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Author Topic: Donald Trump & 2016 Election  (Read 607723 times)

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« Reply #80 on: February 04, 2016, 05:19:51 AM »

Rubio is ok. For everything you mentioned (accurately, btw) he somehow seems a little too crafted politically. Def a bright a guy, but the other night when they asked him about that magazine cover labeling him the savior of conservatism and he quickly turned it into a "the only savior is JC" thing, I just shook my head because you could tell he had practiced that line before. He's probably the guy next time around, though..just think he will fade out soon. Would be a
pretty smart VP choice, but I think Cruz is too self-aware to put Rubio on the ticket. (If Cruz is the guy)

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I've been living on the edge so long

« Reply #81 on: February 04, 2016, 12:32:46 PM »

I don't like Trump and Hilary Clinton. Bernie Sanders should be the next president.

yup, Bernie is the only candidate I would vote for.

too clever and honest to be elected, I'm afraid.

they can fight about it, money, it's a bag of gold.
they can fight about it, money, the story goes.
2004 4eva!

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Its something different and will be a big surprise

« Reply #82 on: February 04, 2016, 12:49:03 PM »

I don't like Trump and Hilary Clinton. Bernie Sanders should be the next president.
I agree completely, Sanders all the way for me. If it comes down to Hillary and Trump the nominees i will still vote for Hillary though to keep that racist, facist, sexist islamaphobic nutjob out of the white house though. I did miss him at the last GOP debate though, if nothing else he's entertaining.

You buy all the talking point dont ya  rofl

Cruz is going for it but he's too far right. Rubio seems to be the one positioning himself best for the national election. He's kind of stayed out of the fray of these guys, doesn't pay much attention to them, you don't hear about him all the time and meanwhile he's collecting large amounts of money and hasn't made too many far right comments that will really hurt him in the general. Reminds me of Romney in 2012 with that weird cast of characters running for President. Romney was just kind of there in the beginning pretty much ignoring the far right whack jobs, while everybody else was leading really early polling and once actual voting started he won the primaries. I think similar things happen for Rubio. We'll know within the next month who will be the republican nominee. It'll be done by super Tuesday.
I could see it being Rubio too. You have a point there i think. We already saw evidence of that with the Iowa Caucus. Everyone loved Trump in the polls. When it came time to actually vote. Not so much. I'm very interested to see how New Hampshire turns out. It has a history of making or breaking contenders. Today's polls show Trump and Sanders with big leads. But will in translate the same when the votes are cast? I don't know. The Iowa polls showed Sanders and Trump in the lead the day before and both lost.

The Iowa Caucus proves nothing. They haven't picked the republican nominee in years and they didnt pick Bill or Hillary(until this yr barely) Clinton and Obama in years past.

Sanders will never win because the Democratic machine is corrupt. Sanders was pinned against Hillary to show how "center" Hillary looks against a nutbag like Bern baby Bern. Its bonus $$$ that she is struggling though.

If Trump loses NH then I would definitely be concerned...and in your case...happy. Till then, Trump is looking good at the moment.

"...regardless of the outcome, our hearts, lives and our passion has been put into this project every step of the way. If for no other reason, we feel those elements alone merit your consideration..."

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« Reply #83 on: February 04, 2016, 04:22:08 PM »

It's curious the way the media characterize what is 'far right', 'centrist' or 'far left'.  Just about across the board, the media has labeled Sanders as a far left extremist, yet pretty much all his major policy proposals (Medicare for all, expanding Social Security, breaking up big banks, free tuition at public colleges, big money out of politics, living wage, etc) have majority support among the American people.  Seems that the media has defined 'centrist' as not what's embraced by most people but rather what's convenient for the establishment of both major parties. 

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« Reply #84 on: February 04, 2016, 04:31:33 PM »

It's curious the way the media characterize what is 'far right', 'centrist' or 'far left'.  Just about across the board, the media has labeled Sanders as a far left extremist, yet pretty much all his major policy proposals (Medicare for all, expanding Social Security, breaking up big banks, free tuition at public colleges, big money out of politics, living wage, etc) have majority support among the American people.  Seems that the media has defined 'centrist' as not what's embraced by most people but rather what's convenient for the establishment of both major parties. 

You're not wrong...however, in regards to the comment about majority support of Americans - in relation to free college, free health-care, free everything...isn't that kind of a strange thing to say...? I think most do want that, but there are those who understand that how you pay for it actually matters and needs to be figured out.

For the record, I'm a capitalist who feels capitalism should not be involved when it comes to health care and college..etc..things that will benefit everyone..

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« Reply #85 on: February 04, 2016, 04:49:35 PM »

It's curious the way the media characterize what is 'far right', 'centrist' or 'far left'.  Just about across the board, the media has labeled Sanders as a far left extremist, yet pretty much all his major policy proposals (Medicare for all, expanding Social Security, breaking up big banks, free tuition at public colleges, big money out of politics, living wage, etc) have majority support among the American people.  Seems that the media has defined 'centrist' as not what's embraced by most people but rather what's convenient for the establishment of both major parties. 

