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Author Topic: Alice In Chains  (Read 258930 times)

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« Reply #140 on: August 09, 2006, 12:51:59 AM »

no album in the works at this point....

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« Reply #141 on: August 09, 2006, 12:54:44 AM »

jerry says new material is a possibility but i wouldn't hold my breath honestly.

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« Reply #142 on: August 09, 2006, 10:04:22 PM »

jerry says new material is a possibility but i wouldn't hold my breath honestly.

I'm still waiting to hear Jerry's 3rd solo album which was promised a couple of years ago.

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« Reply #143 on: August 12, 2006, 05:50:07 PM »

i just got "Dirt" recently, AMAZING!!! I respect Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Nirvana, but Stone Temple Pilots and now Alice In Chains are my favorite bands from the "grunge" era.

i know i'm a new fan but i don't think they should make a new album, it won't be the same without Layne Staley.

Also, although Staley's body wasn't discovered until April 19 in his Seattle home, he actually died on April 5. That date is eight years to the day after the suicide death of Cobain!

how creepy is that?
« Last Edit: August 12, 2006, 05:55:35 PM by GnFnR87 » Logged

Shows:?? 5/17/06 @ Hammerstein, 11/10/06 @ MSG
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« Reply #144 on: August 12, 2006, 06:21:04 PM »

i just got "Dirt" recently, AMAZING!!! I respect Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Nirvana, but Stone Temple Pilots and now Alice In Chains are my favorite bands from the "grunge" era.

i know i'm a new fan but i don't think they should make a new album, it won't be the same without Layne Staley.

Also, although Staley's body wasn't discovered until April 19 in his Seattle home, he actually died on April 5. That date is eight years to the day after the suicide death of Cobain!

how creepy is that?

Not as creep ay finding the body 2 weeks after he died - damn, what a site that must have been, after 2 weeks a body dont look good....

Quick! To the bandwagon!

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« Reply #145 on: August 12, 2006, 10:18:17 PM »

i just got "Dirt" recently, AMAZING!!! I respect Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Nirvana, but Stone Temple Pilots and now Alice In Chains are my favorite bands from the "grunge" era.

i know i'm a new fan but i don't think they should make a new album, it won't be the same without Layne Staley.

Also, although Staley's body wasn't discovered until April 19 in his Seattle home, he actually died on April 5. That date is eight years to the day after the suicide death of Cobain!

how creepy is that?

Not as creep ay finding the body 2 weeks after he died - damn, what a site that must have been, after 2 weeks a body dont look good....

yeah damn..

what would u guys reccomend i get after Dirt? how are the other records?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 06:21:54 PM by GnFnR87 » Logged

Shows:?? 5/17/06 @ Hammerstein, 11/10/06 @ MSG
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« Reply #146 on: August 14, 2006, 05:04:34 AM »

Jar of Flies is really good, its all acoustic and has some really great songs on it GnFnR87.

Has anybody heard whats going on with the record Jerry was going to record with Glenn Danzig? It sounded like it'd be pretty interesting I hope its still gonna happen.

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« Reply #147 on: August 16, 2006, 02:08:46 PM »

i just got "Dirt" recently, AMAZING!!! I respect Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Nirvana, but Stone Temple Pilots and now Alice In Chains are my favorite bands from the "grunge" era.

i know i'm a new fan but i don't think they should make a new album, it won't be the same without Layne Staley.

Also, although Staley's body wasn't discovered until April 19 in his Seattle home, he actually died on April 5. That date is eight years to the day after the suicide death of Cobain!

how creepy is that?

Not as creep ay finding the body 2 weeks after he died - damn, what a site that must have been, after 2 weeks a body dont look good....

yeah damn..

what would u guys reccomend i get after Dirt? how are the other records?

Wow. Dirt is a fantastic album...I'd suggest "Facelift" next, followed by the Jar of Flies EP.  "Bleed the Freak," "And We Die Young," "It Ain't Like That," etc.  A lot of great material from their debut...enjoy.

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« Reply #148 on: August 16, 2006, 03:15:34 PM »

Jar of Flies, although it's pretty short, only like 7 songs. Facelift is good, as is Grind. Didn't Layne do a side project too, Mercy River or something River?? I remember a good song from that. He was a talent.

