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« Reply #200 on: August 12, 2007, 09:41:20 AM »

I don't  know if the removal of the old GN'R section would help. One could simply treat V.R. and other ex members ' bands as if they were non GN'R bands and the place of those bands would be in  Bad Obsession.... But one thing is great about keeping the forum the way it is : people post news about Izzy, Slash a.s.o. Information and discussion are therefore more developped than on  boards devoted to this "incarnation of GNR". This board is a great source of infos for members and for guests and I think that people just have to respect the forum rules and other people. Some use f-words too easily.  Undecided
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« Reply #201 on: August 12, 2007, 10:06:59 AM »

Jarmo I am just curious as I am one that supports new gnr but has no problem with talking about the old band.   Why not get rid of any sections that deal with past members that way members here see that this board is 100% dedicated to the new gnr.  It might make less "confusion" for members here that want to talk about old GNR and make less stress for you.

Because the majority understands.

It's just a little group of confused people living in the past that don't get it.

They also claim we disrespect the old band, whatever that means.


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« Reply #202 on: August 12, 2007, 10:14:07 AM »

Jarmo I am just curious as I am one that supports new gnr but has no problem with talking about the old band.? ?Why not get rid of any sections that deal with past members that way members here see that this board is 100% dedicated to the new gnr.? It might make less "confusion" for members here that want to talk about old GNR and make less stress for you.

Because the majority understands.

It's just a little group of confused people living in the past that don't get it.

They also claim we disrespect the old band, whatever that means.


I guess that means that people feel that the old band shouldn't be shunned if you will, as they are the original GNR and there wouldn't be a GNR of today without them.? ?It may be a bit confusing that there is a section called, Wasn't Yesterday Great and yet, if that is mentioned it seems it's frowned upon, that may confuse people.? ?I guess if posts are in the appropriate sections then there shouldn't be a problem.? ?

I may not post here alot anymore but I do visit everyday and see that you are constantly posting the same thing over and over and just wanted to ask the question.? ?Thanks.

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« Reply #203 on: August 12, 2007, 10:46:41 AM »

Wasn't Yesterday Great is a song by Gilby and it's sort of sarcastic since most of those guys who are discussed in the ex-member sections never had the same kind of success since leaving the band.

I don't know why that would confuse anybody into thinking the Guns N' Roses section is meant to be used as a way to bash the fans and current band.


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« Reply #204 on: August 12, 2007, 11:19:55 AM »

Yes, everything is so unfair here. Like the way Jarmo will only let people promote similar websites 4 times with every post.

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« Reply #205 on: August 12, 2007, 01:05:15 PM »

Jarmo I am just curious as I am one that supports new gnr but has no problem with talking about the old band.   Why not get rid of any sections that deal with past members that way members here see that this board is 100% dedicated to the new gnr.  It might make less "confusion" for members here that want to talk about old GNR and make less stress for you.

Because the majority understands.

It's just a little group of confused people living in the past that don't get it.

They also claim we disrespect the old band, whatever that means.


One question how come when you tell ME I disrespect the band thats ok , but if someone says they are disrespecting the old band , you say "whatever that means" it works both ways.
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« Reply #206 on: August 12, 2007, 02:11:41 PM »

Do I have to spell it out for you again?

Seems like I have to explain everything to you.

If you come to a Guns N' Roses site to talk shit about the current band, you're disrespecting them. Easy.

If you come here with the attitude "the old band is better, I don't support the new band", you're on the wrong site.

Now tell me where I've disrespected the old band's accomplishments.

Please don't tell me it's because I refuse promote Velvet Revolver or Adler's Appetite bogus GN'R reunion show.



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« Reply #207 on: August 12, 2007, 02:29:43 PM »

"the old band is better, I don't support the new band"

You see, a lot of people here will agree with and say the first part- but there are extremely few people who ever mention the second part. And those type of trolls are gone. Those two statements are very different, and I feel like you assume the second when you see the first.

that makes you a nut swinger. Deal with it.? ok
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« Reply #208 on: August 12, 2007, 02:46:30 PM »

Yeah but does the new girlfriend do and say things that the old girlfriend invented? Does she have the same name? Did she use pictures of the old girlfriend in her online dating profile?

I just don't see how saying I like UYI-era GN'R the most means I don't like CD era Guns or that I don't want CD era Guns to be successful. It's the same band, not any different than having a favorite album.

To give another analogy, I think that saying I prefer the UYI-era of GN'R is like saying on an NIN forum that I think The Fragile touring band was their best. Doesn't mean I don't want to see the YZ tour, and it doesn't mean I want NIN to go bankrupt because Robin and Danny aren't in the band anymore. And that comment is a common one on NIN forums. They don't force their members to prefer Jeordie White to Danny Lohner, and they don't censor people who think that the past was more fit to their personal preference than the present.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 03:22:51 PM by Communist China » Logged

that makes you a nut swinger. Deal with it.? ok
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« Reply #209 on: August 12, 2007, 02:54:27 PM »

That's their choice.

Just because one site has their policy, doesn't make it the only right one.

Everybody has their personal preferences on what kind of site they want and reasons why they keep working on a site.