You're not wrong...however, in regards to the comment about majority support of Americans - in relation to free college, free health-care, free everything...isn't that kind of a strange thing to say...? I think most do want that, but there are those who understand that how you pay for it actually matters and needs to be figured out.

For the record, I'm a capitalist who feels capitalism should not be involved when it comes to health care and college..etc..things that will benefit everyone..

I get that, but I've become less sympathetic to the idea of being conscientious of tax hikes on the rich to support social programs that are commonplace throughout the civilized world.  For example, in Michigan, seems that the rich are perfectly content to get their tax breaks even if it comes at the cost of the riffraff having to switch to polluted drinking water.  So with that in mind I don't shed too many tears at the thought of the wealthy class paying more in taxes to help pay for popular social programs.  That said, of course, everyone's taxes have to go up to pay for universal single payer health care, but those tax increases are far less than what >90% of us pay in premiums for private insurance.

And I'm with you, I support capitalism as well, which perfectly co-exists in all other industrialized countries together with these kinds of social programs.

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« Reply #86 on: February 04, 2016, 05:01:25 PM »

Capitalism and social programs are a contradiction. The nature of the capitalist mode of production is to make profit and not the rise of the living standarts.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 05:03:40 PM by Sosso » Logged

"?the key to that band's success was Axl because at that time his singing really connected with people on a social level." - Tracii Guns

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« Reply #87 on: February 04, 2016, 05:03:09 PM »

I don't like Trump and Hilary Clinton. Bernie Sanders should be the next president.
I agree completely, Sanders all the way for me. If it comes down to Hillary and Trump the nominees i will still vote for Hillary though to keep that racist, facist, sexist islamaphobic nutjob out of the white house though. I did miss him at the last GOP debate though, if nothing else he's entertaining.

You buy all the talking point dont ya  rofl

Cruz is going for it but he's too far right. Rubio seems to be the one positioning himself best for the national election. He's kind of stayed out of the fray of these guys, doesn't pay much attention to them, you don't hear about him all the time and meanwhile he's collecting large amounts of money and hasn't made too many far right comments that will really hurt him in the general. Reminds me of Romney in 2012 with that weird cast of characters running for President. Romney was just kind of there in the beginning pretty much ignoring the far right whack jobs, while everybody else was leading really early polling and once actual voting started he won the primaries. I think similar things happen for Rubio. We'll know within the next month who will be the republican nominee. It'll be done by super Tuesday.
I could see it being Rubio too. You have a point there i think. We already saw evidence of that with the Iowa Caucus. Everyone loved Trump in the polls. When it came time to actually vote. Not so much. I'm very interested to see how New Hampshire turns out. It has a history of making or breaking contenders. Today's polls show Trump and Sanders with big leads. But will in translate the same when the votes are cast? I don't know. The Iowa polls showed Sanders and Trump in the lead the day before and both lost.

The Iowa Caucus proves nothing. They haven't picked the republican nominee in years and they didnt pick Bill or Hillary(until this yr barely) Clinton and Obama in years past.

Sanders will never win because the Democratic machine is corrupt. Sanders was pinned against Hillary to show how "center" Hillary looks against a nutbag like Bern baby Bern. Its bonus $$$ that she is struggling though.

If Trump loses NH then I would definitely be concerned...and in your case...happy. Till then, Trump is looking good at the moment.
No, i am actually listening to what that twit actually says. I've closely watched every debate. His wall idea is ridiculous too. Congress will never approve funding for something like that.

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« Reply #88 on: February 04, 2016, 05:25:50 PM »

Capitalism and social programs are a contradiction. The nature of the capitalist mode of production is to make profit and not the rise of the living standarts.

But a portion of capitalist profits (taxes) can be used to raise living standards across the board.  As is done in Canada and Western Europe.  I thought it was funny that the Denmark prime minister felt insulted by Sanders's constant reference to Denmark as an example of a successful form of democratic socialism, saying, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.? 

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« Reply #89 on: February 04, 2016, 05:35:42 PM »

Capitalism and social programs are a contradiction. The nature of the capitalist mode of production is to make profit and not the rise of the living standarts.

But a portion of capitalist profits (taxes) can be used to raise living standards across the board.  As is done in Canada and Western Europe.  I thought it was funny that the Denmark prime minister felt insulted by Sanders's constant reference to Denmark as an example of a successful form of democratic socialism, saying, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.? 
I think many see socialism as a dirty word and i think it's because most people haven't got a clue what it really means.

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« Reply #90 on: February 04, 2016, 05:42:59 PM »

Capitalism and social programs are a contradiction. The nature of the capitalist mode of production is to make profit and not the rise of the living standarts.

But a portion of capitalist profits (taxes) can be used to raise living standards across the board.  As is done in Canada and Western Europe.  I thought it was funny that the Denmark prime minister felt insulted by Sanders's constant reference to Denmark as an example of a successful form of democratic socialism, saying, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.? 

I live in Western Europe and therefore can tell you that social programs are not half as successful as they should be. The statistics should be read with caution .

