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Author Topic: Hallenstadion - July 1 (Z?rich, Switzerland) - CHANGED DATE  (Read 99641 times)

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Her Most Evilness

« Reply #60 on: July 03, 2006, 07:45:18 AM »

From TagesAnzeiger (translated):
The Hit Parade of Axl Rose
Guns N' Roses conjured up the golden era from the early nineties in Hallenstadion - as the trustee of their own past.

Fans had to wait long for this moment, and the anticipation was accordingly big this saturday night in Hallenstadion. You look at a richly decorated stage, in whose center a mighty podium is enthroned, while there are big pennants with a Chinese-styled band logo hanging in the background and refer to the mysterious album "Chinese Democracy", which Axl Rose has been tinkering on for many years now. The audience's saved-up energy can not discharge yet, because as it behooves a Man with diva pretenses, Rose is a long time coming.

Only shortly after ten the houselights go out, and then everything goes by fast. The guitar riff of "Welcome to the Jungle" sounds, the first salvo of fireworks lights up, and Axl Rose steps up to the microphone, to shoot off his characteristic staccato singing into the masses.

The entering of the fronman, who's become obviously more corpulent, is very much applauded, and successively, Rose and his seven assisting musicians play all their trumps. One hit after the other, from "Sweet Child o' Mine" via "Knocking on Heaven's Door" to "Patience". These are acoustic testimonials of an epoch long bygone, which was started off nearly two decades ago with the album "Appetite for Destruction", and which reached its climax with the double album "Use Your Illusion".

Of course, of the original members, only Axl Rose is left, who since this spring is - supposedly for financial reasons - on tour again under the name Guns N' Roses. During his performance, the 44-year-old tries hard to get the gestures from back in the day right, while his rented comusicians rebuild the sound of the past perfectly. Even if the voice of the egomaniac doesn-t sound as present as in former times, the show elements are right. Fire fountains sparkle up during "Live and Let Die", and for the epic masterpiece "November Rain", a black piano is rolled in.

Besides for the cumulated conjuration of nostalgy, there is space left to cavort a bit: Rose, winking opportunistically, wraps himself in a Swiss flag after only a few songs. Few later, the two lead guitarists step into the limelight and play an instrumental version of Christina Aguilera's hit "Beautiful". Safe for that, they concentrate on administrating their past glory and leave an audience, who was allowed to dive into the golden era of the early nineties for a short summer night.

[size=0]shiftless when i'm idle[/size]

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Her Most Evilness

« Reply #61 on: July 03, 2006, 08:06:42 AM »

(we got one more...)
Aargauer Zeitung (translated):
Puzzles with Axl Rose
The Guns N' Roses concert in Zurich's Hallenstadion had absorbing classics and superfluous noise.

They were said to be unpredictable from the very beginning. Guns N' Roses were a drug-addicted bunch of american hardrock chaotics who clumped into the early nineties with melodic heave-ho-rock. Even if singer Axl Rose by now is the only one remaining from the original lineup, he still knows how to strain his fans' nerves.

The cancellation of June 21st's concert in Hallenstadion was followed by a confirmation and subsequent cancellation of Open Air St. Gallen, then again a concert in Hallenstadion that's taking place on the 1st of July after an agonising waiting time of one and a half hours.

"Just a little patience, njjaaah njjaaaah" sings Axl Rose towards the end of the two hour set - without one sparkle of self-mockery. Patience had to be brought by the pound for a band whose bloated frontman (type: Ronaldo with dreadlocks) has to leave the stage after every other song - arguably for the oxygen shower?

Meanwhile you realise that Axl, mostly wriggling in a half-open shirt, is not the only egomaniac on stage. Three as much self-enamoured guitarists play unspeakable stuff from nowhere. Sometimes, that sounds more like rehearsal than stadium. And the new songs from the "Chinese Democracy" album? If you want to be nice, they are second-rated, and superfluous noise if you want to say the truth.

That is sad, but not everything what one got on this hardrock rollercoaster. Because: Subsequent to those hellish tortures follows - thank God - a heavenly hookline of old calibre. Already the impetuous opener "Welcome to the Jungle" is a not-to-be-killed snakepit, for "Sweet Child o' Mine", Axl puts a Swiss flag round his shoulders, at "Knocking on Heaven's Door", fans' singing takes overhand.