Some do it because they love the band, some do it to be popular, some do it to make money....



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« Reply #210 on: August 12, 2007, 03:00:19 PM »

I just don't see how saying I like UYI-era GN'R the most means I don't like CD era Guns or that I don't want CD era Guns to be successful. It's the same band, not any different than having a favorite album.

i dont care what your personal preferences are, but when people come here and remind us they like the old gnr more day after day, post after post, it gets really old.  its like, its not really about them anymore, because GnR is active and it is a slap in the face to guys like Tommy and Robin and Ron.
« Reply #211 on: August 12, 2007, 03:07:15 PM »

To give another analogy, I think that saying I prefer the UYI-era of GN'R is like saying on an NIN forum that I think The Fragile touring band was their best. Doesn't mean I don't want to see the YZ tour, and it doesn't mean I want NIN to go bankrupt because Robin and Tommy aren't in the band anymore.

This is not the best analogy you could choose, C.C. Actually plenty of people have trouble to give a chance to N.I.N. 's new line up and those people are long time fans of the band. If you want a G.N.R. analogy, then here is a good one : let's say that Robin was to N.I.N the equivalent of what Slash used to be for G.N.'R. ?! Grin Oh and by the way, there was never any Tommy in N.I.N. ?Wink

« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 03:34:38 PM by Lolita » Logged
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« Reply #212 on: August 12, 2007, 03:09:43 PM »

I just don't see how saying I like UYI-era GN'R the most means I don't like CD era Guns or that I don't want CD era Guns to be successful. It's the same band, not any different than having a favorite album.

i dont care what your personal preferences are, but when people come here and remind us they like the old gnr more day after day, post after post, it gets really old.? its like, its not really about them anymore, because GnR is active and it is a slap in the face to guys like Tommy and Robin and Ron.

And when people say they think VR sucks in every single VR thread, how is that different? And don't give the 'it's a GNR site' excuse, because you don't go into the Bad Obsession area and post in every thread dedicated to a band you don't like.

And I don't see myself as a person who posts in every GNR thread saying the same pro-old band stuff over and over. In fact, I avoid most GN'R threads. But when new music happens, you will not find me talking about Slash and Duff. I am more than eager to hear the new band playing its music.

Besides, the most commonly attacked member of GN'R is Axl, and he's a part of all line-ups of GN'R. Most of us on here with frustartions, complain about what the new band does, not how they do it. I don't like that they play 8 AFD songs every night. But I don't have a problem with how they play them. So it's really not a diss that has anything to do with 'line-ups', it's just a complaint. One that the band ignores rightfully, because of course, they don't owe me anything except what I paid for, and that's what I got.

I just think that the very positive pro-new line-up look for old v. new fights where there aren't any. There have been trolls, but not as many as you may think, and I am not one of them.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 03:22:14 PM by Communist China » Logged

that makes you a nut swinger. Deal with it.? ok
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« Reply #213 on: August 12, 2007, 03:12:56 PM »

To give another analogy, I think that saying I prefer the UYI-era of GN'R is like saying on an NIN forum that I think The Fragile touring band was their best. Doesn't mean I don't want to see the YZ tour, and it doesn't mean I want NIN to go bankrupt because Robin and Danny aren't in the band anymore.
let's say that Robin is to N.I.N the equivalent of what Slash used to be for G.N.'R. ?!

But that doesn't work because Robin didn't right or record March of the Pigs or Closer or anything. He wasn't even in the band until its third album came out. He has zero writing credits with NIN where Slash has writing credits in just about every song GN'R is currently playing live.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 03:23:16 PM by Communist China » Logged

that makes you a nut swinger. Deal with it.? ok
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« Reply #214 on: August 12, 2007, 03:18:08 PM »

^ Tommy Dahlen.

I just don't see how saying I like UYI-era GN'R the most means I don't like CD era Guns or that I don't want CD era Guns to be successful. It's the same band, not any different than having a favorite album.

i dont care what your personal preferences are, but when people come here and remind us they like the old gnr more day after day, post after post, it gets really old.  its like, its not really about them anymore, because GnR is active and it is a slap in the face to guys like Tommy and Robin and Ron.

And when people say they think VR sucks in every single VR thread, how is that different? And don't give the 'it's a GNR site' excuse, because you don't go into the Bad Obsession area and post in every thread dedicated to a band you don't like.

And I don't see myself as a person who posts in every GNR thread saying the same pro-old band stuff over and over. In fact, I avoid most GN'R threads. But when new music happens, you will not find me talking about Slash and Duff. I am more than eager to hear the new band playing its music.

Besides, the most commonly attacked member of GN'R is Axl, and he's a part of all line-ups of GN'R. Most of us on here with frustartions, complain about what the new band does, not how they do it. I don't like that they play 8 AFD songs every night. But I don't have a problem with how they play them. So it's really not a diss that has anything to do with 'line-ups', it's just a complaint. One that the band ignores rightfully, because of course, they don't owe me anything except what I paid for, and that's what I got.