"?the key to that band's success was Axl because at that time his singing really connected with people on a social level." - Tracii Guns

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« Reply #91 on: February 04, 2016, 05:48:23 PM »

Capitalism and social programs are a contradiction. The nature of the capitalist mode of production is to make profit and not the rise of the living standarts.

But a portion of capitalist profits (taxes) can be used to raise living standards across the board.  As is done in Canada and Western Europe.  I thought it was funny that the Denmark prime minister felt insulted by Sanders's constant reference to Denmark as an example of a successful form of democratic socialism, saying, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.? 
I think many see socialism as a dirty word and i think it's because most people haven't got a clue what it really means.

I know you're supporting Sanders, I am too.  But I think he's wrong to embrace the socialist label.  It's true that many people don't know what it means, but I find it's my more progressive friends that are confused by its meaning.  For example, they'll say, "Public roads!  That's socialism!"  That's not socialism.  

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« Reply #92 on: February 04, 2016, 07:13:55 PM »

Capitalism and social programs are a contradiction. The nature of the capitalist mode of production is to make profit and not the rise of the living standarts.

But a portion of capitalist profits (taxes) can be used to raise living standards across the board.  As is done in Canada and Western Europe.  I thought it was funny that the Denmark prime minister felt insulted by Sanders's constant reference to Denmark as an example of a successful form of democratic socialism, saying, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.? 
I think many see socialism as a dirty word and i think it's because most people haven't got a clue what it really means.

I know you're supporting Sanders, I am too.  But I think he's wrong to embrace the socialist label.  It's true that many people don't know what it means, but I find it's my more progressive friends that are confused by its meaning.  For example, they'll say, "Public roads!  That's socialism!"  That's not socialism.  

I find that very odd. With me it's the exact opposite.

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« Reply #93 on: February 04, 2016, 07:19:01 PM »

Capitalism and social programs are a contradiction. The nature of the capitalist mode of production is to make profit and not the rise of the living standarts.

But a portion of capitalist profits (taxes) can be used to raise living standards across the board.  As is done in Canada and Western Europe.  I thought it was funny that the Denmark prime minister felt insulted by Sanders's constant reference to Denmark as an example of a successful form of democratic socialism, saying, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.? 

I live in Western Europe and therefore can tell you that social programs are not half as successful as they should be. The statistics should be read with caution .
Neither is Capatalism though. Just look at the mess we have. Massive income inequality, health care that still costs way too much when it comes to premiums. The ACA has helped some but it still has issues and needs to be refined. Cost of college is out of control. You're almost assuredly in a lifetime of debt before you even get your first job out of college. No system is perfect or without its problems.

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The Proud Winner of a Wooden Spoon.

« Reply #94 on: February 13, 2016, 02:18:39 PM »

Now its Robot Rubio just like it was Robot Romney 4 years ago. I just can't shake the feeling that Rubio is just following Romney's campaign and once voting starts on a bigger scale he's hoping that he is the least crazy choice so he'll get the nomination, like Romney 4 years ago. I'm still thinking it will be Rubio, unless someone surprises and still believe there is no way Trump or Cruz get nominated.

I'm feeling the Bern big time, but it will be a long shot for him to get nominated.

CM Punk is the Best in the World!

I dig crazy chicks like AJ!

HBK is the greatest wrestler of all time!

I miss Edge!

Thats it, thats all I have to say.

P.S. Cena Sucks!

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« Reply #95 on: February 13, 2016, 05:43:16 PM »

Bernie has to find a way to convince the black voters especially in the south if he wants to have any chance at the nomination.

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« Reply #96 on: February 13, 2016, 06:07:38 PM »

This election just got a lot more important today. Justice Scalia has passed away. If president Obama can't get a nominee approved by congress it falls to the next president. We need to get someone in there willing to overturn that abysmal citizens united ruling.

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« Reply #97 on: February 13, 2016, 08:09:44 PM »

This election just got a lot more important today. Justice Scalia has passed away. If president Obama can't get a nominee approved by congress it falls to the next president. We need to get someone in there willing to overturn that abysmal citizens united ruling.

Should definitely come up in the debate now

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« Reply #98 on: February 13, 2016, 08:37:26 PM »

This election just got a lot more important today. Justice Scalia has passed away. If president Obama can't get a nominee approved by congress it falls to the next president. We need to get someone in there willing to overturn that abysmal citizens united ruling.

Should definitely come up in the debate now
I certainly hope so. This is now gonna be a huge issue in this election. You get another liberal on the SCOTUS and that becomes a huge win for women's rights. Possibly overturning citizens united. Possibly it could even play a huge role in the fight over the ACA.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2016, 08:41:39 PM by Timothy25 » Logged

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« Reply #99 on: February 29, 2016, 11:18:08 PM »

So tomorrow is a big day in this 2016 election cycle. The way it is looking Trump and Clinton will win these super Tuesday states. Sanders should still get enough delegates to stay close and in the race. On the Republican side i see the number of candidates being cut tomorrow. i would not at all be surprised if Carson and Kasich finally quit. Either are polling well enough in these states to still have a legitimate chance after tomorrow. Cruz and Rubio i still think will stay close enough that they'll stay in the race a bit longer. At this point though it is Trump's race to lose.
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