"November Rain" reveals itself as the peak, in the beginning only Tommy Stinson on bass and Axl at the piano, then boosting to a stormwind. Salute shots and fire magic are due at the closing "Paradise City". You have to have a little stage show. But: Was that the big comeback that we've been waiting for over a decade? Or only a random best-of show? At least: Axl didn't have any major misfires. But if that's enough to act as the excessive LA rocker one more time?

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« Reply #62 on: July 03, 2006, 10:05:46 AM »

Well, journalists always talk about the same shits, but at least they liked my Swiss flags Grin

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« Reply #63 on: July 04, 2006, 11:25:34 AM »

Why can't they tell it as it was. Listening to them, for someone who hasn't been there, sounds like people were disappointed and bored or something which wasn't the case at all. Journalists Roll Eyes .... they really should get their asses in queue to get in the ring hihi

Btw, Tonya, it's Karine (Keleko's friend) I just wanna say how happy I am you could meet the band backstage! It's like one of us got in there, ya know? And I honestly believe you deserved it with all the following around you did... and still do as you're going to London right? Awesome ok By the way I loved your review and man all the details you noticed Shocked rofl Oh yeah and you shouldn't expect much of my pics cause I think all in all I only took 5 and they're not great. Which sucks but hey, I'm sure people took some. Though I haven't seen them yet (nor the official ones). I remember a french guy on my left having an awesome cellphone, I think he was filming so yeah, there has to be some pics out there. And I really wanna thank you again for keeping us in front. I think I'll never be able to thank you enough for that. I so thought I'd be seating on the east wing so really, it was a dream come true... just to sound a little americanish, as we're the 4rth of July, god bless you yes rofl

Lucs, we talked a little before the concert. You shown us (Keleko, Tonya, Pink Floyd & I) your magic backstage pass hihi I'm really sorry to hear you couldn't go there, and I find it really generous of you to enable another fan to replace you? ok? Of course, how could I miss the throwing of the Swiss flag at Axl! That was a.w.e.s.o.m.e.!!! You must be so proud, everyone saw it and loved it. (I wonder what's become of the flag now confused) Just like this guy who wanted Axl to autograph his tatoo. I think it was him who threw the sign onstage at the end of the show.. but unfortunately, it fell in the hole. Shame shame shame, more luck next time, I hope..

I really believe we should have wrote that "Axl, bite me" sign, he would have read it and comment on it for sure, and we'd be laughing our asses off. Too bad we didn't... hey Tonya, you should do it in London yes

Another special thanks goes to Andre - otherwise known as.. Pink Floyd - lol, for keeping us informed of the football match result. And the french guy on my left for the beer!

Keleko, last but definitely not least: I OWE YOU BIG TIME!! For the shelter, the company, the ticket exchange, the food, etc.. thank you just doesn't do you justice!!!

Oh yeah, and as a quick ps, thanks to that band called GNR?
Seriously, for making it happen!!!
I finally got to see the Jungle, I finally knocked on Heaven's door and Zurich as a one night Paradise City did just fiiiiine!!



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Her Most Evilness

« Reply #64 on: July 04, 2006, 11:48:11 AM »

all the details you noticed Shocked rofl
I noticed some more. The most hilarious thing was when the band started to play a song, and then Robin ran (like, darted) offstage and then ran back onstage with his guitar (like "oh fuck, i need a guitar to play this song").

I think he was filming
Yeah, I saw that too, and Gio was watching him, but didn't take away the thing. I was waiting for that...

throwing of the Swiss flag at Axl!
Btw, Lucs, what did you write on the flag?

like this guy who wanted Axl to autograph his tatoo.
Yeah. And someone handed Axl a letter (like, in an envelope). confused

hey Tonya, you should do it in London yes
Probably not, I don't want to get kicked out of the arena Wink

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« Reply #65 on: July 04, 2006, 12:14:01 PM »

Lucs, we talked a little before the concert. You shown us (Keleko, Tonya, Pink Floyd & I) your magic backstage pass hihi I'm really sorry to hear you couldn't go there, and I find it really generous of you to enable another fan to replace you  ok
Mmmmh... you have redhair ? If so I see who you are Cheesy But I don't remember if we talked in French or English Grin

Of course, how could I miss the throwing of the Swiss flag at Axl! That was a.w.e.s.o.m.e.!!! You must be so proud, everyone saw it and loved it. (I wonder what's become of the flag now confused)