I just think that the very positive pro-new line-up look for old v. new fights where there aren't any. There have been trolls, but not as many as you may think, and I am not one of them.

this is not a vr board
« Reply #215 on: August 12, 2007, 03:21:50 PM »

To give another analogy, I think that saying I prefer the UYI-era of GN'R is like saying on an NIN forum that I think The Fragile touring band was their best. Doesn't mean I don't want to see the YZ tour, and it doesn't mean I want NIN to go bankrupt because Robin and Tommy aren't in the band anymore.
let's say that Robin is to N.I.N the equivalent of what Slash used to be for G.N.'R. ?!

But that doesn't work because Robin didn't right or record March of the Pigs or Closer or anything. He wasn't even in the band until its third album came out. He has zero writing credits with NIN where Slash has writing credits in just about every song GN'R is currently playing live.

yep, sure. Aaron North doesn't have any credit as well. Nevertheless it doesn't refrain people from saying that Robin is a better guitarist than him.  And the debate over musical  abilities is the same when it comes to NIN than when it comes to GNR : some people refuse to support the new direction of the band while some others simply accept it and support the band unconditionally.
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« Reply #216 on: August 12, 2007, 03:25:19 PM »

anyone who feels they are owed anything from Axl or Guns N' Roses should just log out now because they are not a real fucking fan and they dont get the concept of THEM CHOOSING TO BE A FAN OF THE BAND, not the other way around. Axl never asked anyone to come to or any other gnr site and wait for chinese democracy.

you're one of these "gotta support the team" guys, aren't you?

And you're one of those "I visit sites dedicated to bands that I don't really like because I have no life" guys aren't you?

I mean, maybe you and mrlee support something that was around 17-22 years ago and hold on to the memories (or memories based on bootlegs and old articles)?


who are you to talk shit about my life and me going to sites of bands I don't like!?...where do you get the nerve?....! hihi
anyhoo, that's not what Im doing here. seeing as Im a fan of what happened 17-22 years ago, and what has happened since then.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 04:44:36 PM by Hillel "SLC" Slovak » Logged

of course there is no us and them, but them they do not think the same
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« Reply #217 on: August 12, 2007, 03:34:59 PM »

To give another analogy, I think that saying I prefer the UYI-era of GN'R is like saying on an NIN forum that I think The Fragile touring band was their best. Doesn't mean I don't want to see the YZ tour, and it doesn't mean I want NIN to go bankrupt because Robin and Tommy aren't in the band anymore.
let's say that Robin is to N.I.N the equivalent of what Slash used to be for G.N.'R. ?!

But that doesn't work because Robin didn't right or record March of the Pigs or Closer or anything. He wasn't even in the band until its third album came out. He has zero writing credits with NIN where Slash has writing credits in just about every song GN'R is currently playing live.

yep, sure. Aaron North doesn't have any credit as well. Nevertheless it doesn't refrain people from saying that Robin is a better guitarist than him.? And the debate over musical? abilities is the same when it comes to NIN than when it comes to GNR : some people refuse to support the new direction of the band while some others simply accept it and support the band unconditionally.

Yeah but why do you have to support unconditionally? Isn't that insane? You have to think and judge for yourself, it's not right to just say 'This is GN'R, so I like and agree with it.' And that's what unconditional support is. Blind acts with no thought.

If a band goes in a direction I disagree with, or lies to me, can't I say I don't like it without losing credability as a fan? Love it or leave it is a stupid principle. And only a sith deals in absolutes... accept of course in the matter of if there is try hihi

Sorry, got off topic... you guys argue like the pro-war US. I don't have to accept their lies.

You guys always say that the band doesn't owe you anything except the concert, merchandise, and albums you pay for. Well, I don't owe the band anything except the money it costs to buy those things either.

that makes you a nut swinger. Deal with it.? ok
« Reply #218 on: August 12, 2007, 03:48:12 PM »

To give another analogy, I think that saying I prefer the UYI-era of GN'R is like saying on an NIN forum that I think The Fragile touring band was their best. Doesn't mean I don't want to see the YZ tour, and it doesn't mean I want NIN to go bankrupt because Robin and Tommy aren't in the band anymore.
let's say that Robin is to N.I.N the equivalent of what Slash used to be for G.N.'R. ?!

But that doesn't work because Robin didn't right or record March of the Pigs or Closer or anything. He wasn't even in the band until its third album came out. He has zero writing credits with NIN where Slash has writing credits in just about every song GN'R is currently playing live.

yep, sure. Aaron North doesn't have any credit as well. Nevertheless it doesn't refrain people from saying that Robin is a better guitarist than him.? And the debate over musical? abilities is the same when it comes to NIN than when it comes to GNR : some people refuse to support the new direction of the band while some others simply accept it and support the band unconditionally.

Yeah but why do you have to support unconditionally? Isn't that insane? You have to think and judge for yourself, it's not right to just say 'This is GN'R, so I like and agree with it.' And that's what unconditional support is. Blind acts with no thought.

It is said that love is blind,? Grin

Pardon my lame answer,? but i 'd rather not say something which has been said over and over?ok
« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 03:51:09 PM by Lolita » Logged

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« Reply #219 on: August 12, 2007, 03:53:56 PM »

If you give what you are paid for, you don't owe anyone anything.

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