Oh yeah, as to his death, IIRC I think his sister actually is the one who found him.. Or maybe she just called police to check on him. She hadn't heard from him for a while & suspected something bad. Sad.

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« Reply #149 on: August 16, 2006, 04:26:44 PM »

Jar of Flies, although it's pretty short, only like 7 songs. Facelift is good, as is Grind. Didn't Layne do a side project too, Mercy River or something River?? I remember a good song from that. He was a talent.

Mad Season with Mike McCready of Pearl Jam. Amazing album. Also, Sap is great. It's an acoustic EP released before Dirt- shorter than Jar of Flies, but their songwriting was at its best for this and Dirt, I think.
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« Reply #150 on: October 07, 2006, 08:44:10 AM »

Searched for this topic
And didn't get anything...
Figured I'd ask here!

Show is next Thursday....
I'm going with my nephew...
Anybody else?



"When fascism came to America, it was called 'Political Correctness' and waved a culturally relative flag."
-Mike McGann

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« Reply #151 on: October 07, 2006, 11:05:56 AM »

my sister is going to see AIC at Buzzfest in Houston tommorow, other bands playing are Avenged Sevenfold, OKGO, StoneSour, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and some other crap bands. I wanted her to take me (i'm not old enough to drive) but i guess i'm not going.
« Reply #152 on: October 07, 2006, 11:30:43 AM »

Have fun at the gig McGann, their new singer is pretty good.

And of course, it's Jerry Cantrell for crying out loud!
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« Reply #153 on: October 07, 2006, 06:47:47 PM »

I had forgotten all about that since I dont work down there anymore. If there are still tickets, I might have to go hit that show. Thanks for the reminder ok

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04/16/93 Chapel Hill, NC
05/12/06 NYC
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« Reply #154 on: October 12, 2006, 09:23:59 AM »

The show is tonight!
I'll let you know how it is...
Haiku might be tough!!!!



"When fascism came to America, it was called 'Political Correctness' and waved a culturally relative flag."
-Mike McGann
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« Reply #155 on: October 13, 2006, 09:10:19 AM »

An AWESOME concert.
William DuVall is PERFECT
The band is SO tight.

Very cool setlist
Mix of old stuff from "Facelift"
Even "Bleed the Freak"

Up to the late stuff
"Grind", "Sludge Factory", et al
The whole show just rocked.

It's hard in haiku
To review a concert well...
I'll finish later.

(I don't plan this stuff
And, especially at work,
Challenging as hell.)




"When fascism came to America, it was called 'Political Correctness' and waved a culturally relative flag."
-Mike McGann

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Catcher In The Rye

« Reply #156 on: October 13, 2006, 07:38:31 PM »

Cool, I got an AIC shirt from their concert that I mentioned, the one with the lungs and heart on the front

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« Reply #157 on: November 03, 2006, 03:41:13 PM »

Launch Radio Networks reports: ALICE IN CHAINS filmed its concert on Tuesday night (October 31) in Providence, Rhode Island for a possible DVD release, guitarist Jerry Cantrell told Launch at the first of the band's two New York City shows on Wednesday (November 1). The Halloween performance was two hours and forty minutes long, with the group playing additional songs for the filming. There's no indication yet of when the DVD could surface or what other features it might contain.

As it is, the group's current North American tour features the reunited band playing a two-hour show that includes an acoustic middle section as well as an eight-minute video tribute to late ALICE IN CHAINS frontman Layne Staley. Drummer Sean Kinney told Launch that the band feels the singer's presence onstage. "He's there every night," he said. "That's one of the main reasons we're doing it. I have no doubt that he'd be totally, 'Well, what took you guys so long?'It took me a long time for me personally to come to terms with even wanting to put myself in that situation, you know. This is the best way. We were all kind of in the same place, that felt like it was the right thing to do, you know. We bring him along in all our ways, you know, he's around us all the time."

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« Reply #158 on: November 04, 2006, 01:37:20 PM »

I'll be seeing them tonight in buffalo. beer

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« Reply #159 on: November 05, 2006, 07:42:02 PM »

is this lineup strictly for touring or will they record an album??

has anything been mentioned regarding this?

Shows:?? 5/17/06 @ Hammerstein, 11/10/06 @ MSG
It's so close..... i can feel it.....
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