Yeah it was really cool ! Here's a video someone posted on :

You can see Axl with the Swiss flag ! I love how the crowd just scream when they saw Axl with the flag !! It's so cool !!! They hanged the flag to the little place where Axl was always going between songs Grin
Tonya, we wrote on the top :, on the bottom :, we didn't know what to write in the middle, so we all signed it, but we signed it when we were already in the Hallenstadion so I haven't been able to make you sign it Tongue Sorry Sad
Oh, I added "PLAY TWAT" on the left side lol Grin

I really believe we should have wrote that "Axl, bite me" sign, he would have read it and comment on it for sure, and we'd be laughing our asses off. Too bad we didn't... hey Tonya, you should do it in London yes

Lol !! It would have been fun yeah, next time Grin We'll see if he stills remember it Grin

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« Reply #66 on: July 04, 2006, 02:38:30 PM »

I noticed some more. The most hilarious thing was when the band started to play a song, and then Robin ran (like, darted) offstage and then ran back onstage with his guitar (like "oh fuck, i need a guitar to play this song").

Doesn't look very professional, now does it? rofl

Yeah. And someone handed Axl a letter (like, in an envelope).

Oh so that's what it was! Well he didn't pick it up, just gave it a strange look for a sec and walked away... that is if we're talking about the same thing.

Mmmmh... you have redhair ? If so I see who you are Cheesy But I don't remember if we talked in French or English Grin
Yes the red headed girl would be me and we spoke in french? Grin

Yeah it was really cool ! Here's a video someone posted on : You can see Axl with the Swiss flag ! I love how the crowd just scream when they saw Axl with the flag !! It's so cool !!!
Fantastic!! I love the reaction too! It's cool that this was filmed from the back, so we can hear Axl's voice better and the reaction from the crowd as well.. we were amazing ok

They hanged the flag to the little place where Axl was always going between songs Grin Tonya, we wrote on the top :, on the bottom :, we didn't know what to write in the middle, so we all signed it, but we signed it when we were already in the Hallenstadion so I haven't been able to make you sign it Tongue Sorry Sad
Oh, I added "PLAY TWAT" on the left side lol Grin

Yeah! I screamed as well as if it was my country's flag he had just picked up hihi You can't just stay numb to that.
Btw so cool of you to remind him to play TWAT. It's my favourite new song and I was really hoping to hear it that day? Undecided

Lol !! It would have been fun yeah, next time Grin We'll see if he stills remember it Grin
Yeah it'd be nice uh Cheesy

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« Reply #67 on: July 04, 2006, 04:28:46 PM »

Yes the red headed girl would be me and we spoke in french  Grin

Alright so I see who you are Grin You should come on , it's really cool there Grin

Fantastic!! I love the reaction too! It's cool that this was filmed from the back, so we can hear Axl's voice better and the reaction from the crowd as well.. we were amazing ok
Yeah, from the back Axl's voice was much better. From where I was (in front of Finck and Stinson) I could hear very well Robin's Guitar and Tommy's bass but could barely hear Axl's voice ! But I could see all the band very well Grin

Yeah! I screamed as well as if it was my country's flag he had just picked up hihi You can't just stay numb to that.
Btw so cool of you to remind him to play TWAT. It's my favourite new song and I was really hoping to hear it that day  Undecided

It's my fave too, with Irs, and Better, and... lol... I still can't choose Grin But I really love TWAT ! Too bad he didn't see that Grin

Cows N' Roses
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« Reply #68 on: July 05, 2006, 09:34:03 AM »

Thanks for the link, I registered there not so long ago Grin
I was pretty much in front but I still couldn't hear much of Axl :/
Anyone understood the things he said?
Better & IRS rule!!! At least he played these two Grin

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« Reply #69 on: July 09, 2006, 03:57:44 AM »

I was pretty much in front but I still couldn't hear much of Axl :/
Anyone understood the things he said?

The first thing he said was something like : "It's great to be here tonight, I'm glad I've made it...some brothers from Scandinavia wanted to keep me all for themselves "? Grin
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« Reply #70 on: October 22, 2006, 11:32:41 AM »

wow my first post and this was also my first show it was fucking great and thx u lucs to let me sign on the swiss flag... i could stand in the first line a bit on te right side . rock on ! domi_
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