006, 02:38:30 PM »

I noticed some more. The most hilarious thing was when the band started to play a song, and then Robin ran (like, darted) offstage and then ran back onstage with his guitar (like "oh fuck, i need a guitar to play this song").

Doesn't look very professional, now does it? rofl

Yeah. And someone handed Axl a letter (like, in an envelope).

Oh so that's what it was! Well he didn't pick it up, just gave it a strange look for a sec and walked away... that is if we're talking about the same thing.

Mmmmh... you have redhair ? If so I see who you are Cheesy But I don't remember if we talked in French or English Grin
Yes the red headed girl would be me and we spoke in french? Grin

Yeah it was really cool ! Here's a video someone posted on : You can see Axl with the Swiss flag ! I love how the crowd just scream when they saw Axl with the flag !! It's so cool !!!
Fantastic!! I love the reaction too! It's cool that this was filmed from the back, so we can hear Axl's voice better and the reaction from the crowd as well.. we were amazing ok

They hanged the flag to the little place where Axl was always going between songs Grin Tonya, we wrote on the top :, on the bottom :, we didn't know what to write in the middle, so we all signed it, but we signed it when we were already in the Hallenstadion so I haven't been able to make you sign it Tongue Sorry Sad
Oh, I added "PLAY TWAT" on the left side lol Grin

Yeah! I screamed as well as if it was my country's flag he had just picked up hihi You can't just stay numb to that.
Btw so cool of you to remind him to play TWAT. It's my favourite new song and I was really hoping to hear it that day? Undecided

Lol !! It would have been fun yeah, next time Grin We'll see if he stills remember it Grin
Yeah it'd be nice uh Cheesy

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« Reply #67 on: July 04, 2006, 04:28:46 PM »

Yes the red headed girl would be me and we spoke in french  Grin

Alright so I see who you are Grin You should come on , it's really cool there Grin

Fantastic!! I love the reaction too! It's cool that this was filmed from the back, so we can hear Axl's voice better and the reaction from the crowd as well.. we were amazing ok
Yeah, from the back Axl's voice was much better. From where I was (in front of Finck and Stinson) I could hear very well Robin's Guitar and Tommy's bass but could barely hear Axl's voice ! But I could see all the band very well Grin

Yeah! I screamed as well as if it was my country's flag he had just picked up hihi You can't just stay numb to that.
Btw so cool of you to remind him to play TWAT. It's my favourite new song and I was really hoping to hear it that day  Undecided

It's my fave too, with Irs, and Better, and... lol... I still can't choose Grin But I really love TWAT ! Too bad he didn't see that Grin

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« Reply #68 on: July 05, 2006, 09:34:03 AM »

Thanks for the link, I registered there not so long ago Grin
I was pretty much in front but I still couldn't hear much of Axl :/
Anyone understood the things he said?
Better & IRS rule!!! At least he played these two Grin

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« Reply #69 on: July 09, 2006, 03:57:44 AM »

I was pretty much in front but I still couldn't hear much of Axl :/
Anyone understood the things he said?

The first thing he said was something like : "It's great to be here tonight, I'm glad I've made it...some brothers from Scandinavia wanted to keep me all for themselves "? Grin
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« Reply #70 on: October 22, 2006, 11:32:41 AM »

wow my first post and this was also my first show it was fucking great and thx u lucs to let me sign on the swiss flag... i could stand in the first line a bit on te right side . rock on ! domi_
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